SHE DIED / PREVIOUS OWNER PASSED AWAY I Bought An Abandoned Storage Locker

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the facility manager just confirmed the previous owner she's dead she's gone no longer with us and the family wanted nothing to do with this huge massive and frankly expensive collection who the Hales knows what's gonna happen now we're on the first run of the after kovat 19 actions even though we went to some during we're at public storage public storage as a company as a corporation says no filming none nada hmm and then a virus comes along and guess who's doing all the film and today the managers kind of makes you think it was kind of a foolish policy to begin with in the first place [Music] this is the garage of the first location yeah but here's part of the other challenge of doing this all online I will buy units based on how easy it is to load it up there are multiple layers this place is a huge facility with a maze everywhere I have no idea where it is I've no idea how long it's going to take me to load it and copy that Rachel I see a unit we have kitchen we I'm picking scents and often I eat on furniture and back 4,000 folks under 25 this is gonna be interesting especially a pretty lapa has a microphone man so he's the one you're here to talk right now five dollars so I think right down here so that's how I'm gonna bid I would press the button and then put so what they'll do is afterwards only one person is allowed in the office at a time and then they'll escort you to your actual unit and then you go put a lock on it and then I guess you figure out when to come in and unload it so management don't much longer definitely management now is doing all the filming whereas before I would have gotten in trouble for this and now management is filming amazing what a little tiny tiny virus can do it can wipe out an entire corporations policy on filming like that David Lilly 1 million she's taking him for the $5 bitch she's letting him stay because she don't want to clean it he's hoping that song $5 $5 public storage - just to break in the ice from the coronavirus vacation and it was a bunch of garbage bags and chop was gonna show you what we found so far all brand-new oh my goodness with the tag do you think you guys been finding $200 purses right peg broach nice hat or not but it says so was I saying there BR Baker HKL al Cleveland so everything that this lady had was really high-class Ralph Lauren where's the purse whoa $137 pair of slacks brand Wow where the tag tags right on it right there what's the price what's the price the price is proof of purchase required it was twenty four fifty 2450 look at that all brand-new now that's consider that this is vintage - this isn't nice yeah Vince it's higher higher than retail that's it right there look at how to do it I mean this this could be a fanimation which means it's a screen printed shirt so limited release it could be bootleg where there's only limited sought after releases man I'm telling you that's the money yeah that's the money right there that's the money right five dollars off and Ralph which is like that leg is in there like that bootlegs here's the thing when you're getting back this stuff don't bid just a bit if there are people who are gonna because there's been nothing there are definitely gonna be some good units after all this stuff has happened as a matter of fact two and a half times the money I usually have on me public storage takes credit but that being said don't bid just a bid you've got to know that there's positive money if you're gonna make any money in this business there's no way I can't see can't see anything I can't smell anything I'm with six units left we have to be on site for an hour and a half away from home we're sitting in the truck this is the new reality of storage unit bidding we've got a little hanger here my hand got tired we're looking at garbage we're watching people buy garbage I have no idea where the future is going but look at this look at this 10 by 20 filled with garbage bags can't smell if you could smell this I guarantee nobody would be bidding on this right now nobody cared there's probably rotten every Guapo you hear how many people are actually bidding at the same time jumping on each other it's a huge mess getting your bid and hope hope they hear you over the other 350 you can't smell it you can't see if there's pet hair all over and there's not worth the big based on what you can see using all of your five senses they should have just done it everybody wear a mask and everybody stay six feet apart and just walk out the door we all had to go into the office we all have to touch the iPad to sign-in we all had to touch the office door why not just stay six feet apart and everybody looked there's ten of us they're better than crazy service on it 25 guys the nitesite unit has decent amount of about 2,000 tons in here looks 425 Robin - Robin at 25m look for 5000 Melvin 50 look for 75 Robin Robin 75 100 so what I did see there I saw hardwood floor well that's nice to me it's probably upstairs and I need to know that for loading I need to know where my vehicles gonna go my trailer I'm gonna load I'm gonna end up paying because that all factors on how much I'm actually gonna bid upstairs it's definitely on my heirs and I've been in this role before that nest very dangerous so number one the mattress the work on the mattress doesn't make it worth actually building on it and then it's a difficult place to actually unload load the whole deal so no way I would lose money on this [Music] you heard Bob a second sensor and Guapo bit at the same time this all blah blah bores me the floor is different this is concrete and that's why that's why they're on a bidding bidding more right now but look see all the boxes that are open back here boxes are opened growing things in boxes in a garage sale you go $1.00 for this anything in this box two bucks or anything in this box there is no jewelry transfer right there which we always ask the question why why why why so you have to you actually have to try to figure out human behavior it just sold 150 dollars my guess is there's no jewelry in it it must be a big if you didn't hear him he's telling you that f33 and to be sold at power arts that means that there's a car there is there's a car Jesse's here I wonder if Jesse's gonna bid so this is Publix r125 do typically would not sell a car they would have it hauled off because of title but now because all kovat now they're gonna sell as parts guys you can have everything inside under the hood in the trunk in the backseat all yours for 75 public storage would never ever do this if it wasn't the new we Oh what's inside some clothes in there for sure Lee did anybody attempt to open the back the trunk is are you ready here that it's unlocked are you ready it's unlocked let's see everything Jessie got the door open Allie did they tell you anything about the title do you think it's interesting that public storage would have never ever ever would have sold this car previous to kovat 19 and yet today they wanted out they wanted out and they sold it as parts they told me I had 48 hours to get it out of here so within 48 hours I got to get it going interesting we don't have any video there we go hi guys we have this number 10 units let's turn it out at 25 anyone on set at 25 anyway my eyes there's social distancing taters up top there and the peanuts and piggy bank where we had five dollars in that look at their five guys my mana bird is trying with the social distancing chairs joke but she got a sense of humor [Music] this might be our very first no sale of the new auction she muted us off the first no sale anyone no sale first no sale whoa first no sale see it now anybody else could have done this you can pay with a credit card you would have paid one dollar there's no security deposit one dollar would have got you everything and you just got time into it and you could have flipped it for I don't know 50s a hundred dollars maybe and then put that money into a another unit made more money put that money into another unit until you have millions and millions of dollars it all starts with a buck anything you can just instead of going like this the entire time you could do one smooth pan instead oh my we need to do some YouTube lessons for these people I hope this isn't the permanent future [Music] [Music] you go on my 1500 was it wicked bitter right now Salomon Robb I was trying to bid but I couldn't I my phone wasn't unmute I was trying to bid my phone I just saw you did alright alright so here's Rob you just went in to pay for that unit what did they tell you inside they said the person passed away but now they said that since they passed away they can't solve it you before him at corporate so corporate Public Storage did not approve the sale right okay wait what else what did they tell you what's in the boxes some lady said there's trains but we'll find out tons of trains there's coffee it's an indoor unit we're gonna go see if we can peek at it so corporate didn't hide the actual sale and it'll go up if corporate approves the sale and go up again next month so now we know but we're gonna try get a little bit of peek before okay Rob found it he opened it I'm not gonna cross the barrier oh my goodness look at the dust oh my goodness look at this look at this lion-o that's what we saw want want want small tackle electrical stuff oh man look Cave Halloween four trunks east eastwood automotive thanksgiving real scope coca-cola wow look at this this is what you're not getting this is what you're not getting dude dude you know who got screwed me because i was trying to bid that's true and we're gonna get it we're getting oh there's a tanning bed - I need that for my skin oh man alive yeah we're gonna get kicked out eventually look at that power charger see now this there's an end set right there there's an N set you couldn't see any of this in their video line out super chief oh man alive look at this [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 39,621
Rating: 4.8321676 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: PS0nfHr_JoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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