FOUND HIDDEN MONEY Treasure Hunting On Kelley's Island / Visit Kelleys Island, Ohio

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we just found this sitting there holy cow this is what it feels like after george eats indian food are you getting it oh my goodness giant fish in there i want the hails it's always been a treasure hunting channel and it always will be we're on kelly's island on vacation but we're still hunting treasure we're at kelly's island we're visiting one of the spots that i used to visit as a teenager on my nights off where i used to try and find a little bit of pizza money definitely not the treasure i've been looking for but george george you're never gonna believe it we're gonna head up there when i was a speedboat driver as a teenager sorry you're going to have to hear all kinds of lame stories from i'm excited yesterday every night off we would go up there and we would try to find pizza money so what happens is this area isn't regulated by anybody it's just a spot where people drop off money to a shrine it's open to the public and um just remember number one can a can a statue spend money yes or no yes oh maybe we shouldn't go check yeah i'm kind of rethinking this now now we let's still go check look at this jax what do you see holy hails what's all that um i see a wall you know auntie auntie could use those at the casino downtown don't dump them don't dump them it's everywhere so statues obviously can't spend money nobody comes here and takes any of the money people leave money here and so why not let's get a little pizza money for this vacation what do you think it's so wrong what's wrong about it mother mary's statue isn't going to do anything and nobody else is going to come and get it let's see how much we can find show uncle jeremy what you found what'd you find guess what what's it say booger you found a booger he's already digging for gold we just found this sitting there holy cow all the pizzas how much i can tell by the weight george just said a stripper must have been here this not a bad day's treasure hunt and it truly is a treasure hunt nobody comes and takes the money away people voluntarily put the money there we voluntarily decided that we wanted to eat tonight on pizza we found the treasure cash so we're not stealing it was voluntarily placed there we voluntarily are going to get pizza 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30. we are definitely getting pizza and that's just the cash not the change so extra large pepperoni pizza hails first name what the girl last name hails 1840 all right here we go one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15. they found out the money came from mother mary they wouldn't let us eat pizza now we're eating crab nachos stop breathing stuff they're kicking us out guess what we're banned from the caddy shack one more for the list eating dinner watching the sunset the sunset's done now the employee is actually loading the cannon no targets are going by right now george targets are going by [Music] we're always exploring new areas of treasure and we just found one there's two ways there's the hard way and then there's my easy way like this george i i'll meet you down at the other end i think this probably is the easier way i'll see you on the flip side i'll see you on the flip side how beautiful it is down here this is a shore on the island i've actually never been on before what was private property so all you rock hounds we did a whole video on petoskey stones how to find treasure with fossils and the value of the pasty stones here's here's a fossil right here but what we're actually doing besides just absolutely loving the water crashing we're treasure hunting we're looking for petoskey stones oh look at that you see the lines i do i do flip it over is it all the way through yep all the way through eva hi baby girl somebody's having fun looking for treasure george found the first petoskey right there this is what it looks like once it's cleaned up it'd be a good 7 500 right there [Music] the treasure hunt continues on oh here we go oh my goodness that one's beautiful oh wow wow one side is perfect it just needs polish that's it oh there it is solid all the way through this is this is a beautiful palm-sized piece we just need to sand it and polish it that is a hail's a great find nice job george george right there you see the shapes right there let's get it [Applause] got it there it is i'm back visiting my buddy dave at camp patmos where i grew up you've heard so many stories we're hunting petoskey how big is this one oh man this is probably 12 inches by 18 inches it's huge it almost looks like the state of michigan it almost is is this one from michigan or is this one from ohio this is from ohio okay it's huge all right give me a value how much do you think this is probably 750 to a thousand dollars wow wow laying on a shore on an island yeah you better get busy finding some petoskey i'm gonna have to find a bunch of little ones to equal up to 750 to a thousand dollars i'll probably have a big bucket full of just little ones george george ever dedicated to the treasure hunt goes through all lengths no matter the perils no matter the dangers while i'm looking for potassium stones jeremy's filming the risk family jewels somebody's got to find some treasure out here dude what dude what look at your foot look other one other one other one holy cow oh my goodness holy cow that's the biggest one yet holy crap is it all the way through is it all the way it is oh my goodness that one is that one's money that one just needs polished oh my gosh if i had to guess it looks pretty clean on that side the other side i see just a little bit of lime so that's a little bit of limestone but it's solid through here you're probably looking three maybe 350 all cleaned up and sold online it's almost a four for four from wendy's that's not bad man that is not bad good spot dude not a bad day looking for petoskeys eh not at all we did a great job let's see what you got we've got look at this large this is the largest one we found can you guys see those beautiful petoskeys in there that's definitely that's and they go all the way through which makes it more valuable just need to polish that thing up got a good haul number two yeah it seems like they look a lot better when they're wet so if you don't have any water on hand you always have water on hand that does look better look at those bad boys shiny that looks good here's a little look at that exact batoski that was under george george's foot one side is sanded we still have polishing to go look there's the ammo box [Music] out on the kelly's island dock right now at the state park no light oh light i literally can light up the entire island george george just found a raccoon we're looking for animals george just said he's going over here george you just said the raccoon came in over here jeremy's over there causing a freedom frenzy while this guy is feasting hi you're so cute look at that in case you didn't know kind of a raccoon master enjoy look at this are you seeing it george all right i'm gonna keep it right around here okay i put the o light on and all the bugs can be seen by the fish the fish started jumping up and feeding watch this come on do it again do it again over there over there the fish are running scared everywhere i put the light on and the fish are running scared everywhere look at this i just created a feeding frenzy with my flashlight i literally like just created a feeding tube a new and old light with my flashlight look at this look at this they're jumping there'll be a fishing lure oh my goodness are you getting this are you getting there you see it careful i just fell coming out of the rocks wow i think they're jumping they're getting bugs and i think they're jumping and getting each other but they can finally see the bugs because of the old light this is incredible i'm gonna go over a little bit look at this they're following the light they're following the light to the bugs whatever's in here they're following the light to look at this look at this oh my goodness that one jumped up really high this is awesome i've never done this before never did this kind of treasure hunting or fishing [Laughter] maybe bessie will come up look at this there's fish jumping everywhere i'll just jump right there look at that are you getting it oh my god that giant fish in there look at this look at this oh my goodness oh my god you just hit the rock do you see that that monster fish i just saw two monster fish they're running they're running look at them running and jumping oh yeah right over there oh over here yeah oh wow she's only only with this flashlight oh my goodness and i am not being paid to say this we actually we believe it had a bit of a rainstorm last night but august showers bring august flowers george george's little daughter evelyn she's picking flowers for drying everything out at the campsite but i rather prefer to come down to the lake edge now that could be a screensaver shot right there right there sunshine is starting to poke through gonna be a beautiful day breakfast time oh that looks just about right that looks good what's it smell like sausage eggs cheese you know what it's missing though the outside is a crescent roll sweet crescent roll but what is really missing the sweet sauce ketchup [Music] oh man is it mamma mia good mamma mia what did you just say fun fact they're the most these are the most famous glacial in the world can you believe that in the world little ohio in the world no i cannot believe that i can't believe it either there's a fence all around this national monument look and explore take photographs down trails visit durian i'm just curious i'm curious if anybody has ever jumped over the fence and if they did what it would look like an inside look of the glacial grooves this is what it looks like when you're grooving with glaciers or also known as the glock behind the glacial grooves are all kinds of trails and pathways all other kinds of treasures to be found is that george look she turned around again what you got what's up here what is that look at daddy look at daddy made it all the way to the limestone edge of the old quarry big monster wall in the glacial grooves they're right up there in that tree line this has already been mined we're going to hang out on the edge for a little bit looks like he called in the reinforcements all we know oh my goodness he has so many targets right now there is a line of targets please now please now oh wait wait wait no no gotta let those go by that would have been crazy [Music] what are you doing snapchatting again that woman her snapchat her favorite thing sunsets the mosquitoes are getting me they're getting me good i don't know how fire's getting it good what are you making i am making a hobo pie a s'mores hobo pie so she's putting s'mores in the dutch oven yeah [Music] and then all the fireflies have come over apparently they all want something to swell look at this the fireflies everywhere they are everywhere and the kids they're swinging in the tree we're on another kind of treasure hunt right now we're looking for the local nightlife there's the bambi the mama deer and the baby beer look at this there is a boat coming in there's a boat coming in and they're getting ready to pull do you think we can put some gumdrops in there yeah man we can put anything you want in there what about what about corners do you think we could use these to in a quarter push machine did that we use the cannon technique do you think we could actually you know just shove a ton of quarters and then use it in a pusher well i'm trying to i'm watching what the hell is right now i'm watching george push quarters is everybody else watching yep you are too yeah i don't know she actually needs a cannon look at this oh my goodness you see what she just did what the hell did she do oh wow that looks really fun i love it yeah if i was if i was your age i'd want to do it all day a goal today find treasure find treasure with magnets magnets at the beach who the hells knows what everybody lost but we're about to try and find it i was gonna say if you go out to that sandbar and throw it's look at this we've got magnetic sand and it's literally littered with magnetic sand look at this this is what they make the kid toys out of yeah watch this let's see it again so cool watch this magnetic sand wanna see some more yep all right it's like a magic show we were just informed by one of the locals here on the island that somebody lost their cross necklace it's time to break out the big bad boy we're gonna find this if it's the last hails of a great thing we do today i can't believe it the missing i cannot believe it now we just gotta find the kid that lost it i found jesus now jesus is gonna find him you'll never guess where we are on kelly's island oh i can guess because we never seem to leave even when we're supposed to be on vacation i'm itching wait that doesn't sound right i mean i had an itch to go to the casino the mask is on the mask is on just so nobody knows who actually pulled the trigger on the canon [Music] all right they're saying they're getting ready had to wait for these things this is what it feels like after george eats indian food look at all the all the birds look at all the birds flying i missed it i blinked do it again i blinked one more i blinked one more time one more time jeremy's on a mission what are you about to do i'm going for the biggest treasure of them all the million dollar reward for the capture of bessie dead or alive bessie the lake erie monster hails yes you're gonna use yourself as bait you won't get in and thus ends another amazing day it's not an island getaway so [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 40,228
Rating: 4.7668219 out of 5
Keywords: found money, how to make money, treasure hunting, finding treasure, treasure, kelley's island treasure hunt, kelley's island treasure hunting
Id: x1RqX_livNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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