FOUND HIDDEN INSIDE THE JEWELRY BOX / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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like sterling for sure look at that look at that you can see when everybody everybody stops and pauses there's something good to see this one this one's organized i can't wait to get up there and look i'm going to get the old light and get a great look but i'm always with the old light at the end i don't want to show anybody else what's inside so i wait till the very end and that way i'm also by the auctioneer when i'm bidding so you can see my bid before somebody else's i didn't get a peek did you ah no i can't get up there yet everybody else is up there i see a box that says myth and legends everything is organized i think we have to go for it no matter what all right well let me take a piece he doesn't want to see that he wants to meet people i miss missing legends let's see if we can get up there gloves hats i bet this was a reseller gloves hats yeah this looks like it was a reseller boxing stuff optimal crystal groin i don't know if this was a reseller or trying to decide i think we want it though this is unit number four for the day right here 148 folks i'm at a dollar good looking unit here ahmad are you telling me in this kind of year to go get 300 form get 300 of them in three and three two two hundred of them in two two give a hundred bills i don't hear now i had to say 150 give a quarter let's say one now a quarter an hour a half one foot one and a half seven eight five but it's either one and a half here in seventy five seventy five form one and a half and seventy five that'll be 75 and two bills two and a half two and a half seventy five and now three three four quarter three twenty five and a half and three and fifty five and three and a half three fifty seven seven five now four four four hundred quarters seventy five four fifty been now seventy five seventy five forty four fifty here in seventy five four and a half seventy five and a half bits seventy-five seventy-five five and a half here and seventy-five you all done what do you say i'm in five and a half here and seventy-five thank you all five and a half and seventy-five seventy-five will be a form you wanna rob 575. it's a lot of value there five and a half and seventy five zero five and a half here and seventy five it's like less than five bucks a box five and a half here and seventy five and i sold it to five and a half less than five bucks a box so when you actually do it if there's a hundred boxes five hundred fifty it's five dollars fifty cents per box if i can make more than that if i can even double that i made money just got a hails of a great deal here in norwalk ohio at the abandoned storage unit auction now the best part is we had our auctioneer our favorite we have well one of our favorites paul bender there's also rob there's there's lots of them but one of our other favorite youtubers is here as well conki's flipping adventures look right over there right here i have a challenge for you i paid 550 for this unit here's what i propose there's a ton of boxes there's boxes to the left boxes to the right but not in the middle none in the middle we split it we part it and we see what the hails you find on one side and what the heels i find on the other side what do you say deal deal yes open her up george here we go here we go we're gonna take a peek here and this is the unit all right look at this all right smack down the middle conkey boxes to the right boxes to the left george you got to pick which is it going to be are we taking left left or right let's go to the left like i always do at the coin pushers don't worry cocky once you go right you always go right always i know you've gone right i got great news george great news i forgot to bring brooms we got three brooms one dustpan take that conkin but i'll tell you what look at that i'm usually screwing something up i'm usually breaking stepping on a nail breaking my foot something like that look at what i got oh i got kings i got walkies oh yeah you're gonna get that hey you know what i'll trade you a broom for the walking stick is that fair is that fair do you think you're good i like that walking no no no no i just wanted to all right okay we got a trade wanna see what else conkey got make sure you jump over to conky's flipping adventures because he's got a hails of a great side over here let's dig into ours george look at this george look at this storage ghost cats bible white goes that way what is a ghost cat like the ashes conkey i don't know if coffee got any ghost cats let's take this one let's go let's go to the trailer some odd stuff here okay look at this this is the kind you buy for me right oh yeah let's take that mixed with a lemon what about that one mist and legends and colored bottles don't know listen me meet me in the trailer cause i don't want them to see everything that we got i don't want them being jealous i can peek around and see you in a trail i hear all kinds of screaming and yelling over there from cocky and noreen look what i found look what i found this is like never ever happens but guess what was in my pocket prepared no i didn't it was just in there it was a it was a miracle it was it was just a mysterious weird unit auction miracle i have to know we're gonna go with the ghost cats first i have to know what a ghost cat is i have to it's just it's killing me what if it's like ashes okay it's a book it is a book huh so maybe it's like a series cats we've got bible which we already know by the way this is this place where we've we bought a unit for 400 there was 15 over 15 000 worth of jewelry specials in the bible oh a couple special things there's well the entire bible is special there's no doubt about it yes indeed spent my uh my college career studying it what do we have here birthday stars pneumology all right this is probably all right cool stuff there's a garage sale kit which is good because they apparently never got it to garage sale so that's a good thing miss and legends let's see what this is hopefully something cool but that doesn't mean it's going to be something cool do you know what myths and legends are george dungeons and dragons like the remix i thought you were a myth a legend i thought that was what it oh it's a dragon you know who would love this we started a dragon collection lisa would love this dragon works she would love this check that out oh you know we found one of these before in another storage unit the sword is missing he's oh no no no no the sword's right here look there's the sword there it is accessories right there so that's a good we got a dragon what you got conkey a window fan and a uh two burner stove thing that we figured we'd trade you so you could go camping with us actually yeah let's talk about that we could go camping we are planning up on going to kelly's island again this week right we are going to go we're going to attempt to go back to the island say that again uh i happen to have a canife but it was an accident we are going back up but not as long just for maybe a day and a half yeah so actually we're probably there right now as they're viewing this would be my guess okay i've got one more box with me right here let's see what we have this one's labeled storage and there are a ton a ton of boxes in there let's see what we have recipes oh yes i actually need one of these for one of the apartments yeah that's perfect it's gold-plated too yeah that's my that's my type of thing and right there for fart salad that's perfect egg slicer for fart salad now here's the cool thing oh these are cool it looks like this was an elderly person and oh definitely smell that smell it doesn't have smell-o-vision at home smells like an old lady in other words like vintage vintage love old ladies smell like love and a ton of body powder so uh this definitely smells like grandma for sure i think there's gonna probably be some old collectibles in here somewhere and if there's more fans you can do an entire fan lot and if we're lucky if we're really lucky we are going to find the jewelry stash or green bottles look at that there's the colored glass that was labeled on the side of the box it is really cool here's the line look at this i think we go with this huge box next and this huge box next because you always put the expensive stuff in the back corners let's get the big boys i gotta admit i like big boxes and i cannot lie this one's just as tall as you it is i'm a little bit tall i always have to lean down if george is filming yeah because she can't i'm sure plus the tripod as is as i yeah they don't make tripods my size so i tried getting in that way it's not a christmas tree it's definitely not a christmas tree it is a palm tree some type of house plant some kind of other kind of tree ooh like a tropical plant i do love faux plants i like real unless it's mashed potatoes i like the instant mashed potatoes but you don't have a green thumb i have a gold thumb whatever i touch this one usually breaks is labeled finger hut fulfillment finger yes yes yes yes another tree that i don't have to water that's why they're the best it's my money they're looking tree money i think there's money in here i actually think this was a grandma who had a cat and i think there's probably jewelry and hidden money let's take government let's take let's take this stash before they see looks like new merch taped up new merch there's all these kinds of little boxes which are weird to say the least is that a hedgehog and temptations value this this is this is a new a sugar loaf 2007. all right that's that's actually looking good that's encouraging for me because look at this stuffed animals because stuffed animals can sell for a lot of money especially if we get the older collectible ones this says stuffed animals this side up i got the knife going crazy here oh it might even be wrapped look at this george look at this what do we got what do we got we've got we we have stuffed animals exactly what it was labeled as okay i don't recognize any of these off the top of my head but uh we'll probably put those in the auction right okay hoodies could it be my hoodie is in here somewhere is this west marina of course we are in or norwalk of course it's going to be west marina that's a great brand there check for the pockets now no that's more your size old tees are worth money too and hopefully we have a lot of them in here let's check in there all right sandals i've got what is all this stuff it's like the whole house i actually think my guess right now is this lady passed away and the whole house was actually whoa beach thong black probably flip-flops let's see brand new brand new beach flip flops okay is that your size nope okay let's see what else we've got we've got more stuffed animals there's a beaver if there's one thing i've always wanted it was a beaver so there's that one an eager beaver mm-hmm there's another one sudoku puzzles that's you you like fields what's this what's this come on big money cabinetry hardware all right that's not exactly what we're looking for but what do we have more brand new brand new look at that right there more flippy flops are those your size i wear sevens um that'll probably work i'm taking a peek taking a peek take a peek not a weed see that black tote down there and then there's a blue tote right here those totes do you think that's where the money is what did they just find what did they just find rappers they found money wrappers we gotta get those totes before they find the money wrappers hopefully we'll find hey george did you see my super cool white ankle socks yeah my giant feet yes that's why they call me the the cool master master brand new in the box life makes so much more sense now let's see if we can make it make dollars cats cats what's this crafting decoration look at this look at this oh my goodness look at all the cat hair did we try and stay away pills we yeah we tried it we try and stay away from anything with cats we have no clue when we bought the unit everything looks so nice and organized nice and organized what i'm guessing super neat oh look at a brand new calculator what i'm guessing is lady passes away somebody comes in boxes everything up puts it all in a unit and then the estate no longer pays for it and that happens a lot a lot for example look at all the meds meds meds i mean we could literally run our own pharmacy look at that all meds all meds how's your calcium because i'm pretty sure i'm going to find some i'm going to need some soon whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa money opportunities oh let's call yeah i might have to call later oh george george one of your favorites classic playing cards i started another lot and then batteries okay let's see what's in here is that nascar this could be money that could be is that a dragon yeah i see a dragon dragon that actually is that could be that is a large nice that could be worth something let's just take a peek because a lot of times uh firearms and weaponry there are hidden they're hidden in the bottom we have found lots whatever this is [Laughter] it looks great on you we often off camera do a little bit better search and i just scared the living i just scared the living hails out of myself you're not here what is [Music] oh it try them on oh try it on excuse me you just tried on that hat piece look why don't you try them on okay one for me and ten for you brand new shopping cart i think what we can do with this we'll just set this outside the warehouse for the homeless that go by because they're always they're pulling tractors they got weird things on their bikes we'll just brand new we'll just gift that to them well plus they need something you know in case somebody wants to break in your hands stuff yeah if anybody else wants to break it i mean you gotta they can haul it all in pulling down a little bit so we can catch them all right let's just let's just take man i don't know there's so many boxes to choose i love these ones let's take these ones okay hopefully the money's hidden inside i i really hope we don't find any other body parts if i find a thing of eyeballs i'm gonna give up prosthetic eyeballs i'm just gonna give it all the concrete oh i think we're into something i think we're into something look at this tea party tea party is that tea is that what it is french vanilla tea and then peach tea all right peach apricot tea i love me some tea i have no idea how that works okay george does apparently so we'll just yeah you're not a fan of tea or coffee nope you do love your mountain dew um it in here because of kidney stones but i drink it anyway he'll treat himself to a glass or six when we go out to eat which is every day because we do this every day we're out on the road alive okay we've got newspapers do you think she's saving the data there is the chronicles 50 cent i don't see the date that's odd i do not see the date what about this one see a date 2007. there it is okay 2007. this stuff may have been in here since 2007. we have oh gargoyles that matches with the dragon theme that's good gargoyles okay which that's going to be the matching gargoyle right there obviously there's another gargoyle oh look at that mass book are you saying obviously because of your lasik surgery and you saw through the paper yeah i mean i can see everything i have x-ray vision that's why i bought this so it's not obvious to the person or the normal person because i wanted this right here and a lot of people most people have no clue old bibles and old hymnals worth those are that's another one isn't it thousands or am i saying but there could be some new stuff in here there's an angel on by your side look at this there's a couple of boxes in here i have to slice them over what that can i do using boxes for everything a box in a box in a box so there are crutch hand grips oops you're going to need that soon old man uh i'm not the one with the bad back yeah we both have a bad boy yes yes all right some something's making a lot of crazy noise in here okay we've got what we got oh we got are these religious trading cards these look like jesus trading cards i didn't know they made jesus trading cards they just found the gold cocky just found the gold we just heard him shout what'd you say they just said they found the gold well you know what [Applause] we found the mercury it's getting hot in here well you guys have the dentures i have the denture right nice we're gonna need that yeah maybe another trade in the future thank you sir thank you you're not gonna believe it conky's flippin adventures they just found a stash of jewelry you gotta head on over there if you wanna see it we didn't even get to see it all we got to do is hear them screaming so we're gonna see if we can find some too i'm thinking this u-haul box george okay see this one down here this one and this one let's go with all three u-haul boxes this time see what we got in here i want to i want to make sure that if they found gold we find gold too now remember though everything on cocky's side he owns it we're not splitting profit he owns it he's going to sell it everything on our side we own it we're going to sell it there's no split except the split right down the middle so if he finds fifteen thousand dollars worth of jewelry and we find zero dollars worth of jewelry could find fifteen thousand dollars worth of mercury we could we could find fifteen thousand dollars worth of mercury or we could find towels but remember when we found the fifteen thousand dollars worth of jewelry it was in a garbage bag it was in a black garbage black garbage bag in a lunch pail there's a tie yeah it was tucked away so you just you never know there's more plush oh there's a there's a hello kitty plush so old levi's old levi's are actually worth money yeah some 550s let's set that aside i'm gonna take these plush over here okay yeah let's see what's over here so the good news is we have the dentures and the denture right now so we got a complete package there i'm sure i'm sure we're going to be needing those soon in life here here's more good news they literally took time with all of this paper did i see joe pesci uh potentially but look at this look at this i think we just got a box of more flippy flops brand new these people have more shoes than you do george look at this wait a lot of times a lot of cool things are in shoe boxes okay there we go those don't look near those are used flippy flops more flippy flops size 11. what size are you seven seven on our feet six and a half ring size okay so we got brushes six and a half so two eight and a half so we have brushes i wear a size eight on my middle finger you don't know what ring size is on my ring finger what is that rabbit headband with velcro that's fake hair that's a weave do you think what i'm thinking or since i'm getting older now a little white to lighten it up okay we'll we'll talk about that later so we've got all kinds of craft supplies in here oh careful don't show that what is it that is that maryland i don't think that's maryland i think it's antiquity though i think we're getting into some collectibles now see we are we're oh oh my goodness oh wow there's a tie in this box there's a bunch in here of old provocative piles i don't know who the artist is but oh man i don't even want to know what this thing is oh man they're screaming over they're screaming again what'd you find they're giving me the silent treatment i got a feeling it's not what we found oh i think they had guinea pigs too what do you think yeah is that a potassium i think that's petoskey rock could be it could be we are going this could be jewelry this could be jewelry come on come on oh man oh george drink it no it's not trick it's jordan oh here we go what is it here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here's a ring here's a ring some of these pins are worth money the classes don't find any marking on the ring i do not see any marking on this ring that doesn't may have worn off so here's some dolphins here is some more dolphins oh look at that here's a penny you know it's actually illegal to face federal federal money what year is that i don't know it's pretty rough this definitely looks like gold yeah that definitely looks like gold i'm gonna have to look at it closer later let me see if i can see anything on the clasp even see if the clasp is gold uh my hands are too full to flip it okay and then we got a little angel in there too so that's really cool there might be another one in here if that ring is 24 karat gold bam dude for the year pretty much pays for the interview almost set that over with the other high no i think the dentures definitely pay for the unit do you know how expensive there's another one yeah the dentures that actually would pay for the unit yeah there's another one what do you love you love candy no buttons buttons i do love those look like military buttons okay this is a jamaica wooden little thing okay i like that there's another one there's another one oh nice this is more jewelry i knew these u-haul boxes i knew it i knew it this is going to be more jewelry look oh all right cocky's coming over and cheating actually there is no cheating because there's really no competition it's just pure split yeah okay so let's see do we see any markings any markings at all look at that butterfly that's that's actual gold and silver how cool would that be any markings no no markings there any markings on what is that that's a jack whiskey jack daniels whiskey okay and then another there's a number three this look at that that looks like sterling right there look at that look at that that's gotta be sterling i i'm not gonna be able to tell if this is marked actually there it is no wait it's so worn this looks like sterling for sure look at that look at that not bad not bad at all [Music] [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 29,603
Rating: 4.9407029 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 0dZXYudKzT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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