DECEASED OWNER'S designer jewelry JACKPOT found in locker I bought at the abandoned storage auction!

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this is some vintage nike right here vintage uh surfer clothes that could be worth some money unbreakable that sounds like a challenge whoa that's a biggie wow let's pull it out we got chanel we got chanel we got chanel this one's heavy we got a little jewelry box more chanel previously on locker nuts i bought this small 5x5 locker through an online auction i thought i had way overpaid for it at 380 dollars but it was about a mile from my house and i wanted to see what was inside i was in for quite a surprise as the contents went far beyond my expectations it turns out the prior owner had passed away and she left a vintage designer collection including versace chanel and st john which is worth thousands but there's lots of other valuable items and i also found a box filled with what appears to be jewelry including chanel boxes i'm saving that box for last so let's get through the rest of the boxes so we can see what other treasures we might find all right next box oh yeah yeah yeah okay what do we got here cleo oh i can hear that elastic can you hear that listen this is what you need to look for when you have anything elastic that's vintage hear that way the elastic actually comes back after i pull it but it's not supposed to make that sound that's it falling apart inside all right here's that dress we saw earlier it's another dress kawaii on a hawaii that's for a kid right or someone very small what size is that it's made in hawaii size extra small okay oh man this is some nice stuff to you i had just said to jenna i said i don't think we have any more clothing besides the really nice pieces that we found oh this is another piece from honolulu baked bake vape fake i didn't say fake fake though it's a medium that's kind of cool this would be a nice auction lot right here all these pieces from honolulu hawaiian hawaiian outfits this looks like just a scarf or something right here or no it's just fabric i don't know no it's a scarf okay rip curl rip curl shirt okay this is another scarf right here or shawl i don't know what you call it it's nice uh this is a swimsuit it's funny because i saw another boxes marked beachwear or something like that but it wasn't this box okay here's another shawl or whatever neiman mark is 100 silk right here small this lady has some nice stuff okay there's the aerosols boy these are old they don't feel it they're very soft pliable these ones aren't worn too much nike oh this is some vintage right wait embroidered nike logo that's what this one's got this is some vintage nike right here elastic is good no funny noises in it ah i don't know if that's got the look people want but it's pretty dope what else we got here dottie made in the usa that's good size medium nice dress right there hanes california jennifer moore that's dated it's dated okay there's another scarf or whatever there's another one there's another one whoa there's a lot of them in here this lady liked her hawaiian scarves i think that'll make a pretty interesting auction lot though and if anyone's watching this video is like what does he keep talking about auctions for well that's because we put on a live auction every monday and night at 5 pm pacific coffee belly collection and uh another one look at this dancing gecko from hawaii 100 rayon huh and uh yeah if you like the stuff that you see in our videos you that's your chance to buy some of it ooh and klein vintage and you can buy some of it oh it's a swimsuit incline swimsuit vintage there's just stuff on it not sure what that stuff is white uh but yeah we d we put on a pretty good show so this is doing the hear that that's not oh look it's actually crumbling and falling out that elastic that's terrible that piece is done um yeah if you had never been before i was doing the same thing it's too bad come on by and check out our auction it's a lot of fun we have a really good time really good time monday nights sunsets this is not bad oh lisa bruce i don't know it feels nice though what's this i don't know it feels nice i'm gonna bring all this clothes the nicer stuff inside the house stucy it's kind of cool that's actually vintage uh surfer clothes that could be worth some money all this hawaiian stuff's cool uh yeah i'll bring it in let janna go through it and make some lots and see what she wants to put in lots for the live auction there's some so much stuff here guys behind california wow this lady bought a heck of stuff valley batik 100 round wow that's this one explorer like dora the explorer okay that's a bad joke sorry i apologize for that unfunny humor css by christina another vintage uh swimsuit yeah this is good really good okay sellable those vintage swimsuits are hot i mean they're you know they're highly sought after i wasn't making a rude or crude remark i'm saying they're good sellers honestly i don't see too much in here that i like i don't know i don't really care what we got down here rh forshner company okay wait a second we're gonna move that sharp oh look that up that's a forshner rh forstner company oh it says victorinox right here okay that's probably something a little bit better dick ceramic what unbreakable that sounds like a challenge all right the rest of it doesn't look like anything special to the thrift store it goes all right this is denise files oh that's right sheesh we already looked in here didn't we all right i gotta have oh uh got jenna look to this she knows the shoes oh ferragamo i don't need her to look at that oh what ah you know what this a vintage ferragamo shoes but the rubber is getting to that point where you know it gets really sticky and tacky and that's causing the paper to stick to it that really sucks i bet you that's worth some money private collection i looked at that already too um all right let me just look through it charles david it was pretty worn oh yeah yeah the enzo okay it's decent here's the other salvatore ferragamo so here's the deal guys see this it's really terrible right this is it gets really sticky i've never seen on shoes before but i've seen on electronics very often does anybody know how to fix that don't tell me if you're like guessing don't tell me like oh maybe try this or maybe try that let me know if you really do know the solution because i've researched on google trying to find a way to to fix that problem i haven't found anything i found some people saying put olive oil on it wd-40 lots of different tries nothing has worked gilberto valori i don't know stuart weitzman these are all worn here though these these kind of look decent right here made in italy delmon cynthia cynthia raleigh huh made in italy they look super nice but all right what do we got left here kate spade does look decent anna f and then keys huh that's that all right let's see what's in here one of these big tall boxes that weighs a stinking ton like seriously heavy that's just seriously heavy that is a neat little uh bull what is this for jk adams vermont they're really nice so it's for mixing something yeah it's almost like a cutting board but it's it does have cuttings in here so maybe it's for like cutting up fruit or something i don't know it's got a little crack in here it's too bad too but i think you could oil it up seal that for this thing the goni hardware company san francisco a cheese grater pull out the cheese right here it's kind of nice some of these these whatever you call them hand mixers they could go for some pretty pennies um this oh wow that just went right in there oh that is so nice okay so we have that and you have this yeah um i have sold these before but i didn't remember exactly how much hundred bucks at least one sold for around that it says best offer taken but it's the exact same model it looks like we may have more pieces than they did they didn't have this piece and i have this right here there's probably another piece that's missing here so i may not be able to sell with that unless i find it i think there's like a chopper some kind of chopper that goes in there with it it all does fit and this says brawn so i'm assuming that maybe this is the same yeah this good bunny right here though at least 50 bucks let's see what's in here okay that's good corona stainless steel huh that's pretty nice little knife oh that's razor sharp oh this is it this is this is the part that's go it goes in there and chop stuff up that's awesome really useful little tool that's why they sell for so much because those are really useful there's more kitchen tools oh that's cool chop chop chop that's sharp too what is this oh sharpening blade pretty cool dmt what's this monopole also it says also made in west germany i think that's worthy of looking up right there [Music] [Music] whatever that's brand new huh huh mercado accessory for spaghetti oh wait a second huh let's go with this all the different types of pasta for the pasta maker what's this chocolate shaver huh it's got some nice stuff in here oh what is this for this has got to be for like making candies or something huh france i know there's some money in here some of the stuff's just regular and some of this stuff's worth some big money what is this do you guys know what this is i kind of have a feeling it might be for pasta making or something or or bakery do you like the edges like a pie crust edge or something i don't know this is cool it's like a rolling pin right it doesn't have the handles on it's just a flat old i mean it's just a regular old rolling pin it also be good for whacking burglars these little guys sometimes got some money like that's me in paris right there just kill the fly this flies can't help themselves i'm too tasty i guess look at these these are kind of nice but i don't see any maker on it but this has the maker and the makers in france or paris you know same thing but i'm gonna have to look this up it just might be worth something i have found stuff before that was made in france and it was it was surprisingly valuable all right this presto stainless steel pressure cooker all right guys so went through these look at this there's a lot of cookware here but none of it's like super nice but we do have some cephalon we have this commercial aluminum cookware company there's tons of pieces from that i looked them up they're decent they're vintage they've not made those in a while but they're not terribly valuable but you know what dust stuff we have so much cookware i mean really we have a lot of stuff this one's used a little bit some aren't at all that one's pretty decent um but really that stuff is like three four or five dollars a piece it's going to add up pretty quickly and i think it's worth taking it to uh the flea market or a garage sale i still got to get through all this right here okay oh this is the now this is a different pasta maker right here we have the other pieces i might have to pull those back out if this thing has more value pasta maker okay and we have all the add-on parts so that's what these go to that marcato atlas mccart marcato this is some other type of something slicer or something okay oh wow what's this [Music] denise 1997. it's a big old honking chunk of wood all right that'll actually sell someone will make something out of that here's another big old chunk of wood right here looks like it's been encased in some like epoxy or something that's kind of cool these are neat copper [Applause] solid copper that's really cool oh whoa that's a biggie wow 14 inch huh man the usa sk what does that stand for i hope this is one of the good ones that is really cool oh man it's heavy look at that dang oh wow look at this rufoni italy that's a copper pot and it is beautiful beautiful that's gotta be worth some money too [Applause] that's cool magnalite professional huh very nice oh look at that that's for eggs isn't it wait is that for eggs pro cast nordic ware cookware what the heck is that for all right we got here i don't know what that is s-e-f-a-m-a made in france dang i bet that's expensive too all right guys that brings us to this beast right here okay we already took a peek in here so it's not like a big ol mystery this is what it's gonna show but let's see what we got okay he's hat signed by i don't know who it's a official sticker right there that's good yeah that's a heavy binder what we got in here [Applause] looks like maybe they had a lawsuit against the uh general contractor or something all right okay oh man there's a lot of paper in here medical records mickey mouse hats 50th anniversary this one's a little bent up right here maybe there's a few decent ones in there look at the values on that oh weird do you think someone someone's leg was shorter than the other huh that's very bizarre how bizarre how bizarre cyber rays san jose cyber rays hmm it's kind of folded up this is soccer and this those look good yeah i think those are real signatures right there official major league baseball oh interesting oh yeah that's why this thing was so stinking heavy it's mostly papers in here oh man tons of newspapers he's going in the recycle bin guys a disappointing trunk well that's okay because we still have one more thing to go through don't we do you remember what it is oh ah this may be the best for last let's go take a look okay i'm going to uh start going through this box right here jenna so oh okay i'm gonna film it uh you sure you want to i can do this in the garage if you don't want me to film in here you're not interested in what's this in this box oh look a purse that's pretty it's oh look at this chanel [Music] oh look at this chanel nice honey oh jewelry box oh those are good yeah all right let's go through it you want to go through it all right well actually first let's go through this purse okay let's see what's in here a bunch of gloves a bunch of gloves but second look at this purse here i looked at it when i first found it it says nordstrom made in italy genuine leather but it is pretty worn see quite a bit of wear inside here and not not so much wear on the outside though the outside looks pretty good i don't know if there's a market for that purse but it's definitely vintage and definitely was expensive i mean china polyester gloves what is this calamar masa this is made in italy yeah that is older does anyone know that brand this is uh made in italy some older gloves here's genuine leather made in italy and the lining is cashmere nice that's pretty nice and they're in good condition and the leather is super soft all right let's start look at all that stuff in here let's pull it out we got chanel we got chanel we got chanel oh this one's heavy oh we got a little jewelry box and we got some more chanel something in there got a little did we look in here oh i think we did this one's empty okay and what is this little scarab beetle right there it's like oh it's a pin oh my goodness there's a there's a lot of stuff right here look at that it looks like nice stuff it this looks really nice take a little bit more time getting that spread out look at this nice pin right here i have to look that up lester bernard les bernard that's pretty cool okay i'm saving this for last guys and i hope i hope that was the right choice 100 what the heck wilkes backs bass preferred 175 what the heck are you serious dollars for that okay there's a little pin it's pretty cool there's another one a little pin so you used to have a sticker right there is is this silver looks like it's tarnishing right where the sticker was oh i don't know silver plated this uh it seems to be tarnishing it looks like it's the way silver tarnishes and look i just rubbed that area right there hmm i don't know okay take a closer look at that that's that's cool too it's a shell necklace like glass beads okay oh that's a little button isn't it a little button and i wonder if that's for one of the versace's or something the button may have fallen off here's another button these are not your average ordinary everyday buttons okay what else do we got in here now it looks like scarves uh not the whole thing scores let's focus on this stuff first okay okay so got a couple very cool pins right here wait what if that's over to you i don't think so look at this piece this is beautiful there's another one these are beautiful beautiful necklaces look at this see that clasp wow this is a specialty this is not just regular old jewelry i haven't just been going through some pretty nice jewelry that we got from garage sale this morning this stuff's better although we found gold and silver so i can't say it's better better but this is definitely finer jewelry oh see that oh wow look at that it's a little purse wow how cool is that really nice it's embroidery on there okay that's what i got here oh get that on the camera oh what do we have here oh this feels decent come on go come on be some gold all right look at this okay i got my magnet first pass easy test sticks to the magnet dang sticks to the magnet that's okay though it still is a beautiful chain because it could be gold-plated or something and then what's this right here i was wondering if this opens up but i don't think it does i think it's just a pendant really pretty okay that's pretty nice then what do we got here okay yeah i was just checking to see if there's any markings on there for gold if there's a gold band it says base metal right here seiko japan but it is beautiful check this out it's a nice watch it's in really good condition too it looks like to be definitely vintage and but i don't see any scratches on the quartz there or what you call it the uh i forget with the face or the glass very nice very very very nice okay and then check this guy out wow oh it's got a it's got a maker mark on here peyote bird okay why that sure looks silver that sure looks silver these if whatever these are some sort of stone they're very pretty but that really does look like silver you will see a lot of these pieces in our in our live auction as well these are going to be some really exciting pieces this is a bracelet to match same maker beautiful pieces okay nice little purse right here too made in hong kong very nice very nice nice okay all right are we down to the chanel whoops all right okay wait wait wait wait wait before you go before you go and hitting that thumbs down and putting mean comments in the i know i know i promised you we're gonna get all the jewelry out in this one well i didn't really promise but maybe i hinted that we were going to um but here's the thing i intended to i intended to wrap this locker up in this video right here here's the problem what's in the those chanel boxes and the rest of that box the bigger box is off the hook amazing and it i can't put out a 50 minute video and that's what it would have taken to show you everything and it's that good don't worry stay tuned i'll have the next one out very very soon and it's gonna be worth it i promise that all right i promise that it'll be out soon until then good luck to you god bless you see you next time here on loch ness crazy you guys it's just crazy it's such good stuff right now whoa [Music] it's heavy
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 40,544
Rating: 4.5442424 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, time capsule, deceased owner, dead owner, old lady, ephemera, #extremeunboxing, old trunks,, Gucci, found money, found cash, Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Chanel, Versace, vintage designer clothes, St. John, couture, jewelry, Chanel jewelry
Id: mzfuKJYuAn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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