PREVIOUS OWNER DIED I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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so be it right here Lancome Lancome we got we got razors in there wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there's no stinking way this this person obviously took measures in their own hand totes mcgoats it's gonna be a hails of a good day because this 310 dollar unit had a wall we are talking a wall of totes we've got hundreds of dollars just in totes themselves not let alone what's inside of them Hey and if you want to get your hands on some of the stuff that's inside the storage units George and all of you finally convinced me to do a Sunday Night Live auction during the livestream we're gonna have lots that you can bid on and you can own your own piece of the Hales history so tune in every Sunday night 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time because you never know what the Hales were going to find or what you can buy [Music] to tell you 20 at 10 now 20 now 20 now 20 to 10 to 20 you're done I gotta be 200 tens here 220 once twice she's back in oh man he's killing me 230 you're going after me aren't you you going after me I think Rob was just like two and a half is here 260 and last call after me yes laughing why he does it he is laughing why he does it oh my goodness I actually wanted you're not gonna want to miss what's inside here and you're not gonna want to miss Sunday nights either because one lot every Sunday night is gonna be given away completely and totally for free and you could be the one to win it let's see what's inside we got ourselves a hails of a mess let's take a look here oh we gotta start the sort things fell whoa oh man whoa well let me get some of this stuff out like the table and chairs and we'll take a peek at some of this stuff and then we can get to totes tower back there this is an all pine table right here but it has the chairs okay so one two three four chairs now when you get a table a table generally will never sell on its own unless you have the chairs so I could get a table it could be a $500 table I couldn't get a dollar for it in my area in my region unless I have the chairs chairs are what make tables sell so here I'll easily for this pine set easily get $100 and I'm going low we also found look at this brand-new fluorescent light right there so we'll just say we'll say five dollars there but here's the hole so far let's see what's over here I gotta jump down oh yeah you saw the jump now I've already taken the clothes off of the top of this tote all right so let's see and I already love I love what I'm seeing already okay that's good that's money it looks like we've got a purse here or no no no no no not a purse what is it what is it it is a flexi mat creation oh you know what this is I think this is for hauling hauling your pet and then you hook your pet in there check that out we got a smoke detector you know why because George is so smoking so I'll need that at home I'll take that home oh look at this we see silver silver Oh a silver plated apple dish No way that looks pretty cool okay this plated will probably sell that right there in the warehouse oh here's beanie baby this is a good sign because we could have a lot of collectibles in here we got a beanie baby alarm clock alright you may think this is crazy but these alarm clocks sell really well on eBay and a lot of prop guys and when they're doing period pieces of movies prop companies will buy these now the ones with the flip numbers instead of digital sell for more but that's still gonna get us a good twenty bucks what do we have here we've got a coca-cola sports hat okay you got coke that's good Oh coca-cola right there you know what we should probably put a haps collection together for the auction I'm gonna set that aside right there we're gonna put a half slot together see what we can come up with we've got Garfield activity best buds activity pad all right these kind of things would sell really well on eBay as well if they're not written and even if some are so things like Ghostbusters coloring book I've sold even with pages colored in them for 20 bucks on eBay was kind of what we got here we got jewelry we've got some kind of jewelry okay I can tell you for sure I could tell you for sure we're gonna have a huge huge jewelry lot huge jewelry lot on on Sunday night's livestream for auction so looks like that's gonna go in with it tangled with some other things Johnny tractor oh nice John Deere this actually might be worth some money we're gonna have to check that holy cow this is huge whatever it is all right wait we sony sony dis man oh my goodness how many of you remember having this in the car and then every bump you would hit it would actually skip put on put up right right yeah you had to time your your travel speed based on the beat all right so that's pretty cool that'll actually sell on eBay - look dad that's incredible all right this is horse tack this is no doubt horse tack now the thing we have to look at with horse tack many of you already know a lot of horse hack is ornate I mean look at the weather working here it's beautiful and what we have to check is is this silver not a lot of this could be would be potentially is silver look at it it's beautiful look at this let's see oh the mice got in there okay mice got into the horse of that but you can still clean that leather up what is this the serenity holy cow the serenity prayer got gunner serenity to do the thing I cannot change courage to change things with wow this is gorgeous look how big it is look how big that is oh there's another one under there the 10 commandments wow wow that is gorgeous Wow look at these two absolutely beautiful there's something else under there there's something else let's see what it is Walmart back no way no way for everybody who's wondering where Georgia's just found her I grabbed a couple smaller Tufts this time around so let's get into this one slider we're going the is that blue Sterilite okay blue maybe I'm colorblind but I I am NOT not unmusical II inclined does that make sense I'm not sure if that actually made sense all right now tambourines I don't know too much about twins okay right they're made in Israel if you can see right down in there I don't know too much I'm gonna start learning and oh look at this hit ago in May ho so I think these are definitely made as well we've got a guitar strapped in here and then we got a rag I'm good well a bubble but I have a feeling there's a lot more because there was a lectern there's all kinds of cool stuff in this unit let's open her up oh I like it already okay look at this blame it all on my boots I got dark roots and when I eat drink apple juice my tooth start going loose we should probably just stop right there all right I am that's not working we got a we got a little bit of a teddy bear there no stinking way look at this look at this if this isn't ancient I don't know what is am/fm stereo cassette player clearance from RadioShack 2497 come on is it in there if it's in here this is huge eBay money is it now my goodness it is brand stinking new this is eBay gold no way Wow okay this goes in the e well maybe all right I'll tell you what I'll do a tech I'll do a tech lock this Sunday I will put this in this will go in the tech lock hey you know what I'll put a couple I'll put a couple iPads into the brand new ones from Amazon I'll throw those in too so I will do that for you guys just for the fun of it here's a Bible remember people hide money in books I have never found money in books I have found money in purses and places like that George found money in one book one time so usually you wanna you wanna and I'm not trying to be disrespectful to the Bible trust me I have a biblical degree but with any book you wanna you want to open with the pages down and let everything fall out like it did there and we'll check there's some other ties and offerings there could be sermon notes alright we're gonna check you got Matthew 5:17 19 written in there alright let's look at some of this stuff that fell out Amos that's a book of the Bible celebrate every day every year how to celebrate that's a bookmark another bookmark we've got a church service we've got tithes well we've got Kokomo seventh-day Adventist Church Kokomo Indiana I didn't expect to see that because this unit was in Loudoun ville nothing in the tithing all right we'll set that aside see if we can get that back to the family yeah oh look at this we're gonna turn a bubble wrap stuff now we already found some cool bubble wrap stuff and that's where I found the apple the Apple was amazing what do we have here let's see the Apple is are no stinking way look at this we've got more uranium glass vaseline glass look at that see how it glows already put that under the backlight which of my backlight is in the truck and then we're looking at money there this this looks like this was a collector oh man oh man oh man my tendinitis is still acting up and it will be for months now so this isn't gonna be the easiest thing let's see how much uranium glass we have yeah that one's sure it's worth something if they were collecting the other glass five this we found some really good collectible glass already in one tote in our first look at this hope there's a shot glass shots fired [Music] we've got oh this looks good this looks good oh man look at that I'm keeping it it's that it's that beautiful glass that I love look at that so cool oh man bumble nuts almost lost it George just asked me we went last year for my birthday to blow glass and she just asked me yesterday day before she's like Jeremy do you want to go again to a different place like Hales yes this is so cool I'm gonna keep this piece this is gonna go on display in the curio cabinet at home so that one I'm gonna keep we've got a ol Cincinnati Reds baseball in 1998 look at that Cincinnati Reds home schedule there's the program right there that's cool there's got to be some collectability there for sure we have here I like this tote tote a lot already come on show me your treasures what do we got it's heavy whatever it is it's heavy and it is sealed and bubble wrap duct tape and everything else it's really heavy come on come on oh I think it might be more blown glass is it is it it's one of those fish I have one of these at home no I was wrong but it's still blown glass it's not the fish but it's blown glass check that out just the color the beauty of it check that out oh look at this we have somebody made it Gibson 19 1993 or is that 98 let me know in the comments is that 1993 or 98 I can't see that hi Gibson that one's gonna go home too we've got more oh and this is already looking like face vaseline or uranium but it is uranium glass right there look at that that's money more money right there look at that look at it little ice cream dish little radioactivity have here we've got an Avon gift collection keychain well it looks merica it's the flag you know what this would be a good lot for Sunday night keychains because lots of people buy keychains there's a whole category on eBay for keychains I'm gonna start a keychain lot for you guys as well now I'm not saying that's gonna go up this Sunday but I'm gonna start it for you just for fun George doesn't talk me into all this all right here we go we've got st. Claire 1971 piece of glass must be some collectability to that as well literally have here oh we've got a keychain yeah we got a keychain we got a snowman keychain look there's a little button on them there's nose lights up look at the oh there's music I'm not sure if you can actually hear it see II just playing jingle bells I think all right we got oh this looks like uranium glass as well uranium glass is much better than Uranus vows yep another ice cream dish look at that look at that oh ho I gotta be careful you gotta be careful here's another one here and Oh shots fired I'm going through the drawers of the desk that I found in this unit now we looked at it in the first the actual first video but what we didn't do is we didn't know what the desk was from and we figured it was from a business I have never heard of this before Walley world and we're not talking Walmart Walley world Loudon ve'lo hi oh so it would appear as if we have a desk that belonged to Walley world in Laden the Ohio and that's where I found it in hwadam Dale Ohio that's where this unit was bought never heard of Walley world except for Walmart I've always heard people call it Walley world but I never actually heard of Walley world resort so we definitely have a desk from Walley world interesting the plot gets thicker it's a cold rainy day but it's always a Hailes of a good day one we've got chokes to go through and lord knows we got lost we'll be going through them for a while look here look at brand-new sealed merchandise I love it already burst stones full of beans November oh look at that Avon there's a birthstone right there full beams from Avon that might be another lot that we do we might just do like look at this move on yeah and Winnie the Pooh yeah sweet so all kinds of different this muscle bought at a garage sale so see right there got like lots of plushies downs so I was gonna say is we can do like a lot of plushies and down like there's a Daffy Duck although I think that's more than a Daffy Duck because he's got a cape he's got a mask and his bill flipped BAM oh we got beanie babies too so if we have the right beanie baby oh my goodness look at that 1959 to 1960 57 to 58 little purse here we have here how to get get the camera out of the rain okay we got some stuff look at here we've got beauty bottlers by Mary Kay something says great I define I define pencils not for resale lip liner pencil Navy one Americain this looks like all Mary Kay samples and we've got oh my God look at this look at this we've got more pictures it's a cricket Rory we do we have truly okay just one second alright got some pictures again remember these are on eBay man this wind and rain is not making it easy not making it easy at all what do we have here all right first thing NASA manufactured by NASA air defender mine safety appliances no way look at this apparently NASA made these for the mines there has got to be some collectability in here absolutely that is cool that is cool but what else what else do we have here okay we've got a necklace we've got a I got a huge necklace all right do we see gold stamped anywhere I am not seeing look we got some more chains here we've got a couple I've done tango all that this could be any oh these are key rings okay maybe those are earrings when they look like rings and we have look at this piece here that's that gold we would week this is a necklace you see anything there oh no you know what this is so bolo tie that's a bolo tie look at that we got another picture something okay wind is whipping rain is falling trains are flying by Wow more music equipment Accord there this we got tags on everything even cuddle with happy Easter now this is where the money would be now a lot of people will tell you oh no there's no money in beanie babies anymore yes there is if you just get on eBay and you run a search the ones with errors you have to find the errors or the tags and the rare ones the miss coloured produced ones you'll understand once you get your beanie baby research there's money in beanie babies I still make hundreds if not thousands of dollars on a monthly basis okay let's see if we have any of the rare ones and I can show you what I mean like if we have peanut the elephant here got some here Remington oh we got an old razor if we've got peanut the elephant you know what we will that's gotta be worth something Snoopy Whitman's Valentine dirty come on we'll put these in the auction beanie baby time look oh I've never seen this one before how cool is that you've got a camel with a magic carpet that's good for an Egyptian I'm looking for a rare one Princess Diana peanut the elephant there's like this this would be this would be the princess Taiwan but it would have to be the original see right there princess what's the date we gotta look for the date we got to find the actual date okay so that's a princess die we got to look that one up and look at the dragon all right I'll look them all up later they'll be in the auction drop me throw me slam me silly Slammers oh my goodness I can't I love these things when these came out I just found one you look down here at the edge that's where everything was this is how far we've gotten so far so we're making some progress not enough because we're supposed to go see Jessie tomorrow and actually pick up the shelves but we got to keep going so you can see down here that's all clothing that I'm gonna donate and there's some other things up here that I've gone through I found this one it says bathroom it's either says shut or stuff I'm not sure you tell me what do you think it says and we know who loves stuff so let's open it up and find out what's inside a lot of times the bathroom stuff is where we can find jewelry jewelry cleaner with jewelry in it you name it random things that I can actually keep these socks not so much those will be donated let's see what you have in here though we've got some kind of bag yeah we do we got a Kmart bag we've got a Kmart bag inside another Kmart bag look at that brand-new pastic band-aids I guess I can't call bandages oh we are so close to getting food the wind I bet it's brand-new yeah it's brand stinking new there's a bunch there's a bunch of neosporin is brand-new as well [Music] brand-new crest here Lancome Blanco we got we got razors wait wait wait wait no stinking way no stinking way remember they passed me so second that to cut the wedding band off and cut the wedding band off 14k right there I'm sure you can see it hope you can see it that's cool they actually had to cut the wedding band off all right we did find gold that was in that was in here I didn't see that first that I saw and this is why we like this is why we like bathroom bathroom toast we'll check all of the prescription bottles as well a piece of cardboard there that looks like a urination thing right there okay there could be more fun getting into stuff Remington there's a Wendy's kids meal Monster Jam we got three we just won three dollars we just not sure how to actually catch that in this is from Indiana oh this must be like remember those toys remember the beams toys that the moose toy company came out with this must be like what the prototype was from so the beams and mighty beams and you would play with them and the toys and stuff this like mighty beam that's what it is what do you mean gone through this tote and this tote was labeled important papers and there's everything from sale of a camper flying dutchman to anything and everything but the one thing that is disheartening this is what makes this kind of stuff tough I'm just gonna show you one part okay just one part after suicide and this this this person obviously took measures in his own hands now right now you're going to hate German that's just a pamphlet that doesn't mean anything I'm not showing you everything I'm showing you one thing one thing and that's it and so this story is a sad sad story and that being said we absolutely want to take every effort to take all personal things get it back to the family I've got to track them down I haven't even started yet but probably George and I will start tonight we'll see if we can actually track these people down and see what we can find so we can we can get it all back because that loss of the person is hard enough let alone any the pictures that we found in the purse things like that we want to get those things back so let's see what we can do to do that [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 26,608
Rating: 4.8926897 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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