FOUND HIDDEN COIN COLLECTION / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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new stuff what's this no check it out i look over and it looks like you're pouting jeremy why are you pouting because i bought this unit for 550 and i split it with conkey i found 500 worth of dentures and we're just starting to find the jewelry he might find the best part of it all that was probably not the smartest thing for me to do if you want to see what he found make sure you head back over conkey's flipping adventures because we're digging back into our side the left there's a lot of value there five and a half and seventy five zero five and a half here and seventy five it's like less than five bucks a box five and a half here and seventy five and i sold less than five bucks a box so when you actually do it if there's a hundred boxes 550 it's five dollars fifty cents per box if i can make more than that if i can even double that i made money a challenge for you i paid 550 for this unit here's what i propose there's a ton of boxes there's boxes to the left boxes to the right but not in the middle none in the middle we split it we part it and we see what the hails you find on one side and what the hails i find on the other side what do you say deal deal yes conkey is over there right now george they just found an 18 carat ring what did we find we found this we found a mash a mash picture i used to love watching this that's what we found mash we need to grab some boxes get back in the trailer so they can't see what we got what do you think i can i usually i like big boxes and i cannot lie but what i was thinking is money is small and jewelry is small so chocolatch let's get the small boxes and head to the trailer okay box number one the world books and makeup now books i have sold books for thousands of dollars on ebay so right book we're doing good magic makeup is worth money to even use makeup makeup which i thought was crazy goes for a ton a ton of money what's dolly dolly oh oh there may be jewelry in here look at this a lot of times even if we find yeah old makeup is worth money but if we find like the jewelry cleaning we might find this we might find those are empty i can feel thank you okay we can find the actual jewelry in the cleaning kits so this is this is a good sign we're seeing some good stuff there oh revlon here's another dolly oh holy cow just in time just in time for hollow look at all these nails george huh oh and lashes remember that one time i ordered something on ebay and they sent me lashes instead of what i ordered what's up with that i don't know i thought these i thought these uh baby hazel what did you order i thought what did you order all right i don't remember do you remember what i ordered wasn't lashes that's for sure all right this is actually i'll save these the new ones i'll use those i always use i don't buy razors or shaving cream or anything like that i don't like toiletries because i find so much as you can see here oh look at this look at all this makeup okay i guess you're going to be doing a makeup lot for the sunday night option huh yeah okay remington let's see what's in here we've got more and more lashes holy cow how many lashes oh fancy you owe me a soda okay all right well i guess i'm probably paying for lunch this morning wins all this money on the coin pushers and you know who pays for lunch [Music] but guess who's paying for dinner i am you is you're paying for dinner all right i think there's something here what's that tic-tac-toe tic-tac-toe's game i used to play when i was young i used to say i got the x you got the o it don't matter when we tic-tac-toe but now i'm a little bit older so anyways um this is a tic-tac-toe gargoyle gargoyle tic-tac-toe i wanna see what it looks like yes okay it's gargoyles we know that we did find dragons and we have seen some other gargoyles oh my goodness oh wow yeah you're going to want to definitely auction that off in the sunday night live well i'm going to start like dragging gargoyle live yeah people are gonna want this especially with halloween coming up we'll have something that's actually really cool george george i went to the bathroom and when i came back conkey's flipping adventure just found an entire box of he's got it right there bring it closer biggest mistake of my life what's that what do you want me to do it's labeled windsor collection stick pins large something clips just i can't even take it anymore this is the biggest mistake of my life letting him have half of this unit i've got to get more the wrong side i think i picked the wrong side if you want to find out for sure go check his side out but that box is all right i have to see if we can find something to beat it it ain't over it ain't over that's for sure it ain't over to this fat guy sings which we all know i can't sing i'm not much of a singer all right tear it spell maybe i can use this on conki use a spell on them to hand over that box okay there we go we've got some stuff there this ain't gonna beat them though fairy tales weird stuff i mean i want the money i gotta find the money oh and for everybody out there who goes oh what the hell they're just so money hungry and greedy every time you put your hand in your pocket and you find a 20 build you go oh man i found a 20 bill no you're happy just the way we're happy when we find things that are worth money look at this look at this leather hat this could be money let's see what we got here boxes from everywhere is this little actual leather hat maybe it'll be jewelry uh everyday magic okay so we've seen a lot of witchcraft stuff in here a lot of it the crazy thing is we've seen a lot of bibles we've seen a lot of witchcraft stuff it's kind of giving us fans yeah mixed stuff in here what's this we've got living well i'm particularly nothing okay oh there you go that's for my george right there i love me some puzzles you do weirdos all right let's see what else we got another one come on i like scenic puzzles that one was scenic nice barn scene yeah i know there's more jewelry in here that cannot be the only box of jewelry it's probably all on their side and i think for sure there's got to be a coin collection in here somewhere well we are on the right path though because look there's a washcloth collection and who doesn't love a good washcloth collection this is a nice terrycloth the hunt for the jewelry and coins continues i'm gonna get that tote there you see that one right there and i'm thinking look at this this giant jumbo box over here of a dozen eggs let's get this box this box in this tote and let's find some serious cash i'm feeling it let's see what we got money do we have money oh look at this look at this oh wow old pokemon pikachu wear it this is oh my goodness these are actually uh this is worth money this is 19.95 that's on the card that's worth money we i have one of these at the house right now off the card i think it's worth 50 bucks on the card this could be closer oh no there's cuts off there this could probably be close to 75 i'm gonna have to check it for sure but that that's being set aside with the dentures because those dentures were amazing that's our money okay let's see what we have here we have we've got all kinds of weird things that's what we have not sure what we have in all reality come on um let's see paperwork okay paperwork social security we'll have to set that aside yeah we'll go through all that stuff come on money money money and no no money no all right magazines okay it's gotta be in here it's gotta be in here somewhere somewhere some bank bank right there those are your size what do you keep telling me what do you keep telling me when you please get news socks stop wearing lucky sock garbage all right so let's see what we have here well a lot of your socks have holes in them so that's why i tell you to get new socks a lot of them all of them all of them all of them have holes in them look at this here i don't know what it is but it's interesting okay let's open her up there's three of these in here whatever oh my goodness we just found jewelry we just found jewelry as well so nice look here's two more two more there and then you want to take it out of the way no no no let's not do that what's this this is timberland yeah that's what it is all right i think we should probably just get to another box okay this one's labeled egg safety and quality you know what you know what i'm speaking of eggs we got our first egg we actually showed a video of it yeah our baby eggs only one has laid one egg so far you know what else i was just thinking what nobody's ever made a hateful or troll comment when we when we make money on the coin pushers only when we make money doing this then they go crazy so but if we do coin pushers we do enjoy it but we enjoy it so we can give back look at that what's that whatever it is it's new it's size one lane bryant is that what i think it is my new bathrobe lane bryant that's my size it's a good color on you that's one of your favorite colors that is my size for sure i hear candles i hear candles too like a candle in the wind okay what do we got we don't only have one first there's two purses look there's another purse i just found this inside the purse more makeup okay so makeup in there this is we found hospice items if we haven't mentioned it yet we absolutely found hospice items so typically what happens is they end up going into hospice in a hurry their entire lives are boxed up as you're seeing here they boxed the entire life up everything i mean as is look there's there's a discover card there's speedy rewards if there's cash in a wallet it all gets boxed up no cash in that one that we have found yet okay let's check this side so obviously i mean we've already concluded she's some i already got that that's the wall we've already concluded that she passed away we don't know that 100 for sure for sure what is this i definitely ain't no olight that's for sure but i mean you can you can when you do this enough you can make you can make conclusions that are pretty dead-on all right this is this is more household stuff show them show them what we've loaded so far this is what we've loaded so far we are in the new trailer we're in the new trailer because the 150 unit in mansfield is still in the old trailer and because we're on vacation so i do like the skylight in this skyline so this is actually why we bought another trailer so that we didn't have to rush all the time to get everything out of a trailer now i think we're probably gonna need a third trailer because about three units here and we're planning on going up to kelly's island again this week so it's going to be interesting ooh to see what happens do-rags doohickeys aromatherapy strawberry smell-o-vision it doesn't smell like anything i can't smell it maybe my smeller is off my smeller might be off we got some dvds it's a wonderful life uncle buck that's a good one right i don't remember i've never seen it i don't think i've ever watched that one final destination she was into she definitely i think she liked the horror she liked old classicals yeah yeah mothman okay what do we have here oil of oregano yeah oh you got a coffin george do i dare i don't know what's going to be what do you think is in there you ate garlic you ate garlic this week right yeah okay so if there's a vampire oh my goodness look what conkey found look at what conky found dangerously close to just saying you know it will come into the shade because i can't see oh my goodness did i pick the wrong side george you know once you go right you finally went right so why did we go live honky is killing it wow what size is this medium shmedium nice wow so that'll be something noreen will list on ebay right if you guys want to buy it what's your ebay store name rupert r-h-u-p-r-e-c-t all right yeah well i found this thing in a bag thing in a bag literally a thing in a bag in a bag that's what it is it's a thing in a bag we had a box with a thing in the bag he's got a thing in a bag when you figure out what the thing is let me know i didn't have the heart to reach into the bag bug jar for when we go camping for your nephews and knees drive the cat wild it says that'll go crazy let's see what's in here this could be something this could be the money george this could be the money there is warning labels all over so careful okay the vampires might be in there probably but hey you have garlic so we're all set to go oh yeah what is it one for this side one for this side if we can find the third wait i know what it is i saw a label that said x y i know what it is it's a russian hat it's a brand new russian hat and we got two we got two four when we go to the auctions in the winter except lord willing only in florida that's not the only cool hat i found i found this in another box that we didn't show look at that that actually might go with with concrete like a biker yeah this is a biker hat this might go with cocky's harley stuff we're gonna have to really you gotta check that one out i'm gonna set that one aside here with the false teeth the pikachu and the jewelry the jewelry remember always cut away from the sausage do as i say not as the sausage yes the sausage all right military blanket all right and that about sums that one up that's the crazy thing with this unit there's good stuff in some boxes and other boxes it's just but if you were to sell every item for a dollar that's the thing so let's say 550 let's say there's a hundred boxes in this unit you paid five dollars and fifty cents per box even if i sell everything for a dollar piece at the warehouse i made money now there's more than 100 let's say there's 200. conkey got 100 i got 100. so now since we split it it's 2.25 per box well let's see what can we come up with in here activewear performance all right one inch waistband whatever that is that's probably a dollar look at this do you think do you think it's gonna be jewelry all right i'm gonna set that one i'm gonna set that one right there because i think it's jewelry i'm gonna go crazy if it is all right so we've got some other stuff here right look at this we got brand new shoes there's our money for this box there's our money for this box and a few other boxes so it's a numbers game which we can't lose because look at this oh man look at this you know what this is george we're gonna get to this this is a dvd and if it's brand new dvd and if it's a vhs and if it's a combo which i think oh 150 right there 150 dollars right there brand new that's 150 for my two dollar my two dollar 25 cents box right there 150 bucks that don't don't go off don't turn off yet because we ain't done we are not done let's flip this over here we go i thought it was gonna be jewelry but i'm still happy because there's some cool stuff they're in here screaming that they found money and all kinds of stuff we're going to get in there holy cow she's touching looks like a rabbit is she touching a rat's nest no it's a wig with curlers in it some kind of costume i smell grandma i don't know what you guys smell but i'll smell grandma look at this we gotta get some boxes oh another one fancy just put it on and go all right yeah i'm gonna definitely push it into this take me that's what we're gonna do fragility i think that's italian for open me that's what it is oh george george what i know who's getting slippers for christmas mama george there you can give those to mama george look at this you could give these you can give these to george george see what i'm saying this would be perfect give those to george george you're my brother wearing soft kicks soft kicks no all right what about would you wear them q-tips for the family who doesn't like a good [Music] you know what i'm saying i think you do look at this george look at this 12.99 musical snow globe nice it's still loved it's sealed like a lot of this stuff let's see that's what it is it's an angel that's oh try me here we go i realized we could yep well i i didn't turn it enough so it might help if i tried it enough there we go let's see what we got do you think that's not definitely not he's not he's in locks that's why i keep thinking we're gonna find we're gonna find a coin collection in here seashells are awesome that'll go well in my bedroom motif but honestly we got so much in there right now i see my pads see what we got in here some bows christmas believe it or not christmas is coming soon another box in a box okay another box from the box let's um what did i do with that knife are you serious you just had it you literally just had it there we go all right oh your favorite i do love a good bath luffa all brand new luffas one for me one for you no all for you i am putting a tufa on my body i'm a man cocky just found more jewelry more george what lesson have we learned from this that once you go left the left side only applies to coin pushers that's it when the storage unit storage units business right will always always be right yes left you must be deaf if you win left that's that's what we're learning you're never going to believe what he keeps finding but look at this look at that is that an old aladdin okay all right man these are so hot these are so hot i could just imagine the next caving trip i could just how can you look at this look at this it's perfect it brings out your eyes how can you not kiss me right now let's see what else we have oh let's all bring these thermals look at this all brand new thermals how crazy is that this is just this just keeps getting better and better where are we going to sell the thermals you want to auction those yeah yeah because you know winter is winter is right around the corner winter is coming around i can't believe it's september already it is it's like september like the fifth i believe it's the fifth today let's see what's down here all right oh never torso sausage okay never torch the sausage is this all brand new stuff again look at this brand new paper towel holder solid oak brand new skillets oh that'd be perfect for camping brand new skillets how crazy is that that would actually would be you want to put one in the camper yes okay i'll set one aside we'll put that in the camper but before we do there's stuff in here can we take both of them i'll put eggs in one and bacon in the other okay we'll just set them both aside we'll just set them both oh that'll make that'll make breakfast those breakfast sandwiches even faster so we'll just yeah so let's make sure they're actually in there though because you know they did put other things in other boxes yep brand new in there cool yep all right so we'll just put those both in there you want the paper towel holder too yeah dd your kitchen could use one what's that dd stand for double d all right so we got a double d purse here let's see what we have in the double d purse more makeup and perfume i like big boxes and i cannot lie this is a big bounce this is a big one this was on our side and i love save a lot especially if they can get my jumbo dogs back i really want my jumbo dogs back i want my jumper dog dogs i feel like every place that carries the five pound sugar jumbo dog jumbo super dogs are all out of stock so i'm guessing the the maker is no longer sending them out more thermals we've got priority mail magazines let's see what we have as far as magazines manager first aid and safety i don't know what we got here first this business reply postcards just a note okay i do have a postcard lot started you do okay we got highlands oh yep they're in here look at that this is crazy so many brand new holy cow look at that it's like a piece of furniture so cool if you want to wear a table i got two look at that it looks like a knob this is um a lot of shoes for sure okay the favor of a reply is request american legion let's see what this is sorry more postcards oh more cards and is that brittany i don't know who it is but okay oh george george stewart look at this look what i just saw there scented erasers do you have an eraser lot yeah we do have a stickers oh they actually i can smell them the candles i couldn't smell but smell them those are really good this is all brand new stuff what's this no check it out let me get in closer check it out look at that point set look at that a complete 2005 buffalo coin set look at that oh you are these court these are these are quarters this there's a gold quarter george they found dough they found dough look george gold quarter we found a gold quarter nice gold court and a gold nickel look at this look at that one look at that guys look at that nice congratulations yes you got yourself yes okay let's see who cares about recipes who needs to eat right now at a time like this american bison there's another gold look at this look at that george buffalo nickels two buffalo nickels silver 1930s 1935 and [Music] that date is wore off there check out that set there it's pretty cool no matter which side it is yeah these sides people are going to get mad at me when i say this but ladies alone with a cat they collect jewelry and they collect money and boots they collect boots look at this more brand new shoes we have our money just in the shoes she definitely loves buying shoes yeah for winter and paint brushes she loves paint brushes strainers okay that sucks there's a purse i love that person there's a purse that is cute george what george yes [Applause] i'm feeling a coin pusher nice i am feeling a coin pusher challenge look at this these are all the state quarters these are the collectible state quarters you have got to be kidding me that's pretty awesome check that out i've never seen that 225 there's a there's a dollar back right there there's another dollar well the colored ones must be worth more right there's another dollar let's see if i can find ohio i know everybody's mad i just dropped oh wait north carolina i knew you guys would get it texas michigan we're getting close oh there it is i found it there it is right there there's ohio check that out [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 35,081
Rating: 4.9187818 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: pjplBkbxh0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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