$3,100 Bought This Pod. Safe Inside! Purchased locker at the abandoned storage auction. Storage Wars

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from app 31 for 21 that's a good start [Music] you do look at that we like that bag right there Apple yeah ooh that's a good name right right there Prada [Music] [Music] [Music] that shows it's not just office these two are the same tenant well I'm gonna give you choice the forever just means you can bear it on this one or that one I better can pick this one let's say if it goes for $100 you could take this one for 100 or you can take this one for hundred break taking buck for 200 let's call choices of privilege the high bidder can pick you the one that they want or if he takes them both any questions on how that works here we go for choice so you give 200 or so choice I got 200 for choice you two go three doing it up in nest ready to go 300 else 300 300 over here for 500 our choice six seven thousand thousand thousand eleven hundred choice that one hundred twelve thirteen hundred choice 14 for choice 15 16 17 and 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26:27 hundred for choice twenty-eight to converse twenty-nine yes 2950 yeah 3,000 30:50 31 yeah 3150 3,100 over here and the bass 3154 choice 31 32 31 15 about 32 throw map 31 for 21 watch this one yeah okay okay now we're gonna sell the good 1 1 600 to 700 get 500 started 300 you go for 400 5 6 7 8 got 700 here here to go 800 800 over here now 9 800 bid now 9 now 9 we go 900 how about 850 as I help anybody I got 800 850 800 now picking up the feeling in 8 15 else 850 850 now 900 900 950 900 Mary to go 950 900 in the corner anybody else 950 950 950 200 all right we're at the auctions here [Music] this is Nathan he's been watching us that's awesome we really appreciate that you know to support manual if I see you next time I'll bring I'll try bring some extra hat what a head yeah he's got it do I just gave him one we're the team ready you doing shake it all right we're just sticking around after the auction to poke around a little bit that's a good start that'd be all paperwork that's what everyone else is you know people were safe no we got seed up for the lads at the end think mark like Martin Scorsese right gotta have the big climatic ending although it could be a big climatic bust - hmm talk to a thief what did you get what you get it's locked - really what's your lock boxes that's good all right yeah I'm scared to touch it yeah the front looks like an office part [Music] Alex pulled this out this is a good this is a good start right here number 22 comment below that's easy that's hit me up it's paper looks like some good paper with a few bucks it does look good looks clean we saw this in the photo right here that is a binder I think they put the little spiral band binders on stuff yeah it's worth a few bucks lots more paper it was expensive this is a big metal cabinet here this this is different you do yeah for sure I'm concerned about that but I thought it was gonna be a office maybe right well we're hoping the Home Office oh please don't be it that's a couch sure John sticks all the way all the accessories too that's good oh yeah blackjack that's nice I've never had one this huh I think I already gambled enough today did you yeah Oh Jack George that size mine 2000 ready where sighs mark that side you got 21 here I'm staying all right come on you ever feel like even when after your bought the locker and you feel like you can't even get in it cuz you're not supposed to karaoke microphone karaoke some cordless mics huh oh it's like all one huh music sorry hey not really it's their fun box their games this is not home and it's not office maybe it's a home office yeah I've done all right I think it's a gun safe yeah Ken's gun safe I don't think so I like you thinking Oh $9.99 for my friend this is good sign I think realtor you kidding on some of a few other ones to you huh at least one other one because they're so packed yeah little bookshelf speaker awfully that's in there oh it's clean right by the stereo the box is right over there yes milestone book Sophia this is an AIDS in core maybe huh all right yes I noticed that the camera the GoPro got off angle there I know so here's the deal when you were in a chest mount and you're picking up heavy boxes sometimes it does bump the GoPro and it gets out of alignment it does happen when you're lifting heavy objects with the chest cam let's take a closer look because all we'd really did was open it look in there say Marine Corps clothes and then I just put it aside didn't look much further but you didn't even see that but let's see so yeah this is kind of cool right it's good bunch of military clothes I think that's what this is boost all right I was hoping we had some good boost I was hoping we had some good stuff for our live auctions like maybe some vintage shirts or some good you know military shirts that might go into our live auction that's kind of cool top dog United States Marine Corps now if this all Marine Corps stuff that'd be really good I think we could do some auction items out of that and if you don't know what I'm talking about when I say auction items or auction live auction we do a live auction every Monday US Marine corpse this looks a little bit older and more tired but so what's this boost you guys comment below this figuring has to do with something about Marines but I don't I'm not familiar with what boost means this one's been well loved look at that it's all tore up got a little all started there somebody wore this one a hole there somebody want this one quite a bit for a long time US Marine Corps school sweatshirt you guys Marine Corps hold on another you Semper Fi nice with my Bulldog smoke a cigar that's funny we found cigars in there team boasts some thick shirt right here it's almost like a double shirt t-shirt someone for cold weather so Marines little short shorts here okay are they t-shirts or are the sheets or pillowcases or something I'm not sure looks like they're military issue so another pair of shorts those don't look very long yeah that's cool size 32 they almost look like ladies clothes stained their boost again boost lots of stuff that says boost what does that mean US Marine Corps right there cool all right all right well it looks like we got that's a lot of Marine Corps stuff underwear don't worry I know what's this okay boomer I thought that was all clothes here we get something different and I think this is the sleeping bag yeah it's a military-issue sleeping bag you tell the quality is very good it feels like maybe down or something sad but that's what that is all right big little sleeping bag we probably won't auction that if you're interested in that let us know you can buy it if you want to pay for shipping but these items here I think some of this might get to our auction Oh No if you if you participate in our live auctions you want to see this let me know yeah Panasonic is our 140 watt oh my beads it actually looks pretty nice hopefully had some money let's Lock this so break it open what do you think it is anything record bit like a twin or at full that could be some money kind of microfiber this is good if you can see in there this is looks like a bed we're thinking this one those recliner beds there's a motor over there and right there it says tempur-pedic alright in the model number that's a really good sign right there tempur-pedic is expensive this thing is this is really nice right yeah my keeping this might be keeping this alright these right here this is selling for $60 on ebay plus shipping right there sold price Internet Panasonic right there that is selling anywhere from 80 to 100 almost everyone I see sells for about 60 to 80 but their pre-owned this was brand new I cut the tape myself brand new I'm thinking 80 to 100 so we're off to a good start really good sir nice towels oh that's good okay sewing kit first aid kit looks like the bathroom soldier yeah sure this offer these towels are nicer than the towels we got at home know what that makes me think oh great brandy cheats queen it's a nice little tray yeah we got here I like how they on the left little tree yeah $18 really soft piece right here matches pretty cool okay this is looking a little better now we got this bed well actually fell for but get the bed for it a little bit you can see behind me feel like a firecracker right there but then bins bins bins toes toes toes that's a really good who want more totes I see why the head strap back seat is weighted in the back with all these motors and everything this thing is pretty legit actually alright there's our little there's our unboxing station right there okay we got all this gets to let's look at this real quick it's a humidor I know that burn is it cigar train Loomis yours yeah that's nice a nice cutter we got here Oh matches so very high skill high in matches that's fun alright that's cool we've got some Macanudo cigars those are decent those are decent they feel a little dry though alright that's going in my cab nice pins that's pretty nice I'm gonna get here there's an apple a little charging port for an old iPhone or iPod he's the Lord maybe the key to the safe or the Falcon in it that looks like it could be a file cabinet key okay so that's kind of good what's this my memory card and Republic of Haiti you took a trip to Haiti that's so cool books paper clips and this is probably not good dachshund closet yeah not good what's all the college look at these school retire here that's interesting some sort of diary about the military something to do with his military service Oh marine battle skills handbook that's very cool is this oh dang this looks way more interesting okay another little log book or journal or some sort okay I'm sort of glasses or something all right what is this look at that that's great okay some more okay those safety Clips safety pins are huge that's kind of interesting Dean more paper there's a lot of paper luckily is very nice high quality paper still just paper yeah big surprise more paper $300 new thing okay there's a little better than files all right G Murphy Johnson to Murphy okay all right but this guy didn't take care of his stuff check this out it's near that wood shoe whatever we call it that's pretty nice you don't find that very often that attention to detail but unfortunately it doesn't really matter if you took care of the stuff most of this stuff is files in office which is most people finding his [Music] alright this thing's cool well Rock Band drum set for the we probably what's this I think it's a poker table I think that's what this is yep yep card table alright that's cool Marine stuff see that that's good yeah that's a little better anything but office stuff at this point I'm hoping the office stuff is the last to go in that is really nice I sit on top of your desk all right like that got his name on it so Russia if there's any value to it oh well nice flags what are these Department of the Navy all achievement records when I get some stickers huh marathon 1992 in cooperation with Microsoft oh this is more 1991 it's got a boxing metal and soccer oh okay now we're talking nice k-bar US Marine Corps he's got his name on it dang this razor-sharp to you that is a nice knife okay key bar fighting knife oh look at that we like that bag right there Apple yeah well nothing in here but I'll take even some headsets and little dong holding things the converters you know talking about let's see nothing dinging Wow defiant huh hey that's a pretty good flashlight it really is I could do some damage all right what do we got here oh these are cool super sliders you put something on there like a couch or furniture and you slide it around that's pretty cool okay these old boxing gloves are nice and yeah that's pretty cool stop me you go k K's TOI 1k that's neat silly ooh that's a good name right right there Prada just sounds nice ha ha ha come on yes be it don't be a bag oh that isn't okay oh nice Prada briefcase dude that's that's a good fine right I mean I really don't even know I know the name but how much could this be worth I hope the keys in here somewhere maximize my profits that's that looks good and a sleeping bag that's random okay the product I think that's good it you know what if and if for nothing else it's a good sign that we still might find some nice hiding stuff in this locker okay this feels like couch fishing right here oh man that's that's not good right there that looks like more furniture that thing right there looks pretty decent but I don't know is that a couch right there I think that might be a couch these are my couch cushions all right check it out guys GoPro ran out of battery I don't want to go get a new battery for it the thing man it's just taking me off these days good back to my good old iPhone and I'm showing you the difference that I just made real quick I pulled all those big boxes there's big wardrobe boxes here bins here got those out the way cup peas furniture up here so these four boxes are bins here or paperwork this one I got out uncover over here this file cabinet is empty it's not looking good okay over here this is a box spring okay it says guest bedroom right here so maybe this doesn't go - this probably does not go the Tempurpedic right but over here we've got two mattresses seeing it going wrong ways so ones prior to this maybe ones a foam and goes on top of the tempur-pedic alright let's hope let's hope because we get a lot of money for that date if you can see back here this this goes way back even further see that there's a lot still here but I have a few teeth we'll see are all furniture so back there I see paper covering something yeah this is this is getting a little dire here yes I'm not sure what this is up here but I have a feeling this is all furniture back here and I did not want to buy furniture I was hoping I was buying all the ones the one with all the boxes and the one next to it had the furniture but no it looks like I got a lot of furniture so and I still know where these cushions go hopefully that couch is in there cuz I could bring in a few hundred bucks but really like how am I gonna get my 3100 I thought I'm not seeing it but we just loaded these two big guys right here and I think we peaked in one ending it through it the other one we didn't look in yet so we do have some mystery I've been through all this stuff up here this I'm taking home so anyways that's where we're at alright so got a little bit more to go I'm gonna try to fit a few more pieces on here okay guys this is the bin that was underneath the paperwork you don't talk him out right over there I had to pop it open all right yeah I just had to pop it open and I just peeked in here Lee this looks all interesting but what's this right here boom that's good right that is good that is good but that's get interesting to stamp all right there's some cool stuff in here so but we're not gonna go through that right now all right because I gotta get out of here I just wanna peek I don't want to make my money back so that's gonna be a wrap if you want see what's in those Tiffany boxes and what else is in here you're gonna have to watch the next video which will be out soon all right but for now that's a wrap because I got to boogie I got to tie the sim down and get over my storage and start unloading it all right so because these guys are closed for the next two days being so that tomorrow's fourth of July so this video I'm sure will air after fourth of July but anyways I hope you all have a very safe and happy 4th of July let's celebrate our freedom even though it feels like we don't have much these days because their politicians are stripping just about everything away but we need to we need to remember what people fought for why we have it and how important it is and how fragile it is all at the same time so have a fourth and god bless you each and every one of you we'll see you next time here on lock it up [Music]
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 27,806
Rating: 4.9083271 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, open safe, vintage toys, found toys, train collection, vintage trains, slot cars, time capsule, cash, new auctions, ring central, public storage, virus auction, deceased owner, dead owner, old lady, old postcards, vintage postcards, ephemera, found safe, #extremeunboxing
Id: ubvCTtl_S50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 29sec (2069 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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