Why leave Money behind?!?... 35 Years Abandoned Storage Unit

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Wow something-something look go faster go faster it's moving quick it's not moving at all Wow it has some stuff here not [Music] suade weights ventures and do I have a good source for you today I think we hit the jackpot [Music] crushed on that unit best unit ever it's like one of those that you see on storage wars you know it was a supreme we get good units over here I am a profession make it almost 70 to 80 grand on this unit [Music] Oh you gotta stay tuned get your popcorn [Music] we're back let me give you guys progress reports progress reports there's the Eskimo live in person yeah we have a we have that cleaned out now this is full boxes I am making my way to the back which I'm really hoping all those electronics are in there if their books you guys didn't hear me cry and then we have all this but doesn't it doesn't look like there's a lot of books over there it looks like it was all over here and that's doesn't look like a books over there so we're hoping for no more books fragile boxes yeah so let's get to view the mess okay up have a couple of those video professional WordStar clipboard of course them a pencil sharpener an old-fashioned one this actually may sell see now I'm getting me excited that we found the pencil sharpener because single pack cassette oh that probably rewind that's ribbon Oh remember printers old-fashioned oh we had two of them something like this actually we had to look up the cost but these may go they're brand new yeah our typewriter is what I was thinking i said foreigner my man typewriter before your time wait yep that we used to put those in computers really really yeah I know he's shocked but that's what they were used to look like this is our death what's in here it says it's a tree I doubt it mom kind of treats I like can you read that for me picture oh come on I'll read the whole book not to you a bunch of just that type of stuff yeah we don't want that box oh you said that walls worth a thousand well I'm waiting to see it yeah how many books can one man have on planes yeah there's quite a few empty things he's planning ahead that's a course took a lot of courses yep I hope you actually flew it make me feel better like all these courses paid off as much as he loved it obviously we have college course college courses I'm I'm gonna think that way because it just makes it feel better these are dated in 1937 oh my gosh somebody will want those wait I really believe that 1937 Oh since 1937 oh my god okay there there there were dated 1989 well that's still old you get it in your mouth I we should have worn mascot why I'm talking with my lips closer together let's just go in there paper sells on ebay guys the auction professor sells a lot of paper not this kind okay that was a rough one sure you know I've been thinking about my bathtub walk back more plain yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah hope that's the plane lover out there somebody's gonna watch well you just stay right there oh poor wait I'm so worried that it's gonna we're gonna see you cry oh that's kinda cool that's a picture Oh what's up oh that's an interesting book I like that Bernie into China yeah maybe somebody else I'm like that book too it's kind of cool some of these old books actually suffer a lot of I do like books I you know and people are too lazy to if they don't have more guts they won't look them up and you got to look them up cuz they could be working that looked like a good book and a lot of yearbooks ya know this isn't in a book I think it's a 1970 it's Cleveland High School Portland Oregon you know tell me what yearbooks they lose their or their dads win or some or moms early it's not saying women don't go to school do 29 wage ventures here guys and we're inside a storage units I am a full-time storage and a buyer I buy storage units to sell online and locally so I have created a course it's over 120 videos and it will teach you everything you need to know about this business not just how to buy storage units but also how to sell the stuff out of storage units to make that money so guys it's a complete guide for storage unit buying it's one of the first of its kind it's a hundred and twenty nine bucks it has over 120 videos so if you want to learn about storage units and you want to buy these things and put yourself in the best position to win the links are below oh no we're getting into something that opened huh I don't even care it's just it's not a book in a magazine oh he paid three dollars for it back in and it's all there all right I like that oh my gosh people buy those yes and you must put to pay three dollars it had to been a long time ago brand-new brand-new all right now we need some of that let me put that over here I don't want to I try to think positive as much as I can that's the only way to think well we have a we have a thing a paper comes from automatic is what it says well that's you put oil in your car with that Wade you usually have the service station do it but we used to do it that way that's how we did it I still can if you keep port you're building your muscles lifting these books are heavier than weight and speaking of weights there's some right there I like how your voice Lord they're trying to put the right sound on it which is my kind of library yeah see there's plain books in here I mean just every airplane book you could possibly want yeah I mean we know what we find ski way a directory and entertainment guide huh you know on eBay they buy the oddest things you just never know and something like something this what would sell I can see this selling that's why we love our audience you guys help us out so much and why do you guys put links to eBay I love reading the comments because I learn a lot he's getting see we're seeing something look look at those pretty pictures that need frames look at this one yeah I like them they're kind of ok I don't know if you guys can tell 1929 they're kind of metallic they're like 3d metallic pictures well keep those were they stay nice I think those would sell in one big lot I think they're pretty let me see that one I love that one I like ships maybe we'll find a ship unit one of these days well how about some magazines about ships ok I'm glad they fell out you know I'm not even gonna guess anymore cuz it was pretty much yep let's see the books are sex stuff that's what we got right now I think all books and it's outdated sex stuff it's from the eighties I'm just hoping that we don't have to see you cry nothing it's well the good thing is it's not a book there's no magazines is he trying to be sneaky I can't tell is there something in there there's your thousand yeah are they just all empty boxes well that's not yeah you can tell something's in there nothing in here but there's something in here the cord so I need to get the Kleenex there empty well you ought to be thankful they're not magazines okay guys this this video may be right up there with the bottles and look at holy SH I even labeled it correctly the label said boxes there's a lot here there boxes alright the label said I might be able to actually sell the boxes but well we're really grasping at straws now they're a really special box it's all empty you're not even jewelry but oh dude okay let's look at the next thousand dollar box Wow Wow oh poor wait I do feel sorry for you because they're all empty that's we don't need to look in them oh [Laughter] wait that's too much you got to look at the bright side you're not lifting heavy magazines oh I'm glad we rented a truck carry all our boxes yeah oh is that empty tube oh oh yeah oh they're not empty no these are empty those are but that one is I'm trying to find some humor here and I'm having a hard time because I am so 800 bucks on this thing now I like those now they look real dirty and dusty but there's no tears no scratches and there would like curved wood and leather that's beautiful actually that I love those chairs oh I see one little scratch but they whoops I lost mine I might be like after up I might Doug how did you lose it out of your mouth the cough drop I opened my mouth a little bit we might barely get 150 bucks for these things I don't know that they are solid wood really they're very unique I like the curved wood don't open it and don't shake it well these aren't empty all these magazines they're not all empty being sarcastic folks aren't I should stop I should quit picking on him but it's a record player probably or some kind of like Ronnie I don't know this is not anything oh oh beaker yeah speaker hopes not blown boo whoa sorry folks add a little got something in my shoes it's driving because you don't know what it could be I don't even that's got something wrong evolve it you don't get that powder I don't know what I don't know but we've got a whole half a unit to go through and I'm thinking we're gonna find some sweaters and pants you have to get over here on film you can't throw fits on film people won't know he don't this is kind of cool dog show people this are cool item it's got oh you see this is this is an old bike guys it's an old station it's got a it's got a timer right here so you can time yourself and it tells you how many miles an hour you're going okay well I got try this thing out here oh well I'm gonna make him sick hi it's gonna spread dust all over the resting so works too No are you kidding go faster go faster it's moving pretty quick it's not moving at all still not moving I think it's broke stop did you give us a thumbs up I don't want to have to give you a citizen's arrest also slow down just a little did you subscribe to us so you get all our videos oh I want you to stop again did you push the bail so we can notify you when we do the videos also it's fun to talk to you life and I love the comments everybody have a great day back in Arkansas when they had all those that's lost secret evil flying around this is its slot try the other side will ya the outsiders oh it's definitely film in there huh what's that say Joey something okay we got some secret mission stuff here this is film that we have to secretly look at we we better not talk about it we don't want anybody trying to get us because of our secret film it's locked I had to get my cutter it says Aladdin theater that might be some old movies in there so then you should the show at the theater where does it say Levin right there and with Sam from the Milwaukee Oregon from the Latin theater oh yeah show people well I show people everything Wow what has some stuff you're not oh they're heavy maybe they're old airplane pictures from back in the day you know I could go on and on with the maybes but I I think they're cool though I do like that oh and I read another label darkroom oh I won't let's not spoil it for them that's probably uh yep yeah they're from a theater yep this one is locked as well we wrap now we're gonna have my dad has a welder that would cut that we're having a surprise party for my 90 year old dad this weekend I can't wait Oh be careful bottoms coming out but there's something round on the bottom it's dirty laundry right there yeah he was I wouldn't dig through put some vintage huh yeah I know but let's take it home throw it in the washer then we go to Spirit Mountain on the New Year's Eve I just wish I could let them experience some other real I feel like they're yeah these are all these are Levi's not for $5,000 though the quarter right ones okay this may explain some stuff all right oh I love it yep it's all starched and everything and for some reason that's clean how'd that come out clean that's so weird that is cool that is a cool jacket I think the pants are with it - oh these are this is a brand new the dad is nine Woolrich yeah this is a beauty that is a nice looking jacket I love it it's vintage Woolrich and it still has the tag God who would have thought wow this is worse than I'll probably price this thing at probably 75 bucks that's really nice it's so pretty that pays for half the unit's gonna get dusty over there those are nice plaid shirt Big Mac JCPenney Oh months up this way old Levis man they stink really bad I know I was trying I guess I am complaining and they West oh I like the Western I love snaps Ross nurse reminds me of the racetrack Oh think so bad it's that dirt or yeah my god that's a vintage Pendleton 100% virgin wool it needs to go the cleaners yes Ellen what I'll do is I'll take this off and I'll clean it I'll wash it but yeah this will solve real nicely I think I can get probably 55 bucks for that yeah cuz the CAG will come off yeah oh don't shake things to my room Frank I don't know what that stuff is but it's like it rattles when it falls on the floor that's why okay so this is it's a robe it's your new that's what you're getting for Christmas I like my red Christmas regrow buy more for three years okay that's all right don't shake them because that granny old stuff is falling all over I don't know what I'm hoping it's just dirt Air Force yeah jacket that is cool I love that we already found one of those patches yeah okay so it's safe to say okay we're could put it in this piece of the puzzle together yeah he was in the Air Force and he loved airplanes and he saved everything oh I think he's doing that on purpose to irritate me because it goes right in my face you think he is guys oh he made the United States leave my where Lee I mean some of these clothes are worth some good money there's a 60s vest curly top made in the Korea I don't know whether you're pulling them up so I'm gonna hold the camera up instead of looking in the box that's yeah well we got hopefully it's not too dark in here for you guys I'm trying to keep the camera where I see that it looks good I'm on the camera angle answer we have an old Puma man he had big feet look at that let's see the peeling this is garbage you might as well throw it in here no oh my god okay don't shake anything it's legal okay shall we continue guys shall we continue let me move this over here I fill it up oh don't worry about it we got a lot of empty boxes weak Thanks okay I'm wondering if you stand here if the light will be better all right I was watching and I thought it was looking pretty good now they can see good I can see the picture I'm blocking the light we're not gonna go through all these layers one glance and see a lot of plans I like but yeah these are all be buddies these looks like a Oh Johnny was have you ever heard of that before yeah that's a vintage one Oh Oh what do we got well these are sheets oh great I'm not take him at his word yeah let's just figure it looks like the whole boxes sheets now this one said office maybe there's this office clothes gotta say something stupid once in a while don't I yeah you're on fire not today I'm off today I know I got in one spot okay that's it but that's like clean clothes okay these are sportswear exchange let me just show them the box okay that's kind of cool let's see what this guy's turtleneck no I'll see where some undies in there oh gosh football yeah let's just let ya first bet or something yeah shorts and t-shirts that does just flies I do see some more short t-shirt there could be some good money in vintage clothing already found a few pieces with the tags they're really nice Thunderbird oh we know what that means see they're a mice or it's or could be like cigarette burns or more likely didn't look like cigarette burns of course I wouldn't know I don't smoke got some undies here yeah there you go who is mrs. so I'm gonna have to look through all these clothes really carefully make sure there's no holes I don't see they feel expensive that look like wool almost some t-shirts sell for good that's a cool t-shirt I like that that's an airplane fare yeah let's take a cruise yeah ooh is that a cruise line I don't know looks like it to me yeah some cruise line t-shirts like this one will probably so nicely the color it's colorful cruises so nice air fares I like that close in here yeah all right come oh oh timber thanks thanks for letting me know okay all right so you switch who that chair down if you can no I don't worry too late now worry about that that's fine put off your hat you wear hoods and it really does a number on your hair okay feel like I've breathed in windbreaker let me see it the Fresno something Palmer is it our nerd palm armor Palmer I can't talk now too much dust I'm not saying that there's not money here there probably is but these are some feet up definitely distressed jeans huh yes that's a high school sure look like a reunion a 20 year powwow yeah we won't get a mixed up that's for sure something other than camera case there's nothing he kept all the boxes but nothing there's no way that this could anything could be like that bottle you know cuz that was really well no I take that back and we didn't have some cereal boxes and stuff in that boiling in there yeah this is all whatever is in here oh there's something in there oh I think it's the barbecue cover you need one you don't have one so you know false knickknacks he just nasty knickknacks Oh old food containers from drive-throughs ah oh we haven't in an Out Burger oh yeah hi sir I got to drive an hour to get there but we will I'm teasing I'm gonna go Nick January when my take my mom there just wants us old pants she really did like that corduroy yeah you were all quarter right or wrong handsome jeans it's still cold like I don't think it's gonna warm up today at all people may really enjoy these old corduroys and they're all the same size you can lot them up these are all Levi's old Levi's corduroys yeah those were popular in the 80 you can see how they patched it up everybody wore them then I even I wore them only by itself yeah there's a lot of them here that are the same size that I think somebody would enjoy yeah I think they do they still wear corduroys I know I have one pair but that doesn't mean anything so one thing that's actually in there it's a lampshade and lab sure and it's new there's some third one over there does it match it see that one's dusty though there we go he's there yeah we're grasping now where that's heavy but it doesn't feel like bugs dig it it's magazines right old magazines oh your favorites yeah I haven't even been dating since I was 16 now it's for speedom then my mother this is almost identical to the bottle you know now wait can I ask you a question on the way over here you had a really good you had a feeling about this one just a feeling now is it a different feeling I don't want you to give junior oh oh that's a little piggy bank and you can watch the coins go you drop the coins in and they go all through there well I actually love that and there's but how are we gonna open it without breaking it we don't want to open it look all around it sir does the bottom open up or something there's something we need to just see that the top has the slot where you put the coins in yeah but there's something and doesn't sound like coin Wow don't break it it's so cool well how are we gonna open it I guess we've fun keys I don't know we'll figure it out did anybody know how to pick a lock well this is a dial it's a bullring whoo 10k that's better well it's a classroom all those are important that's a classroom let me put it close learn how I found it in here or just chillin in here it's odd isn't it an odd place but it makes sense with all those yearbooks yeah well we got to show them what's in there letters letters what's that it's an old speaker nothing except what is in here huh man I don't want to break it to unless it opens up there's got to be some secret opening maybe it does open up by itself knows it seems like there would have to be an alternative way to open it I mean I know how to open it but I won't break it well without breaking and I mean yeah but then even if we did sell it I mean I can't I mean they wouldn't build open it if I Sol that's right and then they had the trigger we wouldn't we'll leave it towards the end huh does it feel heavy well it just feels like there's possibly like fashion oh gosh oh look now those are neat I bet you those would sell it's like yeah gosh I don't know if everything is gonna fit in the truck weight is a pretty good Packer he does pack okay so this is encyclopedias probably yep about Airlines or regular ones that's just a regular oh yeah they're just the older standard reference ones some encyclopedias differently well be careful the bottom looks like it was coming out of that okay [Applause] so basically we just bought a big library of Airlines boxes yeah empty box are those thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from Wade's ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 31,565
Rating: 4.8617511 out of 5
Keywords: Why leave Money behind, 35 Years Abandoned Storage Unit, storagetreasures, storage auction, storage unit, self storage, abandoned storage, how to make money, storage hunters, treasure hunting, luggage auction, storage lockers, auction hunters, auction buyers, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage wars full episodes, how to buy storage units, storagewars, 2020, storage auction full episodes, storage auction online, storage unit business, storage buyer course, bid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 0sec (2520 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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