Storage AUCTION SCHOOL Learning The Laws When Buying I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Lockers

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we are live I'm gonna say a few things just to get everybody prepped and then we can get we'll have to wait for mark so we are in Medina Ohio with auctioneer Steve Wilson we are at the Walton school of auctioneering and there are one two three four four students here and if you include Georgian ID there's actually five because everybody knows I'm a horrible student so so six people total and we have auctioneer Steve who will be taking your questions today today's session will all be about the laws and legalities so the actual footage is gonna be right on Steve as he's teaching and then George and I are right behind the filming and we will be in the actual chat with you answering any questions or asking your questions as well so I'm gonna give well I probably shouldn't move the actual camera so George is back there I promise and we'll probably get started here in a few minutes so anybody else who jumps into the chat make sure they know as well because we can't keep going back and forth jumping in front of the phone and make sure you get your questions into the chat as well so auctioneer Steve will be ready to answer those remember he's got to take his actual students questions first they're paying to be here they're in two weeks of actual schooling and then hopefully we get that opportunity to answer all of your questions so we'll see how it all goes out to be a ton of fun and we've got we're grime spines from Texas he says hey Steve from Texas and let's see little red the fam says I'm at work I'm walking dogs they're watching walking dogs Bradley riddle says hello Don says hello from Jawa I don't know where that is Dali is in here Locker nut says hello everyone I didn't see you there somebody's from Kosovo I don't know where that is Union South Carolina we've got we got Belton Texas we've got Kubek jack it's from Kubek we got Deborah from Arizona and they're all over now so they're all over Sweden we've got Sweden even thirty-six people watching right now Wow so oh we've got we got Jackie's from her hospital room so hopefully we give you some good some good tips today Jackie we've got Oregon Maryland Arizona Ontario so we got Canada represented as well New York Missouri Oregon again Texas again all right I'm gonna I'm gonna go sit behind the computer and Steve's gonna take it away remember any questions that you have make sure you put that into the chat and you probably won't see George's face or my face from here on out you should be thankful for that [Music] Ohio laws four options for storage for clothes auctions today we're also going to be discussing general auctioneering for you folks out there that don't know what it takes to become a licensed auctioneer you have to attend the school like this one for two weeks yeah you are tested in the school you must pass it then you have to go to the state after you find a [Music] mentor it's gonna mentor you along the way you're licensed auctioneer that's gonna sponsor you you have to take a State Board test for your apprentice license after you successfully pass out apprentice license exam you get your license then courts there's a lot of fees along the way you have to buy your premise license you have to buy your bond then after one year in doing 12 at least minimum auctions your sponsor will sign off on it you go back you take another written and in the world state board test again then you become licensed and you pay another fee to the state of Ohio and to an insurance company for your body and you continue paying that bond I think it is for three years until you are allowed to participate in the auction recovery fund which is there for licensed auctioneers in case somehow we harm one of our clients so let me start out by saying that we're here discussing the Ohio Revised Code anyone that wants to look this up 53:22 alright and you don't have to take any notes during this class okay you won't find one question on any of your exams about what we're going to discuss here today however after you become licensed you better know what's in here because you're gonna be held to the same standards you do not have to be licensed to sell lien options sells storage units or per closed auctions like a sheriff sale you think that you're not required to have the Ohio license yet but if you do something wrong as an entrepreneur you know is wrong then they're gonna come after you so that's why we do it Waltons is very good at making sure that you have a very rounded school and then you understand things now I need keep them with the theme of storage units let me hand out your notebooks notice these are out of a storage locker that I nice and you're just pencils around the Jeremy I got you and George one in there to rest okay some of this is going to be repetitive some little bit it's going to be boring hopefully we really have some fun along the way and you have any questions and makes the deagle buy a lot quicker with questions and I really don't have a structured lecture because with this you bounce back and forth it's just nature of the beast okay inside your packets here you'll see the highway of ice-cold 5322 okay and it defines what is allowed and what is not allowed as an auctioneer and I'll put it this flavour in right now I am NOT an attorney so if you have a legal question I'll try to answer it don't take that question to the main answer to the bank because you probably should consult some legal oh I will give you my background I am a 1969 year graduate of Chardon High School long before most of you were even thought of after high school I enlisted in the Army during the Vietnam War I served in the Army for a short time I came out I attended Lakeland Community College where I have an associate degree and I became a police officer I was a police officer for 10 years with Chardon and then I went to Cleveland State University as a police officer I graduated from Walton School of auctioneering in 19 2008 is when I graduated from here and I've been doing storage units and so forth for approximately now since year 2002 I believe so 17 18 years I had a trucking company and a light estimating company after I retired from being a police officer and I sold that after I got booked on buying storage units but as I've gotten older and storage units is a lot of work and due to dirty incurred injuries as a police officer I'm not physically able to handle the work with a storage unit anymore and so we eliminated that and I'll like you is I do the storage units and I do estate options and so forth okay now for use for the people out there that don't know there is a requirement for the storage units themselves they just can't have a garage with three Bay's up and running to your neighbors is storage and declare yourself a storage they have to be made specifically for storage units you have to be lockable they have to be suppler to where no one else can just walk in and grab what they want you have to have contracts so you have to have a contract with the storage unit in that contract it has to be spelled out there's a lot of different things that are in that contract such as what's in your storage unit when does the rent have to be paid how much time they're going to give you okay for them to be a story and now for our purposes and for the Ohio Revised Code some of the terms are when I say owner I'm talking about the storage facility I say customer for tenant I'm talking about the renter so I could say owner you wouldn't know which one was which the owner of the property or the storage unit okay so a person that falls behind on their rent for whatever reason and there are many reasons why they don't pay their rent you know they could be in jail could give a breakup could have been an eviction because if someone gets evicted from their property or their their house the Sheriff's Department it used to be they just move the stuff up to the corner of the street that was it they can't do that anymore now they have to make sure that that property is stored properly and that it's in the proper hands so they will go to a storage unit and pay the first month's rent then after that it's up to the evictee in order to pay the rent and keep it up and when that doesn't happen they're going to sell units now they have their certain hoops that a unit owner or the facility owner has the jumps are in order to sell this unit they have to notify the tenant that their unit is going to be sold on such-and-such a day at such-and-such a time okay they're gonna have to notify it now who in here has ever gotten anything certified mail I have has it ever been good news never never correct so they used to send this stuff out certified mail and the people wouldn't pick it up they were only refused that they oh I never got notice you sold my stuff I never got notice however let's return to the facility and they keep record of that now they don't have to do that they don't have to send it certified an okay all the post office has to do is delivery receipt that it was delivered to the admins now the address and these are questions that you as prospective auctioneers are going to go in and your client is going to ask you how do I do it well the first thing I do is I give them a copy of the Ohio Revised Code I'm off the hook immediately you know so hey I want you to read this but I can kind of guide you through it a little bit so they gotta send it to them at the address of the contract so if they move three times in the interim and didn't notify you in writing you send it to the address of record on the contract and the post office of course gives you to proceed for that you have to do it so many days ahead of time normally 30 days 15 days has to be advertised now it used to be that had to be in hard print meaning in a newspaper hey some small rural towns don't have these papers and newspapers are going out of business left and right anyway and it's very very expensive even your townships your counties you know sheriff's departments they put the ads and hard print from what I understand they're no longer required to do that either they're allowed to put them on the Internet now in storage units they put them on the internet they can advertisement might tell my clients to put them on Craigslist under community and the test is is long Ezard three individuals separate from each other coming to the auction then the advertising is deemed good okay so you can go ahead and sell it but it has to be on for about two weeks before the sale you have to have an itemized statement as far as what's in the unit of these three items what's in the unit well there's a tied up suitcase an open the case or whatever the owner but you put that in there roll-top desk sleep in so that they can identify when they get see the notice say hey yeah I have stuff like that oh gee that's why name there maybe I should pay attention in this get down page okay the rent so they do that now I've gone into accounts we're trying to obtain counsel you have to sell yourself find this because I'm licensed I'm bonded with the state I have an advantage over such as internet sales now a guy in Indiana he's got this internet company and he sells a locker and you know what they sold the wrong locker the guy this locker that they sold was actually up to date on his rent what happens well the guys in Indiana you're gonna have a heck of a time getting any type of a judgment against him all right so you so you sell yourself when you go into these Stewart facilities I had one store owner say well I don't need that because you know what I had my attorney he rolled up a contract that if they don't pay their property it's mine can't do that state of while provides a remedy for these owners they have to follow the remedy what's properly proper is anything with value so anything that's in there and as a value it has to be auctioned now if it doesn't sell them option it becomes the property of the storage facility okay once that what's that owner takes it the option he can do whatever he wants to with it if it does not sell including destroying it disposing it giving it away whatever now he's in the business of running space okay so that's what his business is and he is not allowed to make a profit on the hardship of someone else so in other words if I don't want a storage facility owner I own that facility $600 Jeremy comes in he buys that unit for $1000 there's a fourth a $400 profit there the owner does not get to heat that he's allowed to keep whatever the rears rent is any cost to recover that which would be the auctioneer's fee and advertising fee they're allowed to keep anything other than that again they have to notify the tenant this time with certified mail which you're not going to respond to that they have a balance due to them so they're the course not going to respond so they're never gonna know the facility has to hang on to that money for I believe it's two years could be fine but I think it's two and then the state of Ohio takes control of that money they have to send it into the state of Ohio to unclaimed funds so then four years down the road I just I discovered hate state of Ohio has my funds so I get ahold of state Ohio and they're gonna make you jump through about 12 hoops to get your money out and it's interest free you're not going to get a dime for the interest sustainable isle doesn't best that money and make interest on that and I believe the state of Ohio doesn't want you to ever recover that money because it helps them out in the taxes now I happen to like chance yesterday I ran into Scott mahalik anyone know Scott mahalik okay he's past president of the Ohio auctioneers Association and we were just talking just we're at a doctor's office and just talk briefly in the waiting room there and he was telling me that the the Ohio auctioneers Association is trying to get legislation moving to do away with unlicensed auctioneers on the Internet okay especially for Li Na for other things as far as Internet auctions well sometimes I love the state of Ohio sometimes they aren't so nice to us election years so unlicensed that would that would mean storage treasures calm Locker bid 13 calm I did for storage calm and the list can go on and on storage options net and they would no longer be able to operate in the state of Ohio correct correct their legislations option here now I'm not sure if they could hire an auctioneer in the state of why I haven't seen what legislation they're trying to to do but whether they were just hire or management a license managing company its licensed in the state of Ohio to manage it it name only that's probably what they would try to do or if there's going to be safeguards to actually make sure that it's being done correctly so that's a thing come now the state of Ohio for auctioneers you already know what it takes to be coming on now you become an auctioneer and you're paying out all this money what's the state of Ohio do for you Oh every once in a while and I need once in a while they send you stuff like this this is Governor John Kasich last mailing for the department lottery years going over different things that they know some stuff like yeah now but what are they doing for us well how are they promoting us they really don't but they take our money everybody annually you know 200 bucks every two years right but yet they take their estate the counties the cities municipalities except for Medina County I know Medina County doesn't do this they still use a live auctioneer to sell their surplus there were out trucks you know they're wrenches or tools so they go online probably to a firm that's not even in the state of Ohio or pay state income tax so I don't think that's fair on the state of Ohio and if anyone's listening out there from the state of Ohio take note of that please can I ask another questions sure you tell you tell me what I can't interject one of one of our subscribers talk to you the dummy said what about facilities that auction units off using their own managers like public storage we'll bring in a district manager it's propably alone so right now but under new legislation that would go completely out the window right I don't know it depends on how it's written so I think right now that they're targeting is is the online okay so they're if they're using their own for their facility I don't think there's ever been are going to be a problem with that they are totally so manager is always gonna be okay to just do whatever they want at their facility because it's their facility rights the online realm that Ohio legislation is trying to get control of because it's out of control right it's out of Gaza also advertising you have to be licensed to advertise in the state of Ohio if you're gonna have an auctioneer earn an auction but on the internet that goes out the window oh yeah and that varies from state to state right yes I've got another question you mentioned that they the managers can go in they have to take a picture and they have to actually listen list three items I apologize have to list three items in their in their posting that this this unit is delinquent it's it's up for lien so what about a manager who let's say a manager goes in and takes something from that unit before it goes up for auction what are the liabilities the legalities in regards to that well being a past police officer that is stuff big there we go that is plain and simple just yeah so if one of if say these guys went to a storage unit auction or we went to a storage unit auction and we noticed that something was stolen would you would you suggest or recommend calling the police and reporting theft yes absolutely okay absolutely as a matter of fact I won't mention the facility's name Town Hall is the auctioneer for this facility they cut the locks in front of the people because they were having complaints and items were missing this is years ago the article before I was even thought about getting into this and it turned out that the manager was going in his he would unlock the locks before and he was going in and stealing items so Lee says the manager of the company actually came in running the locker from the manager unbeknownst to him had a complete inventory of what was there deliberately did not pay the rent they sold of the auction went back in there are items missing and they had it on film that's incredible so needless to say that manager was prosecuted and fight yes what would you think of a YouTube channel who had that same idea to expose a manager at a facility that was doing that and was actually implementing that process and was gonna make a video about it what would you say about that they say good do it do it if you can't do your job and do it right don't do it you know you can't do the time don't do the crime now playing it simple you know okay now I now remember I'm older so my train of thought it's derailed constantly alright and if we're was I anybody know you were right before I was interrupting you okay all right now you're enjoyin and even in some of my facility said I option a you'd like I cut the lock sometimes right in front of people or the manager does and we open it up and there's a car there anybody know the lawn on the cards or a boat or a motorcycle it does but it's not in the possession of the facility sorry do they love the seller no they're not allowed to sell they have to have the title and they have to have it in hand you're not permitted to jump like title in other words we were in an auction and Jeremy was there we had a motorcycle on the car the manager was told to go ahead and get the title he did all the paperwork all the running around he got the titles for the pit he did not get the titles he got all the paperwork to get the title for the vehicles but did not have the title in the facility's name okay that's not right because you're jumping and tightening because then you hand the person well here here's the paperwork go get the title you're jumping entitled I did sell the vehicles the owner of the facilities guaranteed the title in their names so he took care of that so I was comfortable enough to know that and I've been did working with this person long enough to know that they the people that would buy it we're gonna get the title or there's no sale they can get their money back so we did that but if you go open the door and the cars and parts if it was made as a motor vehicle and as a motor vehicle you cannot sell it as parts and we see that often with all the storage unit auctions we go to they'll say this is being sold as parts that would be like I've got a bottle of alcoholic beverages at my auction I'm not allowed to sell the auction alcohol but I'm gonna sell this glass and whoever buys the glass gets this gets the contents in it you can't and that's exactly what it comes down to is circumventing the law now in your pamphlet there you'll see that I made copies of a some forms from the state of Ohio that you have to fill out and take to the BMV and in order to get these titles and that includes motorcycles anything right now what I did do one time and it was near the Pennsylvania Ohio line there was a a trailer with a jet ski I know the trailer had a Pennsylvania tag on it and so did the registration on the jet ski I checked with the state state of Pennsylvania I get all the numbers and everything and there was no liens on the property I'm the vehicle and the state of Pennsylvania does not how you don't have to have a title for some things like a dirt bike and so forth four wheeler in Pennsylvania they don't title Ohio those after I think it is 77 they title that the owner was incorrectly I tried to take care of this and he says go ahead and sell it so we sold it but the first number result Sola to was from Pennsylvania he was taking the back to Pennsylvania where he could legally take care of the people other than that he was gonna have to happen you know the manager is gonna have to go through everything to get the title work and so forth that takes a lot of time to get these titles in these and once they get them and this let me go back as he said I came to jump around I did a auction here in Medina mine we had three vehicles and it took a long time to get to titles one of them was a Corvette one was a Mustang and one of them was a Blackwood Lincoln pickup truck the individual they had bought these owned him put him in storage was doing very well when he did this business anything well a lot of times well I'll get to that in just a second hold that buy something do something don't all right what happened was the vehicles were worth more than what was it on the rack so they couldn't hit the tables right away so they kept waiting they're waiting finally they got an attorney and the attorney got the titles on two vehicles the third vehicle there was a lien on so now the owner or the management company of the storage unit is arguing with the bank they found out with lien their argument debate you want your Corvette come get it but I want my rent money and they were arguing they couldn't settle it now it's entirely different now if there's a lien on it the first lien takes precedence they have to release that vehicle to that owner if it's a lien they came out hold on to it or hold it for ransom for ransom okay you know the two vehicles we took to auction I got my bids it was on a Sunday I come down all the way down to Medina Sunday brought my wife who is a notary ready to sign the titles they got the titles in hand we come down they send a district manager over and I'm getting my bids and he says no I won't sell them that cheap what are you talking about he says there are our vehicles and titles are in our name I says that court gave you that with the order that they were to be sold they're in our name I'm not taking that kind of money the fellow that actually bought the unit was a car dealer he contacted his attorney I wasn't happy I didn't make my commission no sale wasted my time my wife's time anyway make a long story short he went back to the court that signed the order and they ordered him to sell those vehicles for the highest price that was a court order they can't you just because it was in their name does not give them the right not to self okay they do have the right to set a reserve okay so let's say that they're old five thousand dollars in rent they can set the reserve at five thousand dollars but when they say that it is a reserve that becomes their bit and that bid is what they have to give the customer credit for on their bill and that's what kind of got us here today with one of the what the Hales segments were was this legal from the manager he stopped the sale in the middle of it because he says no I'm not gonna let it go that cheap and it doesn't look like it's gonna achieve it the reserve so he can do that do that okay not back to your question what was your question okay I have a follow-up question okay because you started with the vehicles so under lien law you can't auction off the vehicles but what if you buy the unit and there's items that are stored in the vehicles so the vehicles are unlocked there's items in the trunk there's junk in the trunk if you without disturbing the you know breaking a lot get whatever I see yeah go for it it's not part of what was manufactured by Ford Chevy whatever okay now I'm gonna get really nitpicky let's say somebody puts in an aftermarket amplifier speaker system stereo system yes very good that's that's a question we get a lot from people yeah so so really that's the line if it's connected it's the vehicle if it's not connected it it's a it's fair game right you can't sell your house to a realtor and have a [Music] swimming pool deck connected to your house and then while the pool doesn't go with it so you you know it's an above-ground pool they say okay well great the pool doesn't go with it well the deck is attached to the house the DEP states good okay now you're the owner and this is happening to me when I was buying him the owner shows up during the sale and says hey I love my unit and I brought ready taken five bid time and I look at the manager and the manager says no no he had plenty of time to come in and sell her settle there your account what happens as long as they're willing to sell or settle their account they have the right to reconciliation up until the auctioneer says soul once I say sold then it's absolute okay and normally what you do is is in your terms which I handed out through terms you've got to change your terms all the time terms the sales all right so sometimes you got something to auction school when you're doing your terms to sale so I'm just doing a sale [Music] we only do sale once a year I used to advertise be on time at least fifteen minutes ahead of time give you time to get registered and the most important thing is at a sale is the terms of the city now this particular sale the owners want to do it a little bit different you're done paying or when the auction for that unit is over you go to them and you pay them write them in there now make your change now like I stopped write them in there well this one individual had missed the terms of the sale so an option so you're you you're you learn to start out high and come down low and if you're gonna catch somebody on the way down says hey that's low enough I want to jump in so I started out like five hundred dollars I got down to 250 I had someone jump in at 250 so now I'm at 275 and three three and a quarter three and a half 375 I got two people going back and forth the guy wins it at 375 I'd say okay great Solek come on up paid the manager next Locker is location is 576 so everyone moves on the problem is on the 576 and I'm standing there with the facilities manager this fella comes up and starts giving me five dollars and seventy five cents okay he's digging through his change purse to give me 75 cents and I said no wait a minute it's five hundred and seventy five dollars not five dollars and seventy five cents oh I don't even think I could come up with that kind of money today well he was late but normally and my wife and register them after the time I had set so he's late for the terms can't blame my wife she was just doing her job and didn't realize it was five minutes after the hour but this time the crowd had moved on I lost track of my backup bidder so I stood there and and resold it again with the three people that remained and I think I got $75 for where someone originally had started it out of 250 dollars okay so you have to explain everything now and I handed them out I gave them new terms I used to use a copy and by the way auctioneers always steal from each other actually they just borrowed it you know like terms of time terms of the sale what are you having your contract oh that's a good idea I had an issue well the state of Ohio says you have to go by what has to be in that's in your brochure - in the absolute sale like leave it for involved with real estate but in your contracts there's 29 items you have to have in your contract now I'm one step ahead of the state if you brochure that I handed out in a loosely not in the binder you have a copy of my personal property contract all right will you sell a unit in a storage facility it's that personal property so I made up a contract it's lean property because it doesn't belong to the facility okay which brings up another point state sales tax usually some auctions they don't charge state sales tax some do especially if it's a corporation in their out of state because they don't want to deal with the state of Ohio on flocking and fight over such a small thing as sales tax when it's not costing them anything anyway because it's somebody else's money they're taking however the way state sales tax is you block that property to resell if it's not your property how can you charge sales tax on it and especially when you didn't buy it to resell you know if you have a consignment store the five-and-dime a hardware store yeah you shark seals down but that's not your property that belongs to that private individual and I'm sure he's not plucking sales tax on the state of Ohio any questions so how can how can the facilities actually charge sales tax if they're not living ready back up a little bit how can they charge sales tax if they're not reselling they didn't own the property they don't legally own the property and how can they get away with charging sales tax because you will get in trouble with the state if you don't pay the state money that's due them if you overpaid the state the state will never complain so if you collect tax and give it to the state even though it wasn't doing the state they're nothing to complain you can final with the state to get that tax money back let's let's switch it up a little bit what about a manager's unit versus a lien unit so a couple different questions do the facilities have to actually do they legally have to state that this is a manager's unit or they put all this stuff in this unit to sell versus a lien unit and obviously they could charge sales tax on that they're reselling right so how how would how would you go about the legalities yeah [Music] you know it's a couch it's a desk whatever it's really not their property anyway but to meet all the tenants left up behind they can throw it into the dumpster all right or hey it's too good or cost to cross let's train Sela I always tried to let the people know if I know it's a management unit or it's a collection of stuff I try to let them know okay now that leads me to another mark it's always confusing well and you you personally are trying to let them know but does an auctioneer or does the facility legally have to announce that it's a manager's unit to your knowledge to my knowledge I'm gonna say they should so morally yes they should legally undisclosed we don't know if they legally would have to right right now here's here's another thing I've come up with situations where people are the manager has approached me says look you're coming up we got five units of cell six units if you count this one well what's this one well it belongs to China of ours actually it belongs to her their daughter who moved out of the country and their tiger paid the rent on it they just want to get rid of it they don't want to pay the rent anymore and they don't have any plate other place to store it or whatever but they want to get rid of it will you sell it yeah I can sell it but I have to have a contract with who owns a property that's an auctioneer I can't say well and sell it as a lien property if it's not liens property you have to be upright and forthright all the time especially in the auction business because if you're not you get caught no one's gonna come to your options anymore plain and simple any other question Dean asked what's the difference between selling stuff you bought at an auction versus selling stuff at a garage sale rut shells don't have to charge sales tax it depends on the grunt to see okay some places you have to get a permit to have a garage sale and then with that you have to get a vendor's license in some places I understand I've never held a garage sale I bought I would sell at a flea market and we had sign when we got the space we had to sign that we would collect applicable sales tax of course that would who knows if they did or not I I always did so and I turned that into the state into like hey drop my vendors license any more questions we did have a question from from a viewer who wants to know how this would apply to YouTube so for example you'd mentioned already the online platforms of storage treasures Locker Fox but 13 so if somebody let's say like YouTube they go live and they're holding an auction and just like George goes on there goes on I want to sell this bottle of whatever and who will give me $1 who give me $2 what are the legalities as far as online just going live and selling your stuff to anybody who would watch do you know anything that would surround that yes I do perfect perfect by the way I am a encyclopedia of useless facts you're probably I appreciate that because I'm about one of our viewers appreciate it as well yeah in any way I can sell my phone right now we are online correct yep I can sell my phone without my license because it's my property that's the thing if it's your property you can sell alright if it's not your property you'd better have enough places on yourself that's good that's so that's the line your ownership is the line catfish hunter wants to know can you run a store from a unit that you're renting on the property can you legally do you know can you legally run a store from a storage unit the only thing in the Ohio Revised Code that you can't do in the storage unit because I've seen many fat cream plants in a storage units building pallets tearing apart computers and using this temporary house and you know for yeah facilities the only thing you can't do in a storage facility can't be used or a dwelling in the state of Ohio and I believe and that's even stated in the is that right as a revised code it's in the revised code under description of a storage facility and I don't I don't personally know any state where it could be used as a dwelling to you off the top of your head yeah I'm not aware however where you blacked your Moosehead yeah okay it was part that we weren't in the climate control and then in front of it it's not climate control the outside units there was a homeless person that was saving one of them and accidentally kicked over his heater in the winter and caused the fire and they lost five units up there he was lucky to get out of life Wow I find out that after I came back through Florida of course I didn't work yeah so but all the laws that pertain to you as an auctioneer even though you think that they mean that pertained to you you sell a storage facility because it's a different animal so to speak it does derelict why're you just add here a little bit ago he's quite a horseman and he person that knows him contacted him because they were running stable for boarding someone wasn't paying their rent he called me and asked me is that legal can I can I sell that animal as you know under ruling law and I said I think you can but I just let me research it so I tried researching it and everything I came up with was yes I called arrow back and Isis I researched it I can't see why you can't but again I'm not an attorney and so he researched it he dug in a little bit deeper than what I was able to get and he found out it operates under the same laws so even though it's an animal you can go ahead and sell it buddy have you had the contract and so forth if you're with the state of Ohio and being licensed you can get away with probably a lot more if you're not licensed I mean you'll be a little bit more lenient with you if you break the law problem then you are with being like okay but ignorance of the law is not an excuse you're not not gonna get go anywhere and that's why I don't know why the state of Ohio does not make sure that all options and I don't care if it's on the internet in the courthouse it's not done with the license off eventually I hope we can get that change any questions right now can you see any other state well there was a couple random questions earlier in that someone to know how long exactly it takes to be an auctioneer they also want to know how much in action an auctioneer makes which we obviously know that's gonna be extremely different but as from an auctioneer if you don't mind answering that okay well fortunately I have other income as an auctioneer I I do this more as a hobby and to keep my mental status going and stay active with people versus the money part of it I've noticed when you conning me is good and right now the economy's to it and you get brings up when the economy is good two storage facilities that you're gonna sell are normally track or if they're not it's because someone died or they something happened to that they're in jail or whatever okay the people that have storage facilities when the economy is to it they pay their bills people don't want to lose their lockers they don't mind walking away from drags matter of fact I've seen lockers work people have quite other lockers run in the locker and just put the traction they're slated you have to haul it to the landfill and pay for it because they had first month right then I saw the facility change it you got the second one rent-free so it's still cheaper that's what they did now when you're an auctioneer and your license well first of all has anyone ever been in court or even watched court on TV yes okay and you got Judge Judy up there and she says no we're doing it this way or you were doing it that way you know that judge in that courtroom is the Supreme Commander it's long as they don't step over their bounds get out of their bounds because judges are answerable to people and auctioneers the same thing if it's your option and I say I'm sorry Marty you're not welcome on my auctions anymore because last time you bought a unit you didn't clean it out okay but it's a public option Steve I'm allowed to be here it says it's a public option I'm sorry Marty I I just don't want you here if you didn't clean out that locker I'm within my right to do that okay and if someone argues with you enough safe okay be here but I don't have to take your bed either all right oh I'm sorry I missed your bed Marty so you up your rules kinda as you go as long as you stay within the format of what the state did you answer how long it takes to become an auctioneer okay I did earlier hey well actually there is no answer for that it depends on you I mean there's certain bum guidelines that the state puts out that you have to be an apprentice for a full year okay and in my particular case I didn't get my license to 2010 but I was a student in 2008 I was in the fall class this class 2008 I was sitting were you guys there so the actual class is two week long two week and then it's up to the individual to get their hours and when they apprentice under someone there's no it's involved you have to do 12 after you find sales sales which means it doesn't mean you have to do the whole sale it just means that you have to sell something okay and then if someone wanted to know if you know a Betty botter okay if what do you know someone by the name of Betty botter maybe another doesn't ring for your belt maybe by your tongue twister maybe is that what they're talking about no no it's a part of chant okay Betty botter bought some but okay it's for chanting so it's won't chant practice I think it's more important to do other things other champ right now everyone's worried about your chanak's like singing for the first time in public especially if you have a voice like me you know you don't even want to be I mean that free trade would take a dirt road get away from so looks like Dave decamp says what happens when a renter comes after the unit is sold but they have information that they sent a letter to the storage facility for change of address and so basically in a nutshell Dave's asking what happens at the facility sold a unit that wasn't supposed to be sold and and there's proof that it was the facilities it was the facility's fault what happens in that case then well several different things didn't happen I know of an auctioneer wasn't my sale he they sold the wrong unit well the guy was upset that they sold his unit he ended up bringing everything back the guy that bought it once requested he did it as a favor to the auctioneer he brought everything back of course there was always missing items what happened to my Rembrandt you know and they of course there was litigation the auctioneer was brought in on it named in the suit because they there's a thing with attorneys it's called deep pockets you just sue everybody whoever has the deepest pockets is going and the people you know people who win in those types of situations are the lawyers because they're the ones getting paid yes yes now it's unfortunate sometime I mean people make mistakes sometimes it happens you know and I know one time I was going to end up selling the wrong unit we stopped it before it was done anyway he said hey this is wrong unit okay well go ahead and lock the door the management bought him a new lock and it was the one next door but the other unit that they weren't supposed to sell I'm glad it wasn't for sale because there's nothing there's everything well it wasn't empty but it was nothing what I consider back now you know the rule of thumb is in the eye surgery say this many times on your program you look at the locker and what you see is what you good on you don't bid on what's in that box it you can't see it you know if it's closed sports drugs whatever and when I open up a locker and I see a firearm in there you're allowed facility yeah you haven't gone through ATF ATF will be here one not sure if it's next week folks like that and it's all kinds of laws in there but primarily what I've done and I've called them several times Vick is the was the instructor and I didn't hit it off well with Vick we're here but I've called them several times with questions you know you know if you don't know before you do it call it's a matter of fact in the brochures or the pamphlets I gave you the ones that I spared no expense on the most important thing in there is my Kirk staple right there you got a question and call me I don't charge it anymore and I carry a cell phone so if I'm in Florida I can still answer your question or give you a direction anyway I'm where to find out what's going on they want to know if auctioneers are required to carry error and emissions insurance no only real estate real estate carries at my head and when I was in real estate there when I had my license and I be quite truthful with you I was forced to joining the realtor and the realtor is do nothing for auctioneers however you're required to join them if your broker is a member and you're required to pay the errors and the mission insurance through your broker and also I forget offhand what it's what it's actually called but it's online Michelle wants to know what's your take on why some people don't want want an auction filmed or facility goes no no no what's your what's your take on that well there's several reasons of course my wife always says once a cop always a cop she says I'm still on patrol even though I've been retired over 20 years okay the biggest reason is most people are doing is a hustle they're hustling money on the side they don't want a RS or workers comp if they're getting workers comp for an injury that they're claiming or disability you know I mean if you can move that couch by yourself or that refrigerator you're able to go out and work they don't want them to know who's buying the stuff and then setting up at the flea market or whatever and selling it online I've run into people like that all the time or it could be worn it you know but if there's any reason they don't want to be filmed my first question is why what are you doing what's the matter how come exactly what are you hiding if you see the other fellow out there I'm gonna do an auction tell him to come back in and so those those are the biggest reasons now now that you've touched on that too I wanted to give you a little bit more information people that don't want to be filmed don't come to an auction don't leave your house because you're being filmed constantly anywhere you go you're being filmed you're you're you're come out to the parking lot or you decide your house is across the street from a 7-eleven store your house is being filmed whether you know it or not because it's in the background and the people like going in it's being come and people that were filming have that right to film as long as one person the state of Ohio knows that it's being filmed and it can be the person the photographer okay same thing with video I'll tell you a little story when I was a police officer we were having a problem in downtown Cleveland believe it or not with hijackers carjackers okay and we decided rather than being reactive we're going to be proactive police officers for change and they had the detail the plainclothes detail who we got out and we had to add a [Music] general description of this individual so we were stopping people and doing what they call the field investigation her field interview with that individual then we make out a card that we had talked on and so forth and kind of feeling them out I don't know where they were ID and on and so forth well I stopped this one person and talked to him and so forth but it's right after Christmas actually it was in January and I had received a little micro record as a Christmas gift so I had that with me and every time I interviewed I would turn that I I knew it was being recorded the person I was so it was still legal so I stopped this person has like a neighbor on the steps and when I got up next to my said although you're you're way too tall well what I thought was a nice conversation and he was a person of color okay and the suspect was also led to so anyway my father passed away I've been sell for about a week with my family I come back to work one of my co-workers says oh by the way you're being investigated I said why he says well you better talk to I won't give its name anyway detective and [Music] because he's investigating I says why he says do you remember doing a stop on a new video on the stairway I says yeah I do he says well according to that you were quite seeing some natural nice things to him and you can imagine what they were you know and turned out he was president of the student council whatever and so I went up to see the detective and he started telling me all this I says wait a minute wait a minute I kept the whole conversation with Corby here it is well that that was the end of it they had the administration the university administration is involved and a few days later I'm writing up on an elevator with a vice president of human resources and he says him and I are the only ones on the elevator he says he looks at me he says recorder huh he said who would have thought focus before we had police cameras yeah all right now you have police cameras all the time they're recording you you know you see like I don't you know you want you they're allowed to have you running the market all anybody run anymore - marks huh one more quick question okay just weird fun wants to know can an auctioneer refuse to auction a unit if so for what reasons can you say no I don't want to auction this off whether there would there be a reason why you would do that I would do it whoever I'm watching enough for would say well why I would give them a reason why okay only thing there is a automobile so why is in the parts someone whose car parts no I'm not selling this car parts because that was me as a motor vehicle I'm not gonna sell okay and then I've got I've got one final question that's my question what is the absolute craziest thing you've ever seen either buying storage units or auctioning storage units what's the one thing that comes to the top of your mind it's a story that you think about and you tell people craziest thing was I was I was at an Uncle Bob's alright they're no longer under that name they opened it up it was blue tubs of chemicals unlabeled chemicals didn't know what they were in there obviously someone rented it quickly chemicals in there because if your hazardous material of some type and didn't want someone bought it for $5.00 I went to a line auction that following Monday and those were all lined up along with the other things that were in that unit they were all lined up in another auction and when I used to buy storage units sometimes I would take him down to King Cole and Louisville okay and they had on Friday nights they'd have a big auction yeah and we took stuff down and matter of fact some of the stuff in there was more personal items of ours and we put him in the line option and [Music] that Sunday I used to go down to the middle field storage facility they're not storage facility auction house they have it on Monday and what would happen is that we took all this stuff down on Sunday we had to line it up when we put our number on and everything and we're looking around there's everything that we took to the kinko auction on Friday night it's down there for sale on Monday said landline already on Sunday so I thought that was kind of humorous oh my wife is all we do is move jump from place for the place to place and back to how long it took I started to tell you in 2008 I was sitting where you're sitting 2009 we were done with our apprenticeship program and there were six in our class and we wanted to make the application or we didn't make application to take the test during the when the board has her meeting and the board decided to change their meeting date by one week moving ahead by one week so you know what happened we weren't permitted to take it we called legislation we call everything did not matter you have not been an auctioneer for one full year at the time of the test so you're not well don't give us our license for another week no they wouldn't do that we had to wait until late kind of next test and they decided to wait a little bit longer because the board was changing numbers new numbers coming on the court so they waited to have their their spring meet so actually we were promised for about a year and a half which is kind of tough because I know when I approach my sponsor he says I'd love to have you Steve he says I'm just looking forward to that free labor for a year well he got a year and a half out of me and he had a consignment auction Saturday night Thursday night he had a another auction and a different location it was a food auction and a wholesale auction then of course I went through - Christmas season swimming and he was having auctions probably four days a week so one more question flippin Adventures wants to know are there any other states that cooperate with Ohio's auctioneer license so you don't have to go through all the requirements similar bill one yes you get the reciprocity all right so let's say that um licensed in Ohio I can go to Florida and apply for a temporary license you know but let's say I have a a relative and I want to do their auction down there I can apply for a temporary auction license or I can apply for a non-resident license as long as I'm licensed now there may be a few other requirements in there but generally they're pretty much alike pretty much your life there are states that require no license it's called a lawless State New Jersey Michigan I believe New York we had a felt like oh it was a while back it's going through the school he was going to be an auctioneer in New York they decided to go through the school because he wanted to know everything that he could about off the proper way now I believe it's less Pennsylvania or West Virginia I can't remember one of them you don't have to go to school but you have to be an apprentice for two years it's been Sylvania okay yeah but if you go to school than you your license is rendered more quickly now one of the one of the fellows in our class myclass today he shortly after giving his license in Ohio he moved to North Carolina College well he didn't get his license in North Carolina while he was still living in Ohio therefore they would not recognize the reciprocity okay so then he had to go through their requirements to get the license in North Carolina from scratch now you're gonna meet a lot of different people they're coming contacted a lot of different people in this field now hi so did the toads ever sell that came from that auction the chemical totes I didn't stick around at the middle field thing I don't know if they did or not so we were singing and I don't know if the chemicals are still in there I know that they were full when they took him out of there now whether he just whatever he did with the all right that's in the terms of terms of the sale now the people that I deal with if they've done business with you before they generally won't charge is a thief because they know they work with you they know they're gonna ruin clean up when you when you get it up okay now there's been people that have that cleaned them out and I told I don't want back okay and some people go well I'm gonna pay $50 shoot I'm just gonna leave this stuff you know let them clean it up for 50 bucks I don't have to pay that all the way and waste my time I'm just gonna check the unit um that's Justin Zapata okay at my auction they're gonna clean it off they're gonna charge for them all right which leads me to another thing too you have a locker you owe $600 I've only brought 400 you still owe the storage facility that 200 I'm just gonna say sold it does not take care of your debt and tire they can still take you to small claims court and one count that I have told us I'm not allowed to keep the excess these people aren't going to get away with owing me run into all kinds of different people [Music] on the internet from so oh yeah okay so this is the picture of the pistol that he found yeah [Music] and I says oh okay and he told me what his name was are you the one I'm flying starts and he says yes he was you get the red beers and a short hair kinda and he would stir when the I have a friend I'm gonna call with empty firearms and misses the fella right here dad talked to on the phone and he said that Jimmy and signee cuz their result little mix-up on the check that he sent me and the so anyway emphases we have kind of apologized and I think for the mix-up and I read his resume and he worked for Disney I'm tired to the Caribbean he worked with Mel Fisher down in the keys on those died he was with he was on the same team that when Noah Fisher lost his son in that boating accident he was there getting all that treasure so forth he is a antiques gunsmith sorry I talked to him a couple times on the phone so we're sitting in class one time and there was a fella in here he was yeah not too much younger tonight wasn't I think why is he working first lycée général so I says why are you in this class and he had a great big catalogue from California he was in California taking the class here Ohio and Isis I forget his name now mark knows it and he was actually on the auctioneering Ford for the state of California before the state disbanded their board of auctioneering and with lawless he had an auction that he did yearly and so he had a license in order to do his option that he used to do under arrest prosody but couldn't because California wasn't licensed anymore so that was interesting nicest you shine rich by change this is in my shop every other day you know also you just never know the connections you're gonna make now kind of been closing here two things do you know what the difference is between a bum and a hobo I feel like both most of the times when I'm going through storage so anybody who lives between a bubble no oh I didn't realize there was a difference I thought it was just the same thing different words same thing totally different a bum will not work the whole bowl will work only to their needs are satisfied and then they're off they're gone so there's his whole ball and he's gone through the town it's getting kind of hungry so he goes up to the store and he knocks on the door and the lady comes to the door dressed in a very sheer necklace Jade it says ma'am he says I'm hungry I want to work can I rip your leaves or clean your gutters and so forth she says nah she says you know this is a brothel I don't know of anything that you could do here she says but if you want I'll give you some I'd really prefer working you know and for my food I don't mind working for my food well she says we are looking for a bookkeeper and he says Oh ma'am he says I've never had any formal education but she insisted that he take some food with him so she gives him a basket of fruit so he's walking down the street with his basket of fruit and a person comes up and says hey I'll give you two dollars for that fruit Oh two dollars I can get something to eat so he sold the fruit for two dollars took a dollar got something to eat had a dollar left he got some more fruit and sold another $2 worth of fruit Aleksey he's got two baskets running up and down the street someone fruit week later he's got a pushed her selling fruits it's not a month later big quarter standing Spanish selling fruits and vegetables about nine months later he's got this warehouse she's got trucks going in and out in and out he's just really fantastic we started thinking about this this is a hassle he says I'm a hobo like her I want to go back to doing what I wanted men to and he says I gotta get rid of this business so he's called an attorney and the attorney arrange the sale of the business for two million dollars so Kroger's is going to buy this and he's sitting at the table and the attorney says well here's the contract he said you have to you have to sign it here and he says well they're gonna have taken X because I've never had any formal education the attorney says to me says you fill up this multi-million dollar business inside of the year and you've never had any formal education could you imagine what you could have been if you had had some education and some formal education and the hobo set Center thought for a little bit and he said yeah a bookkeeper in a whorehouse so set your goals high now aim high now I told you before that the most important part of being an option here that you're worried about is your chance so I promised you that I would have an auction so I'm gonna sell excluding this is for students only that's how I wanna mark to be here Oh Meghan did we bring money babe Silver Dollar Carson City CC right on the back I'm gonna sell it to you students okay now have you ever have you ever heard of hobo art tram park or trench art okay well well this is it this is a good part of it okay what this is is he took that silver dollar and they made a skull of but I'm gonna pass it around can I show the camera first detail than all right just gonna auction this off to the students [Music] it has been changed from its original so the most important part of an option is your terms of sale okay I only have one here I spin around simple okay right yeah okay so what do you get for who give 500 you fine no you're not alone Oh George alright alright I won't bid you guys can bid okay who view a five learn get 500 divided by now remember kids don't really matter okay I have a terrible chance but I get the job done so get five on get four go forward of your for three for you to go three who gives two not 200 give 175 if so many by 175 Oh to get somebody buying off any video vide what do you even do anywhere could be finding out 25 25 who could $10 who can find out us the super short for than that hey I got $2 now free I got five now six 6 no 6 where do you sit I'll sell that one you go sell them where you summon n88 ain't going ah I got Jack eleven twelve twelve go twelve pull down go down yeah 13 14 14 - 14 - 14 14 14 baby 14 go 14 when you get 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 ah see I got you good night because he didn't hit 14 15 15 15 50 now 60 60 go 60 60 okay you got it 15 Clark Clark won it the 16 year old right here sitting next to George $15 now for each one of you you like that don't you $16 anyway what did I say before it's more important that you're honest everything I told you about that silver dollar was a lie anybody else wanna buy one same price how do you feel about that now huh you're gonna come to my auctions again after I just leased you all right keep them keep your money that yours is a souvenir here you guys get one too now on the on the front there's a search as a reminder be honest with your dealings with your alright it's made in China and what that's going to do is all right it's gonna be your reminder option here and you're not honest no one said they'd come to your options and you're gonna look like that skeleton face you can't feed yourself now when you backdrop the wall that would technically be illegal in this book because of your terms of contract which you didn't hand out so therefore you have no legal contract with that I don't need the contracts my property [Laughter] right but marking actually that was because actually you have to be 18 so but I get that knowing that but I did that to teach you kind of a morality lesson here so if there's no other questions I think we're good we good Ben thanks for tuning in that's Ben Steve Wilson auctioneer it's not a class instructor professor for the day and and here oh and by the way Steve many of our subscribers when they see you on our videos they've always asked us to tell you thank you for serving in the military in serving our country so we do say that on behalf of them and I do want to I do want to show one more thing there is there's Kate and Kate we are big proponents of females being a part of auctions because it's like a it's like a male guy thing so I think it's incredible that you're here we love that you're here but I wanted to show right above you if you could do your Vanna White put your arms there you go Walton school of auctioneering training tomorrow's professionals today thank you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 18,167
Rating: 4.8314176 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 5M6oSR1Thlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 10sec (5770 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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