I Bought A Storage Locker For $10... WHAT'S INSIDE?

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ready so i bought my first storage unit number 92 for 10 [Music] hello and welcome to paper and moose it is a storage auction day i am at a storage auction looking to buy a unit my first unit so hopefully i will have beginners luck time to go in take a look at what is being offered hopefully find some treasure hopefully be a winning bidder let's get our bidder's number let's get to it crew in look at six seven lockers come out and then we sell them so we've got four to look at and while size bring the next group in we'll sell them this is locker 17-18 17-18 16-16 the last locker is back downstairs [Music] you guys are all missing the boat twenty dollar bid you're gonna make me work we'll be here all day twenty i've been in a thirty now i'm gonna twenty to thirty six twenty thirty forty fifty fifty sixty seventy seventy eighty eighty eighty ninety i've been an 80 here been a 90 now i hated it in manual 80 to 90 say 90's back in 100 we go 110. 110 now i'm going to 100 here but 110 sam but 100 here but 110 now i've got 100 here 110 and we all set it another 100 110 he bought it right there at 100 bid larry thank you very much wait the next one's 15 28 probably on the other side look sharp guys look sharp take your time look sharp 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 210 220 230 240 250 260. 310 320. 310 is my big big 320 i'm at 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 390 400. i'm going to 390 bit 4 390 before we all done it 390 bit four last call 400 410 sold for 400 right here next number so i bought my first storage unit number 92 for 10 there's not much in here at all but you never know what could be inside i think there's a suitcase and some other bags you just never know maybe some jewelry money vintage treasures i don't know but gotta get my feet wet somehow so ten dollars we'll see what we can find inside see what we have so looks like there's some oh a flashlight i need that does that work ah darn it some kids games i saw those they're like mcdonald's it looks like some kind of signs oh there's a pull-up bar um i have no idea what kind of clothes toys chair with wheels so oh this is already like five dollar ten dollar bill for the cart is that just fat more clothes oh boy all right let's first open this box looks like they may have had stuff for a yard sale microscope set is it in here [Applause] oh it is oh that's cute a good thing i'm selling at the flea market tomorrow microscope set we have some more car toys oops micro adele earhart jr i know nothing about these kind of things there's matchbox but they're not what are these zip zops i might have to look those up oh there's some racing cars oh i don't know battery somewhere we have some toys there's this chair oh oh a purse oh that's nice that's really cute anything in it oh there's stuff in it let's see hopefully we'll be able to see all right so what's in here oh we have a lighter grand casino neutrogena so perhaps this was their gambling purse but this purse is pretty nice that's at least another five dollars at the flea market so i've already made my ten dollars back this chair as long as it's not all beat up it has wheels it's definitely older that's pretty nice all right so let's see what else more cars this is weird so some of the remotes might be for that laser tag team ops flea market what's down in here oh tedley t oh there is tea imagine that t in a t10 this is food topomatic cigarette machine what i guess this person likes to smoke cigarette machine makes cigarettes i don't think i've ever even seen one of these before in my life it has to be in there it's pretty heavy all right so we had cigarette machine [Music] flyington trail ways baggage check does have a date 2019 sunglasses any coach or coach even make sunglasses b those are nice i'd wear those oh we have real glasses these are nice too i don't think they're my prescription whoops safety glasses charger maybe it's for a gopro uh sleep eye mask and what is this juanita essentials no at least it made it smell good all right i have some sneakers uh i don't think these could be eight and a half my size maybe oh microscopes shrimp this is odd so this is another flea market piece we have some boots i guess i'll go through the um luggage next and we'll see what's there these snow boots brahma oh these look actually they might be decent uh eight and a half again these might be good flea market shoes to wear all right let's open this up first or not these oh i don't smell cigarettes on them yet but if she was a smoker then i'm assuming it's oh no cancer center that's not good i hope wherever this lady is she's okay what's this this is heavy i don't all right let's see what this is it's heavy cups is this a pepper grinder what why would you wrap that and put it in your suitcase made in italy huh and then there's a dish that's an odd thing to have in your in your suitcase and put that aside and that's what was so heavy but yeah these are all underwear socks socks i might actually i mean wash those up and i might keep these are like your hospital socks some bras clothing alfred dunner what's this one grand canyon half marathon nike i'm thinking this is definitely like an older woman what are these these are kind of nice pcl pennsylvania correctional industries what all right well we got some shoes from a correctional institute i don't even know what to make of this oh these are cute nine and a half oh cool i hope i can fit these these might be i mean i don't know what nikes are good eight and a half i might be able to wear these um a lot of people collect nikes what you know what are the good brands what aren't i have no clue these might even be ripoffs but these look these look older these might be my new sneaks all right so we have these oh what's this the cleaning super sour spider super sandy cloths none of these are good yet oh i have not spider garbage what are these posters for any size soft drink oh geez mccafe maybe she worked for mcdonald's put the good in your morning all right those are just like donald's posters i mean flea market items i have a pull-up bar this would have been good during the quarantine that probably would have sold for a good amount of money um what's this hill oh i can't show this this has the person's name on it oyster i don't even know oh gosh there's still some in here all right we're gonna have to dispose of those i don't know what it's for but so is this coffee maker it is brew station i have a quilt or a duvet it looks like you have that bamboo pillow oh it's still on the the package i don't think those are cheap more shoes oh what's this envelope so i can use those what is in here a baseball huh yeah it's a baseball milk glass like container there's another baseball they almost like baseballs american revolution both these gloves are actually pretty nice all right more clothes [Music] those look like towels islam our religion of peace i don't even know what this is they printed out all stuff about islam lessons from ramadan i'm guessing that's what they practiced ooh what's that all right let's pull this out and we'll get a better look all right so i this is heavy this is all shampoo [Music] makeup nail polish perfume it looks more at home more neutrogena oh q-tips so this is like all travel stuff not travel but all your home good things oh this is a pretty neat bag we're gonna save those let me finish this and then we'll open the wallets oh that's why it's heavy but not for these volumizing it is commonwealth department of corrections so they were in a correctional facility hopefully oh my gosh that's nuts there's more i'm good here's where i don't need to buy disinfecting waves now i have a budge but this is all filled there's toilet paper [Applause] toothbrushes lollipop pens this was all the stuff that they must have had with them when they were in the institute yeah there's more conditioner okay so here's one wallet now makeup you know it's probably doubtful that coming out of incarceration you know they would have a whole lot of cash because i'm guessing all this stuff was put in after they left band-aids oh an eyeglass case nail clippers these are great to have what's in this one earbuds oh oh we got money oh oh what is that other thing we have a bunch of pennies what's in this oh i think it's a pledge coin what's that penny that one looks kind of old to my own self be true unity service recovery yep well i hope wherever they're at that they um did better women in recovery well i wish them luck wherever they may be oh we have a key and another planner 2020 planner let me tell you how 2020 turns out [Music] never used like many of us so then we have oh let's get this bag into the clothing bag women's basketball so this is probably clothes that she had while she was incarcerated or actually there's more yeah i'm guessing these are some clothes that she came out of let's move into this corner with the random toys the flashlight doesn't work more basketballs golf balls guacamole [Music] this looks like a nice zip up jacket guitar hero rip off one no idea and one oh one thing left what do we have well if i'm hungry we have a nature valley bar and a snack pack oh and then there's some ice cream too but i'll pass on that well my first storage unit not bad i found some things that i can actually use some things that i can sell and then some money so all those pennies and then the uh recovery coin the woman in here she not what not probably she must have been incarcerated we had the shoes we have the paperwork so wherever she is now i i wish her well i hope that she has recovered and then she's moved on and that 2020 was a better year for her so yeah my first storage unit lots of fun ready to buy another one maybe a bit bigger one but a small one was good to get my feet wet so i hope you enjoy this stay tuned for more adventures hopefully more storage units you never know what we will find so thanks for watching hope you have a great day be sure to subscribe if you have not and i will see you all next time
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 55,619
Rating: 4.934742 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Storage Auction Pirate, Storage Wars, storage auction finds, storage unit finds, uhaul auction, she's gone in jail, Taco Stacks, Paper and Moose, Locker Nuts, locker auction, vintage Nike, auction hunters, auction storage unit, auction storage, gambler, she went to jail, found money, dumpster diving, airport luggage auction, bidding war, Ebay reseller, reselling on Ebay, reselling business, Taco Stacks storage, dumpster, locker wars, women's jail life
Id: e_luqgBFWxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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