Top 5 Real Lifeguard Saves - Bondi Rescue | Season 13

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the volunteer wife site is being pulled towards the reef hey Bobby cannot it nearly get me three broken claims to be okay it's showing signs that he's far from it I'd hit down there the copies are out there my copy was waving for help and he had two people on his board in trouble two people the lifesaver is dangerously close to the brief you've got a lot of swell pushing in there against the rocks and obviously the rip runs around the back of the iceberg so you kind of get trapped between rocks and waves and it can be really tricky he might need a hand as well to volunteer lifesaver vulnerable to the brief to the far sighs who's drowning and who can keep themselves afloat for a bit longer ready ready yeah Harrison's doing a rescue about a claw be doing a double rescue beyond the race start heading down man to the first guy who I thought was a more native assistance and he told me he was okay the volunteer wife site is being pulled towards the reef hey Bobby cannot it nearly get me three but the man claims to be okay is showing signs that he's far from it how do I get this [ __ ] is one of the buggies out of action Brady has 200 meters to constant fill it out for down there between patients if Bobby had two patients its other guy I've had now on with him that's where I've became unstuck here's a no genitive help [Applause] [Applause] so on you had to get him in as soon as I could because I need to go back out and grab these other guys managing to patients in tricky conditions has been grueling work for the volunteer wife site you would have been on that race getting pounded by wives for at least ten minutes now the lifesaving is exhausting but Harrison can only take one patient at a time that's when I look back not as Grady's hurting out today he's on a working holiday from Canada after the 20 minutes stuck in the South Korea hey short of breath well shut up sorry but no gets good on one side it's nothing what Yoshio to myself and Harrison are in there km on the on the water's edge influences foggy boys to the flavor and come up [Music] unfortunately we're went down a board wrap so with no rescue equipment earlier in the day the rack of the bug Carrie's risky fool you might hear a little bit quicker when you're driving to a rescue you kind of rely on the tower to let you know how severe or how urgent you should get there is to a system wise for a lifetime yeah definitely comment got in the beauty reaches for a device which belongs to a much earlier era even though he wasn't too far from the beach he was it was struggling that's what happens they can't put their feet on the ground they start the panic and a few waves come pass their head and and they think they give the Drowned actually tripped over I thought I was gonna hit but Sam I knew it was serious on you out to get to some of the boys that I had only kaanum here in the modern era I'd say like that wouldn't have done many two rescues on bond up this is the first time I've ever seen a true Chris coupon die hey this would be hundreds of years time lifeguards at Bondi log back in this moment go that guy Daniel McLaughlin beardy he rescued a guy of the truth Felipe from Chile was standing on a sandbank when he was washed into deeper water I found it hilarious and I think when he saw me come out to get him he was laughing at me - it's well it's actually pretty funny watching criminal I love it here breath here ladies is now somewhere the rescue may have been minor but it's a momentous one for Beauty the rescue buoy orchard was was probably came to fame in in David Hasselhoff's hands the whole if the Hoff wants to copy me on the air guitar I'll let it probably a worse situation for their life they're screaming at you in other languages you don't know what they're saying they think they're gonna die and and they're back on terra firma I suppose there are pretty happy you're my failure it's put together thank you here and now some people are embarrassed and walk away and that's fine--but and they come and say thanks it's pretty humbling we notice there's two guys making an effort to get past the shore break and I really want to get hit by it so they swim just beyond it and Chapo's on the megaphone pulling everyone out of the water there's a massive crowd he just has no idea of is pretty remote at this stage for wife guards on the sand to see how many patients need help at that point I only saw it one guy really that I thought I was gonna have to go for I would say it's more than likely that you're gonna have to go at some stage I know how quickly the board is moving that I have to go you know I'd have to jump in run through wait for a few waves on the shore break so I can get a clean run to get out to this guy we must have been having out 100 hundred 50 meters off the beach come on out get out there five guards hope this room is these are out of luck - yeah we're gonna second person lighter for help this is bad when the surfs up and we got a busy beach you know you kind of what you might become out and and back you up [Music] we must have been 100 150 meters off the page and when I get it is two guys and I'm like well I didn't even know those two of them because I couldn't say from paddling out had to throw them both on the board thinking to myself we get cleaned up I say I'm gonna lose one of these guys for sure maybe both of them maybe the ball at Bart turnaround and Chiapas were right there which was pretty big release to me the patients are both students from Colombia the flash rip has more havoc of its slate a couple of paper in trouble two struggles this is a situation in a bar I've called a couple of local surfers over yeah it's good we've got put help from the public going on down there a volunteer surf lifesaver backs up [Applause] eat morning trainee lifeguard Tommy monitors blonde eyes single set of flags yellow I haven't done any rescues we have 10-foot is breaking on my head so it was definitely a day I was gonna have to prove my worth just [ __ ] fraud everybody come straight back for sure Tommy does everything he can to direct the man and avoid a rescue situation but his warnings go unheeded what can go wrong if it's a pig is so much more than normal guys this be barakah door in the brief moments Tommy takes tap out loud the man is sat down towards the huge swell so yeah I was very stern on get on the board and let's go we've got to get out of here they've got your time to get on the water he's gonna get shot yeah so the Northrop when the waves are you know over a tree it starts to pool it's like a river mouths that she sweats full on the RHIB charges out to sea at five meters per second double the speed of an Olympic swimmer just got to get across to the sand bank and get washed in as fast as possible I don't want to be playing around in the rear getting taken out he's gone back at the city Tommy has three options panel staff I'm trying to catch a wave in the impacts I go north of the rocks and straight at the beach and use brute strength against the ribbon the lifeguard has their own way of doing things I'm gonna do the rescue different to what Tommy is gonna do I'm not gonna try and paddle against the rear because you're just gonna get sucked further and further out the RIP will pull Tommy and the men out into open water of the impact zone just avoid city unis Pakistan was that was playing I flambe was ya know how they really have one straight across mine finally Tommy paddles away from the center eventually we got another wave all the way out the beach pretty happy with that as a success so hats off to Tommy I was most probably the hardest way to get the patient in but he got the job done we're just about to walk out the door and I just spotted these two girls [Music] [Music] since returning to work from my shoulder it was the first time I've been in the buggy gone flatstick going go into a rescue where you know that it's life or death both hands are [Music] like plead that area area before I come off [Music] there was a thought in the back of my head that like this is the first time you're gonna paddle real hard fight these two girls why some Jeff throw his shoulders I could say that there were youngish girls and he was in their eyes very thought crying little less sugar I don't know where their moms so money that was screaming for help when I was paddling out so I you just got a guy you gotta get hot come on on my team [Music] [Applause] [Music] why the girls could kill earlier warnings from lifeguards they looked at each other in a weird way as if like to acknowledge what was going on and they work together as a team and yeah I never seen anything market [Music] the young girls are sisters on shore Harrison looks for their parents if I could hear the screams 50 meters away on the beach surely the parents could hear the screams on the shona black [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's the grandmother she did the grandmother has been trying to signal the girls for the last 10 minutes she was on the Border's age helpless she couldn't lady knew an eye that her kids are in trouble she couldn't run up to us you know she just started doing sign language to Maine I felt a hot sock a bit actually
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 1,649,340
Rating: 4.9488344 out of 5
Keywords: bondi rescue, bondi rescue official, bondi rescue 2019, bondi beach australia, lifeguard rescues, best rescues ever, real life rescues, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, resuscitation, first aid training, australian lifeguards, real lifeguard saves, top 5 real lifeguard saves, lifeguard saves, bondi rescue season 13, best of bondi rescue, real lifeguard saves bondi, best rescues of season 13, best rescues bondi rescue, jethro bondi rescue, beardy bondi rescue
Id: ApSUK7C679g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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