ATTACKED at Bondi Beach

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they had massive with it but one was huge like do you know finally be someone's attacked another human police thank you you know when something's up because they just eyeball for the tower pretty fast he had a really split lip like properly split now can we have police presence down at the Bondi lifeguard tower punch these wetsuits heart ripped off and he's been attacked oh I go in the surf the first thing that I wanted to do I wanted to fix his lip but then he wanted to press charges we went into detective role they've saw what happened she had a good description of the attacker what I saw is that they were fighting and the guy was trying to drown him he was like smashing it in the face that's him running this way I don't know how many guys would be out here we wonder that many I'm looking around he's the only guy with 130 long hair exactly what you said I just didn't like going down to the beach with a whole brigade of coppers and calling surface in try and get this guy's attention on the megaphone when I get the chance so you clear himself or he's the guy that did it one of the other that he was the only one that had that long hair on the boot I don't know how you can be adamant we had the right guy do you make a dairy which is him I thought we had the right guy until we kind of went down on the beach and I don't know I just got this feeling that what if it wasn't about he's getting arrested to do nothing anything you say or do I can report you coming in or to say if it's a guy my head may or may not be I'm not sure Eve saw exactly what happened I thought she would be the one who can identify this person they don't want you to be down there do they would that be right not him okay I didn't have a surfboard listen to us the whole idea this week the witness she says it's monkian I said he's sure you said yes not the guy but who can't so far and the coppers had to arrest this place they've got to basically take him up and make sure that he's definitely not the bloke they do that with ID and they do that with their little black books so he had one birdie on yeah we didn't find him no no we thought he'd be still in the water but he was smart he's left the vicinity as quickly as possible as you would if you're you had half a brain started chasing us and then hit him in the face okay this is a bowl the guy saw the last thing Daniel and Dean were expecting on Bondi was to be assaulted I'm holding right now going to use or still in shock from the assault Daniel must provide an accurate description but locating the assailant among tens of thousands of people won't be easy shorts a v-neck muscle short trim beard yeah either they're like vans I think it's chapter yeah can't you be able to see here yeah the culprit is described as short and stubby with a thick neck thinly trimmed beard and possibly a shaved hair positive identification will likely lead to an arrest yes they're a team a hundred percent sure the boys seem certain but if this is the wrong man these sunbathers are in for a rude give you all right so uh that's my caddy stuff the man claims he has a parking ticket that proves he wasn't even on the beach when the assault happened the cowardly assault demands police action but a man's reputation is on the line where's your other mate just how accurate was the boy's description of their attacker how certain are you that these boys and we need you to be 100% we can't have any deadlock and we need to know that that is why this slap do I'm just in shock to be honest yeah I understand I say that sometimes we need in shop people the same but if you're 100 percent sure that's a guy well I can't I can't assault can attract a jail sentence whether or not the man is charged is now in the hands of Daniel and his mates if we show you the guy who you will you know anyway back to say we're just come from what's wrong maybe 100 percent sure that's actually poor the gonna tear I don't know how many percent yeah as I said when you're in shock here a lot of things happen to you need yeah I don't want to charge the wrong guy on something that he didn't do so yeah that's fun right look her absentia we need to be a hundred century and to their credit Daniel and Dean withdraw the allegation sorry about the police are satisfied it's not the right man okay with a clean safe we can see someone I've ever seen the description in the tower overlooking the beach when the call came in we need to get down to North corner someone's attacked another human it was a really panicked mum and she was just yelling down the phone there's a man that's been attacked how old do 'ls gets a call and she says someone's in a fight up at the northern end of Bondi Beach I know straight away that's a police matter police information comes in that weapons were used in the attack I wanted to leave this incident for the police to handle then chill starts relaying the information that this guy's been quite injured there was a weapon on the end of the stick as he's punching and I knew that I had to get down to North Bondi to assist this man amongst shocked beach goers lifeguards find a seriously injured man lying on the concrete when we got there is a pretty pretty gruesome scene there was just blood everywhere apparently the students is chilling and some gang guys came and beat him up with a baseball bat must bit about this round solid bits of wood and then at the end of it they were like nails on the ground and it was quite a he needed advanced never seen anything like we had just come out of the water and we just like saw everybody jump up on the ground and then we saw two guys they had massive weapons one was huge like I do not finally be - like he would have done enough that means like with his fists let alone like a pole with like had like a rusty hook on it they just didn't care they I'm still say reduce gonna relax you may we're gonna give you some oxygen okay as I'm trading this guy I wanted the paramedics to get there graphically as I could see the man fading quite quickly stabilized the police set up a crime scene this is really a dog act his bikes been walled up here at North Bondi and you know we've got children everywhere and this poor guy's life you know he nearly lost it he's so lucky my 20 years old yeah I've seen stinks down on the beach and this is the worst thing I've seen it in in the way of an attack down on bond old age
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 4,649,087
Rating: 4.9230947 out of 5
Keywords: bondi rescue, bondi rescue official, bondi beach australia, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, first aid training, australian lifeguards, attacked at bondi beach, gang attack at bondi beach, gang attack at bondi, bondi rescue fights, bondi rescue fight on beach, man attacked at bondi beach, bondi rescue compilation, bondi rescue 2020, fight at bondi beach, surfer punch up, fight at bondi rescue, man punched at bondi beach, man attacked at beach, beach attack
Id: TDtJqPOnfhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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