LOST Children at Bondi Beach

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Wait not the fact kids go missing but the 1 mom and how she only screams Jennifer and texts

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/True-Performer7251 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
- [Yatesy] If anything happened, it was squarely my fault. (knocking on door) - [Narrator] Mother of two, Amita, has been searching for her three-year-old son since he ran off more than 30 minutes ago. - [Narrator] The temperature is over 40 degrees and the Amita has been carrying her five-year-old son as she searched the beach. - Managing the parents can be really challenging. We need them to help us and assist us in finding the child. What was he wearing? What t-shirt - He's wearing like a white singlet and short shorts. - What's his name? - Manny - Immediately I went off and started the search and then Jules came in, she checked the girl's toilets. We looped around the pavilion. - [Narrator] It's the end of the day. And light is fading. - The search reaches the 40 minute mark. And there is no sign of the young boy. I've lost one of my children at Clovelly Beach one day, and it's something that I'll never forget for as long as I live. You literally feel like you're gonna be sick. It's going to be all right. You need to be okay yourself, okay? - [Narrator] As light fades, the shutters come down. Lifeguards call police. Chappo needs Amita's assistance but she's suffering from heat stroke. - I was trying to get her moving and getting her coherent, getting her to try and help us. You okay? I hadn't dealt with a situation like this before. - Amita Hey, we're just going to sit down on the first aid bed. Hey, Amita, hey. - The search had gone on for quite a while. The worry's really starting to set in with me. The mother couldn't help us so the five-year-old brother was the key witness. - [Narrator] Lifeguards are looking for a small boy in a white singlet. - The big brother kept the family together that arvo. - Amita, listen you need to help us now. Are you awake? - Then, Deano spots a small boy in the shallows. - When I first saw him, there was a lady there watching, and I went and asked her, I said, is this your child? And she said no. - [Narrator] Deano confirms the child is unaccompanied by a parent. - I hope it's this kid because I've just picked him up and taken him. - We just needed some confirmation before we got all the way back up to the tower. - This other buggy, is this Manny? - Is this your brother? - Is this Manny? Yes, that's him. - It's him all right. You want to have a race? - Race him. - Let's go. Let's go see Mum. - We got him, got him. Found him. - They got him on the edge somewhere. (child screaming) - Well, I just seen the little girl running up to the tower. I thought it was just a missing kid couldn't find her mother. And then I come out, onto the stairs and the mother was already on the stairs. - We knew something was wrong here, and we needed to find out quickly what was happening. - [Narrator] The woman and her daughters speak just a few words of English. - She pointed out to one of the only rips that are pulling on the beach. And I just had a bad feeling about this one. Jesse and I looked at each other, and we thought this isn't good. Jesse grabbed the defib straightaway. - I was a bit rattled when they kind of pointed at the water because, you know, it's all on our shoulders when people point at the water. - Where is he? - Tell us what's on, we need to know. We're trying to help you. - Is he out there? They're pointing just to the side of the flags when there was a big gutter. - [Narrator] The woman last saw her son when he went swimming 20 minutes ago. He was wearing a white t-shirt. - Can you tell us what's happening? - All these other tourists are coming to our aid, which is really nice because we needed a translater. But unfortunately she goes, nah, she speaks Korean. I go, oh no that doesn't help. - We need to know what's going on. - If someone can't swim and they drop off the sandbank, five seconds they're under. - [Narrator] Several minutes have passed since the woman approached lifeguards. And there is still no sign of a teenager in a white t-shirt. - Can't see anyone in shallow waters. - I think she knew that she had lost her son and she thought the worst as well. And that's just for a mother, that's just heartbreaking. - [Narrator] Then, a boy is spotted coming out of the water. He has a white t-shirt in his hand. - They found him, they found him. - [Narrator] The teenager is oblivious to the distress he's caused his sister and mother. - I just felt like the whole of the world just lifted off my shoulders. - Settle down. It's all right, it's all right. - Deep breath, deep breath. - I felt so sorry for her. You know, she just broke down. You know, she obviously thought the worst as well. - When he came out of the water, she just ran at him like you were throwing a bowling ball at the pin. - Yeah, he would have been in shit when he got home. - You're not allowed to swim in this part. - I was kind of looking at the water, concentrating because there was a pretty bad rip running. - You hear noise, the background noise. You always hear noise. It's getting louder and louder. - Your daughter? - [Woman] Jennifer! - What does she have on? Purple skivvy? - Her name was Jennifer. She was 10 years old from Shanghai and yeah, they come out here for Christmas. - Hey mate what's happening. The yelling I can hear in the background. - Ya screaming, top of their lungs. Mate, I'm not joking she called the water for her. - Mate I can't believe it. - [Woman] Jennifer! - The megaphone, it works good. Turn it right up and everyone will hear what you're saying, but I think mum's on about level 12. We've only got level 10. - She got pink gloves on? It's 30 degrees. - Jennifer! - Could you show my other lifeguard a photo of Jennifer? - And she's got pink gloves on. Okay. We should be able to see it then. - Okay. Thank you very much. Jennifer! - The worst thing that could happen to Jennifer was drown or get kidnapped. They come straight to you, straight to your mind straightaway It's just like, okay, we've got a missing person. Is she dead? Or is she alive? - Is there any girl out in the water called Jennifer? If anyone sees a Jennifer or if Jennifer you can hear us, your mum's looking for you. - You gotta really trust your instincts and look and think wherever the girl might be. All little girls dressed the same. They're wearing pink, your eyes tune into everything pink. - I tend to like, look around and I can't see any pink. It's like, there's pink everywhere, but I just can't see it. - Got her, got her. - Bondi Central B, we've got location mate on the kid. She's got the gloves in her hand and she's looking around. - I'm actually interested to see Jennifer, myself. And I think the whole beach is too. - We found Jennifer. - Exactly half way up the beach. - Surprisingly, she was not too far away. Definitely in her mum's earshot. - Jennifer? - [Woman] Oh, yeah. - Hello, is that your mum Jennifer? She's been worried. - I know if I was Jennifer's mum, I wouldn't be able to speak the next day. - No more tears. See you Jennifer. - That's all right. - Where are you gonna go? - [Narrator] A young boy was found alone in the crowd of 20,000 people. - We'll find your Mom and dad. - Harries just found this poor little Asian boy lost, crying, and he obviously doesn't know any English and Harries can't speak any Chinese. So it's a good language barrier. - [Narrator] Harries needs a translater to get a name or a description of the boy's parents, but he doesn't even know what language he speaks. - Korea? China? Malaysia? This is a hard one. It's all right. Here have some water. Come on. Come on, it's all right. Settle. - [Narrator] Lifeguards mobilise in a search for a potential translator, as Harries babysits. - No, no he's throwing sand. I'm trying to help you. Even hand signals... he's only so young and the poor thing's so worked up He's just hamming me with sand. It's all right. Well that's good, he's going to tire himself out. - He's not a very happy chappy. - He's not happy. - [Narrator] The lifeguards have found a beach-goer that they think can help translate. - I can't understand what he's saying. - He's lost. You got the poor little chap, doesn't know what's going on. This is good, this is what I like. - [Narrator] In the tower, Harries has another smart idea. - Anyone there? We're gonna try one more time. Ready? Zero and you go. Which one? - [Narrator] But just before the mystery number connects. - Thank you. - He doesn't like the lifeguard, the young bloke. Even Harries couldn't wear his charm on him. - Hi guys, this is north, we've got a lost child 8 years old, it's a girl, she's got a two-piece blue bikini on and she was last seen in the water. - I was down in the north and a mother came up to me. She was kind of okay, you know, she's like, look, I've lost my child. Can you help me out? I asked if she could swim. She knew the rules and that kind of stuff. A hundred percent, there's no kid being sucked out here because I've been here in the shallows, looking for her. I hope she comes back and tells me that she finds her kid. - Initially. I wasn't too worried. The beach is so crowded for a small kid, you get disoriented really easily and before they know it, they're lost. - And then this lady came up to me who was just swimming in the bay. - Thank you. I guess before that stage, I wasn't even thinking that kid was in the water. When that lady came up to me. who didn't know what was going on and actually said that to me, that made me think maybe, I did miss the kid. This is north, could I just have the jets here pretty much quickly. - She saw a little girl waving her hand up and down, and then she disappeared. I'm going to try and find the mum down here. I'll call and let you know. - Mum was having a breakdown. She was screaming and she wasn't making much sense. And I started stressing out. - It's going to be okay. - Having a hysterical parent, just adamant that that child was in the water and then drowned, you know, obviously you're gonna, you're gonna start to freak out a little bit. - If anything happened, it was squarely my fault. No one else, because I was watching. It's the flagged area, so that just triples the guilt that you feel. Well everyone down here. Look, we've got a lost child she's been missing for half an hour. She's 8 years old and she has a blue two-piece bikini on. - Mum's getting pretty frantic so. Beardy's just walked down now, he's being a champ, and staying back and trying to help us out a bit. - A blue bikini, a one-piece or two-piece? - Two-piece. - And what was her name? - Anicha. - I'm gonna stay close to the mom, they're just gonna go back to the tower, it's not far, then I'll have a good search up the beach. I'll let you know how it goes. - Yatesy was pretty much pulling his hair out, down there. He was just ready to strip off and start basically looking for a body. - Chappo, I'm gonna come out, I'll meet you out there. - And what was the, what was her swim ability. - I'll get to that in a minute I just didn't really want to upset her more than she already is. - The longer and longer it went on and we hadn't found this little girl, I know all of us were starting to think she could be in the ocean. She might've gone under. - All boys stand down. Pretty sure we've got her. There you go. - Thank you so much. - Not a problem. That's all right. - I'm so sorry. - That's okay. It happens. - She kept coming back to me and I couldn't see her. - With that many people on the beach, it happens. It gives us good training anyway, for next time. - The girl has found her way back so all good boys, that was good effort by all of us. - Yeah, it was one of the most anxious and stressful times I've had down here in over 10 years. I thought I missed a drowning and I just nearly vomited. I'm pretty stressed right now, actually.
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 31,382,932
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Keywords: bondi rescue, bondi rescue official, bondi beach australia, lifeguard rescues, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, australian lifeguards, lost children at bondi beach, lost children, lost child at beach, lost kids found, kids lost at beach, kids lost their parents, bondi rescue lost child, bondi rescue lost girl, bondi rescue lost kid, bondi rescue 2020, bondi rescue compilation, best of bondi rescue, bondi beach lost, bondi beach rescue, bondi rescue lost boy
Id: FTkjb1u05JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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