More LOST Kids at Bondi Beach (Part 2)

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with no information to work with it's difficult to know where to begin the search danny spots a distressed boy wandering along the sand poor little kid just running on the back of the beach here and looks like he's terrified well the kids are screaming out for his dad but uh he doesn't want me to get near him so i just gotta die somehow talk to him and then as a father himself terry knows what the boy's parents must feel heavier maxine waits at the ramp to stop the boy leaving the beach [Music] so we're gonna get see the bike here yeah we're here to help you find your daddy all right find your daddy do you want to come with me we'll help you find your dad is that okay come on mate you got him maxie yeah eventually the lifeguards win his trust yeah i remember he come from that way so let it go back that way the boy's name is justin safe in maxie's arms the search is now on for justin's dad justin can't describe his parents or remember where they were all lifeguards can search for are parents in distress finally a man reports his son is missing hey buddy what was he actually wearing um ninja turtle bottom spider-man top yeah atv can you return to the tower found the lost father [Music] ah justin how'd you lose him mate he just wandered off just kept on going when i called him he just he went for the blue board yeah right you got to keep a better eyeliner he just won and i caught him looked at me and kept on going and then when i grabbed the other one to go and get him he's gone he's in the crowd and lost i should look more terrified but i'm not because he does it all the time so i'm just gonna be casual otherwise he'll get upset that doesn't even know what happened do you what happened you get lost did you get lost was that a bad thing yeah and what should you do if you get lost what do you do just go to the tower that's right go to the tower or who do you tell otherwise the lifeguard that's right you want to go shake the lifeguard's hand please say thank you [Music] maxie hasn't just reunited a family he's made some new friends [Music] among tens of thousands of beachgoers hoppo finds a little boy adrift on the beach oh he's one he's lost he's lost his gear trying to find his gear nine-year-old bob lives locally his parents and belongings are nowhere to be found just give me the number we'll have a go thankfully bob remembers his mother's number stop because she she's asleep she's asleep do you came down your own yeah so your mum's at home [Music] we're sort of stuck with him for a while he might uh become our little mascot for a little bit and hopefully when the crowd goes a bit we can find his gear all right let's go back on the beach poppo and his young apprentice face a considerable challenge [Music] bob's lost gear is somewhere among thousands of other towels and bags [Music] wait i'm looking for these kids here as well my parents are just stuck [Applause] after going through thick and thin the two amigos should be inseparable i've walked all around the beach for about an hour trying to help him and as soon as he found his gear he's brushed me and he goes i'm going back to maxi so i'll give it away [Music] after finally getting through to his mum young bob disappeared into the crowd and made his way back home daddy would be all right [Music] there is nobody you can't see anybody looking for her at all okay not come inside yeah and we'll go look for mommy and daddy up that way for you as well yeah we'll help you find out yeah cool come on the little girl may not speak english or is too distraught to speak at all let's go in here and we'll see oh what's your name this is megan what's your name what's your name jessica jessica lisa this could take some time what's your name [Music] with no information to work with it's difficult to know where to begin the search where was the last time you seen your mom what's mommy's name what's your name troy and maxie give her some old-fashioned tlc do a nice block we've got a nice block a nice block no security vision doesn't reveal any familiar faces i can't get any information she's crying [Music] but just as bondi is being mobilized that mummy yes yes that mommy yeah she's coming this way [Music] lifeguards discover five-year-old beatrice is on holidays from new caledonia with her family as for how she got lost dad has a simple explanation and how many kids have you got eight eight wow
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 759,645
Rating: 4.9489341 out of 5
Keywords: LOST Kids at Bondi Beach, lost children at bondi, lost kids at the beach, lost children, missing children found, lost children on bondi beach, bondi rescue, bondi rescue compilation, lost kids found, bondi rescue lost kids, bondi rescue lost children, bondi beach, bondi nation, bondi rescue kids lost, bondi rescue lost boy, bondi lifeguards, australian lifeguards, lifeguarding, bondi rescue lifeguards, bondi rescue lost girl, bondi rescue little girl lost
Id: 7d3_hc48GME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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