[Serious] What is a PARANORMAL, CREEPY or unexplainable thing that has happened to you?(r/AskReddit)

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[Music] our /as credit posted by user Barak serious what is a paranormal creepy or unexplainable thing that has happened to you maybe eight or nine years ago my younger brother was playing xbox with our neighbor online he was home alone and started freaking out saying he could hear someone upstairs a few minutes later he showed up at our house he was probably fifteen years old at the time almost in tears my brother him and myself headed back over to his place as we went in his dog was out walking in the kitchen so I figured it was just the dog then we heard clear as day someone walking around upstairs instead of leaving I didn't want to act scared or nervous so I slowly went up the stairs at the top of the stairs I could hear someone walking in his parents room and like a scuffling sound everyone was kind of behind me farther down the stairs and heard it too the scariest part was that the dogs started to whine I yelled for anyone in the room to come out after a minute or so of not hearing anything we all rushed in the room was empty the closet was empty the bathroom was empty needless to say he spent the night at our house didn't happen to me personally but my older brother died in the summer of 2012 he was born with Down syndrome and heart issues and his heart simply gave out on him at the age of 21 Christmas was hands down his favorite holiday other than his birthday the first Christmas Eve after he died my mother was up late playing Santa as she did every year I was obviously well into my teens at that point but she still did for my young siblings she had stashed all of our Christmas gifts from Santa in the detached garage of our house she was coming back into the house with the Santa gifts when she looked towards the stairs leading to the second storey of our house and distinctly saw a figure sitting in the dark at the top of the stairs she figured it was one of my younger brothers trying to catch a peek at Santa she asked my stepdad to go put them back to bed so he went up there to find them both dead asleep we always figured it was my brother paying us a visit on the first Christmas without him I've told this story here before I used to take walks in the woods of Appalachia quite a bit when I was younger I've told the story of turnarounds so this time I'll just remember the basement I came across a really old clapboard house it was so old and decrepit that the floors had fallen in and only parts of the outside walls and some of the chimney still stood I looked at it for a minute and then a thought pops in my head ah if I go around the right side and around the back I'll find some stairs leading down to the basement I'm already here I might as well go say hello I walked around the houses right side and found the stairs I went down them and I knocked on the door after the second knock I hear someone on the other side scrambling at the locks on the other side like in a huge rush I heard them mutter to themselves just a minute don't go don't go all at once I realized where I was what I was doing and the fact that someone was about to open that door I got the hell out of there fast I've never been back this is long but please bear with me this is the creepiest thing to ever happen to me I have a close friend whose family owns quite a bit of land that we regularly hunt and camp on normally we just go up for a few days or a weekend or whatever and bull crap in the woods and drink a bit and shoot for target practice in the summer the property is set up so that there's a large clearing about 300 yards long and 200 yards wide where they have to travel trailers and to barns that we stay in and keep all the four-wheelers and broken stand-in feeders and corn and stuff in on the west side of the clearing is probably 15 to 20 rows of pine trees that were planted for an agricultural tax write-off that are about 150 yards long to the east and north are the dense woods we hunt without fail every time my friend's dad will call around 10:30 to 11:00 p.m. and challenge one of us to walk all the way from the trailer to the very end of the last pine tree row where there's a corner formed by two fences meeting unarmed and with no light source whatsoever it's incredibly spooky and none of us have taken up his challenge this is where it gets spooky one night we are up at the property and it gets to be about 2:00 a.m. mad me and my friend leave his younger brother and our other friend in the trailer to go double-check that the barn is closed up and everything is as it should be on the way out I grabbed my 3230 rifle and he has nine millimeters we make it around the barn locking everything up and decide to check the edges of the woods for any hogs or coyotes that may be forging we are making a big loop around the edges of the tree rows back to the trailer casually glancing down them for any sign of animals when we hit the last row we freeze dead in our tracks as we see a large animal probably a deer roughly 2/3 of the way down the row slowly we make our way about 45 to 50 yards down the row only to find that this wasn't a deer in the pale moonlight we are able to make out that this deer has no antlers long pointed ears and legs like a dog essentially it appeared to be a massive coyote it moved incredibly slowly like it must have taken at 30 seconds to kind of crouched its front legs and head down like a dog just to look at us we've taken a knee with both our guns trained on this thing whispering to each other about what the duck this is debating whether or not to fill up full of bullets we're too scared to even shine a flashlight on it it's Lu Ali turned to stand broadside to us then even more slowly turned its head first back towards us then again the rest of its body so it's again facing straight at us we noticed that its legs were extremely long and skinny and its body was built like a deer's rather than a coyote's but it definitely had a Coyotes head and tail we had decided to blast this thing straight to hell and we again raised our guns and I pulled the hammer on my rifle two full [ __ ] basically off safety my friend decided our best bet was to aim at its upper chest count down from three then shoot simultaneously he started counting breathlessly and I'm sure we were both drenched in nervous sweat anxious to shoot but when he said to there was an extremely loud crash in the dense woods to our right like a Widowmaker falling we both spun guns up sure we were being ambushed by another huge coyote slash deer thing we whipped back to where the animal had been standing clicked on a flashlight and it was gone that was it it had just vanished we checked and double-checked the area and only found matted grass where it must have walked we were both absolutely stone-cold sober at the time and both double-checked with each other months after to make sure of what we saw the next morning I down at the is crack of dawn to try to hunt some hogs and post it up at the most active Pig spot on the property and the woods were impossibly still and quiet I didn't even hear a hog or squirrel or anything other than some bird move all day which is very unusual he mentioned this to his dad who got quiet and simply said that strange things live / happened on that property it still rattles me to this day and I have absolutely no explanation or even an inkling of what it could have been or how a coyote would even get that big or disappear so fast and quietly after moving so slowly before TL DR was hunting possibly saw a skinwalker also I work in a possibly haunted Factory two things happened in my parents house a few years apart but it was crazy because I was telling the exact story when it happened I was in college but home for the summer and me and my boyfriend were messing around in my room upstairs with the door closed parents weren't due to be home not worried all of a sudden there's a huge bang on my bedroom door that made the walls shake and were like oh crap my dad's home and his pissed so I open the door and go downstairs ready to take my punishment in shame and it's dark I look around and opened the door no cars in the garage no one is there I ran back upstairs and told my boyfriend and at first he didn't believe me because it was so real when that knock loud bang happened on the door so a few years later I'm home again and I decide it's been long enough so I'm sitting on the couch with my mom and started telling her the story above I get like halfway through and there is a loud crash upstairs sounds like our freakin huge TV fell over up there all three dogs take off running upstairs and I look at my mom and I'm like WTF so I honestly think something fell and don't think anything sinister at this point go up there and search every room and nothing is amiss then I'm like checking the attic thinking some crazy person has moved in up there or something I watch too many crime shows but nothing I couldn't even sleep that night it was so weird still think about this when I go over there the death of my grandfather and aftermath apologies if a little long my grandfather died when I was 10 years old and despite him being a very rough parent I loved him to death for his life teachings in the fact that I saw him as my father one of the few men I'll ever respect fully in life the first instance regarding him was when he was in the hospital he was declining in health ended up put on life support and eventually became completely unresponsive even when my grandmother was there the day of his death before we were told he died I remember the dream clearer than anything in my life I was out at school and I remember my mother pulling me out for a family emergency as we kept getting closer and closer to home I noticed that my dreams started getting darker and darker in terms of being able to see until it was eventually just pure black but I could still make out noises and sound heard car doors open and close footsteps door open and closed followed by constant crying from multiple people dogs barking and then it just went completely silent and stayed that way I started hearing like cracking something I don't know what but something was cracking / breaking that woke me up and I looked around in my room it's dead of the night around 1:00 a.m. went into my living room everything was fine tried to go back to bed but couldn't sleep finally after what felt like hours just laying awake I was drifting asleep I heard someone say no tears and I fell asleep right after that my dream revolved around my mother getting a call that my grandfather had died that day and she waited until everyone woke up to tell us this is actually what happened except for my grandmother was the one who got the call when she told everyone they all started crying and I got called heartless because I didn't cry I guess my dreams prepared me for it I didn't cry regarding his death at all until we actually spread his ashes on his mother father and brothers graves my mother always interpreted that dream is my childhood innocence becoming clouded and breaking because after his death I had a completely changed in my attitude towards everyone second time this was three years after his death I was a complete black sheep to the family and we were always in a constant fight with each other I started sleeping over at one of my friend's house more to get away from my family one day we were looking at stupid apps on our phone and we found a ghost tracker that would ping a location where ghosts multiple are at it worked like a sonar you see in a submarine bullcrap app I know but we downloaded it and screwed around with it green dots meant friendly ghost yellow was an uncertain ghost and red was a vengeful spirit / demon we go running through his house picked up a few green dots thought it was legit ran outside near the parking lot found a few yellows went back to his house and my friends scanned me and a red dot appeared he showed his mother and made a joke that I'm being possessed big mistake she was a devout Catholic who said I needed to go home for harboring an evil spirit she was older didn't understand it was just a bullcrap app but whatever anyways I go home nobody is home and I jump onto my xbox I started thinking about things and putting some self doubt that maybe the app is right but I ignore it I started zoning while playing my game and I heard someone calling my name a few times I ignored his first but then it got constant and finally a little louder and I turned around and screamed to shut the duck up thinking it was my mother just being annoying I turned into a complete [ __ ] at this point on our family always fought so this was normal my dog a few moments later was fixated on me and would not stop barking at me finally dog stopped time passes everyone comes home grandmother goes straight to her room and my mother says she's surprised I'm home told her I got kicked out she thought I did something and I showed her the app as the reason for it there was a yellow dot in the house somewhat near where my mother and I were at the sonar started going in the yellow dot moved each time the sonar blipped funny enough the same dog that was barking at me starts randomly walking while looking somewhat up at an angle into my grandmother's room the app then kept the dots stagnant in my grandmother's room which my mother and I followed and we found our grandmother over taking her medication to help her sleep after that the dot disappeared we did get green dots throughout the house after that at random but they didn't move and would disappear as quickly as they appeared whereas this one stayed for a while my mother thought it was my grandfather checking in on everyone and went to his wife's room to check on her that dog was his dog and she thought it got how it did with me because I was being aggressive to my grandfather either way my mother had talked to herself for a little hoping he was there to listen and then prayed for him I really don't believe in ghosts or spirits or the such I am intrigued by the idea of them and I love reading stories people have written but this is just something that lined up too well with the passing of my grandfather for me to just brush it off as I'm just imagining things if ghosts and spirits are a thing and actually manifests themselves in one way or another I like to imagine it was my grandfather checking in on everyone despite what was happening between the family and things were clearly not good grandmother with medication abuse mother with workaholics tendencies and denial me with violent behaviors complete lack of moral compass and was bumming off any narcotics drugs and alcohol I could from anyone that would give it to a young teenager sister went into depression and brother became a completely softy who lived in a fantasy world I've had other instances of the usual where I thought my name was being called out felt like I was being watched a certain piece of electronic goes out while everything else is working dogs seemingly staring and barking at nothing just after my grandfather's death and day of his death those were too coincidental for me to not think of them as something a little bigger than my usual thought process a serious case of deja vu I was visiting family of my now ex-wife in Illinois and we took a day trip to a quaint town nearby Galena Ile it's a crafty kind of town no franchises every store is owned by some artisan we're walking through this store and there's a large three to four feet tall giraffe on a table for sale it was a paper mache kind of thing painted glossy my ex asks me is that a wood carving and I immediately start responding no we've already discussed this it's PAP and then I stopped talking because we haven't discussed this ever before we've never seen anything even remotely similar to this thing we've never been in any store similar to this one but I was 100% convinced that we had discussed this very thing before I couldn't tell when if it was 30 seconds prior four years ago but I was absolutely positive we had discussed this before I could recite the conversation word-for-word at the time I never ended the sentence I asked her if she had ever seen anything like it or if we ever had a similar conversation she just blew it all off and wanted to keep shopping I tried to tell her what I was experiencing but she had no interest in discussing it hey she is my ex not my current anyway never experienced anything like it again I try to tell myself that it was neurons activating that triggered a familiarity response but it sure didn't feel like that when I was the editor of the campus magazine my team would on occasion stay the night in the newsroom when we were rushing out an issue it was a huge campus 33.5 hectares and we were the only people apart from the security guards who would be in the grounds the toilet closest to us was also the creepiest it was located at the end of an inordinately long dark corridor that had a very high ceiling and I think the high ceiling was the reason why the bulb had never been replaced after it blew it was long enough that the light from both ends left the middle of the passage so dark that you could trip over something if someone had left it there and it was a long enough walk that you could feel the seconds tick by as you walk down it extremely uncomfortable it was creepy enough that on nights that we'd stay back the guys in the team would hold off going to the toilet until everyone had to go and even then they'd insist I had to go along with them too I was the only girl in the editorial team but I also happen to be the only one who wasn't affected by the coroner the way they were because I didn't believe in ghosts them numbers oh six let's go to the loo me no I'm busy you already have all of you going together you don't need me them they're useless they're all as scared as me I'd offer to wait outside the toilet but no I had to step in with them and they made me stand with my face to the door while they all did their business as quickly as possible while trying to laugh off the absurdity of the situation I remember the laughing particularly because it was such a strange combination of sheepish Ness hedged with real nervousness according to their logic my immunity from being scared was their talisman for those thinking there was some sexual reason for them wanting me to be there rest assured there wasn't they considered me sexless and half of them were gay anyway one night I happened to be the only person staying back I went to the loo in the wee hours of the morning and as I was sitting there a stray thought came into my head what would I do if the lights went off it was one of those hypothetical questions that I'd often entertain so nothing special there I mulled over it for a couple of seconds and decided if that indeed happened I'd laugh immediately the light went off not all the lights mind you just the one directly over my cubicle I had a split second where my mind went and then because my prior decision was still fresh in my mind I forced out a laugh ha I finished up my business washed my hands and walked back to my newsroom down that dark dark corridor I didn't experience fear just a number of Auto but I also remember holding my mind in a vice grip refusing to let my mind wander off beyond the mundane task of getting back to the newsroom I remember thinking very distinctly if you start running you're going to be ducking terrified and that was it in the years after that I often wonder what happened there coincidence someone pulling a prank unlikely because the lights which controlled both fluorescent light tubes in the toilet I was the only student there also consider the timing of the bulb going off I didn't speak aloud and I swear it went off immediately after I finished my thought was it some supernatural occurrence did I somehow generate that blow and bulb I have a vivid imagination so I've imagined some pretty horrifying follow-ups to that incident the worst one I've come up with so far is that after my ha I hear someone start chuckling in the stall next to me softly at first and then building up to a screaming crescendo of inhuman mirth TLDR was alone in a toilet imagined the light going off and it immediately did many years ago my brother and I would have our friends over for land parties they just hauled their computers and consoles over to our place for the weekend whenever we were like 10 to 12 years old parents were gone for the night so we were home alone staying up late just gaming there was a moderately strong storm going on around 1:00 a.m. that made the power go out we were all using desktop PCs no laptops and no battery backup devices somehow my PC started booting back up before the power came back and it loaded into one of those really old-school chat rooms it was just a large black screen with white lines separating a list of users and a place to type the only users were us guests and another user named bad luck bad luck type tonight was the worst night of my entire life and now I'm going to make it yours after he typed at the power came back on and my brother and friends will swear up and down that they heard something at the backdoor but were never we checked nothing was there the whole thing was legitimately terrifying for a 10 to 12 year-old to experience I'm just glad that I had multiple people around who also witnessed it we definitely couldn't get to sleep that night but we tried to just put it out of our minds and play games again so in my old neighborhood there was this garage sale that I decided to go to and because I was a child I of course found a porcelain doll that I really liked yeah I know I'm basically a horror movie character in the making I got my parents to buy it because why not fast forward two years later while moving into my new house I had accidentally broke one of its legs and I never got around to fixing it because I didn't really play with it or anything anymore so I just put it in a box on a shelf in my closet where it is to this day now this happened about three years later one day my family and I decided to go for a walk in a park nearby but my mom decided to stay home for a reason I don't remember so we had left to go to the park almost immediately after I had woken up so I didn't get the chance to make my bed yet so when we get back I go upstairs to do some homework and I get greeted with the sight of this style sitting on the top of my neatly made bed and on top of that it's leg is now fixed okay no biggie my mom just probably made my bed and for whatever reason found it all fixed it and put it on my bed and I would have found this suite if not for the fact that after I asked my mom about it she said she had gone grocery shopping with the newly bought groceries as proof and had no clue about the doll sir yeah I put it back in the box covered it with salt and it now stays in my closet because my mom doesn't want me burying it because she's very religious and says it would make the situation worse but now I hear tapping noises in my closet at night that is most definitely a human finger so okay mom just let your daughter become possessed by a mysterious doll thi ng but I mean it wasn't completely horrible at least it made my bed for me [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 220,369
Rating: 4.8703923 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: uQ2aOAPyyzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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