ABANDONED BUILDING explorers share the SCARIEST thing that happened to them (r/AskReddit)

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[Music] serious to anybody who likes exploring abandoned / rundown places what was the scariest thing that has ever happened to you on your adventures this was when I was a kid maybe 12 13 back when me and my four cousins were little hellions they lived out on a ranch and we would ride four-wheelers to a bunch of abandoned buildings in the country all the time one time we came across a bridge and decided to stop and enjoy the view it was a beautiful day I should mention Sun was shining birds were singing and the water in the river looked amazing rushing under the bridge then we noticed something strange there is a metal wire tied to the rail of the bridge and hanging down into the water of course curiosity got the best of us so we decide to pull it up and see what he was all about we pull up a deer skull a huge one - with large antlers and everything mind you this is not within the time line of hunting season at all then my cousin says look over there we see what looks like an axe stuck in the middle of a tree stomped down by the river we walked to the end of the bridge and hiked our way down to the river and lo and behold this is not an axe it was a deers leg that had been chopped off and stuck in the dead center of the tree stump pointing straight up at the sky we rushed back to the top of the bridge and decided there was no way a deer died by itself and put its leg in a tree stump and tied its skull to a metal wire we come to the realization that someone is hunting out of season suddenly as two of my cousins are discussing whether to take the head with them or not they thought it was super cool but it smelled absolutely horrible we see some hillbilly looking men step out onto the porch of a house up on the hill they are holding rifles they see that we've pulled up the wire with the deer skull and start running down the hill at us we never rode our four-wheelers so fast we booked it out of there we made it back to the ranch and told our parents about it there used to be this abandoned asylum in the woods by the park near the house where I grew up the main building above ground had been torn down but the basement was still there and you could enter it through a small window that was just big enough to crawl through the furniture and some medical stuff was all still down there I was too afraid to go through the but my friend wasn't he was down there for about five minutes before he screamed and jumped out of the window he said something was chasing him we could hear it down there scurrying around but none of us wanted to get close enough to the window to look with the flashlight a few years later a woman got attacked near there by a gaze of aggressive raccoons about ten years ago I was exploring an old run-down hotel in my city with some friends at about 3 a.m. the property owners were having serious troubles with squatters so they had put razor wire everywhere I was wearing thin jeans I was 18 and stupid I tripped on some steps and thought some of the razor wire had just caught on my jeans we keep going and get inside soon I realize my leg is wet and I don't just mean wet it is soaked from the knee down it's dark as hell so my buddy shines his flashlight on my leg and it turns out it's blood I have to drop my pants in front of everyone to see where it's coming from right above my knee is this little cut squirting blood we all start cursing one of the girls Bewkes and has to turn away fortunately my buddy incidentally the one with a flashlight takes off his belt and sweatshirt and makes a pressure pack for it and gets me to lay down with my leg above my head for a bit after a while we decide we have to hike out of there and quick before security comes back for their rounds so we tighten the belt and we hike out of there I had to take my pants all the way off because I didn't want to rip them over the sweatshirt so here I am walking out of this hotel and into the subsequent neighborhood to wear out car was parked in my boxer briefs holding my leg soaked in blood from the knee down ended up going okay sewed it up at home with help from dude with a flashlight he was a nifty friend to have around TL DR break into a hotel trip over razor wire don't realize it's bad until we're all the way in have to hike out in no pants have good friends this was a few years ago but there was an abandoned cookie factory in my city we found out if we walk down some train tracks you could get in through an unlocked side dollar so me and two other guys went exploring we entered the basement and wandered through it was obvious people had been there before by the crafty hail Satan graffiti tags all over what was a locker slash our room anyway we come to a ladder going up to the next floor and I proceeded to go up and realize when the company left the building they had sectioned this portion of the building off the ladder went up and had a curved rung on it so they had take a large piece of plywood and cut holes in it to fit him through the rungs and laid it on the floor to block it off I get to the top lock my legs on the ladder and push hard on the plywood and it comes up there on the floor about six inches in front of my face was a glass orb it was reflecting there in the darkness I'm looking at my own face and what I can make out with my light I just stayed there for a minut expecting something to come out of the darkness and tear my ducking face off and pull me up the ladder so I took a breath lifted the plywood slid underneath onto the floor and assumed the ducting Wolverine stance like that was going to save me from the deranged murder ghost of the abandoned cookie factory the two guys I was with get up the ladder and we look around we found a six foot tall t-rex and toys and all kinds of stuff old children's museum exhibits by this point if you live in my city you most likely know where I was the cookie factory had a nearby Children's Museum and they held old exhibits for the museum and one of the empty wings in the factory maybe for a tax break or something I guess since the factory shut down they've blocked that part off and hoped they'd forget about it bonus story we went back with a larger group which isn't a smart idea because you make more noise obviously and we heard someone shouting at us with us was a friend of mine who was about 6-3 and 300 pounds another guy had a gun on him just in case as well so we're not really worried but this is also not somewhere that you want to draw attention to yourselves so we decided we'd better leave as we hear this person banging crap and cursing at us we get out and keep walking and we finally see the person in question little crackhead in a purple vikings jersey with a squeaky voice who was probably just trying to ride a high in peace and if it was the inter baked cookie factory in richmond virginia it's now fancy new apartments me and two of my friends were exploring some woods on the outskirts of my city when we were around 12 13 years old these woods had old barracks in them that were used during world war ii but are completely abandoned overgrown and rundown now to actually get to any explorable barracks you had to go quite deep into the forest and up some very steep hills in which you use the trees roots that grow down them to climb up this was the first time me and my friends had ventured this deep before so all were pretty excited at seeing how far we could go and how big the place actually was eventually we came to a cross path and we choose to go down the right side we had to squeeze our way through some tight stinging nettle bushes but luckily we all had long clothes on to protect us we stumbled out into this huge clearing area where right in front of us was a huge building that had a massive entrance in the side we were all astounded as we didn't realize any buildings this big were in this forest and we hadn't seen any real abandoned places before of course we decided to go in and check it out and inside its stretched quite deep and was very dark being young we were all pretty nervous to actually set foot any further than where the natural light from the opening spread to we hung around the entrance for a bit messing around echoing our voices and such eventually one of my friends is looking off into the darkness with a very frightened expression on his face me and my other friend turned to him to ask him what's the matter and he says guys I swear I just saw a face or something in the dark over there me and my friend thinking he is trying to just spook us I'll tell him to stop messing with us we aren't falling for his tricks that's when it happened the loud scream of an adult male fills the entire building amplified by the echo with that me and my friends look at each other absolutely terrified and let out shrieks ourselves we bolt it towards the bushes in which we came and start making a break straight back the way we came without looking back we must have run for a solid ten minutes straight without even stopping those huge steep hills I spoke about earlier we literally jump down and just slid down them getting covered in dirt we finally reached the edge of the forest and stopped running we never did find out who was in there or why but considering how young I was it was definitely one of my most terrifying experiences and if that event stopped me from going back there for a very long time however as I got older I eventually plucked out the courage to go back I had told all my friends about this experience and so we decided to go there with a much larger group 10-plus it took us a while to actually find the place again as the forest is kind of like one straight path where you got to chose your location to move down off the hills to find the abandoned bunkers / barracks when we found the place we were more equipped with flashlights and stuff we went in and took a look around and didn't see anything out of the usual my guess is like people said probably a squatter scaring us off the manbearpig a few months ago I was cruising around Chattanooga with my sister and a friend we were on the side of town with his factory some people and told us was a pretty cool old place to check out so we decided what the duck let's kill some time there anyone from the area might be familiar with it it's the old central soya factory off of M Nikola and there are several videos online of people exploring it our first mistake was going through the gate it was the obvious way in so we merrily traipse down the road and onto the property it's the middle of the afternoon so it's bright and sunny and the wind is blowing so we can hear loose metal banging around up a we passed the silos and end up in the loading dock kind of area pretty much every inch to is covered in graffiti so we wander around there for a minute once we entered the building there's a pitch-black hallway to our right duck bat we stay in the loading area and go up to the second floor my friend is walking ahead of us and he stops at the top of the stairs to look around before rushing us back down apparently the entire upstairs was trashed littered in papers and blankets and empty cans what spooked him was the room at the far end the half opened door started to swing wider when he looked at it and he couldn't see anything farther than that we got back to the main floor creeped out and ready to leave when we hear a voice whisper hey nothin else but at that moment the wind stopped and the whole place went dead still demon-possession horror movie style we nope that duck out of there and as we were heading back to the gate we found a message I can see you was painted on the asphalt and when my friend and sister looked back they both saw a man walked past one of the windows apparently he turned to stare at us for a moment before gliding out of sight again and even though I didn't see him we all still had chills hours later we've talked about going back with more people and better flashlights but so far no one is that enthusiastic about it when I was younger my knees we're the same age and I were out exploring an abandoned construction site at night and didn't notice the huge hole in the ground leading to what I imagined was going to be a tank or basement for one of the houses she managed to jump over it but I fell in and ended up with a rebar rot going through the front of my right shin I was stuck down there for a while before she could grab my hand and help pull me out we staggered home and packed the wound with tampons and peroxide for fear of getting in trouble of course our parents found out when I came down with a terrible infection and other injuries showed up also permanently ducked my left shoulder smashing it on the way down I walk with a kinda inward limp to this day but a large circular scars all that's really left from the accident we were so lucky we hadn't both or gotten more seriously injured so far from home a few years later a kid I went to school with died falling out of a half-built house and that made it sink in all the way mine the caution tape kids it's not worth the risk I came across a very old very smashed up VW Bug in a ravine in the woods it had been there a long time since it was half buried in the mud I started poking around the site and found dozens of old-school-style ladies stockings many tied together and disintegrating scattered around I found old Kodak film developing canisters I found a bag of cement completely hardened among other things plus a year before I had found a very old ice pick close to the site I got the chills and became a bit concerned I had posted about this on reddit years ago but the general consensus was that the chassis was missing and it was just someone's garbage dump but I still wonder about it so much of the bug was scattered about and buried in mud it was just so weird and it to add a few more details the bug is in North Carolina late 50s early 60s orange convertible I think the ice pick says Middletown aizen coal company phone to to 5453 I have posted this to a couple other ask reddit questions but anytime this type of question comes up I always go back to growing up in a small rural New England town and as a kid would always venture into the woods and find neat old things my dad noticed that I was really interested in exploring and finding old things near our land so one day asked if I wanted to go see something that no one else he knew had known about I jumped at the chance and we drove off into the mountains and parked on the side of the road we got out and walked into the woods for what felt like 45 minutes and we came across this really small Cemetery there had to be 10 or so stones and you couldn't really make out anything on them but a couple of them that reads something like 1802 to 1803 and 1803 to 1805 my dad said he stumbled on it as a kid and it must have been a small family Cemetery it just kind of broke my heart thinking about how many of those stones were probably infant / toddler I was exploring an abandoned mine in the Mojave I was pretty far in climbing down ladders and exploring old roads I saw old newspapers break rooms clothes and unexploded dynamite in the walls something spooked me and I turned around fast to run I hit my head on the rock broke my headlamp and knocked myself out I came to I was wet cold and it was pitch black like no light at all black I tried my headlamp didn't work tried my backup didn't work flashlight was also dead I was seriously beginning to get really scared I continued searching my backpack I found several odd shapes not usually in it it was Halloween chem-lights that my kids had put into my backpack I tore the first one open and cracked it beautiful green light everywhere I recognized where I was and made my way out I surveyed myself I had a gash in my head about 3 inches long I was covered in blood and mud I drove to urge and care down in Victorville I ended up with 13 staples in my head I never went back into a mine alone after that I did go into Cave of the winds here at CEO on a candlelight tour years later I was fine until they had us blow out the candles that trapped fear in that mine came right back it was all I could do not to panic and gtfo affair don't explore old abandoned mines by yourself tell people where you are have backups of backups and backups and don't rely on freaking batteries two times out of the hundred or so adventures have ended in a scary situation there's an abandoned hospital here that I explored a lot I even spent the night in there a few times it was incredibly intimidating from the outside and not many people had the balls to go in back then one night I went in with a couple friends and we saw a sleeping bag on the ground that appeared to have a person in it and one of the friends who had joined completed he it thought it would be a good idea to kick the sleeping bag and see if someone was in it sure as crap someone was in it he jumped out of the sleeping bag screaming at us no words just screams and chased us out of there the second time I was at an abandoned Factory huge Factory I had also been there a few times previously made it inside started taking photos and then my friend asked if I could hear someone running we waited and listened for a minute and the running kept getting louder and closer so we got out before we found out who it was running or why they were running my friends and I went to this abandoned prison by our town one night as we got there four of them ran straight and while a girl and I stood out front because the gate wouldn't open anymore so as we stand there wondering how we're gonna get in a truck suddenly pulls up now you must remember this is an abandoned prison there is only one road that leads in and out with a connected road that circles the prison as the truck pulls in closer they turn their high beams on us and pull over to the side shotgun rolls down his window and starts asking us if it was just the two of us since she was freaking out I decided to take control and really dumb on my part say yeah it's just us two we're here on a date the man looks me up and down and goes all right well we're stationed up at the fire station right behind the prison we were just checking to see if you guys were vandals but if it's just you two please be safe and they drove off on the road that circled the prison a little while later police show up they question us intensely and I tell them wait the firefighters who patrol this place gave us permission to be here those cops asked me WTF I was talking about and if they went into the prison the only reason I comment this is because the firefighters never exited down that one road they just disappeared into the circular Road around the prison it was back in high school a couple friends and I found some abandoned places and lived in a safe town so we figured there wouldn't be any problem with it hindsight we were dumb AF I took a friend to an old abandoned house I've never been to it was just a two-story house out in the country nothing too spooky in the outside we walk in and it's just a mess stuff was thrown about just looked like the place was rummaged through first floor couldn't hold my attention so I figured I'd make my way up the stairs on my way up on the wall is this rectangular door nothing too big but I've never seen something like that before so I opened it inside was an extremely small room you could probably only squat in it there were just Todd's and Den's in there things you'd expect to see in storage that people typically don't use often what caught my eye though was a paper drawing near the door it was a stereotypical drawing of a girl into son triangle dress circle head circle son lines for the sun's rays okay kinda creepy given it's an abandoned house and then I turned it over now my last name isn't very common where I live outside a family I've never met someone with his last name on the back of this drawing was written smacky that was enough to make me flip out leave and drop herbin exploring completely there used to be a house just behind our property when I was a kid it was abandoned the lady who lived there died some 30 years ago and no one ever bothered with the house it was seriously run down all the windows were broken by vandals storms had blown stuff all over the place the floors were water damaged and warped the paint was flaking off everywhere and it smelled strange the back area had a shed with what I presumed were jars of canned vegetables that were sold they had begun to mold the creepy vibe was very strong and when me and my siblings went to explore it we all had a strong feeling we were being now my brother and sister had their own and explained experiences but I'll share mine in the upstairs room in the top of the stairs there was an old hospital bed with a stained mattress there were also shelves full of books interesting books that were going to wasting a few of them had very neat covers and the pages were ruined so I thought I would salvage the covers for a journal or something anyway I gathered up a few books I felt could be salvaged and laid them on the bed bear in mind my brother and sister were in the very next room I could see them the whole time while they were trying to make their way out onto a balcony one of them called for me to help move an old TV so I went and helped again I could see them the whole time they never left that room now I crapped thee not when I got back to the book road those books were back on the Shelf to this day I have no rational explanation I never went back to that house in my hometown there was an abandoned hospital called Clifton Canadian Red Cross googling it's great we went for an excursion at midnight one night with a flashlight each we explored for a while and heard a few bumps but we put that down to animals scurrying around the thing to note here is this place is off-road in the countryside there is absolutely no artificial lights nearby without torches on you cannot see anything not even your hand in front of your face we just finished exploring one of the two long quarters and then entered the chapel whilst in there we heard noise that sounded like a metal bar being kicked on the floor coming from the main corridor we turned off the light and peeked out into the corridor to see if we could see lights but saw nothing it was pitch black you would know if someone was there as they'd need a flashlight it would be impossible to navigate without light and without walking into a hundred hazards / objects we waited awhile and turned our torches back look down the corridor to see a single wheelchair right in the middle of the quarter where we previously just came from this wasn't there before and us being kids at the time who shot our selves and absolutely booked it out of there on the way out we thought glass shattering but again saw no torches or light sources never went back there at night again I've posted this on some other thread before not a building but when I was 15 my friends took me to this place in my hometown it was about a 30 to 40 minute hike on a very poorly marked path through the woods and you could come out at the top of this giant hill overlooking a few towns it was a pretty cool spot and after going two times with my friends both times at night I felt like I can totally navigate this the next weekend I brought my girlfriend just me and her I got us up on the rock and we hung out for a while and decided to go back down and call my family for a ride I'm 15 still so we start walking down through the woods and we get lost really lost I had never really paid attention to going down as much as I had going up so we're pretty much wandering through the woods at this point with a cellphone flashlight and aiming in a general direction then out of nowhere about 100 yards away from us a flashlight just turns on we both froze it didn't move I knew that there was a guy employed by the county who lived and worked in those woods I had met him a handful of times and he was a nice guy I assumed it was him and he could direct us so I called out a loud no movement on the flashlight I called out louder a flashlight turn on us then it turned off then we heard a rustling like leaves heading in our direction my girlfriend whispered one in my ear and we both booked it as fast as we could after maybe 10 minutes or so I recognized the beginning of the paths and got us back to the road where we called my parents and got home it was a very weird experience and I still get a bit freaked out in the woods if I can't see like a road or a house or anything [Applause] during a trip to Germany a friend of mine managed to convince me to come with him trophy hunting his definition of trophy hunting is going around and hunting down artifacts from World War two guys got at least five original World War two chital Helms we both went out to what used to be some sort of base or barracks for the bear muck deep within a forest somewhere place had a ton of graffiti I couldn't understand any of it due to my limited German knowledge we however both saw a big sign that said Achtung but I couldn't make out the rest sign was too aged we ventured in surely enough there was a ton of graffiti inside as well as well as a locked door my friend takes a set of bolt cutters to this old 1940s lock and gets the door open inside it stinks to high heaven he immediately runs and as I choked on the noxious stench coming from this room I take a moment to gather my bearings again and I'm about to step in when I hear him screaming so of course I run in I ask him what's wrong and he points to the corner he stutters that he saw someone there I don't see anybody so I tell him to suck it up and we explore a bit more I get the bright idea to take my phone and play some German music to lighten spirits Erica is the first song to play I hear a voice and turn to face I see someone standing there it's not my friend I can't make out any features I blink and he's gone I'm a bit freaked out my friends been going through old lockers looking for old equipment he can add to his collection we're both using the flashlights of our phones due to the darkness of this previously locked area I looked through some lockers too just to check I open one that looks rustier than the others and there's an old pistol sitting there Luger po8 hard to believe yup my friend cheered me on saying I'd found my first find I shoved the old pistol into my backpack for later and that's when we both heard something fall how do I know we both heard it we both turned in the direction it came from we both looked at each other he was sweating I was shaking he coughed and said we should get out of there he didn't feel right I nodded and we both basically ran out of there as we finally got out we both heard a long bang we got curious and we poked our heads back inside the door we busted open had slams shut again and there had been no breeze we don't talk about it much these days edit for those who keep asking for pictures I will provide one as soon as I can I just need to find the thing it was packed in a box in a recent move and as soon as I find that box I will take as many pictures as you so desire for now feel free to call me a liar in karma [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 34,719
Rating: 4.6610928 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: -lopOkbkybM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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