What is the CREEPIEST, most BLOOD CHILLING thing you have experienced? (r/AskReddit)

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serious what is the creepiest most blood-chilling thing you or someone you know have ever experienced came home late at night a few weeks ago through my rearview mirror I could see some dudes standing in my backyard it has a fence around it but a small jump I'd say about 20 to 30 was wearing an orange hoodie white guy I didn't get too good of a look not sure how I remember these details kind of weirded me out I parked my car by the fence as always since the door I leave unlocked is on the garage I look back to the yard no one there whatever I probably imagined it I get this feeling of absolute red heart dropping dread I read this read at threat once about how these people got that feeling and knew instantly to run this was some primal instinct or some crap it said run got a run however I am the cockiest have white kids so I decided nah a legs at my cat anyways going the garage can barely force my legs to move open the door slightly someone lunges at me I nope TF out of there I keep sprinting away till I get inside another door call my parents epilogue the feeling didn't go away for another week the garage area still freaks me out side detail I'm an attractive gal who comes home at the same time to the same place on schedule so I guess they figured that out however I also hallucinate a lot so I'm going to bet that they were just hallucinations I have to each one creepy slash blood chilling in its own unique way I was born and raised in the country outside a small northeastern Indiana town I lived in a house that my great-great-great-great grandfather and his brothers built as well as four other homes directly around my house where his brothers and their wives lived back in their time so by the time I lived in it as a child it was well into 100 years old and had been remodeled by my grandma and grandpa in the 1970s so before we lived there my maternal grandparents lived there my grandpa was diagnosed with idiopathic cystic fibrosis of the lungs way back in the early 1980s I was born in 1989 and in 1990 he was blessed with receiving the first lung transplant in Northern at a very young age I have two distinct memories of him being home with oxygen tubes in his nose and pulling his oxygen tank around the house to sit in his favorite rocker / recliner he passed away in 1991 from rejection so the creepy part back in 2006 I was pregnant with my first child and near my due date it was during the day and I was really uncomfortable and my hip / lower back was hurting so I decided to drive to mom and dads and take a nap in their waterbed thinking the heat may help so I get there and mom and I sat in the kitchen off from the living room to talk for a few minutes during a lull in conversation I distinctly hear a squeak squeak like squeaky tires I kind of nonchalantly look around to see where the noise could be coming from I don't see anything I glance at my mom and see she's looking round - right as I'm about to ask her if she hears that I see from the corner of my eye a figure walk past the entryway to the kitchen walking into the living room since I was already looking at mom hence why I saw it out of the corner of my eye I could see she deaf saw something as well as her eyes got the deer in headlights look in her face went pale she looked at me and put her finger over her closed mouth lenka sound and we both stood up quietly and walked to the kitchen / living room Hall / entryway and looked into the living room in the living room the rocker recliner mom had was rocking back and forth like someone was sitting in it rocking I looked back at mom with a are you ducking seeing this expression just in time to see her hands fly up to her open mouth I snapped my head back around and plainly see my dead for at this time 15 plus years grandfather mom's dad sitting in the chair rocking for about two rocks I quickly glanced back at mom to make sure she's seeing this and looked back and he was gone in the chair was completely still legit freakiest thing that has ever happened to me was not scared was just in disbelief so glad my mom was there where I would have thought I'd gone insane story two is completely different so lived in the same house except this time I was around eight nine sent my and my sister's rooms were upstairs in our house and my parents room was downstairs this particular night I was sick and my parents let me sleep on the couch in the living room somewhere around 3/4 a.m. I remember waking up because I heard someone come in the front door which opens directly into the living room I remember opening my eyes to see someone walking through the living room and into the kitchen and I seemingly fell back asleep for a few minutes the next thing I knew I was woken up to red and blue lights flashing through the house then I hear my dad and mom's hushed whispers and dad arguing with what sounded like another man again young me just fell back asleep come to find out the next morning apparently a man who was fleeing the cops had pulled into our driveway and walked into our house come on and was trying to convince my dad to tell the cops he was his dad and this was his house uh yeah dad death did not dot had and guy ended up in jail a few weeks ago I was up late celebrating the end of exams with some videogames I was living with my mom and my 96 year old grandpa until school wrapped up my grandpa regularly gets up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom or get a glass of water and when he does so his feet make a light thud sound that I can hear from the basement so this night around 2:00 a.m. I hear grandpa's feet hit the floor practically on schedule about 30 seconds later I hear a much louder thud I knew that wasn't normal so I ran upstairs to see what had happened thinking he had knocked over a chair or something he actually collapsed when I turned on the light he was lying on his stomach trying to get up I went over to help him up and my mom came downstairs to investigate I sat him down in a chair and he was somewhat responsive well as responsive as you can be when you're hearing is almost completely gone for about 15 seconds then he started convulsing and soiling himself and doing this odd lip-smacking thing I recognized it as a seizure and told mom to call 9-1-1 while I tried to tend to him he was convulsing for about 30 seconds before he stopped and started gasping for air each breath taking longer than the last until he stopped breathing right there in my arms he just stopped breathing I watched his lips turned blue I couldn't find a pulse and I the color flush from his face and I froze I had no idea what to do at all I was relaying all this to my mom to tell the 9-1-1 operator and mom was losing her crap the 9-1-1 operator told me to lay him down on the ground because she was gonna walk me through CPR so i pick him up clean out of the chair all 175 pounds of dead weight and lay him on the ground and get ready to do cpr and just before i start he opens his eyes and starts breathing again the ambulance got there not long after and i'm shouting at him trying to keep him calm and awake did I mention he's almost deaf by the time he was in the stair chair he was joking with the paramedics that it's too cold to be outside in his pj's he doesn't remember anything between when he went down and when he was being loaded into the ambulance I envied him for that because it's something I'll never forget sorry in advance for poor formatting this will be long and I am typing on my phone forgive me smile growing up my parents were in the US Navy when I was eight or nine we moved to flower bluff naval air station outside of Corpus Christi Texas from the get-go my older brother and I hated the place we both would have the sensation of being watched there was odd noises and smells randomly we would hear chattering between people not loud enough to hear what was said but loud enough to hear distinct voices we shared a room for a bit at night we would hear a constant tapping noise it reacted to us yelling at it telling you to stop or whatever sometimes it would stop others it would get more intense like it was mocking us it would frighten my brave big brother to the point of going to sleep in our parents room I myself was so paralyzed with fear I would just lay there eyes closed and pretend to sleep even though he insisted I should get out with him we would see moving shadows on two very distinct and memorable occasions I saw full-figured shadowy apparitions things would be misplaced something even our parents noticed and blamed on my brother or I I am pretty sure my parents heard or saw things too but either just shrugged it off as adults do or didn't make a deal of it as to not frighten us kids the place was haunted bottom line I remember going to visit my grandparents in Florida one summer it felt great to be out of there I had a long discussion with my mom one day it started with me asking what had meant to be paranoid than me telling her I thought that maybe I was mentally ill that's when she started taking our complaints more seriously imagine your 10 year old telling you he thinks he is paranoid sees and hears things it wasn't fun for her I am sure dad still shrugged it off said it was overactive imaginations and the horror movies mom rented for us Wendy had an overnight duty shift things stayed constant like that for a while all the odd occurrences my brother became a teenager and needed his own space so I moved into what was then the computer slash office room the computer stayed and will be important in just a bit we had a dog named Sally who had treasured when I had to sleep alone in that room she kept me safe and sane she knew something was up she was never more than a foot behind me she slept on my bed played on the bath mat when I showered she was always there on more than a few occasions when I was in that room she would growl at the closet at the window or the corner across from my bed I really believed she kept me safe from something angry if not pure evil if not for that lil mawt I damn well could have lost my mind she was my Saviour and I will cherish her forever her ashes sit in a pine box and my mancave at home as I typed this one summer night she had woken me up she was trying to get under my blanket pawing in nuzzling she had her ears back hair standing and was shaking and whining something scared her to her doggy core it scared me too I closed my eyes hard and pretended we were elsewhere I managed to drift back to sleep sleep was interrupted again later that night I woke to what I can now describe as a cacophony the window behind my bed had slammed closed I opened my eyes and surprised the old computer was on it was a das computer for you kids there wasn't a graphic interface you had to type in commands to open programs the keyboard was clicking away with random characters typing onto the screen i howled in fear I cried for my mom and dad mom tells me she thought I was being murdered my still skeptical dad came rushing in he saw the computer saw the characters appear on screen heard the mechanical clicking of keystroke he lunched at the power supply and turned it off the computer remained on for just a few seconds but it seemed like forever as the screen went dead there was this noise I still can hear it when I'm alone in the dark it was this guttural groan it sounded as if someone was being choked with lungs full of water it was the most frightening thing that happened then the clicking stopped as did my father's skepticism a few days later some naval officers came to visit I didn't know at the time but one was a child psychologist the other was a chaplain they talked to my brother and I together and separately I remember how odd some questions were like asking if adults had ever touched us then we talked openly about things we saw and heard in the house the chaplain seemed most interested brother and I both had a few visits with the psychologist in the hospital as well after their first visit though we stayed in a Holiday Inn on the beach it was such a relief we never went back to that house in a rather unprecedented event and after several talks with the chaplain and doctor the Navy granted my parents an allowance to pay for off-base housing turns out our complaints weren't the only ones for years there had been numerous claims in housing the sailors work areas all over the base ours was probably just the most serious the housing area was demolished not long after my dad was restated and rebuilt on the other side of the base until the base itself was closed down at the end of Clinton's second term years after when the internet was burgeoning I did some research with my brother turns out in 1900 or 1901 I don't recall exactly the area was hit by a hurricane it was one of the largest civilian loss of life events in American history only to be beaten by Hurricane Andrew the base we lived on was hit terribly hard with hundreds of deaths in a small area I think that last moan I experienced with my dad came from a drowning victims lost soul I can still hear it it still chose me every time thank you for reading this long post you can believe me or not I don't care it happened and I hope no one ever has to go through that and Thank You Sally for keeping me safe every night love you and it just looked again it was hurricane Galveston in 1900 to this day it remains the deadliest natural disaster in US history so this isn't nearly as bad as most everything else in here but I love these posts and I ought to at least contribute one of the creepiest things that happen to me and my admittedly not the creepy life I grew up in the middle of nowhere rural Texas our nearest neighbors are several miles away and our driveway half a mile long the house sits on one of the few Hills around so it's visible from a long way off even at night if the lights are on at the time this happened I was about nine or ten and my sister who was babysitting me was 16 or 17 my parents were at some work event in the city an hour away and I had been at a basketball tournament so my sister picked me up at school around 6 o'clock this was winter so it was already pitch black outside we turn onto the driveway without any major hitches but about halfway up my sister slows down a lot that makes me look up and I see there is a guy walking down the driveway in front of us right down the middle of the road walking towards her house the driveway doesn't go anywhere else except right to our house he doesn't even turn around to look at us we don't even have to say anything to each other to know there's no way in hell we're going to try to talk to this guy I guess because we are dumb and clueless about not leading creepy people right to your house my sister just swerves around the guy and we skedaddle right up back to the house and once inside go around locking all the doors then just like a bunch of fools in horror movies we go upstairs to watch for him from the balcony while we call our parents our parents leave their event right away but at the time they didn't have cell phones so my sister and I just huddled together at the big picture window upstairs watching for anyone to come out of the darkness and into the porch light my parents don't see the guy on the driveway we never see him approaching we never see him again but the thing is we live on more than 600 acres of land it's a big place with creeks and trees and places you can hide really easily places you can live really easily if you were resourceful I always loved playing in the pastures as a kid but after that I didn't really get to go out there unaccompanied again it wouldn't bother me so much because we did people drive up the driveway lost out in the middle of nowhere before just looking for directions and maybe the guys car had broken down and he was just looking for some help but if that were true why didn't he turn around why didn't he ever look at me and my sister as we drove up if that were true why didn't he ever make it up to the house TLDR weird I was walking alone on my family's farm alone at night apparently oblivious to clear external stimuli then he apparently disappears or else's maybe still living with the Coyotes edit typos one night during my freshman year of high school I had a band concert at school afterwards I walked to the car with my mom and a buddy asked for a ride home he lived like a block from us so it was no big deal we were driving to his place and just chatting when I noticed something weird in the street ahead of us it looked like someone standing there just standing perfectly still in the middle of the road I pointed him out and my mom said there's no way it was a person just standing there the street wasn't super lit at night so none of us were sure what it was my mom slowed down and we realized it was just some guy standing in the road facing directly and it's just staring straight ahead my mom slowly drives around him and he doesn't move at all he just stood there perfectly still not moving a muscle we dropped off my friend while I was on the phone calling 911 drove home but had to drive back that same road with that creepy guy it had maybe been five minutes since we drove past him so we were freaked out that he'd be there and possibly with friends this time to our surprise he was gone no sign of him we got home shortly after and never heard anything about it ever again I didn't if he was suicidal or just got dared by some friends but either way it was very creepy and still freaks me out when I think about it today my mother got cancer during the summer after I finished high school everything happened pretty fast a week after she was hospitalized they told me it was cancer yet the prognostic wasn't very good but that they would put her on an experimental treatment she promised me she would fight it was still all eight days a week later once she told us she didn't want us to spend at Friday night at the hospital with her that we needed to rest and have a party to have some fun she probably felt she needed some time alone herself that was back in the dial-up internet heyday so during the party I stayed logged in to download songs off of Napster sometimes between midnight and 1:00 I am and friend and I walked another friend to the bus stop all of a sudden I dropped on the sidewalk and pain from what felt like a heart attack worst chest pain I had ever felt and probably still the worst to this day eventually I caught my breath blamed in on the summer heat and went back home at about 2:30 a.m. my aunt and uncle show up and I can tell from my uncle's face that my mom is gone the hospital had tried calling us because couldn't get through because the line was busy because of the internet so they called my aunt and uncle and they drove over the hospital my mother was staying it was pretty chaotic and overcrowded they were constantly messing up her meds she had not started chemo yet but they were treating the pain with heavy opiates which caused a blood clot to form sometime between midnight and 1:00 a.m. she got up to go to the bathroom the clot dislodged and she had a stroke they found her on the floor about an hour later during rounds to this day we're all pretty convinced that staggering chest pain and my mother's stroke were connected kind of related maybe not as creepy but I was hospitalized for a severe kidney infection when I was 2 one night my mom had a nightmare where she was chased around the house by a huge ball of fire when she woke up she called the hospital begging them to check up on me at first the nurses just tried reassuring her that I was fine assuming she was just an overly concerned mom but she was pretty persistent so they went to check on me while tossing and turning during sleep my 4 catheter had become dislodged in the fourth solution was infiltrating the surrounding tissues the next day they all told her how lucky I was and that it was incredible how sensitive she was this doesn't really fit the bill in terms of having happened to me but I once accidentally made something terrifying happen to a woman I was doing my mandatory military service in Finland and I was a scout this means that the majority of what I did consisted of peering into darkness with a pair of binoculars wearing face paint and a ghillie suit this one time we were out in the middle of nowhere with another guy it must have been about 4:00 a.m. and we were very bored and cold writing down the register plates of cars that very very seldomly drove by I had drank an energy drink in order to stay awake and I really needed to pee I crawled back into a bush behind us where I was able to stand up and now everything went smoothly until I dropped my rifle this is bad very bad the ground was covered in snow I would have had to clean it in the morning several hours from then and I really didn't feel like scrubbing it after staying up all night so I did what we're taught to do which is to draw the lock back and then release it effectively reloading it and the impact of the lock hitting the gun often gets rid of a lot of the snow inside the gun now what I hadn't noticed and what my friend very rapidly whispered to me afterwards was that a young woman may be into early 30s had suddenly appeared on the road in front of us she heard me reloading my gun and absolutely freaked out she didn't really scream but she made this high-pitched noise and bolted away I couldn't really run after her as a man with a ghillie suit and a rifle appearing out of nowhere probably wouldn't have helped so mystery woman in the middle of the woods if you were about to post your story in this thread now you know what happened I am sorry TLDR accidentally terrified an unknown woman by reloading my service rifle in the middle of nowhere when I was about 13 years old I owned a Dell laptop one day I had invited my best friend at the time over to play counter-strike with me my friend didn't own a computer and my family computer was too crappy to run counter-strike so we would end up taking turns after a few hours my friend's mom picked us up and took us over to his house to spend the night my friend wanted to show me morrowind on his xbox so I had left my laptop at home when we got to his room I spotted my laptop's case propped up against the foot of his bed I asked him how it got there to which he replied you left it over here last time you came over I knew this wasn't true as I remembered grabbing my laptop charger out of my case while we were playing Counter Strike at my place so I go over to the foot of his bed and pick up the case and it feels pretty heavy after a short glance I concluded it definitely was my case and decided to open it when I opened the case I found the laptop we had just been playing on at my house fitting snugly in its pouch we were both immediately horrified that my laptop had somehow made its way into his room I pulled the laptop out of the pouch and found it was in hibernation I press the power button and the screen flickered on to reveal the title screen of counter-strike the battery was at 100% and everything was working fine my friend was telling me that the case had been at his house for a week and was empty the entire time at the same time I know for a fact that I never moved my laptop from my desk at home we asked his mom if she had brought it with us and she had no idea what we were talking about I decided to call my dad and asked if my I had left my laptop at home my dad told me that I had in my laptop was sitting on my desk at this point I was freaking out when did I get to exactly identical laptops the next morning when I had gotten back to my house I brought the second laptop home with me only to find that my laptop wasn't on my desk as my dad had told me my laptop's case also wasn't where I had left it this entire experience was truly terrifying to me as it almost seemed like a glitch in reality it was some freak phenomenon that shouldn't be possible and is the one truly supernatural experience I've ever had we had a foreign exchange student from Korea stay with us during my sophomore year of high school we'll call him Andy he was shy around adults seemed to be a cultural thing but his English was great and he was very outgoing with us and other kids at school Andy was well-liked enough to get us invited to a small party with a few of the cool kids at our school we were there until about 3:00 a.m. and started walking home about 1 minute away we got within about a block of my house and we started hearing loud moaning sobbing coming from the front yard of the house on the corner of my street we didn't know the guy who lived there he worked nights but we approached the home mostly out of concern we quickly realized our mistake what we saw in the garage was one of the most confusing and disturbing thing I've ever seen this guy was in his garage at 3 a.m. grilling steaks bawling his eyes out and frantically pointing his rifle in random directions when he saw us he immediately points the gun in my direction and starts yelling incoherently we both put our hands in the air and started backing up as slowly as possible it was probably only about 10 seconds until we were around the corner and running but it felt much longer he never stopped screaming and I was pretty sure he was going to shoot me the entire time it was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen I have no idea why he was grilling in his garage at 3 am much less hysterical with his mostly I felt bad for Andy his third weekend in America but we never really went anywhere near the house again I've always lived alone with my mom in a garden level flat it was the end of June I just finished passing the French equivalent of the a-levels so we were pretty much exhausted and happy it was all over we went to bed as normal around 5:30 a.m. I heard an awful sound like glass and water and I don't know what else I couldn't locate the sound and I'm pretty much out of the bed before being awoken properly I hear mom whispering through the door pompadour could you please come with me something is not OK we went to the living room first and nothing had move and everything was quiet my heart was racing and we continued to the kitchen on the kitchen floor there was our golden fish desperately jumping in the middle of a puddle of water and broken glass the bars of the kitchen window had been bent to open be the kitchen was empty we saved the fish called the police and then I received a call my dad never ever called I wasn't in contact with him hadn't seen him in like three years he called us a 6 a.m. out of the blue asking if everything was ok at our place he's supposed to live 100km away we think he tried to get into the flat B he's ducking tall and ended up knocking off the aquarium no proof nothing happened to him to this day I closed every window every door and watched my surroundings every time I know my father knows my current address I have a legal obligation to tell him at least once a year my mom got an alarm the fish are now living at my grandparents in a natural bond pretty tame compared to some of the stuff here but here we go some context I was a super anxious kid had really bad separation anxiety as a very little girl stress-induced trichotillomania obsessive pulling out / plucking of hair when I got older I was also super paranoid and refused to stay home alone for the longest time probably until middle school despite the fact that the town where I lived at the time was a nice affluent NYC suburb with near non-existent crime rates around that time my family also got a puppy German Shepherd who we were going to raise / trained to be guard dog in addition to our pet both of those facts important to the rest of the story so I was 12 or 13 my younger brother had a birthday party one Friday night so my dad gave him a ride to the friends house where the party was taking our dog with him to get her the dog used to riding in the car so I was working on conquering my fear of being home alone with my dad saying he would be gone half an hour tops I was sitting at a desk in the corner of our living room on the computer probably writing or watching YouTube videos or something the desk was right next to a window that overlooked the back deck slash porch the back door to the house which was a few feet from the window was accessible through a gate from the driveway my father used the gate often so he didn't have to corral the puppy through the house he could just let her in the backyard he would come inside through that door which was often left unlocked so when I saw someone walking along the deck I assumed it was my dad getting back and didn't think anything of it since he had the dog with him when the door started to open I slid back in my chair preparing to say hi to the person I assumed was my dad that's when the guy froze up walked away and I could see under the porch light that this sky was taller and skinnier than my dad also was wearing all-black cramp I left up shut and locked the door turned on the light and TV up to full blast grabbed the cordless phone locked myself in the bathroom and called 9-1-1 I also got a knife out of the kitchen drawer for good measure I was 12 in freaking the duct out people and when my dad actually got home a few minutes before the police I brandished it at him so that was fun I always triple check locks and have the security system all lights and TV set on when I'm home alone now TLDR attempted break into my house when I was home alone when all of the robbery fail-safes like parents guard dog etc were gone I was 12 super anxious and trying to conquer my fear of being home alone there was one time I was staying at my uncle's for a while I wasn't on good terms with my stepdad and it was the only option I had financially at the time my uncle lives in what I would nicely described as a very very redneck poor part of town there was only two roads that lead to my uncle's place one was the long way back into town and the other was the straight shot where there stood a supermarket on the edge of town then a short 150 feet maybe bridge that continues into a very long very scarcely lit stretch of road for three miles to where my uncle lives so when I first arrived we were driving over the bridge and he says to me be careful around this bridge at night there are meth addicts that live underneath it I didn't think much of that because I had just got there a month or so later I was working in town at a restaurant that I had to ride my skateboard to because I had no car so one night after work 12 a.m. I realized I have to use the restroom and the only thing open was that supermarket I headed that way because this was an emergency poop so to speak there was no way I was gonna make it to three miles home by skateboard without crapping my pants so after relieving myself I'm skating across this wood bridge thinking how much noise I'm making on this old rickety bridge then I realized dang I'm on the meth bridge and popped my board into my hand to walk quietly the rest of the way and not be noticed keep in mind this road was very dark and there are only streetlights every hundred yards almost so I'm a little past the bridge now and start thinking about how loud I was and if anyone heard me so I do a shoulder check and see someone in one of those I'm definitely a homeless meth head windbreaker jackets at the light I had just passed about 50 yards behind me he did this awkward pause when he saw me look back and started to look around like we weren't the only two dudes on this long ass dark road and then he looked back at me it was weird man like I knew it was trouble by the way his posture was in how he tried to look in conspicuous but man that Street is straight as an arrow and no one was behind me before I crossed the bridge so I keep walking calm at first then I increased speed my shoulder check again and the dude is even closer now that's when I just started sprinting there was a street ahead a little less than a quarter-mile but I didn't think he'd make it and decided he'd run off the road into the brush and hopped a fence there are a lot of ranches where my uncle lives so imagine how spread out everything is now I'm running through this random property at full speed scaring the horses and crap and jump what is the front fence now have said property and hide in a bush near the driveway my only game plan was swing my board at his face and run for my life unfortunately for me the owner of that property is just arriving home in his pickup truck at his obviously pissed to see me and starts yelling at me as to why I'm crouched in a bush at the edge of his driveway the whole time he was yelling at me I was explaining that I was being followed by someone and that is when I see the silhouette of the guy following me on the other side of the bush facing me slowly backing away we made eye contact as he retreated and I knew he had heard me trying to explain myself the owner of the property saw the guy too and chilled with me for a minute or two when I asked him for a ride he said he couldn't help me I ended up getting back to my uncle's but that crap was crazy that was a pretty gnarly one for me I felt I was being hunted [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 328,818
Rating: 4.8234086 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: VTFFgiBowf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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