[Serious] What was the CREEPIEST thing you saw in the middle of the day? PART 2

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serious what was the creepiest / unexplainable / paranormal thing you saw in the middle of the day part 2 my sister and I got into a car accident she passed away early morning around 3 a.m. I was unconscious and the ambulance took me to a different Hospital my leg was broken the hospital didn't have the right tools to do the surgery so they had to transfer me to another hospital on my way to the exit I saw my sister standing with the rest of the people whi were waiting in the exit room I legitimately thought she was still alive and I actually asked my aunt if she was angry for the accident that we just had my aunt just looked at me with a straight face and told me your sister is ok she is not angry at you so yeah I thought my sister was still alive but she already died here's one that's more helpful than creepy but still weird my father was coming up to visit me one weekend and I told him I was going to defrost the freezer box in my fridge before he got there I didn't do it for reasons was kind of stressing about it the morning he was due to arrive when I opened the fridge that morning the freezer box was completely defrosted I can't explain I t by any rational means there was over an inch of ice caked on the outside of the freezer box and more inside i T if it was a malfunction of the fridge the ice would have melted and there would have been water all through my vegetables there was no evidence of melted ice it was just gone a spirit defrosted my freezer and I'm not going to complain I made him a coffee that morning and said thank you very much dad and I were walking along a beach in Tasmania I suddenly felt really uncomfortable like we weren't welcome in the space I asked dad if he felt the same way he did so he suggested that we leave didn't think too much about it until later when we stopped at local bakery when paying for our food dad casually mentioned the incident to the lady serving us w-h-o kind of looked knowingly at us as though she'd encountered this before and said that the beach used to be an Aboriginal Mittman was the site of a massacre creeped the hell out of us both back in college my friends and I would always all go to the cafeteria across campus together for lunch there were about eight to ten of us on any given day so normally you had three to four of us and a huddle followed by the other three to four I was in the back room and we passed between these two bushes then the weirdest feeling just washed over me something felt changed and I was a bit disoriented we all kind of just stopped and looked at each other while the first group just kept going someone was missing we all kind of just knew ID to this day I have no idea who it was everyone was accounted for but we couldn't shake the feeling that someone was just gone miss you mysterious friend WH oh just vanished after my dog died when I was around 14 like ten years ago I was really sad she was around my whole life and suddenly gone sick and dead in one week every time I was watching TV she used to lay in front of the TV and sometimes the remote control didn't work because she was in front of the receiver so I called her to come to me or move so I could switch the channels but after she died this didn't break up for the very first days no one was laying there still the channel didn't switch so I called her to move and after that I T worked I felt like her spirit wanted to know if I am okay or something sure I T could be the batteries or something but I think the other explanation is better smile BEC when I was 15 in the 90s we used to hang out in the small wood we called the orchard I t used to be one but was now abandoned land it was tiny essentially at 10 meters wide by 15 meters long crop of trees and grass it was kind of pathetic in retrospect but served as a cool little place to meet up for kids in our village it was quite common during the summer holidays for a group of seven of us to just sit there and chat and do things surrounding the orchard there was a visible open field on one side and a residential estate on the other one day our group of seven kids between 11 to 15 were all hanging out by a fence that cut across the entrance to the orchard this fence went about two meters into the wood from the open field so we basically had defence then us then a small amount of trees and then an open field nothing special was going on and it was a hot summer's day we were just talking about video games when we start hearing noises short sharp impacts something sounds like it's hitting the trees this happens once or twice and calms down when we start paying attention IT stops and we carrying on talking thinking nothing of it then IT starts again again short sharp sounds like something is crashing against the trees always a few seconds apart but with no real rhythm to them again IT goes quiet when IT we start paying attention then we see one a small stone IT bounces off the top of one of the trees and falls down besides us the seven of us just stare at IT dumbfounded at first we're convinced that it's another group of kids waging war with us because that's the agent mentality where it at the time so we rush out to the field to defend ourselves but there's no one there the field is open enough that it's clear no one could really be hiding anywhere the trees are open enough as it is so we can see most of the field by the fence there's definitely no one there we go back to the fence and carry on watching and talking the stones aren't big enough to hurt if they did hit us they'd just mildly annoying it's more just interesting at this point another few happen and we start to find and collect them as they land we get about eight of them and we can hear others then with no other warning a large stone about the size of a cup comes crashing down between me and a friend and smacks into the fence rebounding off IT and rolling to the floor even at that age we understand that if this had hit us it would have been bad the rock is heavy to pick up and I remember holding IT for a few moments I had to wrap my hand round the rock to do so at that point we had reached our limit for the day we left the area via the open field partly determined to find out who was throwing the rocks and partly just getting out of there to this day 20 years later I still don't know what was going on the obvious answer is that some idiot was just throwing them at us but we couldn't see anyone in the field and there was no other angle for them to throw them at us at the time we played with the idea that someone was throwing them from the other side of the fence and they were rebounding off the trees but we could get to the other side of the fence and the rest of the orchard there was just as open with no one in sight while the light stones could be thrown far that one big heavy rock was heavy enough that you'd have to be pretty close to throw ite even as an adult basically we were able to view the area enough so that no location within the throwing distance of the rakh would be visible this is pretty much the one and explained slightly paranormal event in my life IT happened in the middle of the day and the obvious explanations don't appear possible I happily debunk can be skeptical about everything else in my life and any other paranormal stories I get told but this remains the one thing that gives me a little pause this fits into the creepy category when I was about 15 my pals and I made a clubhouse from some abandoned Shack out in the woods one day there was an errand to go on probably weed or candy or some [ __ ] but there was not enough room in the car for all of us my boyfriend said hey we'll be right back don't worry I whined because something was telling me I shouldn't stay but it was broad daylight the middle of the day what could go wrong so I was alone in this Shack it was very quiet but then I hear a motor approaching but I can tell it is not the car that just left the motor cuts off door slams footsteps I stayed perfectly still just listening to men in their 30s 40s appear in the doorway of the shack surprised to see me there oh what's a pretty little thing like you doing out here all by yourself I replied my boyfriend and his friends will be here in a sec I was just waiting for them one of them stepped in the shack looked me up and down and as they were leaving said if you say so till this day when I tell people about my breathing doll they don't be alive me they just say it was me or my vivid imagination but my doll breathing was real and one of the most vivid memories of my childhood especially with unexplained experiences I first saw the doll at a flea market I was with my mom and grandmother and fell in love with IT it was a big doll about 14 inches the only picture I could find was this one under famous at all I T looked just like that one after begging my mom to buy it and failing my grandma bought IT for me man I loved that doll like it was a real baby I bought IT baby clothes shoes bottles and the such took him everywhere I named him rocky people often thought I was holding my baby brother well one day I was outside playing with rocky and I was being a little too rough with him throwing up in the air and letting him fall repeatedly scolding him when he wouldn't sit still on my bike so I got him and threw him his as I couldn't ride to catch him but he slipped through my hands and hit the ground I picked him up to dust him off and that's when I heard him breathing it was heavy and angry and fast just like someone would sound when they're really pissed I throw him on the ground and stare at him shaking terrified I leave him on the ground and run inside my mom asks what's wrong and I tell her what happened she laughs IT office it was nothing and says I'm being silly and to go and pick up him and bring him inside I refused to touch him and scream when she tried to force me she gave up and picked him up and looked at him and said see he's just a tall stuffing in plastic he's not real he can't breath that was the last day I ever played with dolls I gave him to my brother for a home economics project he had where you carry around a bag of flour and pretend it's a baby or sow some [ __ ] anyways he used its head and attached IT to the bag of flour to make it more babyish he ended up getting extra credit for that a few years later the whole Chucky crazy and killer doll movies were all the rage all the while I had a real demon doll of my own I knew my folks were out when I was in high school so laid in bed late one day and planed to take a long shower left the door open to the bathroom ventilation was crap and I wanted to do my hair in the mirror afterwards I hear a woman call out for help clear as day near the front of the house so urgent I dash out starkers not caring for the towel get to the lounge room and no one is there which I'm grateful for feel the hair on my neck stand up and here little slaps against the slate floor run going away from me up the hallway giggling shower door slams shut freak the hell out at this point I call out for my stepmom and look around praying she is home and this is a joke nothing go back up to the shower to wash the conditioner out and down the lower half of the door was a fading handprint nope the hell out of there turned off the shower off put my clothes on while I was still wet and ducked off out of the house right then walked an hour to my boyfriend's house there were other occasions with the little kid ghosts in that house and a guy ghost at the end of the bed but this one still freaks me out so bad 15 years on I was visiting the castle and Jericho sir Albania there's a tomb in that castle the whole castle is Graystone's but the little square with a tomb is suddenly very colorful with flowers and when I got there the Sun apparently just broke through the clouds on an otherwise very cloudy day ITL felt a bit out of place the tomb itself was like a little house with a closed door the door has a small gap to look through I looked through the gap and saw of course nothing since the little house is completely closed apart from the small gap at the moment I looked through the gap I felt a cold wind hit my eyes and I was suddenly struck with panic I immediately left went straight to my rental car not daring to look behind me and started driving back to where I came from baron only after about half an hour of driving I started feeling at ease again I even deleted the picture of the tomb that I made before I went for a closer look as I felt uneasy looking at IT never experienced this before or after when I was 11 my cat died due to a tumor in the nose it was my mother's cat three years older than me at the time but grew up together was always in slash at my crib slash bed slash etc and I was devastated for about two weeks never had any real ghostly experiences at home or whatever besides the moments where you see something moving across the floor and the corner of your eye but if you look at Scone but suddenly about 12 years later I was already living somewhere else and wasn't much at parents home anymore I was visiting and while I was hanging my coat with the door open that overlooked the living room all the way to the kitchen in the back I saw my cat casually walking towards me from the kitchen like she always di D when I was young I was completely caught off guard by this and was staring longer than I imagined I presume because the GF asked if she could hang her coat up as well I was blocking the way I looked at her stepped aside said no sorry looked back in nothing empty no more cat walking towards me I still can't fathom why or how I saw this IIT must have been a trick of the mind a Dasia of a moment so to speak but I never had this before was in no real stress was not tired it was just a casual visit to my parents about twenty years ago I was driving on a freeway I tease in a rural area of Indiana no big cities so not much traffic in the distance in the median between the north and south lanes I saw three large dogs bunched together whi seemed to be waiting for traffic to clear to cross the lane I slowed down because I'm an animal lover and I wanted to help these pups back home I'm not afraid of dogs at all I noticed a few cars ahead break near the dogs but then kept going as I got closer these dogs looked less like dogs and more like oddly colored wolves there was a gray one a white one and a blonde one as I approached them they looked at me like they wanted to eat me and they were much larger than any dog I had ever seen at that point I was convinced they were wolves w-h-o escaped either a zoo or animal sanctuary it was terrifying actually my heart stopped and I panicked and sped up because they were eyeing the pretty dang heart I called my dad because I was pretty young yet and he called the police department apparently we weren't the only ones to call about these animals but we never saw them again and nothing ever came of it I was taking a nap one day and my dog was at the end of my bed all of a sudden I heard a cracking noise and in a violent screech I SAT up startled and watched as the hunched to my dresser came crashing down toward me and my small pup and then stopped suspended in midair and crashed on the ground the hutch defied gravity my dog should have been crushed I should have been maimed but this thing fell in such a way that no one could explain the most amazing part is that it was a very solid piece that SAT on the dresser in such a way that I didn't fall IT has never fall since then eighteen years later despite me living an earthquake territory my grandmother passed in that room other inexplicable things happen there my mother swore there was a battle versus good and evil happening in our house for years I always thought she was making things up until this event happened I have no explanation other than my GN mother's spirit saved me and my dog which makes me feel crazy didn't see anything but heard something when I was in high school I was responsible for getting myself to school as everyone in my home left very early in the morning for my alarm didn't go off this morning and I jumped up in a frenzy when I realized I was running quite late I went straight to the bathroom and was brushing my teeth and I heard very clearly you're going to be late i T came from the hallway and I T sounded like a woman speaking very firmly like I was being scolded the house was completely empty except for me I was caught off guard of course and looked out into the hallway and nothing I go back to what I was doing thinking I didn't hear what I just heard i T didn't make any sense so I tried to ignore I T just as I felt calm again the stereo in my dad's room turned on and started playing music at full volume I walked to his room and stood in the doorway looking around naturally I was pretty freaked out again but told myself the stereo must have an alarm feature and I t's going off right now but no when I turned off the stereo I see there is no alarm setting on the thing the rest of my life in that house I never experienced anything strange this was over 10 years ago but I can still recall the sound and tone of the voice so clearly years ago when I was about 14 I was laying on my bed in the middle of the afternoon it was a beautiful summer day and I had the windows open and was listening to music on my little stereo I was the only one home at the time I had a shelf on my wall that hung right above the head of my bed my stereo was on i.t along with a few other knickknacks for some reason out of the blue I feel the need to go brush my teeth so I get up he'll head into the bathroom and start brushing moments later I hear a huge crash coming from my bedroom so I go running back into my room to find the entire shelf stereo and all had fallen off the wall and was laying across my pillow where my head has been just moments ago I stood there absolutely stunned for what seemed like forever so I just cleaned everything up and moved my shelf to this day I make damn sure there's nothing hanging above mine or my children's beds I'm not a religious person but I definitely feel like something or someone was watching over me that day about 4 o our 5 years ago one of my good friends family moved into a new house which was on a big plot of open land he had acres of land and the area was rumored to be an Indian burial ground of course being 18 all of my friends didn't believe that type of stuff and there were no issues well after about a month of living there my friend started telling us about weird dreams he had whatever he's crazy we thought so he invites us to stay the night and about four of us go to party and sleep there so we didn't have to drive drunk we all had the same exact dream that night we stayed that he described a week earlier well we start to tell others at school and this one girl wants to come during the day to check out the new place we start telling her in broad daylight about the weird things going on that we experienced well he has a glass lamp on the ceiling and a glass table right below it he my friend w-h-o lived there joked and said if there are ghosts here that glass light will fall through this table and shatter that glass one day I know it and the girl says I'd like to see that and as soon as she finished her statement the light falls out of the ceiling hits the glass table shatters both pieces of glass and broken glasses everywhere we were speechless it was about 4:00 in the afternoon and hotter and sunnier then all hell WTF I'm a broke college student taking organic chemistry over the summer and trying to save a couple of bucks so I move into an apartment complex that lets you pay by the month I have three other roommates we all pretty much ignore each other everything is great until the second night when I start to realize that we might actually have a fourth roommate when I hear someone start to pace the hallway and knock on the walls I asked everyone about in the morning and they all say they heard IT and assumed it was another one of us cool so our apartment is haunted whatever I can totally deal orgo is way more scary than ghosts one morning about 9:00 a.m. I'm sitting in my room studying before a test when I hear someone shuffling around in the hall I look up at my computer screen which is dark so I can see the room behind me reflected IT the screen nobody is walking by my open door as I watching the door slams shut totally on its own I tease summer is SC so all of the windows were closed and I distinctly remember that the a/c was off the door just slammed shut we named the ghost Frances we thought that was a nice gender-neutral name Frances like to leave kitchen cabinets and drawers open turn on the showers and unlock the front door one time also during the day I had lost my keys and was talking loud to myself as I looked for them Francis found them first and threw them across the room at me I moved out after a month of his shenanigans in 2013 years ago I worked in this really old warehouse in Dallas I was in the bathroom one day just sitting there peeing when I heard a squeak and saw the faucet turn itself on the handle turned and everything this actually happened a few times until the company moved to a newer building I always got creepy feelings in there and never felt alone even when I was the only one in the room another time about 10 years ago I lived in an apartment with an old ex and one day we were sitting in the bedroom talking all of a sudden something caught my eye and I glanced over to see this thing that I can best describe as a very faint grid made of shadows hovering a few inches over the floor it was about a foot and a half across and I T rotated and sort of strobed for a split second before disappearing I stopped talking mid-sentence and he looked at me and said you saw that too right my theory is it was a glitch in the matrix or some sort of dimensional portal one more back in May of 2003 one of my dearest friends died I T nearly destroyed me I missed him so bad and I cried for months on the morning of my birthday in January of 2004 I was out running errands and I ended up close by the cemetery his buried in so I decided to swing by and visit his grave I had my Palm Pilot plugged into my car stereo playing music and the second I drove through the cemetery gates I T switched over in the middle of the current song to one of the songs that had been played at my friend's funeral I have no non paranormal explanation as to how this could have happened the song that was initially playing was in a completely different folder than the song i T switch to bluetooth controls were not yet in existence so I couldn't have accidentally hit skip or something the music player app was not set on shuffle and I hadn't touched the device at all and even if it was just a glitch what are the odds that out of the thousand odd songs I had on that PDA it would just randomly switch to a song that was played at the funeral of the friend WH o--'s grave I was going to visit as I entered the cemetery I firmly believe that was my friend letting me know he's still around so I wouldn't be so sad anymore [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
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Id: MnJLqGLXjok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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