[serious] People of Reddit, what is your weirdest paranormal experience? (r/AskReddit)

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[Music] people have reddit what is your weirdest paranormal experience serious in 1998 I was walking home from a late night library study session and there were four very large shiny deep gold things in the sky they were whirling downward like those seed pod things on trees that sort of helicopter themselves except these were bigger than cars and were doing it very slowly I had stopped and was staring up at them before I even realized it then I noticed that about 20 people were standing on the other side of the road they had come out of a bar there was only the bar several houses and a bridge but that was basically it these days I would never let my daughter walk home like that but whatever I thought it was safe I hollered something along the lines of what is that and one of the people said she thought it was spaceships but I knew that wasn't right and I went home and told people who thought I was probably crazy a few years later when I was older and understood the internet more I looked for any kind of news story or anything and nothing was available I wished for the life of me I had talked more to the people watching the same thing outside the bar which Google tells me is now gone but I was more afraid of them than whatever was in the sky it was bizarre in the intervening 20 plus years I haven't gone crazy or ever seen anything like it again Lowell I used to work events at a historic home it was well known that the place was thought to be haunted and everyone had their own stories I never believed any of it until one night I was the last one in the house because I was locking up after a particularly late wedding probably around 1:00 a.m. I went up to the top floor in the second I crossed the threshold I felt the air change it got almost dense and knocked the breathe out of me I booked it out as fast as I possible could another coworker said one night when she went up to do the same thing around the same time she clearly heard footsteps and assumed it was another co-worker coming up to join her but when she turned around no one was there and the other co-worker had actually been far across the property at the time another person said they were walking down the corridor when the door they were about to go through slammed shut in front of them and locked the facilities guy was absolutely positive the original owners of the home from the 1800s were doing the haunting so he started playing classical music at night if he had to be there late to appease them and claim they started leaving him alone after that nothing too crazy ever happened to anyone but man did it make you not want to be the last person in there at night I don't really believe in paranormal but if anything I've experienced was paranormal it was this I wouldn't say if it's weird but as a non ghost believer it was weird for me to experience my grandfather passed away earlier this year around mid-may he and I were really close when I was little he would walk me to school push me on the swing while he sang and did anything a little girl could ask from her grandpa we lost the connection when he developed dementia in my later teens and we had little choice but to move him out of our house into a place that could offer him 24-hour care so I wasn't in the area when he passed but my dad was with him that call was hard to receive his funeral was early one morning that evening I was sitting in my room just thinking when I decided to go out into our deck and just be in the silence we have two rocking chairs out there I went outside and sat in one and immediately the chair beside me rocked like someone has sat in that one as well I watched it for a bit wondering if I was just seeing things and when the chair fell still I shrugged it off and started rocking a few minutes later the second rocking chair started rocking beside mine I would pause and after a few seconds it would also stop rocking I thought it was the movement of my rocking that caused the other chair to rock and even now I wonder if that's really what happened but what happened next made me doubt that my grandpa loved when I sang or played an instrument for him in the early stages of his dementia what really got him to smile was the ukulele so when I brought one home from Hawaii I played and sang for him and he would grin and clap at the end of every song so that night I don't know where it came from but I got an urge to play the ukulele outside I hadn't played in months at that point I went inside grabbed my ukulele and sat back down in my rocking chair and began to play and sing quietly I felt kind of stupid until the other rocking chair began to rock ever so slowly and my chair was not moving at that point it rocked for a bit then stopped but I kept playing I strum for a while and when I was done I sat there in silence for a few minutes goodbye to whatever was in the chair and when inside I'm still skeptical of this situation I don't know if the rocking was complete coincidence or if something really was sitting next to me that night I've sat in that rocking chair dozens of times since then but the other one has not moved on its own my brain says it was nothing but my gut tells me that it was my grandpa listening to me one last time before our final goodbyes I miss that man and every time I pick up my ukulele I think of him in that night went running with my dog and saw a white outline of a young woman running alongside me out of the corner of my eye when I looked over nothing about five minutes later I got a call that my great-grandmother had passed she was in Hospice still think about that a lot edit I think it runs in the family my mom will straight up say I need to collects I feel weird and sure as [ __ ] there's a disease / illness going on my great grandmother used to talk to dead people and my family thought she was crazy until they figured out the house she used to live in was owned by the couple she talked two years earlier found this out a year or so ago been about five years since she passed away yes this happens to me and happened to my mother a lot I will start thinking about someone or I should say someone pops into my mind and I know somehow they're going to reach out to me and they do more than that I grew up in a funeral home which was a three-story Victorian house we lived in the top two stories and the main floor was the business that house was alive our dogs would do weird things like stare and growl in two corners usually around the holidays we thought it was our grandpa coming for another worldly visit but who knows my mom swears up and down that the foot of her bed would depress as if someone sat down on it but no one was there she would feel a presence would even talk to it and eventually she would say all right I'm going to go to bed now please leave and the depression would disappear like someone stood up to leave my brother said he saw footprints appear in the dirt floor of the basement once and he always teased me and sculpted my fear of weird ghosts eNOS so when he admitted it all spooked we all freaked a little one night we were all awakened by blaring music my dad had a pair of these huge five Clips corner speakers and in the middle of the night we all run out of our rooms confused somehow the stereo turned on and blasted on max volume my dad is an audiophile and would never have abused his equipment for fear of blowing the speakers nor was anyone awake to turn on the stereo and turn it up every light was on in the house despite having turned them out before going to bed also the thermostat would randomly get turned up to the 90s and you know how dads are with a thermostat he always blamed my brother and me but we didn't do it I think our ghosts were practical jokers there may have been at least one kid and I say that because the house slash funeral home was turned into an apartment building when my parents sold it I knew a girl who lived there she would babysit sometimes and the kid she babysat was always playing with someone whom nobody else could see also she heard a disembodied kid voice once clear as a ringing bell it announced it's raining at that time there were no kids anywhere in the building what was weird is that there was this really old child's coffin in the basement not sure why they kept it probably because it was a novelty it was made of dark wood but the front panel was a solid pane of glass so you could view the body but sealed the child inside I realized this all sounds like made-up [ __ ] but I kid you not this was my childhood now I drink and smoke enough that spirits can't reach me when my son was a baby we had a sound monitor next to his crib and my wife was downstairs and heard a voice on the other end of the monitor saying what are you doing cutie huh what are you doing she said it sounded playful like how people talk to babies or pets she ran up to his room thinking someone was in the house and he was just laying there awake looking around when he got a little older and can walk and talk some he was laying on the living-room floor playing with blocks something down the hall caught his attention and he got up and stared down the hall I asked him what was wrong because he kept looking at me all concerned and then looking back down the hall he ran over climbed in my lap and pointed to the hallway and said monkey I think maybe he was seeing some kind of shadowy apparition and monkey was the only word he knew to describe what he saw that house always creeped us out even before he was born we always had that weird feeling like someone was watching us and one time I got slapped on my foot while laying in bed my son was the same when he was young when I used to change him on a matter the living room I would have my back to the stairs he would be looking over my shoulder and smiling as if someone was there every time I would move my head into his line of vision and he would move the other way to see round me I can still feel the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end when he was about four years I was sat on the sofa in the dining room with him and his baby brother if you look to the right you could see through the door into the living room he turned to me and said who's that man standing there as soon as he finished speaking the phone rang I answered it was just static so many stories like that as he was growing up he's 19 now and I've not asked him for a while but he used to say he always had a feeling someone was stood just behind him it scared him lived in a haunted house for a little bit that's what the landlord told us anyways but we were all skeptical once one of my roommates borrowed my alors TR replica the one ring because of course when he came home he set it on the top of my bookshelf I saw him do this and then came into the living room with me we are sitting on the couch talking and hear something drop under the couch it was the ring have no idea how that happened by that time we were so immune to [ __ ] happening that it was like hey Christine go back to talking my parents houses like this I'm not saying it's ghosts but whatever it is the phenomenon occurs you can be absolutely alone in the house set something down walk into another room super quick and it will be gone when you return usually will reappear sometime later maybe a few weeks or months in a completely different place my sister had gotten a camcorder years ago back when we both still lived at home she was reading through the manual for it in her room when I called her into mind because I was being lazy and didn't want to walk over she came in answered my quick question went back to her room and started cursing the manual was gone no one else was home we searched everywhere gone I think it was two years later I found it neatly stacked right in the middle of all the TV DVD act manuals for the stuff I got as a high school graduation gift it made no sense but that's just how that house goes not sure if it's paranormal but freaked us out as an EMT firefighter we see some [ __ ] peeps we had a lady code on us in the back of the ambulance leading up to that event she was talking about how she was ready and this felt right to her cause she was painless she coded we got her back fairly quick oddest should ever she came talking saying thank you boys but you don't have to she was dead like 30 seconds ago she coated again and we had to keep working her for to the hospital they took over done go back to our station the nurse is like to call and let us know the outcome of some of the serious patients so they called to let us know that this lady wanted to thank us cool she lived nope she did not she coded like three more times that night stuck in like lapsed memory or something where she just wanted to thank everyone we go home come back the next to her family came by to say thank you for everything we did this woman had written thank-you cards the night before thanking family and DMS she wrote a thank-you card knowing she was gonna die soon and even a heartwarming letter thanking us it was bizarre reading this and thinking what just happened my little sister is kind of weird she's always had medium characteristics and weird ghost stuff has always kind of happened to slash around her my mom sister who is five years younger than me and we lived in this creepy older duplex that was a church before it was converted go figure my sister started talking to this imaginary friend a lot and started to talk about her friend more and more I was around 15 to 16 and started to go through my hoodlum phase I had just started smoking weed regularly so I didn't really pay much mind to my sister my mom was always at work because she was a single mom so it was always just my sister and I at the house well for a couple of days my sister started acting really weird as if she wasn't herself in a way she started sharing stories about her and her imaginary friend and then she told us that her imaginary friend whose name was Rosie I honestly hate even saying or thinking about the name because of the freaky [ __ ] I had to go through because of her slash it wanted her to get into this bottom drawer in our kitchen which was weird because I had previously broke that drawer I broke the tracks that you slide it in and out on so to fix it I just screwed the face of the drawer and on each corner without the other parts tracks or the bucket part that holds things low l'm not sure what it's called i explained this to my sister she didn't want to hear it she needed to get into the drawer I just ignored it until one day when we were alone I came out of my room and she was just sitting on the ground in front of the drawer staring at it it freaked me out cause she just seemed blank when I talked to her i legit started thinking she might go crazy and kill me or something but to attempt to stop her from being weird I obliged and went and got the drill and opened up the drawer to my surprise there was stuff in it which freaked me out because like I said I was the one who broke it and I was the one who closed it there was nothing in the hole when I shut it when I took out the stuff to look at it it was too birthday cards one two Rosie my sister's imaginary friend and one to Rosie's little brother they were both dated like 30 years before I was terrified and called and told my mom my sister was completely normal after that him not really sure why Rosie waned us to find them but we didn't she was content I guess my sister explained to me later on that Rosie told her that both Rosie and her little brother had died in that house or possibly when it was a church there is a load more to all of this but I wanted to share the beginning of it all first to see if anyone is even interested I will share more if anyone wants to hear more my memory of all of this is a little splotchy so bear with me also I apologize for the horrible formatting and grammar I'm at work and I wanted to make this quick but it has taken me a little longer to type all of this up than I anticipated edit I realized that the part two is messed up and lost into the abyss once I am at my laptop tomorrow I will fix it and let everyone know hopefully it will work I have been on mobile trying to fix the link I'm not sure why it's so messed up but holy [ __ ] this thread is a mess Lowell I suck at this I apologize everyone I grew up on the Navajo Reservation a white boy parents were teachers my parents moved to California at the end of my junior year and I was sure as [ __ ] not going to spend my last year of high school somewhere else one of my good friends talked to his parents about my situation looking for a place to stay and they invited me to stay with them they lived in a Hogan traditional Navajo dwelling about nine to ten miles away from town the nearest neighbor was about three miles away my friend's father was a coal miner for Peabody Coal up on Black Mesa and my friend's mother was a shepherd who had a flock of around 200 plus head so in order to earn my keep with a family I heard of the sheep on the weekends taking them to graze I would stay the night out with them if we were too far from the Hogan a regular occurance me the Sheep a border collie and a dingo mix out in the desert a 150 miles away from the nearest city in the skies so dark the Milky Way looked like someone threw powdered sugar into the sky and it stuck growing up around the Navajo culture and all my friends being Navajo I got to know their superstitions which by proximity became mine too don't touch the personal belongings of dead people don't ever respond to a skinwalker stay away from Susy on the hill she's a murderous witch go see tule grey eyes if you have a disturbing dream never ever ever step onto Navajo burial grounds not only will you be cursed if you're seen there you will be shot and buried out in the desert when alone in the desert at night a lot of these superstitions would haunt me I was always alert for the sound of a skinwalker or you Beach I one day I went to the Trading Post to get some candy or something on either side of the entrance there were benches where the elders would shoot the [ __ ] or say hi to friends that they haven't seen in a while that day walking in I caught a snippet of a conversation about a woman's herd that had been attacked one night four or five sheep according to her were ripped apart like they had exploded from the inside I went in and got my stuff came back out and listened the woman whose sheep this happened to was sitting right next to me she said that the next day she and her husband walked around the exploded sheep area and they had discovered dog tracks the tracks were 3x the size of a large dog print and they said that it was walking around on its hind legs I thought skinwalker till one of them said man dog kind of like a skinwalker but then I realized that they were talking about a werewolf when I saw my friend that I was living with I told him about the conversation I heard at the Trading Post he said those old-timers are crazy they've been alone out in the desert too long you start to see and hear things that aren't there but when we got home over dinner mutton stew and fry bread I brought up the conversation I had heard at the Trading Post my friend's mom immediately asked who said this I told her that I didn't know her name but I described what she was wearing jewelry the colors of her velvet skirt and shirt the way her bun was tied my friend's mom knew who she was and said that she had grazing rights in an area about five miles away from us it's usually frowned upon talking about these sort of things but my friend's mom told us that when she was a little girl a dog man had been making rounds killing sheep from different herds all around the area out to about 50 miles away Mexican hat and that the Navajos in the area were terrified and armed she claimed to have actually seen at one night attacking a sheep she said that when it was done it called out her name and she ran as fast as she could to get home all the while it kept pace with her calling out her name and laughing there was no [ __ ] with this woman I didn't still do believe her story so from then on whoever was shepherding the flock was armed with a rifle pretty much everyone on the res is a crack shot I never saw it but when I graduated and left the res more sheep were being attacked and it was happening more frequently I spent many sleepless nights out in the desert with a flock scared out of my wits loved these questions this story is true to my own experience one night I was in my room playing video games I turned my games often went to lay down as soon as I closed my eyes I heard a voice in my ear say don't worry we're here it was so real I felt the breath in my ear it was insane for the next six months there would be a light knocking at my bedroom door every night at around 2:00 a.m. it was a knock as if someone was trying to see if you were awake but didn't want to wake you if you were I would always call out yes or who's there every time I went to open the door no one was there and this wasn't exclusive to just me I would have dates over and they would hear it too this was every night for a solid six months one day I was getting into the bed and there was this dark shadow in the corner of my room rocking back and forth it freaked me out this shadow was blacker than anything I had ever seen and it was swaying nothing in my room created that shadow it made me incredibly uneasy the next morning I decided to tell my mom and dad my mom jumped up and said that the same thing was happening to her as we were talking about it the back door swing open and slam shut and this was crazy because this store was pretty difficult to work you had to pull the handle all the way up to disengage it to open after that happened there was no more knocking and no more shadows I did some research and it turned out that ghosts tend to wander in from the woods we live next to a wooded area so there's that explanation this comes from when I was under six years old four to five years old if I remember correctly during this time period I was looked after by someone my family knew when my parents were at work being picked up from her house after they had finished work for the day during three of these instances something unusual occurred in each I walked towards the road leading to her house only to be seemingly teleported to some kind of hallway that had a small room by its side on one end of the hallway there was a wall with a painting of sunflowers on it while the other end was connected to another hallway with what appeared to be hospital staff walking by the room had two sofas one on each side one painting above each sofa similar to the one in the hallway a potted plant all of them identical in each corner and a window covered with curtains the first two times I was there with my mother even though she was supposed to be at work we walked into the room had a brief discussion about it and left walking toward the seeming hospital staff when we got close to them I was teleported back to the other person's house with my mother nowhere to be seen the third time was somewhat different though when I walked up to the room I noticed my mother wasn't anywhere to be seen as a result I panicked and ran toward the crowd with the exact same result from the previous times happening I never talked about it before and only much much later realized how abnormal the whole thing was still not knowing how to make of this reading some of these gives me serious goosebumps I've only ever had one paranormal experience and I can't explain what or why this happened I was half asleep and it was in the middle of the night I shot up in my bed because I heard a very loud bang at first I thought to myself it had to have been something from a dream that I couldn't remember that would be the standard go-to explanation I thought so my bathroom had two doors one to the bedroom and one to the dining area which was next to the kitchen if both doors were open you could see from my bed into the dining area at the time I used the dining area as my work office because I worked from home full time through the crack of the two doors I saw that my monitor was on I thought maybe my computer played a sound but I didn't have speakers connected to my desktop monitor so I really couldn't figure out where the sound came from I went straight to the kitchen and got a chef's knife I cook so I was confident I could use it properly low I checked the front door in the sliding door to my balcony both locked I checked every closet cabinet laundry room everything nothing since my monitor was on I purposely lifted and dropped my mouse on my office desk and it made the exact same bang that woke me up this might be anticlimactic sorry but it scared the hell out of me [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 103,245
Rating: 4.8611755 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask reddit creepy, creepy stories, true horror stories, ask reddit scary, best horror stories, sir reddit, sirreddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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