What is your scariest paranormal experience? Posted 1 Day Ago. - AskReddit

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[Music] what is your scariest paranormal experience serious posted one day ago by user a homo sapien I've told this story before on reddit my aunt on my father's side killed herself during the grieving process I returned home from uni to stay on their couch and assist my sleeping arrangement was on the living room sofa that fed directly into the kitchen behind it using the couch as a divider of the spaces above the kitchen was an open the landing from the second floor that meant that whoever left the master bedroom could look down into the kitchen and try and peer into the living room I've had lucid dreams before but never like this the short of it was that I would be watching TV and get that fear that someone was watching me and I needed to look over my shoulder I'd ignored for a while before finally getting frustrated and yanking myself up from lying down to look over the back of a very tall sofa expecting to see nothing imagine my complete fear when I did see something I call him fish boy have a gamer he shared similarities of Ozora from laws the smooth blue /great into the skin without genitals it was a child life being with elongated arms that hung near its knees no genitalia but a boyish shape the skin was so thin I remember distinctly the flicker of its breathing under the undercounted kitchen lights that some people leave on as a nightlight its features looked as if someone had bundled the skin at the back of its head pulled taut making slits of the nose and eyes outside its quickness of breath it didn't move but just stared at me I freaked the [ __ ] out and then woke up from my lying position on the couch I scrambled to check the kitchen and there was nothing turning on all the lights and some wholesome TV I eventually fell back to sleep in the morning my stepmother commented on the lights and I expressed nightmares but didn't explain further to be frank I'd always had trouble sleeping as a child so this was expected for me even as an adult she empathized by saying she also was having terrible dreams and effectively chalked it up to grief these events with fishboy continued over the next few nights it's been too long to remember the specific timeline but I was there for at least a week and had the dream at least three times all without realising I'd fallen asleep all incredibly lucid then I'd wake up in be terrified each time losing more and more sleep through the night on the watershed morning my father had taken my younger siblings out for some air in the house was just my stepmother and me over breakfast she broached the subject of my dreams and I began to explain the sequence of events the only thing that you should know about my stepmother is she's not the supernatural kind she's a woman crafted from an upper-middle-class white background that combines Martha Stewart and Oprah's cultural traits to attend soccer practice and Little League and everything associated with being a nuclear dream family no shade but she is a stereotype and I would be very surprised for her to take in-depth interest in anything outside immediate culture of the white middle America family like freaky fish boys in your kitchen as I'm detailing my dreams I can visually see her getting uncomfortable she explains that she has been having nightmares where her children are in trouble so she gets up in the middle of the night to walk across the landing to check on them when exiting the bedroom she decides to also check on me so she leans over the railing to peer into the living room but notices that someone is standing in the kitchen staring at her then she wakes up from her nightmare at this confession I'm freaked the [ __ ] out she doesn't really miss a beat and goes on to explain that my aunt's things had been brought into the house w a few days ago and that my grandmother who certainly as a hippie had some sage in the box because she'd been burning it in my aunt's house to cleanse it and that's what we did we went to get that box of her things found my grandmother's sage and wafted it through the house never had the dream again to this day weirdest experience of my life grief does strange [ __ ] to the brain and that's probably where I'll leave this memory I was working an overnight shift in a bar / hotel on Edinburgh Zoo Royal Mile the hotel was built above the vaults a place that was walled up when the plague came to town anyway it was about 3:00 a.m. and I'd cleaned everything down the in the bar set up the space for breakfast and I wouldn't have anything else to do for about an hour when the cleaners would show up anyway we had a set of stairs that went down to the toilets they were built into the top level of the vaults I sat down at a table with my back to the stairs when I heard footsteps from the stairs I turned around and saw a little boy rush down the stairs it scared the living [ __ ] out of me and I refused to do a night shift again at least when I was by my self the other staff never saw the boy but a few people saw a big shadow flitting around corners we used to call that one mr. t me t would be around in the day too just always zooming past doorways and windows I don't believe in the paranormal but I had a couple strange experiences the scariest one happened when I was probably eight or nine years old my sister four years older than me and I were playing in the yard one summer morning we were home alone as usual now the house has two doors one on the ground floor which is the one we actually used and one on the first floor on the terrace which was always locked so we were playing outside when we noticed the door on the terrace was open that was weird we also had an army of cats that weren't allowed inside so we thought we should check for cats before closing the door and going back to whatever we were doing we heard noises downstairs like the rustling of plastic bags thinking it might be a cat we went downstairs the noises came from the pantry which was closed I tried to open the door but it felt like someone or something was pushing back and the door slammed shut I held on to the handle thinking there was someone in there and now I was trying to keep him from opening the door I felt the handle moving in my hands and being pushed down and I saw it drop but I managed to hold it my sister was freaking out at this point she looked through the keyhole and she told me there was someone behind the door looking back at her specifically she said she saw a human eye moving from side to side she started screaming for help and one of the neighbors a very old lady armed with an umbrella bless her came to the rescue she opened the door and nothing the room was empty back then I was really embarrassed into this day my sister and I laugh about it but I have to admit it was pretty [ __ ] weird even for two kids with an overactive imagination I've had several weird experiences in my life but the scariest had to be when I was around 19 I was living in a duplex mostly by myself my dad owned it but would be away for days at a time I worked a swing shift and I'd like to take walks after work so I'd get home around 2:00 a.m. and be up until 4:00 or 5:00 usually one night I get home and as was my way I had a bite to eat then laid down to read for a while before sleeping without getting too detailed I'll just say that for reasons the side gate of the Stu Plex was not locked but blocked by a very heavy full-size trashcan that was completely filled with water the room I am laying in is next to the side yard the gate is in and backed by the backyard via two sliding glass doors that make up pretty much the whole back wall well I'm laying there and I hear rustling out on the front walk then rustling in front of the gate at the side of the front walk then I hear that heavy-ass trashcan grinding as it's pushed along the gravel of the side yard then I hear which sounds like slapping barefoot falls on the patio right outside the sliding glass doors behind me I am the kind of guy that if I hear someone outside I'll grab a couple kitchen knives and investigate I was 19 years old at this point and used to being alone at night I am NOT a small dude either for some reason my brain went into an extra special panic mode though and I just froze I laid on that couch and pretended to be asleep thinking if I just keep my eyes closed it'll go away I'm repeating this to myself and I'm propped up on the arm of the couch with my shoulders along the top of the arm and my left arm pressed against the back of the couch my left shoulder blade is not really touching anything it's just in this pocket of emptiness that cannot be reached except through the couch itself or through my body yet somehow I feel something start to touch me right there on my back like a smooth finger running along my shoulder blade could it have been a muscle spasm or something maybe but that's the last thing I really remember after what does not feel like really anytime I opened my eyes to sunlight it's about 6:30 a.m. now I fall asleep on the couch all the time if I wake up at 6:30 I'm generally a zombie not this morning though I was wide awake didn't really feel like I'd slept at all it occurred to me that something weird had happened but my brain told me to go to bed and not think about it so I did when I woke up later to get ready for work I did check the side of the house sure enough that trashcan was in the middle of the side yard still totally full of water something had just pushed it without knocking it over a feat I'm fairly sure I couldn't have accomplished so yeah no idea what the hell any of that means but I know I was awake for all the parts I've mentioned and I have no explanations it's all still very confusing I always repost this in response to threads like this I always tell the story of how I got into ghost hunting years ago I was dating a girl at the beginning of the ghost hunters craze about 2005 issue she got really into and I thought it was bonkers dumb but I loved her so who cares she tells me her family owns a large plot of land with a haunted house and if I'd like to record it overnight to see if we pick up anything the location Schewel ember Texas is located halfway between Houston and San Antonio the girlfriend's family owned a huge tract of land their acres upon acres we arrived that morning to get an early start and explore the land so I could get familiar with it the entirety of the land was fenced as rural Texas owners are want to do across the entirety of its boundaries entry was far off the main road down a long stretch of dirt and gravel path through trees and bushes once through the gate you emerged at the wood house the wood house was the newest of the homes built on the property and served as the main house for family and a sometimes guest house it had a TV but no cable plus two stories with an open layout and large welcome windows it had all the accouterments of a modern home - cell phone signal or cable this would be my home at home base for the next two nights outside I was introduced to the golf cart which was necessary to navigate the huge swaths of land that would otherwise take an hour or more to traverse on foot after lunch her mother stayed behind while we loaded up and departed for the brick house the brick house was another modern structure built on the opposite point of land with an outside wooden deck looked out onto descending hills and provided an amazing view of the countryside with a Jacuzzi built on the deck and a TV inside we enjoyed some time making sure that Jacuzzi was operating and clean just in case we wanted to use it then we loaded up into the golf cart for our final destination the stone house during the years after the Civil War my girlfriend told me local legend was that a bugle player had shot himself through the mouth after coming down with some sort of cancer or tumor there were records of this she claimed although I never saw them still I took it on good faith the structure itself was half modern half Civil War period the modern side was wood and electrically powered but connected to the original Civil War structure you could tell the difference immediately stepping into the Civil War side the floor was built a large hewn stone that looked ripped from a rock quarry the wooden door was made of ancient wood and felt like it took incredible effort to push open the Civil War side was essentially one continuous room with a doorway connecting the living room to the bedroom the bedroom was like a prison cell stepping inside there was a tiny bed to your left and a dresser to your right you could turn left and right but not move only lie down on the bed visitors who had slept overnight at the house told stories about it stories about knocks on the door in the middle of the night and scratching on the floors the evening that day in late afternoon I set up on a tripod a mini DV video camera with tapes that needed to be replaced after four hours of continuous video we set it up in the living room facing the bedroom the camera stared directly out the back window of the bedroom a small pathetic thing that provided only a meager view of the outside come heavy curtain had been set on a recently installed rod to separate the two rooms so I made sure to pull the curtain open it was heavy with the thickness of a rug wore extremely sturdy blanket then left with my girlfriend and her sister before we left we looked into the camera and made mocking gestures as I proclaimed we're the Ghostbusters an easy joke a silly one to end a silly project as we turn the camera on and left for the evening as we were driving away I suddenly got an anxious feeling that we hadn't turned the camera on we quickly zipped back to make sure made one last silly pose and proclamation of being Ghostbusters then returned to the Woodhouse before the Sun could go down daylight was coming to an end I remember as we sat around the living room of the wood house my girlfriend's mother telling us that we had left the light on in the stone house of course we hadn't we'd never needed to turn it on in the first place it had been daylight hours but as we gathered around the window overlooking the land below I realized that indeed the light was on and so we clambered into the golf cart and zipped back to the stone house sure enough the light was on strange I thought but there had been three of us any one of us could have turned a light on but with it turned off the house fell into pitch blackness if you've never left the big city behind or traveled into the country without any nearby town there's a deep darkness that settles on the land it was made worse as we stood in that house that small claustrophobic house for the first time since we had arrived I realized why people might see or hear things while sleeping there the house was small like a tomb and standing in the living room in absolute darkness was terrifying I quickly assured everyone out and we zoomed back to the wooden house joy returned as we sat around telling stories not playing games while we enjoyed dinner I remembered why I didn't believe in ghosts and enjoyed the rest of the night with people I cared for the video-review we returned to the house periodically throughout the night to switch out tapes but gave up sometime after 2:00 in the morning I didn't really think we would catch anything after all and the girlfriend was sleepy we collected the tapes and spent the next day relaxing on the land before returning to my home at the end of the weekend the evening of our return the girlfriend opted to make margaritas while I watched the tapes it was one of those apartments you get in college small but not too small with a living room connected directly to the kitchen she could see me as I sat on the couch and reviewed the tapes well fast forwarded through the tapes I knew I wouldn't find anything I've done a lot of ghost hunting over the years since then and when you do see stuff or catch things it's never what people want it's never a full body of a dead man or some ghastly apparition appearing and even on that first day I ever spent reviewing I didn't catch anything like that either but I do remember fast-forwarding while the tape was still playing just to get through nothing happening as fast as possible and I do remember the moment I pause the video wondering what was going in with the camera some of you may have never used a video tape camera before if you're over a certain age when you fast forward while it's playing you see static lines the image jumps a little but the image was jumping not just a little but a lot so I paused it and rewound the tape on video you could see us all on tape me shouting about how we're ghost busters and then the sound of the door closing as we left then outside the sound of our golf cart is it roared to life and then the fading noise of us leaving but what I'll never forget is the music the single solemn mid tone that started to play not quite whistling not quite a wind instrument then the low tone deeper and bass filled then the high-pitched tone that started to ring out as the camera started to wobble and jump I didn't know what I was watching I called for the girlfriend who put the margarita mix away and came into the room to see why I was sounding scared I rewound the tape and we both watched and heard the same music and shaking of the camera do you remember me saying that we returned because I thought I had forgotten to turn the camera on in the Far background I hear the noise of our golf cart returning and as we pulled up the sounds and motion of the camera all coming to a stop I watched as we came back inside I checked the film we did another silly pose and then roared away again and again a few minutes after you could no longer hear the golf cart the music again starting with that low tone and progressing through highs and lows as the camera started to wobble up and down the screen jumping until the imaged vanished for a second in a wash of static lines when the image returned the music had stopped we reviewed photos we took that day there are strangers of light around us but that could be merely light tricks the music though I will never forget the music [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 57,138
Rating: 4.8877192 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, best of reddit, reddit creepy, r/askreddit cops, askreddit cops scary, r/askreddit scary, r/askreddit creepy, creepy stories, scary stories, scary, creepy, creepypasta, radiotts, sirreddit, updoot reddit, creepymcpasta, horror, horrorstories, horror stories
Id: tXGeJ9FEh3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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