Best of CREEPIEST Glitch in the matrix stories (r/AskReddit)

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what is the creepiest glitch in the matrix you've experienced part -3 this happened back in college I was driving home from my cabin in northern Wisconsin through the Indian Reservation there was a man on the side of the road sort of limping along and I pulled over and asked if he was okay he said yes he was fine he just needed to get home because his wife decided she still loved him they'd had a fight I asked the man where home was and surprisingly it was the same city where I went to college about two hours away I offered him a ride he didn't talk much he was tired when we got into town he started giving me directions just down here it's close he said take a left at the lights okay I said right here he said pointing after the white truck here I pulled into the driveway yes shut up I said what he asked he was grinning like he knew what I was going to say next I used to live here I told him you don't say yes upstairs apartment number three yeah that's ours now he was smiling ear-to-ear small world he said he thanked me for the ride and got out of my car and walked through the front door of my old apartment building I know it was just a coincidence but it was one of the strangest moments of my life I knew my uncle had died my mom had called me and told me the news it was very sad she told me in the middle of work and I told one of my co-workers he expressed his condolences on my loss a couple of weeks later my sister mentioned my aunt and uncle doing something I said but he's dead and my sister said no he wasn't I called my mom no he wasn't dead to this day I'm still not sure how much of it my brain imagined and how much was real did I really talk to my coworker was I even on the phone with my mom at all the day it still freaks me out knowing that my mind could fabricate so complete and real a memory like that I'm not really sure if this belongs here but here we go when I was 15 I was incredibly depressed and struggling with my OCD and anxiety it got to the point that I decided to kill myself I arranged everything note when where how etcetera and waited I waited about a week until my parents went out to dinner I attached a note to my door telling my parents not to come in and to just call the police got dressed in my nicest clothes showered did my hair and put a suicide note in my shirt pocket my father had a number of guns and I chose one of them to do the deed with a Beretta 92 handgun or something like that I went into my bedroom turned on some music and laid down on my bed I put the barrel into my mouth sang a few lines of free-falling through tears and pulled the trigger then it went into a third-person type thing where I was just watching myself I saw myself laying dead on my bed slumped over and bleeding everywhere I watched myself lie in my own gore for what seemed like forever then suddenly it felt like all the wind get knocked out of me and I was back in my body click the gun jammed I just threw it onto the ground and sobbed into my pillow for hours before cleaning up everything and going to sleep I have no idea what happened that day but I'm more grateful than you can imagine after that I really made an effort to turn my life around and it did it's scary thinking that I wouldn't be here right now if it worked I have posted this before elsewhere but here goes sorry this is a long read I am from Finland and that's all so were these things I'm about to describe to you happened this was some years ago pre smart phone GPS era it was the end of the summer and myself and two friends were on a camping trip way up in the north in Lapland the mesquita season was over and the weather was cooling down in anticipation of the coming fall the three of us had packed food and gear for a 10 day Trek the car we arrived and had been left at the parking lot of a visitor centre this happened within the premises of the Euro kekkonen National Park a 985 square miles stretch of wilderness near the Russian border the terrain there varies greatly from treeless and semi mountainous to dense forests of spruce and pine and dwarf birch there are lots of swamps seeing reindeers not on some nights you might hear wolves in the distance you can run into a bear or a Wolverine in this place but of course normally they avoid people we mostly camped in a tent but some nights we used shelters and simple Hut's provided for travelers free of charge the trip had lasted five days we were at the furthest of any kind of civilization we were going to be on that particular outing truly in the middle of nowhere there really is nothing there there are no villages towns or industry the place is a national park after all seeing other hikers happen from time to time you'd see some people in the distance maybe very rarely would you come face to face with anyone so in the middle of our trip we were camped in a small clearing woodland extending around us for a considerable distance in all directions it was already dark we had eaten our evening meal and all three of us were jammed in our only tent it was a bit cramped but we fit we took turns carrying it during the hikes we were just exchanging some jokes and crude humor in the dark like guys in their 20s do about to go to sleep in our sleeping bags when we quieted down we began to hear it talking and the sound of machinery given our location this was profoundly weird we camped in a tent because there were no Hut's nearby maybe there was another camp somewhere near us we couldn't quite make out what was being said but it was a human voice no doubt about it but nothing really could explain the sound of heavy machinery it sounded like an excavator or a tank something big powerful and really not too far away combined with the sound of talking we thought construction yard but at that time of night in an unpopulated protected Nature Reserve we got out of our tent it was cold and pitch-black the campfire had some coals stll glowing we took out our flashlights my two buddies have always been a lot braver than me the sound was clearly coming from the north maybe half a kilometer away we thought that construction might be going on behind a small hill some distance away we could see no lights or anything we still could not make out what was being said the speaking like voice was monotonous and it was impossible even to say what language was being used still sounded a lot like a person speaking though you may be aware of the sort of spooky phenomenon of hearing a human voice and static maybe you've used a blow dryer and been sure someone is talking turn it off and it was just something the brain tried to interpret from the steady hum maybe it was sort of like that it's hard to explain the machinery like sound continued not loud but you could sort of make out the powerful engine at times accelerating / adding power at times at idle my two friends resolved to go find out what was going on we put our warm clothes back on donned boots and I sat next to the dying fire adding some more wood to it I would stay at camp while my buddies left to check out this mystery construction yard in the middle of nowhere in the Lapland woods so there I sat the guys took out their maps took a compass heading and left and I could hear them make their way through the forest see the light from their flashlights then they were gone the weird sounds continued unaltered they were gone 15 minutes then maybe 30 then the better part of an hour it was odd judging by the volume of the sound they should have reached it checked it out and been back already I added more firewood and tried to make out what the person talking was saying but it was too tinny and obscure the guys had been away for over two hours I figured they had stayed for coffee with the construction guys or something then the sound stopped just like that it just ended all at the same time the engine sound and the voice both just quit it was very silent I waited for another 30 minutes very worried now that something had happened that maybe my friends were lost should I go and try to find them I shouted their name several times and built the fire pretty big I was scared shitless when suddenly I saw the flashlights of my friends apparently they were returning in a hurry the guys got back to camp out of breath they told me the following they had followed the sound beyond the small ridge in the distance there was nothing there and it seemed like they were not getting any closer to the source of the sounds they had to stop every now and then be quiet and listened to it to be able to walk towards it they walked and stopped like this for some time then realized they were not getting any closer the sounds did not change in volume at all they decided to go just a bit further several times when suddenly the sound just stopped like someone pressed a button on or recording they realized they had been going on for a long time they were in the middle of the dark woods alone they reversed the heading and started back at a brisk pace eventually they saw my big-ass fire from the top of a hill and found their way back the weird thing is we seem to think the sound stopped at different times they had been gone two comma five hours in total they said the sound stopped at around the one hour fifteen minutes mark after they left they then started to head back immediately return trip taking a bit longer even though they kept a good pace they apparently wandered around a bit for me the sound stopped at the two-hour mark just thirty minutes before they returned we did not sleep that night nothing more happened on that trip and we never found out what the weird construction yard like sound was about when we returned to the parks Visitor Center some five days later we asked around but no one knew of any ongoing construction taking place in the whole national park area been bugging me ever since about the place this happened in in case anyone is interested in about 2003 or 2004 my mother who is absolutely not a believer in ghosts or glitches and matrices etc and would never exaggerate a story told me about a dream she had which I have never forgotten she said she had dreamt about an old family friend who was dying of lung cancer in her dream she was hanging out the washing on the clothesline in our backyard when suddenly he walked through the trees and called out to her she noticed he was wearing a pilot uniform she was shocked to see him looking so well and exclaimed underscore oh my god you look well why are you here come and talk to me he answered sorry no I've only come to say goodbye to you and to tell you I'm so much better but I can't stay I've got to go now goodbye and off he walked past her through the art and out of sight for some reason my mother woke up rolled over and looked at the time 5:23 a.m. later that day she got a phone call from his wife he had passed away at that exact time one morning when I was 15 my dad looked tired and stressed I asked him what was up he said he had an awfully realistic dream of me killing myself said in the dream he came into my room to find me hanging from my neck in the closet it bothered him so bad that he actually came and checked on me while I was asleep not too big of a deal but not cool as I thought 20 minutes later my sis come Zin to the room fresh from waking up she looks at me and first thing she said was damn race I had a weird dream I came in your room and you had shot yourself in the head it was messed up I told her that dad had a dream about me killing myself last night - and had him explained near to her we just kind of sat there in an unnerving silence I've never been suicidal but that freaked the whole family out in 2003 my best friend had gone missing and ended up being murdered it was a huge news story and tore me up inside back when it had occurred there were some issues going on in his personal life I was living a couple of hours away anyway my birthday was on June 15th which was a Sunday I was hanging at my friend's house the morning of Saturday the 14th from which I distinctly remember having a bad signal on my cell always I was hanging out at the time and we were in front of my friend's house I called my other friend the one who was killed that morning asking and what he was doing and that my birthday was the next day and that night we had planned to go to a rap concert he said he wanted to come down but there was some trouble and he wasn't alone he mentioned he was with his roommate and I told him they could both come down without giving too much detail he mentioned he was in fear of his life and I told him to come lay low at my house and Monday we would drive back and go to the police my friend whose house I was it also had chimed in remembering me having the conversation in full my friend on the other end of the phone line said he would drive down and stay over he never showed up I called him on my birthday infuriated that he never showed up he never answered the phone I didn't think much of it at the time I was very drunk but something didn't seem right I got a call Monday morning from his long-distance girlfriend saying she hadn't spoken to him since Tuesday I told her to calm down and that I had spoken to him well I got a call from his parents as well begging me go check his dorm room which he had that roommate at which they both stayed at the local university I drove down with a friend I was getting stoned with on Saturday and we got let into his place he had to baby out Bulls who looked starved when we walked in there was dog crepe everywhere we checked the apartment and it was a mess I went into his bedroom and there was a suitcase on the bed half packed with folded clothes in the bag and on the bed very neatly this was how my friend was with his clothing it was a 2/3 night bag something was wrong fast forward he was missing for a month and then with some pushing his body was found I won't go into detail about that portion I will say this however the FBI ended up telling me he was dead 2/3 days before the day I spoke with him furthermore there was no cell phone record of the call or so I was told I can't say how accurate the body to calm Todd was due to the body being in a field during the summer in a southern high-heat state the FBI was positive of what they told me though to this day I know I spoke to my friend who died my other friend who I am still friends with can vouch for this apparently they say it isn't so but this is definitely something that will sit with me for the rest of my life in addition to the event itself I got in a motorcycle accident about six years ago I'm going 45 through town and a woman who didn't see me turns left in front me it could only have been a millisecond but I remember weighing my options and thinking if I should try and go over the car or under it by laying the bike down I put the bike down it went straight under her car I went diagonally I slid across the pavement wearing no helmet no jacket just jeans and a cheap zip-up hoodie from Walmart so I slide for 80 feet or so not sure on the exact measurement but it was a long ducking way on the pavement and when I stopped I just stood up and the only thing wrong was that there was a hole in my hoodie cuff about the size of a dime not a scratch anywhere on me I remember looking at it then at my mangled bike and just screaming in my head physics don't work this way when I was in first grade or so I had this crazy dream that my best friend was actually there with me having a sleepover I woke up saw him on the air mattress and he sat up and started to float he goes look I think I can fly and I said oh my gosh you can maybe I can too and I could so we flew around my bedroom together and he pulled a book off my bookshelf using telekinesis and we read it that's all I could remember next day I go to school and tell my friend about my dream I explained that he was over for a slumber party he woke up in the middle of the night started to float etc and his face gets panicked he stops me and says I think I had that exact dream I said seriously and he says yay you could flight too and we flew around your room together and I could move things with my mind and I moved a book off your bookshelf we were pretty freaked out way late to the party but here is mine I always had those deja vu dreams where a lot of you have already been talking about where the events in your dream happened in real life where it happens days or years later mine plays off this same ordeal but except knowing what happened next saved my life I suppose my dream was simple I was driving down from the mountains back home with friends in the car after what I've a glee remember was a snowboard skiing trip the conversation was I supposed the usual for a long car ride I spied us in just stupid stuff then Smash Mouth All Star came on I remembered it because everyone started singing along speeding down the mountain and after signaling into the passing lane all of a sudden a huge car wreck happens right in front of us happening so fast cars smashed into each other and one of the cars involved rolling off the mountain over the divider I was too close to avoid it and so I pulled to the right which caused the car behind us to plow into the side of us rolling our car to the opposite side of the road I remember just a fuzzy feeling upside down and just glancing around the car and just seeing my friends mutilated just it sends shivers down my spine to even think about it I wake up and in tears I was just so frightened and scared it was so surreal this is where the glitch begins after years passing from the night of the dream my friends and I decided to get together to plan a small trip to have I asked k2 and snowboard day for the first snowfall we knew a storm was coming so we headed up the mountain good runs fresh snow it was overall a great success we had gotten exactly what we had come for we packed our things headed down the mountain and it clicked the same stupid car banter I Spy and then Smash Mouth all-stars came on it happened I was in my nightmare the RIC happened just as I remembered but I didn't pull right as I did in my dream I pulled to the left into the opposite lane and somehow just avoided it every slowed-down it was like I was in my own world and everything happened the same except for my actions we pulled to the side of the road and called 911 I broke down it was too much I was against scared and shaking but somehow that stupid dream saved my life hope this counts I've stopped telling people this story as no one ever believed me I'll never forget it it's been driving me crazy for 30 years I'm sorry for the length of this when I was a kid in England in primary school around 1987 ish a new kid joined the school on a temporary basis for a term he had an American accent and was ginger his name was Lee before he left us he brought into school what today would look sort of like a tablet computer but this was very thin with brown 10 glass he had cartoons on it he totally loved cartoons and movies I swear this happened I didn't dream it it was amazing there was a crowd of kids who saw it and their reaction was interesting because they liked it and wanted one comparing it to the Nintendo game and watching calculators but sort of accepted it and didn't think it was magical but it certainly was I said to him it was like The Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy prop used in the TV series he didn't know what I meant he kept it away from the teachers and didn't bring it back in I kept asking him questions about his calculator TV and he just gave vague answers and saying he didn't know but when I asked where he bought it he said his dad got it from the US one other thing he said he saw a movie which had every cartoon character ever a few years later I realized he was talking about Who Framed Roger Rabbit which came out soon after this was 30 years ago and you can imagine how difficult in all this time it's been to describe this thing as we haven't had ubiquitous tablets everywhere I used to draw diagrams of it and show it to people I went crazy when I saw the Tom Hanks movie big the scene where he pitches a handheld comic book video device my parents just sort acknowledged it just humoring me when Star Trek TNG came out and the pad was shown on screen I went that's it that's the thing eventually the tablet PC came out and I remember thinking finally at last the video iPod was further confirmation today it's obvious that it was a tablet computer and my story sounds more convenient in [ __ ] I suppose I could track some of the other kids down on Facebook to prove this I bet they would remember naturally no one believes me TL DR kitten a DS brought tablet computer into school and no one believes me a couple weeks ago my friend's dad told me a pretty bizarre story that scarred me for life about 15 years ago my friend's parents Steve and Julie were woken up at 1:00 a.m. to a very loud thud that rattled the house worried that one of the kids had fallen out of the bunk bed Steve went downstairs to check on them but all three kids were sound asleep and safe in their beds Julie told Steve to check the house in case of intruders so Steve checked the doors and windows before going outside to take a look after 10 minutes of investigating the noise Steve came across nothing unusual and went back inside to go to bed he found his wife absolutely worried sick and she demanded to know where the hell he had gone and what happened confused and tired Steve told her he found nothing and tried to calm her down before Julie pointed out that it was now 4:00 a.m. and that he had been missing for three hours Julie had even gone outside to check on him and he was nowhere to be found and didn't respond to her calling his name unable to figure out what happened they returned to bed and slept until Steve had to get up for work in a few hours Steve owns a painting business and a couple hours after working on a house he noticed his eyes started to feel itchy then his eyes started to burn then after a couple hours his eyes burned so badly that he was holding his eyelids open as to not blink because it felt like his lids were sandpaper against his eyes his employees rushed him to the hospital and Steve was treated for second-degree flash burns on his eyes he was told his burns were equivalent to staring at a welder's torch without eye protection for an extended period of time his eyes were treated and he was lucky to have his vision fully restored he is one of the most stand-up guys I know and the way he told the story gave me the ducking creeps dead serious and no explanation for what happened his wife was there too and she was visibly upset when he was telling me that story [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 444,668
Rating: 4.897511 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask reddit creepy, creepy stories, true horror stories, ask reddit scary, best horror stories, sir reddit, sirreddit
Id: 7hltUOWwYcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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