Campers or Rangers share the creepiest supernatural thing that's happened in the woods?

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[Music] campers or Rangers of Reddit what's the most unsettling creepy and/or supernatural thing that's happened to you while in the woods my family used to camp in Algonquin Park in Ontario when I was a kid we used to do a lot of the day hikes with our dog the dog was a crazy runner and would run up and down the trail back and forth between my parents and my brother and me this one trail ended at a lookout my brother and I stopped to take in the view and my dog arrived seconds later traveling at full speed he attempted to apply the brakes but the momentum carried him right over the edge we freaked out our dog had just gone over a cliff and it was a good 50 or 60 foot drop I ventured over to the edge to look my dog had somehow landed on the one ledge that's at about ten feet down [ __ ] now what any movement and my dog would fall the rest of the way down it was a sheer face and no way to get down out of the blue from the trail behind appears a hiker with full climbing gear Algonquin is not an area known for a lot of climbing I've never seen anyone before or since with gear on that trail this sky blade down rescued my dog packed up and left he didn't even stick around long enough to get his name to all intents and purposes he just returned to the trail and vanished when I was about 18 me and some friends took a road trip about seven hours or so down to the eighth bill Aki : National Forest near Tallahassee FL we were going to do a little car camping drink a few ice-cold natty lights you know 18 year old stuff as such we didn't wanted to be bothered by any park rangers so we drove way deep into the woods got there set up camp had said night lights and me and a guy decided to go do a little exploring so we walked about 100 yards from our sight back to the main road saw another path directly across from us and started walking immediately we started seeing signs that someone had lived there for a while big bags of trash stuff like that should have been a huge red flag to turn around but you know 18 nothing could hurt us so we get to this campsite of an older white guy living out of his van clothes lines strung up there's places around it and a big gorgeous dog I think maybe a golden retriever we tried to back out but he sees us and starts talking he's friendly enough asks us where we're from tells us about some cool spots to check out in the park we end up chatting for 10 minutes and going on our way I kept thinking to myself how odd it was that he gave directions and steps not yards or miles guy always seemed to be off balance not stumbling drunk but like he was walking on a balance beam swaying side to side oh and he was super excited to talk about national parks and forests where we were from ok camping part over we went back to our tents fast forward two months same buddy calls me late at night and tells me to turn on TV to the news i oblige I see an old dude with a van you see where this is headed but I didn't so I get pissed at my friend for waking me up no watch and then I see the golden retriever and it all clicks what the [ __ ] that man's name was Gary Michael Hilton convicted of at least four murders he kidnapped and murdered a girl on Blood Mountain GA an older couple in the Pisgah and C and a girl in the able akiko lair at that campsite not long after we left yes the very same places he had been talking to us about obviously we call the cops they put us in touch with the FBI f is for Florida and we get flown down to take investigators to the campsite point out every spot we saw anything tell them exactly what he told us and show them the places he described to us I didn't find out until after the trial but apparently they found what appear to be partially destroyed human finger bones in an area near the site had to fly down again to testify TL DR went camping with murderer by mistake had to help with investigation not a camper or Ranger but an archaeologist a few years back we were doing a massive survey in the middle of nowhere in the interior of BC all the crew had gone home and it was just my boss and myself left for a few days to follow up and confirm some coordinates and finish some mapping we head out from the motel an hour or so into the bush middle of nowhere along deactivated logging roads closest town is miles and miles away we hike out to this one area we had found a site a few weeks previously for some reason the whole area just felt off so we get down to business and about 15 minutes after being hunched over mapping there is this weird deafening whomp sound like I could feel pressure in my ears I immediately looked at my boss about 20 feet away and he as white as a ghost staring back at me standing it [ __ ] happens again whomp ear pressure and chest pressure like I was just squeezed chills all over my body and every hair is standing on end my boss just looks at me and says let's go we grab all of our [ __ ] and speed hike back to the truck we never discussed it no clue what it was but I have never been so freaked out in my life ten years later I still get the chills edit there have been a lot of theories and sounds but nothing like it the best I can describe you know when a large bird or an eagle takes flight that initial whoosh / whomp sounds of the wings pumping in the air kind of like that but you would feel it and it was loud [Music] just a few weeks ago we were on a road trip from BC to San Diego and we came upon a campsite just outside of Crescent City California we drove through one side of the campground was relatively empty I noticed a few scattered tents but nobody close to the location we ended up picking we had tons of space we wanted an early night so I started a fire while my girlfriend started cooking we ate had a few beers and climbed up to a rooftop tent tepuis with our dog by 9 p.m. or so I had a rough time sleeping and woke up a few times but finally fell into a decent sleep in the pitch dark with all of our tent windows and canvases closed I was awoken at 1:00 a.m. by someone whistling outside of our tent the tune of when the saints come marching in after a few minutes of this repetitive whistling I know my girlfriend who awoke and was obviously freaked out as well the whistling then turned to chanting things like when you sleep here you disrespect me and when you disrespect me you disrespect the US Marines the person would then start spelling out words like FLE E the verbiage and tone kept getting more aggressive so we decided we had to make a move I slowly unzipped the tent while our guard dog was snoring and got my head out if the tent I took a few seconds to let my eyes adjust and figure out where the person was I felt more confident once I could somewhat see and hear so I climbed down and the girlfriend passed me the dog and she climbed down to we flipped the tent up without securing it and we jumped into a truck while the person was still whistling to a motel in Crescent City the next morning we drove back to get the few belongings that weren't in the truck and a family who had been camping a few sites over said it went on for another two to three hours and it was the scariest thing their family had ever experienced when hiking with a good buddy of mine in the Carolina mountains in the middle of winter we went way off trail doing a full day's walk from where we'd parked so by the time we set up camp we were miles away from the nearest human we pitch our tent and cook ourselves some food and we're passing the whiskey flask back and forth enjoying the near pitch-black night and the stillness and our little fire at first we felt it that sudden sensation of being not alone then after a few seconds we heard something move in the darkness we're frozen we hear it again but the most terrifying thing is that this time we realize whatever is out there there's more than one of them and they're big my buddy and I lock eyes too afraid to make any noise yet and come to a silent agreement that scaring these things off is our best chance he grabs a thick branch from the fire and I grab one of the rocks we'd placed in a circle around it I'm so scared I can barely breathe but together we yells loudly as we possibly can and charged into the darkness and then we saw the eyes a dozen pairs at least staring right back at us we had charged a ferocious pack of mountain ponies who didn't react at all to the two crazy men yelling at the top of their lungs in the middle of the night just stared back at us totally unimpressed [ __ ] ponies when I was a kid about 12 or so my dad would always wake me up in the middle of the night to go hunting I [ __ ] hate hunting a few weeks prior to this night I saw an episode of are you afraid of the dark about the Jersey Devil I was on edge because I knew my dad would make me go hunting soon and we sometimes hunt in Jersey sure as [ __ ] he wakes me up one morning at like 3 a.m. and we are off to the woods and Jersey and pitch-black so that he could be there and all set up before the deer come out I'm up in the stand starting to calm down when I see a little figure on the ground it's human with a face I can barely make out since it's a bit far in the distance but I know it's human and it's like 2 to 3 feet tall I'm losing my [ __ ] but don't want to say anything because I know my dad will just tell me to suck it up I stare at this [ __ ] for at least four hours until we get down from the stand and walk towards it to leave it's a [ __ ] lawn gnome miles and miles into the deep woods there's no roads for a long while and certainly no houses how the [ __ ] did a gnome get there the stand we were in wasn't even a permanent stand it was one way out up when we got there I've been camping my whole life it's what I did for fun a lot of the time growing up thankfully I found a wife who is into it also and we've done a ton of backpacking slash camping together a few years ago here in the middle of nowhere and Maine backpacking in the day and then just walking off the trail into the woods to sleep at night we're carrying about ten days worth of food and are deep in the woods we haven't seen another person in a few days this is our primary goal to get away from it all normally I like to just sleep under the stars but it was drizzling a bit so we set up our tiny two-person tent and went to sleep around sunrise I wake up and I'm sitting right outside the tent putting my boots on while my wife is still asleep about 30 feet from our tent I see this dude just standing there looking at me he was right out of central casting for creepy dude for murderers campers I say something stupid to him like good morning please don't eat us and he just looked at me for a few seconds and turned around and walked into woods we were out there for another four days after this and I kept waiting for him to jump out from behind every fallen log I still have no clue how this dude found us or what his deal was I think about him a lot trying to figure out what life path led him to our tent that morning my family and I were camping on a lake in Central Texas on a week with very few people around our spot was on the edge of the camp next to the woods and very close to the edge of the lake we were playing pictionary by the campfire the first night we were there when I see a light go by over the lake I didn't think much of it and was still focusing on the game when another one went by at the same speed following the same line at that point I felt a little bit strange but still wasn't too worried about it after that another went by and now I pointed out and my dad said he noticed it as well we walk out past the campfire and campground lights to get a better view of what these were they continued to fly by over the lake going the same speed and staying the exact same distance from each other they were reddish yellow orbs and there was no sound coming from them now my whole family is watching in awe and disbelief after about 15 go by the last one was chased by a white ball of light that was much closer than the rest we didn't talk about it much after discussing what it could be but when we got back home from the trip my mom looked it up and saw that people in a town a few miles from our campsite reported seeing the same thing exactly the way we saw it two tents next to each other about five feet apart in the middle of the mountains had my three little brothers in one tent and me and my GF in the other it's nighttime and we have just put the fire out so it's dark everyone is in their respective tents snoozing off into dreamland about an hour later in the only one awake just daydreaming suddenly I hear soft human-like footsteps circling our tents over and over confused I asked who's there with no response but continued footsteps so I stepped outside no one footsteps stopped I go back into my tent footsteps start again I make my presence known and go back out no one footsteps stop of course I check on my brothers but they are asleep and sound I repeat this same process about four to five more times believe it or not Lowell footsteps always stopped ended up just going to sleep too the footsteps and not giving a [ __ ] when morning came I asked my brothers how they slept and they responded with fine except for you walking loudly all around the goddamn campsite all night not my story but my dad's my father used to have a business in maintaining the woods couldn't find an English term it is a thing in my country it basically means cutting down dead trees and hauling them out of the area this meant that he was out in the woods all day and he was allowed in places normal citizens couldn't come because of rules by the Forestry Commission my dad was working in the early morning when he suddenly noticed a car in the middle of the woods it drove through a small path normally only used by the Forester it wasn't a car from the Commission so he thought it was very weird that it was there however dad was alone and it was the 80s no mobile phones to contact anyone since it was in the middle of nowhere he decided to ignore it he kept on hauling wood through the woods with his horse when he suddenly heard men speaking now my dad is a brave man and strong as a bear so he decided to just take a quick peek to see what the hell those folks were doing my dad looked around some thick brushes making sure he could see the men they were digging a hole my father decided that it was something that he really wouldn't want to interrupt and he kept working throughout the day like nothing ever happened he made sure to keep some distance between him and the digging site the men apparently never noticed my dad possibly because his equipment wasn't located in the direction the men came from and my father worked with horses so there weren't any loud machines it was the 80s after all at the end of the day my father got to the local commission office and reported it they called the police there was a body of a young woman buried there it still works my dad to this day he was out alone there what if the man saw him what if he decided to check the burial ground out himself scary [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 89,777
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Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, best of reddit, reddit creepy, r/askreddit cops, askreddit cops scary, r/askreddit scary, r/askreddit creepy, creepy stories, scary stories, scary, creepy, creepypasta, radiotts, sirreddit, updoot reddit, creepymcpasta, horror, horrorstories, horror stories
Id: c2Z3TJNJvUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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