AskReddit, what's the most unsettling/unexplainable thing that's ever happened to you?

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[Music] I've posted these before but in high school I was asleep in a second period class it was early and the teacher didn't care the bell went off and I immediately got out of the room on my way to meet my girlfriend at the time saw her said hello the usual then hurried to my third period before the bell rang again got to the classroom and it wasn't my class teacher said I was early looked at the clock and sure enough it was the start of second period hurried back went back to sleep didn't hit me until later just how strange it was the second is a bit more bizarre right around the same time as the first story I had a dream that I got hit by a commuter train on some tracks right in the middle of my town as I was laying there injured and apparently dying my girlfriend same one as above was holding me in the song where oh where can my baby be was playing in the background I eventually woke up to a call from her asking if I wanted to go with her and her sister to a food festival that happened annually in town which was coincidental because that's right where I was dying in my dream I agreed to go and quickly told her about my dream and how intense it was we had a laugh and I got ready after they picked me up we made our way into town and parked as we were walking I started to hear it a band that was playing in one of the music tents was playing that [ __ ] song the very same song from my dream I remember grabbing my gfs arm and being like woah just kind of thinking it was a crazy coincidence she realized what I was on about and also chuckled at the randomness just then as we were standing there just being a little weirded out we heard the dinging of the railroad crossing the fest was on either side of the tracks and the train ran practically right through it the train went through the fest at the exact time the band was playing the song from my dream the two of us would talk about the day for years to come even after we stopped dating years ago as a poor student I was trudging home very late walking along a sidewalk in an old commercial areal where the shops were right on the property line and their river ended slash awnings that covered the whole sidewalk I stopped outside one of these shops it's wooden and either being renovated or demolished windows are gone etc I'm somehow drawn to it gazing inside where the window had been it's black like coal mine black I suddenly get his intrusive thought that it would be so easy to just toss something burning in there and the whole place would just go up walked home a few hours later taking the bus to tak the places of smoking ruin I can't imagine what my face looked like I'm a logical science-based person and I've never come up with a satisfactory explanation the feeling the place could burn was so out of the blue and so strong I had no matches or lighter on me no cash and as far as I knew no means to make it happen I've even wondered if I had some sort of psychotic break but as I said I'm sure I didn't have the means to do so something unexplainable takes control of me to save my life throughout my life doing 110 miles per hour on a dual carriageway around a long left-hand turn it just passed so I was obviously the best driver in the world right and without my brain making me do it I moved into the outside lane as I thought what the [ __ ] how why I noticed a broken-down van in the inside lane obviously I'd have swerved to avoid it and crashed hard but luckily there was something that steered me outside well before the van was even in I shot running down the country roads and I [ __ ] you not something full-blown pushed me slash drop kicked me off of the road and onto a grass verge just before I reached the junction cross Junction off the main road I was running on car flies over the crossroads right in front of me thinking it was his right-of-way and would have wiped me out had I not stopped running yesterday mountain biking with my army mates cruising down a flat smooth Road between trails and my bike was laid down from underneath me as if something just slowly pushed it over we all stopped because I'd stacked it but no one left because no one understood how it had happened it was impossible right as a bus took a very wide berth around the corner we were going down whoever the hell you were ghosty ghost nice one bro keep up the good work I had a colleague who I was close friends with she'd come over for dinner we'd taken trips together ate lunch every day one day she called in sick I stopped by after work to check on her she was pale and her eyes were sunken in she didn't even open the door all the way I asked if she was okay but she screamed at me to get out hurled a dish at my head and just kept shouting unintelligibly until I had driven off that night she went missing and nobody heard from her again not even her husband she just disappeared police searched for her and everything by far one of the weirder things to ever happen to me and the start of my locking my doors and windows every night TL DR after looking ill and screaming at me my close friend disappeared and was never seen or heard from again my friend Kelly had sold their old house but the old one was still in renovations so they were going to be living in an apartment for a few months my friend Amanda lives in a huge old Victorian house and volunteered that Kelly could store some things in a spare room in the Attic Amanda had always claimed her house was haunted I helped Kelly move her things into storage spare furniture that wouldn't fit in the apartment Christmas decorations baby toys saved for her second child etc was roasting hot that day the Attic wasn't air-conditioned Kelly was three months pregnant and by the time we unloaded the u-haul and got everything upstairs we were exhausted the room we were putting things in was maybe 10 foot by 10 foot with a surprisingly high ceiling unfinished with exposed studs and windowless there was a ton of stuff so so everything was tightly stacked everything inside the last box moved we high-fived a job well done then realized we had made a mistake there were two lights in the room single bulbs that turned on and off by a pull chain the first was close enough I could reach to turn it off on my tiptoes but the second was in the back corner eight feet of boxes and furniture in the way we sort of cursed at ourselves and decided we would take a 5-minute break to drink some water before we move things to reach the other as we turned we hear [ __ ] lick and the attic got darker I turned around and the light was out the court actually swinging like someone had pulled it Kelly and I stand there gobsmacked for a moment then decide to just leave the attic in a hurry six months pass and Kelly and her husband Dan go to get the stuff out of storage as they had moved into the new house Kelly had told Dan about the light but he had mostly made fun of it they get there after dark homeowner Amanda helping out and Dan is kind of being a jerk about the light he points it out in the back corner with his flashlight in his making spooky noises etc when [ __ ] lick the chain is swinging in the back light is on still feet away from where anyone could reach when they got the room empty dan tried to figure out the trick but it's a super simple fixture very basic wiring nothing attached to it no way of turning it off and on other than the base months later there was a Christmas party at a monado's house and half a dozen people ended up in the attic to examine the light bulb and try ever combination of turn the closed light on then jump on the floorboards and closed the door to make it spontaneously turn off and on by itself to no avail let me preface this story with this I have a good friend named Melanie that has blonde hair and drives a red car I pulled into Smoothie King and parked my car I was listening to a song from rent so I was waiting for it to finish when a person pulled up in a silver car and parked opposite me in the parking lot I could see the car in my rearview mirror a younger woman stepped out of the car moments later she had brown hair and was carrying a purse for whatever reason my mind being slightly distracted from the music playing I said to myself Oh Melanie is here then just after that thought crossed my mind I immediately said what no that doesn't even look like Melanie obviously Melanie has blonde hair and she definitely drives a red car I dismissed those sequence of events and went into smoothie King this brown haired woman was standing in line and just as I stepped in behind her the lady behind the counter asked her can I have a name for your order please and the brown haired woman replied Melanie you ever hear about how it's not the house but the person my sister is that person weird [ __ ] happens around her shadows in her room knocks and thumps when she isn't home to make them heavy footsteps and thumps in the Attic things falling down and something freaky happened involving her that my mom still refuses to speak of even though it happened nearly a decade ago because of her I see weird [ __ ] in my house crouching wolf like figures people who definitely don't live there whispering moaning when no one but me is home the worst has to be the sudden paralyzing fear that washes over you sometimes I have more specific stories if anyone is interested but yeah my whole like is unexplainable weirdness edit so I asked my mom about the freaky happening and she wouldn't give me much information other than my sister was about five and she started screaming bloody murder and was in extreme pain they took her to the hospital and nothing was wrong with her but she was really hurting and there was nothing they could do to fix it it turns out someone my sister has never met I couldn't get who it exactly was out of my mom but it was either a family member or a close friend was going through an extremely painful ordeal at exactly the same times my sister started screaming and ending when she stopped my mother wouldn't speak about it anymore after that so I can only imagine it was horrific my mother and I went to see a psychic when I was 19 I was pretty skeptical but she didn't want to go alone and said she'd pay for a reading if I came along my father had just died and I knew my mother was pretty vulnerable to have come up with an idea like this so I did my mom went first and I sat in the waiting area for over an hour super bored this was pre smartphones I was really impatient and annoyed by the time my turn finally came around I already thought the psychic was a fraud and I laughed outright when I entered her dim candlelit smoky incense filled little psychic Cove Jesus and the Virgin Mary were everywhere the psychic proceeds to ask me what type of reading I want and I pick a tarot one because it's the cheapest and I feel bad that my mother is wasting money on this type of crap I make sure to keep my body language really neutral and respond to questions with the minimal amount of information possible age date of birth etc I shuffle the cards the psychic casts the reading and starts telling me stuff says she sees a move new relationship blah blah blah things that you could reasonably predict for any 19 year old girl she then gets to a specific card and gets all dramatic she gets very still and looks at me with a super serious and intense expression goodie I'm getting my mother's money's worth she asks me if I'm pregnant or had a miscarriage recently I kind of roll my eyes and say no still really intense she tells me that the cards indicate that something terrible will happen to me that this card indicates death looming over my shoulder and that it involves my womb she warns me to be careful that she sees blood and lots of it she finishes up the rest of the reading and I ask her when all of this is supposed to happen she says the reading was cast for about a year I thank her my mother and I leave fast forward six months I've moved and gotten in my first really serious relationship I go to the ER with terrible abdominal pain I'm treated like [ __ ] sent home and advised to take some motrin I blackout split my head open come back to the ER turns out I've lost half my body's volume of blood from a ruptured ovarian cyst that didn't stop bleeding I get stitched up have emergency LaPaz scopic surgery and a blood transfusion if I hadn't split my head open in the fall and come back to the ER I would have been dead within an hour or two I still don't know what to think it could be a wild coincidence but I really wish I could remember the rest of the stuff the psychic told me edited for spelling and clarity I'm not a huge believer in the supernatural so this was probably just a horrible coincidence but it freaked me out nonetheless I worked with a guy named rich when I was 20 he was the same age he was a super friendly guy and I became friends with him outside of work we hung out on the weekends getting drunk and bullshitting with other friends and co-workers Hecht he would always leave these funny cartoons of my supervisor as a cow on post-it notes in my desk anyways one night I had a dream that I was at work and our administrator called us all into the kitchen I worked at a nursing home and told us that rich had died everyone was crying it was super sad woke up in the morning and just went on my way to work about 30 minutes into work the admin calls everyone to the nurse's station on the intercom we get up there and she announces that rich had died in a car wreck the night before it was horrible and surreal he was a great guy who went too soon and I treasure my good memories with him over a decade when I was 12 a family friend hired me and a buddy to stack their winter firewood they had cutted and left it in a pile and wanted use to make a stack along their wall in the garage when we got there we immediately got a really weird vibe from the house and both mentioned it to each other there was a shelf above the area that we were stacking the wood with a bunch of tools on it we both thought we should take all the tools off the shelf so they didn't fall on us so we cleared off the shelf after a while of stacking we were both setting our handful of wood on the pile when a hatchet fell out of nowhere right in between us we were standing under that same shelf that we cleared off I'm not superstitious but I'll never forget that series of events it's completely inexplicable to me after the hatchet fell we both ran out of the garage and called my parents to pick us up and that the people could find someone else to stack the wood years ago I moved into a relatively new apartment complex way on the edge of gigantic city on two sides of the property it was still woods weird should happen while I lived there so mostly I heard weird sounds and stuff inside but I figured that was normal for apartments the laundry room door wouldn't stay closed would pop open randomly there was no way to pull it open once closed without turning the knob but the door wouldn't open on its own also would wake up at night and find all the lights in the common areas on all but in the two bedrooms anyway one day I came home and as a girl who grew up in gigantic city is apt to do I habitually bolted the door behind me as usual husband was at work and had just dropped kids at a friend's house so I was alone as I crossed the living-room to my bedroom I saw in the reflection of some wall pictures a man walked behind me kind of perpendicular to my path tall cowboy hat white guy I spun around no one there [ __ ] yikes told my friend about it she said I should talk to her mom talked to her mom who said her friend was victim of a serial killer and when caught the killer reported burying ten bodies in a particular bit of woods on the edge of gigantic City but only seven bodies were ever recovered she had obsessively followed the case in the papers because of her friend that woods right where our apartment complex had been built part of the woods freshly cleared for that purpose three years earlier in the 6th grade my friend and I were getting into mischief and throwing snowballs at cars after school one day it was about 5:00 p.m. and we were throwing them from a catwalk slash alleyway that was about 50 or 60 yards away from his house the alleyway overlooks a main road going through my town from about 80 feet above the cars were lined up in traffic about 50 cars deep at a red light we each hit the same car one that was near the back of the line we then turned around and ran full speed back to his house as we were walking up his driveway the stop sign intersection at the end of his street came into view about another 50 yards away the car that we hid was turning onto the street and speeding towards us this as far as my friend and I configurate is impossible the distance he had to travel just to make it to his intersection was about 45 cars moving slowly on a wet and snowy evening he then would have had to turn right drive about half a mile up a hill turn right into a subdivision and then turn right left and right again at various intersections just to make it to my friends Street the distance he traveled in the same time we sprinted 50 or 60 yards just makes absolutely no sense and this is all provided he knew where to go and my friend says he's not a neighbor nor did he ever see him there again after years of living there we ran inside his house and hid behind some couches in the living room peering through the curtains to see if he had spotted us on our way into he house sure enough he had a really tall but otherwise normal-looking got from what I remember got out and ran to the front door and immediately began pounding on the door demanding that we come outside we hoped he would just leave but at that moment my friend's mom came home from work early and saw this stranger parked in her driveway pounding on her door she got out of the car and we could see them yelling at each other she demanded we come outside and give her an explanation this man said you threw snowballs at his car what do you have to say we were terrified so we lied we denied throwing any snowballs whatsoever cowardly I know but we were kids and this guy was scaring the hell out of us eventually my friend's mom asked him to describe the color of our jackets which he did incorrectly he then argued that we threw the snowballs from a completely different location from where we actually did like from the bottom of the hill on the road made absolutely no sense at all we focused our denial and lies on those two truths we were wearing blue jackets not red and we were on a catwalk not the road down below eventually he left and we miraculously didn't get in too much trouble I think my friend's mom knew we had done something but seeing how passionately we denied parts of his story I think she thought other kids were involved we didn't see anybody else and had an absolutely clear view of everything from above my friend and I still talked about it to this day how on earth did he find us so fast and why didn't his explanation make any sense I would even be willing to concede that somehow there were other kids throwing snowball at cars at the exact same time that we didn't see even though I'm sure that didn't happen but we cannot explain how the car made the drive to my friend's street so fast it still baffles us both reposting when my dad was a kid my grandparents adopted a ton of pets mostly dogs and cats over the years most of them got old and died by the time I was born they only had a few cats and a dog which were quite old when I was a young child I would play with the dog an attempt to pet the cats I remember petting a tabby cat that was quite friendly getting scratched by a big grey and fluffy cat whom I called smokey but wasn't actually named smokey I just called him that because he looked like a puff of smoke and if I was quiet and patient enough occasionally getting to pet a black-and-white cat years went by the dog and cats eventually died as well and my grandparents moved to another house one night over dinner my sister was asking my dad questions about the pets he had as a kid he listed a ridiculous amount told us to never have more than one cat at a time then asked us if we remembered any of them that were still alive when we were kids my brother and sister shook their heads and only mentioned remembering the dog the dog didn't outlive the cats by about a decade I nodded my head and then began listing the cats when I mentioned the grumpy gray cat in the friendly tabby cat my parents nodded their heads but when I told him about the black-and-white cat my dad frowned and looked at my mom then he said Tyrone died before you were born okay first response post background first right after I turned 16 my family moved from a big city on the coast to a medium-sized town at the time I thought it was small I have since been educated in the middle of the country and into a over 100 year old house that had been vacant over a year lot's of crazy fitting stories I could tell you but I'll stick to the worst one that happened to me and I'll add another that happened years later to my son and nephew we had been there for just over a year it was spring and we get crazy thunderstorms where I live so I'm alone in our attic that had just got finished being remodeled from its original 100-year old form we have three bedrooms a bathroom sitting area and loft over the two original bedrooms with a ladder going up to it I was on the couch watching TV it's just past midnight the storm is getting pretty bad the house is moving a bit but that's all normal suddenly the lights flicker and the loft light turns on and back off okay maybe I just imagined that it could be lightning whatever just chill then I swear something just moved on the glass-top coffee table I'm looking at all the little plastic cups my baby sister had been playing tea with surrounding my empty plastic Restaurant Cup you know the heavier textured kind they use a cheap chain places suddenly my cup slowly starts sliding across the table weaving in and out of between all the little toy cups just as it reaches the edge my hand shot out instinctively and caught the cup as it fell off I looked at it in my hand a second and then slammed in back down onto the center of the table and stood up the Lightning at this point is crazy and I can't hear the TV over the constant thunder I am standing there frozen trying to think if that really just happened when the cup just goes flying across the table so hard and fast it flew the five feet across the rest of the room into my sister's bedroom door I scream and my sister comes flying out of her room asking what the hell I'm doing throwing crap at her door I told her it wasn't me the cup just flew by itself she stared at me a second and then told me to shut up and went back to bed she even locked her door I start banging in her door asking her to let me in to sleep with her and she just wrapped herself tighter in her blanket and yells a muffled go to bed I slept with all my lights on and totally wrapped in blankets I didn't even sleep much but I sure a I've kept my clamped shut and head covered like the damn boogeyman was after me story to my son and nephew were two and three respectively the house is all closed off with a door between every room the entrance has a huge stairway leading upstairs a huge wooden thing with a scary grate about two feet tall for the ancient air system so I'm at work it's middle of the day and my mom is watching my kid and my sister's kid and a couple of my younger sisters are there in the living room with her the pocket doors are all closed and the regular door between the living room and entry is only open a couple inches the boys were playing some sword game in the entryway since it's the most open area in the house and the only place without ground level stuff for them to bash into suddenly my son screams bloody murder and may hear a loud thunk at the same time my son comes running into the room smashing the door open into the wall and crying hysterically my sister's run out into the entryway to get my nephew thinking something must have happened to him nope he had dropped onto the floor the thunk and curled into a ball laying facedown padding the top of his head he Pat's his head or rubs his hair when he's super upset about anything just shaking when asked about it my nephew wouldn't speak just shake his head and Pat his hair my son finally calmed down enough to tell them that a man with a scary face appeared on the stairs he wore dark clothes and had a horrible face that's all he would say about it and my nephew still won't say anything neither will talk about it anymore since then my son who loved Halloween and scary masks and haunted houses before that will no longer be alone in that house he screams if you try to leave him in the entryway and no longer likes anything scary he couldn't even watch his favorite movie Nightmare Before Christmas for months afterwards he's almost four now and is getting better but still gets upset if you ask him about it TL DR my mom's old ass house is haunted as [ __ ] and my son will no longer be alone in there [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 112,963
Rating: 4.8682785 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask reddit creepy, creepy stories, true horror stories, ask reddit scary, best horror stories, sir reddit, sirreddit
Id: Tchh6txTZeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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