CREEPYPASTA are great but what is your TRUE CREEPY story Part-2? (r/AskReddit) updoot reddit stories

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stories creepypasta are great but does anyone have any good true creepy stories so this is my true story it's a bit long so bear with me people have read it so most of this story takes place back when I was just a little kid I lived in a nice neighborhood in a relatively small town in the US I had this person growing up there is a reason that I don't call him a friend I would see him everywhere but the majority of the times that I saw him it was in my house the man was completely black and no I don't mean race I mean actually full-on pitch black his clothes were indiscernible his face was hard to make any judgment calls about the only distinct feature I remember is his red eyes he had the most terrifying red eyes the entire eye was red not just the IRS by the way it's weird writing about them now I can see them in my mind's eye gives me the chills it would never be an auspicious moment when he arrived it wasn't the clock striking noon we didn't have a grandfather clock anyway or the second the Sun went down it would be random I would be playing with my Lincoln Logs never a huge fan of Legos no idea why and without as much as a whisper he'd be there with me he would never do much just stare and smile then leave as quietly as he had come the longest he stayed with me was probably a little over an hour just standing there looking down anyway as the years went by I began to get accustomed to his presence he'd appear and usually I would just nod I even got used to using the restroom around him number two included that's how often he was around standing ever so close or ever so far away the funny thing was my entire family knew about him and to this day still no they never saw him themselves by the way I have three siblings my sister was the one who always believed me my parents were slightly more skeptical and eventually it became normal for them to hear about the shadow man in my room I eventually stopped saying anything at all when he appeared I tried everything talking to him yelling at him asking him questions one time I even got the courage to touch him he merely stepped away from my reach so I left it at that occasionally he would give me a smile the reason I don't refer to him as evil or hateful or whatever is because he never hurt me never even tried just watched and smiled those red eyes never stopped making me shiver but that was mostly just me we eventually moved out of that house childhood gone I bid goodbye to the shadow man he was there on the last day before the move his green that day seemed to be plastered on his face it didn't waver for a second I was about age 7 at this point the next years of my life were blessed Lee free of his presence no more watchful red eyes no more crying myself to sleep speaking of sleep I have in fact experienced sleep paralysis before the shadow man was never part of these experiences the same goes for lucid dreams which I have quite often fast forward to age 16 I was walking up to my room it was after midnight I hadn't thought about the black man in a long time I was walking down the hall that leads to my room when the man emerged from my brother's room his red eyes focused on me and he flashed me a smile he slowly walked across the hallway into my room this is where most movie protagonists would chase him down and ask for some answers or fight him to the death I did neither of these things I turned around walked back down the stairs and left my house I then sat on the curb until morning I haven't seen him again since then my sister still remembers him though my parents remember hearing so much about him but think that it was just my imagination to be fair I am a pretty imaginative person I dream a lot but nothing ever physically manifests out of these daydreams I understand why they are skeptical there are probably a few details that I left out I kind of just jotted this down on my phone really fast feel free to ask for clarification and if you have any answers for me I'd love to hear them my main questions are what the hell why me and is this going to happen again also who is he I honestly don't know what to think I mean should I be worried should I see a psychologist a oh gee men anybody this has been on my chest for a while now edit Wow so much support and similar experiences being offered thank you to everyone who replied it's crazy that so many people know exactly what I'm talking about weird one that happened to my sister a couple years ago background info she and her now-husband are house-sitting for my brother-in-law's uncle the uncle is old and starting to lose it he rents out a basement suite and a nice lady lives downstairs she cleans the house when she is there but he wanted my brother-in-law to come check on things and feed his old cat once in a while okay so first day they go to house-sit they get in but can't find the cat to make sure it's okay my sister has cats and know they like to hide when they are dying so they are all worried and are looking everywhere for this cat in all rooms under the beds and everything even check with the lady downstairs she hasn't seen it so my sister opens up the closet in the spare bedroom and is looking around stuff on the floor moves a couple of things and sees a set of feet on the ground in the closet with clothes blocking anything above the feet the feet have nicely painted toenails and look human but she assumes it is a doll or something they look in a few more places and all of the sudden the cat is in the middle of the living room just hanging out so they locked the dead bolt and leave sister and her boyfriend go out for dinner and a movie and she can't stop thinking about the feet and how real they looked my sister had started dating her bf fairly recently and didn't want to seem crazy so she didn't bring it up but a few hours into the night she decided she needed to tell him he decides that it's probably a bail but he offers to go back and check anyway when they arrived my sister will only stay on the patio because she is scared which makes him realize that this must be something serious they go to get in the door but the deadbolt is now unlocked and the handle is locked now he thinks there must be someone in there at the door there is a fireplace so once he is in there he grabs the sharp poker stick from the fireplace tools and starts to sneak towards the closet he opens the closet and sees the same set of feet with painted toenails on the floor he pokes it lightly with the fire stick in the toes scrunch up he proceeds to smack the foot as hard as he can with the sharp stick and yells get out of there out comes a lady in her mid 30s holding the cat and a can of coke turns out she was friends with the basement tenant when she became homeless the friend let her stay with her until she found out she was addicted to crack started leaving drugs around the house and had shady people coming into the house so she kicked her out somehow she got a key to upstairs and had been staying there while the uncle was gone police were called and she was arrested TL DR crackhead in the closet a few years ago my brother would get a call on his cell phone around 2 o'clock to 3 a.m. every night he would answer and it was this hellish sounding noise like static mixed with screams he changed his cell number after a month of this and it stopped then after a week or so it began again the exact same noise exact same time finally one day he decided to back deal the call it was an old man that had no clue what he was talking about still the calls persisted if he didn't answer it would call a few more times no messages were left he decided to say screw it ended his contract with his phone company switched to a new one and then got another new number you guessed it the screaming static calls continued after a short delay by this time he was terrified every night unsure why this was happening he back dialed the number again and got a different person around this time he lost his job and his phone the calls stopped of course his phone was disconnected now so one day my mom asks me to listen to this weird message she got on our home phone it was the static screaming we showed my brother and he was freaking out he back dialed the number again and it said the number was disconnected this time never heard from it again after that I was once featured in a st. Jude survivor newsletter when I was about 5 years old in the early 90s the newsletter went out across the country and apparently into Canada there was this guy named Mitchell that called my family up out of the blue because he had read my cancer survival story he lives somewhere in Canada and claimed to be this big-time Christian and wanted to talk to me God in prayer my mom let him talk to me for whatever reason and the guy actually just wanted to talk to me about a LF this Canadian dude named Mitchell was obsessed with a LF and somehow got ahold of our mailing address and sent me tons of a LF merchandise coloring books pencils al f everything for some reason my parents let him talk to me whenever he would call because they bought into his god stuff and liked how he sent me al F crap this went on and off for about a year until he asked me if I had ever heard of John Wayne Gacy he told me who he was and Eddie had escaped him when Casey tried kidnapping him when he was a kid he told me I should tell my parents they shouldn't trust strangers because you never know who you could really be talking to I remember he didn't sound menacing when he said it just matter of fact of course my parents freaked when I told them that and they changed numbers and call the police they never really did anything since the guy did live in Canada by all accounts and hadn't really threatened me also keep in mind Mitchell's somehow had our mailing address and knew exactly where we lived we had plans on moving soon anyway though fast forward 10 years to about 2001 we live in a new house a new state everything unlisted I'm now 15 what did we get in the mail yes you guessed it a dunking al F coloring book wish I had seen this earlier I'm sure I'm doomed to burial but I'll share anyway this occurrence didn't happen to me but to my grandmother it would have taken place in the 1930s my grandmother was a young teen at the time and she lived with her mother and five siblings in an old house in the middle of the woods the area was the Ozark Mountains in southern Missouri my grandmother had got into a fight with her mother she took off into the woods all day to get away from her for a while when it got dark she decided to come home when she got home the doors were locked and everyone was in bed there was an old cot sitting outside the house and she decided to just sleep on the cot until morning in the morning when she woke up there was some creature sitting at the end of the cot it has been 15 years since I have heard this story and she only told me once so my memory is a little fuzzy I remember she said it was really ugly and had a full set of sharp teeth it was shaped like a person but didn't look like a person she said that it just sat there and smiled at her with its abnormally large mouth of sharp teeth when she started to get up from the Conn to get away it would start to get up and move towards her when she would sit back down it would sit back down she sat there staring at it for a few seconds and it continued to sit and smile at her the creature was sitting between her in the front door she finally jumped up and made a run for the back door when she got to the back door it was locked but her mother was in the kitchen making biscuits she was banging on the door screaming to be let in and her mother told her to go around to the front because her hands were covered in dough my grandmother screamed she couldn't and was frantic enough that her mother ran to let her in she told her mother what she had seen she had my grandmother's two brothers take the cut out to the woods and chop it up and burn it I have some more stories and info if anyone is interested in knowing more a few years ago I went to a Christmas party that night my housemates went home earlier while I decided to stay and get in the Christmas spirit with a few other friends I ended up getting pretty hammered and got home around 3:00 a.m. instead of going straight to bed I got another beer inside then went out the back porch to have a smoke and look at the Stars I was outside a couple of minutes when I see the light go on in the kitchen my housemate comes out and look at me out the back I wave and generally look like a drunk idiot I thought he was going to come out and get a debrief on the rest of the evening as there were some good laughs we had not relevant to this story anyway he just gets a glass of water and goes to bed I finished my smoke and beer and so do I the next morning we are rehashing the previous night when he mentions getting up and seeing me having to smoke out the back who came back from the party with you last night I give him a sideways look and reply no one dude I was out there alone he insists nah man there was someone out there with you behind you on the porch when you were looking inside waving I didn't come out cause I thought it was some random friend from the Christmas party I didn't know couldn't be bothered making introductions to this day he stands by this version of events whoever it was must have been standing close behind me the whole time I saw no one and heard nothing gives me the willies every time I think about it when I was 2 years old my uncle committed a double murder and suicide he was a meth head and had been taking money from my grandmother and finally one day she told him no more that just happened to be the day I was at their house he went to his room and brought out a shotgun he shot my grandfather in his face my grandmother ran and grabbed me he shot her in the back she dropped me and rolled over he pulled out a big knife and hit her in the neck with it hila turned his attention to me I remember this vividly I was crying and he picked me up rocked me for a minute and sat me in my swing he think pointed the shotgun right at my face then all of the sudden he just stopped like something was fighting with him like physically prevented him from blowing me into a million parts next thing I know the gun is in his mouth and bang that is all I remember my parents never told me a single thing about it and up until a year ago they didn't know I knew about it when I told my dad he starts crying and tells me how I was just swinging in my swing or like someone was pushing me I had forgotten about it until I was like 13 and all the sudden I remembered it ducked with my head for a while I've told this one on here before but here it goes again so about five years ago some friends and I went camping in Oconee State Park in South Carolina we were in high school and went with our school ROTC instructor this guy was in his 50s but still a damn ox he was a sergeant major while in the army and was the definition of badass so the first night camping it was really cold so we decided to sleep around the fire we woke up all that same time in the middle of the night to the smell of wet dog and rotten flesh we decided it might just be the damp leaves and we sleep through the rest of the night well we wake up the next morning and there were paw prints all over the place I'm not talking just around the outskirts of the site I mean there were paw prints four feet away from where I laid my head that night we were all pretty creeped out so we decided to head into town to get some lunch we stayed in town the rest of the day and headed back to the site around dusk my friends and I are in the back of the truck as we drive down the gravel road to the site then all of a sudden sergeant major slammed on the brakes and we came to a stop in the middle of the road we all jumped up and looked over the cab to see what it was standing in the middle of the road was a hairless animal around 50 pounds standing on its hind legs while still on its back legs it walked to the side of the road and let out this god-awful screeching noise it darted into the woods and left us all frozen in fear then we smelled it it was the same terrible smell from the night before we got into the cabin I saw sergeant major like I had never seen him I was absolutely terrified the animal / creature we saw shook him to his core we drove in silence for the rest of the ride back to the site when we got there he told us that we were leaving and to pack everything up none of us have been back since and sergeant major won't let ROTC camp there anymore we agreed that what we saw up like a mix between a bobcat and a coyote but walked like a bear on its back legs we named it the cat a OD a few of my friends who hadn't heard the story decided to go up there one day and said the entire area gave off a really creepy vibe and decided to leave after I told them the story it sealed the deal that none of us will be going back my dad used to work in a juvenile detention center in the Miami area in the early 70s he said there was one inmate that reminded him a lot of a young Hannibal lecture he wasn't strong but he was smart and very persuasive one day he started a riot in his block of cells just by talking the other inmates into it my dad in another guard were sent in to check it out and try to calm things down everybody in the block was going crazy banging on the bars howling and yelling at each other everybody except young Hannibal Lecter he was standing still in the middle of his cell with his arms folded smiling and muttering the same phrase over and over quietly my dad tried to focus on what he was saying and after a couple seconds he understood the inmate was reciting my dad's home phone number edit I don't know how he got it maybe he bribed another guard into getting it for him or he saw it written on some form on his way between rooms or something the guy never called my dad in fact he never really got any strange phone calls ever but the level of determination this inmate must have had all just a freak my dad out was simply impressive so glad I have a story to share the same day I created my reddit account about four years ago I was sleeping and woke up randomly to see a person standing next to my bed this person was clearly female but very petite perhaps a teenager or just tiny in stature she was facing away from me and had her shoulder cocked up to her cheek like the way you sometimes see people holding phones her hair was in a low ponytail there was nothing surreal or ghostly about her she appeared exactly as you would imagine a person would if you were to waken in a dark room somewhat illuminated by moonlight there was no mistaking the fact that someone else was standing only a couple feet away from my bed I jolted upright immediately shock is putting it mildly I remember my heart was pounding pounding pounding the worst part about it was she heard me sit up and reacted turning her crooked head around to face me as if equally surprised to see me as I was her I was so scared I actually closed my eyes like they do in the movies thinking that when I opened then she would be gone and I could chalk it up to some kind of half dreaming state nope she was still there staring at me I started to fumble for the lamp on my nightstand it felt like goddamn forever I couldn't take my eyes off her I was so nervous that the noise would further prompt her to come towards me or something when I finally switched it on she was gone I called my boyfriend hysterically crying and begging him to come over he refused and said I hadn't actually seen what I thought I had seen I slept with the light on for three entire weeks I was so scared I remember I told my mom the next day and she advised me to search every closet in my apartment for squatters which is perhaps even more terrifying than a ghost appearance thanks mom not my story but my boyfriend who for the sake of the story we will call Bob shared this one with me when he was about 8 to 10 years old he isn't sure of the age he would receive calls on the house phone from some mysterious guy the guy would call when bob was the only one home before his brother who was three years older than him would come back from school and when his parents were working this guy would cursed Bob out and tell him to shut up and to do whatever I say the guy told Bob that he knew where he lived he knew where Bob's parents worked and he knew that Bob was alone the guy told Bob that if he told anyone that he was calling Bob's home he would kill his parents or him guess whatever was more terrifying that day being the young scared kid at the time Bob complied and would do things like take off his clothes while on the phone or dance around in the living room Bob didn't tell me the full extent of the stranger's demands but a part of me really doesn't want to know so Bob entertained this guy for some time again didn't specify how long until one day Bob's brother comes home and sees Bob on the phone Bob's brother asks who it is and after getting off the phone and apprehensive bob finally explains to his older brother the tells about this mysterious caller when Bob's older brother found out the next day he came home early for the call and with a few friends on speakerphone told the guy to duck often that they would find him and with their posse make his life a living hell Bob lived in a predominantly Italian neighborhood where the mob life was very real after they confronted the guy on the phone the calls stopped and they were never her asked again it makes me wonder if the guy on the phone was someone in the neighborhood or if it was some random guy across the country who got his thrills off these type of phone calls bob hasn't really gone into much more depth about the nature of these calls and everything I've stated above is all the information he has given to me it's kind of scary because it really makes you wonder if he was just a random selection out of the phone book or if this was someone who could quite literally watch him from a window it gives me the heebie-jeebies because we are now living in the same home that he received those calls parents want us to take care of it until they decide to sell it and there are some pretty creepy folks around here I used to work for my dad who was partially self-employed doing regular maintenance in Flour refinishing for a childcare program called Head Start the one center was in an old school which was built not too long after the turn of the century and served as a church functions building in addition to housing head start in another child care we always did floors over the summer anyone who has stripped and waxed floors knows that when you are putting the coating back on it's quiet and relaxing we were the only people in the building since it was a mid summer weekend and yet it felt off even before you enters like someone was watching from the second-floor windows so here we are making slow progress across this huge room when we hear a think upstairs and stop then it sounded like someone was skipping across the room and back a few times and stopped again so we finished the layer and went upstairs mid you the upstairs was a few claims with shelves blocking direct movement from one end to the other filed with supplies from the classes nobody was up there so we closed the doors and went downstairs to start the other room once again this sound started but this time I sprinted upstairs the sound speed before I reached the hall but all of the doors were open at various angles we didn't hear the sound anymore that summer but my dad asked the child care advisor from the other end of the building if they heard weird noises she said no but that one day they were sitting down for snacks and a couple kids were staring in the corner the aide asked them what they were looking at and one of the kids asks why can't that girl eat with us the aide looked sound then asked what girl and the kid points at the corner and says the little girl in the white dress I literally haven't set foot in the building since and I have no desire to do so I used to think ghosts were for scary stories but I have trouble believing this isn't real sorry for any mistakes I'm on mobile edit tried to change all floss back to floors because my keyboard is an idiot I've posted a story about building 6 in the museum I work at but since I'm on mobile I'll link it later I'll share another paranormal story for you guys when I was younger I used to have horrible night terrors ones where I would wake up but they would still be going on voices would yell at me saying they were going to kill me etc one night I was sent to bed early because I did something stupid I don't remember what and then everyone went downstairs while I was supposed to be asleep so of course I'm not going to sleep because I'm still wide awake listening to my parents downstairs talking about random stuff around 930 210 I start to feel really strange and feel like something is in the hallway and it feels very innocuous I get a sudden urge to get up and go into the hallway to see what is there my room is set up in a way that I couldn't see the hallway from my bedroom because there was a wall that had my closet and then my door so I got out of bed slid along the wall to my doorway and looked down the hallway to see what is out there I will never forget what I saw it was a lengthy cloudy black figure with eyes that were semi glowing red it was crouched in a menacing manner with very long fingers I was frozen to the spot locking eyes with this figure I knew that it hated me with every ounce of its being and started to move towards me like an ape as it was moving towards me I heard my parents start to come upstairs and the figure melted into the floor but not before letting me know that it would find me later on I bolted back into my bed crying a little from the shock and hatred I knew was placed on me by that figure fast-forward to college where I am recounting this tale to a few friends of mine and decide to google pictures to see if anything looks familiar it took us a long time eventually I came across a photo of the same figure I had encountered and nearly had a full-blown panic attack they are known as shadow people or shadow men and they can be benign or extremely harmful I still wonder to this day when I will see it again and if it will finish the job it meant to do nearly 10 years ago [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 409,155
Rating: 4.8686337 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: GQU_scEcZkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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