Can We Find The Name Brand? (Game)

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An un-edited "bitch" in the main show? Damn dude - I'm loving R&L more and more lately...I love that the show is growing more mature, over the years. They always said that it would, but I'm impressed with how smooth the transition has been.

Much of their audience is in the "millennial" range at this point, and I believe the majority of their audience is 18 to 50. It makes complete sense to me that the show is changing to fit that audience.

Between yesterday's More and todays GMM, I'm loving this new vibe!

EDIT - More is hilarious too! Yesterday it was weiners, today it was cocks! πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lts_talk_about_it_eh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

More had me rolling on the floor laughing this morning lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/weschester πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Having watched since 2014 when they’d bleep out β€œhell”, it’s absolutely hilarious hearing Rhett just say bitch out loud like nothing

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/taj-33 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This might be my favorite game they play.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/deadmallsanita πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anyone else think it's weird how little views this got in the first few hours? Normally it's way higher

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Crowzur πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Do it for Tumblr!"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/supercharrette πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is it me or were they talking super quickly in this episode?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cousinstrange πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really like these episodes where they’re trying to find the name brand!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IWantedPeace πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Are the name brand dips the only one worthy of your lips? - Let's talk about that. (groovy electronic music) - Good Mythical Morning! - The perfect dip can perfect a chip. But if you could only keep one dip in your life, which one would you choose between guacamole, sour cream, salsa, hummus, or queso? - Bean dip. - Not an option for this. I knew that would be your answer, and it's not one of the choices. - I plead the fifth. - I would choose guacamole. But for me, I'm not loyal to a specific brand of guacamole in fact, I think I like generic more, and that's what we're gonna put to the test for all of these dips today. And I think some of the knock-offs are gonna end up being the star. It's time for, Knock-Off Knockout Dips Edition. - All right, we're gonna be presented with four different dips and one of them's gonna be from a well-known name brand, the other three will be non-name brand, generic versions of the same dip. - And we're gonna be competing to see if we can properly identify the brand name dip. The loser is going to have to dip below the desk and stay down there until he is allowed to come up by the winner in "Good Mythical More." - Is there anything down there to enjoy? - No. - Okay. (bell dings) - We're kicking things off with the guacamole, and we have to identify which one is Wholly Guacamole. Wholly Guacamole. - Are you familiar with that? Is it the one that comes in the little packages that my wife gets? - Yeah, I get the little packages too. - You get the little packages? - I get the little packages. - What's in them? Oh, you're talking about guac again. - [Link] Guacamole. Oh, that smells good. - Oh, that is salty. - It's like there's been a mistake, (Mythical Crew chuckles) - Yeah. - You double dipping? Going for number two here. It doesn't taste bad, but woo, it's salty. - That's simple, I like it. Unique. - None of these have chunky pieces of tomato, which is evening the playing field. - That's, so far, by far my favorite, 'cause you can taste the serrano in there. - [Link] Is that what that is? - [Rhett] I really like it. - I see more bits of onion and some red stuff. - [Rhett] This is just like super, super simple. - I like all of them except for the first one. I probably even like the first one. - Okay, hold on now. - This one's very creamy. I would call number two bland, number one's salty, number three- - [Rhett] Spicy. - It's the most assertive. I would call number four my favorite. - I would call number three my favorite by a long shot. Rhettitos. - [Stevie] Here we go, three, two, one. - It's gotta be this one, man. Even though I love this one the most. - I think this is the prepackaged one. - [Stevie] The Wholly Guacamole is in bowl number two. (bell dings) - Yeah. - Oh, dang. - [Stevie] The other guacamoles are Kroger brand, Good and Gather- - Kroger bringing the salt. - [Stevie] Yeah, Good and Gather by Target, and Freshness Guaranteed which is a Wal-Mart brand. - Oh, Wal-Mart's got me. - Target is hitting the mark. (chuckles) - Got me coming back. (bell dings) - Now I'm a firm believer that sour cream can only be applied to food in a dollop. (coughs) - You all right? A dollop just came up. - Dollop form. - Dollop. - So I don't know if this was dolloped into these bowls, or if it was squirted into these bowls. 'Cause you know, they're squirting sour cream these days. - Yeah. - I don't know how I feel about it. - Just squirting it right out of a squeezer. Yeah, so we have to identify my namesake, the Daisy Sour Cream. I put sour cream on a lot of stuff, but I can't tell you that I've ever just dipped a chip into sour cream. - [Rhett] You're about to find out why you haven't done it. - 'Cause it's not good? - Well no, you're about to find out why you should've been doing it. - Oh. (chips crunching) I mean, it's less about the chip experience and more about... I'm not even gonna eat the chip. - I'm a Daisy fan. Are you a Daisy fan? - Yeah, I like the logo. First one's waterier. - This one's way better. - That one was so thick. - Way better. - So thick. Is this one thick? Got some thickness? - That one's good too, man. - It's like cream but sour. I've never really just ate sour cream with nothing before. - You know, now just eaten by itself, it is like cream that's sour. - Thought about what it is, you know? Are you about to whisper in my ear? Why are you- - I was gonna say, what makes it sour? (chuckles) - [Link] Oh, this one is almost fluffy. - [Stevie] Three. - I like all of them except the first one. - Me too, me too. - Two, one. (Rhett exclaims) - Sorry! - Payback is a bitch. (laughs) - Is it? I did not do that on purpose, but now that I know what it feels like, I would have. - Do you want it to go into this one? - No, this one. - Oh, really? Well, why'd you reach so far? - Because your arm was in the way. - I could've sworn I thought you were going for the one over here, off screen. The one we never talk about. - Okay. - Sorry. - [Stevie] The Daisy Sour Cream is in bowl number four. (Rhett exclaims) (buzzer buzzes) - You know what, that was a thick and ready. - All of them were really good, it was very difficult to decipher the difference between two, three... Now this one's not good, what was that? - What sucked? - [Stevie] That is Good and Gather by Target, and then the other ones are Happy Valley by Amazon and Kroger brand. - Amazon and Kroger still bring it. - Kroger was really good. - These three are equal. (bell dings) - All right, yesterday was Earth Day and we're celebrating Earth Day all the way through the weekend, because we care about the environment here at Mythical. - We live on the earth. - And we wanna continue to make it a more mythical world by caring for the environment and doing things to actual make some change happen, and one of the things that we're doing is we're supporting the Climate Reality Project, and every one of these shirts that gets sold through the weekend, which is the only time you can get it, a portion of the proceeds go to the Climate Reality Project. So they're doing great work over there, and you can join in that and get a cool shirt. -, thanks for being your Mythical best. Okay, salsa. Okay, all bets are off now. - Salsa can be anything... What are you gonna say? I don't know where you're going. - You got thick and chunky, you got pureed and runny, and I see that here, this one's very runny. - And it doesn't always mean that one's good or bad. Sometimes you get runny good, sometimes you get chunky bad. - Yeah, yeah, so what are we looking for? - [Both] Pace. - Pace, and we are gonna sit here and we're gonna taste these until we each have an answer. Okay, all right? - There's a restaurant here in Los Angeles, I don't know if it's still open- - I don't think it is. - It's spelled Pace, and that's what we called, they call it Pace, right? - A little bit of spice, lot of sweetness in that one. We're both conserving our chips here. This is more like restaurant style, more pureed. - This kind of feels like it was in a large, plastic jug at a camp. Not bad. - But horrible, not good at all, especially compared to the first one. Yeah, it's not horrible, it doesn't taste bad, it just doesn't- - [Rhett] I'd eat it, but it's not great. - Now this one's got lots of bits in it. Peppery stuff. - Smoky. Oh, Chipotle. - I don't love it as much. Now this one's scaring me, because it's very, very chunky on the tomato-y side. - [Rhett] Oh, you don't like that, huh? - But when it's mixed in something, if I don't think about it, I usually like it. - Uh uh, something went wrong with that. You're gonna spit that out, you won't even be able to get that in, I bet you. You're not even gonna swallow that. I dare you to swallow that. - Well, I'm going to just to prove you wrong. - But you got one hand on the trash can. - I take back everything I said about this and I'm applying it to that. This is strange. - Yeah, that's real bad. - This is so weird. First one is- - [Stevie] You ready? (Link exclaiming) - Okay. - [Stevie] Three. (Rhett groans) Two, one. - It's either one or two. - It's gotta be this one, right? - [Stevie] The Pace medium chunky salsa is in bowl number one. - Yeah. - [Stevie] You were both correct. - Finally. - It's good. - The stars aligned. Meaning you and I. - The other ones are 365 by Whole Foods, Simple Truth, which is a Kroger brand- - I like it. - Didn't lie. - [Stevie] And First Street by Smart & Final. - First Street needs to just close the shop up. - That was dumb and final. - Y'all need to blockade First Street. (bell dings) Now you know I'm a bean man. So I'm all about this, 'cause you know what, technically hummus is bean dip! Yep, you heard it from me. And we're looking for the Sabra. - Sabra. - You've had the Sabra. - I'm looking at all four of these, and one of these kind of scares me. And this one looks like infant pupe. - Pupe? - (laughs) I meant to say puke. - I was gonna say, what's an infant pupe? - I don't know. - That one's got a little pupe. - [Link] I mean, yeah, it looks like infant puke. - [Rhett] And now I gotta eat. - So I'm going taste free on this one. - Okay, well I'm not. - I'm just kidding, that's no fun. But this one looks good. - This one looks the most like what I think of when I think of Sabra. - Oh, that's very garlicky. Or is it this thing that's garlicky. - [Stevie] Well, it is roasted garlic hummus. - It's the roasted garlic one. - Oh, good point. Now for the pupe. - That's a lot of garlic too. The pupe has maybe more garlic than the non-pupe. - [Link] What else is in there, there's cubes of something. - Really? - Definitely. I'll have to mine this. Look at that, it's full of diced something or other. - [Rhett] Onions maybe. - I've isolated one. - That's a piece of garlic. - Good gosh. That is a whole thing of garlic. - I'm coming for this last one, I'm already here. - [Link] That is a lot. This one's really light on the garlic, and this one looks like the ingredients are showing themselves. - The fourth spot has been pretty weak today. I don't know if that's by design. - This one's chunky. - It feels like something's off about it, doesn't it? - Yeah, yeah. It's almost fishy. - [Stevie] Are you leaving your flag where it stands? - That one has a lot of garlic in it too, like literally. Literal. - [Stevie] I'm gonna take that as a yes. - [Link] I'm ready. - [Stevie] Rhett, would you like to place your flag at your convenience. - That's a good guess. For me, it's one or three. - Yeah. - I'm going- - It's not that. Once I knew that there were diced garlics in it. Do you wanna switch back? - No, I'm just hungry. - You wanna switch? All right, we're in alignment. - [Stevie] The Sabra roasted garlic hummus is in bowl number four. (buzzer buzzes) - Really? - No, it's not. - [Stevie] Yeah, for real. - Well, what is that red stuff in there? You know what that is? - Roasted red pepper. - [Nicole] So on the top, they have these like chopped up garlic pieces, and they always have a bit red... I don't know what the red is. - Man. - [Stevie] The others- - I'm a fan of Sabra, I don't know why it tastes so weird. - It's the garlic. - [Stevie] Are Marketside by Wal-Mart, Private Selection by Kroger, and Market Corner by Sprouts. - Sprouts is bringing it, y'all. - I like that. (bell dings) Now it's time for my favorite wet cheese, queso time. - I'm excited about this too, man. - We are going to find the Tostitos. - You know the display, the Tostitos display in the grocery store? They'll have all the salsa and all the queso and all the chips, and it's in like a different part of the store. And you're like, I wasn't even thinking about chips, I was here for pupe, you know? And then the next thing you know, you're getting... Yeah. - That's very consistent. Like, it's mixed very well. Then you've got this one, which is darker. - It doesn't taste good though. - It doesn't taste great, no. This one's darker. - It tastes almost like an instant sort of thing. - That one's nice. - So much better, that one! - [Link] That is some cheesy goodness right there. This one we're starting to get into orange territory. - [Rhett] Yeah, maybe a little artificialness. - It looks more like nacho cheese than queso. Or are they the same thing? No. - Well, it does have a nacho cheese taste to it. - It does, disqualified. Now this one's got some floaty peppers in it. - Man, I forgot how good wet cheese is. - Wet cheese brings it. - That's good too. Two and four. - I like the brown tint of this one. It's more about the taste than the looks. - [Stevie] Here we go, three, two, one. - This has gotta be it, man. - It's definitely two or four, I think. - Is two your favorite? - I think I might like two better than four, but four feels more familiar. - Okay. - [Stevie] The Tostitos is in bowl number three. - What? (buzzer buzzes) - That's nacho cheese. - Tostitos been fronting. What in the world? - [Stevie] The others are 365 by Whole Foods, Good and Gather by Target. - Oh! - [Stevie] And Kroger brand. - We've chosen favorites from all types of brands throughout this thing. We haven't really landed on one favorite dip. But we haven't been allegiant to the name brands. - Allegiant. Anyway, that means that we both did poorly. But you did more poorly, so that means I win, you lose, you have to dip below the desk anytime I say in "Good Mythical More." - Say what? Get behind the desk? (Mythical Crew laughs) - Welcome to the show. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Ian. - And I'm Jenny. - And this is Honey the Hedgehog. - We're from Essex in the UK. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality! - They could've pulled anything into the frame, and it was a hedgehog. - I'm so glad. - Me too. All right, click the top link to watch which mystery dips have been combined and of course watch us name them in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] On Earth Day and everyday let's do our part in making it a more mythical world. Start by spreading the word with this limited edition tee, available now at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,540,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: rQJWM93r6N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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