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I don't know the condition of this but look that's showing right what would that be No or do you think it's just so old it was for a college student and maybe they just got a new one new one ready yes one wait has one crack down the middle did you see something no I know okay one to pause hey guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds today is a little bit different why because I'm lonely I am all by myself y'all I'm usually rolling like at least three four five six people deep to the auctions but today was all about pirates booty packaging so anybody who purchased stuff from the auction we've had we have a pretty tight schedule so today we've had this plan for about a week and a half to today and tomorrow would be all about shipping so I'm out snagging up some units and let me tell you today was the best summer said best today was the worst day of storage auctions that I have been to in years I mean I bought three units but only I'm walking away with one unit how does that work well tell you so it's not the auctioneers fault I went to two different runs I went to Walt Cades and that's just some time the way the dice Falls you know that the units are just crap some days they're all good and some days it's a mix but today man it was just junk but anyway so Luther Davis I did I went to Walt's I finished up Walt's I came over here to Luther Davis's Google Luther Davis it's probably my favorite run real great guy so I did I bought three units today but I'm only walking away with one and also what I'm doing right now is I'm behind time I'm so lonely I had to call in reinforcements because I bought a unit today and I was like you know what I want to make a new fresh video today anybody record me not that I just want to walk up through the camera and point it boxes I just don't know how fun that is so I called in reinforcements and they're on their way it's gonna be two new people what kind of think they've been on an episode before so anyway three units now the first unit I bought was a 5 by 15 I believe or a 5 by 10 I bought it for 5 bucks I'm not gonna show you this is the receipt for it this is the receipt for the deposit so let me tell you so I'm gonna insert a clip here in a second and maybe I'm just gonna insert it in right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so what was going on there was is the auctioneer actually went around and the manager went around to sell the units we got to the last unit and there was an extra lock on it she was really confused well anyway the previous owner of it was actually there at the unit and he had put his own lock on there with the the managers locked and so anyway one of the bidders this really cool guy I think Robert I think his name is Robert anyway rolling on Scott he turns around and he asked the guy because he asked him he said was this your unit he said yeah he says do you have the key to the lock and the guy says yes and the guy went out to his car got the key brought it back took the lock off that's what that clip was from and so anyway that was really weird and so here's the deal hashtag Reese towards the love you're not gonna see any more footage because I just I don't roll like that I'm not gonna knock you if you do I just like I said giving to people is between me them and God and that's just how I feel about it but I don't think it's bad if anyone else does it or if anybody else wants to be reported in a situation like that that's that's completely okay hey sorry my wife was calling me anyway she's up at the gate she has my reinforcements anyway I gotta finish the story where was I anyway so I bought the unit and the guy said hey can I have my paperwork and I said hey how about this you can just have the unit I said but you better clean it out I said you know why you gotta clean it out he said why I will ask you he asked me he said can I get five bucks I just need to put money in my car which was outside I saw it and he said I just need to get this stuff in there and I need gas money to get over to the other storage unit that I could afford and I said tell you what if you clean all this out right now there's $100 bill waiting in the office for you clean it out and so he went up to the office with me we paid and I told them we'd y'all please give him the when you give him the hundred dollar deposit if he cleans it out and I said look he's like work out Center your money back I said I don't want your money you know anyway so that is restore love it happens you're not gonna hear a lot about it you're definitely not gonna see videos about it on here he totally would have been okay with it but I just don't think I would have been okay with it just in my own heart but again that's my own thing that's my own convictions and I live by my convictions but anyway so my reinforcements here so I gave that unit back I actually am a down one hundred hundred dollars one hundred and five dollars and fifty cents is what I'm down by anyway so then I bought a second unit and I don't know what I was thinking you know I don't know if it's this antidepressant it does it makes me lose my thoughts and stuff all the time but anyway so I bought the other unit and then I totally drove off and left and I didn't even pay for it but it was it was a charity unit I was buying it for not a charity unit was a lien unit but I was buying it for Luther cuz nobody else has bought it but anyway one of the other bidders was nice enough when I drove off he figured it out he paid for it and he said hey if you want to you can have it I just paid for it Luther you know and so I was like no dude my bad I was my bust you know I've never done that before but anyway Luther was real cool about it so anyway I'm here now here's the third unit is upstairs all right guys so we are here at unit to 13 and the u-haul facility it took us forever to get up here get my reinforcements is here obviously right because the cameras shaking a little bit it's not on a tripod we've got where you gave them you can show you want to be my reinforcements I have the best reinforcements of the world let me introduce you to one of them he's over shaking a sign say hello I be nice so hey Katie hello everybody twelve years old almost right right Kennedy turned 14 how many to the board oh my gosh three yeah it is 12 know about that so do it can you turn 14 hey they have to see you for one second say hello alright I do that Katie in every video are you sure I'm positive okay because these people are gonna leave me a bad comments called me a crackhead and all kind of stuff you are a crack you are my child anyway so here to 13 I'm running some reform and skinnies gonna reemployment reinforcements Kennedy's gonna report and Kate is gonna help me digging Sebastian so here it is we pay let's show how much we paid we paid 70 bucks plus $100 deposit $30 and change and that's it let's taking you I need to learn how to put the sound effects so anyway why did I buy it there's really no reason it has a bunch of boxes and boxes are money I tell you all the time your profits in the boxes like I was telling you down on the car I saw over 100 units today and seriously 99% Oh more trash this was probably one of the best cleanest units and I bought it for the video and now my kiddos are here what box would you want to pick if you want if you could pick any one boxes and I don't know what's in any of this pick a box or you want to start cut you want that one all right let's see if he's lucky let's see if he's lucky I'm gonna make ya'll just drop out of school I know we do this victors a little chop a little chop chop be careful Bubba let's see what we go I can't believe you I don't have a better interest in digging through people's stuff where where's mustard Jeremy Jeremy this chili sauce oh wait I can't opener you want to do it Jeremy Jeremy hey right there anyway so we're not gonna we're not taking any of this stuff today we're just gonna dig in it and we're gonna come get it mark so that box was Kennedy you gonna pick box okay watch the screen like it's a movie like you would want to see it okay all right yeah sure okay for money say that's my boy right there all right we got here about Twilight dad no one reads anymore lady of the Avon I'm just joking Avalon but what if that was a bond where do you keep clicking on there for so it focuses oh look at you okay okay you guys he's done for all right what did that sound like broken broken cups two three Oh was right oh I was right here with what broken oh you are right oh and so is Kaden I think you say glass these were like laptop covers is what I thought or Jewelry bag service cosmetic bags oh okay so hey Vera Bradley you like very Bradley don't you hey now you see you never really kind of like you see they never come to work with dad day school I know Hey look Vera Bradley do you like that one yeah sure okay you don't like any of these yo hey this Vera Bradley okay cute go ahead in there son I know you're itching to get in there Hey look at all these these are all Vera Bradley so what do you think what store do they sell these in here here Bradley does she have store oh there's a very brightly store yeah so how much no it's not look this has got the wallet in the matches well my backpack I got from there is one hundred and sixty-five dollars are you serious yeah how many how much do you think we have here in that yeah I don't know probably like since their use you say like maybe 20 bucks apiece yeah so what do you think we got one two three four five six seven eight wait that's not very nice we have ten bear Bradley makes so chicken 200 bucks yeah what are we spent on this I don't know who tells me 70 bucks it's already in the positive right but uh what you did the cardinal sin I had to do had the money in the box I had diarrhea and that that's true hey y'all know I'm kid-friendly right okay I'll keep to keep the channel kid from that diarrhea is not knocking your kids that's what was funny okay so here we're gonna put the profit in this box [Music] Cowboys lanyards that's nasty okay yeah I started counting through the holes when I was bidding on this unit I was looking in there I was like six F seven boxes kept closing so we're gonna set these right here but if you're looking here we've got books cooking but yeah nothing really oh yeah he said that I might need see hey this is rock all day I find stuff on name this is John this was like hey check that birthday card for mommy keep him buy some dinner with it why would you leave oh did I find money impart all the fun all right you want to get that all right clothes you know we're into clothes now that's where my story begins Oh Dallas Cowboys that's a nice one [Music] this what do you mean that is not a dress all right hey some gold dang it good luck is that really what it is did you wear to church all right let's look in here those make sure what's this shirt ruffles ruffles have ridges [Music] hey I need that for the bull yeah it's got two built-in cupholders perfume you don't wanna smell like cashmere mist no she robbed for basketball practice tonight why would you back yourself into a corner bro anyway all right back here Holmes killed him every boxes have well there might be they might just know but I'm not saying they did but I'm just telling you that's what my instincts tell me just an idea for collab and then he said make this happen was it an eye on something number I don't know he's probably not to text you again I was probably yes nine one six oh no that's that's a store stalker that's Alex he was talking to me or pirate he said Justin before okay hey what oh wait both of them are texting yeah that's a good text [Music] this is there's a possibility to find some jewelry that's a very badly I think that wanes yeah but that's kind of actually you know I don't like when parents will talk to your kids about that wants to just teach them about it and teach them to avoid it do you all know what this is no okay y'all want to know what this is wait can I get ya something for drinks it's a crackpot yeah this is a crackpot so when you see these you don't touch him don't play with them your friends are messing with them you leave you call me immediately all right this is what people accuse me of smoking because they say I'm so high energy you're high energy you should see me at school oh so anyway hey crackpot what'd I tell you 90% of units we find drugged prepare for now you know so what you just did books hold I'm gonna go through this real quick now I guess can we move these boxes every box has like nothing in it alright so we recording in and keep getting phone calls anyway empty our kid even this mrs. tribe yeah this is boxes that was done after came in here this is hey if it wasn't for Vera Wang or whatever her name was we wouldn't be making my Chinese Vera Wang this year did you make a white girl into an Asian girl are you watching where your dad you might want to cut that part out what cuz I just said did you turn a white girl into an Asian girl what my subscribers been totally expected probably who charges Gina said sure this meets you back home hey batteries drugs now I found class this was not the best unit okay we've got three more freaking trash this was not the best day to bring we always shake it this looks like your old phone blackberry yeah and you showed your best how many men for women no cuz I had to stop it at any time ah it's really glasses okay guys so here's what's gonna happen I'm gonna move all of the stuff over because I feel like the million dollars is definitely in that box down there so stay tuned we're gonna freakin move this stuff over get this stuff back in here check this three boxes and then that'll be it so we'll be right back alright guys hey I pop this open I don't know the condition of this good look that's showin right what would that be things broke now or do you think it's just so old it was for a college student and maybe there's gonna do anyone ready yes one wait has one crack down the middle did you see something no I know okay one two Paul's three oh I know there's probably not the million dollars I've gone through smells like crap [Music] a sleeping mat come on be the person who doesn't take your cart your money out of your carts they don't even fill this out yeah some people you're either one or you're one of the other if I find money and one card I know I'm gonna find it more than I'll check the whole freaking card these are all bullying box for the or their new iPad today was a bummer going to the auction are you watching yeah let me know it really was it's a bummer but here to do I don't make money on this unit is something exciting you know hey you got to meet my kids again right that's the most exciting thing they're the true treasure all right so anyway hey we will be back tomorrow I am going to the live auction and I've got a budget and I'm don't read it no don't damn me Jeremy don't know that you dum-dum no I'll let him do it at the camera was wrong but I'll get criticized so hashtag ya know anyway so hey here's thank you we're back at the auction tomorrow we are gonna buy a bunch of units tomorrow I don't care what we got to do but anyway hey we are finishing up pirates shipping and we'll have we got another auction up to now it close this tomorrow so make sure check that and we'll see it the next year [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 68,853
Rating: 4.843327 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, evicted, got fired, police called, crazy videos, caught on tape, kids show, family sitcom, reality tv, father and son, dad shows, teaching about drugs, life lessons
Id: l5VKuCrMY7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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