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well I did see this anyway so you can see we're kinda it's empty in here right it was just full again last week and now it's empty we are pressed we have a truck out front for the unit that well how do people said they wanted to see the rest of the unboxing all didn't think there was that many boxes but the guys are telling me there was a lot of boxes it's the one that we had the we found the morgan coin in that last episode yes no we know we didn't do what night night before yeah that for so this is all the jewelry that we found in that unit at the beginning in that coin the DeMorgan um so all of this is silver so anyway what are you doing Ben anyway so what we're gonna do is come out we got to introduce Tanner Tanner alright hey no more he's way more spunky than that he's just been acting shy right now so anyway Tanner works for us full time now we're put he is a full-time employee here at Grant funds auction house anyway so we've known each other for a long time actually actually I met him before y'all right I've known Tanner since he was in bet that's right is not called katie sponges what everything's competition I just wanna admit it right yeah no I'm joking kind of anyway so hey we've got a truck out front anyway I want to introduce Tanner he will be here oh wait as Patrick no no he has been in one of my videos the unboxing the unboxing the box truck what he hasn't been in there but Stillwater Church physical building has been in there because I stopped by there to see him and he wasn't there but the church was in the video anyway pastor Carter is one of my dear friends one of the greatest guys I know Tanner's his son we used to go to Stillwater for years that's where we met them y'all know the story I but we moved to plaintiffs or now we're out there and playing so anyway enough talking about that you got anything special you want to say okay so hey Jake's already trying to force the nickname thing and I don't like forcing it I like people to do dumb things that way I can give them a special name it's got to be organic grass root nicknames right grass root nickname anyway grass-fed yeah I'm pretty sure that's how you raise beef or something anyway so this is the rest of the unit that y'all did not see that y'all want to see and I want to see because that one Morgan coin is killing me that was in that coffee cup I'm hoping there's another thing they're telling me they didn't peek in my boxes actually Tanner admitted that he peeked in one of my box but luckily he's gone hey so we're gonna go we're gonna unbox this movie our bed alright hey guys we're back sorry some weirdoes pull up I'm joking if you call people right you all people are weird that's Brad you get to meet bread that's our u-haul rep he's coming here and say hey y'all stop y'all do things right that's always asking alright so anyway the guys just let me know that we had a big playboy collection right look this is all Playboy's old Playboy oh that's nasty well you say the cover of Playboy they don't have nude yeah yeah so anyway look we got some older ones and guess where they're going in the trash why cuz we don't sell what Mike we don't sell smut we should put some very smart anyway so we are here we got trash cans out we're gonna do some unboxing with the table set up so we're gonna do our thing guys we will pull this table if y'all keep it loaded up we're gonna frickin go through it and freakin get the did we show them inside they'll show them inside maybe I'll start filling that up with tables again oh yeah been a few minutes so we got some base pieces in here I haven't been going after furniture lately but we got it so we're gonna sell it make it look pretty we got rugs stuff like this he's actually some good rugs if they're green so anyways this is what we're doing so we're gonna go outside we're gonna get set up and we're gonna do some unboxing all day there was something else I was gonna tell you what was it no it's not that I'm not on that today I don't know what it was Hey well we'll be right back we're gonna get set up and then we'll start boxing let's go we are back we got some boxes now this one grab the camera cuz it says fragile bathroom so it came from a French ballroom and y'all know how I feel about bathroom boxes so let's cut to the chase is over right that's weird why's there two boxes hey this is the you know we found the Morgan in the thing scrap metal yeah it's magnet hey you know one of my worst fears when I was a kid was dropping something down the gutter or not be able to get it to the salt on the Sesame Street was a bigger deal than what I thought was gonna be like it was quicksand quick saying with a much bigger deal when you're small kids yeah not really Oh what just open to a scratch oh yeah I'm looking for jewelry you know what [Music] you turn your back this looks like costume I can tell you right gotta keep them guessing he's gonna get them any silver or gold in here this is the unit we found all the silver and so I will not be shocked to find more okay all right anyway okay so that's that box we're gonna find another cool box we'll be right back right now we're recording hi guys so it is hot as crap outside we're just two contained and I just didn't like the flow of it so now we're we got a new system or inside we're unboxing here we go ready this is fragile very fragile not just about the money puff I just don't care songs and makes 94 yeah and probably came online [Music] almost broken because that means it's worth a billion Oh hold on hand-painted trend with ten karat gold right there huh that's kind of Brady hey it's got 10 karat gold on we're gonna clean those up made in Poland paperweight he's got some kind of function oh it might be it's oil oil don't you burn what I haven't feeling I know what's in there no but no I'm sick of that one oh it ranch a creamy Italian Italian hey what if you do the Mayo and use do you think I did if I took a big heaping spoon there's maggots in it no way disgusting just analysis kill me kill me oh now he offered me 20 you got a 50 PS I wanted to cover my rides in the freakin ambulance why are you giggling over there my dear why I don't have a very good stomach we're jumping all the good stuff been yielding good stuff hate the trash bag the morgan coin there does it I don't know yeah did it came out of a coffee can that was in a trash bag Oh some scrap metal some more scrap metals grab one don't discriminate Oh nope blog was was there did you even take the bottom of that or I decided to empty box just go alright look dirty sneakers still got the battery in it outlook still ticking sterling and Noble that's my nickname in high school let's start writing down all your names aren't popular not to have like 4,000 Dogma I got a whole heap of trash over here y'all look at this print legends to work here I'm gonna fire you like Jeremy fired you when I think pillage and burn straight dude we've had one too many moments David between us and I don't like it secure my manhood hey I got mayo and crap over here y'all want to take these to 303 that one that one we've got ice but we're gonna keep the land hold me look different another based on that you can hear the metal that's thick grease not even let it go do this like Brutus well I was unwrapping that where's the glove house you oh there's Mike on the subway that's too nasty I must where's the coins around there hi there what yeah we did Walmart bag so seriously oh and this lady how was she like 112 she was old that poor lady she just have a couple gold coin she had like 30 gold coins hitting under her kitchen underneath trash and a plastic bag full of other like probably five thousand silver she can't hear me freaking screen either that poor old lady she's sweet I went over there your house and helped her you thought like I was her grandson at yeah couple shoutouts well Jeremy from what the hills right oh okay ah Jeremy from what the hell's oh look we got another shout out hey should we shout out with the tens bariatric comes work I feel like I should give Pat Dee's a break and it's not peanuts and if I expand his like shout outs to adult underwear and peanut see Justin victory so we won't do that I don't know I just got off the phone really nice guy okay I'm gonna keep these luxury sheets because those are new anybody want to eat a maxi pad see you again have you said you do watch our videos you know this happened we've eaten a Mexican I didn't make him do it either cool part forgetting work here right and for throwing things in the trash you know that's the punishment that's cool okay so that's good Oh what's this ice bucket Tiffany Oh Betty this came from the Betty Boop room hang on I got a pause for a second walk Brad's here dude are you recording so yeah the keys are behind the my little area that I sit in against the wall I'm joking you go home for a loss did they meet brother hey once you become part o that was the watch that that is that box oh hey when you make these outside y'all make sure to pull the scrapbook Jacob I swear if I see you creeping behind me one more song I'm not playing you're overly being weak we can get it we can make it different some kind of collector pin discriminate Oh purses hey here's a deal y'all seen these before but you guys Sam again real quick because we got a lot these and so here's what I'm doing is if they're really torn up they're not going by themselves I'll do one big lot of Betty Boop purses that any of the ones that are kind of torn up you said you don't go with one big lot you know what they're gonna yell at me for Tanner telling you what to do at times oh that's a sellable so these are the sellable ones like this is really good I don't think we saw that one in the video so some of these had the price tags on it but look wait like this what are you when is your individual okay this is gonna be stuff that's gonna be allotted together cuz it's just kind of torn up this one I don't see any leather peeling do you okay so that's a good one this one probably would have been good but look how dingy it is and I'm just not gonna sell that but so this one looks okay long as the Zips we're in business I got that one that's in good shape yeah that's just a looking for Betty Boop right now that's a new purse that's a good one we have a lot of Betty boot purses make sure it's really clean wallet that's about how they that's a cool little leather wallet right and then all this is over all right hey so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take a break real quick we're gonna get this stuff cleared off the table get those wadded and we got plenty of box this will grab it action there we go yeah hey all right so we're going through boxes still and Katie found this bag it's got jewelry in it this was in a water shoe box all right I want to see lots of watches that's uh Mercedes watch right and then a Mercedes symbol on it yeah I think so career at it was this fossil nothing up there I was really excited about this one either looks like some cheap Geneva wearable heck yeah looks like your style Tanner look at that that doesn't matter that's nice it's like the 9 and the 3 you always know to tell it song I'm sure those are genuine diamonds to see y'all plate accordingly I'm joking quartz yeah these are all just knockoff watches ready want you to know pretty what are this any buttons this looks like a earrings that's lucky would you're wondering why neither confirm or deny open I've seen this box anyway you bag your check hey no telling anyway so we will find some more boxes we all right guys I got to this box clothes shoes oh I did so I figured this out Betty Boop that's a big old Betty Boop one look at this whole bag of watches Betty Boop Wow cool alright we'll open this Oh anybody shiny too yellow looks like a ball we're being honest but oh my gosh looking there y'all y'all see that can you see in there we got if we get gold we gotta measure it we got comb is that going no this is I know people are weird bro welcome to business all right look at this y'all okay there's something in here okay oh oh there's something here oh look these are loose beads that collect your panels [Music] yep not to five y'all see like once you do this long enough you can you can spot the real stuff it's not that hard you just got it just takes time I'm going up and down with you so I wish that was real all right so look we've done a nine to five little Betty boot bracelet okay oh there is bingo she like bingo didn't she oh that's a cute little button oh here's one here's one here's one wait oh yeah here's one Oh something there oh my goodness that's plated ah is this one we saw into the bag my knees hurt please goal can be a little tricky depends on how much it is uh plated where's your magnet that's definitely played all right it's right over there the little thing I just see the bubbling on that oh that looks like it was silver this look so you can see all around there where the gold came off from put just you know putting that ring on and off and you can just tell if you look real close enough so there's a hundred times but if you look in it you can see where it's bubbling that's just the the gold layer coming off the base metal that's all it is so that's the quickest way to the spot see this is bubbling to Dolphin so it doesn't mean that's not anything if I go 14-carat sound Gould's your first day well that's electroplated I can't see that well even that's bad this I can't tell okay 14k and then it's good we'll put that there okay so that was that one daddy no more boxes we knew this one no all right let's go baby boot to baby boobs got two offers no little feet usually pins like this or like 110 volt field there's no way a heck I'll be able to read that these might be some kind of cheap on to five child Chinese all right sorry guys we got a phone call Oh more be nice to matching bingo necklace that's special come on eat some gold can't read that usually when there's holes drilled in there like that that looks like that might be gold oh you got it yeah it's definitely stamped I just can't read it just feels fake I'm gonna put it up to the camera and see if the camera catcher nothing it's not reading any of it so this is 18 carat I see your cage at the end of that first stamp yeah it's this this looks like gold this doesn't that doesn't this actually looks like gold to me I'm gonna assume that's gold bro RJ signature on it that's nine to five it's really pretty soon my dirty hands oh man we've got a lot of jewelry mm-hmm okay nine to five right there Bailey sighs did you gotta look fast this one's clearly marked 14k so low 14 karat gold ring would you find that red uh it actually looks like a in between yeah okay that's what I thought it was just showing up weird anyway fourteen carat so that's good sterling guys to their sterling stuck this in a box in a bag one two three oh it's Betty Boop earrings those are cute and pins every year yeah it's a little pin look it's a bingo pin look at those those are probably a little bit all around the time mm-hmm all right so do we have anything else to you that was a really cool box that are wearable well you know about this watch hey y'all right now if you don't know about swatches I'll give you a little tip you can find these and their stores all the time go to watch sections and why because they look like cheap little plastic things but some of these go for thousands no joke but go to swatch you got a look at the older ones but go look up ebay swatches sold listings filter up and you kind of see what the higher dollar ones are and kind of go through they look at sold listings but swatches have been around since the eighties ugly but they're good watches see what else we've here's like an older guest watch that's not cool you know it's got that cool old-school like greened yes that's definitely older that's vintage yes let's go over to watch Omega that's kind of cool hate some of these might be gold-filled - I can't read it but a lot of these older watches can have gold Express that's another guess one Geneva not sure what that is but I find a bunch of wearable Betty boots that's wearable what's nice some of these I might still put them in there I'll probably put them in a group lot because they're gonna hear new armbands that says diamond in it so that might be genuine leather genuine diamond Versace not unless I stand for Sachi with China maybe did that with us up yeah they couldn't see it on the camera biggest villain alright guys so hey here's the damn deal how many minutes with uh uh six up this video so this videos like pushing an hour you don't want me to keep going are you and stop here keep going are you serious alright hey we'll be right back we find coma boxes Merle mm-hmm alright guys so hey we are here I promise you this will be the last two boxes you've seen part of this spot so this is that Betty Boop box that I didn't want to unpack there at the unit the second time we were there and Katie started unboxing she unwrapped this until we stopped right cuz that's the more you know it's just like isn't it like one of those hideaway sorry the ball present box yeah alright so what you guys do is you gotta figure out how to open it pull the pin out and then this is the key right here stuck on the bottle shake it is there anything in there so anyway this is some of the Betty boot stuff that's pretty bad right there it's taped so it's going on trash right why keep it who knows why I let you stuff get taken that's probably what's the dumb guys oh so look man that stinks I'm still gonna sell this clock this way because you can find those domes and if you go to a thrift store you'll find those cheap clocks for like a dollar ninety-nine and they got domes on them and you can probably find one that'll fit right on there but I'm not gonna throw this away you know that looks that's still cool looking locked hey maybe I'll throw it what's that when you get a package deal all right I did start unpacking these but like she's missing an earring they're pretty cool really cool statue still had the the tags on but like she's missing it looks like wings so two of them broke let's see let's do the unveiling she's in one piece she's in one piece yeah we got a Betty Boop hey you know what baby boots started four years 1985 1952-53 well first of all here's here's about the third time sweet you've hurt my feelings do you obviously don't watch much at home no okay because I had a video with that information and there Betty Boop actually started in the 1930s 1930 to be exact that I know which video you're talking about and yeah because I was watching part of it and then the auction was closing at the same time because I wanted to win some stuff oversized drivers oh okay so hey no chips no dings no scratches so she'll be going Barstow like right away mm-hmm Justin what do you think about this oh they're mine this one right there there you go look coasters Oh a beard brush go ahead what I bet we'll find the other 42 brushes you have around here too look battery-operated old hey dude you advertise you home for free I me just love me no you don't have to keep sneaking in my videos my you Hall rep again he found out where YouTube channel he's like you're all done oh hey look brand-new in there and originally it was 3495 2005 so so leo 14 year old was that technically new old stock yeah I think so I'd go with like ten bears or more a decade yeah okay huh hey y'all make sure to go to you all rent that's what he's trying to get out of me I'd say any other special information about hey we're trying to get you all we've mentioned this in our videos right we're gonna get you all in the sponsor ah alright right Brad we're gonna work on that right why because we're family friendly and people like us and people that watch us do what we do they flip stuff they need u-haul Saini trailers u-haul what are you waiting on Brad hey anyway hey he needs her again I feel like I feel like he's trying to get free labor out of us all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 32,072
Rating: 4.8865004 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, how to make money, sterling silver, Found Safe, Found Jewelry box, found gold, auction house, live auctions, online auctions, hibid, estate sale, New job
Id: L6sbD5vUkus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 45sec (3465 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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