911 Called! Our Business Burned Down! Everything Destroyed! (Not Clickbait)

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alright guys so look I just woke up like 15 minutes ago this is 9 clickbait we got calls from attr alarm place that there was a sensor in the warehouse went off we thought is just a raccoon or squirrel or some summers back and there's there's always critters in there we can tell but then we got a call again from ADT about an hour and 45 minutes later send another one off and this time it was in the hallway and then next thing you know we're getting a call from ATT saying that the garland police department the fire department there and then the garage finds then I'm not worried we have insurance but our building is on fire [Music] I'm saying something oh my god please for Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys you're gonna have to forgive me about the volume I know it's loud but here's the up day so we are with the arson investigator right over there talking to him we don't know yet but here's what I know here's the update it's a loss they don't worry we have insurance we have lots of insurance so we're not worried about that we're glad that everybody's safe but now I'm just wondering if somebody said this but he's not going to know but okay so the entire back warehouse is gone it's completely gone in the fact this building right here he says has collapsed though they think it might have started outside so somebody could have started one of the bins on fire I'll back and that's right where he got to that building so right now it looks like it might have started outside and then went inside to the building which I guess man I don't know Gina's gonna call an insurance adjustor guys I have no idea how this is going to go so after I had it out with that confident look guys I'm an easygoing guy that guy was completely unprofessional I don't want to call I don't want to get his job in trouble or anything like that but he was a jerk a complete jerk and it takes a lot for me to say that about somebody so anyway here's the day deal we have to wait they're still putting out the fire in the second building we literally there was planes all the way to the ceiling but somebody was driving by so here's deal he's curious about all over the place I know I'm sorry attr alarm company called us in like 1:30 and said hey there's a motion sensor going on we asked hey any doors get popped open oh okay well that's good it's a raccoon they call us all the time we always say the same thing doors and windows good they're like yeah it's good and then and then we'll get up here and everything's fun because we know we have raccoons we know we have one cat that likes to run around this whole circle and then we have a lot of squirrels I'm actually being a squirrel in our building and birds so anyway the motion sensor went off and then they called us back and said a motion sensor went off in the hallway okay it sounds like it went off to the bag and again no doors and then three hours later to an hour later they said there's a fire so that's what the arson investigator is saying he's like it doesn't make sense they had the ability to detect smoke so why did the motion sensors go off beforehand and so anyway right now it's speculation but I mean it looks like possibly somebody could have burnt down crimes fines auction house all right guys so we are heading up to Starbucks the arson investigator super nice guy we he asked if we wanted coffee I said actually why don't we go get you y'all coffee so I'm gonna go buy a bunch of big boxes of Starbucks coffee and get him one alright guys so we have come in here without permission so we'll ask for forgiveness later for us to leave we're not gonna get any close to this because if you can see this was the back part of the warehouse and if you'll see it's kind of angling a little bit and so what they're doing is they're bringing in dozers and everything and they're gonna knock these walls down because they just said that I mean it's really dangerous these things are gonna fall and the roof collapsed and so what he says there's all this stuff like still on fire underneath the metal so they've got to come in here dig that up for more water on it make sure that the fires down [Music] alright guys I just wanted to show you this real quick if you look straight ahead you'll know that that is the the door to the second warehouse right there you can see where the firefighters actually had to go in and cut it in that thing like that that's the roof alright guys so this is the right side of the building and as you can see the wall has collapsed the fire department had to enter in there you all know this this was part of the showroom right here and on the other side was the other half of the showroom with the display cases and all that but if you you'll see right here the department was just telling us to be careful for the walls because he said they're Shady obviously right and so if you look here the roof actually collapsed this was the shipping Center guys this is where you saw all the videos where we were doing all the shipping and back here is where the 40 yard container was I'll take you over there ii will peek through that hole but there it is guys this is not clickbait we literally just lost our entire business all right guys see y'all no lunker over at lockers TV that's where we were storing all of lunker's storage fines that he was buying but as you can see literally lunker stuff is on fire it's burning this is where we had all the palletized stuff of stuff that we had just bought so guys again everything's a total loss but hey no worries to any of the consigners watching or listening we do have insurance you're good it's just gonna take a little time to sort everything out hard to hear apologize for that but this is the back part obviously where we would unload the product again this is a better angle that's where the fireman had to go in there that wall is leaning so we're staying at a safe distance we're actually with one of one of the gentlemen in charge and we are just staying back at a safe distance but guys if this is no joke we lost everything we just lost everything all right guys so here's the deal here's where we are so far so the big equipment is here they've got to come in there the dim and the fire chief and all the other the guys have been phenomenal here with fire department city of Garland two thumbs up so kind and gracious not just doing their job but very compassionate towards our situation right now I'll be honest guys I don't know if this is hit me I keep going a bunch of my [Music] the bulldozers got go [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] alright guys so just a little bit of a different clip right here these are the apartment in the Fire Academy right now they're rookies and so look they're being instructed hey how how cool is this I just wanted to pop it and show you this so one of you guys spent a thousand dollars in gold and diamond jewelry and I can't I really can't I can't speak highly enough about the garland Fire Department and just all the different kind of pieces of a man just compassionate and doing the job very well but also just being very sympathetic towards our situation but anyway so inside this building right here y'all know this is our our main gallery so anyway one of the nice gentlemen just went in there and got all the jewelry out look this is how everything is going to be guys that's not a black cigar box that was wood at one point but look here is the gold jewelry so we will probably be giving refunds on this stuff if we can't get it looking as pretty or prettier [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys so we just got back here on the scene everybody is gone we were just out at the googans quad headquarters I just another shout out to rob just googan squad but especially because we're using their warehouse to store the unit we bought yesterday and sorry the u-haul guys are here picking up all the trucks all the pillars it's all got to go y'all oh my god this is the first time I'm saying it since that used to be the big warehouse y'all this have been my entire life Gina's here too but anyway so right here I'm just gonna take you in here I'm gonna flip it around and we'll go okay guys so y'all will recognize this as the old u-haul location are you all guys are down there that's our reps truck and there's another guy he's just picking up trailers guys Deena's here with me the crew is finishing out today we have nowhere to meet tomorrow so we are gonna be meeting at my house and we're gonna call it a game plan guys this isn't just about a building all of our product everything was in here that we had invested into this and it's just a thing it's like the insurance company I don't know how long it's gonna take I don't know how this is long mistakes look they just push this wall over so yeah look everything is gone oh my god I didn't realize where I was but this was our bay door there's our forty yard container I'm not gonna go near that wall I don't want it to fall but yeah here's where we just were making videos guys we literally we're just making videos right here where we were being silly and playing the games and stuff so yeah I can't even really recognize anything and here we just all those beds right there we're stacked in that corner real nice - oh no it wasn't I don't guys I can't even recognize my own building I don't even know where I'm standing but I know all this Beth oh yeah there's the beds oh there's our forty yard container there used to be a door right there oh there is the door look guys there's the door just pieces of books looks like there's Marilyn Monroe she didn't get burned the only thing that would make me probably smart enough I found like an unburned Bible like in all those other stories look there's the trailer that's the doorframe that's all this left there's our other 40-yard container there's still some product that we just bought that's covered with tarps oh my god the smell in here is horrific goes I'm definitely not gonna go in there that is way too dangerous but I am gonna try to look baseball cards how does that survive you know what I mean oh my gosh oh so y'all don't worry but y'all be praying for my clients dollars and cents wonderful wonderful people don't worry they're covered insurance will cover cover it but that see right there that's the room we had a solo room for their sports cards only where we were pulling a little at a time and so on it and that stack right there look those are all baseball cards oh those are all baseball cards and we're not talking crap we're talking about just from the 40s and 50s and 60s that whole room was literally stacked with I mean thousands upon thousands upon thousands like hundreds of thousands of cards anyway guys I just I really don't even know what to think about this right now we've been going since 3:00 a.m. and I don't think I've slowed down enough to where it really hit me cuz I keep like feel like I'm gonna lose it and then I just remind myself with a good lord and this is all temporal but it just it does hurt that we put so much work and not just me oh it ain't just me my team katie has been with me for three years and she's put her life and soul into this place and does not even have a place to come work tomorrow it's just it feels weird you know it feels weird but I know everything will be alright so anyway we're hoping insurance will I know I don't know what all our policy covers but I know that I just want to make sure my employees are played I'll figure me out you know I've been a survivor all my life and but I do worry about my dear wife she's I was whispering like she's not gonna hear like she's not gonna watch this but mom my wife she's asleep this kind of stuff just breaks her I feel like this has been my whole life the stuff like this just happening but you know it's the refining process that the Bible talks about not feel like the Lord's building me up for something I just I don't know what yeah and I don't know why this would happen but I mean it's electrical problem you know I'm not saying that did anything weird happen I just think it's like before but it's happened but anyway guys we're gonna go alright guys so I don't know how the insides gonna be a lot only if they tried to lock this it looks like the fire department set this aside that's our gate obviously you guys know this place hey you guys have been with us almost nine or ten months guys you all know this place this is y'all's place too you know you this is yup in a hey let me turn this off and turn my flashlight on alright guys so check it out this is the first time these walls were blue what I'm really sad is a lot of my personal stuff like my YouTube stuff from you guys my fan mail we'll try to get that off the wall guys I'll try to say this duh this was lunker stuff he had just bought y'all look at all these walls I don't even know what that's where art was hanging y'all look at that that's where art was hanging oh my gosh look y'all remember the you'll remember the African Mass that we found there's that remember that sculpture we found guys in look listen please listen we have insurance I just don't know how long this takes but here's the deal if you bought something if you see something you're gonna get a refund everything's gonna be okay the floor is completely black oh look ya'll there's the Gucci I can actually maybe salvage that I don't know for I don't know why it would but okay so y'all gotta know the fire didn't even come in this room this is all smoke damage okay and y'all just got forgive me for the lie I can't help it look there's our mannequin this set once upon a time was our photo booth and like our photo booth stuff man look at this lunker's comics they're gonna be ruined but that'll be covered in the insurance guys so there will be no lunker's to auction here's our carts look here's some of lunker's comics right here those are not salvageable guys if you know comic books it's not salvageable condition on that kind of stuff is everything actually lunker's comics are over there I'm not gonna step over all that stuff okay so look the fire did reach this and obviously this is where you to go out member and we do all of our shipping in this room and then you would turn that way and go to the big warehouse it is all gone actually look guys that's where we were was outside so we it's it's gone everything is gone okay this was about to go back in the packing Magoo so because we had someone who bought this a long time ago out of the sale and they didn't want to pay for ship and go figure huh did somebody would buy something that big and I wanted so anyway guys that's not salvageable it's just not salvageable but it will be covered in the insurance I've already talked to Paki Magoo he's one of our he's a I consider him a friend though he's that he's a friend but he's just more worried about us be careful sweetheart okay okay so look there's upstairs I don't know even know if we want adventure upstairs but everything down here due to smoke is going to be ruined and even the baseball cards guys they're just gonna be ruined I don't know shit I don't know these stairs lost their integrity guys I want to see how bad the smoke was in to the thrift store that literally no joke guys okay I can't do that someone getting locked ended hi dear yeah let's get out of the building I'm starting to feel really weird yeah I just tried to go up this dear but I got really lightheaded look there's racket breath sorry good all right guys we won't be doing that again I'm not gonna lie here showing them it's water that's why you don't go into burning buildings or even buildings that have been done burning whoo hi guys that was really weird so I just got really lightheaded going up the steps I just couldn't breathe and I had to come out and drink water and I just kept drinking water to throw it up I guess to flush my lungs out I'm back a minute all right oh there she goes so anyway I think I'm good now thank you got out of my lungs I will never ever go into a building that has been burnt like that again that was really weird really scary but anyway guys hey if you shootout even now I don't know I know it's a I want to cut this out I don't really enjoy this might want to do so anyway hey we do we appreciate you guys so much you know what that really is a minute that was almost it felt like a big place it wasn't just our place it felt like it was y'all's place too because y'all been there with us literally like every day for like eight or nine months y'all have joined us on this journey I don't think it's over I think we're gonna come back bigger and stronger but just right now you know it's a little hard to see through that whenever you just get done with that and then we're just gonna be rushing around on the next week probably just trying to figure out where do we go you know all our product was in there like how long stay in sure it's gonna take I don't know we're not rich people I know we get a lot of comments that we're not rich people we're normal folks guys that just bust our butts and just cuz I enjoy what I do and so anyway there's so much in the air but here's one thing I know I know it don't matter because even if I if the Lord were to take me out I know where I'm going and that's where my hope is like I said probably three or four times a video that's why you don't put your hope and things actually we were driving down this dribble or until go hits last time so it must be something about this but don't put your hope and stuff it's it'll be gone life stuff gone like that guys you never know that's why you put your hope in the Lord guys and that's why you invest more time into people be kind to people I know I'm not perfect at it but I just try to be kind to people who just don't know what's gonna happen the next day you don't know and so anyway and I wanted to live a legacy of not stuff or that I've built some huge business I want to leave a legacy of someone who tried their best to treat others like the Lord treated me and just try to be a good example surprise to all and I'm not perfect at it won't be you know that's the whole thing right it's not about perfection is about progression right the perfection was possible to cross what's necessary so in saying that beautiful message I have to tell you that that's the end of this video so make sure to LIKE subscribe hit that Bell select all because we do do premieres and we will keep releasing videos as often as possible quicker we get our feet when we get back to daily videos we love you we'll see you to make sure [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 132,798
Rating: 4.9526992 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Ebay resale, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, 911 called, burned down, lunker
Id: BkjN-Uix5TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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