$1,000,000 Black Diamond Disney VHS In An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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we got boxes that's how you get a box off the top one two [Music] alright guys welcome to another episode of garage fine it is Saturday and we're working why are we working so we go to Ohio we can go to Ohio to see who what the Hales well we're gonna go see what the hills but we're going to see mr. Magoo who's mr. Magoo he's the guy from New York he wants he refers to himself as packing Magoo and I love it so anyway hey Peggy we are coming to see you we actually talked last night I'm going with mr. Magoo because I love mr. Magoo 13 do you know mr. Magoo cartoon yeah hey James ooh hey hey Jakob's here dave is not here what's Amgen he had a beautiful thing class yeah what well no it's not quilting it's knitting knitting knitting class they've had a knitting class anyway so he's not here but we're getting ready to go to a house we got to work we got to get an auction up so we got to have money coming in but we're going to see mr. Magoo we talked last night this thing is going down it's gonna be crazy it's gonna be exciting and if you can't tell I just smoked meth I'm joking I think a big old Starbucks I'll show it to you in the car swear that's how I made the ice coffee hit is a Starbucks so anyway hey here it is we are here at lock or lot number unit number 87 I am up straight up with you straight up with you I just wanted to buy unit and there wasn't nothing going on and I bought this and I'm thinking about it and I don't remember I paid how much that face is with 120 look at this for 120 if you can't make 120 off this in this business you got problems right around actually this is one of the reasons I saw this I solved the fishing poles I saw something else that made me think oh the tackle box anytime I see fishing I automatically think hunting and I think possibility of and I like friendly too anyway so the fishing poles crappy little show then hey I say crappy but men hey paint the turquoise or something alright so here's the deal we gotta hurry up there's Jacob hmm dude get it no he's gonna say mommy make crazy faces and then a one day I'm just gonna like I'm a donkey kick him in the mother I'm jokin it made for a good video yeah don't be thinkin that was actually fun to say hmm but I'm not gonna say it again so anyway is there anything to dig into one thing do we have a transfer tub let's grab some transfer tub yeah let's go ahead and grab your mother transfer times we got a lot of loosey-goosey so what we're gonna do is we'll just make sure there's no money in here this was this was the dirty clothes pile all right what's in here oh look Jeremy Jeremy oh I haven't drank since last week of January so that probably might get real wildly concentrated alcohol yeah a little dab of that anyway okay hey I don't like this oh it's gonna be dirty clothes right it's a good t-shirt what is that hey hey let us get something stuff out we'll be right back we're gone alright hey check it out yesterday I said one of the favorite things I like to do is go to people's drawers and I got a lot of peels right here so sit down hey Joe they were into clocks I bet as a doll head using my pen yeah it is a dirty vase I'm not unpacking all this right now we gotta go let's check these [Music] [Music] that's how you get a box off the top one 200 million dollar freaking Disney movies y'all for rich only that's a black diamond right yeah black diamond and then we're freakin in the money that's a joke y'all don't get Oh black diamond that's it we're retired yeah they were only charging five bucks that's dumb there's a guy on eBay asking like twelve thousand it's a joke there really is people asking that much but they are not worth that much hey and I like people like them they got high hopes I put some cloth or something on there like just staple some like a cool pattern or paint that first alright we've got some more boxes all right we're gonna plenty more video back at the center homes it's genius time pops joking I make too many windows yeah there's a bucket of nuts and bolts what that's a shout out shout out today Paddy's no longer nuts Bessie how you got confused yes I see how she got confused I have without charge help to market Paddy's channel even though if you don't want to admit it or not and he thought keeps telling people he's charging me for peanuts [Music] [Music] Marketing goes you pay the guy who brought the attention right we gotta do a marketing class Oh found a knife a kunai how could he use it alright guys this looks like it's the end of it have you noticed how much I say alright guys mmm-hmm every time I'm going through the videos editing and I have to push the button on the video to turn the volume up as much as I've know it's like all right guys all right guys all the way home anyway alright guys we are done with it I'm actually no I didn't I did this is this was in there let's see what it is sounds like fools oh wait no this could be something different oh this is just cool man I need these all times oh hey you know who need this pirate man this is a safe breaking into kid right here I can't work in this place with it I like it alright alright guys a Walmart right there that cost me probably like Hudson wait man hey that's why I'd be like 40 $50 right there it's gotta be honest shirt this is the dirtiest bet ah dirty toys oh I look old Smurf June May 17 he's just faded oh that's cool you ever have where these face masks pick that out and put it breathe in and tell me they don't help no he's smarter than some other people I like your style bro hey hey we're done with this crappy unit they're gonna finish getting this stuff back on the truck we got to get back to the warehouse oh we got so much to do in pirate I just mean pirate we're in the while they were waiting on me in here me and pirate were video chatting like little girls cuz that's what we do but anyway we were talking for about a half-hour in the truck cam man we got me a pirate got some plans man y'all just need to stay tuned meet me in pirate are want to bring you all the best entertainment we want to let you we want to bring you the best ways to make money off of this business and me and him got some exciting things coming up here in the next few months together so anyway if you don't know storage auction pirate I don't know which what the hell is your problem is because I wrote that what the hell's is wrong and usually sometimes I like to go like hey have you subscribed yet what the hell is he waiting on my god totally wrote though it was like all originals and I was like man you know then Jeremy started it I was like I'll let him have it storage option pirate he's the reason that I got into this YouTube that well not the reason I got into YouTube he's the reason I got back into YouTube after a failed attempt at this last year hands down to get me back into this pirate did that behind the scenes nobody saw that but anyway storage occupier like subscribe salt princess life subscribes you know I love them and actually I'll be out in California with them soon but hey let's get back to the warehouse so we can go through some more boxes alright guys welcome back we're back here at the auction house we got that little bitty trashy you can hit back here and we starts our mission today what we got to get done we're working on Saturday we normally don't work on Saturdays unless we have a pickup we'll meet Gina work every Saturday because there's you all hundred other crafts to do but anyway so we're working to set up another auction so that we can go where oh I caught a ride a burpee so anyway look so y'all saw this just a few videos ago this was had all the stuff from the ground spines dollar so pickup was yesterday so Gina's over there working on packing and shipping for that auction you can see look we've already got everything empty in this room I should do a big really fast circle for all my friends you should see that's all stuff that was in the last auction as their orders that we pre pull and like I said we pre border so when customers come in they actually they can pay online they literally just walk in and show us receipt and we'll grab their stuff boom they're gone so anyway you remember these shoes I'm gonna show up for a third time anyway those are displaying all of our Jordans and stuff that's not all of them remember the crystal all those good nice little pretty stuff we found okay it's already in a spot this is the one this is that Linux set the child didn't get to see unpacked okay from the $410 unit so look that's all of that stuff that was in a box man there's no chips dings cracks this is a nice set mm-hmm so anyway that pottery was the stuff that was in the trunk okay this will all be coming up in the next Grimes fines sale some of the stuff signed Bayway will probably do an auction preview I don't know why I like that it reminds me of the movie desperado I think I think that's why I like it you know all right guys we got a phone call anyway so I don't oak I was asking if you ain't Tonio Medeiros great movie where he's got like the gun and stuff in his guitar suitcase Jacob would actually probably like it anyway so here's the deal we're gonna be working in the back we've got to find we've actually I bought so much crap it's been selling everybody else's stuff I've been sell them onto but we're putting together a big cross fun stuff so we go so here I'm gonna take you up show you whatever man our plan is we're gonna put up a time-lapse to show you how much we do get accomplished in a day here's our shipping section jeana's working on shipping yeah the camera this is the section Jake's here Tamra's here look we've got a lot of great boxes so we're gonna do some unboxing I'm only gonna pop in if we find a good good box because our videos along and what I would like to do is start making them I don't know everybody says they don't like that anything and I like there don't anything so I don't know we'll see what's gonna happen all right guys hey we're back we are trying to finish this up but kind of finish that little section right there tonight and anyway I've got two more hours and they gotta get back in and they gotta finish it in for the rest of day so what we're trying to do is we're trying to fill up the rest of that go through this get the good lots out so anyway I really want to go through these boxes real quick for today because just cuz I did and I'll be curious all weekend you know in here on Sunday dig into boxes long soak em anyway all right look here's one of the new Kenwood products new old stock we're in check this out all right where I got 30 probably have some kind of tea technical I think that's what the means technical sergeant william h mason in recognition of 23 years of honorable service from 1966 to 89 that is really cool y'all we're gonna get that cleaned up uh Wow let's see what else is in here alright because that's an important piece of like family [Music] so so anyway you don't get that table inside get that big on Halfmoon table goes inside to it I just left it over there because I liked it down there all right more electronics all right so we got Kenwood then we got a RCA VHS cool green buttons I really wanna I was gonna see if that was what does it say that's a B VCR - doesn't actually pretty good probably the same you awful maker just killer retro and it's actually not very greasy or anything that's got a black & decker love that look be careful with this Tanner don't cut your hand off or at least like not the whole thing because we need it yeah I need you at least have one hand hey Jake we need to put this this big piece right here I want to take in such a that little armoire okay [Music] okay this is what's in here remember we saw this huh yes that's going up but this is new so look it's new in the box it's a fun new thing oh it is fun dude yeah I mean I've had it but I've never gone to like the melting pot or whatever it is this looks like you got some meat slicer see a lot of times when we don't dance donate stuff yeah I don't see like rat urine is over every even when you can't see it on clothes and stuff like that trust we can smell it yep alright so if that's new in the box we're gonna take that out and get rid of that box cuz that's a new appliance there's the other weasel keepers all right so we know those are going in the auction right those are we're not gonna put that in the auction all oh here's that one we want Dan this whole box can go a little yes sir some good sellable stuff brand-spanking-new man that was a good unit that was a hidden gem unit it's the first unit I almost got to bid on that matches the theme that's in pirate sale right nevermind dolphins no like a that is pretty no scratches no chips no dings and scratches until obtained so now we know that - and then tanner this stuff right here but without the fun hey I seen on TV so exactly you know why it's soggy right all right oh so salad Tong sir no it's eggs in deviled eggs my mom yes she does she makes the best deviled eggs I'll tell you what I'll let her have this if she makes me a bit okay so DeeDee you heard that you can have this look it looks brand-new - ooh they look like the insides ever been easy wipe that down so that's the deal and if I don't get my order of eggs I'll confiscate this I'm just I'm telling you I will I'll wait till you're at church on Sunday and know where you go to church I'll beat it with a walkie-talkie and I'll walking talking into my guy who's already at your house and he's gonna go in and get this on Sunday we're in church all that for deviled eggs how about for deviled eggs my daddy can coach my mom I can make deviled eggs are you okay Tanner's first week on the job we had a weird schedule huh a weird schedule so let's let's just review now how was yours awesome yeah too hard so here's the big question are you gonna show up yeah so we're keeping your blessing to me doesn't peek in my egg boxes respect it am there you have it folks he's a keeper uh made in USA number 10 I'm liking it man that's a big old ass arm baby that's what you need put a big old tbonz texas-sized t-bone in there assault probably like that not the drugs actually you know what I guess bets off him is it really bastard that was you I have no idea I don't know but I've seen some videos of people on bath salts and they're like jumping on people's cars while they're in my butt naked something like I would oh we already saw those that was the Lance yep there was one box up here Oh take the speaker there did we go through this they do need to take these antenna oh oh hey look there's nailed it remember this that drinking thing look and I think this is some nice crystal I really do I should have got his face on that one alcohol glass maybe this really was like up mom-and-pop like what oh ho there weren't Lions alcohol oh wow pretty sure I've seen that hey it's illegal to sell coal y'all well it's not illegal to the auction alcohol if you sell it in one big lot and they have to have a alcohol license you know that it's like smoky gray glass mm-hmm that's nice I like that don't see one like that better nice ass for you smokers I didn't mean that sound bad but a free smokers to kill you dude that necks it look it comes with a little glass whoa fancy hey hey my wife drinks I don't drink anymore all right now I'm not drinking him one day I might turn it off and donated my brother man we found some expensive whiskey another sealed bottle we have if you wanted your ass straight to dad whoo boy smell that tequila we saved that one oh man did not save the 1808 look the champaign urbana champaign superbug that cork gettin shot shoot on all right over here okay I'll move it back you did make an executive decision right a temporarily temporary are you take that incoming leather wrap and everything on there's like coming off yeah this uh this is super heavy this one oh here about this whole thing was about to knock over on you and her I don't know can we send her solo like Jim visible yeah they go along in our big gallery they got lost hey hey hey never mind do that he's not himself it does smell good it's really strong though you smell it oh can you check the symbol we broke up tequila bottle that's actually cool brother I actually like that better alright guys so hey here's the thing I got too much work to do let's go see if we got a box yeah oh I just got alcohol in my shoes look here's all that new Kenwood stuff look at this oh I find the ear on that when you lift it up it's that 96 yes yes yes that's just personal papers you got personal money in it so I kind of show you how I just get a transfer huh yeah yeah we're taking shots that got wall back he remembers but I had to wait until you leave to generally anything and you dad's my friends and I got a respect um hold on one day can we run this down with this sound wanna peek through these looks like bills I like to see Hey no I died I did not mean that that's how I got in trouble why do people keep this kind of stuff like their mail because you think back in the day oh no I remember that I'm just curious why they would keep pills everything because you had no way of tracking it there wasn't the one online payments and crap like that this is what I live by we gotta go through this crap alright anyway we're gonna have this all up we believe it or not we're going through all of this before we leave for Ohio but anyway hey that's the dang video we gotta go cuz we got work and I need to go spend time with my kids here a little bit or they're gonna they're gonna leave me my kids love me anything it's a great first week I'm happy to be here okay you need to make sure it's all your friends to come what's wrong one of them must have set that ass off for me don't you love when they do that it's like little surprises I told Mario's senator some stuff she probably knows more about just cell phone maybe not a million dollars I have you keep something I need a pop socket on my phone that's probably Avon or some cheap yeah alright hey for real this time that's see in the video make sure to go to all my future channels like subscribe make sure before you do that you subscribe to my channel you like this video help us keep supporting the channel that's it that's all you gotta do is like and watch the videos right yeah pretty easy so anyway we'll see you at the next [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 19,185
Rating: 4.8726115 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, disney vhs, black diamond disney, collectible vhs, disney
Id: FEF1sgmAU38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 38sec (2318 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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