100+ Year Old ARMY ITEMS Found In Abandoned Storage Unit Won For $910!

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[Music] hey what's up good welcome back to Grimes fun no I'm not going to blow up a building or to join a cult or a terrorist organization I'm going to get my beard cut cuz one of y'all fool told me I look like I had a Joe hey alright guys so hey I am back home yes I drove for real some yard just mean like I've been taught I look homeless I've been told I look like a crackhead I've been told I look like a crackhead for over a year they've been doing YouTube thank you to my man Aaron the barber in Rowlett Texas gotta say if you're in the DFW area it's worth the drive like last time I sold you off I had to wait an hour then I would well I did there was two people there's other people available I said now I take my weight homeboy is the only one that has not deck my beard up he's done it perfect last two times I'm telling you if you need like I have clean up an edge up line up for your haircut I don't think he doesn't Asajj is there any weird crap like that all his links specifically are down in there ass for him if you go in tell him the ground spawn sent you look at that look I know let me tell y'all I got some nice big beard right mine is like somewhere in between there and scraggly and he does a good job with mega knowledge the site look I'm relaxing today we're about to do some unboxing if y'all haven't noticed you can probably hear me a lot but I'm not having to yell and all that good stuff still figuring out all the settings on the new camera but hey check it out I am recording with a new camera and a new mic sorry give me a few videos to get used to this cuz like man I've been like watching YouTube videos how to do the settings and all this I could just turn the camera on pointed in the shoot and that is not how it works so check it out hey y'all know the NFL unit and the gold unit and all that good stuff look don't judge me hey wait a lot of y'all are very very judgmental 70% of the us's garages look like this but they won't act like it done so look I'm just the one in that 70% trying to keep it real looks like crap it always does especially when you bought the restored units what are you doing doesn't work oh man turn it off you ruined it I thought I had to use my new outline I was just about I was looking for a reason to talk about my old life alright well hey I'm just gonna tell you about when I told her my plan I said hey we're gonna start downsizing we could downsize but look we got it there's a rule right don't bring your homework with you mentally and physically right mentally it'll do the same thing you just mess everything up like my living room I'm but look this is just all me I'm telling you I'm trying to be transparent with y'all Gina for real don't judge me oh all right let's just be a hand let's be a family I don't judge you you don't judge me with like hey I don't care what you believe you don't care what I believe see how that works and we just like each other we concentrate on all the great stuff we have in common like dirty garages and dirty living rooms couches that's where I draw the line I will not show you under my couches look on the liver oh my god so bad yeah I found so much good stuff I've been through two boxes I feel more gold what else I found babe Oh autographs yo we found good autographs Black Sabbath's like wait can't tell hey let us get ready check out this intro if you have not subscribed what the heck you waiting for you got about 15 seconds to do it now while we get ready for some great unboxing hey you trying to say [Music] check it out my friends at Oh light they probably love me by now I was looking for a reason to try out my new headband y'all probably think I'm crazy y'all seen all my flashlights it I'm telling y'all Oh light is man about 20 years ago to use a different word they're really good now 40 year old Justin says man that's a good flashlight 20 year old justice that's a bad month all right so hey this is the one I'm gonna use in the garage so look I'm gonna show you this one real quick this is limited edition guys this is gonna be in the flash sale as well but I love like the chameleon metal on it it's got the same USB charger all of them it's got a mount you can mount it and you put the magnet on top it's great but anyway so I was using this one last night to look for treasures right cuz look showing doing here I dug all this stuff out I'll show you all some of that in a minute and show you some of the new stuff I found but last night I got bored and I was like man I got a couple boxes in the garage so I went out and I started going through so I use this one ladies this is a great miniature flashlight will fit in your purse in your pocket and it's purple and it's perfect this is one of the reasons why I like Oh light and you like Justin how many flashlights can you have there is a flashlight for every situation what oh no Justin they work yeah that's look like when you're tying a fish or something to highlight you're trying to do this or if you don't have the one that tilts you know and you got tilt down look this goes straight down it's perfect for reading that's perfect for time fish knots right like I said these are limited editions so get on there now and make sure to get yours look it does come with a strap I don't know if I showed you the strap it comes with a strap we do the forward thing but I really I really like this one when I go in through storage units because I'm like trying to see coins and stuff in life I'm like looking all dumb like doing this so anyway this will prevent that this is in the flash sale and you know it's same thing look comes with the magnetic charger you can throw this in your USB on your computer your phone whatever click it on I was gonna say stick it on cuz Iran but then I was like oh actually yeah click it on well you don't want to stick it on after you click it on you want to do the sticking on before you know I'm table I'll catch you on kiss all right guys before we get to unboxing I did want to show you this so remember this this jewelry box that I found I went through it I pulled all of the trash out of it so look this is all gonna be one line in the Grimes funds auction we have a lot more jewelry I'm gonna fill this puppy up okay look I found a ton sunglasses I'm gonna go through all those oh this is so cool yo this is a war war - I think this belong to the soldier that was in that book I've got to learn how to probably focus this new camera huh all right what else did I find oh yo hey y'all remember this watch y'all look these up sold the digital watches one of these hell Bros digital watches without the box sold for over six hundred freakin dollars y'all and look I have one it's like brand-new like it was never used with the box so y'all tell me can y'all find that exact a model let's see what else I found look there's the Michael Kors watches oh look I found dog tags and coins look I found Queens this was kind of cool I found this it's got a 67 half-dollar in it which although is 40% silver look I know I kept the dolls and I'm gonna throw these away but one of y'all wanted dolls they're actually a lot of y'all did look at all this Black Sabbath stuff I found y'all this is like a male end this was a male in from I think 79 yeah 1979 right look look at all these fan club like brochures for Black Sabbath from back in the day fan club brochures Luke y'all remember the posters like in the magazines the ones that unfold Black Sabbath bullets there's a ton of unfold a bull posters are unfold bull you know you don't want it unfold but hey so a lot of black status - where is it look Oh Black Sabbath he was in Black Sabbath it's autographed I did find some other Black Sabbath autograph stuff so hey the old rock stuff were already finding good stuff all right guys we're going out into the dungeon I promise y'all hey we're doing a video next week seriously stop judging me I can hear something y'all right now this thing is gonna have shelfs in it oh it's gonna be awesome wait till next week so I just really messed it up I'm partners usually my garage is really clean I just messed it up for the effect to make the video next week look better than it really would have been so let's go and the one that had like mom stuff so we need to find another one look here's all the boots Hey look at all our boots hey y'all we're having a big YouTube someone was on our youtube action Friday yeah say next Friday we should have to link up today Milo is joining us hi my love oh yes all right so look I'm gonna look for one of moms boxes they had all the loosey-goosey stuff in it because I think we're gonna find more coins and hopefully gold than that yeah you ready say the NFL unit y'all work I just pulled this out we're gonna have to go through all this new stuff please be a Louis Vuitton wallet awesome oh I'm gonna give you one peek right there hey this is it this is what we're saving till the end of the video cuz really I know about as much as you do except what I just saw and I'll let try to let you see but you didn't look quick enough hey Louboutin there is a wallet in here there is cash in here there's coins in here let's say this to the end all right guys so hey check it out I found this bag in here say y'all remember all those yellow envelopes so it's had people and this is gonna sound so sad this seriously makes me sad but the guy the lady said the guy had four months maybe they didn't want to me each envelope was like for a family member and like I found some like coin so like they were divvying stuff up so like I think it was their inheritance this just fell out of Warren the envelope there's definitely some cool stuff in here so we're gonna take this oh I started to lose Vuitton bag I forgotten then we're gonna take this box in and let's take it into the living room and do an unboxing in there and then maybe just to keep things spicy we'll find places to unbox something I got an idea we're gonna do an unboxing at the end of this video that may have never been known alright guys so look here's the Walgreens bag see what we got yeah ooh what this is 1914 Oh hold on let's do one at a time all right so I know a lot about vintage knives I'm hoping this is a good brand I see USA so that's a good thing okay I can't tell oh it's a trade yeah so here's a two yeah two blades trade we'll clean that up and look at that size of that handle and that blade so hey yeah that's all there's another one in here what you think I'm guessing Pakistani you think say Pakistanis have okay Pakistanis are like the North Koreans in China like they make all the best quality stuff okay so this is kind of cool right here because I found another stopwatch I'm actually gonna go get it but look this is an old-school stopwatch works let's find it oh look hey guys we're gonna be work as it were kissing we're gonna be working Singh on the focusing and all I said well should I figure this camera out man but to get the auto and all that stuff so hey be patient with us I'm not trying to get rid of one problem to create another one all right guys so hey y'all let me know look this is 1914 on it it's got a crown let me know if you think you know what this went to or what it might have come off of but I like it alright guys don't forget we got that Louie Vuitton bag that we're gonna do at the end of this video in an all-new way alright guys so look man there's a lot of this stuff in here just like these eight-by-tens this is really cool let's do a first that one gently used a balloon Buffalo Bills be Coulson's Rahsaan huh so have some eight-by-tens let's look on the backs if we can figure out who did it a lot of times whoever the place was will have those on the back but these look like they're probably just like a standard maybe team said or something that they gave out actually look here's the original thing so the Buffalo Bills one Bills drive that's awesome so this yeah this way I guess was a set did the Buffalo Bills sent out I don't know why but what I'm gonna do you think this guy this guy will listen whoa wait what this isn't even out of the NFL unit guys must say maybe his grandpa or something pay for the bills or something but look check it out so here's the original packaging and what we'll do is we will letter will put look it's from the bills - hey slow down man you smoke crack this morning actually no it's the opposite all right so check it out 1980 Buffalo Bills yearbook $3.00 this is a souvenirs pricelist not available at this time okay so that item was out Buffalo Bills edition of pro magazine individual player action photos a dollar each so he paid a dollar each for these y'all so that's what he ordered he got on there I guess that's probably back in the day when you get in the back of the magazine and you had to fill it out a lot of y'all fools don't know about that you had like get a pin and you fill it out and then you put it in an envelope and walk it out to the mailbox or take it to the post office then you send it to them there was no internet there wasn't no checking on it you probably didn't have the phone number so it's pretty well so hey we should be thankful is what I'm saying all right guys so don't forget that we are having a live YouTube I actually here's what we're doing we're actually probably probably gonna go to the schedule Sunday it's going to be sent we'll just say this Sunday through Friday are gonna be videos set is that what we said Saturdays did we say Fridays I remember mommy fries we're gonna be looking at doing one live YouTube oxygen a week in may be on this channel may be on another I don't know but let me know not the chances down the comment would you bid on this all this Buffalo Bills souvenirs from 1980 would you would you bid on it yo I like this yeah that's cool I like for I look this is oh it's so from Motor Company Ford Motor Company warranty card a warranty card with your clock yo look at that I'm gonna take that off hey this will be in probably the high bid auctions because we're still going at least due to high bid auctions a month this is kind of cool so look this is from Mexico it looks like they bought it and probably never took it out of the tourist bag still oh it's a poncho that ain't what poncho wear this out you know I could have fur oh if we're being honest like I mean if I didn't start this YouTube thing it's not too late for me to start a career in modeling is it alright guys so hey check it out this is gonna be another logic lodge large a lot this is only a little bit of what I found you know all those things that set photos well there were some pretty amazing photos and look where we are as a nation and somewhere people like look I think any history we can get our hands on I think you better bundle that stuff up and keep it I already told gene I was keeping a few of these she looked at me weird Boz like man so look at this I'm gonna do a huge lot in our YouTube auction of old photographs like hundreds of photographs probably but look this is some of the ones like we found look at that that's just an amazing photo American flag look at this old football team these are so great y'all look at these look at that Coast Guard in that cool mm-hmm look at this one this one's older look at that yeah all right so look I mean that's what all of these are and I promise you have hundreds of more I just grabbed a stack but look this was like full of light war war pitchers and stuff like that look at these old photos man these are just killer dude they had some killer stashes back to look at this y'all 1918 look at these pictures we got to make sure there ain't nobody famous in here y'all hey let me know in on the chitchat down the comments how many of you actually deal in photos all right guys I knew that voice in this video and I gotta at least do it once I got a quota with myself let me show you a few more items I really like don't peek yo so these were cool so I found the war war 2 diary with the little wraparound leather thing so somebody one of you great viewers said hey Justin bundle all that stuff together which makes sense right so we have his world war ii army outfit which we actually was a regiment out of Texas and they actually were responsible for a very particular act I'm gonna do a video on that but look this is cool this is a soldier's pocket Bible in this coal okay look at this Harmon Jones grocery the way salvation Gulf to San Jose the pocket pictorial but check this out I even have the war war to coast guard yeah is that cool that's his actual ID in that wall how their IDs used to look like prison people could you say that did that focus man your face huh I don't know how to get it off your face - and I know so I'm saying it's so pretty I guess lot of this stuff - like this is sterling okay all the charms are marked sterling so that's a cool look a typewriter there's an airplane that's a very interesting area code you for me I love you okay all right so look a little silver charm bracelet I still think we're gonna find a lot more jewelry look found this like 1947 gold a tie clasp or probably had a little dangly on it look found this I found this last night it's too bad it's plated I did find another gold and actual diamond ring I just don't know how I put it all right guys so hey check it out after this we're gonna go unbox unbagged a Lou Vuitton bag the head the wallet and the coins in the cash in it check it out okay so I want to show you a few more things here's the diamond and gold ring I found it's dainty little baby but it's still gold and it's still a diamond okay so these are 14 karat gold right here they're actually antique earrings this one's busted man I almost want to say that you want to keep those but look so this is basically remember how I still lasted YouTube auction didn't we we did that a scrap scrap off so we're gonna do another scrap lot we're gonna try to do one every time all the scrap gold and jewelry platinum any precious metals is gonna go into one lot and we're gonna auction it off to you all right guys this has got to be said look Gina was asleep I told Gina I wasn't gonna tell her what I found because it was like what what time was it when I got a wild hair about the box now 8 p.m. 8 p.m. and she said I'm already going to sleep if you like to work at weird times and so anyway which is true but I said well fine and but I was sitting over there and she's like would you find I might need you don't want to work this late remember and so I didn't tell her everything I found so look I found all of this currency I promise you this is as much as I've looked for look through it ok I'm hoping what I'm really hoping this is a lot of foreign stuff but what I'm hoping is to maybe find some couple Confederate notes look the Japanese government so here's what I'm guessing this is probably all of the stuff that he had when he travelled I'm seeing yeah German I'm pretty sure that's German yeah yeah I'm all currency usually does 1922 Berlin December 1922 alright guys so check it out look I'll go through this I'll update you but look I owe 100 pesos heck yeah how much is 100 pesos I'm not really sure it's not the look again we'll go golly I see we'll keep going through this but look these are just so cool y'all look at all this old currency Commonwealth Australia hey we have a bunch of people from Australia that watches top three places I want to go Israel is number one Australia and then I would like to go see William Scotland William Wallace hey what's this I Dutch this is German Hey look dot it's a dot and a dot sounds but watch ready hey whoa look dogs lives matter too and I shouldn't have iolite in like that I repent Gus I found these last night too Oh God love stuff like this so look we're not gonna be able to focus in are you I'm gonna figure this focus thing out you can't see the small stuff that sinks my iPhone even does that uh you know what I'm going to do when Rob gets back in town I'm I have to get him or cam to teach me how to use this thing but hey stay far back but look I'll show you these more all of this stuff is going to be in the YouTube auction yet and these are sterling yeah so a lot of y'all may not know but these older military stuff you're not gonna be able to tell but they're all stamped sterling so a lot of the older military stuff guys don't just I mean even just the sergeant the insignias there their sterling oh look we got liberty or death that's so awesome so look we got five sterling pieces right here these will be in the auction all right guys so this was in one of the wow this is so cool you're not gonna be able to see probably all Charlie so we gave up one problem I can tell a couple of these are silver already but look this is just some foreign coinage what's that say the Philip Albert for bravery and valor battle of Suhail Creek what yo presented to like to him I don't think I don't know if I can sell this the only way I think I would sell this if I knew it was going to a history buff cuz this was actually presented to Philip Albert for being a part of the battle Soochow Creek Shanghai 1940 that is history somebody probably wants me to I just mind you probably just all that thing in the frickin trash right now I mean you go jump in the trash I throw this way our country was built on the bravery of these men and I will not dishonor them and for all of you who thinks that you can't honor and still get your point across and have a different view man yeah I watch my channel I know can't we just all get along alright so look this is really old it's a parcel this is like an old post office tube it's been eating through so I found this and I'm actually gonna give this to Rob I probably think I'm gonna frame in gives Rob you'll see what it is yeah okay so this is a paper from nineteen or 1859 yeah okay so this is from 1859 Joel pate catches record 52 pound trout like I'm gonna I well actually I don't know I might unfold it or I might do a half size but so what I was gonna do is I'm gonna frame that for Rob because I mean he's loves fishing I thought this would be a cool piece on the wall alright guys so hey I was gonna do an unboxing in the pool but we have new neighbors they bought the house next to us and they're in the hot tub I'm not trying to run they're good tom they're over there hanging out and I'm not trying to be out there being all out in sewers I'm gonna let them enjoy the time but look if this video gets 2,000 likes I will do a whole unboxing in the pool by topping off the video by jumping off the roof into the pool remember we did that so I did that last I remember that lob I said if we get 2,000 people in this live chat I'll go jump in the pool fully clothed we do folks got almost 20 100 people in there I was freaking Wow so 2,000 likes an offer you can do the unboxing in the pool and I'll top off the video off the roof there's the roof there's the pool there's the floaties poop actually maybe I'll cannonball on the food but I found in there I still have a lot of boxes from the NFL Players room that I didn't really go through and look the first one I did this was in a clothes bag so I'm gonna pull out the wallet first Wow how'd you know that girl it is so made in Italy Burberry Ezrin to cash no that's a nice Burberry and I'm assuming he because he was in the NFL it's gonna be authentic guys so look here is what is in the Louie Vuitton bag someone might just want to buy the Louboutin bag ready mm-hmm one two three all right I feel like there's two dollar bills in here I was gonna see if they were in order if they were star notes anything like that but they're not they're more modern ones but hey two bucks I still know we have a lot of great stuff but you're gonna have to come back tomorrow to see it we'll see you guys at the next unit [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 13,977
Rating: 4.9269152 out of 5
Keywords: Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, grimes finds, grimes, justin grimes, justin grimes mma, abandoned, storage unit auctions, storage wars, storage hunters, abandoned storage units, abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, unboxing videos, abandoned storage unit finds, Grimes Storage Auction, Grimes Abandoned storage units, money found, found treasure, lunkerstv, googan squad, grimes finds auctions, public storage, storage wars episodes, storage wars cast, money, gold
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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