How to take Empty Land & Transform it into a Beautiful Town in Cities Skylines!

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welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here we are in the city of teaport i've done a couple of things off camera which i'm going to run through but today we are going to be doing a huge level of expansion that is the plan now i'm just focused on this little guy here on his bike rising over this new uh footpath bridge that i've just put over here i'm liking this little collection of bridges that we've got going on i think it looks really cool um as you can see this bridge that's running down the side of the highway here it used to be i think it was the zoo path um it's got the the the debris on it but i thought i'd change it up and make it match him with these and i've used this path instead no it was the nature reserve path wasn't it this is the zoo path i'll double check in a minute um but i've kept it as the bridges over the top here as you can see i really like that sort of green look i think it's fantastic but today we're going to expand we are going to expand our city so i've been sort of looking at the map and trying to think overall where are we going to have our high density uh residential and commercial and stuff like that when we get to it and i'm sort of struggling to think to be honest i'm possibly thinking it's going to be down here although we do have our industry over there we've got this side of the river as well i mean a big chunk of this along here could be high-density residential so we could do with a bit more low density to work our way to it and we've got either side of the river running up here so i'm sort of thinking perhaps that either side of the river coming down here is going to be high density which might then sweep into a section here and then the rest will be low density we're going to have some things around the mountains as we grow and as we expand but that's the plan for today i want to get some good expansion in so let's come out of this view here so what i would like to do is fill up this area this side and i'm pretty sure i can buy another square i can we have a hundred and five a thousand simoleons or whatever they're called that's going to cost us whatever it says i didn't notice but what i want to do is fill in this area here up to this railway line that is the plan for today um as it is yet we don't have access to trains that's going to be eleven thousand we're at three and a half thousand um so let's see what we can do with that and also just a very quick look into farty grove over here which is working really well i've added another little warehouse at the top there to hold the animal products that come out of these at pastures here and also we've got a little storage area here for crops as well so they can be dropped off like you just saw that track to do in dropped it off into there so they can produce the animal products and it's not going too bad let's have a look we're still importing some stuff randomly but and we're making money we're getting up towards uh we want to get to 350 we're at 270 so what we're going to just quickly do here we've got efficiency plus 4 percent pollution minus 10 we have our farm workers barracks which is going to give us a nice little boost and i'm thinking where can we have our farm workers staying maybe so yeah this little section here doesn't have any of this fertile land on it so that might be quite good each one of these oh it says on there it's going to add an extra five percent workers efficiency up to uh 100 when we come back down here it's now 14 which is good um but each of these does cost 160 a week but worker efficiency 110 yeah that's good and each of those is 40 workers as well so we're now at exactly 350 workers [Music] there we go very nice so we can come along here park their sports cars outside wander over to the farm and help with the efficiency of this area so yeah we can build that up a little bit more as time goes on there's roads what oliver i'm writing your name down okay so we're going to need to get a load more workers in here and we produce enough resources and then that will bump us up to level three okay so taking a look at this area here that i want to fill in we've got this one roundabout here which gives us access and as you can see the amount of cars that are moving around in this area are not too big because we have trams now we have paths going everywhere and if we can keep that going that would be fantastic so i'm thinking off of here if we can just make this like a t-junction and we'll use this same uh four-way road this nice little mini road you can get this on mass transit also comes with network extensions too which is what i'm using so we just break that out from there and then we'll do this control click dedicated turning lanes everywhere why are you going down there just to come back again and then we'll make that give way and that should be perfectly fine and then i want to try and lay out an interesting road set up here with space because we are going to connect to our train network at some time in the future [Music] do [Music] [Music] okay so i've got sort of a rough road network worked out here i'm just putting a few smaller connecting roads so what i've done is i've used that four lane road which has a speed of 50 mile an hour which is great and i'm going to use this smaller 40 mile an hour road and just to sort of come through the middle here so whenever they want to go anywhere they'll use the main outside road but if they want to cut through to the houses that are built in here then they'll use these smaller roads that is the general idea [Music] [Music] and i've just added this little area over here i'm just thinking and let's just make this the same level as definitely as i'm just thinking that this could be oh look at that that'd be an interesting road to go over this could be somewhere where we could have our schools maybe some shops that sort of thing along here at the end of this area but i do like these trees scattered around in there we may add some more of these running along the train line so what are we going to do for transit options in here we do have buses available to us we have been using our trams so i'm wondering whether we could connect up a tram stop around here somewhere where they can transfer from the tram that runs around here onto this tram which will then take them over to work and that sort of thing how far away are we for workers how are we doing 290 out of 350. as soon as we get this filled up it will be fantastic yeah and that tram could stop over here somewhere um maybe we could do an off-road tram that sort of runs alongside up and over the top comes down here what about something like that okay so the tram is definitely gonna run along the side of this road i'm gonna turn off node snapping so i can get a little bit closer i think that's the one i want to use yeah the tram line so that came down here but then of course we've got the road here i mean do we just go through the road like that would that work so close to a junction as well because i don't want to run it down this road i want to keep it separate why not let's do that there's going to be hardly any traffic through here anyway yeah why not let's do it actually we are going to go up this road and convert this road here into a tram road because i want you to come out up the top here so let's just connect that to this is it gonna let me do that this is getting pretty difficult to do now i probably could put it into there and that would just look weird i don't want to do that i want to connect it here so i tell you what we're going to do is we're going to delete that we're going to draw this one in i was using the wrong one anyway to there we're then going to connect that one let's put the node snapping back on that one from there to no snapping please from there to there and then this last bit just needs to be a normal teeny tiny road now i normally wouldn't make things so complicated there we go in an area where that hasn't worked in an area where there's going to be people but i'm really thinking there's not going to be that many people here i think this will be fine and that's going to run up top here right so the tram now runs along the train line and along the road there as you can see it cuts down here cuts across these roads goes up the side of this road comes around the corner round the roundabout skirts along this road here and joins up up the top i will probably make this some sort of stop up here so what we're going to do we'll bring that to here then we'll go like this yeah and then we'll go like this and this will be the center point of this little area here does that look about right no that doesn't look right at all let's go with my gut which i thought was there there we go and i got a turnaround spot there excellent and then we just need if we have a stop over here and let's have a look so we've got a stop right here so that house can go or whatever it is let's d-zone that and if we add we're using this path here the park path that's the one we're using anarchy mode there we go so they can get from here to there excellent you stay there and then they can walk from one stop to the other fan flipping testing there we go that's our route running around now i don't think we're gonna need any one going the other way as well it's not that big is it that'll be fine and then that's going to connect over here like we said and all i want to do is just add a few little paths connecting out to the end here so i'm going to grab our gravel path as we're using the gravel road we're gonna use the pedestrian bridge builder and if we just click on the end like that it would automatically connect it up for us so i'm gonna do that on any roads that we've got around here there we go there we go connect all these things up where would that one go oh okay fair enough that's good to really encourage people to walk around so as i'm looking at this area i'm thinking i really like these trees in here and i want to build up this area without losing um a lot of these trees so what i'm going to do is i've just selected trees here on this copy tool i'm going to grab let's not grab that many i want to grab this little bit in here yeah that'll do like that and then we can copy it and i'd like to place some either side of this road let's turn off anarchy make sure proper triana key is off down the bottom there there we go so we don't get them all over the bottom of our road let's just add some in there and then some that side as well excellent so we've got sort of spread out we've got a gap in the middle yeah i think that looks okay so what you want to do here is you want to add some services and that sort of thing into this area so we've got all of these options here i'm wondering whether yeah let's stick with these uh style medical clinics these are not really gonna reach all the way down there you'd have to sort of put them in the middle here hmm so i'm wondering actually whether we should have a little area for these in the middle here instead otherwise we're going to have to have so many of them yeah let's do that let's just i've changed my mind we're going to add this one out here oh people upgrading just because i'm thinking about adding something on there we go so we'll have that there let's just go out and put this on yeah there we go so we can see that covers the whole area now which is fantastic so can we squeeze that i want to make this road bigger and i'll tell you why come on yes there we go because we're going to have this on one side and then we're going to have child care as well next to it there fantastic that looks nice uh through the middle here i'm just going to have this little path let's turn off road guidelines so that's going to come up saturn there and that can run across the back and connect oh we've got to put some water pipes in no water pipes in this area yet so now we've got a little health care center with a child care center right next door that looks nice oh auto savers wonder what's going on quit super teeth there we actually i'm going to leave that there we're going to add a little tiny parking lot in there that's what we're going to do then we're going to add our emergency services i do like this little firehouse like the oldie worldy style firehouse again we're going to want that somewhere central let us see if we can squeeze that in off of this road here now for this one we're going to go for this road three lane asymmetrical road because i'm imagining that when these guys need to come out let's have that going the other way they're gonna want a lane to go in each direction to there and then across there yeah there we go so it's got its own little area so we're gonna add that oh man it's not gonna go so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do any key to get that in there and then we're going to move this road a little bit so if i just turn off snapping and just angle that over ever so slightly that can butt up to there maybe i'll just drop that down a tiny bit and then walk away yep there we go so that's smack bang in the middle uh police services as well we're gonna need that over here somewhere so i'm thinking maybe this little spot over here so again do something similar [Music] fantastic he's got his own little area we can detail that a bit if we wish and then that's about all schools of course yeah we're gonna need some schools so i'm gonna grab this two-lane alley that we've got here a nice small road we're gonna run that one just looking for interesting shapes that we can make and what have we got here this is the elementary school this is the high school which is pretty big but the elementary school can go here and we may end up adding another one down the end here as well at some point as i'm pretty sure we will do and then the highest score i'm hoping if we use the big one okay well so what we're going to do is we're going to grab the movement mods here we're going to turn everything back on again so double click on the marquee select tool and that just selects everything we're going to grab that okay let's go with that we're gonna run that path down the side there as well let's just well can't put that on there we go let's just do that manually excellent we can detail that a bit more as we go along we'll remove all of these trees and then hopefully look at that there we go fantastic so we've got a great big high school in over here so that should do for now for this area so let us fill this in and see where we're going so at the minute we've got a huge need for residential no need at all yet for commercial although i know where commercial is going to go we're going to have some up here but let's just fill in some of the residential and see how this goes there we go so what i'm doing is i'm making sure all the ones off of these types of roads are filled in and then wherever there's any um trees around the place i'm just sort of taking some out leaving some gaps are going to get some different size houses in there and try and keep the main road free as much as possible so let's see how that looks if we just speed this up a bit do you know i'm halfway through letting these houses grow here and i've had a complete change of heart about what sort of houses that i want here self-sufficient buildings i think would look absolutely fantastic because of the design of this area the type of roads that we've got the fact that we've got all these trees and things like that i just think that would make this area look fantastic there we go nice neat area there because i know if i make it a mess it'll run off and tell nerd conflict or dylan that i've messed it all up we need a cool name for this let me know in the comments below by the way dylan started a new city skyline series nerdstrom he's building go and check that out show him some support i'm sure he'd really appreciate it so we're gonna go for self-sufficient buildings in this area there we go which means these are all going to rebuild themselves and i think they're going to look really cool so let's just see what happens with that think these look much much better and there you go you can hear them upgrading look at that see that green arrow they're appearing they're upgrading straight away that is absolutely brilliant so we haven't ram packed this area to get a whole absolute ton of people but the houses that we do have are going to look really nice we're going to get some more trees over here as well now what i do need to do of course is connect up this tram network to my tram network well after spending 8 000 of my hard-earned cash to move that over there i've just realized what it's trying to do is trying to send that vehicles to my second line which is what we were just talking about so yeah thanks very much so i need to get that connected up and this spot here seems relatively close if we can come on up around here yeah let's see what we can do okay so we've got that running up and over the highway connecting at the top there let's take a look at this our second line let's make that one green fits in with the area and again we're gonna make that the three car and it was gonna add six vehicles onto there let's put that all the way down to i think two is going to be absolutely plenty for that and there it goes excellent let's just take a look at this as it comes down here into the sun fantastic we'll just pause it there zoom in a tiny bit and we have our second line of teaport trams i think if we come around this way we have to see the logo oh just about there we go fantastic so let's follow this one over there [Music] just notice that that light poking through the middle of the bridge there yeah i'll sort that out off camera don't worry [Music] okay so while this area is still expanding i've set up the commercial to be organic and local produce we need to add some of that into here and i'm thinking around the school area here would be fantastic let's just pop a few little buildings in where we can there we go so that'll be a little hub for commercial at one end and then i'm thinking we'll have a few little commercial places over here i don't want to fill the whole thing up let's just do a few get some gaps in there there we go something like that that'll be fine at the end and then of course we need to put some parks in here as well there's one thing we don't have in here what shall we go for is there something different that we could use in this area well certainly a tennis court with the school and things that we've got going on over here what would that look like if i squeeze that on the side there would that look like it's going to fit in it would look like they've tarmacked over i'll tell you what we could probably do to help with that if we use the move it mod they're still trying to play well done no that's not gonna work is it okay let's find a better area for that maybe just down here if we run a teeny tiny road let's grab this one just along here let's make that a flat road yeah go on you can connect to there as well we'll take that tennis court pop it up against the sides yep as long as i don't hit the balls too far we need to lower that down don't we let's grab that control h there we go that looks a lot better yep excellent that'll count as a park for that end where else could we squeeze a park in [Music] [Music] oh [Music] do [Music] yay i think this area is looking really nice i'm liking it i'm liking it a lot i've added some more trees here alongside the tram and the railway so that would obviously block any extraneous sound that's coming in but it's not going to block it all but uh i would imagine in real life you'd have a lot of trees along there just to try and block that sound i've also added a load more houses in as well i was going to try and leave it a bit sparser but yeah when i first started making this area my my initial vision was similar to this up here where it was all going to be um you know not necessarily grid but more jam-packed with housing because we're trying to beef up the population but i really like the way it's in contrast to this with all the trees and it just looks really really nice and with these green housing down here and these sort of roads i think that fits in really cool what i want to do is i want to set up this roundabout do you like what i did with the middle of the roundabout you probably saw that in the montage that was using the prop line tool oh 4123 we're trying to get the 5 000 um so when you're picking one of your props prop line tool gives you these options here so i picked the circle option and let's just do it over here somewhere and then when you click in the center and pull out you can make the circle and then this little option here you can change the spacing and all sorts of all sorts of little things i can i'll let you fiddle with that um but yeah what i need to do is set up this roundabout correctly so let's get our traffic manager mod choose this option here and you've got down the bottom now i'm gonna do control and shift and click and that will give dedicated turning lane so this lane for coming off and this these two for going on that lane is being used for two options we only want it to be used for one and it will also add in all the giveaway signs so ctrl shift click ping there we go so one lane for off two for on that's the same for every junction and also everybody's giving way coming on and yeah even though we've got a junction straight into a junction here i think we're going to be okay what i'm going to do is i'm going to say to the trams that you have to give way when you're coming round like that i think that would be a good idea where else do they cross over so it doesn't cross the road it crosses the road here so trams giving way so the cars get priority let's follow our tram road that all that people are using the path to cross from one to the other which is really good uh here we go here so tram you give way cars get priority yeah let's change that trams give way then it comes up and over the top runs along by the railway line zippity doodah to the end uh this it crosses over so tram giveaway then it comes up here to the circle goes over the top here tram give way then it goes over the top all the way over here and then we've got this little junction here where it can come over to our tram depot fantastic fantastic so are we going to get any more people in here is there anything we can do to help them upgrade let's just grab a random person so what do they want educate more citizens ah that is something we did say we might need to add more schools in didn't we so let's have a look at the schools we've got in here so we've got this one here elementary school only 74 or 300 students so i don't know what you're complaining about and then we got the high school 252 out of a thousand so we don't actually need more education and let's grab the education one and they are slowly upgrading you can hear them going ping ping every now and again let's see if there's anybody else that so what are they saying there educate so they're all saying educate educate oh there we go ping ping i reckon yeah as they're as they're coming in at different ages remember we're using the realistic population mod so people do arrive at the city at different ages so yeah let us also grab this tool here while i think of it so let's just follow our main road here so this is only a small road along here i'm not too worried about that gets to here here we go so control left click gives us dedicated turning lanes off of this faster road that one as well dedicated turning lanes that one's been done that's the t junction yet that's been done then if we come back into here yeah see this one here that's doing two things so control left click dedicated turning lane let's follow it around that junction's already been done that's been done that's been done and then when it comes across here it's just the bridge uh yeah that's fine and i know a lot of these in the middle here aren't set up necessarily correctly like this one here but there's not that many cars is there coming in here so we do actually still have a big need for houses so i'm wondering whether we could just squeeze another little area in here well stomach as i've noticed of course we haven't got amazing park coverage over here can we just squeeze like a very small dog park in somewhere we're going to lose a house but i'm sure he'll grow back that's going to help them to upgrade and there we go busy town 5 000 population we get more unique buildings leisure and tourism sightseeing trolley buses oil tourism speciality that is something that i want to concentrate on and encourage biking ah now that would be absolutely fantastic for our city maybe something for the future most definitely well what do you think about this build let me know in the comments below please subscribe before you go so you don't miss out on the continuing expansion of tea not t-ville t-port and thank you for your continued support as well i do very much appreciate it and i will see you all very soon take care bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 371,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to make money, cities skylines trams, cities skylines trams tutorial, teaport
Id: UB7N5JF_weE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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