Saiko No Sutoka

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Reddit Comments looks like Mark is back at it again at the school...pretty exciting stuff

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/TacoMan64WasTaken 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2022 🗫︎ replies

This yandere is interesting

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BraveLeon 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is not psycho no sutoka that's not my name my name is markiplier and i'm playing psycho no sutoka which if you remember i played a demo of a while ago here's a clip of that no no no hey hi oh mostly that's me screaming but i played it in between all those screams now it has a quote-unquote full release not really i didn't see that before it's an alpha 2.2.8 release but there's more to the game than there was before so i am going to see what all is new with psycho no sudoka and [Music] disabled uh oh wait i'm kind of curious what is what does this even mean is this easy mode i would figure that yandere would not be easy okay [Music] hello okay well that seems nice this seems familiar wait a minute is this wait is this is this a building from yandere simulator i'm very confused i don't know what's happening right now because i don't remember the other game starting out this way yeah it definitely wasn't bright and cheerful it was dark and mysterious maybe this looks familiar because it's just what japanese schools look like hi [Music] [Music] you're saying a lot and i i don't think you're necessarily saying what the english translation is saying that you're saying you have a key on your building really tempted to take it but i'm not going to because i'm i wouldn't want to be misconstrued as reaching to touch your butt and i'm not that kind of guy okay maybe in this one i am i really am i'm following you i don't even know who i'm looking for why would you know who i'm looking for i'm very confused but uh nice to meet you my name is markiplier i don't know if i go to this school in fact i haven't been in school for quite a few years now i dropped out of college two semesters before i could graduate but look at me now [Music] what are you looking for what did i do what do you mean what did i do whoa looks like something went wrong in the power room i'd be sure [Music] you know usually you'd call like the maintenance staff for that but i guess we're going to go together then we're just wait i'm i miss something why do i have an option to push you i don't want to push you i'm a gentleman or something like that an [ __ ] sure one of the other take your pick there's no doubt [Music] okay oh power room well that's convenient uh hey can you open this for me [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you for that [Music] you are really nice you're nice you're nice don't worry i'll turn my back to you and solve this don't you worry hmm [Music] got it all better okay you got it was this a can of soda no okay where are we going who are we looking for your head is way too big what do you mean what am i doing i didn't do anything you turned on the light and now you're going to the back of the room why oh oh oh [Music] foreign [Music] yeah yeah this um yeah he's uh yeah yeah he's god man val i'll hurry he's just trembling in fear the prospect of the situation where there's a dead body in the closet that i'm gonna help with her med kit goodbye bye where is he still there good okay i'll be back i don't remember this part of the game at all i don't know where the infirmary room is ma'am where would the infirmary be okay headmasters informery whoa i'm breathless where would uh first aid be where would uh man i really should have been on the lookout for some kind of a trap or something yeah i don't feel good what is this i'm healed well too bad i wasted that well i feel sleepy i fee i feel sleepy why do i feel sleepy what am i sleepy i didn't find a med kit i feel dizzy um well i better lay down then i guess uh oh there we go ah man oh that was the intro for some reason oh mate no maybe not that's not good hi hi hello hi uh um wow [Music] okay so that was yandere mode i'm gonna go normal now the question is is this going to be a different experience than that shift use lock crouch important note please remember that you can only carry one key at a time in your hand i have very small hands just oh what did i just see no hi hello [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] um [Music] okay [Music] a little confused here but uh [Music] you got to be thorough you got to be sure about these things okay you got it i hear stay no moving [Music] i'm a man of my word i wouldn't i'm not i was trying to command my word wow that's probably fine what is this i can collect pages now the breaker switches in the storage room i did not want to do it them sorry okay cool that's cool um [Music] oh i'm right here don't kill me i didn't go anywhere why did i do why why why wow you're approaching really quickly i don't need any of this please do not you can have it oh uh i guess i shouldn't have picked anything take it take it listen we can talk this through everything's fine i appreciate you and everything that you've done for me up until this point that guy that you killed just now very annoying hi well bye-bye super actor why would you do this to me were you choking me it's a hug it was a hug i don't know i'm gonna take this now can i put it away or something anyway find the code to unlock the space and get exit key okay there's a code somewhere i'm gonna take this oh i don't have any ailments i'm healthy as a horse [Music] oh there you are where is that is that right outside this door god i hope not is that me wow that's some good stuff you right outside the door hi a kick no no no no no no i'm going goodbye now farewell farewell farewell faring well my well is fed uh you don't know i'm here do you you would never know i'm very good at hiding very good okay i guess everything's fine okay i can crouch okay i don't know where these things would be hidden if they're just in any room around here what is this pages are blank good good green i'll just try to be thorough sure was this book wasn't in my hand oh i threw it did i just throw it i threw it okay all right i don't know where she's gone boy do i miss her but uh in the meantime oh hey i missed you i said it i said it out loud you heard me right i'll just keep going around oh roof okay well that's fun what is this oh page five ah okay i don't know how to read this oh a brick shooter bri what is a brick shooter oh hey holy what are you doing excuse me don't mind me no thank you i locked myself out that's not what i meant that's not what i meant that's not what i meant be nice okay bye goodbye hell super scary yeah you're real scary there maybe i shouldn't be playing on normal oh paige this doesn't seem to be working oh i need to spam it that's what i needed can i have that don't mind me oh there's someone's blood all over the floor wow you're quicker than i thought excuse me ow ow yeah you hurt me you really heard me i can't believe you died i know stop it how do i how do i is there a way to fight back can i push you you'll never find me in here you might find me you might find me okay no no no no no no no no no no push push ow did you keep me in the balls [Music] oh you're warning me you know you you i i care about you deeply and uh you know found d2 dorky that's good [Music] god my balls again [Music] this is my last chance well i'm [Music] you ain't hey okay i'm slow i'm slow i'm slow i'm slow i'm slow close now [Music] game game let's play a game [Music] okay [Music] i won okay thank you goodbye all right well that that's uh that worked out nicely ow ow ow ow you said you would let me go and you didn't [Music] no i i don't think i am to be honest okay anyway i was playing on big baby mode oh there's another ending to yandere yangire what does that even mean let me try oh i just want to see what this is all about clearly there's another ending in yandere mode but uh i'm just driving no stamina in 200 points start the game with stamina ah running well this looks disturbing i need to restore power in the bar oh boy okay breaker switches in the storage room got it oh this place looks lovely i'm protected for five seconds well if i don't know that's what that was i wouldn't have used it uh oh well seems to be a problem i can't even get out of this room it's a bit of an issue [Music] i uh oh perfect oh my god oh my god i'm protected for five seconds you can't do [ __ ] oh i hate that okay five seconds probably up i'm gonna go now okay god don't look back the answer is not to look back i need to go to the storage room wherever the hell that is i'm protected i'm protected you can't do anything i'm protected get back demon get back oh oh okay that didn't that lasted exactly long as advertised okay where is the storage room i don't know this map i don't know anything about this place what if i play this on yandere mode and then i get used to the surroundings and then i should be able to do whatever i need to do she's right behind me isn't she this is a bathroom i should not be in here that that i have i'm protected hello you can't come in here this is clearly the men's room this door is open i could have sworn i closed it well because you love me and if you love something you got to let it go i have i have a protection page how about don't love the outfit but how about don't oh well thank you for bringing me here this is where i needed to be perfect [Music] idiot wow hey you messed me up i'm oh god that hurts well power's coming back on [Applause] all right well i win the power's on which means i'm going home right that's what that means right can i be protected am i bleeding or something my health is going down i seem to be dying okay so i don't have a code but at least the lights are on that's nice hey could you not you don't know i'm here okay everything's fine you know i turned on the power but it doesn't seem like the power is actually on anywhere which i find to be a problem okay find the code the exit is in the safe find the code the key to the exit in the safe same thing as before okay why does the headmaster have a picture of this lovely individual oh you're right there aren't you yeah i'm protected apparently which definitely works i'm in the library now you can't get me you got to be quiet in here i should not run should i i don't know where the code would be oh a2 that's probably important come at me i can't open these curtains can i you're right out there aren't you you're right out there i'll make it a break don't you won't i have the key for this oh god no is there a body in here there will be oh that was the worst time to open that no you didn't see anything did you do hey get back xxx0 i recite the ancient code to you get back no no no you won't no you won't get back i have no page anymore oh god what is [Music] thank you thank you thank you i think that was part of the code if i uh why did you drag me across that again that was very mean of you to do that why would you do that to me very mean oh uh well okay this oh my god okay so the last code is a zero oh you are so fast are you behind me still are you still behind me okay now i'm starting to remember how to play this game which is that i need to find the code and then put in the code and then get all the keys through the different rooms and then go in the rooms and then find the code and then get out of here i said that in the wrong order but my intention was right you still buying me no you're not please okay all right well this is a problem i always get the wrong door oh my god please don't be right there you're right there aren't you huh he oh xxx that doesn't help me at all maybe i shouldn't have picked this difficulty because it's pretty difficult i have 16 health is this going to be the absolute wrong time to open that probably i'm thinking that there is no right time to open anything you there key d3 got it d3 interesting c1 okay i shouldn't be running i should what is that oh there was a trap [Music] uh hey i don't even know your name listen ah okay oh oh why you offered it to me you offered it you're a liar you're a lot i'm gonna go back to yandere mode i'm gonna go back to yandere mode because at least that that was nicer no no no no i won't i'm gonna play normal mode not nightmare mode absolutely not nightmare mode no way in hell i'm gonna play normal mode i know how to play therefore i will play extra good i'm crouched i am so stealthy no one knows a thing oh god she's coming oh god get in you don't know nothing you don't know nothing about what i'm capable of lady okay where are you i was at i think i saw you in hall b i don't know where hobby is oh hobby that must be right outside this door so you're looking for me but you don't know where i am so there's no reason for you to come in this room [Music] maybe that isn't hall b i don't know where everything is just yet i'll see how the there's two wings to each of these apparently [Music] oh hi aha there you are on the main oh well time for me oh there's the key i can't seem to run i can't seem to run whoa hey uh excuse me excuse me excuse me probably what did i get uh what i can't read the headmaster that's my key it's the key to the i was locked in there which i didn't think was the case because i could get out of the that's a lot of blood um well uh i'm gonna go in here no no no no no no you don't know [Music] yeah you're stupid yeah you're stupid oh i'm sorry i called you stupid i'm sorry [Music] are you gonna go your brain trying to take time to process what's in this room okay goodbye [Music] i hear you there's nothing in here okay this was a bust but that's okay i probably still need to turn the power on but i don't know if i have the key to this i do okay let me just see if there's anything in here i don't know if there would be i'm just seeing [Music] okay or maybe i should just hurry up and do this thing okay let's do this [Music] power's back on that's good i think oh god oh god oh god oh god well hey look uh can i lock oh god no hey well you're stupid you're stupid okay well oh my god i'm trying to you slowed me you slowed me you slowed me there we go okay i'm going now can i take that i didn't i don't have the journal where did the journal go i don't really know it doesn't really matter i don't really care it's not a big deal it's not a big deal it's not a big deal it's not a big deal it's not a big deal it's not a big deal it's not a big deal it's not a big deal it's not a big deal it's not a big deal it's not a big deal i'm patient i'm calm i'm ready i'm prepared you shall not kill me i know that she waits longer than it seems so i'm gonna be very patient i've got time okay now let's just carefully go through very carefully okay there's nothing in here by the looks of it i didn't check that over there let me take a peeper damn [Music] okay [Music] i don't know why me being quiet has anything to do with anything but oh what is this oh i have shoes now oh [Music] good thing i saw that is that blood that blood sure looks like blood that's loud why is that doing that oh god is there a key at the bottom of this or something there is what i get infirmary well that's not exactly what i wanted but i'll take it okay xxx great good oh oh oh that's mine oh i heard i hear no you don't no you won't no you won't you don't know you don't know you don't know you don't know you don't know it's probably gone probably no don't [Music] okay what did i get what key is it c3 okay that's progress the infirmary key is right here in whatever room this is [Music] a3 okay a3 i believe c3 is on the other side [Music] oh hey well there you are good to see you good to see you good to see you i gotta go i gotta get out of here i gotta go go go [Music] oh god damn it d well that's a problem are you behind me oh oh you went through oh you turned around stupid oh boy oh boy it's our code piece eight okay first number eight got it excellent good excellent best first number is eight oh god no how would you know how would you know how would you ever know told you oh no my power at least you're all the way in the power room and that means you're not here which is good first number is eight there's probably another key in one of these other side rooms first number is eight and there's a tripwire they're not gonna fall for that key damn it what is this two what we got a2 okay perfect that's on the other side of this a2 first first one is eight once i get all the codes i restore power [Music] and then i'm good [Music] okay what have we got nothing ah god damn it how can there be nothing that's not fair that's not fair unless i can only see it when the power's on or some [ __ ] like that do i have to turn the power on oh is it a thing where i can't oh [Music] okay i'm gonna go turn the power on and i'm gonna come back to a2 and if i find another key to another place in these b's that's bully for me [Music] he no that's a glint of light that's not a key at all what is this d2 okay [Music] that's helpful wait wait wait a minute that was i swear that wasn't there before that was how could that have been there before i walked into this room okay it didn't do anything to me what did i get d oh i dropped the key d2 dorky okay b1 is still locked oh that's rude ow why would you do that why would you do that you may oh i still have the key you stupid fool um you'll never find me [Music] no you won't you'll never find me stupid unless you can see me through the slats which would be pretty obvious oh oh she can see me through the slats she can see me through the slats she can see me through the slats oh no i don't want it [Music] is it my last chance all right let me i'm so slow i'm what where'd you go oh oh god oh god oh god oh god [Music] no no no no no no no no no okay i'm gonna go this way he fooled you idiot oh i have shoes on suck my shoes i don't know if i'm gonna get away uh oh god this is that again i just need to flip this whoa no stop don't do it did that turn the power on did that actually do it it doesn't seem like the power's on anywhere and i can't see anything so i'm beginning to think that the power might not be on unless it is on it is on okay i have one number i have one number now did that do anything to the possibility of me seeing inside these rooms set one or seven what is it one or seven i don't know i'm going away i'm gonna duck this time so that i can't be seen through the slats you there oh it's either one or seven i don't know i could procedurally try all of the numbers until i get what i need unless an alarm goes off i think it's a one i think i think that's a one eight something one okay i have to turn that power on to be able to see the numbers if i get one more number which there was in the ds i did unlock another room over there i can guess the rest don't be hiding around the corners please don't be hiding around the corners oh [Music] yeah it's me all right i'm gonna go turn the power on i'm gonna go to the ds i'm gonna look for a key i might have gotten a key but i don't remember [Music] oh you went a shortcut way great i'm worried you say don't worry i'm very worried that's a whole ass tripwire i need to turn this on oh boy okay ring around my rosie ring around my rosie ringing oh i got caught on a door panel okay ringing ring rosie has been wrong this can't be me i've got shoes okay six eight six one i could guess the rest i'm gonna go for it you can't beat me 861 i could guess the rest if i can get in here close the door get in the in the thing with the thing oh did i do it i did it because i'm so goddamn good 861 something i can guess it i bet there's no repeating numbers in it so i'll try eight six one two three four five seven and nine i should probably start with she's right nine the door okay let's try this eight six one nine eight eight six one seven eight six one five eight six six one four eight six one three oh i got it i got it [Music] how about no i don't want to play go away go away i know i'll regret that i didn't want my life to rely on just to go [Music] slow and painful eh hey don't promise me with a good time did i drop that into i have it it's the exit key i'm out i'm free i go home now i will never come back here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] me no no not like this a tripwire i forgot about the tripwire oh my god not the tripwire oh my god get me in that give me give me a new get me into it get me into it you know i'm starting to think i can start thinking you might be a fool i've got the exit key in my hand you think you can beat me you're all the way over in the power room i'm so beyond the needs for simple things such as power you think power can thwart me at this point i've got a mechanical lock oh no not like this [Music] [Music] um [Music] senpai's [Music] you told me to wait all right you know what you're right you're right you're a hundred percent right and you know what i'm just gonna wait right here for you i'm not going anywhere i'm just gonna stay right here for you i'm waiting [Music] thanks god hey what's up [Music] hi [Music] okay yeah love to hi why would i ever want to leave being here with you is all i've ever wanted [Music] promises are so empty i'll show it with my actions [Music] where would i even go my whole world is here with you [Music] no no don't back away from me you're running away from me [Music] oh well you know i [Music] it's a little aggressive i wasn't trying to leave i really wasn't hi it's me what did i do i did nothing i'm not worried why would i be weird hey what are you running away from why don't we go up to the roof eyes mooch yes the moon is beautiful tonight isn't it my darling let's move this way yes hello why does she do that when you open the door so she really doesn't do anything if you're not doing anything against her [Music] she just follows you she really does care ah i'm so confused why do you do that where's the journal come with me let's find your diary excuse me i need you to why would i do that oh oh oh take it take it take it take it take it take it i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry hey wow why would you do that why'd you do that explain yourself nope [Music] you nice you nice right now oh she's nice right now why would i do that wow nice jump [Music] hey hey come back here this this is an interesting behavior for like an enemy where they have modes where they're just kind of like all over the place and jumping around and what have you [Music] mode now hey give me that oh hello hey my balls all right you gonna murder me or something are you just gonna murder me in cold blood the one you love you gonna murder me you gonna murder me okay well this is just mean okay okay wham [Music] [Laughter] i don't want to go i don't want to go anywhere i want to play another game with you okay hey you that's rude no i'm not i'm dead now all right i wasn't goofing around there so that is psycho knows there's more to the game obviously that i have not gotten to look at all these endings that i didn't get i almost won but then i didn't and then i almost won and then i didn't and i didn't even almost one on this one and then there's a whole new nightmare mode so that's fun and uh if you guys want to see more let me know down in the comments below i'll play it again i'll actually try to win this time meaning that i definitely didn't try to win this time so just wait till you see my skill so thank you and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,602,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary games, markiplier, saiko no sutoka, yandere, markiplier scary games, japanese horror, indie horror, creepy, yandere game, saiko game
Id: rF04X_bPnTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 59sec (2759 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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