I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE!! | Emily Wants to Play Too

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Hello everybody my name is Markiplier, and welcome to Emily Wants to Play Too. I played this on a livestream last Halloween and I don't know why the lights went out and the lights are staying out. That's not good. Ah.. So I played this demo, but now the full game has come out as, oh my god.. as of a couple months ago, so I'm gonna play, a new game To do this, this isn't the game yet, this is the main like- oh I guess we're going in. We're diving in butt first. So in the demo this one had kind of a... a looping mechanic, and- Oh. Oh, yeah. It kind of leaves off right where the demo did. It starts up anyway. Okay. Oh, these familiar places... I'm so sleepy! (I'm a sleepy baby!) Oh, this party that we had was so good! All good 'nanas and cucumbers and really organized snacks and shit and not organized dishes and shit, okay? I need to go upstairs to bed. Do I now? Why it's so dark? Oh! There we go! Why it's so dark? Grandma, why so dark? So, far so far- oh. alright, then so far so familiar Mmmkay Wumpiddy-dumpiddy. Oh good my place is a shit show just as I remember it being All right snoresville. Oh my bed. Let me lay my head to rest. <snores> *hears doll saying 'Mama'* *odd noises* *alarm clock beeping* Hmm yeah, I remember this yeah. 3:00 a.m.. What a load of horseshit. Oh,*reading* that alarm clock is so annoying. Okay alrighty then. OH Hi! The fuck...are you doin' in my closet? Actually is hardly a closet considering the doors ripped off of it, but okay. Alright, then. I don't remember that. *laughs* Probably haven't. Ah, that's terrible art to have above my bed. Ah Okay, *door slams* Oh! Sure! Alright, then what else do you have in store for oh? Yeah? Oh, yeah? <music box plays> Oh okay Take a shower then. Not gonna listen to your damned music from hell the water is kind of gross But I'm using a lot of soap. Okay, all right good for you man Good for you, I use a lot of soap too that's something that we have in common. Do you have anything more boring to talk about? No, all right, then now. Where did I put my car keys? oh man, how many people were training through this place? Not training. No, people were not running a train through this place That's not what I meant Oh! who wants a slice and dice? <muffled heavy breathing> Well that's not good I remember that you can open the drawers from my time in the lab- Hi, oh. That's grand, okay, well uh Oh was that happening in front of them? Well I don't- oh. Oh, come on now uh oh I've already been through half of this. You don't need to keep scaring me, are they in the kitchen area I'm gonna work, okay. I don't remember how to play at all I remember nothing about Adam. <clown laughing> oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho Indeed, friend. All right, cool <Doll says Mama> Don't like that. God, I don't- 'Let her in' I don't even remember how to beat all you assholes, Oh mark- What?? "Mark's hot coffee"?? Really? Oh look at that! Mark's hot coffee oh I should wash the dishes before I go. Oh a clean home is a healthy home. I suppose they would- That's so nice That's so nice These dishes are a nightmare so is this life I'm in so is my house. I'm living in. Yay! It's all horrible. I hate my life At least I have my own coffee. Maybe that coffee's from my coffee business that I tried to start up And it didn't work out so well Anyway all just mosey longed for work that painting still- uhuh oh! <girl's giggle> All right Cool Fine by me Great Stuff! oh! uh oh hmm yep alright this good ah ah ah oh woah I don't know how to I don't know I don't remember I don't remember nothing. I don't remember nothing. Oh boy Welp, gotta go through it all again like a asshole <quitly> okay <dolls voice getting closer> Mamamamamama! Oh God damn it what? I feel like I've been through this same loop. You'd think I would learn my lessons, but no I'm markiplier I don't learn lessons. I make lessons, and then I crush lessons, and then I destroy the book Ah woah Ah WHAT THE FUCKING WHAT THE FUCK Was trying to wash my dirty body I was just taking a shower What the fuck you were watching me when I was showering asshole alright there's something <clown laugh> *gasp* oh frick don't do that I just got like Emily <moaning in background> Whoa uh? I Got I got like the first game flashbacks you something in here or the clock. Oh, it was the clocks ah Aahh two o'clock Does that mean the second one the answer is near okay? That makes sense okay right okay? So going into that door try to leave just gets me killed and that's not good, so why don't I go? Try to pick the second- <'Mama'> oh that's not good The second one Was it the second one here or the second one here? here? Huh hey I got it. Ohh That's not good oh! uh oh whaa okay hello? <alarm beeping> woah Woah WOAH That was way too close for comfort I keep having that same nightmare well wouldn't you know it? Life is a bag of hell all right, so I did it. now what what prize do I get do I leave wait Oh, I'm uh. I must leave that's right now the game's gonna start for realsies Why should I look back once more before I leave Nothing I remember that Who's calling me no not now oh, I am going to work oh I think this is where the demo left off so yeah I've managed to make the exact same progress that I've already done everybody cheer for me hooray I'm such an accomplished human being I'm an adult who can't remember bullshit Hey all right, what's next uhoh eheheh Ha oh squeaky scooty <In game: "uh anyone here?"> Anyone here <In game: " I have..I have your sandwich order. Hello?"> <demonic chanting> UMM I Have so many questions I Have No idea what I saw But I think I recognize a demonic summoning of some sort when I see it All right, Cola Cola, huh? Hello boy. That was weird, huh? Anyone want to explain what happened in here, and why this office is a conduit for demons? All right, Oh mr.. Tatters? I don't remember that being his name. 'To Do: Tag Tatters', okay? incident report house fire house located at 781 Hill Park Drive Burned to the ground in the middle of the night none of the residents escaped they were presumably sleeping cause of an incident Unknown the house itself and all the items the home were burned in beyond recognition except for a strange, baby Doll the doll is rather large and the eyes have been removed it appears to have taken some damage But should have been burned up completely Written on its right foot is the word Greta a young girl lived at the residence, and is it possibly her doll the doll will be taken in as evidence a Fingerprint and chemical search should be performed to try and determine the cause of the fire, okay horrible 'eyes roved for fire' okay 'Greta' 'doll found in ashes' 'Shh', that's a weird one, huh? Finding him on burnt, baby. Doll from the house fire no fingerprints No flammable chemicals doll constructed of a flame retardant materials eyes were removed no further clues besides Greta this thing is creepy It was put back very quietly Right well, that's a weird description of how something was put back. I want to make sense to me huh radio Oh look help. Oh. This is a big place. I don't like that. I don't like that at all The opposite of good, okay, all right, okay? I got I got security clearance. No. I don't okay, I forgot I don't actually hey anybody leaves security clearance in the bathroom anybody shit out a security card Oh someone shit out a security guard and he for me, then all right wash my hands Luludee~ Okay, what do we got? oh I don't feel good, okay Well, I don't feel good about that. No that's not good. Why are you timing me? Oh? Okay well close the door don't want no sneaks snonks. Oh look more sh- <'Mama' in the distance> No no no no no mama no No mama No mama No mama Don't you sass me yeah, that's right you get back no mama here all right Uh uh male suspect Maxwell Oh department store robber found and killed in gunfire exchange with police Maxwell Steel's have been robbing from multiple mall departments stores over the last few months He was apparently hiding inside a gutted mannequin suit well That sounds familiar doesn't it he somehow snuck onto the main floor and hid among the other mannequins He would wait patiently for the store to close and all eyes to shut off Then he would move around the store without being detected by alarms or cameras He was never seen in the light on any recorded footage He would steal various items cash and more from the store refer to the multiple reports from each incident for more information tonight He tripped an alarm in the local mall police were found and quick enough to catch him He attempt to do an escape police fired upon him killing him police thought He was armed, but no weapons were found his mannequin outfit has been taken in as evidence No mama No mama, go bed No, you go. Bed. You go bed You go bed You go bed. I said go bed uuuuuuuh Nope no mama no mama No mama no mama here go bed. No mama nope no mama no mama what the fuuu Okay Sure the box appears to be very old jack-in-the-box steel the letters weasel were written on the inside bottom Gretel-and weasel doesn't have any inner workings or gears doesn't appear to be functional inside was a small gesture Doll Brax his fingerprints were found on the inside of the box but also on the inside of the box the fingerprints were facing a strange way as if Brax was grabbing from the inside of the Box onto the outer rim personal note. He made a noise once when I got close to it I'm not sure how okay great weasel great weasel Oh latin. I can't read that Alright missing child oh boy just get them all out of the way eight-year-old Brax milton was reported missing today the parents said he was Last seen in his room playing with his toys, and when they went to check on him He was gone a strange box was left on his bed. The box looks like a very old version of a jack-in-the-box toy It doesn't appear to be in working condition inside the box was a small doll and some strange writing on the lid it also has The letters weasel and scribed on the inside bottom the Box had been taken in as evidence along with a few other items and will Be checked for fingerprints the parents do not know where the box came from Nice box. Oh hi okay small figure in the box. That's that's nice. That's real nice Okay, no mama, right No mama I feel like I was inches from- <Mark whispers> I feel like I was inches from death Know what that's not? No. You know. I don't wanna. I don't wanna Let's just not Let's let's not do that but it's not I feel like she's blind though, so Don't make a sound I don't think I make any noise when I'm walking so I think I'm safe with that But if I bump into her in the hallway Can't guarantee. It's gonna be safe for me Hi, I okay, that's horrifying alright, that's terrible alright ooh, what are you? You are oldl dolls great. Okay evidence report. Oh boy Okay, you can only be looked at this way alright. I get it I understand old doll two sets of fingerprints found on all three dolls the first set belongs to Emily withers the second set doesn't have any Match in the system the dolls have a slightly foul smell the origin of the dolls are unknown they appear antique Photos were taken and labeled according the child's drawing brought in with them while I wasn't looking the Kiki doll changed positions That is not very funny whoever did that you were tampering with evidence <nervous laughter> uh oh I'm gonna go here you know just hmm No mama, that's not good Chester mister tatters and Kiki all right Don't turn around for Kiki gotcha peeka boo all right Don't move okay. That's right. You' don't more for the clown You don't turn around for Kiki Maggie and Herbert Withers were found dead in their home on 905 sister Street the couple appeared to be in the middle of packing up the contents of their Home to move out neither have any physical injuries But both were pronounced dead at the scene a few notes and recordings were found and taken as evidence further investigation is underway That's from the first game an employee of checkers pizza reported that he was attacked by dolls and strange girl He was delivering pizza to the home at 905 sister Street. It was raining so he stepped inside <nervously spouts giberish> Mama no mama Throughout the night various dolls and strange girl attempted to attack him unless he play games with them the validity of his claim is under Investigation take note of the 905 sister Street of the same resedent where the withers couple was found dead last month dolls matching the man's description Were found and taken as evidence But nothing seemed abnormal about the dolls or the residents so that he's a summary of the first game I am not the same guy, but I am a sandwich delivery Someone's getting a little rowdy over there Maybe mama asked Oh lay some discipline down All right, okay? Oh nice B. Wait. I don't have security clearance 2 I've got security clearance Three no wait the opposite, I don't have security clearance three. I think I have 2 though Squeaky I don't like that is that? This is level two No, okay, all right. I'm gonna go down this way I don't think she went this way, so I'm pretty sure I'm all good I think for Chester you have to turn on a light or something all right I'll try to remember that but I probably won't it which means I meant I died Emily eaten alive well That's that's unpleasant. I'm gonna go ahead and say that I have never experienced it myself What fairly sure that's unpleasant number two? I'm pretty sure there's what I have right? Wow Okay, all right is that good or bad? Oh? Hey No mama No mama, no mama. No mama No mama. Hey no mama. No mama No mama, Squeak Oh Nope okay nope not going in there. That's a big. Nope all right I I may be a brave boy, but I'm not a stupid brave boy. Huh the men's bathroom is over- This Oh. Uh Oh don't like that? Is there something in front of me I Don't think so There's something in here did someone poop out or pee out something useful in here better check Let her get armed deep thin there, okay Someone's being real squeaky, whoa hi hi. I'm not moving. Why would I move why would I move? Okay all right squeaks squonk Okay all right anything in this toilet. No there's no point coming in here. All right. Let's see this. Oh, yeah, hellhole, okay great Oh awful oh no no power either great. Oh, hi hello. That's not right oh Well, I don't like it. No I don't like it. I'd rather not do this No Okay no no no No No mama Oh I hate this. Do I have to go forward, I don't have a flashlight I don't have a flash am I supposed to have a flashlight here because I don't have one Please Be gentle I can see a little bit okay Helpful, helpful, helpful, helpful, help help, help, help, help sh, shh, sh, sh Okay, alright Ha- Ah I hate it. I hate it I hate it. I ha- Oh! I hate it I hate it I hate it Hate... I hate it. I just- I just hate it, this is the worst thing This might be the worst thing ever this... this might actually be the worst thing I hate it so much I keep hearing squeaks in the darkness The scariest squeaks I've ever heard uh oh, uh oh, uh oh Oh hi! Okay, hi friend goodbye farewell okay. can I leave? No I can not Okay there must be like <girl's giggling> There must be like OH Uh. Yeah, okay, I'll retry that one oh OHGood great, all right there must be a security card in there, but I have no goddamn idea I knew that laugh was like that. Don't turn round laugh right. That's what that was I'm pretty sure that was just the don't laugh or don't turn around laugh, right oh shit. shitshitshit Okay okay it's fine Okay, so we just got to find a goddamn key card my guess is that it would be in one of the corners and and not necessarily Not necessarily in the middle 'cause that would be a dick- <giggling> Uhoh UHOH hey hey, I need to- uh oh oh oh oh AHHH ahhh Maybe I just need to back away slowly. Maybe that's all I really need to do is. I just need to back up slowly Kiss my ass. Good-bye But just back up slowly, it's all I gotta do right riiiight That's not good. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead already. I'm dead already. I'm dead oh, hi. Hello friend I let me out let me out LET ME OUT Can't leave okay, no No no no no no no no no no no no NO Oh why whyy WHY It's gotta be something in here It's gotta be something in here Gotta be something in here Gotta be SOMETHING in here AHH Why the Fuuuuck WHY What did I do wrong? I didn't even hear a giggle not a chortle. I don't know where I'm going I don't know what I'm doing and where I'm going. I don't know where I'm going what I'm doing where I'm going there Oh, oh, hi. Okay? Oh hi <crying> Why wont they have mercy on my Horribly abused butthole. he's on the other side. I don't see her can't get these open what the uhhh I Don't know what to do don't know what to do. There's not a clue I can't get out. Oh god. Oh god. Oh? Oh, that's how oh I remember now you have to look at her oh I remember, I'm such a idiot of course you have to look at her That makes so much more sense Okay, now. I'm getting it now. I've got it. It's in the bag now. There's no way I could lose Oh no. No no. Oh, There it is, I just found it Nooo please Please no. Please don't let me Okay Hey I did it. Okay. Good great. Okay, all right. Please I think that's a check- I don't like that no no you're not doing that whatever you're thinking of doing don't do it okay don't just don't do it okay Okay, we're fine Everything's fine. I'm just an idiot and didn't realize What my problem was oh no no no no no no no no no no shush shush shush I'm sure that spinning is not good sound this way. I don't think I've been done this way Level four over there, there's got to be something over here Oh Oh No, this is back Well there was another way to get over to level three area, so I think I gotta go over to that No no mama no mama nope nope. no no, no no no no no no No no no It's a big No it's big. No oh no. No. I don't know. I don't remember oh OH NO AHH I got Fucked Fine just don't move don't move No mother no mama here. No mama here. No no no no no that's horrible. No mama No mama, no mama. No mama here. I'm so sorry about that. I think it was over here No, no don't make noise no No, don't do it. Yes. Yes do it level three okay? Squeak okay, good, I think I need to get like- oh that was bad No, no, no who's wait. No who where I don't see it. No don't stop whatever you doing wherever you are I don't know where it is where where are you where stop no shut up. You shut stop stop stop Card yes, okay, level four that's good Got level four Stop stop shut up So I just need to get in level four now Nope, okay, I got to go back so I got to somehow survive this And get all the way to level four which was all the way on the other side oh level 4 right there right there right there right there Yes, yes give me a checkpoint, please that doesn't give me a checkpoint? Oh no oh no. ah! That might. power yes ah! Good right very good the goodest in fact one might say too good One might say overly good One might say beyond good one might say. I'm the goodness that ever was HEY ah fuck Oh, hi okay. Hi hello. No no no no no no ah Problem problem problem problem problem problem. I don't have a solution to this problem. I don't know what to do about you I'm gonna close doors on you Up didn't work, okay. I should have thought I should have suspected that it might not work What do I do? What do I do? I don't know what to do I don't know what to do do I towards the front door is there a mama out waiting for me? Oh? I'm sure okay. What's this happened? You still there? What happened? Who's there? Huh huh huh Huh Huh do I leave? You'd think I just break the window okay now I have no idea what to do next let me look at let me find a map if I can find a map then I got it you get a better idea of What I'm doing here anyway But it seems if I just had to put my theory hat on it seems like these these dolls these dolls are Infecting these other like Mannequins and other things in this like the original three dolls from the original game. They're infecting things. It's not good Not good at all. Okay, so what I need to do. There's a secret area there There's a secret area there, but it's through a door. I can't unlock it doesn't even have That was chica. It doesn't even have a key card so I can go back Maybe into the power area I don't know what I'm supposed to do But it's the only thing I can do so better be exploratory it seems like the dolls are all inactive right now, which is Strange but not reassuring in any capacity Yep, okay, that's on right, so what was this all about Oh oh jeez Okay, this is just this is just a way around. Oh, yeah, I gotta kick that butt entire way okay So then this just leads back yeah, this leads back here but why So I just did a big loop-d-loop, so what do I need? I don't know what I need to do oh? All right Okay What does that mean oh? That oh no no no no no no no no no no no I'm gonna go try to turn the power back on Maybe Oh Nope didn't work. Oh Did work? Fuck a duck I don't know what it wants from me because there are always monsters in the darkness oh Hey, buddy, what the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? Oh I was trying to break his neck Is that what I'm supposed to do uh Okay hi um This Feels wrong oh Sure Alright, so I'm just stuffing them into my pocket. It's like the old Slenderman games Just stuff a grandfather clock right in the old back pocket right in between my cheeks perfect storage alright So I just got to find them all It's like pokey man's I bet this is what I? Bet this is what's supposed to teach me? Yeah, that was oh That was supposed to be a teaching thing as soon as I come out of there the power supposed to go off But it didn't and I kind of ran sprinting screaming for the heavens which led me to not get that little tutorial But that's fine, okay Alright, so I just got to collect all the dolls for Emily because Emily wants to play Come to Papa come to P. There. We go got your doll. Oh, gotcha. All right. I don't like that clock No, the ticking is not good. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm not Fast enough for you. Uh oh. I'm, I'm super boned. I'm super boned aren't I? I'm super boned! Oh, I. Doh, I'm so boned! I'm so boned. I'm super boned. Oh no. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please be gentle for my failure! I didn't know. I didn't know Gotcha~ Oop, there you are. Oh gotcha. Okay, easy peasy. Thank you Okay, so that means Kiko's probably in these back storages. Oh, Kiko's right there. Okay? Hi. I think I got all of them Here we go. Hi, Emily. Okay. Oh! Yay Good Great Graces. Okay. Am I done, am I free? Is the cure curse cured? Am I lifted? Am I elevated? Have I ascended? It's so bright in here, I don't like it. Oh! Whoa, whoa whoa. Oh, oh, oh No, no no NOO! NOOOOOOOOOO!! Light, light, light, light! I thought I got it. Uh oh. Nope, that's not good. I'm fucked. Oh no I'm, I'm super I knew it. Whop! He hates doors. Okay! Whoa, whoa alright? Well got that node ju- Ah, come on! What am I supposed to do? Am I looking for something? It's not very clear. Close close No, no no no no no no no no no. I don't know what I'm looking for but you suck. Oh shit, oh shit. Oh fuck. Oh shit. Oh fuck. Oh sh- close it, close it, close it, close it! Urh Keep going! Close it. AH! Close it!! Nooo! What am I doing?? What am I doing?! There's no instructions! Oooh Chester marathon. Oh, I just have to go for it. Well that makes sense. Just wait here? Okay Uh oh Well, that's not good. Shitty fucker what the fuck no no no no no no no you're very fast, but I'm quicker I am quicker Not really, but you know I like to think I am Okay, we're just gonna play this game mm-hmm I Know right very anger making it good. God. I can't oh. I'm not good with the doors Okay, here we go whoa? Okay Her I know Huh oh no, no, that's not fair. I was almost done. No you can't you can't you can't you can't that's so douchey It's so douchey. It's so douche you're such a douche oh No, oh no oh, no, please. Please. Please. Please just close it close, bro maneuvers oh my god fuck you Oh you piece of shit. Oh you piece of shit Oh Finally good, golly all right. What do I do next Mr. Mystery boards? Do you like my new friends? No, I don't know what you want me to do with your new friends. I need instructions. Instructions, please. Eight rooms possible. Bathrooms, front office, research room- What? Wha-, what does that mean? What am I? Oh. Oh oh, that's not good. No OH! Uh.. WHA-?! Wh- whaat the fuck? Recording: "*sigh* Well here's another message to myself." "I'll clean it again today, as usual-" DEMONIC VOICE "What was that?" "Emily, what was that?" "Emily? Answer me! What was that?" I'm dead aren't I? I need to find that- Oh, hi Okay. "I hate "seeing Emily like this." WOAH! "She used to love to play games." Yep, okay. Musical lights stay in the darkness? What? That means Fuck What I don't get it I Don't get it. I don't get it oh I gotta find the lit up room. I think pretty sure anyway. It's gotta be it right oh Oh, oh don't like that Nope, don't like that. That's not good. That's not good. That's not good. That's that's not good. That's not good. Okay Can't find shit. Okay. That's not good. Okay. That's not good Here we go almost got it. Oh, that's not good. Oh oh come on Fucking What the fuck I'm ungodly fucked I Am oh I'm so fucked yeah, I'm just fucked oh fuck god damn it oh fuck me Oh Wow Wow I didn't have to go through a fucking hour of that thang good gravy. Gosh. Golly gosh karu Alright now what I don't even know what to expect anymore. There's so many different ways that you made me play this game There's only so many things we can do in an arc Oh ah I understand Okay, well here we go again Oh Fuck you know Yeah That's not okay. Oh Fuck off fuck off fuck off Fuck off Fuck off fuck right off Goddamnit up it wasn't This is gonna be fucking impossible how the fuck why what's the fuck? That's double dickory. That's double dickory do oh There we go you just got tagged him on her if you can tag him right as red easy comes up to you Might be an option cuz it is green for a second. Oh Oh poof oh, oh crap nope okay, that's not good Shit oh Come on. I closed it. No boxes. Don't get in my way Now okay, did he go? Okay, I wanna risk it them Gotcha yeah, you can do it right away. I risked it anyway Kieko poofed Oh Closing oh come on I closed it no oh No, no fuck off fuck off. Oh no oh no no no no no come on. Please. Yeah, that's right you better go Oh it turns off every light that I'm in the room that I'm in come on what am I getting stuck on fuck? Oh yay yay yay, I did it. Uh why am I still doing this? Oh? He doesn't like games who's he's he's me. He might be me. Uh oh no wait I know Scuse me I Saw a naked streaker, and he looked very weird Oh God Kiki pretends to be frozen taters can stop you ever so often Chester runs very fast Emily can unfreeze him credit runs if she hears you max can only be tagged in the dark weasel can also fuck What the fuck is this shit, I don't even understand that I Don't know I Don't know what I'm doing what am I doing? Alright well, I don't know what I'm doing oh I need to play tag oh, I'm catching them oh Okay oh Alright So I guess I got to get them all within the time limit that Is the only thing that makes sense to me Emily? Oh come on? That's hardly fair Whoa whoa, whoa whoa? Got you okay all right then Got you Come back here. Oh, I was running from you for so long has some bait. Whoa hello all right Well, what the fuck? I don't know what just happened. No. No no come on Not fair dickhole who can unfreeze people because that's that's who I gotta get first right That's why I gotta get first whoever unfreezes people is the biggest risk? For me Emily Emily can unfreeze people so Emily who was going that way probably just unfroze everybody so I gotta get Emily first you YouTube know you I got you you yeah, I'm getting you I'm literally all over you I da Got you fuck where's Emily oh wait the thumpy no no no no Emily come back here Emily Emily your God you okay your God oh yeah, now you guys have no chance Emily's been tagged You're all fucked Shit got ya all right mama ain't gonna. Help now. You're still frozen good. So where's clown fuck Oh Huh No clown fuck Oh ain't paint frozen yet Here's clown fuck oh wow all right come back here you come here. No. No can I be unfrozen please Wow? No come on Don't don't fuck with me. I I am getting it. I'm right here. Just let me go get clown fuck oh No come. I should have gone the other way around I would have intercepted him I should have gone the other way would have intercepted him Oh Would have intercepted him, but I'm an asshole No, no, this is just the worst worst Literally the worst thing the worst thing ever in the history of ever Oh Okay, yep, I'm dead all right whatever aha got ya, Emily. You're mine. Okay now I got the tag, and I got the unfreeze er you're both gone Yeah there we go, okay, I thought I wasn't gonna get them all motherfucker Oh How much more there is this it's like 20 hide-and-seek. We are it alright, so I gotta hide turn on the lights be around stand in the way move around a lot What what? Fucking alright Okay, I don't know I'm assuming hide-and-seek means as the name implies I Don't know what happened, but I'm grateful for it, okay. I think the advice must have been bullshit be loud turn on lights oh I get it. It's all bullshit. Oh great. Okay? Oh Is that good or bad Is it a good thing or bad okay alright? Well? They're too stupid to find me. I'm just an asshole Okay, that one was in the room didn't even know that No mama, no mama here. No mama anywhere. No mama. No mama. No mama Hey, whoa this? Oh, okay? All right wow that was Terrifying alright, cool well We survived it through our sheer skill and sheer not breathing this man. If my microphone was activated right now I'd be so fucked oh ah Okay, well that is That is it over. You know according to like five nights at Freddy's Rules This would have been over by now, but I guess I should have spent my time looking at the clock instead Why why why what what now Oh What fresh hell is this? What do I need to do just? Tell me find Emily three times while we find you that says like the worst thing. I don't want any event oh I'm so Fox well didn't check that room which was probably a bad thing Okay, well fuck you then. I guess this is how this is gonna be oh that's not good. Oh God damn it Okay, well alright then the fuck is Oh what the fuck is happening This makes no goddamn. Sense. What oh? No, oh, no. I don't know what's going on What the fucking okay? How How am I supposed to do that this one is just going to be difficult like this? There's nothing fancy about this It's just going to be Hard how am I gonna get away from everybody that guys faster than me how am I gonna be able to do that? I don't understand. What made the other ones go away, but whatever it's fine. Let's slam doors behind me what for the best? Opening I'm just opening everything so that I can have the best chance oh God damn sandwich. Oh fuck me oh It's a big old fuck me sandwich. Oh, it's a fuck me sideways sandwich. I am boned. Oh God welp, that's me, then I'm just gonna die How remember where you find er each time Oh Kill me kill me just kill me straight up kill me. Where is she Oh? Fuckin now right well then no oh Oh there you are Jesus Well that's one I still need two more But I've been there before It said to remember each time in this fucking bullshit. Oh fucking Fuck what the fuck now, I don't know where the goddamn. Well. I don't know where the fucking up I Don't know where the fucking jack-in-the-box would be you gonna be there now yes, you are gonna be there now okay? Weird, but all right, I mean, I'll take it Oh fuck me well, that's not good. Oh Yep there we go that's not what I wanted oh Boy well that's just a thing now Like should I be worried about the oh fuck me oh? Hi, okay, well that's - that's good I Think fuck Oh fuck no come on fuck me. Oh god worship. Oh there. She is okay That's not good That's not good. Why is it? Why why why this keko keko? Why? Mama mama, I know I know mama no mama no mama I Got it I got it three fucking three good. God. Fuck Wow why? Not right away. What did I do wrong? What did I do to deserve this? Oh shit oh? Um Well Oh that unlocked it What I don't understand what's happening that was stressful enough as it was Greta loves fi-ufff Okay, good. I wouldn't think Greta would love fire considering Greta got burned to a crisp oh Why does Greta love fire and why do I have a bad feeling about this didn't the last house burn down didn't everything in these types of horror games burned down isn't that standard procedure when you're met with utter dickery I Didn't do anything sorry about the oh Okay well great oh Well oh well fuck be Alright whatever I couldn't move But okay Brock is my legs burnt. We'll be home. Let me hop let me out alright So what is this is this is a sprint to the finish or something? Oh? I need to put out the fires. I need to find the fire extinguishers. I they're all off the hooks ah That makes sense okay. Well. I don't know where they would be they're all gone, but Or maybe maybe I just need to get out of here that might seem illogical Yep, all fire extinguishers are now missing and I am Farber Knox great always good news when I know that for an Absolute certainty well Lisa douches don't seem to be coming after me for some reason another and not sure why Maybe they were just some leftover from the last game mode. I don't know it was fun. Thanks for playing okay Why are you burning everything down then? Why can't we be friends? Oh No Oh Gretel loves fire. I know I've heard heard this about Greta alright well um Well Okay Well can I get out oh I Could just leave then why did I die? What did that must have just been a leftover right dolls came to life and attack The central evidence office at the edge of town burned down this morning a sandwich delivery guy reported the incident the police Claims it during his delivery was locked in the office by several dolls He survived the night by playing games with the dolls and the young zombie looking girl He was also attacked by a mannequin and a jack-in-the-box toy that had a doll living inside it He said the doll set fire to the building and he saw the girl running away with them He also claims dolls possibly killed her took the security guard the police fire department are investigating the situation the delivery guy is under psychiatric Evaluation and is a suspect two arson and involvement in the missing night guard of course. He is of course. I am yeah That's me according to the sandwich guy You didn't set the fire do anything to the security guard is the second story reporting dolls coming in light coming to life in little Over a month check back with us for a secret at 11:00 p.m.. It is almost over continue for more Yes Okay, how do I I? Don't know oh I think he's crazy, too. I told them I wasn't crazy. I'm not crazy. I'm gonna go back to that house I'm gonna figure this out for myself. Okay figure shopping must gel got a figure out for me and my own oh Shit, oh, that's weird I don't like that. Yeah, they were talking about a heave this whole time Scrwaaarry. He's real scrwAry Okay? And that's it! Hey, I did it! Oh, man. That's fun. It was it Admittedly it got a little tedious after a while. Whaaat the hell? There are so many game modes. I didn't even know I played through, god damn, 12 of them?? Holy- Plus the intro. Oh my god. It was way more involved than I ever thought it was gonna be. Woah, uh, shit. Anyway! Thank you everybody so much for watching! I'm glad you were able to join me all the way to the very end of Emily Wants to Play Too. Thank you everybody that did. Thank you all so much if you got more horror games that you want me to play Let me know down in the comments below. Check out the other scary games that I've played in the past either in the scary games Playlist or in the multitudes of scary games I've played on my channel. Thanks again for watching and as always, I will see you in the next video. Buh bye!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,955,274
Rating: 4.9606967 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, emily wants to play, emily wants to play too, scary games, scariest, jump scares, screaming, scare reactions, funny scares, horror game, gaming, gameplay, emily wants to play markiplier
Id: wT2bUe64-70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 50sec (3290 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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