Sucker for Love: Third Date

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hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome back to sucker for love sorry it's been a bit of a delay on this I've been a little busy but now we have the third date with a cat lady and zombies and zombies and zombies I think this might be a multi-headed monstrosity but it couldn't be any worse than what I've seen so far so I'm assuming this is going to go only well for me chapter three [Music] thank you for saving me for myself I would not have been able to pronounce that properly fear of the unknown is the single strongest fear of mankind Terrors from Beyond the borders of knowledge okay nope okay hello and yet the truest horror has been in Mankind's cradle since the beginning and walks the Earth amongst us now great I'll be right back it's gonna be sweltering hot in here and not just from the passion mostly from the passion [Music] foreign exists not in the devil unseen but the devil seen and unrecognized sure when you meet her you realize that tucking away the rest of the horrors to the Unseen corners of the stars is a blessing okay a shade of a thousand manifestations each more horrific than the last cool Jesus only one who's chaotic and phantasmagorical wishes she obeys with extreme prejudice phantasmagorical but enough about me let's talk about you oh she big oh you talking to me right now oh you big oh you big lady [Music] I respect your power and I will hear nothing of this from you I can tell you've got thoughts forming inside your nogs I will not have it hey hey okay let's talk about me hi you're the one that the Netta calls darling and that Esther calls dearest aren't you I don't exactly remember what they called me but you can call me whatever you like dog I I this dread it's like when I first met lynetta but this time it's sustained like a state of constantly being Breathless oh I know what you mean smash the very air has become unfamiliar and alien to me saturated with infinite malevolence it is impossible to breathe smash the veil has been pierced and the outer Cosmos has revealed its Limitless cruelty in the form of this Avatar of Insidious implication smash its very presence a sales as a sales assass my mind turning it against itself and all that is decent there at the terminal precipice I learned the terror not only haunts it's black speak up I'm an older God so I'm a little hard of hearing are you are you not the human that has been dating my nieces I wouldn't exactly call it dating but yes normally I'd have an ounce of defiance in me and I'd demand that she introduce herself first but now I feel it in my very bones I'm being talked down to by something far beyond me talk down to me all you want lady I I am good good would you like a cup of hot tea a cold glass of water both in one cup please you're offering me something to drink you've been through a lot I just wanted to ensure you're at ease for now I've never been easier in my life no I just meant it's odd for you to be a guest in my room and offer me something are you certain this is your room well I'm gonna go with yes but then again I'm not very sure the very floor beneath my feet feels Mercurial and unreliable shifting nightmarishly and non-euclidean vertigo who are you who am I I am the Obscure the unutterable eye and the crying chaos you must be uncomfortable I suspect that you have some back pain for multiple reasons why don't you lay down mankind pushes out into the unknown I am the unknown that pushes back but just like my Troublesome nieces you can just call me Anton Yan Yan I'm not gonna do that I'ma call you big lady so big lady how you doing energy I erk unlike with lynetta or Esther I can't overcome the unnerving presence overwhelming my senses I feel violently sick I've never been visited by someone so high up in rank as me have you I am honored silly question there's only one that outranks me and if you hadn't met her neither of us would still exist I don't think I want to meet anyone else ominous vistas of Terror open from every corner of my mind I want to run shrieking and wailing in alas I've nowhere to go you're still holding on yeah I expected you to last long enough to chat but it seems you're nearing your limit you have no idea what my limits are let me offer you some words of assurance I'm the last outer God you'll ever have to see great what do you mean I mean that things are about to return to abnormal oh good that's great for me hang on I need to hydrate sorry I suddenly felt myself being violently thirsty Eldritch Horrors will return to being obscure Boogeyman that stuck unbeknownst to their prey the veil shall be lowered again until the gate opens and Mankind is eradicated I kind of have this funny feeling the mankind was eradicated you'll never see me or my family ever again I guess this is our last moment together but why why do you want to split us up you know that even amongst Gods there are things that are strictly taboo no I did not know that you see whenever mankind starts exploring too far too quickly you accelerate the end of all things hmm so it's like a climax of sorts so we appear to slow things back down we scare you back to the safety of the familiar okay well nothing about this is familiar and it's not scaring me evils and destructive mantras to the most dangerous of your kind to ensure progress slows because the longer you stay afraid the longer you live okay to put it simply once mankind isn't afraid of us anymore everything will come to an end hmm come humans are doomed to explore and once mankind makes the last Discovery once mankind reaches the edge of the map you'll fall off what are you saying so if there's one thing that is certain amidst this infinite Cosmos it's that for all of time our relationship is Shepherd and nightstock as we set the pace to the slaughterhouse okay in that context outer gods and humans being romantically involved is Beyond Taboo hmm It's upsetting the natural order and is our conflict of interest to say the least now all of this I can forgive because my Troublesome nieces LED you astray I know you didn't mean to participate in such a grave taboo right hmm I guess I didn't know but I totally meant it then we can work together to ensure it'll never happen again well if everything's gonna go back to the abnormal what's one more you're familiar with these books yes uh I had one mate for just this occasion ooh do what needs to be done perform the banish moo ritual banish moo what will it do moo is the bookmaker so it will prevent Eldritch got humans from dating okay well Counterpoint how about a smooch if I'm sure you've got lips in there somewhere no more books can be made and the entity responsible for Bridging the Gap between our Realms will be destroyed will return to strictly business in a manner of speaking well if it's already going to do that then you know none of this really counts I I don't want to not force me to remind you the grave seriousness of the situation I promise you've never seen anything like what I can do [Music] uh well what are you waiting for back again perform the ritual you know I see this smooch bar up here and I got a sneaking suspicion I had a question first how come you're so tall the other gods I've met didn't have so much trouble standing in my bedroom I'm not always This Tall sometimes I'm shorter sometimes I'm taller I have over a thousand forms I guess again I need to do another can I assume please and this one is a two-story tall cat girl in high heels 37 of my forms are that checks out okay cool well this is great and all uh well I'm just gonna take a shower [Music] oh blue [Music] step outside don't mind me pick it up well that's not the city yeah who needs the city I've got a two-story tall a two-story like one and a half story I think well I don't know it's hard to say you got a hat all right I'm so so sorry she forced me to make this book she said if she'd spare me if I let you banish me instead to destroy me draw this symbol and chant bye I hope that love will be your black fire in total darkness [Music] interesting ah um [Music] okay black light in total darkness okay so you say so you say all right black light in total darkness I mean not total darkness oh [Music] oh God [Music] oh oh God oh God okay let's go out and we'll turn on your curse by tenibrosity horror foreign if you feel burning sensation in your blood in your flesh begins to melt you are curse by the caustic humors or put a mask and row bone as quickly as possible to preserve your form with the mask on washer face and you will not like what you see if you do not wear the mask wash until a burning abates oh good if you hear something strange that is getting louder with time it is not just your imagination it can kill you go outside if you can see the source of the strange noise cast is counter evil okay good God never trust any written words besides mine if writing has become to appear anywhere on your home writing on the wall is after you ensure that there's no writing on your body check their mirror off and wash any writing off your face you wrote it without realizing it do not touch your chalkboard chant three times oh God if you hear suspicious voices calling out to to you check your window if you see something upsetting do not go outside no matter what you hear Do Not Open Your Door for it if you hear scratching glass check your reflection if you see something strange run away from the mirror immediately do not make eye contact or test mirror in any way Retreat into your bedroom and turn off all the lights Reflections can't exist where there is no light if it gets in the room there's nothing you can do okay if you're unable to speak or performingcantations you have been silenced do not try to scream grab the ritual knife and go to the bathroom with a mirror use the mirror to cut out foreign objects in your mouth if you start to turn invisible while you move you are being Spirited Away they are looking for you they want to take you away do not bother hiding pretend to be alive by standing in a room as well lit as possible and remain perfectly still hold your breath do not move so much as a finger while they pass you through routinely check that your doors are still closed if there are a jar close them you only have moments to do so if he enters your home he won't leave without taking something with him however if you wear a mask and have a life form on your person he may spare you and leave only with the life form if you wake up unharmed he has taken your deal this will only protect you once there's no telling what will happen if she uses this hex against you if your true form reveals itself outside your home there's nothing we can do to stop her I'm sorry we gave it our best shot I hope the end comes swiftly interesting okay this is a this is a lot this is a lot okay I'm gonna die many times but hey draw this symbol instead while wearing your ritual and mule it okay well this is gonna be Troublesome a ritual amulet draw the cross symbol instead in the circles all right no time like present here we go looking for this oh I kind of was yeah you may be capable of pulling a fast one on my nieces but nothing escapes my gaze I think you'll find it quite impossible to cast that counter evil without this amulet now my stray sheep it's time I Shepherd you back in line okay but first oh smooch oh you Trixie come on what's a smooch come on all right so I need I need to be on the lookout oh God I have no idea oh what is that what was that I hear noises wasn't there a noise thing if I hear strange noise oh oh there we go okay go outside let's go outside that's wait multiple holes well oh it's holes okay wait oh goodness gracious uh oh God oh what was this one there was one where to go uh oh here we go uh wear a mask and stand in front of the mirror oh God that's not good hang on hold on wash until the holes are filled wasn't that it take my deal dog oh wait oh God this isn't good that's not good I'm gonna die I'm gonna die all right that's oh wait no I don't know wait if lights okay the holes will multiply where the mask is stand from the mirror chain oh chant it wasn't wash it was chant I don't think terrible is happening [Music] oh I'm turning invisible wait oh god there was something about invisible if you feel a burning sensation uh if you hear something strange I'm turning invisible oh God uh don't bother hiding hold your breath well lit as possible okay let let and don't move [Applause] am I good no I'm not good I'll move a finger [Applause] okay it's still there so I just need to not move imperceptible race up here what does that mean okay that one's done in perceptible race I don't know oh I'm oh God okay I ain't moving I did I close it oh [ __ ] I'm doomed hold on I meant to oh I'm dead aren't I [Applause] okay foreign do you believe your mind is still on your side maybe I don't know what do you what do you mean do you still trust it kinda we'll see who it sides with soon it'll side with you I guarantee it your voice won't be hurt again okay voice won't be heard again okay that one is uh voice Islands something silent something yeah uh go to a ritual knife get ritual knife okay virtual knife with a bathroom mirror cut out what I see cut cut cut cut cut good excellent did I do it maybe I need this okay voices voices crying uh my lights okay of course is okay it must be the the outside one I see oh that's weird it's not too easy for you oh but we've only begun to lift the veil okay cool old lift to the left away thy Veil we'll see how you handle the next one dog okay sure uh what was that I don't what what what it what is what what is that what is the uh Escape I don't know I I oh oh my God is it is it oh God okay I don't know what that is what do I do Shadows Shadows some Shadow thing uh this is as it is the most complete this ritual okay okay it's I think it's this one yeah oh my God there [Music] did I do it I expected those to be a challenge ah well you know that's how it goes huh these next horse won't be so easy to dispel I was even though seem to be doing a pretty good job for you outside your window it's nothing it's nothing okay it was something about yeah if you get don't trust any written words besides mine uh ensure that no writing on your body okay no running on my body no writing on my body okay do not touch your chalkboard oh God watch that [ __ ] off nope I don't care about that nonsense huh what okay uh did I do it what was it there was something about a door right is it still doing the writing on the wall thing no there's no writing on the wall anymore no uh-uh okay there's gotta be something about I remember seeing something about the window check your windows you see something upsetting don't open your door for it okay that's upsetting are these Horrors becoming too challenging for you no no no no no no no no oh you can't begin to imagine the horrors I can show you no show me anything and soon you won't have to imagine okay I don't well I will anyway [Music] okay we do oh oh it's the whole one okay so I'm becoming okay wear masks stand for in the mirror chant until the holes are filled okay Mass stand from the mirror Chan until holes are filled where are the mask dog I'm impressed oh a little crack in your facade there eh a little bit of via Markiplier charm wearing on you you've got backbone for a human of your age yeah but I doubt your will to survive will last much longer oh we'll see about willpower milady an okay what do you got for it what do you got for me I can do this I can do this so suffering is born uh does that mean I'm is that the burning thing [Applause] what okay was that the whole deal thing ah I forgot about that maybe I should just uh keep let me keep that suffering is born I don't know what that means is it that mirror thing no oh God oh God oh God oh take take the turtle is that it I don't look at it it's be like don't look at it damn it that's probably it for me I'm insane I don't remember that one damn did I get a checkpoint ah so close Okay damn it all right let me what I'll do is it'll help because I can read through it anyway okay let's read through and really get these under my belt and then I'll know okay so I've got the porous one that needs a mask um insects is not a big deal the lights go out and won't turn on Okay that's the darkness one is there only one symbol that I need on the board after this one I think it's only one symbol so I should just keep it on this one but what was the thing that killed me something about something getting in right Tormentor scratching on the glass that's not what I heard I mean it might have been this actually ah right I probably should have done this okay let's just go ahead and prep I need this symbol I'm gonna go ahead and wear the mask and keep the ritual knife and have the the life form the turtle because a lot of these I don't think that any of them need you to not have things put the mask and robe on as quickly as possible so why not okay all right let's try this I think I got it I think I got this okay hey we're gonna do a thing don't worry looking for this yeah yeah yeah I'll go ahead and put this other symbol here okay and I'm ready okay flesh becomes porous it's this one okay go to the bathroom and repeat until the holes are filled [Music] [Music] yeah yeah yeah what's that outside your window what is that okay so this is the door one don't open any writing on the wall this is it don't touch your chalkboard okay and I gotta check and wash my face good no no no no no no no no no no no no no it's nothing it's nothing you think I'll let you become a legend a legend you think me legendary okay I don't like what I saw out there therefore I will actually was right here yeah let's see okay I have what I need I know what I need to do that I need to cut out the okay that that thing the noise is getting louder wasn't that the noise is getting louder I think it was yeah that's it okay um you hear if you hear yup go outside this so sweet I expected those to be a challenge nope okay oh I don't like the quietness suffering is born what does that mean I don't think I got this one right before oh God oh my God okay okay [Music] foreign I feel like I'm playing Five Nights at Freddy's again oh you [ __ ] not today not today no stop it am I supposed to chant something I am aren't I God damn it [Music] was all the way on the right it was the second to last page yeah this one no wait did okay there's no sham it might be that I need to that he needs to do the thing where I take he takes the turtle it might be because I feel like I've been doing this for a while it's got to be a thing where he needs to get in here and I give him yeah I think so I have the turtle okay so mask and Turtle I have the mask in the turtle I'm a Letterman [Music] but I have something for you take it take it take it oh come on oh oh scratching glass okay I worked okay this is uh okay a retreating your bedroom okay if you see something uh turn off all the lights okay got it whoop don't like that okay turn off all the lights [Music] oh God what do I do I don't know [Music] oh God I don't know what that is did I have an incantation yes I did God damn it starting to have trouble are these Horrors becoming too challenging for you to withstand no I did fine okay oh this is the uh Darkness The Darkness thing the darkness um yeah okay that symbol is already there okay There Is No Escape not surrendered yet dog but I I've walked the Earth okay [Music] this is the who was it um Frick what was it if if I'm turning invisible I'm being Spirited Away that's what it was okay uh well lit as possible okay well lit as possible okay and then do not move I'm not gonna move I think that's it I'm pretty sure that's it I don't need to chant anything I just don't move here's an eye opener for you all right [Music] goodbye I don't know how pretending to be alive is not moving at all but I I appreciate it [Music] [Applause] I'll be good we're good okay you've survived all that yep it's just one human just me in such a short time becoming becoming what what believe it you're no average human thank you for noticing you still can't escape me uh-huh she must be running out of tricks by now chaos is upon you okay all right upon me okay hold fast and prepare yourself dog okay I've lasted this long I'm not stopping now I'm not afraid and then you lack imagination oh trust me there's nothing left to the imagination here okay turning invisible that's that's doable that's easy same old same old all right easy peasy I don't believe that it would do multiple at the same time would it your voice okay it's a silence one okay yeah turn off the lights because I need oh wait no I already know what that is it's it's me cutting this off it's the anguish outside got it okay that's the the okay check the it's not that uh choir of Agony okay this it's this right yep that's it you got it what's that outside okay it's the writing on the wall but don't trust it oh [ __ ] let me go in the mirror first and check that I've written anything okay I'm good [Music] wash it off easy peasy you think I'll let you become a legend oh what do you mean by that okay that's the bad that's the horror outside the window [ __ ] what is that oh God okay okay here we go [Music] so far so good a poorest flash easy enough okay stand in front of the mirror chant until holes are filled don't lose your concentration now [Music] okay Shadows tormenting Shadows okay the Shadows um this one scratching glass that's the horrible reflection I need to check it first and then turn off all the lights okay that's okay the lights are already off yep that's bad [Music] I did it still standing how hey I got stamina for days in fact the longer this has been going on you seemed more and more resolved yeah it's not it's not possible there's no emotion stronger than fear and no fear more powerful than fear of the unknown but what about the love of the unknown unknown that's not true humans Don't Fear The Unknown never have if you think we do you haven't been paying attention even Sailors the most superstitious humans to ever walk the earth that set sail until the edge of the world they were sure was flat and inhabited by sea monsters we've been inventors explorers astronauts hell we take holidays to places we've never been for fun you're not even stuttering anymore why aren't you aren't you because you were wrong a big young lady there's one emotion stronger than fear because one feeling that every living thing knows and it's way stronger than fear it can't be it's love hey you said it not me no fool it's just what you think the male praying mantis knows fear while he's getting some hell no ridiculous you saying Your Lust is keeping you from being scared of me I think I've made that quite clear from the beginning ever heard of the suspension bridge effect they say when two people face danger together they fall in love not when one of them is the danger what's you don't you understand the cruel indifference of the infinite Cosmos no your world your reality everything you know and love it's all meaningless and could vanish in an instant hey whatever even as we speak your son spins around the precipice of terminal Oblivion okay idiot the only thing that the sun spins around is my dick [Laughter] um and that's not all there's more you don't realize you really think I'm meaningless because I'm human right you think I'm the lowest of the low and insignificant spec not worthy of any attention and yet here I am in your dream I've got that right don't I Auntie big lady neon if I'm here with you it's because you're dreaming about me it means I'm in your head just as much as you're in mine I think the truth is that you're terrified of me you're terrified of the speed at which I'm meeting the unknown and planting a big what one on it I'm terrifying enough to have invaded your dream after all right you've come face to face with the greatest threat to your power and nothing you can throw at him seems to stop him and after all this after meeting Lanetta serving as steers whims and being subjected to the worst you have to offer I gotta say it was all pretty fun tell me sound like it's my nightmare or is this yours it's my win big lady yawn it can't be you think you can turn the tables on me hey your words not mine I already have you're the second most powerful God and you fear me it's only a matter of time before I date every single God you know I'm gonna leap into the greatest unknown Cosmos and smooch that too starting with you pucker up big lady neon you've earned it perfect [Music] he escaped from me well I didn't escape from you I'm still coming after you a human too lustful to fear anything you could such a thing even exist yep what horror yep as soon as any of us dreams again he undoubtedly will return to Heart our hearts once more I'll horn more than that oh I'm never getting a good night's sleep with him on the loose yep [Music] oh [Music] that was wonderful that was wonderful I love that I love that that was amazing that was incredible oh [Music] I like that a lot I didn't get to see me smooching big lady neon but hey such is the way of things I'll let this play through to see if there's something at the end of it but well not really creative game I love it I love it I love it [Music] dream well I think that's all for this episode this has been a wonderful day however however big however there is clearly there's clearly because I I hundred percent of this but I didn't 100 this I only got four of six and yeah yeah there we go there's a smooch in the works here and I believe that it has to do with getting these two endings first and then going to the next one that's what I'll do in the next episode but I highly recommend that you do this game for yourself because there's a lot of really cool stuff here is this is great I love it so thank you everybody so much for watching links are in the description check out my new podcast with Tyler called go my favorite sports team and distractible and anything else I have in the description down there go check it out lots of funny stuff thank you and as always I will see you in the next video I have done research and apparently there is no other secret ending if you get everything boo boo [Music] Boo this is the final episode thank you so much for watching support this game it's very good okay bye foreign
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,373,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, sucker for love, dating game, cthulhu, eldritch horror, doki doki, ltena, lneta, ln'eta, Lovecraftian horror, jumpscare, creepy, beautiful, girls, third date, part 3, finale, ending
Id: 1WeyFJlTyAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 39sec (2619 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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