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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to a girl's fabric face now this is made by the same developer that made sweet seven seven six well and this was actually made before that developer made sweet seven seven six and if you don't remember sweet seven seven six this is a little snippet of what so weeds seven seven six is all about now that we got that out of the way we can go into this game with arms wide open and we can know that there are probably going to be multiple endings to this game and it's going to be an interesting experience Stanislaw Joukowsky don't forget to play alone and use headphones specifically alone it must be played alone there's a count alone if you guys watching may be flashing lights epilepsy warning aim is extremely high in suspense I'll be the judge of that and will cause scares I'll be the judge of that by continuing you are playing at your own risk such as you space Crouch important and why would Crouch be important and why is crowd space now whatever that's fine look like the record oh so let's make at least I'm certain four minutes best of luck enjoy the ride oh it's like a roller coaster hi hello why oh I see okay I'm gonna start again make sense what are we starting again exactly and why are we starting it ooh we're in a spooky house paranormal findings oh hell yeah I'm a paranormal investigator baby I'm a determine if there's any ghosts in this house uh hell yeah well there's a key there alright okay uh should I that seems like oh I thought it was a ghost bad I thought I found a ghost bed oh so this isn't a ghost lamp for a ghost camera that's just camera where I can place it oh I hate that hi yes yes sure okay all right hello any ghosts in here anyone that cares to jump on ooh what is this random letters I doubt that very much it's probably I can't open oh okay really recording that definitely not random letters why am I locked in here who I'm not okay all right well I've definitely hate that definitely found some paranormal crap going on here okay doors are all kinds of paranormal so someone smiling and chilling out on a tree hey you stay open if I open you that'd be great stop that up I don't want to look oh that's crouched space is crouched for some reason all right locked okay good great good stuff well one floor down once I get explore the bottom floor I'll I'll get out of here send the footage off to my editor and Bob's your uncle I'm gone what the hell are you riding there Poseidon what that's not okay locked let's get footage of that I hope it makes a compilation of the footage I've recorded at the end of this that'd be a fun jump Cuddy adventure did you guys know there was a time in my channel and I didn't like to make jump cuts you know edit anything what am i charging and how am i charging it just stepping into it with my hips and it's drawing electricity from my groin okay battery's full oh it's charging my battery oh I stuck it into my groin and it charged me okay that makes more sense then whatever I said interest oh here we go the reporter asked when I told him my daughter went off from home on Friday at 8 p.m. June 2nd that is the last time I saw her after that everything just became dark for me there was no point in living I've lost my only reason to move on alright well you know I'm not gonna make fun of that at all because that would be rude so what exactly am I looking for should I take a nap in the ghost bed what is that it's a my suitcase it's radio there wasn't a noise in there before wait where is that coming from where's that coming from okay whatever not important I guess okay so it's shot of that yeah it's great good stuff good stuff boo hello okay there's a key there okay that's either that to the padlock or to one of these other side doors grab the key all right wasn't this one this one was already open maybe it's the padlock hey how long were you there okay good thing I got that camera up there what's in that hallway wouldn't want anyone sneaking from me okay oh do I have an image oh I do Vera beat up key has something written on it bottom gathering that's what I am to set my two cameras and rest area where does my other camera go is the question they're doing down here you know ooh well squeaky ooh Kim okay got that I'm all set up and good to go baby oh there's no need I should look around the house for a bit to get a feel for the area oh I've felt the area all it needs to be felt I felt it up and down make sure nothing is different from the last time I was here when was I last here what are you talking about what I had things to be different it's something don't let her out who does that me that did that ever was that something else oh are you photo piece you say all right no I imagine there's gonna be a lot of secrets in the nooks and or crannies of this place so I should probably look in all the nooks and or crannies just like in the other game there's stop doing the squeaky door thing I don't know why it's still getting me sure sure sure all right does everything look the same ish yeah kind of I guess hello how are you I asked you first okay so that's a little odd but not too different than the last time I'm here I guess grab the handle one Oh what I grab a handle 204 a contraption seeing the sandal makes me realise there's no secret of this place maybe yeah yeah definitely doesn't give me any burning yearning feelings to run away as fast as I can I need to charge my battery else I'm gonna get caught with my pants down what's with all our the noises what's his happen what did I write how did I write with this when I'm started how did I how did we do that man it takes a long time to church um I'm starting to get a little dizzy I should rest it what do you mean a little dizzy Oh is there a gas leak which in case don't rest I don't know all right cool nap ski it is nap town baby lay my head of rest Oh jana rama well I'm a paranormal investigator so I then why did you ask good talk buddy good talk oh I am selecting cameras well am i just doing this from an iPad while I'm in bed that's very relatable lightning there's nothing to strange about that along what which door was that is something supposed to be wakey time for the daily rush why am i sleeping in here if I'm not even gonna win the house that's always the that's always the trick you got to sleep in the house who would sleep in just an open hallway who'd do that investigate change if any who'd do that just unprotected no door between you and a demon don't you didn't you watch that one video error v whatever the whatever the video was what freak sleeps with their door open oh [ __ ] oh that's different oh that's different I got a Kerber oh maybe 45 what's maybe 45 this is maybe 45 I don't know if that's true but now that I have these I can definitely go in the basement and I can go down any stairs E which is like my favorite thing to do Oh probably nothing best not to check why would I check why would anybody check no one's you check I'd be silly note Oh their face is so red I covered them with cloths but the blood dry now the cloth remains could this be for the better guide me pure sacrifice will provide considerable fortune for those of the afterlife for young and your own will grant such fortune upon the passing acceptance of death is needed regret hate sorrow will bring forth a loop okay sounds perfectly reasonable let's bring forth the loop baby let's bring forth the loop [Music] so you and here what was that uh you know what maybe maybe I shouldn't that shouldn't open that up maybe I should maybe I won't you know maybe I won't excuse this grope nice tunnel shot oh hey oh wait got that all right cool I'm just gonna pretend like there's nothing behind me definitely anyway just go back the way I came why would you do anything like that you don't want to and I don't want you to so why would you so you won't is the answer I think this uh this has got to be to like the numbers and letter the letters upstairs II my bladder why thank you was it you that I was cuddling with last night thought it was awfully snuggly in this hallway oh that there before I probably I just didn't notice that anyway just gonna place the ladder and doing doing doing going up I go take valve Oh what it's too tight what is say is too tight am i crying I was crying it's on too tight got a Kroeber who's crying who's being a little bit of a [ __ ] baby what is it what's going on here rap note Oh what the hell was that always there at the expense of others one can obtain it all a true passing a true death a true eternity nurture the four then select them off one by one start with the youngest then proceed onward only the devil will hear their suffering but you all will see it in the end only the dead will know your tale acceptance is futile well these are great notes very inspirational very motivational to get me to do whatever the hell you want me to do oh wow I didn't catch that behind you ah ah I see behind me behind you oh hey bud okay he's yo one to go he see you want go won't go hard on them Wow there has to be something in this house that can loosen this valve up time to rest time to rest now really now is the time to rest he see you won't go does that mean he see won't go I don't you see you won't go I don't know Wow stop who the hell hey let me charge my battery in peace oh the fry didn't even see the fridge burger this for the insurance agents and everything anything else you want to throw at me in the meantime no all right cool good good to know I'll see you around kid see around lay my hand arrest I remember when you first came here 40 years ago when you were still such a young girl sixteen or seventeen if I remember you'd come by quite often to set up and stay the night with the spirits you were very brave and in the end I took you once I felt the drugs have taken full effect let her out okay wasn't that bear on the other side of the hallway not crazy I mean yeah but am I crazy ghost I got you I got you I see you interesting right what happened what happened paranormal findings 5% hey I finally got one a paranormal finding I missed that first one it was too quick a little too silly Oh gotcha Oh paranormal finding Oh got you oh no okay interesting interesting interesting okay I got a lot of paranormal finding about that one a lot of paranormal goings-on interesting interesting very interesting I am a whopping 13.9% of paranormal okay cool good good great oh and I'm getting up think that's not fascinating well better go check that out all right oh that's strange oh that's not paranormal really that's a very paranoid [Music] huh I doll so I have a bolt-cutter maybe I'm gonna use this to get the valve unless I don't actually need to get the valve and I just need to snip the valve hey who knocked that over all right so what logically what I need bolt-cutters for logically speaking what would I need it for not what it seems Oh interesting fascinating it's not paranormal though therefore it does not interest me so if that's not what it seems then what do I need to do to make it what it seems charge up real quick I say real quick but I mean real slow oh I can cut the maybe the lock off that thing I could probably cut the lock off that thing I'm Fred pretty strong with the thing cut the rock love the rock right off that cockeyed snip oh oh that's I hate it here I go filming everything I don't want to I don't why I'd rather not go with this doors open I mean I could have gone down here at any time or if there's anything else in the hole I know I'm just avoiding going into the basement oh look listen I just want to go in the hole very normal alright whatever fine I'll get out of here or I'm going in all helpful when a month time so it's some day I don't know what it is the house blood and then the clock and then the month okay there the house is crying or it's pointing to two windows clock is 8 0 so 2 8 0 2 nope okay umm I am unsure what that is if that's referring I don't know the day is the thing it's gotta be another clue down here or something like that not that I want to go down here oh yeah it's a maze great good ooh high notes wait a minute oh no no no that's a funny that's a funny goof that's a little weird oh hey I hate it but I love it that's good spook that's a good one oh you sassy sue oh I'm three dangling there with importance to her side once lost all is lost one use what is found to unlock new meaning a picture of oneself viewed by oneself dead placed in the room of capture will alter all perception a view of your body lifeless has a power that is priceless great good awesome okay maybe a power box it's got no door handle oh well that paranormal so the under basement oh it's the same weird door from before oh oh I got you yeah this seems safe yeah I definitely want to go down here oh god I hate it what is this why does there need to be a sub-basement hello it's nothing but an illusion once you leave and come back you will see what once was after that once you hear the music sound as I lie in wait my door will open to seize your fate Thanks that's great thank you okay oh I got some of that got some of that all right cut you ghost we lie in wick oh maybe I should bring this whole house down then good thing there's a weird charging kitchen what is what is that the original USB like USB 0.1 a big brick of an ass all right oh good good thing there's these generators attached the lights and nothing generating them in coffins we shake well stop shaking the conference what if we told you about shaking the coffins oh you know you get what you asked for ooh with fabric covering our face okay all right cool I don't like this place I don't like this place I don't like this place I don't like it go back down wait I don't need to tell me twice I'm going back down you got it buddy oh my god oh no are you gonna shake in your coffins open up here to shake your legs well I went back down you know what I'm not too happy not happy about it not happy at all did I get everything I needed to open this door no okay when day I don't know what day it is I could try to brute force that but I'm not gonna there's got to be like a calendar or hey I need to talk with you I think that got kicked aside what are you doing here oh that's that's a little odd oh yeah okay that's not weird I guess wow this is definitely gonna hit the big screen people are gonna love this people are gonna love this okay good great good great good anything else hey mister what's happening why why would you do that you don't need to do that that's not paranormal enough apparently Oh No the fan oh that's that's sad all right Oh was that oh wait I need the valve for that that's what I need the valve for I'm taking this and nobody can stop me valve did up what just happened I heard something that sounded a lot like a key drop down but why would that cause a key to unless it fell down below because why oh that's the key because I loosened up the pipe that it was connected to ready for anything ready Freddy Freddy ready great well I think there's only one locked door at the front door got to get out of here time to go oh that's that's that's not good that's not good oh well there's nothing in there so yeah yeah that's okay this is bad maybe 60 is that scary enough what do you mean 60 61 60 para norms the unit of measuring paranormal man I probably missed some picture pieces here you have one gotten too many there are some one has willingly come young and beautiful appears to be recording a video I placed a pill in her water she should suffer hallucinations and weakness her name is Ana she's very warm I hate you I hate that and I hate you you are horrifying okay so there's some kind of a door here all right cool good oh yeah I think it's time to get out of hell ha there's too much hey I've read this one before hey that sounds familiar okay there's something going under the bed Oh going down under the bed oh why oh my baby the way I think it's time oh it's gone I think it's time for another nap is what I'm thinking I'm thinking a few more nights in this place clear my mood right up ooh yeah that's a crying baby why are we crying from what we doing what are we doing Oh Oh that that's that oh oh adios I guess I can't am i hallucinating I need to find an exit Oh No looks like I don't have one all the windows seem to be boarded up let's go down to the basement down okay I don't know what Danis three I am NOT Anna I hope you know maybe I am but you don't get to call me by that I'm not running I don't even have the ability to run so you just suck ass just a big suck ass is what you are oh oh that Daddy good that's that's not good that's not paranormal really dad ain't paranormal it's not paranormal enough for you oh I got you that's some paranormal juice okay so who's thumping up here who's paying off bumpy lumpy who's something maybe old naps keel help me out eat arrest I could I must be hallucinating I should go rest for a bit yeah yeah that's that yeah let's do that yeah guys take a nap take a nap perfectly same thing to do perfectly good Loomis and plain as your mind was feeling more and more the summations to the point where you became if you could just stop talking that'd be appreciated every word you say it's creeps me out on you've died the others don't know too since you were the final dog to perish oh I got no charge oh hi I can't I can't well that it's apparently not paranormal enough all the teddy bear got pushed over are you coming to where I'm sleeping is that what you're doing please don't do that why did I have to take a nap whoa got that on camera Oh can't go back to camera one apparently camera one is unacceptable yes I'm stuck here there is something I saw them well didn't need to look at whatever that was anyway okay got some of that got some of that action I got Scylla now I'm awake apparently and not dead don't know how it was a twisted game all four of you died uh-huh but I did place the doll on your passive body to never forget you man that makes it all worth it that makes it so much better my dude my dude why didn't you say that from the get-go you made a doll by our dead bodies of course that makes us all good that makes us goochy goochy I mean please I'm not an animal of course of course I forgive you was that the front door open down there I do not trust that Oh doll on one left okay Yeah right what's the message of the day it's your turn now okay my turn of course I would hope so it's about time to be honest to be fair I don't trust that at all no trust that screw that that's that's a trick it's a trick you're tricking me I know what I'm being tricked in it now exactly now it's the time you're tricking me well I shall not fall for it you tricky dicky you I'm going down here now thunk I just don't trust it okay I still don't know what day it is you know there's another safe at the beginning I wonder if there was a there's a place to get the code for that I don't know probably nothing good for me down here yeah whole lot of nothing nothing left in the boxes okay I'm gonna I'll play your game you row good I'll go out the door free dumb Oh hell's loop or deception maybe interesting hell's loop or deception maybe I don't know is this gonna lead back into the house oh no oh oh the desire to see me feeling okay Oh [Music] your resistance is what's causing this my time to accept but I'm doing this for all of you for all of you to know perfect eternity this is not just for me but for you too oh so I'm supposed to thank you I'm supposed to thank you for this is that was that what I'm picking up from this ordeal I'm this this is my thank you for this is my thank-you loop and I think that's not good Oh didn't like that thank you [Music] can't thank you enough Oh what's happening oh okay got this glass oh of course I grabbed the doll that's what I was here for all along great thank you don't mind if I do oh that's not very normal been afraid of my own life there's so many times uh-huh there's so many times okay what you want it to end - why don't you think about the rest of us and then this dabbling and all the others well you know kind of hard when I'm stuck in your loop but thank you thank you so much appreciate it big a you were just a doll get it no glad no this is worth recording press one to forgive press two not I will not forgive you no screw you you killed us yeah I knew what I'm doing well I know oh oh oh no wait oh uh do I take a nap now oh no oh oh I won't forgive you you were bastard not gonna thank you for this you're gonna thank me you're about to thank me so hard oh not there okay so there must be some other secret to get those open that I'm not aware of yeah the power box is gone so there was like another puzzle that I wasn't solving probably from pieces that you would get out of this the the safes weird hi I'm recording hey that's what you said at the beginning of this it's all ooh it's a Hello loop June 22nd 1968 June 22nd 1968 four girls and a man were found dead in an old abandoned home located in Sullivan the four girls in the age group between 2 and 16 were found dead scattered throughout the house with fabric covering their wounded bodies stuck with horrific amounts of blood all girls are believed to have died from severe blood loss while the man has died from suicide with gun to head from being changed in a cold crawl space locked in a vault hung from the ceiling with a hook and cut to death in a cradle the scene was the most brutal the town has ever seen to this we announced this the murder as the girls with the fabric face that seems like an odd name and I don't know if you need to name it like that that's weird okay I'm getting it yeah that's what happened at the beginning it's a loom it's a loop your loop is a loop buddy Lou I got the stubborn ending the bad ending really the bad ending because I didn't forgive ah you know what you know what you go eat them eat an egg I don't forgive you I'm not talking to the game developer by the way I'm talking to whoever that guy was but now I know the day and there must be a way to get the safe open from the get-go be a coup as that must mean there's a way using the day to get what I need but I'm not gonna go into a blunt I may I may look up a guide but I will get that true ending of this I will I'll do it screw it I'll do it Friday 8:00 p.m. June 2nd does that mean the code if the daughter the furqan I'm gonna Friday 8:00 p.m. June seconds 5 8 6 2 would be that or it's probably 5 no nope no he is I don't know delicious juicy Paranormal Activity I didn't know that noises were considered essential Paranormal Activity to country oh that's not paranormal really nothing weird going on they're perfectly fine feel like that very much should have been something paranormal happening oh yeah oh there we go that's what I'm talking about didn't see that last time it didn't even notice that was that why are you breathing in there weirdoes that's what I said it ghosts yeah you weirdos you get out of here you freaks gotcha baby that's a lot of paranormal activity going on oh yeah it's just time to soak all this up oh really that's all that's my fill that's my fill of that particular brand of paranormal really nothing nothing else to glean from that sheet moving across the wind how can I move oh wait wait wait now I'm getting more what from what am I still getting some I can't tell the achievements in the way great good got it got that yeah even that counts just a little bit of a clangy clang oh yeah record the darkness I say and record the darkness that'll do it alright so this should be June no Friday 8:00 o'clock June 2nd 5 8 6 Oh got it okay cool good to know good to know got that easy peas me really that notes not paranormal at all oh I guess that suggests syv been here before it's a loop-de-loop that's what it is Oh daddy didn't get enough of that I can't believe it's it's it's happened to me again I didn't think that I would be enticed to go through the game like I did sweet sound six six again like to get to the good ending but I want to know like it's it is pretty intriguing you know what I mean got you guy yet guy looking right at yes what I thought yeah that's what I thought that's what I thought okay whoa spooky spooky aha okay so I had to look this up there is a key back here and maybe 60 is that's scary enough ah so you only get that if you've gotten over 60% of your paranormal findings and with that I think this is the last piece oh there's one more do I not have all the pieces oh there's one more okay alright but I do have this thing for the power which is interesting Wow nailed it power does that connect to the thing up thing up in that room why do you say I'm running ah aha Oh what the hell he told me I was next next for what to die huh that's not true dreadful nope nothing not even a little paranormal I'm hallucinating um okay swallow pill don't forget to take one pill per day will keep you healthy you know I don't know if I don't know this is a good idea to take that I don't think that's a good idea I don't want to take that I don't want to take that that seems like a bad thing I should go rest for a bit yeah that's what I should do yeah it's definitely what I should do here we go I'm gonna rest rest my weary bones actually wait there's one more thing I think I missed there was something else that appeared like down here or yeah because I discovered these are all open that's right yeah yeah yeah maybe it's um Oh is there yeah the red one that's what it was got it yeah yeah yeah okay eighty-nine point nine six percent I don't know if I need maximum spewpa JH to be able to get to the correct ending but whatever I don't know nap time what'll I see on the cameras gotcha only a little bit yeah gotcha OH 103 baby 103 103 baby get out the way achievement I got 103 Oh 100 I guess it's 100 now oh now it's a hundred and six very brood ah goddamnit come on let me get the more oh you suck can't even switch cameras sure that would have been spooky to see but I didn't get it okay so I got a hundred percent paranormal I think that's good oh this is not just for me but for YouTube we come together just you whoa it's a window why is it a window why don't I need a window where's this go Oh who did that scare you absolutely it did gooey interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting okay so I've got a picture of a window that's good so apparently now what I need to do is I do yeah I forgot about that I probably would have guessed this anyway but what I need to do is I need to not forgive them how about no I think this time I do I'm pretty sure I do look I'm gonna get out there's there's gonna be a window you know that's what I'm looking for it's gonna be a window you know that window though that window okay maybe I don't know oh it didn't game over oh oh opus bulbous head missed my bump is all this my OB where am I what's happening this ain't paranormal what I did I break Oh No [Music] the perfect ending to your journey yeah it's perfect okay don't feel perfect so we meet again okay all right okay who you who you God didn't lead this Aidan I don't know Who am I supposed to address here all right the loop has been successfully escaped though it is unknown whether all the others made it out to over 40 years of bath since the loop was begun your grudge has enabled you to get this far all is safe now no more herb will be discovered only a passing of one so deserving well the reward was that I got to die which is I guess fair um the true ending there we go so yeah I didn't expect to be playing through it again but you know I kind of just had to as a thing like it is really interesting this game and the way this developer makes these games is kind of similar but you know it's still very good I like that you definitely spooked me the first time through more of like a you know a haunted house team that you know where everything is but after the second time around but still still good so shout out to Stanislaw Krakowski for making that shout out to all of you for watching it you want to see sweet seven six six or seven subjects or whatever it was I'll put a link to in the description that's the other game made by this person it is also surprisingly scary so thanks again let me know what you thought down the comments below if you want to see more scary games there also in the description or in this petition videos over there cut that [ __ ] out but thanks again for watching and as always I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,364,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a girl's fabric face, a gril's fabric face, a girl's fabric face game, a girl's fabric face markiplier, markiplier, scary games, scary playthrough, scary walkthrough, scary gameplay, scary gaming, scary, scray, horror, horor, horror game, horror gameplay, horror playthrough, suite 776, suite 776 markiplier, suite 776 game, a girl's fabric face true ending, true ending, ending, secret ending, ending explained, gaming, 3 scary games, 3 scary games markiplier
Id: 29JkorhPPCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 20sec (2840 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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