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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to blood wash wash blood from your face and hands and clothes apparently anyway this game in its description had one of the most stomach churning names for a villain i've seen and it's womb um and i didn't even have like a womb but that just makes me go yeah it's like if there was like the scrote eviscerator if that was the name of the person coming after me i would be i'd be scared and disgusted i'm probably mostly scared oh oh all right what a day professor watt was his usual miserable self and that test was a killer hopefully i can just relax i bet you can't of course liam didn't do the laundry or clean i'll have to do a load of laundry i have an interview for a job tomorrow and have nothing to wear huh i'll gather these clothes up and head to the laundry room in the basement i'm going to have to talk to liam leader i'm too upset and tired to go through it again he's going to have to pull it together for this baby that was a lot of backstory all at once but also it's more backstory than i've ever forgotten in a horror game which is kind of good very close damn you liam who put clothes in the actually you know what i shouldn't say anything because i've i've definitely left clothes exactly where they lay in the kitchen i am liam i went shopping last week so it's pretty full right now i'm ashamed to say i've started to rely on soda to keep me up through the day nothing interesting inside i'm saving up for a vacuum so i can clean this place properly no one i should call especially at this hour i still haven't had time to unpack yet not sure when i will yeah liam i'm honestly too mad to talk to liam right now let him get over his hangover by himself oh how do you know he's in there okay i'll get this place cleaned up womp womp or i think it's all the dirty laundry time to go to the basement man i hate this thing i have cricks in my body i didn't even know it was possible filled with pencils and half written research papers well we live like kings here don't we mostly my psych books i must have read each of these at least twice okay i'll go down to the basement which i'm sure is going to go good for me hello that's weird a nice man lives here it's good to know you have at least one good neighbor and i'm betting this is a there's a [ __ ] bag over here womb ripper strikes again in the early hours of the 30th authorities were called though in a passerby found a terribly mangled corpse haphazardly tossed on the nearby grounds sources indicate that the woman was indeed pregnant and just like previous victims the fetus was cut out and assumed to be taken by the assailant this is now the fourth victim in as many weeks and authorities are struggling to come up with leads in one of the most gruesome crime sprees this city has ever endured good god a woman and a son live here now that i think about it i haven't seen either one in about a week oh well good thing i'm uh pregnant surprised they take any safety precautions in this death trap yep oh this is good well this is a good thing i don't need to go to that floor besides one of the people on this floor as a mean dog they keep in the hall who keeps it in the hall all right i don't need to go through there okay where is this laundry room yeah oh boy i love the breathing i love the size and the breathing it's like this basement specifically travels the acoustics of everyone's breathing in their apartments down here and exposed to electrical boss nice let's see what's inside rad droppings trash and spiders great this one feels empty i feel that's best case scenario filled with horn porno rags might be worth a penny or two if they weren't drenched in dubious stains oh oh why is this game gotta be gross toolbox our janitor would kill me if i promise through his things even though i really doubt he uses any of these smells like it hasn't been taken out for months and that door doesn't exist what out of order what am i gonna do now i should probably go back upstairs and figure something out i think i heard something coming from that no you didn't no no you didn't do i have to do i have to ah okay hi joe i scared you oh you scared me oh all right you both scared me what the hell are you doing creeping around down here well yeah what are you doing look i'm sorry for scaring you i'll tell you but can you keep this to yourself uh-huh yeah i can what's up uh mrs kicked me out and it's too cold outside so i'm trying to wait her out down here i really didn't mean to creep on you honest uh-huh i believe you just next time maybe don't go around slinging doors open and hiding in the dark yeah maybe that i will thanks kid say if you want to use the washing machine it's uh broken yeah thanks i figured that out thanks hobo joe thanks hobo joe thanks so when okay i didn't read hobo joe when it when it like suddenly jumped open i read hand job and i'm like what do i got to do what am i doing right now all right anyway what are you doing in this closet what are you doing again for scaring you kiddo god damn you're tall it's okay all right bye you keep t posing in there you have a good day now have a good day been a while since i've been hit with a classic jump scare like that classic all right then is there no like front door to this building and now that it dawns on me i don't remember seeing anything hi hello does everyone love to stand ominously in doorways hey good god [Music] yeah the way your head's turning what's up sarah oh hi oh you know trying to balance life school and job hunting mm-hmm yep it's a tough world these days liam been treating you well when he isn't drunk yeah no that's so sad you tell me if it gets bad yeah i know it ain't easy to talk about and you don't have to tell me nothing just promise me you'll tell me if you need help oh thanks stan my sister used to be in a bad situation too and there's places you can go i appreciate that stan i really do yeah sure you doing some laundry at this time of night i'm trying to of course when i really need it the washer downstairs is broken ain't that some [ __ ] yeah and speaking of [ __ ] i have an interview tomorrow so i guess i'll show up smelling like crap well if it's an emergency i heard this laundromat that's open 24 7. just outside of town still early enough to catch the last bus i have to say though it's a hell of a time to be out so late especially with that maniac roaming around i'm a big girl stan do you know the address sure sure let me write it down for you just promise me you'll take care i i promise i better go grab my purse i promise stan hurry and you might be able to catch the next bus okay once again stan what about the bus back is it still does it still go back by the way love the sweater i don't like that head turn but i love the sweater liam you [ __ ] oh there's my purse all right hopefully i didn't miss that last bus to the laundromat all right liam all right liam i think i made my point bye you might be thanks again thanks again stan goodbye where do i go maybe first floor is the way um again [Music] [Music] hi how you doing hi there are you okay can i get you anything it's gone they they took it did someone steal something from you huh they took it the people in the walls they took it from me oh god she's here now i should probably leave him alone poor guy who's here now the people in the walls who's in the walls okay goodbye all right have fun whoa man nights pretty scary here oh hi got any change sure i have a couple dollars better than nothing thanks kid i haven't seen you around here before i moved in not too long ago i'm usually studying at my classes so that's probably why oh a college girl huh what are you studying i'm pursuing a career in education at the moment nice that's what i got my bachelor's in oh that's great i hope i can find a gig soon afterwards if not my sleeping bag has room for two ah okay all right thank you for the offer oh great hey oh boy hello how are you don't mind me just waiting for the bus enter bus i'm on the hi where are you heading at this hour if you don't mind me asking that's pretty ominous but uh the laundromat on the outside of town not sure i believe that pretty late to be doing laundry hey if you're looking to score i have a good deal just for a pretty little thing like you how about you just drive the bus and i'll pretend you're not a desperate loser whatever [ __ ] set the [ __ ] down so i can get this piece of junk rolling again all right thanks man a dirty seat dirty seat is there a clean seat oh they're all dirty aren't they oh oh polaroid has to be fake some people have a sick sense of humor well i guess i'll i'd rather not sit in whatever is splattered on that seat well i mean there's real ah here we go hmm so the weather's nice i like when it's a temperature outside you ever seen a cloud oh hello you're just uh standing there buddy oh hi wow aren't you looking fancy uh all right okay pepperoni eyeball man oh hi yes hi hello okay it's so dark i can't even see this oh my god oh my god hello may i sit beside you now there's plenty of other seats so i don't see why you would need to do that may i may i sit beside you no do i need to get the driver to throw you off you're going to die tonight that's pretty good you're going to die tonight i've seen it tonight is your last night on earth okay you are walking straight into your doom can't you see that you and that child inside you okay you will be found just like all the others ripped open your insides displayed for all the angels above to look down and see oh yes of that i am certain great do your do you have pepperoni nipples to match your eyeballs please just stop talking may i sit beside you no all right miss this is your stop it may ice no weirdo it's easy to see someone's future of death and murder if you're the one death murdering me i love the name of the company's torture star video great look at priest and jordan king and henry oh great pretty dope i mean honestly this is a more involved game than i thought it was it's pretty impressive damn whoa dude this game is way more involved than i thought it was wait what the hell i thought this is just like a one-off short demo game like most horror games i play i didn't know that this was fully involved this is dope as hell this is dope as hell okay hello here i am that's what i think it says hi okay slint [Music] something coming after me or what is the deal it's here fine probably nothing to worry about okay i see pizza appliances i'm guessing this is london spin cycle laundromat okay hey how you doing lost and found whoa press the tab to a oh okay i'll bring it back before i leave it'll be a long night so i might need it okay yes what is it oh um are you all really open all night we're open all night but i take my naps at midnight so you better not need anything after that okay man okay i'll be sure not to need anything look at that face yeah we'll see we'll see yeah we'll see i'm gonna wake you up i'm gonna wake you up so many times okay all right then i'll do my laundry do i need some change um the only person i have to call is still probably throwing up in the bathroom wait didn't even know they're thrown up remote ooh hey friend i like freaking late night wash too yeah i work night shift at the factory down the road this place is the only one open when i get off work was a real pain when the first one burnt down the what first one you do around here yeah this place used to be next door years ago but there was a big fire i don't think they ever found out exactly what caused no one ever mentions a fire and it's just like a casual one-off thing it's always a horrendous problem that like is related to the entirety of the crux of the issue here so i'm just assuming that's important girl died in that fire too an employee i don't like to spread rumors but but what but what pretty mysterious the way she died i mean it wasn't a fire that started quickly she should have had plenty of time to get out but she was found in the office sleeping i heard they were close to opening up a murder investigation that a detective thought the girl was locked in but then decided to drop it when nobody came up hmm you know cops lazy sons of i know that's true it does sound pretty suspect interesting sure does sure does feels like it got swept under the rug pretty quick what with the womb ripper coming around and butchering those women that has all the headlines these days hmm okay cool well thanks for the uh thanks for the backstory oh i need to get some change first i knew i did i know how this all works whoa what is that all about this wall looks different from the others yeah you're damn righted dude why is the change machine back here why all right that should be enough for a washing or dry cycle why is it all the way back here why would it be all the way back there you still there buddy boo okay good urban legends won urban legends ooh whoa it's a comic what the hell all right well this is probably uh important information [Music] okay cool oh no well that's fun okay anyway i gotta wash guess i can take a look at the other stores in the plaza while i wait for my clothes i guess i can i guess i can i'm gonna do that hey where'd the employee go dang i need assistance all right fine i guess he's taking his nap which is no problem for me i didn't hear anything what are you talking about sounds like a child crying but i don't think it's a kid yeah no i don't think so either i don't think so yeah no i i i don't think so people peoples people people hey people help you looking for anything specific a movie movie a video game oh you know you know fish um no just browsing things i choose fish let me know if you need any help all right p-paw and don't you even think about stealing anything i have eyes everywhere okay i'm gonna take that literally wouldn't dream of it you have quite an assortment of things what kind of store is this again hmm it's pee pals i'm peepal it's my store okay right all right cool horror movies i could read the back of these all day for the residents of holloway senior care center dying in your sleep is the best thing that can happen classic vinyl records oh wow why whoa too bad liam won't do any of the things the guys doing these tapes do or the girls what huh what's next virtual reality right of course see smile i'm on camera interesting interesting interesting the interesting what the hell gotcha uh you're not stealing anything no i'm not damn my apologies okay all right i got nothing to say about that all right we'll see or see around shotgun her name is shotgun and she has a shotgun all right cool the master system is out now but this is still my favorite i already have one it's been great to have since i'm really home these days everyone is followed by something hopefully for me it's not that creep from the bus fish you do have fish wow what did i just get interesting huh who made these comics what made them well i can't show this one oh get out of here very interesting huh okay well thanks p-paw i'm gonna leave now later p-paw exit pawn shop no that was p-paws that wasn't a pawn shop what are you talking about what are you talking about eggs at a pawn shop this is pea paws oh it's an old shirt does it have blood i don't really want to inspect it any further i guess it could be something else what smells like spoiled meat gross oh four five one oh four five one everyone to remember oh four five one oh four five one oh four five one everybody oh four five one oh four five one remember write in the comments oh four five one help me remember if you all write in the comments i might actually remember it oh four five one i've forgotten it already okay pizza parlor hey visa oh nice place you got here missing person flyer that is a young woman list missing over a week there's so many different ones i wonder if anyone around here knows anything about this i can bring this to people and see if they have anything to say about it all right duly noted if a good night's sleep isn't in my future then i don't want to hear about it oh is that my dick out is my dick out is my dick out and swinging do i have a swinging dick out am i swinging dick out wham bam you're a capitalistic casualty all right fair enough hey you know anything do you know anything about the recent disappearances um no not really one of the girls who was in my class was one of them though oh so you do know something i didn't know her too well except that she was pregnant i hope that she just skipped down and not one of the you know victims yeah okay all right let me go ask pee-paw pee-paw do you know anything about the recent disappearances recent recess this has been going on for a long time uh-huh how long like when the womb ripper killings first began lord no i'm talking years girl years don't make me repeat myself yes this area hasn't been the safest place not since that laundromat caught fire the one over there no that's the new one the old one is right next to it been empty ever since that night well i don't like that are you saying there's some correlation between the laundromat fire and the missing people i'm just saying what i'm saying hmm all right well i'm saying what i say which is words anything else you can tell me ah leave an old man b i have things to attend to do you do you pee paul do you do you have things to attend to and what is that actually smells pretty good like the drowned and butter movie theater popcorn i would like some of that i'm kind of hungry all right anyway bye people or is it a pawn shop which is it people okay so what's the deal about this i wonder what happened here uh a fire weren't you paying attention to anything yeah you're stupid and also that means that hole in the wall goes to this interesting is my laundry done what are you a cop or something i don't know anything about those missing people sorry okay all right then well time to hit the old dusty trail oh it's done whoa handy that all right let's dry your time bam topper in it's entering the belt the front counter hello am i supposed to go in the bath is this like an invitation or something should i not take this i don't feel like i should take this locked weird well good thing i have a key interesting condoms no damn buns great ow oh 8675309 interesting i don't like it hmm that's loud huh this is for public intoxication but that name keeps popping up wonder if i can find out more about them i can bring this to people and see if they have anything to say about it oh sorry okay bye don't like that the hell is that a mannequin with a baby who could have put this here yeah who could have put that there okay sgp 173. well you got me you got me well done you got me what the hell what an ugly doll head what i don't remember seeing that on my wind yeah i don't remember seeing it either hello don't know how you got that but yeah i knew louis he owned the old laundromat that burnt down we were buds but he disappeared one day we were buds yeah okay it's the aliens i tell ya lewis is looking down on us poor schmucks right now from the cosmos uh-huh okay all right you believe that is my laundry done can i go home now six minutes and 52 seconds left oh it's actually a timer oh interesting okay well i've okay well i already found everything i needed unless there's some way to break through here maybe i guess we're just waiting then what okay that's strange i could've sworn i've seen this car before i did didn't i is that one that was waiting for me or on the other side of the street before the bus came four minutes and three seconds left well i guess i could play a game pork skis revenge oh [Music] i am really getting revenge i don't know what caused this rebellion but i'm murdering what looks like children so that's a thing that i have now on my soul kind of a bop though [Music] oh wait did it restart wait what did that happen did i fail i don't know i was bopping out yeah one minute 22 all right i'll be right back then in one minute and 22 seconds goodbye is it done did anything spooky happen while i was away 18 seconds left we're almost done and then we go home and then we're completely free to go home oh that mannequin still there i don't like it what the hell clothes are still wet this machine must be broken but those are my last quarters i need to find that employee and get my quarters back hey employee oh oh well that's not good hello oh oh hi oh my god it's the employee what happened did he fall for all these shreds i need to call the police i sure do i sure do this might come in handy now give me that hammer looks like uh looks like uh looks like i'm gonna get my money back because if i would know the code i might know the code is it oh four five one because you guys help me remember it it might be that okay what's your emergency um hello sarah you need to send someone now i'm at the hello [ __ ] sheet you [ __ ] 20 minutes oh wait how did they get here dispatch said they got a call coming from out here but it's strange uh why i can't seem to be able to find anyone oh i'm the cop now oh i'm policeman john or officer burton officer burton here pizza's closed people's clothes plants closed wait a minute [Music] income tax it's the income baby it sounds like it's coming from that office by the pizza place goddamn tax babies all right i'll go to the tax baby goddamn babies all right okay all right okay all right bring it on baby i can i can i can fight a baby hello is anyone there is anyone here the police this is the police if anyone is there then come out now if you're a baby and you don't come out with your hands up i'ma shoot wildly recklessly even something wrong here i better investigate them i better investigate thoroughly note that donna reads whoever's eating my lunches i will find out who you are and report you to henry poor donna poor donna anybody uh babies schedule request doesn't look suspicious to me looks like a business plan of some sort okay expense reports nothing important wookie believe it or not i don't have to make copies right now it's empty hello not a fire marshal okay babies nothing jumps out to me nothing jumps out to me or does it some kind of filing cabinet that stores files of some sort who's in here what the frick [Music] crumpled piece of paper that i'm too lazy to unfold wow really way to go aha would you look at that a confession in this email from ben saying that he has been eating donna's lunch another case solved you bastard all right clock it's lying about the time but i guess i can't bring it in for that backrooms damn door's stuck god damn it i'm in the back rooms god damn it all right well i'm here forever now i'm here forever i'm here for goddamn forever aren't they i'm stuck in the oh my god i'm stuck maybe i can find a key around here somewhere what hello what what what are your hands up or down i don't care put everything down no don't you dare the [ __ ] what's that what in the [ __ ] was that holy jesus was it holding a child i don't know you're the cop here bang okay bang bang bang unlimited ammo baby [Music] get on the ground okay get on the ground this is my 968 shot revolver bang seems like it doesn't fit this story you know what does fit this door bang bang boom bang bang bao bao bao ba bang bang boom bang boom bang who's down he's always how many babies do i got carve my way through to victory okay put your hands on the ground put your ass on the ground and your hands in the air get your ass on the ground i hate it i hate it i hate it the answer is i hate it oh god no oh god no oh god no i'm gonna kill you [Music] oh my god am i glad to see you oh i almost shot you you gotta help me there's some crazy person running around with a knife okay slow down it's okay just follow me and i'll get you out of here i might whoa bang boom bang bang bang bang i got him okay bang okay bang this is where i would shoot this is where i am currently shooting [ __ ] there has to be another way out of here yeah blasting my way out guns blazing i choose the guns blazing path okay all right there's got to be another way you know they're funny as funnily enough there might just be seem pretty calm for watching that guy just get murdered i'll kill you i'll kill you okay i'm going in i'll kill you i'll kill you kill you all right dead all right what you can't you can't you won't you shan't you shouldn't try who can play at that game [ __ ] i'm happy [ __ ] one of us is going to hit the other eventually all right fine looks like i'm out of here whoa bang bang bang what i got mortalized oh god okay oh wow well i just witnessed that oh locked oh good i'm so oh okay great it's a receipt for a building repair company looks like they had to repair one of the walls in this laundromat with plaster i bet i know which one and i bet i have to hit it with a hammer oh boy oh boy is my laundry done oh wow [Music] you're bad at singing just so you know very bad there's a door behind here i go to old laundry man now wow well i don't like any of this good thing i have a hammer hi how you doing good to see you oh shove it stop it now stop it right there can't open it's firmly nailed shut oh finally i had a hammer if only i had a hammer main suspect in police investigation disappears good 45 year old lewis kennedy has gone missing the top suspect in the grisly crime of arson and alleged kidnapping murder of a young woman has eluded authorities sources say that kennedy has been under surveillance for a few weeks and at some time over the course of the last night had broken contact with officers and has not been seen since authorities issued a warning for all residents in the area to be on the lookout for this potentially dangerous individual okay thank you thank you for that for that update that must be years old by now in this old ass laundromat oh god oh i found the layer great good great hmm what are these doing here i should probably leave yeah i shouldn't be here yeah i i definitely shouldn't be here oh no not a flashlight where is it where is it where is it where is it where is it where is my goddamn flashlight oh i don't it's not actually a thing this is just gonna turn on [Applause] get in the freezer get in the cabinet whoa whoa get in the crates oh get in the crate oh get in the barrel i i don't know i guess i go this way won't budge oh what the hell when did that happen oh god oh god oh god oh god oh my god i run i run so many knobs and so little knowledge i'm i'm i'm liable to blow myself up yeah can i crouch is there any how do i crouch can i crouch i can't crouch i've never known crouch oh i didn't need to crouch who's above my head hey pal you okay so corpse looks like it's been here for a very long time okay flesh oh my god oh my god how long have i been here last thing i remember was walking home and now i'm locked in this godforsaken room who would do this to me and why i need to find a way to get out here let's drive blood on the walls and floor and i have my child to think about now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yep yeah oh yeah i know i won't be getting out of here alive that's psychopathic it kills women like me i've heard at least three others brought here and killed peeking through the cracks i saw that it creates these masks out of skin skin from the poor infants whose mothers were just slaughtered i don't know what kind of game it's wanting to play i think my time is almost up it made me swallow key a key that i think would get me out of here but i have a feeling it won't let me live long enough to use it i'll be strung up and butchered like the rest of my baby oh god i'm sorry my little angel oh my god those were faces oh i know why you gave me the scalpel i know why and i am not going to hesitate look i got my baby to worry about and and like i i i do not have time to ask gimme gimme key i can believe i'm doing this me and my baby we're getting out of here live and also i'm going to stab this in the eye or whatever freak wants to try to cut my baby out of me screw you in everything you have about get your ass out of my ass get asked out ass ass kill you i'll kill you so hard i'll kill you i'll kill you i'll kill you i'll kill i'll kill you i'll kill you i'll kill you okay seems like you've already been killed it's a corpse it looks like it's been here for years there's a wallet sticking out of his pocket kennedy what the driver's license belongs to lewis kennedy but this doesn't make any sense i need to get out of here and call the police yeah i've been trying i've been i've been really trying i'll kill you i'll kill you i'll kill you i'll kill you i'll kill you oh my god oh my god this plate open looks like she hasn't been here very long oh my god i'll kill you i'll freak i'll kill you i'll kill you i'll kill you i'll kill you i didn't think that this place was so big on the outside it seems like way bigger right now for some reason find the child okay is this person just playing a game with me is that what's going on here i feel like that's what's going on i'll kill you i'll kill you i'll freaking kill you what is this what is what is all this what is this supposed to be huh stab you in the teeth i'll stab you in the teeth i'll step in that teeth hi hello ammo it's a doll that's been cut in half ammo i did did i get a gun am i gonna get a gun okay i'll kill ya all right okay i'll kill you don't mess with me oh pistol oh i know whose arm that is okay yeah all right i'll frickin kill ya i'm gonna kill you this doesn't make any sense this doesn't make any sense what in the hell what in the heck in hell what i'll freaking kill you i'm gonna kill you i'm gonna kill you here we go bang oh yeah get out of my way kill you okay come out you [ __ ] yeah come on ready for you okay i'm glad that me and sarah are on the same page here i'm gonna freaking kill you i'm gonna kill you bam all right that wasn't you kill you i'm gonna blow a hole in your brain i'm gonna blow a hole through your teeth and out your ass i'm gonna kill you don't you [Music] [Applause] yeah you better run yeah you better run [ __ ] yeah you better run oh poor baby got a few more whiny holes baby you come on you want some more huh i got plenty i got unlimited this is a special gun i got it for beating a resident evil game straight up unlimited ammo forever bang get out of my face hello oh sorry sorry sorry got you got you oh i got you oh you think you think you think you think you think it ain't happening yeah you cry [Applause] yeah you keep crying you keep crying trash baby trash you trash you trash you're trash you trash you coming after me you trash you're garbage huh me try me try me yeah that's right get out of here [Applause] wow that's really pathetic man that's really pathetic that's quite pathetic it's quite pitiful all right i don't know where i'm going i don't know where i'm going come on oh no come on come on hit me had me did i loop around have i been looping did i loop did i just loop did i loop through the goddamn hole plate oh my god i did wow okay so it's a big loop try me try me you can't you won't you [ __ ] you shouldn't try me oh look at that oh look at that you're dead that's right i don't think i'm not going to shoot you multiple times does it what what lewis kennedy wasn't killing all those women what who's who what it was samantha oh after lewis locked from the laundromat and burned it down she survived and she must have lost her baby though with almost being killed losing her child and being terribly burned she completely snapped oh she killed louis and then set her sights on killing others who had something she didn't oh god well [Music] that was great that was great i love that that was well done i liked that i liked that a lot had like exploration to it had a good few good scares here the final confrontation i actually felt like man you i'm gonna freaking kill you you're not gonna get me my baby not my baby way to go sarah way to go stan uh not so much way to go creepy guy we're gonna go hobo joe junkie way to go man with bachelors way to go bus driver we're gonna appliance manager we're gonna go p-paw we're gonna go laundromat employee way to go patreon way to go call girl call girl who's call girl when was there a call girl oh you know what i bet it was i didn't actually go up to the numbers on the wall and like click on them or something so i bet if i'd uh oh i bet if i had clicked on them i could have gone to the phone and actually called it oh no oh no i'm the autopsy attrition well i was pretty upset to be woken up so late for an impromptu autopsy but when they told me that it was the actual womb ripper well i got down here as soon as i could all right doug get ready to get your work you can't believe that it turned out to be samantha rhodes who'd gone missing and was presumed dead years ago hmm who knew who knew pizza well la la la i'm not even gonna look at the body multiple gunshot wounds that's the official cause of death but jesus christ i didn't even understand how she was alive in the first place let alone how it took so many shots to bring her down most of those looked fatal on first glimpse to me i guess we'll dig in and find out more oh yeah let's dig in time to dig in oh oh what the hell the power went out well that's you love to see it the fuse box is down the hall i'll be right back don't you go anywhere ha ha hehehe all right goodbye this is great this is great this is great this is great this is great this is great it's great it's great it's great it's great that's fine i have nothing to say about that i'm doug that happens all the time okay lights are back on yay everything's fine everything's great everything's fine everything's great everything's fine uh oh what the she's gone i have to get out of here you have to get is that how do you know why is it why i gotta get out of here [Applause] i guess i'm dead but i guess that the womb ripper is not i love that that was great fantastic fantastic fantastic really didn't enjoy that keep making stuff like this is super fun if you guys want to play this for yourself link is in the description go send the developer some love and just really fun time yeah make more cool stuff like this if you guys got any more suggestions for video games like this that are intricate and well made horror games that are a complete story i want to find them i want to play them this was a surprise so thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to see more scare games that i've done check the link in the description below thank you again and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,589,768
Rating: 4.9757257 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, scary games, bloodwash, horror games, indie horror
Id: wp5vAdUf9ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 53sec (3173 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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