Happy’s Humble Burger Farm

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to happy's humble burger barn if you remember this game it came out a while ago but this is a full release or an updated release or something new about it well we're gonna find out because i haven't even made it to the oh i haven't even made it to the intro screen or the main menu that's what it's called is this lore [Music] lore lore okay so this is happy's uncle this is happy's hunger if you don't remember here's a little sneak peek of what happened in the last one happy's humble burger barn happy's humble burger barn how oh your eye your eye is horrible [Applause] oh that ain't good okay here i go oh into the other world in this series of experiments we will attempt to influence or control the minds of our test subjects through themed auditory and visual cues to speak bluntly if we can brainwash people to buy more paragon products we can fund more experiments but he has lost his mind [Music] they can't give us a raise after working here for years [Music] so i'm supposed to believe that you guys are just totally okay with the idea of mind control chips being implanted in your own skulls just by corporate policy uh-huh if you haven't seen happy's humble burger barn well we gotta cook a burger apparently first grab a bottom bottom plate hi hey how you doing good to see you you look a little surprised to be here don't worry [Music] i'll take extra good care of you you won't want for nothing i'm gonna feed you and treat you nicely and give you head pats what are you doing what are you doing okay anyway i'm burger bun no bottom bun bottom bun post the bun plop the bun wham okay i did that wrong flap [Music] there we go pop that bad boy on there yeah i gotta do it from here this is how they always wanted it to be i know this haha oh crap hey it's on the assembly but i mean i did i'm gonna cook a burger now ma'am is this weight is this the assembly board swam oh place one of every sandwich topping [Music] how do i know when it's cooked where's my spatula can i get us can i get a spatch bam done this is probably fine no it's a bottom i need a top i need to top real bad [Music] don't take that out of context all customers must be served food in a bag make sure you pay attention to exactly what they ordered thankfully this specific customer isn't picky interact with the bags laying on the assembly table once an order is bagged there's no going back so be careful and pay close attention place the customers burger in the bag ring the bell and release it back from the board serve [Music] [Music] good [Music] what she only moves if you're not looking what oh ha oh look at that would that be some rotten burgers hey don't worry pal i got you taken care of i was almost a happy sandwich you're goddamn right i was oh well this is different hey use your employee manual we strongly recommend taking the time to reference your employee manual i'm looking at my employee manual welcome new employee if you're reading this congratulations you have been hired read this manual to get started marty ahead of the curve grab jill daddy's throw them on the grill don't make too much early it spoils fast at the prep table place bottom one but wham but but prep while the meat cooks how to be pattied good delightful happiest deluxe sliced pork make pop and pork sandwich and a juicy piece of chicken to make it fantastic empty one bag of fries and salmon nuggets and put it in the fryer and wait until it cooked remove and place into the warming basket before serving one basket full warmer management your role that happiest humble man this feels like i'm actually going into a job i don't like this i'm a youtuber what fashionable skills do i have arrive at all time and a bit pride your own transportation clock your shift turn off the lights turn on off answer all calls do not miss cook serve handle cash transactions they are watching you eat somate this is this is a lot do everything with a happy humble smile okay anything in these what's beeping oh no thank you some don't seem right [Music] employees get one it allows me to check in on you at any time so behave yourself they only work one way though so you can't call me like ever but trust me if you need something i'll know now don't be late for your first shift keep those customers happy get it wow that's a lot oh i'm looping through never mind ah all right keep the customers happy you got it pal throw one open try again tomorrow yeah okay what okay uh [Music] why would i want to find my way into my neighbors your name's toes okay i have no idea what's happening but i i'm assuming this is a happy humble apartment complex and don't come any closer no i'm coming for you oh my god okay this is uncomfortable wow this is um you tell do tell me okay i'm gonna get out of there vending depot humble burger bar okay okay the burger is a lie i mean given the events of the other go trust you about don't being late you got it pal i feel good about what's with these big parking garages they don't really make sense architecturally speaking in fact a lot of this place doesn't really make sense but i'm not gonna chalk it up to uh anything other than stylist choices on the behalf of the developer [Music] are all so turn on the lights and the oven clock yourself in hit the open side and get to work you got it get your stinking nets hooks and worms out of my face fisherman all right um again lots of stuff that you told me to do that i'm not necessarily going to remember hi i have a co-worker [Music] okay all right just as eloquent as the others okay clocking in appliances okay um what did i do what what what this is the toilet is this a hole in the ground the toilet okay lights uh kitchen lights nope they're already on sprinklers oops ah that's not what i wanted oh good okay i gotta turn the open sign on i think we alright oh my god what what what just happened okay oh that's normal this is naked larry he likes sprinting around he's a banging customer i can't fault him hey all right we is open why are you different by my places and still many more will fall in the future all right edge lord i'll help you all right okay customer hey what's up buddy what do you want what can i get for you can i get you a happy's humble happy burger come on give me the goods hey you're that guy oh poppin pork no onion you got it poppin pork sandwich comin right up you want poppin pork i got you good bam okay turn it on on on how do you ah okay all right poppin pork pop pork pop my porks uh one of these slam okay no onion you wanted everything butt onion got it you got it wham wham wham wham uh what did you want okay no one not yet anyway i don't know what it looks like when it's cooked what can i do for come on right never mind you're done you're done yeah you're done wham slam blam blam give me that perfect where's the bag there we go you bam slam there you go all right what would you like what would you like what was it like hey i remember this it's like riding a bike fantastic foul no onion it's a no onion kind of day slapper are you gonna help me buddy probably not wham wham wham wham bro [Music] i feel good about myself come on up hey how you doing what can i do for you what can i get you fantastic foul no pickle okay this is inefficient was i supposed to like take out the trash or something that's something about resetting this but i don't know oh god i have a rat now wham [Music] there you go they're the naked guys back happy deluxe no onion okay all right i'm just gonna pretend like larry ain't doing that what we're fine oh my god oh my god go away larry get out of my god damn kitchen i'm working here hey how you doing there what was it no onion right yeah okay no onion i didn't put onion on there good good good good there you go all right well i'm doing my job as best i can it's weird making people uh fantastic foul no pickle okay all right you got it pal oops that's fine who is breaking stuff hello bricks who in the hell [Music] yep i don't know what that was about that was a little odd oh no thank you okay what did you want happy deluxe no onion okay oh my god they're gone okay can i put it back please can i thank you okay i need to pick up and dispose trash in the lobby all right i'm gonna do that this is this an arm dump dirt wham wham what do i do with this put it in the freezer if i remember correctly from the previous ah indoor shelves okay well i'm not very good at my job am i oh ah okay so i need some rat traps hello [Music] all right sorry pal sorry buddy what's that oh that's the broken window okay well found that any more tramps okay [Music] oh that looks bad i'll take that though okay hi you gonna do the thing again dude dude i dare you i okay so apparently he just farts a lot all right i'm gonna go home i gotta turn out the lights i remember that turn off the imply okay never mind turn off the lights all right goodbye claw of course of course i have to clock [Music] okay that's fine [Music] okay i'll go home now i guess i don't know what's happening i don't know why it's happening i don't know what anything is but i got some action figures toe's your co-worker he really likes well done burgers and hugs well that's good all right well job well done thank you everybody for joining me on that wonderful magical adventure oh this is open we offer patented hands-off healthcare to keep you productive docile and satiated let us do all the heavy lifting okay oh hi hello oh uh hello hi what do you sell i steal himself the one place in new allegiant city you can buy radio transmitters and other rare weird items you might even be able to sell some things or two for some credits but you are making money on the side are you we've got extra ships available you know why i don't understand any of this like what what is this game what is happening here i'm so confused what is this like some kind of life simulator is that what this is supposed to be murder the plague player i don't know what's happening what is this some kind of life simulator what is this supposed to be i'm so confused i thought i was gonna have like a nice little horror experience and it turns out they've designed an entire city for me to live out my miserable existence at happy's humble burger farm all right whatever time to go for a nice sleep so i can get back to work at my lovely job you were almost the happy scent was i was i though was i though how is that you say you toe hey toe how you doing buddy hey okay i'mma go to bed i'm gonna go sleep slamming what is this game i'm so intrigued and i'm diving into this so that you guys don't have to but what is the game i don't know hi hey it's you again hey say you told beat you there the boss is always watching but not listening no sound hi you what um [Music] we've made it almost automatic for you with any block you can get roblox all right whatever man this is so weird no idea what's going on all right appliances are on toes what can you do for me can you uh help me out okay fries this is for this is not fries that's a cookie fries slam slam it in nugs slam them in sl slam slam there we go now what can it do you for fry soft drink you got it what kind of drink you wanna move kinda and he's kinda all right you got it blam dealer's choice who is breaking stuff everyone okay excuse me you're just gonna pick that up that's not yours don't worry about it all right and fries are these done yet how do i know when they're done oh that's how i know oh hold on slam all right gotta put the nugs in the thing okay we're good on that welcome to happy's humble burger farm poppin pork fries soft drink okay hey toes can you uh can you watch this for me thanks you got it cool good what did you want not on it no pickle you got it weirdo it doesn't like pickle i'll eat your fries all right fries let's pop that bad boy in the blam i gotta go put another bag of fries in the deep fry yours hi oh my god larry what's wrong with you i doubled that hell yeah um uh okay is this done yet toast did you get that is this cooked let's not cook toes larry can you get the hell out of our kitchen toes look out close the room hose okay well there goes my pork i'm not looking i'm not gonna i'm not gonna look toes watch that for god's sake hello what is happening fries and a drink of course fries god damn it did i put fries in here there's fries in there god damn it drink uh hold on one moment please is that cooked yet god damn it it's a nightmare the nightmare is my nightmare is that cooked yet any day now toes there we go slap slap done okay plap it in blam ding dong here we go and out the door made it in with i think like a second just a second two soft drinks and a shake you got it uh you you would go there's multiple all right whatever sure let me whatever you know what whatever you give me that oh and a shake you is this a shake is this a shake machine oh i'm assuming that's a shake and wow thank you have a happy day hello to shake soft drink let uh pop and pork why is the orchestra here toast for god's sake watch that do you say two shakes you want soft drink too what did you want soft drink yeah make it nice and soft for you what was that what did i just see why are you there get out of the kitchen oh god no lettuce got it is that done yet no [Music] done yet oh my god toad you cook so the appliance is off well that would explain it hey sorry your orders it's shut up it'll get there shut up can i upgrade my kitchen no upgrade grill upgrade got it i don't know what i got but i got it you done good yes slap bam slap boom why am i trying so hard i don't understand this game what is that what are you saying no tomato okay slapped in wabam oh missed no no no no oh i'm done i guess [Music] here you go what is happening have a hug i don't i don't understand anything that's happening i'm just gonna go home i'm just i'm gonna go home i'm gonna go home because i don't get it i need to clock out [Music] oh i'm gonna go home i'm gonna go home i am going to go home i'm gonna go home i i does it mean i'm fired because i would like to be i'm going to sleep and then i'm right back to it with another happy day at work what are you talking about the sound of chaos i'm on a wanderer replacement for what why would you have any concerns over whatever this warehouse is mr burger boss well what kind of calamity unfolded in this jurisdiction hello what what is that what am i looking at do i want to look at it what am i oh no oh oh oh right it said keep all light sources off at all times asset may become agitated oh where do the wires go that's a good question i'm gonna go see if i can turn on some lights power sources must be turned on in order or risk electrical shock okay understood so there's a symbol here it's like a chicken leg got it okay chicken leg oh my god that's breben oh it's color coded remember to make smart decisions in event of an emergency power must be allocated in specific order or risk electrical shock so harry potter uh bad x chicken foot crowbar super crowbar remember to make smart decisions okay hey look at that what i have seen underground is nothing short of horrific it's not just our experiments something is alive down there upon extraction i must demand zayn reconsider his lucidus initiative it must be shut down immediately and permanently we must seal the underground facility grim is a good man but i fear he's been staring into the darkness for far too long green yellow white blue red green yellow white blue red okay that's easy i just gotta follow the green yellow white blue red okay okay green okay green yellow green yellow white white okay blue i don't know why i'm doing this but i'm doing it oh you don't go there you go you are oh [Music] okay here we go for some reason i'm deciding that this is a good idea okay wow okay hi hi freddie how you doing why did i do that oh no no no no no no no no no oh no i don't think so oh god why did i choose to do this why what am i doing what am i doing oh okay good okay well they kabumi maybe i gotta lead them towards it so they can kabumi it what are you oh hey pal oh boy oh no no no no no no come a little closer friend and like this bam did that get you i don't think that got you this must be it right this must be right why else why else why else all right maybe not oh ah ow god damn it hey we can put our chef skills to use maybe we can not sure how okay there's gotta be okay there has to be yes ow god stop oh it did it hit him any blue okay thank you for the help do not blow up this burg okay that's cooked slap the oh my god give me give me give me don't blow it up don't blah blah do you want a burger what about when he yells i'd probably throw it in his mouth come on yell yell yell yell big guy oh needs all what it did did it not oh you all right fine we're gonna load up this grill hey hey pals hey okay don't mess me up bro nope not today can i get one of these cooked i don't know i don't know when these are cooked are they there we go i don't blow up nah okay [Music] don't hit my berg okay here we go ah they're gone but that don't matter roar big guy roar how's that feel yeah yeah yeah you want three of those i bet i bet you won three don't you give give give give it god damn it give it no god that titty is just never ending huh hello there you go okay hi there's a lot of you i guess i could throw stuff at you right [Music] take a pickle oh no it didn't work i'm hoping just oh man i really need no that's not right ow oh oh my god thank you for not blowing up my berg no ow i said no there you go what do you think of that oh yeah oh yeah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh okay oh my god okay well i you know how i said i had no idea what was going on in this game i still kind of don't still kind of don't still really don't still really don't [Music] but don't mind me i'm just gonna make my way downtown walking fast faces past and i'm homebound through the facility for several days he found his way into a burger bomb simulation stage that was under repair construction workers were fixing up the building me and my team were working on a large quantity and dozens of ar units i hid in the walking i heard the screams of my friends and my co-workers since they were mexican after hours i finally emerged i need to find peter [Applause] [Music] all that was for crafting this thing was powered by car batteries is that what i'm supposed to believe i don't know what's happening i don't know why it's happening i don't know what my objective is i don't know what i'm doing with my life i don't know anything and ignorance is not bliss i'm gonna take a shower um hey you rd7 who are you what cow got your tongue why are you looking at me like that oh right i'm kind of just a talking head say you don't know what's going on do you right well i'm an artificial intelligence cybernetic organism or a robot if you will e7 was a human like you a friend haven't seen him in a while though he woke me up now i'm going to wake you up all of this is fake and e7 made recipes to try to break out see those blueprints over there on the walls it shows you the ingredients you will need throw all three of those ingredients into obscures fabricator and watch the magic happen right before your very eyes oh [Music] did i get a crafting recipe [Music] it's better that's better that's a good stuff okay so [Music] that's it for happy's hunger humble burger farm thank you everybody so much for watching we answered a lot of questions here i think we got to a lot of conclusions i'm very satisfied and happy with uh what i've done and i think you should be too so thank you for such a warm conclusion to this game thank you for watching subscribe like like and subscribe subscribe and like listen to distractible it is more coherent than this game is right now i'm not saying something thank you link's in the description and as always i will see you in the next video while you're looking for some kind of conclusion than me to wrap it up your guess is as good as mine bye-bye you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,364,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: happy's humble burger farm, happy's restaurant, happy, markiplier, markiplier scary games, fast food, gaming, scary, horror, indie horror
Id: cG26jVrue6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 22sec (2482 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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