Poppy Playtime: Chapter 2

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welcome back to poppy playtime chapter two we're going back into the toy factory and i know that there was a lot of drama to do with the company behind this game so i'm gonna be your lightning rod of hate please direct all of your hate and vitriol straight my way i can take it it's not because i'm a masochist i just want to know how much i can take so if you feel the need to spew vitriol at me i am ready and waiting for all of it to pour over me like a waterfall of hate guys live my favorite quote from um whose line is it anyway way back in the day um yeah i'm so ready anyway uh today is a momentous occasion it's an incredible occasion it's a wondrous fantastical occasion in which we get to explore the factory of poppy playtime together and uh subject ourselves to horrors unknown and i am your humble guide along with only me and maybe whatever is standing behind me are gonna accompany you into this factory and we're gonna see exactly how insane we could possibly be boom ah chapter two fly in a web with poppy now free what the situation begin hey hi twitchy how you doing uh the situation begins to ch change rapidly while you search for any way to escape the factory now i don't know about you but that sounds ominous and as far as [Music] all right as far as ominous things goes i'm not unfamiliar with a little omninity i don't think that's the correct terminology for it but if you are unfamiliar with the omnimity you need to go back and see chapter one or you need to cuddle up turn out the lights grab a blanket and get ready for the spooks now before i go any further i want to make sure that this is an adequate experience for everybody are you able to hear me clearly over the game clearly right now there's just music going on i don't want it fighting over another i'm a bad streamer i'm a worse youtuber and i want to make sure that the volume is adjusted perfectly because the only thing i care about in life is audio so is it all good loud and clear everything's coming through hot and heavy nice and twitchy [Music] anyway to recap what happened before we made our way into this factory for unknown reason we grabbed a backpack that could shoot out arms left and right and oddly enough it's kind of coincidental to what i'm seeing in front of me and i'm wondering if there's some kind of connection to that back cap backpack and the character that is in the thumbnail on this video but i'm assuming that's going to be told in this and the other thing that i'd like to say is i'm back baby baby i'm back i'm on a roll i'm officially back from my vacation uh after the release of in space with markiplier so i'm happy to do this i just released a video a little earlier of me playing the entirety of the stanley parable ultra deluxe which people were asking for and now i'm gonna play this because these are the two things that people wouldn't stop shouting about and you know me i'm a people pleaser i love doing exactly what people want nothing to the contrary to that so whatever you want is what i deliver i'm here for you to do what you want actually i do want to play this so it's totally fine all right everybody's in here let's go for it uh hold any button to skip why would i do that i learned my lesson from uh the stanley purple hello am i am i not [Music] co's new patented elastic plastic you can stretch pull and twist mommy longlegs in the craziest ways she loves watching you play when you're having fun she's having fun the new mommy longlegs from playtime co hello what's the time wake up oh hi wake up i i'm pretty sure that i'm awake are there subtitles in this game oh yeah absolutely this is the nft game i don't even know what happened with all that i know that people got very upset and perfectly understandable i'm not a big fan of nfts either are there subtitles in this um but as far as i know they kind of stopped doing that so honestly who knows what's going on with that i do not see subtitle option well that's a pain in the dick but okay i guess i'll just uh swallow my own pride and uh play on don't worry i'll say out loud exactly what is going on and remember i am your lightning rod of hate please direct it all towards me yeah all right um do i have a flashlight i remember this this stuff right at the end of the last chapter we did end up in some kind of a house and i don't remember why i don't even know if it was explained why but i do vaguely remember a cabinet that had something spooky in it in fact i remember a lot of things in this game that might have had something spooky inside or around it so into this game i go flap i do love these hands just as a mechanic it's just very fun and now i don't remember i don't remember how really use them also i must be a must be a child or something because this is quite a low perspective even lower than what i'm used to oh hello oh back in the factory already so is there any reason that there's kind of a house thing right next to the factory which also if i remember had all those crazy conveyor belts going every which way is that what it is 144p 144p crank it up to 1080. i'm broadcasting at 1080. there shouldn't be any reason you should be watching this 144p unless that's the experience that you want out of youtube and then fine you want to make everything an analog [ __ ] go for it you know what honestly i don't even care about the lore i'm just here to have a good time and get spooked a few times oh that's excuse you excuse you who's whispering at me why is this why is this toy covered in blood or oil depending on which one you depending on if you're a glass half empty or glass half full kind of guy oh is that a vent cover for up there nope i don't think so wham okay elliot ludwig okay keep going says you says you nerd show you's going all right fine i'll keep going look i don't need your guidance i know what i'm doing okay but how in the hell am i going to get it up how do i oh boy oh i don't need to that i can just if i just pull it then i should be able to use it as a ramp this is what people call a big brain move which is what i'm all about press here all right yes give me a big squeeze i promise i won't bite [Music] what kind of a promise are you making here give me a big squeeze yeah i don't think i will say sure thing pal sure thing pal sure thing pal what i can pull barrels but i can't pull those things off hello what a lovely flower it's a key actually if you think about it oh key all right fine then power overload overload overload it no all right fine then so if i have a key it must go to the door i'm assuming anyway another bloody toy okay goodbye i'm assuming that this red key with the red flower must go to the red door with the red floor i love him her them i love them oh this is weird wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute hold on here a pink huggy wuggy is that when i'm huggy and kissy stay the [ __ ] away from me forever kissy okay i'm saying no preemptively kissy all right oh i wonder i wonder the 5th of november wait a minute wait wait a minute hold on a second here hold on a ha a gosh darn minute let me get this out of the way i think this is a secret i think i'm supposed to go this way my gamer instincts are really kicking in can i push yes i can i wish i could just pick things up but apparently i can't do that all right hello can i crouch yeah i can crouch can i crouch jump it's a question okay so i gotta use my big brain here come here come here you wanna come here you know you wanna come here okay i gotta use my even bigger brain here you come here come here this is extremely worth it for those that are saying this isn't worth it you're wrong and uh who's been doing youtube for 10 years now that's me that would be me that would be this person right here yes yes good yes excellent good yes yes yes yes yes no no bad wrong yes no stop what are you doing just get up here oh damn you hmm okay well that's not really working but that but that's never stopped me before get up you damn you come on stack on top of the other one this would be much easier if i had been doing this yet that doesn't make any sense the way you're doing what you're doing doesn't make any sense at all actually so if i can scoop and then jump and hit it with my nog come on maybe you maybe you maybe i can use you come here you come here are you yes yes no invisible wall oh oh there's nothing over there wow okay whatever oh there's nothing there's hello what did i get what hello i don't know what did i get what no no i don't know what happened am i breaking the game i might be i might be breaking the game hello you have no eyes okay there's a vcr here and i remember that something about if i find it oh tape ah dave playtime co is the product of a great man by the name of elliot ludwig divorced but a family man at heart his sights were always set on bringing amazing toys to amazing children around the globe ludwig spent countless hours in the factory working overtime relentlessly in an attempt to continuously innovate and surprise in the 1960s an unfortunate family death had pushed ludwig down to his lowest but with so much ambition he rose back up and continued to fulfill his vision for the playtime code toy factory ludwig could never be content leaving a project unfinished but just how did one man come to create such an astounding empire how did he manage to stay determined even after suffering such a tragic loss it all began in the fateful year of 19. 87. was that the ludwig of 87 all right whatever i'm going in the vent i'm assuming that death will not be following me the moment that i get in here but you know i've been wrong before so i'm assuming i'll be wrong again even though time has not quite perfected my ability to play games properly but whatever it's fine hello die death death die kill it murder if i saw that in real life i would be trying to kill it so fast that is not a child that is a demon and therefore you should try to destroy it anyway ow oh right i need to do the rap beef thing here we go okay and then this uh no yes no maybe so i need to touch something else i think ah this hi y'all hiya all right hi yeah don't clap at me um i wanted to thank you for freeing me uh-huh i was stuck in there for so long uh-huh thank you i'd like to pay you back you'd like to pay yeah okay i can't hear you what what did you say something about train station you're expecting me to follow you you demon what where are you where's that voice coming from oh my god die death whoa hello hey hey hey oh cool all right guy i'll kill you i'll strangle you with my long hands you die you should be sad look at your face i'd be sad if i had a face like that oh yeah fine all right don't worry i'll i'm gonna i'm gonna get you oh i'm gonna get to y'all right oh i'm gonna get to you oh don't you worry i'm gonna get to you you just stay right there don't worry don't worry what is happening something tells me i'm not supposed to be trying to build build a letter of everything something tells me that i might not be doing this right but you know what hey i'm a big smart guy hoping ah god damn you your stupid pipe doesn't want to grab anymore hi-yah hi hi yeah okay fine okay don't you worry don't you worry don't you worry i got this okay i just need to crouch and then jump all right there's got to be another way i know people are just wailing and the gnashing of teeth is occurring at this very moment but uh to be perfectly honest i did say that i was going to be a lightning rod of hate at the beginning of this uh adventure and uh i'm just hoping to live up to those it's a ladder it's not a ladder that looks like a ladder but it's not a ladder don't worry guys i'm on the job hello no don't worry guys i'm on the job you're dead now what am i doing i don't even know if i was supposed to come up here was i supposed to come up here i don't recall ha-yah all right made it this is where i'm supposed to go right no the dark the darkness inside the darkness the darkness is consuming me that's not right the darkness no yeah whatever it's a dumb joke anyway what am i supposed to do i literally couldn't hear you before you said it so i really don't know this is the kind of [ __ ] that lixian would ordinarily cut out but unfortunately everybody uh subjected to my own stupidity for a prolonged experience i can really hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth it's quite loud hmm door is a door door door no not door hmm you no definitely not that [Music] i'm gonna wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute i'm seeing a path ah i've i've connected it i've connected it come here you come here you know come here you here we go everybody this is what people call a big brain move so i'm here right and then i go here right and then i go over here right and then i go here right and then i go down here and then i go here right and then i jump up onto and then i jump up onto it and then i jump up and then i jump up and then i then i then i jump up onto then then i then i jump up onto then i jump up onto then i jump up then i jump up die die i don't god damn it well i almost had you but i will not be thwarted again because i i'm really good at this game hold it hold hold hold hold hold hold pause everyone just shut off your brains for a moment don't you worry can you believe that i'm the same guy that made fun of uh ships for being bad at games can you believe i'm that same guy you believe this is the guy come on come on now i swear this worked before okay oh yeah no oh yeah wait what if i even better move even bigger brain move genius genius move about to happen genius move okay watch this then i push this over onto that tip it so that i can then pull it onto that so then i can make an angled entry upwards on onto hello there we go angled entry up over here now i've got a perfect path to go over here jump onto this thing go over here crouch down here reach over launch my hands across the room to latch on to that what what what hold on i jump over here i go over here i look at this i jump down here i will never look at chat not not on your life why would i ever do that i am stuck oh i'm free i will literally you cannot pay me to look at what you're writing whatever it is it's definitely not worth my time because i have already solved it i have solved it solved it solved it it happened before it can happen again it happened before it can happen again somehow i got it and it'll happen again it's going to happen it'll happen this is how it's going to happen everybody is going to happen i see chat moving over in the side i'm not looking at it why would i do that why would i look at it why would i ever look at it why would i ever look at it because this is exactly how the the the game developers intended for this to go just like this it's almost too perfect it's a pixel perfect move where you have to shoot it on the crouch on releasing crouch to get it over and then grasp on to the thing that's across the room how did i get that literally how did i get that lesson okay anyway let me try going in here again okay this clearly isn't it this is a toughy this might be the toughest puzzle in all of gaming history really tough right here so if i had to think about this and if i'm really thinking about this then there must be something that it wants me to do to either get up to where she is maybe the trick was trying to strangle her death die death die death die dad die maybe the trick was maybe the real trick was the friends we made along the way or the enemies die death die death die death i will never look over to my left i don't know how you cannot understand this i no look i never look i see it's just a blur it's a blur of text i'm never going to look i said at the very top of this oh you could pour all your vitriol onto me it fuels me i'm just seeing how much i can take the perfect strategy has appeared before mine eyes the truth was in front of me all along all i needed to do was use the tool it gave me ah yeah yeah all right fine that didn't work uh that was a joke i didn't actually mean for that to be the thing that you thought you'd have to be a fool to think that that was actually the thing that you thought i wanted the latter all along i knew it i always knew i always come back to the ladder i got this guys don't worry about a thing [Laughter] watch this get ready uh start recording this get ready to clip it because this is going to be what if it's been in front of me all along the ladder was already up here i moved it off of this place that it needed to be guys that was my bad i should have recognized it this was supposed to be up here because that's where it originally was this just goes to show my adventurous nature actually works against me sometimes [Laughter] i had everything i needed and you know it's just my own fault i i i made it too complicated see my brain was trying to make it uh like bigger than it really was when in reef get up here when in reality it was much simpler like the answer was directly in front of me all along okay just a little more certainty on getting that there there we go oh hey hey come back come on now okay you come here you come here you you come here you you come here you you come on come on come on over here come on up here what are you doing there you go perfect and voila uh look where'd it go that look that look she's giving me what is that look good god that look is the scariest thing that is the scariest look i've ever seen all right so i made it up here mission accomplished everybody mission accomplished so uh what did you want from me you have the tiniest hands i don't trust that at all did you want me to follow you like go back did you want me to go back did did you want me to go back maybe hey i'm up here oh i don't like that concept um i don't really appreciate that in fact if i had been able to hear you or if there were subtitles i might have understood that you wanted me to go back but uh you know it's like i should have understood i always go back is uh the quote that everyone loves anyway pish posh that was fun actually i thought that was a pretty tough puzzle but uh to be perfectly honest like i'm a bit too smart for some of these puzzles i feel like they could make it a little more challenging i'm sorry is there a demon chanting somewhere up above hello god i am don't let them near you what the floor isn't that the problem no you guess you're right when i fall into a pit not to let them near anywho all right where am i i better go back you know that's uh pretty sure i've probably got to go back all the way to in there solve that puzzle again and then i'll come back around to that [Music] you here well i probably have to do the whole thing over again don't worry guys i got this i'm sorry man i'm really taking this lightning rod of hate a little too seriously it was all a joke guys you know that whole time before that old time before that was just you know i knew exactly what to do from the very beginning and you know i just wanted to uh do a little trolling you know that's how i am maybe if i do both no okay let's try this again okay the spider-man swinging is gonna take a little getting used to i'm not 100 sure how good it's gonna be in the near future but uh a buzzy bee that's me uh you're [ __ ] dead uh sorry your eyeballs got exploded out of you i don't know if you're a buzzy bee at all hello are you here yeah probably broken peek-a-boo peek-a-boo hello oh my god jump jump in jump push push i push you me too oh oh god hello oh okay cool well that was that actually wasn't what i expected i fully expected to die 100 going into that hole um but now that i think about it considering that i didn't explore anything prior to that uh makes 100 sense and i'm sure that there were definitely no secrets that i missed before eddie m and r leith pierre elliott ludwig stella grape they all have these slides can i go up one of them oh really invisible wall are you serious oh it you couldn't have just put shutters on those you really put an invisible wall like oh we would never expect someone to go back up no one would be that stupid i'm playing of course i'm that stupid let me be that stupid okay who whose name fell off here [Music] let's see here there's letters on the ground we've got j a h y e o i and write this down write this down write this down we've got j a h y e o markiplier okay cool it's my slide wham wham no whim hey ah i see aren't you just a savage okay all right guys we got ourselves a puzzle the only answer is to throw ourselves into the abyss that's the only way guys it's the only way all right okay guys just hold on we've got a puzzle we have a puzzle now the trick of this puzzle is clearly to get the power in a way that doesn't i've got it i've got it i have it i have it genius genius genius genius genius level ultimate ultra level genius [Laughter] that's what you get developers you made it too easy you didn't expect that i would be playing you didn't expect this brain would be coming into this arena you weren't ready for this i know i got it god man you know i think this game might be made for babies [Laughter] anyway i'm gonna go high-five that thing because i am a winner and uh this definitely is an anonymous hallway where don't hold by [Applause] oh my god [Music] how is that fun instead why don't we make a game out of it the game station is still working it will be just like old time all three slaps i'll give you the train code mommy loves that idea puppy you're going to have so much fun head to musical memory and mommy will get things started obey the rules and eat your insides while you're still alive so what i heard from that exchange is that she was gonna eat my insides she was gonna all right you know what not so bad i would trust spaghetti lady before i trust that tiny uh chucky doll i would trust oh this way i would trust that let's just call her lady spaghetti for now i would trust lady spaghetti a million ways a thousand weighs more than this demon child a million trillion ways more so uh you know lady spaghetti she's she's all right in my wooded i just pick up what what what was happening oh god oh my god what are you what are you demon oh god all right um oh well okay that's fun um you're coming with me uh just uh it's just a just to pop down on his luck you know uh let's go for a walk let's go for a walk pooch oh come on boogie come on bobby where'd you go puppy where'd you go come on bobby we're going to go for a walk you want to go to the park you want to go to the game station oh you want to go puppy come on we're going for a ride i think i think we need to go somewhere all right puppy come here boy come here i can't i used to be able to i i was talented once it ow yeah come here boy uh it's dead so is my talent so um yeah you stay there i'm gonna take some rides horsey no well this is this is lovely this is adorable [Music] what in the heck in hell okay anyway i'm gonna keep playing was this power wash simulator we uh we all right anyway i'm gonna go now oh boy teeter-totter come on puppy let's go whoa you're so excited well now calm down now oh you you uh you calm down i'm gonna get you out don't worry you're gonna hop on you know come on noodle don't be shy yeah you sitting all daughter you don't have a choice in this all right you sit right there whoa come on now whoa hey calm down get on the teeter-totter get on the see-saw i the see-saw is [ __ ] all right fine whatever come on puji come here boy come on boy what else we got oh you want to go on the whirly slide all right you stay there you play you'd be good play play dead can i go god why why can't i twist myself into oblivion can i go up here why can't i go up there you're going to give me a whole a whole parked plane you're not going to let me actually play in it i can play it i can't play in it this is some [ __ ] now this is some [ __ ] here we go here we go all right okay and that oh okay i don't know what that was okay fine screw this i'm out of here this is a boring ass place anyway i didn't want to what is up there whoa is uh spaghetti ladies who's kind of like has a nest or something oh no idea come here what's this statues statutes that stat statues was i supposed to be collecting something this whole time whack-a-wuggy musical memory wasn't that what i was supposed to do go to musical memory hello don't need to tell me twice hi kids welcome to the game station i'm stella and we've got three super duper fun games to play stella these little tests show us here and we'll start by playing musical memory see you in a bit okay okay okay all right sure on boogie we're going to musical memory where'd you go oh how did you get ahead of me that's terrible okay i heard that there was a musical memory here some kind of musically memorable stuff i know when your birthday is june 28th [Music] it's a wish [Music] happy birthday to you [Music] okay all right well i'm assuming that you just googled that because that's pretty public information i know when your birthday is june 28th [Music] you just you just have a nap you you just stay down there you know you stay there come on puppy i'm i want to speak to the manager of this establishment i want to speak to the i want to speak to somebody about this i'm going to breach your privacy weed poppy yeah puppy will be there when i get back okay i love that the kids have to go through this mine shaft well that's too obvious clearly i'm supposed to hit these all right fine what have you got hello [Music] well i don't have another hand am i supposed to mold myself a hand oh wait whoa hey stop hold on there there's a tape here hold on can you shut up could you shut up could you shut up could you shut oh ten seconds [Music] oh okay sure what's what's the time plate okay whatever all right so i need to make myself a green hand so this is just a series of buttons right oh it's broken let's just wrench that back into place all right what else is broken before i have to do this it's going to go up through there into the whatever the hell that is with its long legs and then it's going to go over here it's going to go into the mashy muncher high five bro and you're going to go down there and then you're going to do something rather than i don't know i'll see the problem when i get to it go explain to me how that makes hands properly okay okay what no painting machine well why didn't you load it then how is this my fault i thought something was bashing its way into this door i didn't know something was bashing its way into that door safety first not liable what where what is happening yeah whatever i don't care hello hi it's me why is the back door open here why is this sorry just had a seizure for a moment there why is this back door open hmm is that a golden hand wait what was that oh yeah yeah hi i got a golden hand i don't know what to do about that but people seem to love collectibles if there's one thing i learned from the stanley parable is that people really love collectibles uh slam simple as that everybody simple as that what is that why don't they give me a flashlight hand that'd be useful hello hello oh god okay nothing over there can i jump into the hand machine i can that doesn't do anything high five high fives all right whatever bam at least i have backups this time oh okay thank you wow is there another door in here that i need to do this to or is this the only one so what was that about uh untimely deaths oh i probably have to do them ah no i shouldn't i should i shouldn't i'm indecisive they lied to me they lied to me i can't believe they did why would they lie to me the danger was never real to begin with i'm here trying to destroy myself in irresponsible ways and they don't even allow it they lied to me lag i can't believe it can't believe any of this i want to speak to the manager of this establishment please i would like to have a long firm conversation i bet i can hop this fence i bet i can off this fence i bet i can't i bet i can oh i so can okay okay perfect okay let's get you first off get you onto you okay hold on hold on i bet i can do this i bet it's so worth to do this unless they put an invisible wall at the top of this i no i've ruined everything i give up i ruined everything never mind uh you'll never you'll never be right up again i don't know why you even bother and for the record yes june 28th is my birthday hello oh welcome to musical memory this advanced memory and cognitive recognition test is designed to stimulate several segments of the brain allowing us to see how quickly and efficiently your brain works a sequence of colors will be shown and you must recreate the exact sequence using the buttons around you bonzo will slowly lower towards you when you complete a color pattern correctly bunzo will rise back up when you input a pattern incorrectly bunzo will lower towards you faster if bunzo reaches you your test is over the test will become more difficult as it continues with longer patterns in quicker succession that's all good luck okay all right you know what hey bonzo you think you know what birthday it is did you see the creator isn't it amazing what mommy hasn't seen the place i've been running in can only years how excited bonzo must be oh my god stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop oh that's the dinner bell good luck all right bunzo hey you want to fight buddy you want a fight you want a five bonzo good thing my brain is impeccable red now now red red red red red red red [Music] red red red [Music] red red yellow red [Music] [Laughter] [Music] green red green red green red green green red green green green red green green green red green green blue green red a green green blue green red green green blue violet green red green green blue violet [Music] can't trick me with that one oh god blue white blue white violet blue white violet blue white violet light blue white violet white blue white violet white blue white violet white white oh god blue blue [Music] [Music] oh god [Music] blue jay heart pie pie [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] hahahahaha that's no fun for doing such a splendid job mommy has decided to give you part of the code for the train what if i don't what if i don't [Laughter] they literally didn't account for any possibility that someone would not take this code you just uh you gonna dangle there from hey you're right okay uh what if i don't well i was just i'm just saying what about what if i don't listen you gonna make me huh make me take it make me take it good man the tension in here all right fine mommy was hoping the game could last a little longer it's okay though mommy knows other ways to play with you it's not it it's not just me right it's it's it's not just me right the energy that i'm picking up it's like really heavy-handed right i'm not into that okay all right it's a little coming on a little strong there all right okay it's not just me it's not just me right yeah i didn't think so and it's uh no thank you you know what i'm saying about that no thank you you don't quite have the um how do i how do i say this uh power that i'm looking for okay you kind of a little flimsy if you know what i mean much like this real all right that's too obvious you're not gonna catch me with that one that was too obvious you think there's gonna be a light in the handle that's gonna be glowing red that i'm gonna fall in no way that's the easy path i'm going to take the hard path there's got to be something i can stack in here i bet i can climb back up this way stack it properly if i use some kind of an exploit i probably can find somewhere to wedge my all right fine i'll go in this thing fine fine if i use this i can probably use it to wedge myself up and over all right never mind then i really want to break this game but this game just doesn't want me to break it look look i'm not saying anything i'm not saying anything look lady spaghetti sure if that's your type that's fine i'm just saying you know not quite the power you know what i'm talking about not quite the power you know i can't really respect that power it's not the same not the same it's kind of close but not the same i'm assuming that nothing's following me because that would be nope it's not really letting me grab anything but i want to break it now i want to break it not fine wow sir he really poops god lunas on his episode of poopsie sparkly critters was that it oh my god i love that one god i love that one good times good times well if you spit or will she poop she poop is this supposed to be like a dig at five nights at freddy's because i see the top hat and i see the bear here and you know it just it feels morning pooping hazard it feels like a little on the nose if if like when i pressed this nose it honked i would think that would be more of a reference listen listen bobby play diamond what do you got an equivalent of the bite of 87 in here wanna hear a dino joke click once for the question click again for the punchline [Music] what do you call a dino with one eye nope i'm not even going to listen to the pun i'm not going to listen kick me ball nobody likes it kick me [Laughter] i love kick me paul i love kick me paul look it kick me paul nah i don't love him that much oh i'm sorry you asking me to climb up you because i won't apparently fine oh damn it i was so close give mine really really i i feel like that should be mine i feel like that should be mine fine i'll go this way you're ex your what for me you are i heard something very different than i think what was actually said and i am not going to repeat what i think i heard are you speaking english am i having a stroke [Music] [Music] i hear root the second time when she emphasizes it the first word i am not hearing that anyway imma go now hey big red button no no what is happening oh you're too heavy okay fine i get it hmm okay so there's gotta be something here that i can uh do oh incinerate kick me paul launch with avery fry call retail stores to return spa shipments okay oh uh do we have to do hello do we have a tutorial somewhere here all right there's gotta be um some kind of a tape here that i've missed someone keep your eyes peeled i don't want to be delaying this too long i don't want people to get bored as i make no progress i would hate that to happen i would absolutely despise that that'd be the worst thing that could happen to me a youtube a youtuber of sorts there can't be a moment of uh dead air here it would just be a tragedy imagine if me a professional youtuber we're just stuck on the same puzzle over and over and endlessly over again never making progress can you imagine it guys well after 10 years of doing these let's plays i can proudly say that i am not like those other youtubers i am good at my job and i am just fantastic when it comes to delivering quality content that people love and deserve i think this should be mine this absolutely 100 should be mine that there's no reason that that i see it with mine own eyes i see the truth now i need to power that thing and once i power that thing that should be mine it it should be mine there's no way that this should not it's not give it to i'm literally here give it to me you you a [ __ ] okay i wanted you to know that i wanted you to know that okay i know what to do hold on everybody i'm charged up wait no stop don't do it yet don't do it yet give it to me well do your thing why aren't you doing it do your thing damn it nope okay and then what do i do do i get a screw the switch or something oh really this game really thought that i needed it to do all of that all of that nonsense for me just to get that i was literally there i i i was literally there and i had that and um i hate that i was right there okay but clearly i need to move this somewhere so that i can um can i not have that be stuck down okay so there's got to be something else that this needs to grab right that's the whole crux of this so what in this wild world oh duh doy come here you come here elmo oh let's go pal let's go i love industrial worker simulator this is fantastic wham come here you drop it on my head slam it on my nog it's probably something else that i need to do with this i feel like you live there now you live there now i am oh you're saying that i'm not as hefty as that dino is that what you're saying you think that i the director of an organization whose sole purpose is to track down mark e playa notorious international criminal wanted in 87 different countries is that very criminal standing directly in front of you so you really believe what am i doing here oh that's what i'm doing healthy bodies healthy workers playtime co recommends 30 minutes of exercise daily employees not permitted to exercise during work well this just reeks of funtime chica awfully suspicious if you really think about it which i am oh how do i get down ha i don't need to get down wham i'm sure blam uh so do i gotta get up and down before i do that what if i hold on i'm braining interesting okay so what i gotta do is i just gotta be quick about it come here come here i'm the king of quick god damn it okay all right then how about that [Laughter] all right cool easy peasy show me something tough show me something monstrous something i can't overcome i have been doing scary game let's plays for over 10 years you think that a little bit of more steam is gonna get in my way is gonna get a reaction out of me do you know how many other jumpscares i have faced in my time of being a youtuber you think oh you think your little steam joke is gonna get me i am dead inside and if you think you're gonna come into my video and make me jump from that [ __ ] you got another thing coming to you okay have a nice day okay thank you anyway happy 10 years to me been doing let's plays a long time guys yeah come on i see you oh i'm back up here poochie yeah ectoplasm the the the tunnel is blocked by all this ectoplasm who'd uh who'd have thought it would be here um god all the ectoplasmic goo i guess some kind of a ghost came through here huh all right well anyway what's next what's up with you anyway i don't like your departure [Music] [Applause] all right i missed i'm i'm missing somehow yeah okay this is the toughest minigame of this okay all right i just gotta get the right angle got it why was that so hard why was that so hard you did fantastic who gave you permission to be this smart mommy is super proud of you but i'm sure she's already told you that herself our next game is head downstairs and have fun okay all right then well it seems cathartic okay i don't like all these different colored woogies it makes me think that there might be some more monstrosities coming my way grow happy healthy kids i hate this are you are you suggesting that huggy wuggy is spaghetti ladies kid something like that also why'd they have to give her boobs like that we had a crash am i still alive yes i'm fine it's okay everything's fine grab pack storage why why would i need that do i need that is that something that i need do i need that is that something that i need do i need it can i get it i bet i can get it but there's some way that i can get it okay if i can get something up here that trash can come here i bet i can get one of these times it's going to flip up in just the right way that allows me oh i was faked out but it's okay because i'm going about it the wrong way it's so obvious now that i think about it if i could get this properly yeah nope hold on hold on perfect yes exactly what i needed ah exactly what i needed then i take this and i move it up here i throw it around up here and if i can get it wedged perfectly up exactly right now that i've wedged that perfectly i can huh well it's nothing all right goodbye then i didn't want to be here anyway i didn't want to be here anyway what am i here to have what is this what am i looking at here i'm looking at like sand oh hello welcome to wakka waggy this advanced test is designed to assess the extent of your reactionary abilities a dual palm grab pack will be provided to you for this test around you are 18 sizable holes an adorable huggy wuggy toy could appear out of any one of these holes if one comes out hit it with your grab pack [Music] that's all good luck oh oh no oh no oh no oh it's like it's like half tryptophobia used to have strings attached to them so they could be pulled back when they got too close to the children have fun okay all right i'll have fun show you fun i'll show you all kinds of fun are they going to make a noise when they come out is that the noise so i saw something oh oh i see you i can't see him i hear oh there you are get out here get out of here get out of here come on louden up a little bit get out of here get out of here here's something back here oh my god this is awful i hate this get out here nope no i hear that where's that coming from oh god oh god that's awful whoa whoa oh my god nope nope nope nope nope not happening not dealing with that we're not doing that today we're not doing it we're not doing it nope get out get out i don't want it we don't want it nobody wants it nobody wants it i will not have it get out of here who is there get out of here i hate you nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope oh god i'm dead all right okay you want to go you want to go huh turn up the volume so i can actually hear it bear with me because the problem is like i can hear them but i need to be actually tuned in so i'm gonna go full gamer mode the problem was that i was talking in the middle of it and therefore i couldn't hear anything so i'm going full concentration ah huh um oh good god good god good god you did it is so proud of you here mommy has another hint for you yeah what is it are you just gonna dangle it in front of me you're gonna dangle it again that was actually legitimately tough that was that was tough like if i hadn't been completely concentrated and if i hadn't been exactly tuned in with good headphones because i was literally just like blindly hitting in some of those hoping that i got something and some of those i had to hit twice did you guys notice that i'd call that a bit too difficult hey you've got really soft hands you have uh i don't know you just have really soft hands i can i can appreciate that i also have um very soft hands so that's something that we have in common and uh i'd love to talk more about that with you okay anyway all right thank you for the hint i'm not going to look at [Music] mommy it hoping you'd stay here forever though it's never too late to change your mind i actually haven't made up my mind about anything i don't really think that i'm trying to escape out of here um but at the same time i i could stay you got you got food i'm kind of hungry haven't eaten anything since i got here but uh alas oh well oh the truest adventure line of them allah [Music] no i don't want to do that i don't want it i don't want to do that okay whatever um this looks fine spooky all right this looks like that level from half-life like towards the end when you're escaping from the lambda complex there's something down here i feel like there's something down there i feel like there's something down here oh come on guys i'm just too tall i'm just too tall i can't i can't fit under here i could never i'm just too tall god oh man we'd love to get under there but when you're this tall sometimes you uh it's more of a burden than anything to to not be able to get under some things that are designed obviously for people over lower height hi speaking of tall oh hey okay welcome back to the part oh it's kissy oh it's kissy hi you can't get me you're stuck behind oh oh no well i'm just gonna slip right by him i'm just gonna slip oh are you opening that for me oh you're so sweet now that's someone with power that you could respect now that's what it's all about that's what it's all about that's what it's all about hey thank you for that thank you really big preach huge preach actually if you think about it barry i can't go up there all right wham bubbling oh i see what needs to be oh no oh interesting okay this place sounds a little ominous i'm gonna go ahead and say that this place is getting a little ominous how does this help how does this help me okay if i had to think about this with my big giant brain ah i know or do i did i just solve it hold on everybody hold on hold on don't don't don't even try don't don't no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i got this my big brain oh it has it has this i've got this in the bag i've i've got this 100 i have this i see the connection here and now i see it all unfolding in front of me like origami in my mind i see it actually if origami is unfolding that's things going wrong which is exactly what's going on in my head and you wouldn't even understand the levels at which i am already outpacing this puzzle i don't want to hear i'm not looking i know look i never look i would never ever in a million years look at what you are telling me right now at this moment i don't need to look because i've already got the solution to this here that door closes and that's good because that's exactly what i wanted to do because i already know the different levels at which i will be able to solve this and when i solve it hold on everybody you don't have any clue of what i am capable of there's nothing that i wouldn't do to stop myself from getting success i have it in my head i go here i charge this i put it here but alas i don't have enough charge for that but aha i already know the solution because this is connecting me to the solution right here and therefore i would be able to solve it without any further delay there's nothing that i could do and then you oh of course and then you go and then you take the i'll never look i will do this with my eyes closed so easy it isn't that's how much i've got this solved there's oh yeah it's all coming together now you take uh the round peg square hole triangle shaped here you've got the ah the pitter patter of the concrete falling down on the wall there's this [Music] and then you put this in there but when you put that there you can't put it there because you could never put it there of course you can't put it there because there's no putting it there you would never put it there because put it there it's just the most impossible thing that you could ever do how could you put [Music] putting it there is the crime it was always a lie there was never anything to do about it anyway that's the truth of it that's when we all need to realize this game perfectly encapsulates the futility of continuing to move forward the only answer is to not play this is the actual end of the game it's so perfect it's beautiful there is no progressing forward of course i've solved it there is no not solving it i would never not solve it because i've never not solved anything in my life no puzzle is too much for me to be able to solve and therefore the only answer is that there is no solution of course of course it's so clear it's so clear now how can i not see it how can i not see that this is the only way forward is to not go forward at all going forward is actually the illusion that that's clever that is clever that is incredibly clever and i can't believe that they would ever not think that i could never not do that for the entirety of the time that i would not do that it's almost criminally genius okay ah right well oh you think you're so you think you're so oh you think you're so you think you're so but no one's ever thought they were so before and no so has that ever been so whatever so to be so so oh the souls oh the souls oh the souls that they do so and when you sow you reap and you reap what you sow and the souls you have the shows and you take the souls and you ah oh yes of course how could i be so blind he was right in front of me all along all along but but then but then but then and only then only then only then do you see oh yes ah [Laughter] ah yes barry [Laughter] yes of course yes i'm supposed to get oh anyway what why did i build this oh no sir that's what i like to hear so marcus what happened is he i was heading home for the day when my apart realized that i left my bloody wallet in the cafeteria so i'm running through the lobby and that's when i see it a map handle lodged under the innovation wingate so what'd you do marcus well i just thought i'd nab the bloody yo could be on me merry way and well i'm reaching for the thing and the mob handled joel's on its own had me scared stiff i i thought i was the only one there so i i took a peeking pin eat the gate and some massive bloody thing was gathering about the bloody hallway thing you're sure it wasn't a person he's no person that's 50 feet long with a thousand legs marcus you're losing me maybe you just saw a bunch of people walking by look it wasn't people all right i happen to bloody notion what it was but i wasn't human who have you told about this besides me obviously just you sir obviously okay i'll have security skim the cameras and take a look what there's a massive bloody monster skimming ain't gonna get rid of it you're on a line marcus we make toys not monsters now come on get out of my sight actually uh grab me a coffee will you actually never mind get out of my sight man that that is fantastic i think they went up to sean they were like hey you're irish right wouldn't you play that how irish can you go can you take your irish slider and just like all the way all the way past 100 just like crank that irish up that was very good i did like that very good very good okay so i i obviously know how to solve this and i almost solved it already before because it seems like there's a bit of time bleeding going on here for you to zap at the zap and then you would give me you and wham and then pull this here quickly yoink come on go now barry oh you're fine i thought barry was about to die and i was worried for barry anyway barry time to die bye barry there goes barry hello barry i really really want to throw myself into this pit i like i really really truly have never wanted to do anything more than throw myself into this bit i have never in my life cannonball [Applause] i can take it i just wanted to see how much my body could handle i just wanted to see how much i just want to see how much i can do oh barry berry bye barry all right okay where am i now hole anybody in the darkness okay bye hey look i'm back here good at least i'll never have to worry about all that nonsense ever again but there still is a curiosity of why is my microphone all kinds of wonky what why are why are you like that i still don't understand what uh kissy kissy wissy missy kissy wait what the hell has that always been there how's that always been hmm oh this is part of that code thing right staff only how do i get over there i would have to do some crazy parkour ah invisible wall they didn't want anyone jumping all right fine then last one i [Music] geez think you played these before you're so good seems like you're ready for the final game statues follow mommy down the stairs one last time i hope you had a fun day at the game station see you next time i alright okay uh [Music] am i doing this wrong what is this what are you with what oh two hands apparently i needed two hands for that one ah good enough oh no oh no oh no do you think poochie was mad at me for uh leaving him behind do you think maybe is this a 3d printer parameter bat batari parameter batari parameter that's not how you spell battery but batari batari batari batari atari batari oh oh your eyes are with terrifying what caterpillar or bug i'm crawling on all 400s ah my bones are way too dense you know how much milk i drink you have no idea you could not handle my bones [Music] nope okay but that way no that's not right that's a different thing what do you do what are you doing ah okay well that's interesting but how do i take advantage of that that's gonna be a bit of a bit of a tricky one okay can i at least get up here yeah okay so i can get up here but what does that mean when i'm up here i go here grab that you there oh damn it also why why is this suddenly ungrabbable just because the light's not on that doesn't make any sense why would that be ungrabbable that doesn't make any sense come on got it you there hup got you easy easy give me a challenge next time give me something tough oh my god what am i hearing what nightmare am i hearing what nightmare am i hearing what am i hearing what did i do what did i do oh no it's the playground from security breach oh welcome to statues this advanced obstacle course is designed to test your physical endurance and strength the rules are simple the lights will turn off you can move through the obstacle course at this time however when the lights turn on you can look around but cannot move you may move again once the lights turn back off the lovable pj pug pillar will follow you if pj reaches you your test is over that's all good luck okay cool oh hi look pet boy good boy hey who's a good puppy who's a good puppy who is a good [Music] was puppy so sad to see the kids go they called me mommy because i was the closest thing they ever had to one but they'd come for games and never come back they left mommy to die alone mommy didn't deserve that but you you worked here so if anyone deserves to die alone it's you i worked here man i must have been a bad employee okay so uh who do i go now is now when i go isn't it now when we go we're going down we gotta go down now [Music] hit me hard and heavy let's go baby let's go go go can i grab these i'm not moving [Music] [Applause] oh my god i'm not moving i would never move i would never dream of moving why would i be moving oh let's go let's go oh my god i didn't do it it's not me i'm not moving i'm physically not moving i'm going hard baby hard that's what i do that's what i do all the time [Music] let's go baby let's go [Music] let's go the way the statue let's go let's go oh god that was wrong i'm so sorry i'm so sorry for everything i've never wanted to do anything more than what i'm doing right now i'm not moving okay here we go here we go here we go yes yes yes who would ever thought that i would be winning at life and this game and all what and always in forever oh god i'm so slow please let me get up on this hop oh my whole life i've been training for this moment oh my god go what what calm is the seat calm as the sea calm as the sea calm is the sea there's the summer breeze here i ah there i go where am i going where am i i don't even know what i'm doing i'm stuck i'm stuck why am i stuck why am i stuck why am i stuck why am i stuck oh my god oh my god are you serious are you serious are you cannot be serious with this this is baloney why would i be stuck where am i going [Music] where what i'm guys i'm uh a bearer of bad news [Music] i think i'm supposed to go that way but unfortunately it seems like i might be uh what is happening oh god oh god the light's on or off i can't even tell okay so let's just go to the right here i'm not sure i understand am i grabbing that i am i [Music] what what all right [Music] yeah baby yeah baby we did it i am the goddamn best what am i doing [Music] oh did i just break my legs i mean it's a pinky promise guys pinky i'll come back oh oh god never mind i guess i'm swinging you get to watch i i totally would but it doesn't seem like there's a way for me to do that i'm legitimately trying but you know whatever nope oops i uh i didn't do that right i didn't do that right i was trying to go but i was trying to do what she asked me to she asked so nicely it was very nice so why would i ever disobey oh my god i'm not good at the swing swung oh great whatever the hell that means i have no idea oh god okay whatever here we go again ah i am the best ah the whole family end up baby look at the baby that baby's gonna grow up to be a nightmare okay i was so confused there for a second because okay let me explain why i was confused so you got mommy here and this must be daddy and this must be baby right daddy's hand is yellow but the baby was yellow i was extremely confused as to what the hell was going on there anyway moving on geez it's okay uh spaghetti lady it's uh it's wonderful i'll uh i'll be back later i'll be back at another time just definitely don't follow me we'll walk down this dark hallway nothing okay whatever well this is this uh is quiet i don't like this um i'm gonna go ahead and say i i oh okay good i was so confused there i thought okay cool good great to be perfectly honest that room where i confused myself is like the scariest thing it's the scariest thing that i face in this whole game so far can i not go here hello okay um all right i'm just gonna go [Music] that's a cool valve why is this why is it so quiet why is it so quiet it's very quiet there are tape here somewhere i have not looked at my things here mommy long legs has the unique ability to stretch okay stretch any of her limbs for several hundred feet this includes her fingers arms hair neck waist and legs she's very hostile towards the staff but is very motherly and acts warmly towards the other experiments she is protective of them the hostility is quickly becoming problematic but perhaps there's a solution to put her in place her place mommy longlegs would be perfect for facilitating everything with the children in the game station she has the warmth that a mother should and any rowdy child can learn to listen to their mother it makes sense that her seeing these children daily would improve her behavior and it is very unlikely she will act out in front of the children have her transferred to high security maintenance immediately conditioning can begin okay sure what am i doing water treatment ah it's some kind of a puzzle some kind of a crazy puzzle so what do i need i don't know what i need do i need to get back to the game station what is that thing over there let me go take a look first and then i'll get there later uh okay i mean it's very pretty i i think what is this toy scanner i know oh right that was in the first game where you needed a toy swip the prototype the prototype has saved us i agree isn't he wonderful sure absolutely what are you talking about what do you what do you mean what do you mean what you mean the prototype has saved us okay so i need to go to the game station or over there and apparently i can't just make that jump which is strange which means that i need to rotate boink boink god damn i'm good god damn i'm good must be all this sleep i'm getting by the way did you guys know i've been sleeping very well lately it's been wonderful i used to only get like uh five maybe six hours of sleep a day but lately i've been sleeping like a dream i can't just grab that i can't just grab that i could grab it i will catch it yep it has been very nice like i'm not gonna lie oh oh did that change something you know oh okay so it's it this is some kind of a puzzle where i got to solve this out this is probably going to take me a bit yeah yeah i know right it's it's kind of i can't do that it's illegal what sleeping eight hours my god after 10 hours at 10 years ish actually more than 10 years of not sleeping for eight hours a night no thank you after uh like 10 years of not sleeping well it's uh it's been really nice to just be able to do what i need to do wait go to my inventory what do you mean i didn't get it yet i did not get it i did not get it yeah so so what happened is uh like because i i have adhd if you couldn't tell from this playthrough and uh like for the past uh since i got diagnosed when i was like 20 i believe i've been taking adderall which is a medication that i take but lately i switched up to this new one of stars and i've been able to actually sleep which is fascinating and incredible and makes me realize like holy [ __ ] i really have needed to get a lot more sleep lately because i've just been in a much better mood it's been fantastic actually so it's been uh been really nice where the hell are you going i need you to you're going there wouldn't that drop it right on me wait did i do it you go up there oh wait oh i see wait ah you go there ah really can i not hit that can i not hit that how can i not hit that oh okay so you see up down up what does this [Applause] oh oh weird wait a minute where does that go then give hey anyway wait there's something oh you guys shouldn't be giving me any kind of a hint that's not what this is about really there we go i bet i can't jump down there okay thank you thank you very much i'll be on my way then goodbye i have a toy now i would like to redeem it please how am i gonna do this [Music] oh yes i'm so smart i'm so smart tape i'm getting a a message from you're gonna put an invisible what a cheap thing to do what a cheap thing to do i could obviously make that jump that is clearly a jump i can make you put an invisible wall there what is wrong with you what is wrong with you what is wrong with you what is wrong with you okay apparently there was some kind of a tape that i missed and i gotta make sure that i get it so uh that i don't miss it that would be devastating if i missed it all right now that the proper things have been aligned i can actually go down here and i can oh i can just make sure that i go get this tape that is oh so important who do you think i am matpat you're probably one of those types of things mac is better than me there is absolutely no way that mac would ever be better than me so you can just uh you can just forget about that idea there my strategy of uh being an incredible youtuber and puzzle solver i don't see any tape here guys i'm beginning to think i'm being trolled here there's there's no tape there's just no tape here guys there's no tape there's no tape guys i'm sorry there is not a tape here wow okay let me see if i can look again what oh nope i don't see anything no tape here no tape there no tape anywhere man you know what looks like there's no tank looks like there's no tape at all it's all right chat you know we all have dumb moments it just seems that you have a few more dumb moments than everyone else [Laughter] it's all right guys don't beat yourselves up for it don't beat yourselves up it's okay we all fail sometimes i don't fail that much uh but oh my god guys you were totally wrong it wasn't even in that room guys it's okay really it's totally fine guys the tape is right here i know that's hard for you to see i get it and you're not used to like playing games like this uh but me being the eagle-eyed person that i am wow i found the tape so uh you're welcome i'm sorry you didn't see it i'm sorry you tried to mislead me you you almost got me there you almost got me there but honestly you got to be a little more clever than that you got to be quicker than that quicker on your feet anyway here we go jimmy your work as playtime co's chief marketing officer has skyrocketed the company's profits how do you do it you know it's not what you'd expect it's the little things most people don't even think about like take names for example express people up and realize this you take the e sound slap it on the end of a name boom you're making bank huggy mommy even elliot knew this way back with poppy i guess like blue blue is huge i'm telling you what's your favorite color blue i bet it's blue right it's blue it's green okay well your special case most people would say blue but seriously marketing is not as easy as you think i make it look easy if there's anything playtime code should be known for it's not toys it's marketing wow that was so worth it i'm really glad that i did that really glad that i went through all that trouble um that made me feel good about me and my accomplishments so uh thanks all right now we're going to do this and not jump off into the ether because we finally have a toy blep [Music] so you see how that was your fault right and i'll explain it you probably don't but you see if you guys hadn't misled me into thinking that the tape was over here in the room that i just was i would not have tried to make that jump and then i would not have died to an invisible wall that the developer should never have put there in the first place therefore therefore it is entirely 100 percent your fault that this has occurred and i will be placing full blame on your culpable shoulders not capable i'm not saying capable i'm saying culpable as in the culpability for the crime is on your shoulders and therefore all punishment for this should be to you and you should feel so incredibly unbelievably ashamed of yourselves and each other and if there's one person in here that should feel no shame it's me and i don't i feel no shame ever i've never felt shame a day in my life not once [Music] [Music] hey that sounded familiar wait that toy sounds sounded familiar okay anyway now that you guys are done sabotaging my adventure here i'm gonna get back on track and i will put do i have a toy and i do have a toy three plus toys okay i'm good i'm good by the way everyone i am back officially for my space trip i am uh very happy to report that i am in fact back regular videos will be resuming oh god what have i done oh no i'm good okay we'll be resuming as of uh the video i posted before this if you didn't know i posted the uh the stanley parable the full game also earlier today so i am extremely very much back wow oh okay all right that was it unlocking okay good oh good great where are you leading me and why is it to my death but what was this nah i don't trust it but what was that other one what was the other path there why did you have anything if you weren't going to give me another path why did you tempt me with something that was there right away oh i gotta go back whatever whatever whatever why am i here what am i looking at over there with the wheelchair and the like medical screen that's curious now that actually piques my curiosity what is that am i a real boy the robot crossed the road he was programmed to do it i love you do you love me no dance with me no the button hurts me okay that's weird all right so there's a tape here somewhere and that's there somewhere okay so i need to do something about all of this nonsense and eventually probably open up this door or go through this area or i can't put my hand through there okay interesting i am sprinting through the vents i'm going very quickly don't know how i did this speed runner strap okay so there's got to be some kind of a power well there's that power but unfortunately oh i see they want me to swing across well little did they know that they actually gave me a uh ladder so i'm gonna use it see swinging is for uh chumps and uh i ain't no chump because if i uh uh pull pull pull so if i oh no oh no oh no oh oh my god oh my god i'm alive i'm not alive oh my god where am i why am i not alive oh i'm alive i don't know how i did that oh god i don't know what i'm doing somehow i found a way to like counteract my falling motion if i'm still holding something there's something to that i don't know what it is but there's something to that okay so i gotta get this door open somehow and in order to do that i'm willing to bet that it's something like this won't open until that yeah okay so that's gonna open and then i need to get back basically but that is closed off there so i need to do this oh slam that in there that opens that and then need to while that's doing that uh complete the circuit boom i did it i did it i don't know what i did but i did it what did i do what did i do i turned on the lights in there that's what i did strange it was closing which is closed huh what did i do i hate that i can't tell what i did what did i just do what it what did i do i don't know what i did besides open up these doors that i already already opened up before is it opening us up something over here okay ow all right oh i have a flashlight now in what world how did i get a flashlight that doesn't make any sense that does that that makes zero sense uh whatever you know it's fine it's fine oh no hello oh my god hey and you cheated i didn't cheat caesars now we're going to play one last game okay [Music] what are you going to do what are you going to do what are you going to do oh i see that's what you're going to do this isn't about i i beg to differ i think this is exactly about me i think this is exactly about me [Music] anyway all right cool it's called speed run three am i supposed to actually hide what am i supposed to actually do am i hiding or am i running away very quickly because those are two very different things it seems like i'm running away very quickly but alas not that quickly where do i go from here i might be boned i'm not boned i guess i go here it's awfully quiet i feel like i should be chased by something very loud and menacing but it does not seem that i'm being chased by anything loud and menacing in fact it seems awfully peaceful here if i didn't know any better i'd say that this was a pretty advent adventurous adventure down some kind of random place oh this seems familiar oh i definitely know about this oh well it's a good thing i don't care about collectibles um that did nothing i really feel like there should be some intensity happening here i feel like i should be like oh my god i'm going to die whoa you know what i mean i feel like hmm interesting bay 2 well blue green that's obvious but i don't have red yellow hands wait oh god it's always with the up what is with that oh okay red red blue green that's good enough red blue green yellow that uh that should have been obvious that's on me guys that's on me again i feel like i'm missing some of the intensity here oh hey whoa that's a problem okay well uh boy there's the intensity ladies and gentlemen we found it we did it we oh god ectoplasmic goo someone all over [Music] right i was supposed to go up and then down that's what i thought for a second like uh but but i thought um i thought that there was uh something else going on there something else uh equally as spicy as what that were so uh there you have it okay take two yipes oh no yeah she's actually pretty freaky i mean you already knew that she kind of freaky missed me [ __ ] oh my god okay i am supposed to or i thought i i didn't know i was supposed to stay there i thought that i was supposed to i was i thought that that was what i was supposed to do turns out it's the cowardly path that is the correct one which i fundamentally disagree with you know what i mean i think it's a little silly it's a little cliche if you ask me anyway hello [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i see i see i see web coast is clear let's keep going then i'm sure that she won't be down this path that i first encountered her in surely this would be i feel that that would have been a lot better if i did have to get behind her and run away as she was still chasing me that would have kept the intensity up you know how i am about intensity ensure that machinery is clear of debris white machines for surfaces of lubricant dirt now they're loosely checked replace worn damaged parts machinery fluid levels check bolts for damage main gear removed damage beyond repair please replace asap all right i need to find a gear looks like i need a gear well i found a gear that was a lot easier than i thought it would be okay that's not the right gear then interesting good thing i have plenty of time to deal with this i think i'm looking up i'm looking up i'm looking up at all the op i'm looking very up oh look at all this up ah oh okay i've looked up hey y'all whoa okay um seems to be some fire in the way oh good the fire's gone well um [Music] i'm not sure what that's about at least that's a what what what what what what what am i looking at what is that coal or something i don't know what that is that's weird don't know what's going on there okay well that uh it's a big nipple inside of a furnace which as you know is standard procedure for a boiler room um everybody knows this uh drag this looks like we got another puzzle on our hands boys something about a ladder i'm i'm probably going to need a ladder let me pull this lap i can't use that ladder okay hold on everybody hold on everybody hold on i'm looking up i'm looking up look at all the up that i'm looking at i'm looking at all this up oh my god the up man the up has been so looked at right now i've never looked more up than i am looking right now down it was a trick i needed to look down all along i needed to look down because looking down was exactly where i needed to look up or maybe maybe it's a factor of turning this on there can be fire in there and then when that's going this is hot up here i stick my head in here and then and only ah oh yes i did it what did i do oh i don't know how that works but i got it and wham hey hey look at look at me all right ben whatever purge my adhd for five minutes i cannot i cannot no no no this is me this is me focus guys you don't understand i've been more focused oh my god oh no it's fine no it's not fine here here you're putting me here oh good good good good yes no maybe so maybe all right okay don't worry about it i got this wham bam thank you ma'am no this this is me focused [Laughter] no no no this is this is this is oscar's focus here this is medicated focus this is a hundred percent going for it so i am i am very very very focused everyone i am i am perfectly pleased with what kind of focus i have right now okay so um i got it okay i think i got i i i know what to do i do i actually do unless being in there would kill me if it was on maybe i could i could i was going to light this when i was in here which still might be the correct strategy because there is that time delay i do feel what are the odds what are the odds what are the i'm up i'm gonna um should i just oh she could open the door i'm gonna light it on fire i'm gonna light it on fire i'm gonna light it on fire come on baby burn baby burn i'm gonna close the door as well 100 that was the fire and not the doors no one can prove otherwise that was absolutely one thousand percent the fire and not the doors okay that was one million and a half percent the fire and not the doors confirmed pro fire strat 100 speed run absolutely god tier strategies was the fire and no one can say otherwise if anyone does say otherwise they are a criminal and they should be punished accordingly oh god where am i going i don't even know where i'm at punished accordingly oh oh be careful i'm very oh come on come on really i never look up i never look why would i look up why would i look up why would i ever look up oh good i'm running no i'm not it's all a lie i'm going now [Music] oh my god oh really oh my are you kidding me go go go go right where am i going oh wow okay okay all right see what's funny about this is this chase has exactly the same criticisms i had about chapter ones chase and it's like [Music] it's not like i'm not fine with it i'll talk about it later let me just get through this at no point in your really cool chase sequence should you have players going like oh i guess i'll get through this oh just kidding oh really i will oh i'll give my thoughts oh don't worry i'll give my thoughts once i endure this chase sequence once i bear the arduousness of this chase sequence oh i'll give my thoughts oh i'm going to give my thoughts mommy's wrong apparently oh i see oh my god okay oh my god okay here i go hey look at that they made it i made it oh yeah excellent oh oh oh oh no [Applause] oh no oh no oh oh oh oh god [Music] you're all right oh my god oh my god oh my god cool peekaboo [Music] okie dokie then up i look up no i look right that was the correct answer i'll get it right someday guys don't you worry about that huh well this has a sense of finality to it this is just purely leading me to jump off here that's all this is purely leading me to jump off 100 a weed whoa the mommy toy is missing her head interesting there's another vcr here it's not sure where the tv is where's the tv oh there we go lot code 08502 in relation experiment 1006 the prototype a close call occurred this week in which he nearly breached containment the prototype seemingly disassembled the digital alarm clock within his room and utilized the battery along with several other components to create a laser pointer which he then fired into the security camera disabling it these actions allowed him 28.3 seconds completely unmonitored once function returned to the camera the room appeared to be empty one surveillance specialist went in to confirm his absence however upon opening the door she realized that the prototype had hidden in one of the camera's blind spots the prototype attempted to escape through the open door however another surveillance specialist was able to remotely re-lock the door despite the other specialists still being inside one casualty occurred the prototype seems to possess an unprecedented level of intelligence beyond that of all other test subjects as well as an alarming willingness to commit violence further suppression treatments will need to be enacted to ensure that no other experiments develop these qualities experiment one one seven zero huggy wuggy remains the optimal outcome due to his sufficient intelligence paired with maximum obedience end of luck okay interesting all right all uh we seem to be approaching the end of this but uh i'll give my conclusionary thoughts at the conclusion i will be able to summarize everything yes yes i will don't you worry your pretty little heads we are approaching the end of this game i think i mean now that mommy is in pieces i'm assuming oh hi hello oh what what oh no good no she died see i never trusted you and now you're talking like like a maniac why would you talk like that what why would you talk like that proctoring in the game station proctoring proctoring stella gray bear i can't zoom into that why can't i now zoom into that i don't know yoink well i ain't doing nothing here bam nothing so do i just board the train and that's um hippity hop to the candy shop hey buddy yeah baby hop hippity hippity hop oh hey wow probably smoke weed every day okay sure ah this is where i popped out i knew it was around here somewhere hey look at that so the train sequence is okay so one two three four actually have to i see okay okay that's right order we're looking at the colors red red red blue and then one two three four one two three four engaged and engaged yes and we're going well this seems good i'm sure nothing bad can happen now i'm looking up okay i was so scared she put me back in that case but you saved me you are perfect too perfect to lose i'm sorry i can't let you leave i've never met anyone like you yeah i'm pretty great you know how long i've been stuck in that case yeah well too long i had so much time to think and reflect time to figure out exactly what i would do and free will set things right terrible things have happened but i know that whatever i need you to do i'm looking up you are capable we will what what where am i oh what huh oh hello time to wake up i don't know what's going on oh [Laughter] no man why would i stop this let's keep it going baby unsafe speeds this is hilarious that's so funny god if you don't do anything nothing happens ah man that really robs the intensity of the moment don't it this is the same as same as uh uh ladies spaghetti holding the note out for me and me just not taking it this is funny i want to go faster oh we go faster come on let's keep going baby all right fine this is really funny to me all right now we're cooking with gas turns out that was the go faster button and it's nap time hello blake up and there you have it that was poppy playtime chapter two now i'm certain that there's going to be an after credits thing but before we get to that what i would like to say about this is uh because i know that a lot of people are upset about this company for a lot of reasons and i i get it i think nfts are stupid um and and all the things about like uh whatever else happened with it are probably legitimately legitimate criticisms but what i always try to remember is that a company is not one hive mind there was clearly a lot of work and love that was put into this game that's that's what i really want to emphasize look at these credits these are all the people the people that worked on this game the people that put time in and i'm all about like if if if any of it was like not paying these people properly that is awful you should pay people what they're worth but the problem with it and i get the kind of like protesting it of things um but what it comes down to is these people that actually put in the time they put it into something that i'm sure that they are very proud of so i want to celebrate them for making the thing in the first place the actual artists behind making it um as opposed to high-level executive decisions that may or not be stupid i was wrong there's nothing after the credits i'm an idiot so anyway that's why i played it i think it's still like there's a lot of really creative ideas i think the developers have an opportunity to redeem themselves um because they do have something creative there's a lot of inspiration from five nights at freddy's there's a lot of inspiration from scp i see that i can see it with the prototype test 1077 or whatever it was i can see that there clearly is some underlying threads that you can see from other popular properties and that's not a bad thing it's putting a creative spin on it all of creativity is just kind of like rehashing what has come before but putting it in a new package and there's clearly style here now the chase sequence god damn it this is my biggest problem with chase sequences in general you can have a chase sequence and it can be fun and cinematic but the problem with the chase sequence is it is inherently self-defeating always i have seen so few well-executed chase sequences because the problem is you have so many cool things happening and the player can never look at them you spent all this time i saw the corner of my eye like the lady spaghetti crown on the a wall there but if you take a second to look at it you die you ruin the experience because you reset you don't have time to think on your feet which is like the whole point it's a reactionary thing but the problem with change sequences is it if it's smart it combines things that you know have been taught throughout the experience but it's just like man just like the first poppy play time i probably cut out way more times than i actually died in that one but anyway it is what it is i thought that was a really cohesive and very polished experience i i didn't think it was as scary as like the first one it did have some moments of good like creepiness to it um but i think it was probably lacking in a lot of like the super grounded scare factor and also sean was in it mr jacksepticeye himself was there proud and irish extremely irish and i think that's pretty cool so yeah i am back from my vacation we are back to the regular schedule videos on the daily every daily from now until whenever youtube shuts down thank you everybody so much for watching this video if you want to see chapter one you have to go into my channel and find it if you want to see in space with markiplier go into my channel and find it we got content being pumped out as hard as content can pump and i can pump content hard so that's exactly what i'm gonna do cool stuff on the horizon too thank you all so much for being here and enjoying the cool stuff that i make there was way too many of you at this and uh there probably will be way too many of you uh watching stuff in the future but thanks for being here remember i'm markiplier your lightning rod of hate i have two podcasts if you didn't know distractible and go my favorite sports team have you been keeping up with those while i was on working out in space i bet you didn't goddamn it i'll make a third podcast if i have to and you're gonna listen to it good because i love working with my friends and they are really funny and i really cherish the time that we're able to spend together so go listen to distractible go listen to go my favorite sports team my podcast with tyler if you haven't heard of tyler in a while hey we've got a podcast together where we talk about sports it's a lot of fun you'll enjoy it even if you don't like sports and if you like the insanity of bob wade and i go check out distractable and hey thanks so much for being here hope you had fun i had a lot of fun and it's good to be back so go stream uh i'm back baby and give everyone who is a part of uh in space with markiplier a lot of love and give yourself some love too you deserve it all right i'm gonna get out of here remember everything i said and spread the word about everything i said literally every word that i said in the stream i want rehashed and reposted everywhere that's your homework all right i'll be checking your work tomorrow let's hope you get a passing grade you better or else don't [Music] fail do [Music] succeed
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 20,197,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 2, scary games, huggy wuggy
Id: Bw6hU5sQQJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 50sec (9890 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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