Choo Choo Charles

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hello testing testing this is a very official testing of my microphone before I get into this game I hope I have everything balanced perfectly because I'm a professional YouTuber and content creator and gamer of the Year officially hello hi hello welcome one second one second one moment everything is fine don't worry about a thing everything is okay don't panic stop panicking everything's good everything's good welcome one and all to choo choo Charles the game about a haunted train stalking you in the woods if I make this sound any more dramatic then oh God I didn't change the name no oh man of all the things oh God now the notification that went out but no one's gonna know that it's choo choo Charles no no oh I thought I had everything perfectly I thought I had everything perfectly ah I was so close to Glory I was so close to perfection listen the reason it's such a problem is that I am gamer of the Year whatever I say in terms of games goes for an entire year I am the decision maker on all gaming related decisions that burden is on me and now officially in Forever choo choo Charles is no longer choo choo Charles it's getting over it oh man all right well I'm sure steam will get to that and um everything will be 100 okay [Music] I already beat getting over it again I'm not going for the 50 getting over training over it yeah Charles is over it yeah look it's it's not click bait people would want to see Choo-Choo Charles more than they would want to see getting over it I would think because it's newer and it's choo choo tour I don't know ever guys look listen I'm gamer of the year but you know what I'm not I'm not an Emmy Award winner [Music] I went to the Emmys last night and I'm so sad to say that we didn't get the Emmy we did it sounds like I'm laughing but I'm crying we didn't get it guys we lost we lost the Emmy we lost it we lost it and you know what's even worse an Emmy loser yeah that's me Markiplier Emmy Award losing creator yep ah man you know it's funny and this is gonna this is gonna sound us very strange um because it paints a view into a world let me know that music might be a little love it paints a view into a world that I am very unfamiliar with well actually I'm very familiar with it but I choose to ignore it very much so just like I choose to ignore a lot of the things that come along with um being in the public eye sometimes uh so I go to the Emmys right and there's a red carpet and let me let me be perfectly honest like I was I was honored to go there but as far as events that I've gone to this was one of the more underwhelming events um and it's kind of that preconceived notion where you think that things like and and is gonna sound disparaging to the Emmys it's not it's just what it was and what I would compare it to to other things that I have gone to um it was extremely underwhelming and the thing is the thing is I hate red carpets right I hate look I'll get to the game in a second you want me to Play It Again I get to talk about my experiences of losing an enemy this is my stream you shut up and you sit down I'm gamer of the year I might be Emmy losing winner not being a winner person but you sit down and you listen to me talking about my story anyway the carpet wasn't even red it was purple and I was like Liz this isn't even right this isn't even right so anyway so um I hate red carpets in general red carpet is just a blanket sweep term for it's an opportunity for all these Publications to take pictures of you and so it sounds all fancy and you you know a lot of people probably look at that wow that's great it's really boring and it's really awkward and it's really weird it's a super and I was like do I have to do it they were like you're nominated of course you have to do it I'm like why do I have to do it he's like why wouldn't you want to do it and I'm like I have no desire to do that um and it was like no you're nominated you gotta do it and so I did it and what's fascinating to me what's fascinating to me is that even six years ago and the last time that I did a red carpet which was not my I did not volunteer to do it and I hate doing it it's just so pompous and and oh it's stupid is back then I would I was perfectly understanding that I was at a movie premiere and like no one knew who the [ __ ] I was and I didn't care about anyway it's whatever so this one I was nominated right I'm nominated for an awarded there and all of the Publications there still didn't give a [ __ ] who I was and this is fine it's not a moment where I'm like do you know who I am what amazes me is that if any of them were to interview me and put those videos on YouTube they would do exceptionally well for their channels when I appear in I've done like wired interviews and I've done like things like that those videos do well and I'm happy to do them because I'm always happy to talk about anything because I love to talk I love talking I love talk blah blabbing and you love listen me talk you love me listen me talk do because I hold you Hostage to watch this fun fun game you want choo choo Charles you listen to me talk because I love talk and I keep talk until you listen and when you listen that I play but I play later but I'm going to play when I after I talk and so it's one of those hilarious things where it's not that I'm offended right because I don't care I don't want to be there in the first place but it amazes me it amazes me because they didn't just not know who I was they actively didn't want to talk to me and it's this world where YouTubers and the traditional uh entertainment business are not in sync with each other they are adamantly opposed they don't not know who I am because if they didn't know who I am and they choose to uh not interview me that's one thing I understand that that's perfectly fine but I was nominated at this event and therefore they if they're good at their job would know who I am and then they would know the value of talking to me and getting a video of me on their Channel and yet they don't and it goes to show that there is still a fundamental disconnect in the world from YouTube content creators and the Hollywood and TV and whatever and it's a world that I don't want to be part of and I think that I actively don't want to be part of it and that's what makes this animosity kind of pervasive because they realize that I and none of my fellow content creators need them in any way and the moment that they acknowledge that reality that everything just kind of falls apart for them and it's really hilarious it's really interesting no I'm not mad because it's fascinating right I'm not losing anything I'm not losing anything from not talking to them because I don't gain anything from talking to them a lot of people think of Publications as a thing like oh it's exposure it's like oh it's good for you there's no exposure that could even remotely compare to what I'm able to do on YouTube and what so many other content creators are able to do on YouTube and whenever I get a view into this world of like that traditional entertainment business I step back and I go like oh my God I have it so much better here on YouTube when I'm able to hold my audience hostage I'm able to grab them by the Scruff of the throat and I'm able to just choke the life out of them and I'm like I'll play that game when I feel like it you want your tutorial so bad don't you but you want it as bad as you want to breathe and that's when you get to play I'm gonna play now that is what I do in these streams you know I do just hold you don't I know it's been a while since we last don't make it like that but something something is typing supervising no trust me make time for something big to keep your Museum in business well there's something big on that island real big so many friends and even my own son are still out there if anyone can bring this thing down it's you it'll be the biggest attraction your city's ever seen and you can help an old friend yes meet me on the docks Sunset I hope you're ready for a little Monster Hunt I am ready for a little Monster hunting indeed are you ready to choo choo are you ready everyone at all and I'll kill a train we're gonna go kill a train whatever that means also it's one of those things where I would have so much rather from Hell half what wow just a few people to meet places you know era what we're making their own grades stay close Charles isn't the only thing to fear around here what what do you mean what does that mean what do you mean what do you mean what we oh no all right okay yeah the resolution is messed up hold on hold on look I got a new computer and I'm still making sure all the settings are good and I just want you to know that I want everything to be perfectly perfect at all times and so I appreciate your patience in this endeavor is that better all right cool man why are you flashing so hard let's see smaller smaller smaller all right there we go skip tip hello is this interactable I can't tell is it glowing what's glowing operators so his old engine should be in there what do you mean guys it's not it's not good this is not good defensible tool on our journey on our journey okay wait hold on wait a minute I know what the problem is I know the problem is right right right okay let's just let's just do this here all right so I got this and then we're gonna put that there and there we go all right Perfect all right everybody all right here we go guys [Laughter] oh sorry this shouldn't I I don't know I'm laughing sword I'm never gonna be able to get this back let's see is there undo in there is there is there is there is there is there is there's there's there's there's and bam all right we're good holy crap Eugene come back oh my God that old man can move Eugene Eugene oh my God he's in a hurry he's trying to get ahead of the gameplay because I've been taking so damn long all right Eugene I'm on the way you hold on and I'm coming Eugene Eugene I'm coming [Laughter] all right where did he go God damn he was so fast all right oh there he is standing like a weirdo Hey Eugene how you doing just trying to get a good look at you cool looking good there why are you flashing what's wrong with your skin you okay there bud you all right gotta watch out for Charles he might be sneaking up behind you oh God oh not to worry we can still find a way in okay there's a small shack up the path that might have a key inside okay take this map I just marked the location on it okay see if the key is up there and I'll look around some more down here okay I didn't get any of that whoa baby's first mission why does that sound so derogatory and look inside the nearby Shack for the key to the train station okay you got it pat oh my God you got it pal I'm going I'm going pal don't worry about a thing definitely don't die to know choo choo Charles squonk oh you still there Eugene you still there is you still there is you still there what a weird key turn up the game will you may turn up the game The Game's fine the game's fine isn't it fine it's fine sound can you not hear anything oh no what's the truth what is the truth what is the truth I don't know what the truth is I don't know what the truth is what's the truth is this better I'm gonna go with this I want you to have a great experience I'm gamer of the year I need to set an example for everybody I need to set it good on you on you looks like you found it open up that door and Lead the Way is that better if it seems loud now it seems loud not now it seems now it's it's too loud God damn it I don't know I don't know is it good okay all right all right good it's loud oh man I don't know I want you to have a good experience I want this to be a perfectly good experience for everybody involved but I just can't oh hey I don't like that it's called Charles I don't like that at all use it quickly your epic train use it to quickly navigate the island a weapon a shield against your foes your respawn point if things go wrong interact with items around them to learn to use it oh well well that seems pretty cool oh my god oh yes oh my goodness [Music] oh yeah is that loud is that good that's good isn't it too loud volume is perfect it's perfect hi well the exterior is a little rough but everything looks to be intact yeah hell yeah that gun you were looking at wasn't on here when I was evacuated from the island but it sure looks fun to use yeah it does we can light up Charles with it and take him down before he even sees us coming I will do that thank you are you ready to take this thing for a spin yes it's like it's weird right so his dialogue that's what's weird about it his dialogue all right we're gonna nail this because his dialogue needs to be louder but the sound effects need to be quieter because the guns were a little loud so I need to crank up the volume on my mixer keep it at 150 percent so that the voices get louder but the sound effects get a little quieter and then we're gonna torch the music down just a bit to keep the Ambiance there but not get in the way of anything important this is the perfect mix everybody now I've got it I'm Tula I'm too loud I'm I'm too yeah there are subtitles subtitles are currently on how can you not see the subtitles they're there see watch this see now the Ambiance is tickling the back of your eardrums in this clean loud but not overbearing right right there are so subtitles there are subtitles no not on my voice this is a live stream what do you mean how could I the subtitles are too loud I don't even understand what you're talking about don't you want to see the game or do you want me to spend the entire time messing with the audio how am I gonna get to the game if I I can't even get to the audio good thing I got a new damn air conditioner in here I wouldn't otherwise I'd be sweltering with rage from all of you [ __ ] trying to tell me how to audio I'm gamer of the year I'm an Emmy Award losing creator okay all right I'm going perfect oh baby and coming for you Charles yeah wait wait what are you doing [Music] dude Eugene you didn't know no no oh my God this isn't how things were supposed to end I thought we could still fight like the old days yes sir Ian easy out you'll need to do more than I thought I don't have time to do eggs fine man if only the subtitles were on Eugene maybe you could have seen that comment you did you did I loved you you were like it I'm cool to me you were there remember when you called me in the fall boots World sprinting champion should be uphill of it oh my God oh my God anyway all right we're over it no more crying over Eugene I don't want to hear a peep about Eugene we're over it we never looked to the past we look to the Future and the future is looking bright for us we gotta train and we're on our Lonesome let's get out of here what am I doing I don't even know what the hell I'm supposed to do like oh unmet NPC there are other people here this place is huge oh this place is huge oh no it's huge oh no oh no guys it's huge all right guys we're on it it's choo choo Charles time we're gonna Charles Hard what happens if I jump off the train when it's moving can I oh no no no no no no no no no no no okay we're okay it stops okay okay we're okay we're okay we're okay we're okay don't look note to self don't do that note to self don't do it rail switching huh rail switching okay we're going left is that where we want to go uh yeah let's go left why not all right I know I know guys but I don't want to hear a thing no Eugene is not too loud Eugene is dead Eugene is dead and we'll never see Eugene again I don't want to hear a peep about Eugene I don't want to hear anything about Eugene still being heard Eugene's dead and that's okay hello hi who the hell are you how are you alive out here you must be the archivers that Eugene told us about it yeah well Eugene's dead don't you talk about Eugene anymore we're happy that came to help us out of this predicament with Charles and that madman Warren Warren you know where the old trainiors would need some major upgrades if you want to take down Charles there are some metal scraps in my bar unless you could use to improve it here's the key of the bar it's just at the path but I'll mark it on your map anyway okay all right thanks um all right is this Baby's second mission thank you please never talk about Eugene ever again I don't want to hear about them yeah just like Ohio yeah I turned the contrast down it's within title I don't think it do that ain't right you ain't right nothing about you is right oh there's a lot of crap in here thank you for the scrap sir good for you to trust me it's awfully kind of you are sure hope there aren't any bodies in here maybe Tony Tittle was dead all alone even though Eugene has promised to send help once he reaches the mainland I've just realized he'd never mentioned if he'd return I suppose he is the type of person to ignore the fine details of a plan everyone on the island is trying to find a way out of this mess and I can only hope that this archivist friend of his can work some magic I don't care what strange things they've done before or what practices they use as long as Charles ends up dead most folks around here want the same but then there are those crazies that want to leave and be that Don Warren has lost his marbles anyway I feel like I did a pretty good impression there but none of you would agree with that because you're too busy being sassy to even pay attention to the art that I'm putting into this do you know how difficult it is how much vocal control I have to have to be able to match that so perfectly and yet you were all glossing over it about like the letters too loud oh the lights are too loud oh the hair in my mouth is too loud is that really all you can think about yeah whatever they there we go yeah yeah thank you yeah thank you thank you thank you thank you very much uh do I need to talk to you anymore are you still alive did you mysteriously die how are you still alive out here you don't even want to talk to me anymore you're up don't lean back anymore don't lean back where am I you'll never know where I am what are you looking at me like that are you looking at me like that pucker in your lips oh okay all right so I'm thinking that I can upgrade now maximum forward all weapon damage all damage well I got nine let's go do one of each right be the most efficient right all right we're going where am I going next Who's Warren who is Warren I want to go uh there's a bunch of people over here that I haven't met red I don't know if that's good or bad all right we're going on choo choo Charles doesn't seem to be around here so I guess we're fine I don't know if it's like only scripted when he comes out or if he's actually roaming around and I need to worry about that beautiful landscape here in the wonderful Plains of Ohio gorgeous really if you think about it but don't think about it too hard you'd strain your tiny brain cells I think I'm here right here yeah squeak what is that is this important whoa whoa a bonanza hello have you seen a train please don't mention Eugene I don't want to hear about anyone starting with the letter e at all hi is that what we're doing here hey don't mind me hey okay interesting [Music] pickles locked away inside my pickle cave okay all right come on I mean lock picks and if you can bring me my special jar of pickles okay all right well you do look like you have a lot of scrap metal in there um apparently I can just take it I'm not going to do this as an impression pickles are love pickles are life I love the pickles they make me feel happiness pickles pickles pickles all right I'm just gonna all right it's probably locked away in there right all right I'm taking this anyway uh see you later you enjoy yourself okay so what there was um someone with a lock pick and then there was a pickle key or something like that or I gotta go to a cave and then it's there yeah something like that oh yeah I know uh I did start the only fans I do it let me guess this is too loud for you before oh what I hear something [Music] you hear that what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that you hear that can't tell where it is is that him is that Juju Charles is that Charles that's Charles oh I'm in trouble wait I don't want to go dorms I'm wait I don't want to go towards him but what am I doing oh what am I doing okay this is gonna go left uh okay left I can Circle back new what oh the pickle right all right yeah we don't want to go that way let's not go that way okay we got another PC over there okay we're fine all right eight scraps uh speak yeah okay we're okay so long as we don't get in trouble all right we're coming up on this place here whatever this is from that train station okay hello someone here anybody I don't know how much time I have before Charles appears but uh gonna take your scrap okay hello hello welcome to aramiram archivist Museum person uh-huh my apologies I'm not the best with introductions but I don't believe either of us are here for socializing but what are you doing here uh uh Theodore it just so happened to have a little business opportunity if you're interested man capitalism little box of mine is in a rail car in the nearby Canyon but the goons have set up a camp to protect that area so be careful lagoons find the blue box and bring it back to me I'll give you some scraps as payment ah good scraps that's what I want thank you definitely not money before the cave-in I pushed a spare rail car into the canyon using my beautiful old mining train I figured a rail car would be a fine place to hide my more important belongings especially on a rural and unfinished track I went to get something out of my rail car in the canyon about a week ago but some of Warrens men's built a campsite a base of some sort of there I don't know how to get my box safely and I don't know how long I'll last without it I don't know why that went in there that was weird actually that was perfectly normal I think we were worried about that everybody shut up white great I like yellow oh my bones why did that hurt so badly it was barely a fall I'm fine lasago no yellow thank you all right so I don't know where he whoa there oh that well that's that's totally nearby wait a minute wait that's right nearby I'm just going to go for it then huh probably fine is it a good thing to be able to uh be this far away from my train am I gonna be okay um am I gonna be all right what what pot what huh what what what what what wow oh why would you do that die die I'm dead what oh boy what what okay the answer to that question is you're not okay uh I love the hey thank you thank you for that thank you appreciate that appreciate big preach all right get my weapon damage up I guess maybe I can shoot them from a distance where am I all right that's a weird that's a big place all right what is that supposed to be hello were you think there were any uh scrap metal in here that I didn't get I bet there was I thought there was a ton probably because I didn't even know to get scrap metal just yet but I bet there is oh oh oh oh oh oh go backwards oh wait a minute wait a minute how do I shoot him if he's in front of me wait a minute wait a minute what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do what what oh what do I do what do I do what do I do I don't know what do I do wow what do I do [Music] use my can I point it around to the front can I point it around to the front can I do that oh well that's handy all right I don't know how that works but uh I'm just gonna assume that that's gonna be okay I have no scraps even to repair where am I ah all right let's just carry on and hope that he doesn't show up again because uh I don't have any scraps left so I don't know if this is gonna take my life and game over me or what and also my train is in bad shape so I need I need some scraps for sure don't honk whistle the tracks Charles okay understood understood everybody understood but it's so tempting oh but it's so tempting it's so is it like a mating cult well it couldn't possibly be a mating call because it's like murder maybe I don't know what do I know about train mating man my train is either going really slow because it's terrible reports damaged let me check in here I didn't actually get to look upstairs before I heard something horrible on the horizon let me see again that door is locked why I don't know nothing up here why I don't know can I jump out the window no why I don't know all right so there was oh oh my bones there's nothing here so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go back this way I don't have a lock pick and I probably die so I'm going to go over here and I'm gonna check out these guys here because this seems like an interesting open area and hopefully I can get some more scrap and then oh wait that said a weapon Mission maybe I can get a gun that'd be dope if only I could get any sort of speed going huh also why says Charles Charles Mining Company why [Music] this game would be so fun multiplayer this game would be the best if I could play this with Bob and Wade I know I know it's probably repaired I can't I have no scrap guys zero scrap guys I zero zero scrap there is no scrap no there is no scrap guys guys guys listen guys listen listen listen you see you see you see this number what this number what that mean what that mean what what it mean what it mean what what it mean it may not know what mean you only you can tell me no what it mean what mean no this crap is too loud it's not what it is oh what y'all got any scrap hello anybody here oh one scrap is there just scrap lying around everywhere that I could probably find maybe okay this is gonna help all right one two oh man that oh that's not very much all right but hopefully that's enough to get us going maybe we'll see all right a little bit zippier not much be paranoid zoom in on my map why did this help is everyone happier did you know this game was made by just one dude or one person I have no idea they're very impressive I like it it's got quite a bit of Polish it's intimidating oh hello hello I don't know what's going on why did it get really ominous all of a sudden hey that's a box I like that I like that crap please yes thank you all right good good good good okay now let's Endeavor did not let us get down again let's Endeavor to be much much better about everything in this game that we've done so far so far hi can I have that don't shoot me don't do it don't do it Myers are just drawn to the patch on your pants I'm not looking down Gene told us we'd have a newcomer soon I suppose that would be you you'd probably suppose right there's some scrap metal in the balcony room of my house that you could use to repair and upgrade your train okay here's the case and although the balcony is right behind me I'll just mark it on your map anyway okay thank you yeah baby's third Quest we don't talk to anyone around here and uh they'll do whatever they can to help why anyone not wearing a mask that is okay why check out the balcony and take whatever you can use you're really talking up this bill with everything I don't know if I trust his balcony I don't know if I I don't know if I'd I don't know if I trust this balcony guys I guys I'm gonna be honest when someone emphasizes a balcony that hard I kind of start to suspect that balcony just a little bit okay how good is this balcony pretty good huh oh a lot of scrap a lot of flies we've been waiting as patiently as we can but the past few days have been chaotic to say the least Charles has been more aggressive lately to the point where I'm starting to fear how many of us will be left by the time help arrives godspeed Eugene we're counting on you or you could leave the island I guess I don't know if that's an option oh thanks I did it I got oh I did it I got him okay good duck hey uh don't die we got any fuel for this thing okay we're full up repaired and our armor is engaged I probably should have saved some of that for repairs later but I didn't but I didn't okay where are we going a couple more people here required mission required inspired that's what I always say don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you what to do y'all got any scrap thank you anymore thank you thank you huh is that locked or something okay all right is there a point to this I feel like all of this metal you know the scrap metal that's just jutting out of the ground would be scrapped that I could pick up you know considering it's metal and scrap but whatever what do I know I just got here I don't know the rules of the island hello hello is anybody here I thought there was an NPC here hello hello oh hi look Ken I know you're supposed to be some Fancy Pants Monster Hunter but you can't earn my respect without making yourself useful I just met you what a Lawrence goons dumped a lot just in the yard last night after beating on it for a few hours I didn't break anything but a sweat I got some lock picks but I don't know how to use them here take them if you can get that chest open you'll earn my respect I might just give you some scraps to help improve your train okay cool thank you very much uh I I I guess I guess also I do see that people are getting super chats thank you very much for that but also I always encourage you guys to give those super chats to smaller streamers and people that actually do need it like I said in the past I am more than fine don't worry about trying to support me in those means I appreciate it but at the same time like there are so many people that deserve it more than I do I am gamer of the year and I hereby decree that wow that's tight timing bam boom oh come on man my gamer the year title is really slipping away from me guys oh and now and now now and now now all right and now and now and now and then I'm gonna now and now and then now oh man it's uh drawing it's a drawing I got a drawing Daryl I got a drawing you respect me yeah fancy Fingers here got the chest unlocked yeah I did yeah that's an odd looking piece of junk you found inside there yeah let down to be frank you earned my respect so here's some scraps like I promised yep thank you thank you is my mic peeking God I got a new computer I don't have any of the settings oh is it am I too loud now am I too loud hello guys I'm sorry did I get extra scrap I don't know it's fine it's probably fine just when I yell I bet all speed all speed baby all speed all speed oh so much speed everybody oh so much speed all right who is this why is there right here hold on whoa whoa Too Fast Too Fast all right we got this hi who are you the Monster Hunter has arrived I see yes I have this is no ordinary hunt mind you we've already tried fighting Charles but he Retreats Into the Wilderness if he is sufficiently harmed we believe there may be a way to get Charles to commit to a mortal battle however a mortal battle dispersed around the island are three eggs locked in the Island's three primary mines our theory is that putting these eggs in the temple at the center of the island will provoke Charles into a fight to the death why why do you believe unfortunately the mining company owner warned Charles III has placed armed guards inside each mine to protect the eggs eggs train there's an egg in the mine just down the rail here's the key to the mine right um I don't have a gun I don't I don't have a gun but maybe you do maybe that person over there has a gun do you guys thank you you got any more got any more of that scrap metal got any more hey thank you thank you very much for the ominous advice I didn't win any ah all right I'm gonna go now I'm gonna go now and then I'm gonna stop immediately give me a gun oh this looks like a compound hey I'm on a barge in Lulu [Music] nice shirt I made a little flamethrower as an addition to my spider train Home Defense plan but as you can see it is slightly uh backfired okay nearly cooked myself alive in that shed as I was testing it shoot dang shoot dang I would love to save the shed though if a flamethrower somehow still works after the fire dies down well you can take it I'd assume you're the monster hunter that folks have been expecting so uh a weapon like this could come in handy I suppose you're right a weapon like that could come in handy um but do you have like a gun like a like a gun you have anything gun-esque you know because there's other people with guns here that are shooting me with bullets and not fires oh oh oh that hurts so bad well they are so bad it was so bad what am I doing I find a way to extinguish the fire I don't I I don't how how would oh wait a minute wait a minute wait hold on oh I'm so smart oh gamer of the year of the year that's me what is this on orange I'd be down with orange uh do you have it using the water tank to put out the fire pure genius yeah genius yep uh-huh here take old bug spray cause of this chaos I don't want to see it anywhere near here again shoot dang all right okay all right man who wants to bet that this flamethrower is going to be way too loud I bet I bet all right whoa ah oh [Laughter] ah okay so this doesn't exactly help me with the um you know cultists but uh wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait stop I gotta go into the woods oh I'll be right back guys I gotta go into the woods I gotta run into the distance put lies Beyond why are you shooting shoot dang big brain shoot dang too loud and the old shootings are a little too loud guys I'm sorry guys I can't I can't can't control the shoot dang you know what I mean yeah well hopefully oh my God I have the most brittle bones God I can't take even the tiniest little hippity hop man I think that I would be a little better than that I have started to do Callisto protocol I just have not posted the first video I was supposed to do it yesterday but I got really sidetracked what with going to the Emmys and thank Miss is this a witch are you a witch God I don't mean to judge but really you kind of talk like a witch I you're fresh stew with ingredients for my very own swamp but I don't have any meat at the moment yeah I smell a carcass on the island in the swamp and if you wait over there and bring it back for me I'll pay you some scraps although you'll need to be wary of berry the swamp monster was that scripted to do the lightning right when you said that I'm splashing around and don't move if he gets close to you as long as you stand still he's as kind as a kitten what what what swamp party salt Clover dirt salt meat any kind salt all right good guys I need you to watch my back for Barry oh God it's like the amnesian water monster all over again why am I so splashy oh I thought this was gonna be a fun train game oh I made it I made it I made it okay with carcass oh it's just a freaking fish it's just it's just a fresh it's a fresh fish oh good oh what are we doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing Barry oh oh and oh I'm gonna I think I'm making it I think I'm good guys oh okay hey what's up hey how you doing you a witch what a delicacy you found thanks are those scraps I offered thanks have a safe night little one thanks lightning thanks can I have some soup all right I'm gonna go where's my train I don't even know anymore why did I come out here what was the point of any of this I regret every decision I've ever made in my entire life okay all right well anyway uh remember when this game was just about fighting a train I want to get back to that I never thought I'd say that um but I want to go punch a Terrain let's all go kill a train guys let's do it yeah we're gonna kill trains whoa where's my train where is my drain where's my train my train okay oh there it is okay I thought that I was gone there anyway shoot dang yeah shoot dang that was a witch yeah man Barry uh Barry's a terrifying anyway um all right so I need to go get the egg in the southern mine uh what what try Orange is good I like orange hello hello mining's been proceeding smoothly and we're seeing signs of a solid vein already the tools are still holding up well and we finished construction our shelter we haven't spent long here but we're getting settled in and adopting good Rhythm and scheduled to our work okay good some people just love the mining life I appreciate that and the orange does look good damn that's nice uh-huh okay well this is the mine the question is just where is the mine entrance is this it okay is this uh am I do I just go in I just go for it I think I just go for it guys pretty sure feels like the most profound mind in existence while mining the farthest tunnel we broke through a wall into a large Cavern there's something there strange here and we don't know what it is we're requesting that Mr Warren visit the southern mine site Desi's earliest convenience to give us further instruction okay stealth stealth stealth stealth stealth stealth stealth stuff what is that stealth stealth stealth self there's no no stealth stealth stop stop stuff stuff I don't know what I'm trying to be stealthy from and I'm stealthy now uh and I'm now and I'm now and I'm stealthy now now and then also now and then I'm stealthy now and now and now that's how I do it hey green nah oh stop stop what am I hiding from stuff I don't know what I'm having for stuff I can't even Crouch right now there's someone here weird Cavern though Perfectly Natural uh constructions for Perfectly Natural things such as living trains sure someone whistling someone whistling someone is whistling no man thank you for whistling so goddamn loud it's just like he's whistling I Don't Want to Be Free I Don't Wanna Be Free leave me in luxury prison break when a hard time is totally great foreign okay I think we're good well I have an egg so that's good get the get the gun get the what do you mean there's a gun what do you mean there's a gun what do you mean what do you mean there's a gun how did all of you see a gun and I didn't you guys are living with the gift of foresight I don't have that gift of foresight you guys know just because you saw other people lesser people than me I'm gamer of the year how dare you watch anyone else's videos but mine I'm the only official gamer of this year there's a gun in here no no this is what people said the people said that there was a gun in here and therefore I need to go get the gun I listen to what people say because I the democratically elected gamer of the year knows what the people want and therefore there is a gun somewhere in here the people with the gift of foresight have granted me this insight and I will not let it go to waste I do as the people want and I guess I'm just I guess there's no gun I guess there's no gun at all they must have been lying which means that they were probably lying about any other place that could have a gun and therefore I will not look very deeply in any other location for a gun because I know for a fact that there is no gun because people were lying and because people were lying [Music] I will never trust them ever again I will never trust is that is that is it him oh guys him is him it's him oh God it's him is it him is it him hey look a gun well I can't have it well that lot of good that did me so I guess the the misunderstanding here is that these guns weren't obtainable at all anyway and that I you guys didn't betray me by watching other YouTubers other non-gamers of the year oh it was all a big misunderstanding let's see what green looks like you know that's not a bad green that's not a bad green I do like it but I think I like the orange better it was all a misunderstanding guys God that's hilarious anyway I have an egg why I don't know I don't know why I have an egg all right but hopefully Mr Charles doesn't come a choo-chooing oh [Applause] back that was not uh miss out on some goodies here I bet those just randomly spawn everywhere and that helps you keep your uh all speed baby all speed all speed I love the speed I like the speed I love the speed oh my God the speed look at that speed oh my God if only I had red paint that would make this thing go even faster everyone knows if you paint something red it goes faster always goes faster when it's painted red everybody knows this everyone knows anybody anyway all right so I now have who I can do the pickle Mission I'm really I'm far away to do that on foot I'll probably have to circle around for that one well I suppose I might be able to make it oh God yeah I'm gonna go for it I'm going for it everybody this is probably a terrible mistake this is probably the worst mistake it's so far to go on foot I am so exposed but the lady wants her pickles the lady wants her pickles and I gotta go no red makes you go faster if I if I paint myself red if I drench myself in my own blood I would go so much faster so true it hurts everybody knows this okay is this where the pickle was supposed to be I don't like that beeping I think it's a cricket now but it didn't sound like it or told me I feel so exposed oh I don't like the wrestling got the winds bustling oh purple might be cool God the wind is really hustling okay God it sounded like footsteps behind me not like that oh well I got him all right lady um got your pickles I mean I I love pickles too you know I'm not gonna judge I like I like pickles I don't like um sweet pickles though like I think that if you like sweet pickles you're a weirdo and I'm not afraid to say that a hundred percent anyone that likes sweet pickles over sour pickles uh is bizarre is um incorrect actually so uh I would judge and be very suspicious of anyone that likes sweet pickles because it's just wrong and I I think that they're just trying to mess with you because it's just too bizarre of an idea here you go okay okay the reward for your Valiant pickle questing thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you oh thank you thank you I gotta get back to my train before something horrible happens to me anyway you enjoy those I'm the pickle hero everybody that's me well I guess I just I deserve oh oh oh oh I've totally forgotten that this game is about fighting a train I've been so sidetracked by everything else okay purple oh no thank you speed please speed please oh God I need to change tracks wait oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] frick frick frick now now no go back go back backwards oh God oh God oh God forward forward please please oh God oh my God oh my God now oh there's an NPC here this uh I I'm keeping it purple in honor of uh Bob speed's fully upgraded okay I guess I have to upgrade other things but I'm not [Music] where is he where is it hey hey whoa whoa whoa no no no no no no no no no that's right I got speed on my side I try I try yeah you back off Charles yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what I thought yeah no thank you General thank you no thank you oh I'm too fast for him I'm too fast for him oh God I hope I'm too bad for him [Music] oh God come on come on come on hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey I don't know if I'd like the flamethrower [Music] come on oh my God how long does he just stick on how long does he just stay on you [Music] I wish I had the other gun I'm gonna try to change out guns mid-fight there's a terrible idea terrible idea terrible idea I'm doing it oh never mind I win no never never where am I wait no I'm a backup no wait a minute oh how what what how oh man I went around uh oh okay maybe uh god um okay well uh oh flamethrower helps in slowing him down well whatever I'm so fast I don't think it's gonna be a concern um I'm gonna go here and I bet if I'm more stealthy then I can get by him yeah so I got this either way I win I win that train ain't so bad that train ain't nothing that train ain't nothing I train ain't nothing this job big scaredy train I'm too good for that train incredible actually man that's why they made me gamer of the year [Laughter] if you don't think that's going to my head then you're horrifically wrong you know my Eagle can't handle anything it's a good thing I didn't win the Emmy actually because if I if I did man that would have been game over for me I would have never recovered from it ow ow where is he stealth where is he oh there he is okay so he's going some some sort of some sort of triangle pattern okay was it in here yeah [Music] easy easy Theodore Theodore nice although I got a circle round anyway so I'll just maybe I'll just back the train up maybe I'll just back that ass up would it be any difference in speed if I was going backwards or forward right where's my train I'll just back it up it up I'll just go backwards I'll just go backwards we're not hiding we're not hiding we were just sneaking we're stealthing it's very different yeah absolutely where's my train it's bright purple you think I'd be able to see it hello hello anybody hello anybody is anybody there yes oh also I forgot to mention because I was busy with um getting my Nudes on only fans and then um the Emmys and thank Miss uh I forgot that there's a new cloak drop uh if you didn't know cloak I am the only CEO of cloak uh Soul CEO and uh there's no one else that is in charge uh I just everyone already knows that already I just wanted to say that out loud there's absolutely no one that is another part of cloak it is just me and I am the CEO where this is not correct where am I going oh yeah no this is fine oh is that that big Temple um yeah so if you want some uh new uh Custom Clothes along with a new custom version of the cardigan that I love and wear all the time you can find that through the link in the description below uh for cloak the company that I'm the only CEO of and I think we all know that and I don't think there's any questions about that whatsoever so glad I could clear all that up I'll come back to Theodore in a bit I'm gonna go see who this is actually what I'll do is I'll back up to this Junction that way I know where I'm gonna need to go huh I don't know what you're talking about oh ah you're talking about oh right um the janitor yeah uh let's just say that we we put Jack as you call him uh Sean into a position that is more suitable to his man it'd be so weird to call it a skill set but I'll say uh his skill set um so we found uh something that would be challenging for him uh and so he's he's uh he's no longer in a position where he can do any further damage um yeah even though he has somehow managed to find a way to damage everything as janitor but it really does suit his unique methods okay all right good but yeah you can uh check it out Link in the description a new drop for cloak great comfortable closing I was supposed to get a package with the clothing um but Sean was in charge of that uh and he neglected to send me any so I actually don't have it on me usually I would and uh this just goes to show why we made the decision we did decide Birds uh so anyway glad we could clear all that up I don't think there'll be any questions about it and honestly I won't be taking any questions about it uh given that I am now the uh or I always have them really if you think about it uh the soul CEO of cloak thank you so much as you complain to the CEO trust me if I could I would but you know I've got so many responsibilities on my plane anyway that oh I can't burden myself with more it's tough stuff being the only CEO the only CEO absolutely the other CEO Soul CEO that's fine it's fine fine it's fine anyway Link in the description if you want that there we go I don't know why I know to climb this this is my gamer instincts telling me that I must and so I do hello at least there's some scrap but I have a funny feeling that I was probably supposed to meet someone here oh hi God damn I'm great oh hello weird setting the foundation for this operation has been considerably more complicated than I expected not only by cost but the logistics of construction and delivery of the supplies to the primary mine sites we'll need to strike gold fast if we want any chance to avoid bankruptcy yeah always best to bank your entire company's future on uh striking gold much like uh Jack's uh quote-unquote leadership that he uh exerts yeah more like he he wields it like a like a bludgeon to really just smack people over the head with it what is this critical item return to Ronnie to complete your mission who's Ronnie what oh I started Ronnie run Ronnie Ron what are you doing down there run Ronson run warning run why didn't you say hi to me Ron you can see why you looked like a monkey climbing those Towers I sure am glad I found these files here's that scrap you were begging for don't spend it all in one place I should have looked at whatever what was it I your everyone you're totally right I should have looked at it and I didn't I don't know why but I didn't all right Ronnie uh good meeting you I think I don't know what the hell that was about but I'm gonna leave now it was nice meeting you and take care and fare well fair fair care and take well oh god oh no wait no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Charlie Charles Charles don't do that don't do that don't do that Charles where's my drain where's my train it's fine everybody it's fine 100 fine okay we're currently at the junction we could go back up this way Circle up here hit those I think that's probably the best move well I guess I could get closer I don't know why I felt like I need to walk everywhere I do have a train after all whoops damn it wait which way was it oh it already was whoa yep it was already pointed this way let's just go let's pretend that I actually knew how to do it okay [Music] this is important is this important what is this we tried and we failed by the time we managed to clear the wreckage everyone had already passed I'm sad and truly distraught I thought of these men like brothers causing these circumstances to cut deeper than I could have imagined what happened it's the other mind [Music] I don't even know if I have a key for this aren't I supposed to have a key for this oh never mind uh oh okay well that that ain't happening um super sad about all that I don't know what I'm supposed to think of it but uh I'm gonna go now this whole train situation was getting to me uh uh I guess damage right damage fully upgraded okay so if I go up this way there's only one two three four five six uh I'll get these three because they're required quote unquote that'll help and then all in all it should be smooth sailing to get to uh wherever these other eggs are and then I kill Charles for good I think okay cool yeah what's going on I'm playing choo choo Charles and I'm talking about the various Oddities of being a YouTuber and then going to the Emmys which is a very strange experience I I have to say so whereby we lost the Emmy for interactive media which is fine I'm not bitter at all what is this a little bit here so what's the point of this I don't know how many landmarks are here just floating around is nothingness and what's actually important let me just get to the um out let me get to the NPCs because I bet if I go to them first instead of just trying to explore everything I'm gonna actually get some answers out of this but probably [Music] this doesn't seem good I don't know if those Banners are indicative of like one of those scrap but whatever indicative of people that are loyal to the other causes I do not know hello well this looks like a lovely piece how you doing a rare Iranian municipal building is this a municipality do you actually have enough people for that did you used to wow lovely place is anybody home nice explosives anybody home anybody home I've been staking out this area for days and Charles has never crossed the old Wood Bridge somehow that Beast is cunning enough to know it's dangerous but if he's angry and desperate he might just Chase someone across it then bam we use John's Bomb to blow the whole thing up in Charles Falls face first into the canyon if the blast doesn't kill him the fall surely will I'm guessing that didn't work or something tells me it wouldn't work anyway hi how you doing you're the archivist my father told me about oh it was your your Eugene's son although I'm disappointed to see that he chose to stay on the mainland rather than return with you not to say that your help isn't appreciated but we could have used his Aid as well I already heard from the others the Mind boss Warren is protecting dangerous monster eggs that could lead to catastrophe while our main plan is to summon Charles into a duel and fight him to the death we've devised a perfect trap as a precaution that may help defeat him aha go attach these remote explosives to each of the support pillars under the Wood Bridge out there then meet me back here okay all right interesting fascinating even so your dad is um did your dad breathe when you knew him like did your dad like walking he's not doing that now yeah you understand ow you get it you get it you get it you understand that yeah you get it yeah yeah you get it uh this bridge this bridge here are you talking about this bridge to this bridge man I think there was a Red Dead Redemption um just like this some Advanced songs here all right I did it you who's gonna be bait who's gonna be bait man who's good who's gonna be bathed who's who's bait who's made who's the debate man who's Paul who's bait who's gonna be bait Paul Paul who's the date that's the tallest and weakest bridge on the island so if Charles ever crosses it we can blow him Sky High okay I'll be on standby to detonate the charges but it's still up to you to summon and fight him here take this it's the key to the temple once you think you're prepared enough you can break in and fight the Battle of a lifetime those were two completely conflicting ideas do I fight him on the bridge or do I take them to the temple and threaten him with eggs well I mean I put the bombs here so I guess I'm gonna at least try nope I'm gonna at least try ow might as well right I'm sure this is going to work just fine so I'll use the horn to summon him and if he shows up behind me I go forward if he shows up in front of me then it's all good he just Falls right right yeah this is a good idea [Applause] foreign [Music] no horn yet no I don't think you know what you're talking about how could you know what you're talking about this game literally just came out and if you're here watching me play it you definitely haven't watched it before this has got to be the right answer when someone tells you to put bombs on a bridge and you says you gotta get it over there that's the mission that's the mission oh Charles I'm a sexy train in heat you gotta make more eggs come on Charles you know you want it oh no [Applause] damn it I don't think he's coming I don't think he's coming I don't think he's coming I thought that was good someone just saying no Mark and heat shoot that's hilarious oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh so the fabled hunter has finally arrived uh-huh yeah you know my late husband built a gun to help fight Charles but Warren's goon stole the barrels and took him up to their Camp Bob was such a brave man much braver and you I bet well all right that's a little rude if you take what I have left to the gun and steal back those other parts you can put it back together to use against charm okay just do me one favor William get Brave if you do end up using it name it Bob in memory of my honey well that's funny because I think the whole train is now being named Bob as we speak so uh thanks I'll try to be a little braver but you know I'm only me and obviously I'm never going to be as Brave as your late very dead husband you know the one that died the Dead one yeah I'll never be as Brave as your dead dead husband where was I supposed to go for that it's so far away that's closer there's one more here wait stop no no hello the archivist and all your radiant Glory why do you have so much blood there's a lot of blood everywhere Colin trusted me with a key to one of the mines containing an egg but before I give it to you I have to warn you about something uh-huh there's an ancient Shrine on the island pyramid of sorts of curious prism located at the top uh-huh the prism seems to have been designed for one purpose to destroy Monster X got a lot of blood three slots are carved into the prism which perfectly fit the eggs blood when fully loaded a massive beam of energy is emitted seemingly drawn from the eggs themselves blood the millionaires hope this event will lure Charles to a mortal fight as he comes in defense of the eggs well now for the real warning Charles has the ability to absorb energy from the burst strengthening and enraging him we saw it once before and he may become even more dangerous this time however it's not my place to oppose despite the danger so here's the Mind key once you have retrieved all the eggs and the key to the Shrine we might just be able to end this hell that was so much information um do you mind if I read your diary at last night's meeting Greg told us a crazy conspiracy about Warren trying to use spider trains for world domination as part of the crew that worked in the temple I'm far from convinced while the prism was extracting the life energy from a batch of eggs Charles attacked us for the first time not only did he fight like hell while the eggs were being destroyed but he nearly doubled in size as he fought as if he were consuming the energy his legs grew larger and stronger his face grew more distorted right before our eyes those of us who survived couldn't even fathom what we witnessed that was when Warren hid the eggs and ordered us to protect them that was when he began evacuating people that was when everything turned for the worst hey hey what where what where is he [Music] hey hey hey hey okay that's what you get see his weapons so much better you can't let it overheat okay oh God oh God oh God oh God no no no no no no no no no no no no no that's what you get that's what you get that's what you get okay stop where am I whoo all right um so that was nice we need to go back around anyway and then I we'll just carry on we're fast enough anyway okay so I like that gun a lot better let's see if we can make it better a little better okay and armor I guess okay so far so good seems like we got a good handle on Charles but we're going to need a better weapon to be able to finish him off for good once we get the temple all whatever and we get the eggs all whatever then we're gonna lure him into a final battle where we're gonna send him careening over a bridge and die I think I don't know why we couldn't do that from the get-go but apparently I'm not allowed for some reason I'm gonna Circle back around there was I did the blue car I need to drop that off there I'll probably swing by up here back up and then go here let's go for that I think this should be still set to go left here so I should be fine so how are all you doing have you uh how many of you have subscribed to my only fans of which there are more drops coming I just haven't had time to edit the pictures it's a trick question because I can I wanna I wanna I'm gonna expose people right now I suppose people I'm exposed people okay because you know what I'm going to tell you straight up I'm gonna tell you straight up there were more individual people that subscribe to my only fans than any other merch drop cloak drop live stream for charity more individual people subscribe to my only fans then any single event prior that I've ever done in my entire YouTube career maybe even combined more of you shelled out real dollars and it wasn't even high quantity of dollars but it was three dollars and you know how many times we've done charity streams where we're like guys please donate a dollar to charity to feed the hungry to research towards cancer more of you opened up your wallets to buy my tasteful news than in any other event I've ever done ever okay I haven't checked the number let me the number is so astonishing I mean this is worth this is worth it let me pull this up here new number okay I'm going okay all right okay all right so to put it in perspective like if if I did like a merch drop you know there could be anywhere from individually like five thousand to ten thousand people would buy something that's great um the number of people and in a charity stream you know the number of individuals could be like ten thousand to twenty thousand people so many people willing to help out that's incredible even if the like the average generation high low big donation that number of people incredible the number of people that made an only fans purchase right now with just one post a hundred and twenty one thousand seven hundred and eleven people more people that are currently here watching the stream live of which there are 95 7 000 concurrent viewers purchased my that is that is astonishing shooting indeed that is so astonishing it's almost frightening and I still have more drops to do for only fans it makes me realize that wow I should have set the dollar price higher for those more money would have gone to charity you thirsty Gremlins you cause wow oh no no no I'm not trying to say your disappointments you're not disappointments you really came through because it is going to the Cincinnati Children's Hospital and the world food program and that is incredible and I'm very grateful that you are helping out this wonderful causes and at the same time I can still be incredibly disappointed but I'm not saying I am saying that could be exact box I needed good now take these scraps and skedaddle I'll screw you too you Wilfred wolf stash wannabe you think that you are Posh enough to stand up against me I think not I never thought in my life I won't start now all right my own back and I'm gonna go to the right and then I'll get there anyway I just wanted to I just wanted to say that out loud there's been many many things that have occurred over the past few weeks um and it's like I haven't had time to address all of them so I kind of like get to them in streams and one on whenever I'm just able to talk about this [ __ ] uh as we're closing out the year it has been quite a year it has been pretty incredible the number of things that have happening and also it's pretty incredible that it's here already the end of the year that is fascinating we're almost through 22 and then we'll be into 23 and everyone will still be like oh maybe this year is going to be better maybe this year is going to be great and there are many reasons that 2022 was not great I guess some that it was great I guess it really just depends on your perspective right anyway why am I waxing poetic while I'm talking about only for the blood talk about only fans and playing choo choo Charles unloading all the supplies has been an incredibly eye-opening experience here at the Port we've been working all day every day we are tasked with unloading the boat and running supplies up the hill to the tracks where Theodore and Eddie deliver them to the different sites we'll be mining the sheer cost of all this infrastructure is mind-blowing with all the success Warren's Family is at in this business I'm surprised he's choosing to take such a risk here yeah maybe something to do with spider cranes is war still around because kind of seems like Warren might be uh trying to protect people from what that last guy was saying but I know it's all a matter of perspective who knows okay there's someone down here on the docks you didn't break the oath shoot dang oh congratulations to you shoot dang well that's really impressive of you [Music] why is this so whistly hello oh hi how are you doing hello where are you where are you going my goodness I simply cannot stay any longer this island is too much for my nerves to handle huh I've brought all my belongings here so I can leave immediately when a boat arrives uh-huh although now that I think about it I did forget my journal at home could you bring it to me oh it's a dangerous Journey for sure but you might manage with that train of yours I'll give you all the scrap metal ah okay sure whatever you say where is your home where is your home where would your home business your home is it this easy I've been praying blah blah blah this is not a home this is not a home why would this be a home where is your home but I don't have to come all the way back here I don't need this crap who needs this crap not me not me at all not me at all ah anyway [Music] I just have this weird sneaking suspicion that I've missed something here well doesn't look like I have I see nothing there's absolutely nothing all right I'm getting in the train bye everybody I'm certain there was nothing else that I needed there good very good very good actually nope back up back up back back back up there was no paint there was no paint there was no paint there was no paint there's no paint where is the paint where is the paint everybody you guys see paint huh you seeing paint I don't see paint there's no paint I don't see no paint where's this paint you're talking about well it seems like there's no paint there ain't no paint here no paint well I don't know it was by the dock oh okay it's by the dock you did that you you broke my legs you did that you caused that to occur you did that hey look babe huh Gray wow well it certainly wasn't red all of you are so stupid can you even believe that you don't know Gray from Red what is wrong with you what's wrong with any of you who wants a gray train anyway who wants a gray train look at it look at how boring this is wow oh oh my God it's oh oh so good worth going back for oh yeah this is ass comparatively I just want to wear it for the shame of not getting it man I'm so glad that everyone just decided to derail the whole stream so that we could talk about oh that gray paint that oh you know so needed right and now now I know what's gonna happen now what I know it's gonna happen is all of you are suddenly you're suddenly gonna go gray is the best color you all are going to be like gray has always been my favorite color how dare you Markiplier insult me and my favorite color I will never forgive you Markiplier for being so asinine to me and for me and by me this is an insult not only to me but all those that I know who love the color gray just as much as me and that's what you're going to say see ah there it is there it is I called it called it I called it I called it I knew it you don't have any actual preferences you just you just shout out whatever you think you like what do you think will make me mad possibly understand what would make me angry you can't possibly understand that I'm Paul asked me to design a new weapon to help you hunt Charles and using my extensive demolitions experience I made this rocket launcher I've been wanting to see Warren's Empire crumble for a long time so building this puppy was a hell of an opportunity now that you're here I need a few minutes to remove some safety features yes please well I'm working on that why don't you bring that box of Rocket ammunition back here from inside the bunker down the rail yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm stuck debating if Warren made us bring our families to this hellhole so that we'd never need to leave or to keep information about it private either way I want that man in noose Paul asked me to sign a new monster [Laughter] what did you need a bunker what are you talking about wow that's pretty far um but I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna do that but there's someone else to talk to you before I do that just in case uh hello Hi how are you why are you preventing me from getting what I need oh I'm sure Eugene told you all about me so I need not introduce myself ah that name's Greg by the way and in case you haven't heard already Warren the Mind boss is keeping three monster eggs locked away we're unsure why he wants to protect the eggs if they hatch they would surely turn into monstrous creatures like Charles to prevent this we need you to steal all three and use them to bait Charles so we can destroy him uh one one of the x is is in the north mine uh here's here's the key to the entrance okay thanks you seem very important God you know a guy like Greg his favorite color is gray definitely uh I need to write this Theory down fast before Warren finds out that I'm onto his dirty plot my theory is that Mr Warren warlord III is trying to hatch and raise more of those eight-legged Critters a whole Army for who knows what purpose they found wholeness of those eggs while clearing out debris from the cave-in we also know that their heart is diamonds completely indestructible the miners spend months using the temple prism to suck the energy out of all the eggs but before they could destroy the last three old man war and stop them Warren must have realized how powerful these things are and rather than protect us from them wants to use them to take over the world I'm on to you Warren yeah this guy's favorite color is gray did you know that yep seems like a real gray lover oh well at least I have that now there's another mine there okay so mine Journal do I care do I care I do I guess hey why are you all alone out here in the corner of nowhere why do you make me run to you why oh you're in a lighthouse ah that does make sense that makes sense that that makes a lot of sense that does make sense oh I missed another paint can paint cans aren't real why do you keep believing in paint it's not real it's just a myth made up to make children behave that's all paint is it's a fairy tale it doesn't exist I don't know why you think that it exists at all you need to grow up just like Santa Claus is not real are you okay we haven't met but I've heard Lots about you coming to help us you okay I have a favor to ask the breakers on the side of the lighthouse need replacing I was recently attacked by Charles so I'm unable to do it myself the breakers are in the nearby Supply shed if you go get them and repair the lighthouse I can try signaling passing ships to come help us oh once you finish I have some spare scraps to give you I mean that is very you are you okay don't mind if I read this charging my directions by train okay um you okay you you are you all right are you all right you okay oh they're right there oh that's fine Oh I thought they were far away oh I guess it's like your leg is attacked I guess you wouldn't be able to do that okay I'm actually glad I came down here because I feel bad now I thought you were just all alone in the in the what about Santa oh Santa's real oh yeah tell me about what I said Santa so real my God I'm amazing I did it you're welcome are you okay okay goodbye anyway ah yeah yeah Santa's real yeah yeah yeah yeah Santa's real just like paint yeah okay there's like just like the color gray yeah very real yeah okay I bet you think your walls are painted right I mean they are oh yeah they are they're painted yeah I bet you when you go to when you go to Home Depot there's a whole aisle dedicated to paint oh wow I bet yeah I bet it's just like oh so many different selections that you can choose from yeah you can get gallons of the stuff just gallons of it yeah right okay yeah and Santa comes down your chimney and oh just squeezes his fat body through the chimney and then delivers presents to everybody in the world yeah that's that's real yeah that's believable yeah 100 oh yeah no I believe it oh I believe it oh yeah anyway carrying on Lottery oh wait actually I just need to stop here because I'm going to get the break in and then I'm going to get a rocket launcher I just need to not be caught I don't care what you say rocket launcher is amazing in any game if you have an option to get a rocket launcher you get the rocket launcher hello huh hello okay not there where what is it just in the center here this seems dangerous this seems horrifically wrong is this a Minefield did I just walk through a minefield did I just successfully walk through a minefield and thank goodness all these quests are literally within walking distance of everything or else I would have to go forever yeah think about the children Mark yeah oh yeah yeah because yeah paint 's real yeah oh yeah yeah when your parents when uh when they they made your childhood bedroom they they painted it your favorite color they did that uh hello can I talk to you hello what oh ah I'm dumb I'm very dumb right I'm dumb guys why didn't you tell me I needed to use the explosives to blow open the door why didn't you say that guys God I wasted so much time going back and forth if you would have told me that I needed to use the explosives here at the door I wouldn't have wasted so much time like why do you not want me to succeed it's okay guys I'll forgive you this time but really like next time just be more aware like if if you're not going to pay attention to me playing these games why do I even do I'm gonna die why do I even do this oh come on guys come on you gotta gotta support me somehow uh success it's okay guys I I know they're probably I get it there are people that are actively trying to sabotage me and that's understandable you know but if we work together like we can we can build a better experience for everybody we can do that we will do that together but you have to believe in me and you have to tell me when I'm missing something very important and vital I forgive you and I might forgive you another time but a third time I will not I think that's understandable great anyway I gotta get a rocket launcher I'm gonna guess bloody can I have his bloody working order so I'll let you take it from here okay take good care of it I won't after you're done I have a few people to visit with it if you catch my drift you're gonna blow people up with a rocket launcher oh my God oh whatever to each their own where is my dream we're getting close to the end here because what I got to do is I gotta go in and then immediately get the two eggs go to the temple because I have all the things that I need right oh my God I better not miss ooh I like it oh god oh hello wait wait wait wait wait wait all right okay all right oh yeah what do you think of that yeah you didn't like that did you what about that oh you don't like this do ya oh no besides that goes oh it hurts me wait it hurts my train wait this is a terrible idea wait who thought this was a good idea who who thought this was good who who thought this was good who thought oh were you running you running you running yeah you run a dog he's doing a run with me we're running together oh this is cute that's cute okay rocket launcher again not as good as I thought it might be thought it was gonna be amazing man that's so many optional things um oh I'm here I've met literally every other NPC I'm just gonna go for it I've done every other NPC at this point I've got to be completionist about it because there might be something else yeah I know I know I know I can switch out guns mid fight I've already done that if you were here before you would have seen a totally radical me doing that exact thing but you didn't so it's fine whatever huh what like paint I don't know what paint is I've never heard of paint don't know what you're talking about hello anybody here no okay weird hello oh Journal okay I can't read it okay so I have that but there's no guarantee I'm actually gonna take that back to him so you know to use their own whatever that means okay weird alter don't know what that's about maybe this NBC is going to tell me what this weird altar is all about hello hey do you have any paint in here you got any paint I haven't gotten new paint in a while so I'm gonna agent for it next time I found any more drawings 16 drawings multiple nights in a row accompanied by horrific ghastly noises I don't feel safe going out there again what that doesn't have to do with it say you're that monster hunter how do you know of me I must know do you have any experience with ghosts no someone or something has been painting exactly 16 drawings to Lamppost in the Boulder Field every night I always collect and burn them but as I was looking for them last night I began hearing strange noises and seeing strange things I only found half of them yesterday because of the commotion could you go find the last date and bring them to me foreign you want me to go into the woods and find eight pages you want me to go into the woods and find eight pages okay [Music] you want me to you want me to go into the oh frick that oh shoot dang oh no oh boy you do know there's a giant spider train that is terrorizing everything oh no no no no oh boy I didn't I've never even beaten the original game I've never beaten the original game never done it whoa hey nice wow hey easy now what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing can you not do any of what you're doing that'd be great that'd be real great very bloody where am I where am I where am I okay ow we continue where am I oh I'm back at the beginning okay oh it seems like he just boots me out of the area okay at least it's not instant game over God I still would not beat uh silence Pages you know the whole game slylin pages I remember slyland pages like it was yesterday uh with the silent man oh good times also I don't have any clue where I got Pages already so fumbling in the dark oh I don't know where they are yo yo yo yep okay one more one more one more one more one more one more one more come on I'm never gonna be able to find it whoa dodging through the trees I'm never gonna find it nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope oh God nope nope nope nope I went past it what do you mean shoot dang I what do you mean I went past it I did not I did not get out of your mind where is it [Music] oh oh no I didn't no I didn't you know how I know oh I got an award that says I'm gamer of the year I'm sorry did I did I misread that and they called your name to be gamer of the year instead no they called me to be gamer of the year and therefore I am gamer until next year when the next gamer of the year gets elected and I got elected because I am obviously the best gamer of the year and therefore when you think that you can challenge me for that title of gamer of the year then you can meet me in the gamer field of battle and we can duke it out and then you can take it from me I see it no no ah yeah got it and so that's what I say about that that's what makes me gamer of the Year all right you come back to me when you can do that as galaxiously as I did okay I think I think I've said enough wow oh man I am incredible he's gonna be me thank you thank you thank you for the recognition that I definitely deserve and also in space with markiplier with show of the year I don't care what the Emmys say I don't care friendship with Emmy's ended Streamys is my best friend thanks for bringing me those papers you're welcome for your help I wouldn't hold on to those papers if I were you would do I just get scraps for that is that all again okay whatever well now I've officially met every single uh NPC and done every single side quest possible and I have almost enough scrap to completely upgrade my training that hurt apparently and now I can finally finish this game I got to get on to the whole subject of uh you know killing a train which is the whole reason we're here in case you forgot about that the whole reason we're here is also for you to know about the new cloak drop that just happened this weekend why don't you go check it out at Link in the description where you can see all of the wonderful options that I the sole CEO of cloak have to offer you I am the brains behind the operation always have been always will be in I mean we all know that I'm the face behind it as well brains and Beauty all in one package that's what's deserving of being the only CEO of that wonderful establishment anyway Link in the description and uh don't listen to anyone else when they say anything about anyone else okay let's go uh purloin some eggs you guys know what purloin oh oh God oh God oh God no not that way no no wait okay go oh God was that actually it or was that just the ambiance because I gotta go in a cave soon I kind of got to go on a curve I gotta go in a cave was that him I don't know if it was him okay I'm gonna go is this a bad time to go I feel like this is a bad time to go I feel like this might be a bad time to go but if I can get in a cave maybe I don't think I can get into the cave okay I'm not seeing anybody it must be deeper in the cave okay let's do the thing look at this egg fun so who built these temples who built the temple that allowed these spider trains to occur where are you going whatever feeling is it's going to come back what are you talking what hey hey whoa oh whoa how you eagle-eyed bastard what are you what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing where go back go go go away what do you huh why hey wait wait why why why why why why why why why why ow my bones why would you do that why would you do that don't do that don't go away go away can I kill you if I lure you to my train which is very far away need I remind you if I lower you to my train can I blow your ass away with my rocket launcher or guns oh my God I hope it's this way I think it was this way was it this way I can't check my map there it is I'm gonna I'm gonna destroy you are you still there out I'm gonna blow your ass to Timbuktu well that went over your head weird can I whoa all right that's what you get that's what you get asked what you get that's what you get anyway man that guy was persistent that guy didn't want to stop for nothing that guy really really really wanted to finish me off but uh nuts to him I'm still alive and he's extremely dead anyway hopefully I don't have to do that again you know it turns out they spot you from a mile away instantaneously it's not even a huh it's a huh immediately pursue until the end of the Earth I have a funny feeling he would have swam across the ocean to get me all right one more and I got a stealth I have to stealth not doing that whole running thing again where are you I see you over there what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing where are you where'd he go oh there goes this way interesting interesting very interesting oh very interesting where you going where are you going [Music] fascinating fascinating okay I don't think he's gonna come back oh may he might he might oh he might oh he might oh he might oh he might okay we're good we're good he's gonna go that way now I'm gonna grab the egg yep there better not be another one of you all I gotta say about this there better not be another one of you it better be egg and I get out of here [Music] oh God oh God wait oh God oh God oh God no no no no no no no no no no no no no I just want an egg give me an egg hey look at that guy you don't you don't mind if I you don't mind if I do you mind if I do you mind if I you don't mind if I you don't mind if I I'm out you don't you don't mind if I you know anybody I don't mind if I I got very strong bones you don't mind if I you don't mind if I you don't mind if I yeah if I duck and weave if I Bob even oh you don't mind if I I went the wrong way again oh you don't mind if I you don't mind if I oh you don't mind if I oh how do you how do you know how did I not go the right way uh I feel like I feel like I was going the right way I feel like I I feel like I was going the very right way um and yet it seemed like I wasn't going the right way I was going the right way and then they didn't yep ow cause I was trying to get out and um it wasn't doing the getting out you know what I mean I was like oh hell yeah I'm gonna get out and then it didn't got a new strategy very bold variable no trip very bold tragedy watch this very bold you don't mind if I you don't mind if I you don't mind if I all right they don't mind if I all right no that's [Applause] don't mind if I don't mind if I we don't mind if I okay so I'm I'm not gonna mess this up because it's very clear where I need to go it's here and here and this is where it was this is where this is where it was this is that was that was where it was I'm not crazy that that was where it was you hope I'm what you hope I'm what so so what but but so if so oh really bye it's a different one it's a different one there's a lot of whistling going on what it is that's not cool that that's not I don't even know where I am that's so uncool why would you do that why why would you do that they're gonna uh uh uh uh okay um I don't know where I am and they're D oh yeah okay I need to look oh God no no no no complete wrong okay I corrected my trajectory he's screaming out here get him boy gotta get em boys oh man I didn't know I was being chased by nerds all right boys okay all right hope he doesn't have a rocket launcher boss oh there's no way he's got rocket launcher that'd be ridiculous okay boys he's gonna get him let's go get him ah fine why do I gotta run so far where even am I this isn't the right area where am I you still there oh not yet you're not okay they're pretty far okay well this is this is fantastic this is fantastic I don't care look guys look did you see an opportunity where I could have gotten the red paint oh why do you care so much it doesn't even matter it's just paint we have and we've agreed on The Bob train in honor of Bob so that it's purple and that makes us happy right we're all happy for it I'm not gonna do the rocket launcher they deserve to get burned they'll be coming around the mountain any second now fine I don't care I'm out of here we all agreed we all agreed that the purple was the color that we were gonna go with it doesn't matter about the red paint oh it doesn't matter it doesn't matter about the bread paint turns out oh it doesn't matter oh it doesn't matter about the red paint because who cares no one we're upgraded we're the whole wow what the hell yeah hell yeah look oh oh whoa we're upgraded that's good I like that and you know what else I'd like firing Rockets into the uh mine before I have to go in two soften up the target I think I'll do that hope this is someone maybe just listen yeah whatever fine all right I'm going in if there's paint anywhere I don't care I don't care about paint hey who's whistling oh you see me oh oh oh you see me oh what oh come over oh no oh that's a cool looking train guys not gonna lie cool looking drain someone coming at me did they did they decide to no no did they finally stop chasing be here Asian mirror hey come on you actually coming you better run yeah I am running you better run is what I gotta say all right there no [Music] oh oh frick what if it doesn't notice [Music] I'm going in the cave I'm going the cave I don't have time to fight that to go in the cave and I'm gonna be just fine where the cave is that's where I'm going where's the cave everybody's seen a cave cave cave where's Gabe Gabe there's cave okay we're fine we're fine we're fine everything's fine we don't need to worry about it trains armored so even if Charles goes at the train while we're away it'll be fine foreign is this even something that I care about it's not but whatever oh now oh damn it now now then ah then then oh now now oh my God how now Brown cow cow okay hey blue paint oh awesome that's sick [Music] Frick oh frick frick frick [Music] foreign [Music] do I go this way is this what I'm supposed to do oh don't shoot me don't shoot me don't you oh my God don't shoot me oh don't shoot me don't do it don't do it you do not want to do it oh God oh God wow okay all right it's fine when you say like no unauthorized allowed that it sounds like it's like hey get out of here not I'm gonna blow your brains out so I mean you can see how I might be mistaken about that anyway we're good we're good guys we go to the temple now we're done so we're one zo and we're done so we kill Charles we're done so that's how this goes we're dunzo and wanzo I'm not even gonna bother with them they get to live for some reason they get to live so we just need to Circle back around [Music] whoa whoa hey whoa whoa oh Rocket Launcher not what I wanted okay it's fine I'm Gonna Change change it out one Buck break there we go there we go there we go oh damn it oh I didn't want to go across the bridge did you oh scared oh you sound kind of scared of that bridge huh oh cause you know there's floaties all over it all right where are we at so there's still this weapon that I haven't gotten and there's still that one that I haven't gotten but I don't care whoa oh what the how are you back you were a scared baby you were a scared baby what happened to you you were scared you're scared seems like I'm getting scrap every time I hit him this is awfully nice [Music] there you go that's right get out of here all right I'm off Target I believe yep well actually no wait yes I need to go back all right and we got blue paint that's not a bad blue yeah that's not about blue huh get Bob gun get the Bob gun what is with you guys get the Bob gun it's op who cares see this is the this is I am making all right I'm here I'm making an official decree as gamer of the year I want you to listen to me very closely when you say something like get the Bob gun because it's op why would that be a desirable outcome why would it be desirable to get a weapon that makes the entire experience trivial why would you intentionally ruin the fun and the challenge of beating Charles at his own game with a weapon that trivializes the experience you should be ashamed of yourself and your desire to play it on easy mode because that is only indicative that you lack the skill to be able to beat Charles whereas I have both the skill and the will to be able to beat him not only at his own game but my game therefore I don't care what you have to say and I will no longer listen to you because I'm being attacked here I'm being attacked I'm being attacked man if only I had a better gun probably had a better gun take this all of you wait I need to wait hold on no no stop I got I need I really need to ran someone over oh my god I didn't even know that was possible hey stop it that's what you get whoa these guys are persistent now oh those so no I'm not gonna get the other weapon because I don't want it anyway that's it also I'm not a completionist I don't I don't even care about completing oh man I am in trouble yeah since when it was I a completionist well you know who I am specifically I'm not a completionist all right it's time to finish it well I guess it could oh he's the only one I haven't oh man oh but I don't want all right fine fine I'd rather fine but you're all gonna see why you would why it's a bad idea you're all gonna see I'm gonna get it now I'm never gonna use it you think that just because I am this close to being a completionist of this game that has any influence on me no I don't care what my audience wants I am in the antithesis of playing into whatever the hell you want because you know what I don't care I don't care it may seem like I'm caring because I'm doing the thing that you wanted but it's only because I've now decided that I want it it's not about you I'm not even gonna read that I don't even care what that says okay all right you hear me you hearing me all right you better be hearing me I got a key what did I get a key to did I get a gear scrap look like a key [Music] you know what I don't know why the music is stuck the music is really stuck for some reason I don't think it's gonna stop the music has been like hyper dramatic for way too long what a oh my God oh my is that what their masks look like oh my God holy crap oh that's awful oh it's awful oh I hate it oh I hate it huh oh I did get a key oh oh I got Bob I got Bob I got Bob all right oh God oh God oh my God Oh I thought I saw it I thought I saw it okay all right let's just assume Bob oh Bob [Music] wait I think I need to kill that guy because I think he's like the last one oh never mind never never no that go Bob go okay it is very fitting that on the Bob's purple train we do have Bob the weapon this weapon is pretty dope but again like I said why trivialize it just because it's great weapon it is this is a good weapon okay I can all right I'm feeling it yeah I I'm feeling it but I seem to be getting hit a lot so I mean is it really that strong I don't know if it's that strong guys it seems to be getting hit all over the place that day I don't know I'm pretty pretty weak pretty weak Yes Man pretty pretty weak did I get the journal I got the journal right pretty good weapon I guess how far it was man do I have to go all that way I wonder if I go forward and backwards here if it'll go backwards I got I got the yeah I got that yeah I got the Bob gun yeah I got it yeah I got it whatever oh I got it it's not even that good damn it okay I gotta go all the way around I have to go all the way around to get to this guy that's how annoying this is and it's all your fault I I'm mad at all of you every one of you every single one of you you know why because in all this time you haven't clicked the link in the description below so many more of you have clicked the only fan stuff that have gone to and even looked at the stuff that we have there ever experienced and you haven't even looked at it after all you've put me through after all the suggestions that you've said in the comments over and over and you haven't even looked in the description you haven't even looked and I know I can see I can see who clicks on the link I'm the CEO you yeah my feelings don't matter anyways [Music] I know my feelings don't matter this is fine it's whatever I'm just trying to kill time because it's taking a while I thought this was speed where's my speed come on come on yes oh thank you thank you for clicking it thank you very much for clicking the link I appreciate that that is very nice of you that is very kind of you and I love you for that and I appreciate you for that I appreciate you for that yeah we never got the red I don't know I can't read the journal it doesn't even let me I tried it didn't work thank you thank you very much thank you thank you very much as the sole CEO of cloak I take it as a a show of faith in my leadership ability and a lack of faith in every anyone else's leadership ability that would even make a claim to be the CEO I don't know why you would though there was no one else that ever would it's just me always has been anyway we're almost here all right and three two ones [Music] all right probably from here I can just take this over this way no matter what I'm very likely going to have to hoof it all the way around the island to get back to the bridge so this is going to be the last stop for anything he's gonna give me enough scrap to be able to keep my ship in ship shape than the other Bob gun is too loud look it's I don't know what else to do about it man I don't know what else to do about it I've tried to get the volume as perfect as I could I know where the red paint was I'm not going back you're welcome I couldn't um here are those craps I promise wait could I have I wait I looked at my inventory I clicked on I was like I can't look at that I could have read it oh man oh all right I gotta start the whole game over guys I gotta know what's in this guy's Journal go but I thought that oh man this is I'm so sad life just gets me down I can't believe it can't believe it tragedy sad music is here for a very specific reason is because I didn't read that guy's Journal God I bet it was really embarrassing too I've had all of it was so incredibly embarrassing oh well let's finish this fight let's finish this I can't read it okay okay that's good to know I was about to be devastated but thankfully I can't agree wow a temple I'm going to charge in there blindly and hope for the best true up there are no enemies in there for uh me to shoot at I thought I saw I did a Wham yeah I don't notice this got him anybody else I feel like this should leave explodies but it don't this will leave explodes though anybody hit by that that's good I'm going in I'm gonna keep this on though all right you're done Charles you're done Charlie oh my God wow [Music] oh my God oh my God what what foreign what all right you're done Charles I'm Gonna Get You I'm uh you're done don't even try to stop me I've known oh God hello how are you doing hey what's up all right let's go Ring Around the Rosie a little bit wee and then I'm gonna put some eggs in here and it's gonna be super cool all right easy done and done we don't want any more train babies isn't this how Game of Thrones happened man I wish I had hands [Music] step away from the shrine stranger you don't know what you're doing just put the egg down slowly and lay flat on the ground you'll hurt far too many people if you follow through with whatever you're planning no no you fool you don't control [Music] all right hey my train as convenient all right let's go baby oh God okay you you you get some of this hell Charles I'll be overheated but this isn't yes I hope I don't have to switch into anything else oh I missed I missed oh I missed what oh wow oh oh hello what yeah what oh oh no what what I I don't know do you want fire there we go that's what you get I'm gonna have to try to heal eventually maybe in that oh wow no that's bad good thing I'm armored okay flamethrower is pretty good not gonna lie one throws dope whoa I'm doing great oh wow ow almost got him [Music] oh it's the bridge is the bridge oh [Laughter] oh man that was awesome thou sick oh Gavin eisenberg's Gavin eisenbies oh well done well done what a lovely game what a lovely game what a lovely lovely lovely lovely game I want to talk about an injustice that I saw before I started playing this which was that IGN and you never rely on IGN's reviews of anything ever right you would not believe the score they gave this game they gave this game a 4 out of 10. they raided this game that you just saw a four out of 10. and I'm like I've played so many Indie Games I've played so many indie games this had Great Moments great atmosphere it was fun it had moments to dragged sure and it had like things that were unpause it was made by one guy this was great oh ominous I know a four like I'd understand being like Oh you know it's a little rough around the edges so I'd had some time to drag like maybe a i if they were like seven and a half I'd be like all right sure yeah no it's not a perfect game oh frick oh frick oh oh that's yeah I know a four a four a four and whatever anyway that's why I like that's why I know it's tough reviewing games and giving them a score that's why I like I don't give score just don't give scores who cares about scores anymore no one cares about scores look at mine look at my goddamn train even better than choo choo Charles look at my train that game was great I love that I think that's super fun I had a great time doing that I had a great time playing that I bet you had a great time watching that despite all the antagonism going back and forth we had a great time playing together so thank you everybody so much for joining me on this wonderful Adventure support the developer go play this for yourselves I didn't completion ate anything but I bet you did and I bet you won't experience the thrill of running away from a train while you're on a train yourself shooting in a train because that was pretty fun that part of the game really really solid I enjoyed that a lot thank you everybody so much for watching check out the link in the description below for cloak Brand's newest quilted cloak drop it's the most comfortable stuff you'd ever wear I know I don't have it on me right now because because I didn't get it in time for the drop and I was busy with other things but trust me I was in the process of making it so I know exactly what I'm talking about I'm the CEO after all the only one don't trust anyone else you ever hear about that the only one thank you have a lovely day and uh thanks so much for being here and believing in me even though we didn't get the Emmy we still got the streamies and I as gamer of the year will stand by the Excellence that the team that made in space with markiplier put into it thank you yeah yeah more of the other games are coming soon I gotta go and record him and live my life and get some food because I'm very hungry so thank you have a lovely day goodbye everybody I'm out of here take care bye shoot dang goodbye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 18,772,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, choo choo charles
Id: seD3OV70KH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 10sec (10150 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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