r/Wellthatsucks | bonk

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my friend fell down the stairs in our airbnb i can feel my deposit fading hello hello hello welcome back to mk my name is jack the snack that smiles back and that was a sucky introduction much like the content of this subreddit it's time for a bit of well that sucks the part of the internet where all vacuum enthusiasts live also your mom let's go my ah exploded on a record breaking heatwave in oregano and that's what you get for encouraging climate change gosh why didn't you just learn to turn it off this is solely on you thanks a lot steve you're as bad to this earth as an oil fire in the ocean accidentally made a magnifying glass when rain gathered on crash wrap covering a busted sunroof oh i think and thus the evil villain was born who used the power of laser beams to defeat their enemies got home from work ready to have some blueberries and wine and then the bag broke it is at this point that you realize there is no god there is no one and you must scream my fiance was in charge of getting my back let this forever be photographic evidence where if your partner ever mentioned in the future that they've got your back show them this image remind them why you have trust issues tornado driven murder branch impales my house directly above my kid's bed harry what are you doing i just tried to do aggie a broomstick and then this happened i'll lag you on my foot up your bum if you don't fix this left my one month old bike for one night on the street world trade center congratulations your bike has evolved backwards i see everyone's legos for all time and raise you a half chewed ostrich bone at least i bought fun band-aids last week okay i'm sorry what can someone try to take a guess at what the hell this is about without looking at the image coming up next here's the image i'm i'm confused did you step on the ostrich bone was it eaten by your dog and then you stepped on it why do you have that you do not need that many band-aids you are wasting the rarity of the beautiful super mario band-aids black cab ran me over dragged my left for a few feet backed away and drove off okay hold so you got dragged by this car wow can you tell us what brand of shoes they are because that is some advertising i'm amazed your foot isn't more disfigured at this point trying to catch a cactus that your cat knocked over oh no i can imagine your gut reaction was to reach out and grab that cactus just just think of the fact you saved it you saved it only at the cost of constant tiny blicks of pain for the next 30 minutes worked with concrete without gloves i didn't know it's corrosive oh god do not i do not want to see any corroding hands please no gore today thanks okay i was bandaged all right okay i can handle that what were you doing with that middle finger though that it wasn't affected like the other fingers are you just flipping people off while you're dealing with the concrete yeah suck it in i got concrete oh what's what's my finger doing on the floor there company sent mismatched pieces of my new couch today they don't make the couch anymore oh look it's every single white couple in their mid-40s together but not no no hang on i'm being too harsh uh put a toddler that's just trying to climb in between them but struggling to get to the other side because the other one's not being as attached turned 18 yesterday it now is 12 hours later and here i am in a train to i don't know where after being kicked out for not cleaning enough thanks mum this is obviously a dark and twisted moment in your life but i will say it this is the best thing you could have happened she does not deserve you you fricking you are free go achieve your life i look forward to seeing you on wholesome memes slash made me smile one day posting about how much better your life is now that you're free of such a stupid parent got this permanently burnt into my display is it a pee-pee is it a pee-pee oh it's not a pee-pee well that still sucks i guess but also irony for constantly looking at us slash well that sucks or is it poetry i guess it's both the same thing my airpods battery expanded and the warranty expires today the battery also melted the plastic so it's now impossible to take the individual headphones out oh that is one chunky airpod damn boy damn sick presenting the latest upgrade in airpods simply leave out in the sun for 30 minutes and it can turn into the air stone the newest smart device to hurl at your enemies my fiancee's family farm after a windstorm last night oh i i don't know how much of that is full damage but that bit at the front there that looks damaged it's moments like these where i'm glad i play a farm simulator and not an actual farm turned a bit too much while wearing shoes kids call them my chimp feet you're hairy my mom ran over a mattress on the way home and it got caught under the rear driver's side wheel and caught fire whoa oh damn you talking about the whole car gee i whoa i was expecting maybe a photo of like a mattress that had been run over and like you could see it was all burnt to a crisp but damn oh oh that is not a fun time when you finally win family bingo and your prize is jeff-filled fish what what the hell is your filled fish i'm gonna google this okay gefilt fish is a dish made from a poached mixture of ground de-boned fish such as carp white fish or pike alright it's just minced fish like a bit hypocritical of me to find that disgusting when i enjoy beef mints oh and they're crying oh the pain in their eyes i've been looking at this photo for the last five minutes i'm just i just oh he's so pained he's in so much pain i've worked with kids a lot okay i'm allowed to laugh at them suffering my town's only burger king burned down yesterday taking flame grilled burgers to the next level a moment of silence for the unfortunate death of an american hungry jax the burgers are now not only better at hungry jacks but in heaven as well came home to the studio like this oh boy look at all that musical and expensive electrical equipment submerged hey you can't blame mother nature they just they saw you on that treadmill they heard you planning to install a pool or spa at some point and they just wanted to help you out man peas whatever they are went in our supply closet looks like we forgot to give these out ate half a head of broccoli only to discover it was full of bugs oh no no this is why i buy frozen bags not oh god i could see it in the phone this is why i buy brussels sprouts i i know that probably doesn't make a difference because they probably still eat those things too but still boyfriend decided to try out a new hairdresser oh prepare yourselves oh that is that is a talented fade what do you call this a male karen uh like craig carl i'm gonna go carl my mother took up a haircutting course nine years ago oh did you make that guy's hair do with just little practice she confidently lured my brother in for a haircut oh so was you this is the result it frightens me that there are hairdressers that exist who have this sort of education i mean look look okay you got you got the hairstyle okay it's just not the right person at all i was a zombie extra in a cable show oh nice they were going for a foaming at the mouth it ended up being took a load to the face i don't think you were in a uh a very family oriented zombie movie remember kids even if you use protection you should always get a health check up afterwards my freezer broke two days ago and i didn't notice so now all of the meat we had in it is bad oh that is a vegan's nightmare jax get out of here we don't need the boy bands right now oh fine then friend of mine hid my air pods in a box of chicken nuggets that i proceeded to microwave without opening the box hi i'm steve jobs ghost presenting the new ir freak you the upgrade from the airpods we steal your airpods put some squiggly eyes on them and then just throw it in the microwave why because air freak you i bit down on a bite of blueberry pancake yeah i'm sure good try trying to cover up this murder gotham boys there goes our precious pie what how is that are you sure that's a pie that looks more like a pizza but i mean even then how how was that achieved like this goes beyond a one star service this is just this is just shame oh speaking of pizza this one was delivered on its side well at least you know which part to pick to get the best slice no i want the most diabetes our entire hotel got seized by police on the first morning of our honeymoon i guess that's what happens when your love and romance for each other is too addicting you like drugs and they've come to seize you get in the van what's the safe word i forgot the safe ride yesterday our neighbor's 80 locust tree gave us some live edge skylights a great view of the stars and that rainforest cafe atmosphere that our living room had just always been missing no injuries dog peed the bed life goes on that is a very mature mindset to have despite what i mean oh yeah okay i'm looking at the image now that i i guess at that point you really can just look at the bright side in a way i mean to be fair it actually kind of does look pretty cool just like trees branching in i'm not saying that the neighbors should have to compensate for this but i mean it's in a way it's an interesting upgrade my car this morning oh looks like someone had a bit of a spin out i guess you could say they uh scooted away once they did the damage i guess you could say your glass window is broken all right i'll see myself out headed to the airport and halfway there look down thanks for the father's day gift kids the slippers are very comfortable i guess i'm doing some shoe shopping at my destination oh i realize now he forgot to change out of his best slippers don't you dare change them sir everyone must know the hierarchy of dads of which you reside good to see things are still going bad for chimp daddy though you stay strong chip daddy lost my phone at a construction site today found it a little later oh look safe and sound it's still useful this is a paperweight so i had a sneezing fit while driving yesterday and oh hot diggity damn son that is wow they should add literal hay fever sickness as one of the uh dangers with driving a spider decided that i should be the next spider-man and jump to my face fell hands first to marble flooring from 14 feet ah what a cop that you know what i reckon that spider thought it was the spider from spider-man too it's just like a kid who thinks they can fly so they jump off a building that spider tried it what i'm trying to say is you should sue that spider like you clearly have evidence against him my son teased his sister and she threw a switch controller at my parents 75-inch tv this is why you don't have kids on the bright side this is a great opportunity to educate your children on involuntary repayments buckle up boys and girls you're not getting any christmas presents for the next 10 years found this today in a park and ride someone is gonna have a bad time when they get back to their car oh to those who say red makes it go faster what you say now waited five years for this cactus to bloom leaving for a five day trip i noticed this oh no oh no it's about to bloom are you sure you can't just carry it around as carry on i mean it it doesn't look massive it's doable maybe if you have friends who can plants it now is the time to use them my poor thermometer can't move any closer to the temperatures of hell life in las vegas oh damn it's like as if you guys live in a desert or something yeah ordered a new chlorinator for the pool the instructions came on vhs we here at new water like to educate our new customers through the most advanced technology to date broke my ankle wrist and tore my acl and a tendon in my thumb on my wedding day yeah that's the least you can do just thumbs up i guess now when someone asks if your wedding cost you an arm and a leg you can be quite literal about it fiance's car wheel just kind of sheared off as she was turning into work this morning ah geez i'll tell you what it's those unhealthy shredding diets that everyone's getting on about now tires are getting into the craze too it's not healthy folks i mean look what's happened to this person's body ah just ruined in 10 seconds i'm going to discover the value of life jackets and renters insurance it's even leaking through already you can see oh boy okay why did you stop to take a photo just run run walked into the cairo for minor back pain left in a wheelchair straight to the er with paralyzing schiatic nerve pain oof i am sorry you dealt with that sir on the bright side potential future drift king well now my competent chiropracting cuties it is time for some fan art and today's shout out goes to rainwhile the ravenclaw sword of rhymes i dig it they present us with a beautiful blend of liking neon and mk well i don't know who this neon channel is but they're not as good as us okay ooh trippy disco lights and fingers that look like they have colored condoms on them i mean cool lights no i'm kidding they don't look like that i'm just okay i'll be honest now it looks like that now that i mentioned it oh no i ruined your image i'm sorry thank you for your delicious artwork there rainwhile the ravenclaw and as always if you yourself would like to see some more fair nut of your own potentially then leave your beautiful works in the mk subreddit with that said that was the end of today's video so if you liked your time here why don't you just give the little thumbsy uppy and hey why not link your favorite little part of the video as a time code in the comments below i love to kind of scroll through the comments and see the bits you guys actually liked versus the bits you also were really concerned about and uh freaked out by i love it i love your suffering and confusion it feeds me be sure to subscribe as well so you're always updated on the latest videos and with all that said my name has been jack you have been a lovely person to confuse annoy love and cherish and i look forward to doing that again in the next video goodbye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 531,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: WsnrqDXj8Bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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