RTGame Archive: WarioWare: Get It Together! ft. Akialyne

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okay thank you thank you oh don't oh do um hello everyone hello can you hear us okay we gotta do a little sound check that we start every single stream with every time because professional streamer doesn't know what an audio setup is and lacks the confidence to confirm that you can hear them okay pro what professional streamer for hey i don't know that's a word uh i'm an esports gamer now we have to refer to myself by a proper title oh we got the drift king in huh where's your crown i don't see it i don't always wear we it hear you i want it can you guys hear myself and julie okay how's it going folks are we loud enough weekly be harsh you can hear us okay that's good how's it going cool yeah it's a slightly different audio setup because we're both on one mic again yeah but i'm loud so that's okay that's all good still screaming here i'll i'll just yell abuse at you so don't worry abuse healthy relationship we have with chat here you're gonna kick mine i feel like i feel like i'm meaner to my chat when someone else is here and i think that's because whenever someone else is here they're kinder to my chat so i've got to be like the bad cop so it all bounces out yeah like i like because they're being treated but nice by someone else so it's like well i got to keep them in line now so from being on your streams youtube use your chat even when nobody's here i'll protect them ah but it's funny like oh yeah abuse is funny oh no no don't oh god how's it going though folks you're all very welcome to the afternoon stream uh we're going to be doing a twofer with today's stream uh for the first half for like the next two hours or so myself and julia going to be playing warioware in my channel we're going to have like an intermission period and then i'm going to be learning how to draw on julie's channel she's a professional artist she's actually going to try and teach me i'm going to try try being the key word probably the key word um so what we're actually going to do is like halfway in the stream we're going to raid julie's channel and literally just continue from there so there'll be a redirect there and i'll be learning how to draw you guys i cannot draw good luck yeah thank you i will need it so we have like a drawn tablet set up in that in the other room um and i'm really dreading it i picked up a pen earlier and i don't know harry doesn't like the digital feel of it yeah i'm not used to it will you be kind to chat then well strictly speaking we're on julie's channel it's her chat then so i kind of have to i can't be a dick you know i gotta i gotta maintain an impression that i'm a nice person i sent love waves in my chat so you better be nice to them no i'll beat you up we just scream in my chat like honestly there's not there's no such thing as a love wave here it's just like panic and anarchy it's it's love wave and screaming so you'll be at least half at home you guys hear that there's like a horns plane outside is we mean is the military here it was you for your war crimes they're coming for you it's not the ice cream van or if it is they bought the game we finally got you finally it sounds like trumpets like the king has arrived or something you know i have a king here they found us what a great start oh god okay let's uh so that's what we're doing today it's a twofer dino thank you for the five gift subs and a thousand bits you're very kind thank you for the hype train folks we haven't [ __ ] done anything yet [Laughter] oh god okay uh warioware get your life together warrior where is gonna fix your existence on this planet [ __ ] do i need it okay uh wario intro games are you in it i don't know i don't know oh no the plot for this is wario got sucked into his game i think that's it oh can i do a warrior voice and go for it huh unless this like no wonder i feel like i'm flying i am fly the horns are blaring again oh no they're back [Laughter] [Music] why are they doing this you're getting louder oh boy this fits so well in the game that's all about wow is it because i'm inside the game who cares this is going to come in handy video game maker loves treasure money and garlic and money what could possibly go wrong what could possibly go wrong i've got to say the [ __ ] stole that from bubsy 3d i know my platforms hey wario attacks in whichever direction he's facing i have no oh okay you're also wario i'm also worried great okay that's me okay so you attack like this okay i've never played a wario game so it's very i got to the end before you well that means i'm better than you look of course you are i'm just starting out just wait until you draw me yeah i'm not gonna have much luck drawn is this ah it's the level i made wario sounds like a chain smoker ah it looks like a very corrupted kirby it does really really yeah that thing messed up everything yeah i can't do a worry over i like i should just oh boy this is bad i'm gonna ruin it's gonna ruin my level like who knows who knows where we're going i'd give him a anime girl voice i was ruining my voice how's it going oh oh what's happening why is there a nose why does the nose look like it's on its legs and not on the mustache is warrior going to destroy the planet like is this like a [ __ ] time is this the apocalypse oh no the justice house got destroyed oh no start start start like what is happening oh no okay there's a dancing nose oh this lodge this lodge oh we got to get them out oh okay here we go we have to work together oh no we're in wario's stomach okay hypnotized so you gotta hit it oh no oh god there we go and you gotta get him to sleep so we gotta we gotta work really quick on this okay okay collect them all oh no fly up get them oh okay some of these are going to be way easier than others yeah i'm just learning to read the game because oh mr warrior mr wario there you are wait who is this young cricket okay this is another warioware character jump in his cricket specialty hold down a to perform a high jump oh okay luigi [Music] okay oh so he attacks by going directly up okay oh damn it damn it i i i was almost faster i'm already done damn it someone upload this to agdq check it out i'm here too and get this i can throw this disc on my head as many times as i want that's even better i don't have to move oh god give me the ability please don't have to move 18 volt okay so he just throws disks okay so we just he doesn't he doesn't know how to move though come on come on come on i think you can just you can just spam okay okay so you have to go like to the rings oh the one in the top like kind of moves okay yeah so that's how you get it so you have to get the one up above yeah so you just i i'm just gonna keep spamming fire does it change you every time uh yeah yeah you have to match it you have to match it you gotta stop spamming okay here we go god this is a chaotic game get him i i attacked the wrong man oh there's the there's a wallet poster treat us a lot get off my case all right like there i thought you were supposed to be a pro gamer but oh i'm just learning the game like give me give me the chance but if i do something wrong it's immediately it's like oh [ __ ] you daniel oh no okay so that was our oh no god julie you made us lose that one i'm just a beginner i never played god almighty you don't know what you're doing you give you a lot of money here what are you complaining about there's gonna be a lot of screaming at each other teamwork what is that one of those games this is the boss is it a boss the nose is the boss the feet the feet okay oh there we go that was easy okay it's the more oh just don't hit the spikes because the spikes will kill us but spikes need hugs no they don't they do they do oh no look we needed to hug the spikes we're on our last life it's okay the spikes needed some hug i think it would give them no don't give them a hug we'll die it's okay you'll die it's worth it no you literally perish don't do it it will be a sweet death no i don't think like oh yeah he died in a nice way it was actually kind of cool the way he went out i don't think that some people say i think we have to wait for him to attack okay there we go okay we're going to do so we have to wait this meteor is raining oh no come on oh bollocks oh no well i tried to die if she died we both died yeah so unfortunately we're reliant on each other here where are your gamer skills i'm not good at games you are good at games do i need to remind you the hollow knight ones i'm no i'm bad again scream at you in the chat because you were too good at it i'm not gonna i'm dead god damn it let me defend you for once i'm not good at timing defeat and i'm also very impatient i'm sorry oh we're going to be here a while do you think that if we combine each other we will become a gamer god no no that's true defeat not at all i was going to get that one but you know you decided to just go kill yourself there first we just started the game what does this mean this is the tutorial level this one shouldn't be this difficult oh no okay i'm scared i'm scared of spikes okay i've given them hugs and this is how they repay me you're not supposed to like they're that that's the [ __ ] problem julie you're not supposed to hug them but but you're not but that's how people die but let me just like you know give the cyanide a kiss like that's not what you do everybody and everything needs love okay no that's debatable no what okay no [ __ ] [ __ ] hitbox i was uh trying to wait for the opportune moment to strike there it was a [ __ ] hitbox i protest there i protest no just biden my time to finally get that final strike and then really decide to kill herself again [Music] were you saying about me the hardest level in the game this is it guys final boss defeat we just started the game but we're already on final boss mode you think like the announcer saying defeat not because that's the objective but just because we've been defeated there we go okay now we can do this okay take your time on the queue okay what's the horns outside okay that's the first one this is where it gets tricky okay so dodge the meteor wait i'm gonna wait you can only attack on the left or right there we go dodge the meteor dodge the meat here that was that there we go yay and he's dead first try baby that was the hardest level in the game oh no is that a garlic volcano don't question these things wario like wario is like a weird like forgotten child of nintendo i feel it's like when mario and luigi are doing all these professional games like wario's just here with his franchise like hey farts like the entire time and like charles martinez has a field day with it all the corruption it's disappearing oh we gotta fight game bugs okay get rid of the bugs everything will go back to normal there's the plot and this is how you get your life together to feed the bus get your life together just defeat the glitches in your existence that's all you got to do your life's a mess that's why it's your fault oh no leopedia okay and you lock missions and crew okay we got everything okay that's life life is life let's go get a load of this place the bugs really did a number on it it's weird seeing a warioware game with plot like that's like the most jarring thing here they don't usually no they don't really have a story but like this is like the most this is the most coherent one i've ever seen pets pets she has pets this is my favorite character has a boomerang it's like a really cool greedy effect that oh so you use the boomerang to break it yep you just start of the boomerang that's great press and hold hey i don't know how many of those are coming out with the mic the ice cream fan is out for blood he's very upset knowing about his ice cream come on get us the ice cream she's an overachiever [Laughter] okay we got more books okay select your crew member oh no mo mona we have to take i want mona yeah you have mona i have luna oh you have phone calls you're all right there let's let's aim let's let's jump here we go there you go there's only one warrior in the world only one you control him so i hope you do it good i mean i think one warrior is enough honestly like that we don't need two of that man be good they've destroyed massive property damage everything is ruined that's that's not babies oh no that didn't cause that much damage really that that seemed like a lot worse hey guys do you want kids i was expecting like the house to be on fire honestly like that's actually not that a bit disappointing jesus that's a parenting technique [ __ ] boomerang at your kids but everything is clean that's the rhythm heaven dog is it is there continuity next day behave but how do we behave they're going to destroy it again oh no again oh no everything is on fire it's now my birthday stop happy birthday it was 12 tv thanks for the 500 match oh it's uh it's the top right one hang on no you gotta stop bopping that one you need to bop blue i i can't bob the blue that's all right connect oh i'm gonna be digest no yeah so so if you turn it no if you turn it the other way there we go that's so cute though oh god oh no oh no there we go take off her face this is gonna be like i think this is probably gonna be more frustrating to play um no oh yeah you're supposed to hide this is probably a much more frustrating game with two people than one i got i've already got that feeling perfect because like it's so easy for you to both just do something and sabotage yourself yeah because just one person playing this speed no it just goes faster my god this face this is so cursed turn it on there we go we're doing the plug it plug it oh oh no did i do it bad oh no oh no i did the battery mrs nose you don't get to redo that one okay clean up the house okay you plugged it wrong knock it off there we go it's clear why do you only get one chance for that game you only get one chance for every game you have to go quick there we go i like how how their game plays are different but ultimately like remove you you get to play the same way it just uh yeah it still works with any character is what i mean you gotta go quick gotta go quick you can't stop when you're moaning you just keep driving everywhere yeah no you can't stop it's a blast time okay mug okay complete package so we need to complete the package we need the mug okay so take take the mug we go so we just have to complete the one that's missing okay cool uh it's two hats and a hair dryer okay so with this soda can yeah so they can go forward there we go there's a bin just in case you make a mistake okay uh a cap and a soda can uh cap in the soda can okay there's there's a few of them with a cap in a soda can okay i think it's this one oh so you gotta do it in order right yep okay i get it now game over the boss got us we're not clean enough it costs us money to continue now as well oh no no i appreciate the animation on the on the cupboard you fool wardrobe sorry okay okay kettle hat okay so we need a kettle package you can't look at the google kettle come on there we go okay oh no uh it's two sold on a kettle the first one is just the hat and then it's it was a bottle of boots and a hat and a hand here we go hey all right we're doing good teamwork just a hat so we need we need everything else so hate this there we go and i need to put that in there we need a kettle and then the last one we just need to get everything so i got a hat oh god one hat what do you want do you want we need a kettle we need a soda can put that in here we go we beat the bus we beat the cockroach picking bugs we just stabbing them that'll be much faster like none of this minigame shout just you know summon a massive foot good old hard boot to his face we'll probably just kill him just stop him out there we go cockroaches are surprisingly resilient to crushing really i mean we don't really get cockroaches here i've never had to deal with them you underestimate the power of the cockroach she's so cute i love her so much ah she's okay at best no she's cute admit it no you can't you can't you can't say nice things here that's not how sure she therefore she's foreign she therefore is cute oh yo you're not cute in your life there's your problem you know you're not ginger that's what you're doing wrong yeah the horns agree oh no okay we're ready she's ginger there for a laksa soul no she's adorable their people are the cool so if you're not ginger go [ __ ] yourself i guess julie's logic she does not appreciate you no stop saying if you're not ginger like what's wrong with you exactly horns they agree like i'm starting to think that the guy hong king is watching your stream oh they they completely understand i'm not ginger well i love you still okay so we're taxi driving duo we get to be one guy each okay so i always fire bazook to the right you fire it to the left okay so direction is important so you can only shoot left i can only shoot right okay what about redheads no no julie doesn't approve yes i do no you got a hat specifically ginger ready oh you're all beautiful i'm just saying ginger color is beautiful too [Music] i'm being attacked by everybody goddammit daniel like don't get her words twisted she hates you guess it's time to unsub no what if you dye your hair that's not good enough we've got it's high standards apparently please i'm okay with everyone no matter the hair color i have no issue myself i don't have any issues i'm just saying the ginger isn't it are you okay i know i'm the nice guy here the only person that he hates is luigi oh god i mean that's everyone though no one loves with luigi oh you'd love him no i hate him you'd love him sleep paralysis your dreams yeah the nightmares clothes oh the the no you open the window oh no i'm sorry that's the opposite escape there we go we escaped i gotta go quick okay pleasure let's go spin it spin it what the [ __ ] is this this is terrifying this is like an alien in this town source doughnuts go here no no it goes that way okay i saved it and then we lost it an attempt was made i'm sorry beat them all okay so you need to defeat those guys uh you missed the mushroom baby i think on yours but i couldn't i couldn't hit his wife oh that's unfortunate how many there's there's five five that's four i was going to hit five before you did that oh my god we're going to be we're going to like be strangling each other by the end of the stream i don't think it's like it's it's just the get the way the game is set up no i was i was like okay this game is like a mario party but the fun part of mario party but no it's not it's all this is infuriating you got to make sure that your teamwork is perfect which is not an arc get it together how do i dodge the wizard you drove into him oh hey we got the crown i've got the drifting from i'm the drift queen now high five you gotta get his hand there we go i got his hand okay shoot switch make him smooch you got you gotta move you gotta move the other one i'm not controlling this oil the one let's steer you stick together okay stick together together okay there we go merge them all that was very cute big shelter i if you hide under the hero you thankfully didn't get hit no i didn't get hit but it was very close i was trying to get the way you do not have a lot of time to figure this out no and i work super badly start over it costs too many coins gotta go from the very start okay so what one is it donut okay yeah there we go this is so cute strongly disagree protect stressful you got to protect it oh god it means pluck out so we gotta get rid of his armpit hair oh well you're welcome mister defeat off there we go we got him that they can hit them people say an ew to that one there's like mini games in this week you just like pick people's noses as well i'm pretty sure so i'll just shoot it there do not have a lot of time you do not want to ask why it is that you have armpits here the warrior where lore is like kind of all over the place you need to hit that one you need to there we go we just barely got that close enough okay so just don't get hit okay uh there we go gandalf's not going to kill us this game has lore it does have a very like rough lore it tends to be that wario is greedy and that's the plot but here it seems to be a fair bit more involved trying to learn all the mini games so we're doing way better yeah there we go high five no we i don't think we should yeah i'll be honest we've got a long way to go like let's not give ourselves a pat in the back just yet oh no if you can push that i couldn't push that it was too fast i'll catch five oh no five specifically okay seek shelter i couldn't move i was the character that cannot move and i only realized it's too late okay boss stage let's go is the boss like oh no oh it's the statue protect protect him we got to keep him safe we got to keep him safe from what oh no oh no jesus no oh no okay so just just let them settle let them settle oh no i can't i can't shoot you have to shoot i'll i'll go i'll go okay unlock oh no okay hold on we need to we need to do that how do you put the key in there okay save okay save him no no no we're good we're good oh uh you have to do the key there now oh no oh no no no no no no no you just we don't really care about this guy anyway so you know i'm not stressed like he could [ __ ] die for all i care oh don't lie you were you were sweating inside it's fine i'm not first if these people like perish first i don't care about their well-being these are so cute i know they're bugs and we need to eradicate them but they are very really cute the rt the iron rt stands for ruthless yeah that sounds about right brittle and spits drawing we got more uh we want to do ball doctor or nintendo classics what are you feeling let's go for classics [Laughter] let's get him done and then we can appreciate the classics more this is like you know the good part of your dinner that you saved to last so you get the final taste of it in before nintendo classics absolutely crush us oh they're probably gonna destroy us what the gallium is going on here okay the t stands for the villain first only jinger's now already eradicate them i'm worried about accio oh me too man what she's getting a lot of strong political opinions out here please don't listen to me press or hold a to make cry girl swim oh let's keep swimming [Music] yes okay here we go let's uh fix this bit of the game so i assume we're just fixing every single character's bit of the game the horns agree perfect okay so we have we have to take cry gore i do not like dribble and spits uh control so i will go for a pullback okay i really don't like 18 volt uh so i'll just i'll just take a dribble and i'll take a wario go for it there we go let's begin let's go rt is a bad influence that's a bit harsh my name gets blocked because i encourage you to uh to research that on the internet it's very unfortunate i don't know very very unfortunate and uh i think it's kind of creepy i thought wait ikea line no accia accused yeah why does that get blocked uh i'm not aware of that yeah no i i didn't know but yeah apparently it is okay i've never really known my name every time is if you don't call me aki mobot is just going to be like no the bots just cracked out i've never heard of that one it's a slur against ginger so i don't think that's quite right i've never heard of that one like never in my life there you go everybody's gonna start calling me i can't know acronym okay well here it here it just means julie yeah cover up oh no before he's naked quickly escape escape oh no escape oh just you gotta fly up oh no you gotta you have chosen your character poorly i'm sorry everything everything is good now everything's good there we go there you go you can call me julie assemble pose i think we just have the time pressing the a button yeah it's very unfortunate for my name as well because i'm pretty sure it's also a japanese name so it's like did i find a symbol just don't dwell on it for now you're right uh attract we gotta oh come on come on yes yes push that there uh a lot oh freak that was too fast gotta go faster gotta go fast no no that's right none of that [ __ ] no we don't do that here no sonic around it stop that stop laughing you got to hit the switch you've got to hit the switch it worked you gotta hit the switch i can't go off i'm doing my best gotta go up i gotta go up no you gotta you gotta go and go through the exit okay okay no it's just not fast close enough so you gotta just not do what you did there you have to sing it wind up city no you don't yeah we don't we don't do it here oh no we can't treat them to anything like of quality on this stream that's not how it works continue on i think yes we continue this time yeah we go i'm like so i'm like i'm hating this game i'm actually like so frustrated right now and uh god love you it's not your fault julia it's just i think the fact of playing this like with another person i think yeah because it's like we both have to do with something yeah but like time it and we have like a fraction of a second to work it out if your reaction time is not good then you're going to have a heart get it the gutter wario [Laughter] crab grab me grab grab it looks yummy all right we got to make it uh so you you go on the bottom here we go there we go oh heck give me that and then i gotta place it i want sushi now you just gotta go quick okay you oh come on why there you go you got it good that one's already there uh i got the wrong one we need the sponge see the sponge oh that is just a sponge that we put on it really is just that wasn't food that was like just what you used for your dishes [Laughter] just to clean the sushi so nasty we ate spongebob uh someone had to take him down a peg or two he's been around too long probably for the best you see i am a genius like squidward finally snapped you know so like spongebob's actually dead oh no it's about time all right i'm so excited let's try this it's called a sponge roll and it's a delicacy yeah but it's not with an actual like dish like clean your dishes sponge like that that's not right at all it goes fast my skateboard it's skating on its own oh no what a disaster oh gee blindfold why does he look like alex kidd yeah i don't know who that is it was the sega mascot before sonic god arty you need to get your culture together i mean these people know i'm not culture they know like a like a 40 year old boomer at heart so basically you cannot control where he goes yeah he kind of just zooms left and right it's just a timing thing then oh i hate this character already absolutely despise them i feel like that's me at half the characters here it's like i don't like how this one controls huh it definitely feels like a game you would love to play uh yours by yourself if you play it with somebody else like you have to make sure you're really in sync with that person whoever you want um i'm trying to think like i don't really like wario i don't i think cricket's kind of boring i don't like 18 volt mona is really hard to control i can't do much here he doesn't really move that well and then there's [ __ ] young tony hawk here so like i like this game i'm not having a good time right now i'll be honest with you um let's go with jump boy and boomerang girl sure let's go rt is being a negative nancy [Music] what's up i don't know for me it's like i love games where like you can like you can control characters really well but the mechanics of this game is that you can't control half the character as well so i don't know if this is for me i think it's something you get used to i mean i don't know if i'm gonna invest enough time in this game to get used to it i said i must i must i'm so sorry to everyone here like i know i just sound like i'm done you want me to kick your button mario party i know we'll keep going with this epic augmented reality game oh no skyrim vr let's go meanwhile rt get played dark souls let's see dark souls mechanically satisfied i can control my character if i [ __ ] up i know that's my fault if [ __ ] tony hawk decides to sw like yo whizzes yo-yo into the like the rafters and i turn around on a dime like i don't know what's going on oh what is going on it looks like it has a mustache let's keep going okay oh this is gonna be that reminds me ice climbers persona 4 for some reason what the ice climbers no uh the level reminds me of persona 4 because there's a bus that's uh oh okay just read for gaming like this gotcha game only uh we need oh it has to be the gamecube oh okay okay well okay well next time we'll know next time we know oh a straight up this is like the metagame one where you just go into every is this the nintendo property is this the one where there's fire emblem oh here's luigi's mansion i i need club one fire emblem hey nintendo's like buy or other franchises come on man oh we gotta we gotta strike it but tony hawk's having none of it get the coins i'm dead oh you're also dead oh no oh my god oh no how are you supposed to dodge that one come on no oh my god i hate it oh no oh no okay uh continue all right i'm i'm so mad i'm so mad i hate this character like what even when you go to the right i hate this character oh just turn the [ __ ] crank oh no oh great shape oh no we failed what i just i just i hate it what happened but okay okay get in samus i guess we did we did it beat him right at least playing this one he just jumped you're vain no you're gone no no don't don't this is claude von regan he needs love okay strongly disagree it's glad bonfire emblem we need to give him that he's nice uh we failed a pikmin game i am not obsessed i i stay alive i can't do it you can't do it [Laughter] it's okay are you gonna be okay let's spend another 100 coins to keep playing we need to honk oh no when we draw art later i'm just gonna draw like a copy of this game on fire i mean if you want like just the box but like it's being hit by like a hammer what the [ __ ] do we do uh stay on course i think oh great we got to get to the end so like the thing is like the stages are not even thought it thought out to be before two years it seems yeah oh just ended okay okay i should get the thing there we go we just wait for them to yeah okay okay are you gonna be able to make it over here yeah i will no are you sure no i'm not sure of anything please help they give you like a good few minutes for this one they know you're gonna struggle okay okay this way just very patient don't get hit i'm not i'm not here don't get hit i'm good i'm good i'm good we gotta start it all over again wait okay tonight can i go that way can you can you go whenever you're ready okay the camera is making me a little motion sick oh no okay okay so you need to you need to get on this hook too you you need to get me at the bottom okay you need to get out the hook i can't get on the hook if you're on there okay let me just whizz away into the distance you know i was thinking that the drawing was going to be the most chaotic part it seems that i was wrong did we make it we made it to the end thank god that was awful i was uh i feel so bad because like this game just came out um if this is just not for me this is absolutely i will keep going an hour but i'm losing my goddamn mind it's okay maybe we'll improve it's going to be up to you to carry this one julie oh i'm stressed out of my mind sorry world i guess a worthless ending yeah like a kale okay oh no i think we're never gonna take nine volts we'll never take that character again never ever could be the leader from the game and it would only be an improvement it's such a shame because i think if we had like one or two seconds more it would be a lot easier to process but we don't so he sucks at least there's claude von fire emblem i can die happy i can just die that's great oh no [Laughter] okay uh we got a new character this is mike he does not have great skills at singing but he loves to sing that sounds like me he shoots upward from his mouth okay don't you dare start singing oh he really makes a lot of noise when he sings yeah yeah yeah so we have to take mike delete him from the game i'm gonna go cricket and just wario because they're like easiest to control i'll go with 19 18 volts 19 no do you want to sing the flintstones daniel oh no not good i think i'm good okay cover up okay i think only one of us needs to get there that's fine there we go you'd barely have any time for that one no you don't yeah but it is very cute hit it what do we hit after this just this one i think it's just the one match nine o'clock there we go okay this one was easier see i can actually control these characters so it's like i i'm i think even by virtue of that i'm going to be able to do better it's much easier than the other one earlier it just really depends on the character you have i guess it does some of them just suck i think i'm probably gonna be like the same two characters like until we get more that is controlled the same way oh no you did it i'm sorry okay guys there we go there you go samus attract right push push push there we go close enough okay we got to make sure we're in the hole oh you got it that time i got it yeah you plugged there we go don't get caught yes amazing of all things to represent in wario where it's like the nintendo 3ds badge arcade made it in it's actually quite surprising i remember that game stand here it's going so fast i don't know what's happening warrior wears like a fever dream i'm starting i'm starting to get a feel for the game starting to get a little easier i mean i'm i'm just happy with these characters like i'm having a great time now there we go there we go he loves it it's like you go from like me like just 10 minutes ago to now smile through the veins okay clear of course good god like this level now that we're not the skateboard kid like i'm having fun i'm enjoying myself now it's almost like something you should have from like starting any game having fun like this is enjoyable all of a sudden it's incredible just no more skateboard kid no more skateboard kids game of the year game of the year it's the best thing i've ever played this year we're doing the new this is the best game i've ever played this year all of a sudden i love it [ __ ] nine volt apparently yeah nine volt you could kill him and no one would miss him so much more enjoyable now that's a big party that is a big party can we just photoshop nine vault out of it we just replace it by i one die party hates tony hawk and fur oh no oh no i've been hurt before oh they look adorable do they control well dude like that's all i have only concern that's all i care about for all these characters like do they play well our legs won't stop jumping okay i'm going to hate them hyperactive kid i'm going to despise these characters okay so i'm the ginger one yay oh it actually worked out yeah god forbid you have pink hair jewelry you know like uh the finger is so cool too no no you can't take it back now you can't take it back now okay so we always jump and we can only shoot one direction okay i find them really really fun to control actually let me go wario and cricket oh i have to i'll take mike mike was easy to control too i'll go with like 18 and i guess i'll go with come on there you go okay oh no taking more characters like it worries me town village oh it looks like sakuna a rice of ruin oh it's a very fun game plate oh no prepare for ninja spell oh no not the ninja spell it's not that dramatic they look like they're having a good time yeah i i think they're fine oh they're stealing dangos this is not fine he's having a great whole time what am i gonna do if i don't have dango he's fine take a picture of this i took it a bit late yeah they're they're having the time in their lives this is starting to look like the lion king power looks like the lion king oh like the animals just running taking away his characters okay like it was clear in my head okay he just became a lion let's get him [Music] okay let's go let's go so yeah so you always jump so i'm just gonna spam whatever on that character now i can move again oh god there we go uh we need to feed the ones under here okay never mind well mission complete no we got it we got it we got it like this i think we just hit the dandelion okay how do you pronounce that dandelion flip the turtle come on there we go did that count i barely counted great three there you go we're improving you see well the game lets us control these characters so again i'm i'm enjoying myself more there we go i don't like that i don't like you got to move it the other way so i got a useless character there i mean i literally couldn't do anything yeah some of the games it's kind of it seems kind of weird because you literally just get like a character you cannot use and it's like well like you're stuck with the ninja that only fires to the left the enemies on the right okay there we go oh babies speed up speed oh we did it and that worked i don't know what happened but that works dodge not the food you can shoot the pool it's okay all right i don't like this giraffe with a human face oh no it's a puppy there was a puppy in it okay bus stage this is going way too [ __ ] fast okay remember uh you want me to just take the left side uh sure wait so there's five giraffes five's your ass on the right side either gorilla was there the giraffe go for a draft there we go i think do i need do i need to do it too i i think one of us just needs to pick it okay question two two who wasn't there no you got to stop selecting the drive sorry you got it sorry we're good actually fairly easy before it absolutely crushes us who had food that [Laughter] what about the other answers like julie no i'm here to sabotage everything you're being too much of a god gamer in other games everything got a balance i don't i don't think i'm a god gamer i think your chat thinks otherwise no they no they they know i'm terrible at these games first try mission complete join the crew i can't wait to never play him again oh no i'm so grumpy i'm sorry it's okay they need a pet pad i'm so grumpy like okay do you need your food no i'm good like do you need okay ashley ashley hope please control well she's so cute control l we beg you we beg you to control okay please you're a trophy in smash bros you should be good god game or afraid of change okay let's see what ashley's doing i can relate to ashley oh joy and here i was finally having some fun ashley what a moon cute stuff expressing emotions oh god that sounds about right that's a spirit animal right there [Laughter] so basically you don't you don't want any cats any puppies you hate cute stuff i'm just i'm very grumpy today oh no i'm very grumpy and she controls well any direction she doesn't automatically move and has arranged she's the best character in the game he's the best character in the entire game i beat you i was there first why should i just say no ashley just walk away just walk away while you can okay so i'm gonna go all the characters that move the easiest okay and then now i'll always take ashley as well so i can never take ashley it's yours i'm sorry i think i think we can both take ashley i think we can double up that should that should be okay ashley's mentioned oh best character best character by far [Music] she's just really grumpy which is great i just really love the style of this game so much super simple but it's so cute it's cute they just have like i think like four characters we need to remove from the game we'll need four of them but that's okay that'll that'll greatly improve so the devil is for london oh yeah it's like a friend she's just gonna make food oh no that makes me so hungry [Music] ashley's just killing everyone and she eats them for dinner kind of twisted if you think about it yeah this is just doho i don't know i don't know what it is i'm pretty sure you have seen fan art okay pretty sure okay let's go [Music] adjust oh we need to get it so it's uh there okay oh boy not too much that was uh that was really close okay best character time finish okay most enjoyable minigame i've played by far everything's going well i wonder why oh no no no no no daniel i can't move no [Music] and you think we lost that round because julie couldn't move hey because no because she picked it's okay you pick you pick the glitch character that's not supposed to be in the game that was the problem i will kick your butt there we go oh the tongues in this game adjust there we go okay oh it's delicious not as delicious as curry oh that guy was just coming in oh finally some good orange juice there's chat fed for the day [Music] we just like trying to like get rid of all the food there we go is that what's going on because we keep eating the donut every round we complete yeah we seem to eliminate them by eating them oh no there we go ah the birthday cake happy birthday chat take a seat [Music] after you get the scene i'm enjoying this so much more me too look at it it's gotten so much better since i can like actually move all these guys protect no no just screaming their faces oh my god what have you done [Music] okay what do we got to do scrapes juice it'll spill oh okay oh we gotta juice it while it's under there we go so you get okay cool so you drop the grapes in and then you have to shoot them yeah so you want to make sure that they land in the right container yep so we can just kind of keep some grapes coming down and then you squish them so bring them over here bring them over here uh yeah just wait there we go there we go squish and squeeze way too close we can only get so much juice down like that misses too okay last one okay there we go yeah we're very close to messing that one up that's okay it looks delicious though i love the game of the year [Music] from our worst game too yay i love this game so much yeah chloe's gonna be very confused i think watching the highlights for this good luck chloe and then this together it's like well daniel was like really negative but then he absolutely loved it what is it daniel which one is it we just need like let me oh no so i just i just want to like make the game and here's like a bit better and here's the suggestion i have okay this this summarizes my experience all four of those characters all four of them and it'd be so much better and you know we need like we need like the other ninja too perfect daddy you didn't cover 18 volt yeah we were missing a few we were missing a few i got them oh genie team [Music] worst game ever played game of the year they like released simultaneously it's like the worst game i played all year and then the best game i've played all year and it's just the same video come on jimmy do not disappoint oh no spoopy alternate timelines [Music] your intellect is a scaredy cat there he is oh yeah hello there jimmy yeah yeah look at him whether he's hitting the dance floor the gym this sports love and disco king is all the right moves look at this beautiful blue here he's topless he doesn't have a shirt oh till to choose i going to hate jimmy you don't hate no i'm going to hate him he doesn't move by the fall oh you gotta you gotta move in style and that's why i hate him no i love him i'll protect listen back to worst game of the year get that chloe okay so pick ashley because she's the best character in the game best character in the entire game now cricket just jumps so you can control them and then wario just kind of flies i'll take dr craiger there we go look at this party arty hates fun confirmed i'm i'm look i'm i'm a boomer all right oh heck like who's this oh look at this family oh it crickets here too [Music] they're all jamming what's going on i love his mustache it's just musical note feeling groovy fitness look at him go look at him what is happening in this game oh we gotta dance more oh yeah oh now we're exercising this is like when those 80s training montages fitness aerobics look at them go grandpa is my favorite i'm sorry what year is this i'm just confused this this whole game is a fever dream okay let's go honestly cast the spell get the goal i think we killed the goalie there okay what like why are they like more realistic dancers like in the background oh no you have to go you got to get them there we go there we go [Music] hey we're like these like chippy versions of ourselves and then this is like like hd realistic [Music] those faces though oh no as long as i just keep getting ashley i'll have a good time you're definitely gonna be the mvp for this one there we go hey it's just dance okay reeling uh okay like this just i i give him a push used to have got it black take that mo says was that like an ms paint mole oh we needed to knock it down more yeah okay here we go when they start dissing your flags let's go get it to the green let's go [Music] we're doing good okay swim oh you just hit his arms he's like a propeller dodge oh like some of them are so realistic and in some are so cartoony i love it clear [Music] that's a lot of money yeah what are we doing climb oh no oh this is gonna be so annoying oh no okay come on buddy we gotta we gotta make him climb fast too come on come on buddy come on buddy he's struggling come on buddy come on buddy yes so jimmy is gonna be added to the needs to be deleted category this character design though why [Music] did his feet get tangled i think they did yeah i don't think jimmy t is doing too good the deleted characters are feelings down not if you delete them i can't feel anything if they don't exist it's like how many here have i like like waged war against like actually like let's see actually i've given the all clear 18 volt he needs to go the robot he's fine the cat needs to go mona on the fence but probably more needs to go wario's okay cry gore needs to go the dog needs to go the ninja needs to go nine volt needs to go jimmy needs there's like three characters that are safe so you only you only accept ashley completely it's just ashley to be fair she she looks like the coolest character in this game we've lost so many ashley ashley like 9 volt needs to be deleted twice but it's game of the year you know when you when you're playing those specific characters lincoln poop what does nincompoop mean it's kind of like an old insult you ninkin poop like you don't you don't hear it that often anymore so we're an alien now oh no he sucks up things below him by activating his people okay so he just attacks under him but you can control him pretty well he's not bad he he gets a pass actually pretty cool he gets a pass yeah he can control all his movements it's just yeah he's basically a vacuum cleaner [Applause] nikki ashley i don't know it's like she's the best character let's go can you control the cat and dog pretty well you can but they only fire left and right and sometimes you just lose the mini game which seems kind of stupid okay we're in the desert stealing stuff good like who is this guy in like the warioware lore as well like they just have like an alien no not the grandma don't steal the grandma we didn't need her anyway rt is worse than saddas yeah because i'm snapping like well over half i'm clicking my fingers twice absorb your culture oh no it's only a quarter left this guy is absorbing cultures no we need to save culture ah do we really we should be ours the french one it's great but ah do we really yes yes he's just getting souvenirs we can't save yours because of spire well no we can take the spire take that someone no just take it away no one will appreciate it but just please take it [Music] the art department for this game must have just been told like just have fun oh you you need you need to put it over there over there there you no you need to put it over here i'm sorry i was confused as to what to do okay okay here we go there we go oh god match you're gonna be match yes there we go yay got it they were given a box of assorted drugs it really feels like that for the art department yeah like what is your style yes uh belgian culture fresh on display yes exactly oh no take a while to figure out what to do someone's going to be upset by that what's in there i don't i don't know we didn't break it it was it was those ones oh sorry there it's okay [Music] like someone's going to be upset yeah match masks i oh i guess we had to take like the two masks for ourselves no idea because we had a fraction of a second to learn that okay basically you take a mask and they take the other okay right we gotta take the same one what does state mean what do we need to do what i guess we did it what was the goal there so you take one side okay and yeah and uh yeah oh no oh no okay we did it yeah but i mean we moved steep the t what does that mean watch oh he went into the light there we go okay it's brewed the tea okay i've never heard anyone say steep the t stage yeah we get to be alien boy oh it's the brit it's london bridge oh we're giving it as a present what do we what do we got to do so we need to let the boat so you need to get in okay get in or on it okay pagan it's time come on buddy there we go oh and then we need to let the traffic go across too that's cool i wanted to see if it would still make it why didn't you do the new no why didn't the seagulls look like alarmed in this one like they've got like really wide eyes don't they look like the seagulls from finding though i don't know i haven't seen that film in a long time now you need to watch it this spoof themes it see you later boat okay if you just hide in the elevator i think that's like probably the best way to do it probably let's go oh oh oh birdo that's not the right no birthday oh so you have to fight the birdos off as well okay we have to fight the birdo oh no because the birds will try and untangle the ribbon i think okay the birdo we can crush yeah the lovely one this is like a slower pace for this one too oh and let's go the taxi on fire no that was the boat oh i didn't see the boat i was going for the bird [Music] it's okay we can do it we're gonna have the long like the only mini game that's actually quite long gives us a lot of time but if we get it wrong we have a lot of time and we gotta get back to where we were you don't have your glasses on oh i don't actually true i was distracted by the seagulls i need my glasses to find my glasses i can't find them right now all right have a look for him lead okay blind streamer that was a little bit risky here ah he's fine here we go vote oh vote dude we're good let's go i want to give them like a ramp like a room it's not city skylines come on oh please let them ride no a boat boat boat boat yeah i got it i got it i was getting the birds okay okay don't you dare the last one do not no no we did it we organized london bridge no one is dead apart from the birds beagles i'm definitely dead not the birdos oh god make it a pinball machine just dublin bus is just being knocked about the place okay or bulan has joined the team it's a very odd name but hey how many levels are there because i think this is most of the warrior characters that i remember are we like near the end remix two things in two hours i don't know how long it is how how long were the previous ones dude not that long honestly you can beat like warioware and we in like two hours oh really but that would be probably about the same then yeah maybe a little longer it's like two to three hours for this for the campaign no not the man oh the man yeah i can relate no [Music] ah mom unacceptable and wander off by yourself it's not safe when she becomes a ghost she channels her inner soul to just go and [ __ ] her son's life oh no oh so we can use her now five volt warps to whatever his spirit takes her and emits a powerful shock okay so we need to so if you do that oh and you can't move normally that was just a ghost she's very fun actually we'll file her on the needs to be deleted pile no leave her alone i can't move yeah but at least she kicks her son's butt i'm honored okay let's go he's so mad delete the entire family tree leave no trace okay that was that was uh close there but turtle is safe so you can't teleport everywhere there are spaces where you cannot you cannot celebrate yeah there you go there we go oh come on god yeah i couldn't help i'm sorry that is okay a team works there we go oh you can save him by two ways there yeah oh no there we go you did help they they are so prepared feel like i'm taking lsd watching this me too me too it's all a fever dream i i've escaped i might need a hand yeah i also need to get out wait you're not able to escape oh this one again this one is particularly cursed very very serious then my streams are not that scarce there we go this meat returns yeah i don't i don't like it being referred to as piss me no there we go we have the two perfect characters for this someone who lives in belgium i could confirm oh no [Music] he just get him going not the food not the poopers that one that one's really easy to actually do you just stand in the right spot there we go okay never mind steep it again mix it all up what do you think the arab budget was all of us oh no wait wait my brain didn't process i'm sorry did you like go into that to get hit here's the target oh no thank you why i'm sorry my brain was slow oh it's the grape one again oh this is this is gonna be hard as just the mom's this takes a lot more time than my dash there's a deadly bee watch out oh out for the murder hornets oh no no more no murder i'll take this uh i need something to come over here come on we just gotta sit tight a while come on buddy there we go last one okay i can get this one instantly come on we're good yeah she looks much more fun to control than in the sun oh anything is better than the sun oh god we're improving i'm proud of us we're doing good yeah mom i thought you were going to stop drinking i need to make more wine i might that was fun okay see you later mom may we never play you again oh dear is there still more characters to unlock or if we got them all wario anything goes okay maybe that's the last level have we got every character now there's still a few more oh this is the last level i made this is gonna be an even harder one wait is this just the end really oh god damn speed running tactics yeah there's post game stuff after this okay jesus we just like tore through this oh we get to pick a character ashley let's pick five though oh the character is gay okay uh mike and cricket i'll take wario okay i'll take the ufo guy because i think he's the actually pretty good he's not too bad okay let's go let's go there's one character in the post game that's higher than control than nine vote well it's okay because we don't have to do that everything is like reality is collapsing it's quite jarred we're glitching i think he's enjoying it oh god let's fight wario what is happening jesus christ super wario god mode i feel like sh they should have given like a color sensitive warning good luck uh for this game yeah i i kind of agree with that it actually is quite trippy he's thanos oh yeah so we need to loop around and pull that's how that one works four two four there we go you should have gone for the head oh god okay i get to fight him here too win win though they're going scissors so we need rocks let's go knock down oh come on yes get it out of the bank yeah get inside we're doing great for now go wario oh you pushed him off as well oh i'm sorry you went too far defeat you must fight the nose box god the nose still going there we go oh my god he's coming for us i don't like his lips and his face is so disturbing oh no of all oh you gotta bring him in the spikes that was very satisfying wario feet sucks yeah that that didn't look too appetizing oh we need to stand oh [Music] there we go destroy the poses some of them are really satisfying okay no no bad imagine if you had like nine uh like the the skateboard kid gotta stop a forest fire okay yeah the skateboard kit here would be horrible okay let's go let's go joy ashley for oh no chase playing a side-scrolling platformer all of a sudden oh no okay let's go quick don't hit the rocks because the rocks will kill us skateboard kid on this one would be horrendous what what is this it's it's the toilets it's a big toilet it's a big toilet with a tiny toilet dodge oh no what are we gonna oh there's rocks and then there's big ones okay sorry yeah all right okay this is a long level two so like we need to we need to be focused you need you need to restart it from the sky why i'm sorry i'm doing my best oh it's gonna be hell further let's go yeah this is a really bad character for this one i think gosh we can't really shoot in front of us at least we don't need to yeah we seem to seem alright so far let's go at the toilet volcano must be a piece okay this time i think maybe we might be able to don't transit under it but just shoot up just in case it catches you that's okay i'm sorry i wanted to play that one again anyway i'm sorry all right don't worry okay let's go again chase oh i can run really fast yeah you can i can't fly unfortunately yeah okay appreciate ashley for me it's just like the one hit will get you back at the start yeah it's so unforgiving we just got to go up and then it's capture at the end what do we have to do for capture i think if you try you can try shoot it just don't stand under it oh there we go oh no we just wait for him to fall [Music] we did it is this the end of the game oh no it might be we defeated glitch wario v gone he's just a nose now plug him let's play him oh oh that was disgusting we did it oh no what a disgusting way to finish the bus we beat the game i okay got you now glitches are fading away heck yeah hey there we go there's a giant bug and wario's gonna incorporate it in the game oh it's such a happy bug okay now do we get to escape the game now oh there goes jimmy he's struggling what is this this friend oh oh it's god wha what i am the supreme developer i watch over this game you might say i am the one who brought you here yes that was all me but supreme who come on everyone knows wario is number one the game bugs arrived fight uninvited i knew not what to do i brought you here help i thank you for tidying up their mess difficult work i'm sure now your home is right this way [Music] as this game is just like a fever dream it really is i can plan i don't know what we've experienced i'm very confused by the entire experience uh but i think we beat the main story they were in the game simulation it seems oh don't think he was too focused on development i'm an inkling that money might have gone to his head this is irl footage of what game development looks like you'll wildly and maniacally swinging your arms too where are you no he's gonna take responsibility i don't think he knows what that means i think he's everyone wants them dead oh no every single time he's actually going to be killed this time is there a good warrior wait three someone's are missing oh no oh they left behind we gotta go back in oh no he's a secret final boss oh god we gotta go for him gotta go for him okay where do we go next now you can watch the end anytime oh you're locked in variety pack nice hey uh so where are the additional down here they are have a look at the underground this is a deep web apparently is this the character all mixed up all right oh god so these are gonna be more challenge runs okay oh no we're ready we're struggling no oh god you have returned and so soon welcome some of our friends are still stuck inside the game three of our friends you gotta help us that's debatable yes of course i shall check yeah strange it appears they've been captured by something okay so we gotta free them one of your friends is nearby someone tells me they're in this power time to boogie is this the elevator level that they have in like most warioware games i had this on the wii as well bus rush let's go it's like you just keep going up and up and up oh really here's red [Music] we got we got i know we just rescue him now i suppose is it isn't red supposed to be her wand i think so there's no red transformers don't don't question the continuity here okay i haven't thought about this in the warioware lore yet he drops bombs oh so wholesome and he controls well i like him you can actually move okay well that's that's one character rescued already we need to get the floor 18. dan approved wait oh four there's four more okay well let's take ashley take mike uh take wario and then we'll take cricket there we go now you can shoot in all four directions thank god who's the fourth one it's like an extra final boss [Music] i guess like maybe it's god it's just god is the final character it's a combination of all the levels fun there we go god for smash bros i still want the last smash character to just be like sakurai himself i think i'll be incredibly entertained there we go like hd photo realistic assemble i think you want to just move this one there we go that looks right it's kind of off a little bit [Music] there are no extra lives in these towers okay there we go mike is just so cute awesome little buddy hit the goal uh yeah i think that did it yeah oh no this one oh no come on yes there we go there's anson we're improving easy best character easy peasy did you check which one that was no but that worked out you got lucky just don't get crushed there we go ms paint mole yeah you see he just like seems kind of like a weird one [Music] dmca no oh we got a oh no we still protected it we just hurt ourselves oh no catch three every time we catch four the cactus gets really upset if you missed that one there we go okay we still have three lies for the final okay okay okay okay we can do this we can do this wait do we not have to is that just it oh it's it looks like my favorite character it looked like a very big poop what the heck's a rooney what's that we get a chest the golden beehive it's from animal crossing i don't know if it is i don't know what this does it's from animal crush right now i'm making up this floor as i go what does the golden beehive do fred retired from being a trainer i don't know yeah we have time for that we'll keep going with these ones if we can super hard great this seems easy and we complete the game in one go in two hours that would be great oh master yeah here's the next character he seems so content dan is gonna hate this one you can jump onto the ceiling and walk around up there oh god well you can move him at least then he can control if he he goes to the ceiling or not so that's good he's actually not so bad it's the ones that like automatically move or you just can't do anything that are impossible nine vault is horrible yeah we need to get the floor 10. let's [Applause] one run with deleted characters it's not happening no 10 super hard games you gotta dodge close enough you almost went back in oh you can hold it back where are you no [Music] don't do that here no slinging let our t ring i thought it was on the left that's why it was like put that on the seats they'll go no we can still use the continue apparently take a seat you almost missed that one okay stay on your side and just jump up okay okay i i guess we're good [Music] in the toad voice let it go let it go oh we found golden toilet toilet paper roll okay what's the point of this mastermind has joined the crew i will sing as much frozen as possible nope city escape them no you can't do it out here like the twitch okay no dmca it's two it they'll know i'm sorry no no please don't ban me they won't ban you they'll ban me we can't do it oh no okay we gotta save one more i got lulu i i've never seen this character press a to make lulu float upward seems like it's very slow there we go the key is to do ground pounds oh this is the 3ds character okay wait so what floor do we need to get there was it only five seems to be as many as the first one yeah we're almost there now end is in sight we have one life okay one life so we cannot die oh great oh no so like if we die yeah we have to start the entire thing okay no come on no why didn't it fall one life we can still use the coins though so it's time we can kind of just cheat it okay sounds like that's not cheating is the option it's not cheating the option is there it's not it's not our fault he's hacking light only three oh we'll make three okay round two what a waste of coins well like what else do we use the coins for okay get that side and before you got the right side there we go we're good i think that was the last one really yep okay then you go through this game very quickly jesus got more treasure maybe he just wants to join our group a golden holy mug like what's the point of these items we got a map why is items i dare you to put all three treasures together okay well i'm sure this will have no untold ramifications how does this fit you put the toilet roll in the cup i've got it let's see if my granddaughter penny can be of assistance so cute oh we have penny is a character as well yeah who's granddaughter is she uh the the bald doctor guy okay i thought she was like wario's granddaughter i was like what wario has grandkids that implies that mario i had a child at some point why are you yeah no warrior why are you i don't want to imagine mario having a kid why are you and mario also photorealistic looks pretty cool finished yeah what you got for us penny jet tank one please play play well look at her go oh baby i've invented flood from super mario sunshine grandpa hi what's that you're all stuck in a video game so apparently she's worse than 9 volts oh great like every time a new character is introduced there's always someone in chat like you're gonna hate this one like without fail some of them haven't been so bad our redeeming quality is that she's adorable let's try her tilt to aim the water blaster the recoil will move her in the opposite direction i mean at least she doesn't move automatically yeah the fact that i can control this means it's fine this actually isn't that bad like if you're old hey hey an escape yeah that's actually not that bad you can control it okay it's just it messes your brain up a little bit but uh yeah you can get used to that one real quick okay you press you press a to just lock her in place okay okay how many levels do we have to do this one i don't think it said we're just penny as well we don't have any other characters but did we pick other characters [Music] [Music] okay so you you you shoot from the other side i'm trying to you shoot there we go okay i'm trying to get the heat yeah all right of the controls but it's so hard blend it that man's gonna drink it get it a real blended uh lemon drink if there's no baby [Music] none of that now dumb baby juice make it slow there we go okay i'll i'll try manage these ones because i think you're having a bit of trouble moving i i hate i hate controlling her i don't hate her but i hate her control see i actually think her controls are fine like compared to the other ones compared to nine volts she's fine i have no issue i don't really have an issue with this character especially because you can just press a and hold in place [Music] stay hydrated taco you should all stay hydrated you don't do a voice ah you shouldn't really who needs water anyway to function you do need water who needs work and kidneys like really think about it will die no dehydrating [Music] [Music] put out the fire put out the [ __ ] did i die no i didn't make it in time i had to sacrifice myself there we go money last game escape [Music] that was not a blast benny i was fine with her i think i've taken it i know i've taken issue with like almost half of all the characters in this game but i thought she's not one of them no she i thought she was fine like a controller oh it's a watering can oh heck better than ashley no not better than ashley you can't improve on perfection control so well you have to water the toilet apparently okay there's now a sprout in the toilet that's okay right there's a logic here somewhere we promise should we just keep going and see if we can get to the end of the game yeah i think we should because i think we're close to it now it seems like we're close to the end so let's go don't worry your time to draw we'll still do drawing soon yeah there's probably like two more levels here it seems now watch colin penny any time or one more or just one more yeah the showdown it's a poop okay oh because there was poop in the toilet that was like a fertilizer and they watered it said really was the poop i was right it's just a giant poop it's just a giant poop why are you living it's life why are we fighting a massive [ __ ] maybe he just wants to be friends with us is the lore gonna be here as well like yeah wario let this one out earlier in the office you know don't don't go near the bathroom anytime soon why would you say that because like that's what wario does oh god oh we just wario for this oh no what does this feel like an undertaker boss no no can i quit the game oh no okay okay we have to beat him every time with every character i think okay okay here we go we gotta just go super quick this means i gotta we gotta play like every unfortunate character in the game you you need to get that sidetracked there we go listen up here we go yay on seven get them when they're low there we go you need to here we go teleport inside uh yeah on the ceiling oh what's her ability again she can stomp okay just don't come on come on yeah we drop him in come on yeah destroy him oh [ __ ] fill it up here we go these are very specific bosses to defeat have to try defeat yeah we just need to oh god come on no all right that was close you got him oh that's unfortunate come on come on come on come on come on come on you can only shoot right oh did we do it was that the end oh what's there oh we got it we gotta fight him do not get hit here if you can help it because i don't know how far back we'll have to go uh from the beginning probably well that's all up to you you want to get his eye great great oh boy great come on oh bye get his eyes gonna get the other one oh no oh that is like a hell of a gauntlet you gotta do okay well we can we continue from just there yeah and seventeen oh perfect there we go get his eyes his forearm oh god that's the last one there we go everything is dead we've killed the world congratulations we beat flappy bird flappy bird had been pooped on and then went on a rampage is that euro i have no idea who this character is i knew it i knew it it's fioro star of that super popular game oh no oh okay what are you doing in an air game i just stopped by to play for a bit is this just like wreck-it ralph but freaking have a good time playing with me oh there's the treasure i don't know if there is treasure wario there's nothing at all but it can't end like this i think we're fine not being greedy i think it can end like this i just realized that he poop he farts and then he plugs yeah that's how he operates treasures treasure not the gold but the journey it inspired well we did it the friends we made along the way did but we didn't because half them suck [Music] oh no this is yoshi but but first oh my god that noise he makes oh i hate him oh god you have to be so precise in what you aim for i don't know if i like this one oh no oh god he is very cute well we did it the game's over we finished the game well that was a fever dream uh it was two hours and it's done literally just two hours i imagine this has a lot of replay value because there's a lot of micro games we have not played at least i've liked this thing so there's one just uh this [ __ ] on the screen we're gonna kind of just keep that there i think they were like the characters were all cute though the carrot design is great plug goers rough and tone and mrs munchley all your favorites oh god [Music] oh best character there you go they were actually the best ones they controlled very well well that's warrior where i i think we're actually done i don't know if there's like an after credit sling or what we unlock now i'll just uh stick there just in case yeah we'll just wait a mile i like that the little cutscene stuff they did in like the real world and that was actually quite cute styles supreme developer the gold whole video is great and everyone's favorite bureau and flashing images the game has just begun okay let's go for another five hours ah sure why not god knows i love all this cast you totally are not going to lose it so what happens now you can watch roll credits anytime oh no there's your mother friendless battle is now available you unlock the warrior cup okay i unlocked everything apparently if i go back to the main menu this staff credits okay all right but we've done the story oh yeah so you unlock everything else in the game after you beat that variety pack wario cup the crew playopedia missions jesus christ oh god well i think we'll leave it with just the story for today all right i'll just move then um if you want to hop out there yeah i'll i'll join you in a sec i'll wrap things up my end oh jesus how y'all doing guys we have a little intermission that was an experience that was a very short story mode for that game like i i'm surprised that's just over already but i again i guess this is like a replay value kind of game it's pretty standard lent for warioware okay i'm just surprised because like they had a story mode i just thought it might go on a little longer but i guess just like a tutorial for every character that's kind of like the point of it but yeah there is a bunch of other stuff here though uh maybe i'll check that out at some point and we can revisit it for now uh we are changing twitch channels so if you didn't join at the start of the stream let me tell you just what's going on uh aki is going to be teaching me how to draw over on her channel uh we're literally going to be swapping over to her channel for me to learn that because we have it all set up and good to go no worries oh no she's just calling from the other room yeah she's fine uh so we're gonna raid her channel and we're still just gonna be streaming i'm gonna be learning how to draw next i've never really drawn properly in my life but we're basically going to have an art class but yeah we're just going to give her a second to go live and set up and then you're literally just gonna hear the two of us again over on her channel so it's all good link twice if you need help oh no the sequel yeah we haven't done like an art stream in a while like the last one would have been like the art academy stuff please don't make a monstrosity i can't draw um but i'm hoping come the end of the stream that i will learn how to draw and you know if i don't know how to draw by the end of the stream like clearly like julie's just a bad teacher you know that's the only possible takeaway you can get there you know i'm a talented man it's clearly blame the teacher you know i'm kidding i'm so sorry for this part of the stream too for me being so negative like i really [ __ ] despise the first bit of this i think with some of these characters in this game i i really hate it when you feel like you can't control a character and this game just rubbed me the wrong way the ones i could control were actually really fun but i know it's going to be [ __ ] whiplash with the highlights if any of the from this stream whereas like i hate it it's the worst game ever made to like game of the year like 9 volt in particular makes me just want to die but it's he's the worst character i've ever seen in this thing i hate him and five vaults not much better only a good game can be the best and worst game yeah it's just actual whiplash uh between going between them uh let me just make sure that she's okay hang on i'm gonna just hop in the other room i'll be right back oh okay i'm back we're having a few technical difficulties on the other pc so we're just gonna sit tight ammo and we can just chill and chat how you all doing yeah we're just the ipad or tablet or what like the drawing tablet isn't working at the mo it's not connected to the computer for some reason it was earlier but uh something happened so we'll just have some chill chat for a minute or two before we jump over i missed the entire stream please explain 500 words what you did honestly i don't know how to describe what happened here what this game is micro games but yes yeah it's probably the best way to describe it lsd close enough you live with aki no she's just visiting from france at the mill uh she's been staying here the last week we're good friends [ __ ] post the game basically oh god what kind of drawing tablet it is that is a better a question better suited for rocky when we hop over to her stream which we will do soon i was cookie clicker um i have it open in the background right now oh i just gotta click frenzy hang on just give me one second i'm gonna just get these real quick i've had this run on the pc the last while i'm not showing it yeah no you'll you'll get to see how that's going later i'm not showing you look you want you want proof that it's running that's it mute it in the background i unmute it there run this entire time oh god don't tease us no you gotta you gotta stick around for the cookie um we're not showing it today but it has been left run in a very long time how many golden cookies did you miss oh hundreds so many you're addicted to the cookie clicker oh now i can quit anytime i want just i just need more oh god he needs his cookie fix the belief of you quitting cookie clicker is non-existent i will i'll i'm gonna get bored of it soon i can like i left i i left it running overnight right and it was like i woke up in the morning and i got a few bits i was missing did that and it wasn't as much of a rush it's really rare enough and it's like i got a few extra bits it's like okay like you because like the rate that you gain the cookies just slows down over time relative to cost and there's just there's a point where it just slows down how many prestige do you have i have not pressed each oh [ __ ] it's actually drugs the rash just isn't as good you know oh god is the soundboard still filled from that stream no i have to clear it out i have to keep it clean it was uh accidentally hit one of the buttons when i was editing and it scared me a little so i i got rid of it what are your favorite and least favorite voices to do i mean i do love my von karma least favorites probably toad because it really hurts my throat same with the chain smoker voice can't do those ones for long when is next cookie clicker we're never streaming it again it's never happening again there needs to be an intervention the once off yeah we're never streaming it again no no way i'll probably if i want to do a chill stream i would do pokemon shiny on oh cause i love that and we'll probably do a metopia tomorrow too when are you doing justice for all rt if i feel like it oh god looking forward to me more mitopia i've been [ __ ] loving me topia the last while a game is such a good time it's so like laid back and like stuff actually happens to i love like all the characters you get to design for it this is probably enjoyable any specific games on the horizon metopia i'm playing that the next one you plan on playing life strange i i did a poll asking people if they wanted me to play that and they pretty much said no um i've always been curious about actually playing the first one because i've heard that one was quite good but i did do a poll for that one and it lost to pretty much everything else i've always thought it's like kind of a cool looking one but uh yeah so if that one happens it's a while off yet will you change the great stage back to phoenix no he was a much better fit than khadgar you're wrong strongly disagree no because cad guy is an actual wizard cad guy's an actual wizard he gets that role i strongly disagree i'm so happy with the change phoenix is a lawyer not a wizard yeah character cheats as well yeah i object to phoenix here phoenix might get another character maybe but khadgar was perfect for that role so and i just kind of forgot i had him when i picked the role if i remembered he would have got it first try oh god will you make decent act later probably now i will i'll try my best let me just check one thing okay uh julie is ready we're gonna go hop over for the art stream uh on my end thank you to everyone who subbed and gave bits we're hopping over to julie's channel she should be live now we got the tablet working i'll see you all there in literally like a minute uh i'm just like walking out of this room to the other pc and you'll be hearing us again okay see you all in a few oh
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 21,007
Rating: 4.9265442 out of 5
Keywords: 1145576311, Akialyne, Gaming, Get, Get Your Life Together, Irish, Life, RT Game, RT game, RTGame, Together, Twitch, WarioWare: Get It Together!, Your, callmekevin, comedy, die, ft., ft. Akialyne, full stream, funny, funny clips, funny montage, game, haha, i want die, minecraft, pc, poe, poespas, pokemon, rt, rtgame, rtgame accent, rtgame full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames full stream, rtgames stream, tf2, twitch, video games, west virginia, woolie, xd
Id: HIT8RdH1Rtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 19sec (8479 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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