RTGame Archive: Cooking Mama: Cookstar

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Oh folks how's it going can you hear me okay welcome back to the eerie silence of the Nintendo's switch main menu how's it going Oh lots hoppin out the old notices dad hello my son give me just two seconds and I'll finish sharing this stream notice for the discord I think the title and that's updated it should be reading a lot of people are about to die because we're playing cooking mom is cooking like superstar cooking star going star that's the one that is correct perfect okay I'll give people just a chance to hop on in before we get going oh how y'all doing though folks how's your week been so far leg yeah it's kind of inevitable given the the recent video thank you again to all the artists like you know then actually create nurse I I've been wanting to put together like a little fan art showcase on the channel for a while I just thought it'd be a good time to do it basically thank you to everyone that's been like kind of submitting stuff like anybody is interesting kind of seeing more of it like there's a lot of it already on Instagram I tried to share what I can from my Twitter and there is the channel in the discord 2 and subreddit of course yeah there's a fair few places to find it sure the community need you be talented they do be they do be okay birthday stream oh it's not no no the look it's not my birthday every day okay you keep that and call me Kevin's Channel it's not my birthday oh gosh and now it's my birthday isn't it [ __ ] how's it going though folks you're all very welcome to the stream this game has had rumors of flying of rampant about it like people thought like this was like a Bitcoin miner or something if I for a cryptocurrency for the longest well like I got released in March I'm like recalled a week later and like taken off the market I don't know if it's actually available for sale now I happen to just order like a copy from local Irish game store because we tend to have leftover stock of everything just the way of it in Ireland it is this even on the eShop anymore is it still gone like this game is like hard to get ahold of at the moment no it's not ok so again so I have a physical copy of it I got from my local Irish toy store and apparently it's been patched I'm worried about patching this hope it doesn't like a locket or something but ok apparently it's got something on it too don't do it [Music] like presumably this is an actual update for the game oh no Oh God apparently now so apparently to set this to set the record straight for what's actually going on with this it's not it's not a cryptocurrency miner apparently there was a huge licensing issue between the developer and the publisher when this game came out and that's why it had so much trouble since release yeah the rumors like flying rampant basically when it came out like it's kind of crazy like cooking mama cook start it's quite a controversial game at this point they fixed it cancel the download they aren't rumors am I supposed to cancel this cookin Vava crypto don't cancel okay just play the game okay balla has been cancelled just just start the game I guess people are juice people are too scared for me to even like patch this but like this could be a genuine release for the game but people are just like don't do it don't don't don't do it we're at least playing the game okay cancel for the love of God as a cook and mama cooks taya is gonna steal like your credit card information its knows where you live you know Mama's gonna call around and she's got a baseball bat and Jesus Jesus after your kneecaps oh sorry you you gotta be real care okay mama cook stop [Music] oh there we go fix it fix it that better sorry about that it was playing the audio twice for some reason trade rags are the properties of their respective owners who knows who that is lo consider in the history behind the cable already press any button to start wait is he using the controller you welcome to cooking model the real star I wanna I want to use the joy Khan so I only use a single joy Khan not control is not supported it's one joy Khan for this okay I'm gonna get my like little wrist strap thing you know this thing I'm like the does switch controllers I like extends out the side buttons it just makes it more comfortable [Music] um what was that mom oh the god of vegetarian mode that's actually very sweet well if you just do any of like the meat dishes it's just gonna swap it out that's cute any statins volume motion oh Jesus Christ hang on a moment as well he can thank you for 5,000 bits I let me just finish the city built stream it's for I am here in Australia I hope you're doing well look at content got me through some hard [ __ ] lately the world's spec also when you're gonna play blank look just so much RT thank you very much my mom you're very kind I'm just gonna try and get the audio right [Music] very sensitive about my audio thank you very much [ __ ] that's very that's very kind okay standard month rainbow grilled cheese is the first issue cooking mama has a dog now - we got mochi nacho Mama's chicken that is not your mother's chicken the lamb gyro seafood curry I'm burger and fries these are our first ones which one do we want to start with oh we got we gotta do a rainbow grill mama will help you okay make it move the joy Conda saw through each slice rainbow grilled cheese you know when you just buy like the rainbow cheese slice this bread perfect part raisins I know how to cook because I can cut a loaf of bread okay expert time you did it three stars mom is very impressed you slice that bread like a champ mix up we grate the cheeks with Drakon sides aside to create the ingredient when the grater is clogged with joy gone up and down to unclog it when are we gonna get the rainbow fish look how is that Oh too fast gotta not overdo it oh yeah if you shake it too much the cheese just flies out of your hands and like will line someone in the kitchen now you gotta be real careful many people have died with Gordon Ramsay warns you about got the cheese it's the dog just here as well now she's like a new solid character cooking mama and cooking dog that sounds like we're cooking the tough died the shredded cheese an important step whenever you make just a cheese toastie [Music] what's the control for this one yellow oh okay the controls just come up here [Music] just I didn't die and what are the cans here for mama why you popping these down in front of me he's a not unsanitary to have a dog in the kitchen yeah kind of that's bad for a cooking game isn't it it's actually not hygienic at all and she's got a big smile on her face like she's [ __ ] delighted with herself about this the courtesy with the joy comes spread the ingredient evening don't like her voice spread it everywhere oh god it's floating [Music] where where am I missing cheese we did it oh Jesus Christ ropey thank you for the 20 gift subs my man thank you very much it's incredibly generous hope you're having a lovely evening next step melt butter in the pan tilt the joique on the move the butter these which I can do cuz you're not really cooking the bits I have trouble with when it comes to making like like proper meals it's like working at the timings I went to pop everything in because I I can bake but I can't cook for my life yeah I can live off cookies and cakes and muffins I can do all right if you ask me to like even toast I'll burn it like you asked me to do pasta like it's hard as a bone honestly let's go so like these bits I can do cuz you're not there's no food involved the next step Grill it until golden like I don't know if I'm gonna do this they've just popped the entire sandwich in here too [Music] we're not using a toaster for this we're just turn on to a higher heat burn into the pan you say that mama with this fire in your eyes and it just exploded finish your dish and share this is what I mean this is just like a cheese toastie like this is a grilled cheese sandwich and I've messed it up it seems to be okay here at least I didn't make chips I feel like I don't deserve that it will make it will make that one that looks like you just beat it like it's gonna be stringy and it's gonna go all over the place it's gonna just make it difficult to eat choose the set in Mama's kitchen fancier extra is honey I hope you like this fine French cuisine they serve decadent grilled cheese sandwiches a picnic or just didn't know it's it's got it's got to be fancy like Todd just your view I want to get as much like garlic bread serve with your cheese toastie like how much bread the oh ah for a meal [Music] okay all it downloaded the update we've no say in it whenever we restarted that's installed now turn it to go snap a picture great photo choose a filter pivot handle it so she what why is just blurring up and you can't see anything it's just a - it'll we took up and we know why is there night vision mom what kind of circumstances you serve and dinner around here night vision that's not a common off mister crap I'm just me up [Music] Wow okay oh we get to add some stickers - oh god it's like the cooking family [Music] let's just add her face [Music] there we go Oh No add a dog yeah well that will add a dog let's just cover the sandwich with stickers you were east famous there we go chair and save just exit that you're influencer now oh god we actually are an influence of this force oh I like the wild face and and just like note no lights why is she doing a fortnight dance now too [Music] [Music] [Music] I tried to look for four at nine times apparently to several of them and in Smash Mouth all-star came up I was trying to make a joke what fortnight dance is it what's the one y'all know what's the most popular one stop mama is it orange juice but is that what it's called orange default it oddly lines up it actually kind of works okay beautiful oh yeah I'm not the striped pink kerchief okay well we've made rainbow grilled cheese we gotta make not your mom it's chicken this is someone else's chicken let's go let's go prepare the ingredient in the higher area Jesus Christ not dead yet Fred thank you for the five gift subs earlier thank you very much he can identify some bits wait try to get the we just have a hammer get it in the one spot I'm supposed to be going elsewhere I didn't do a good job of smashing the chips I just like kept mashing it in the one spot I like went for the table egg thanks for 500 bits making this sandwich look like a 12 year olds iPod touch home screen Oh God [Music] your next step break eggs for coding with joke on the top the against the bolt and press the button to open the egg [Music] ready yeah don't tap to hurt move carefully first try another one don't give up here you go try damage faster Wow pretty good I can do my eggs now I can crack eggs I do that with no bacon you just go slow next step coat chicken legs all the shoulders [Music] ready get make it dinner for everyone tonight keep coding it yes that's how you wrote a hit okay good tire thing just spins with it shake it [Music] turn the mixture not the bowl you know you use like the power of your mind did you wash your hands I don't think so I'm almost there mama don't pressure me nooks delicious mama that's J okay no no one done next step fry the chicken press the button to insert remove the fry basket and shake the joy column to shake the basket follow the on-screen instructions okay no pressure but hurry the [ __ ] up that's the thing like she's so supportive it's like do it faster oh I swapped them in I just have him catch fire [Music] dang kind of toasty Tetris well done mama smash the garlic is next ready my pound and make sure to cover the entire area [Music] [Music] Wow even better than mama okay mix te aioli a degrees in the mixers at the low speed green by tilting the droidcon ready gets odd greetings at the low speed male [Music] okay so I sway fruit this it's fine just pop it in like it's fine the mixer shouldn't have a mind of its own I should be able to adjust the speed here ideal we got it in wabi-sabi another one done finish your dish and check is this gonna look alright like we got a lot of steps wrong kinda looks okay it's very red all we can add some ketchup [Music] right over the sauce - there we go what's this sauce too much that's fine beautiful honey you're going to love this place they write personal items personalized messages that come with every meal happy anniversary show the world you must have peace I think this angle is perfect honestly go for some night vision this time it's a lot of stickers just pop some bananas on it [Music] this one's perfect very nice very nice that's a good me helpful how the reviews are coming in they love it nacho Mama's chicken he's pleased data solid leads four thousand bits having actually meant you a stream forever so glad I had to break it work to watch today oh thank you very much come on [ __ ] thank you for 500 bits as well every like your hair done you vaccines fine with a girl my hair out a bit always had very short hair oh thank you very much mom too kind okay let's make a classic we can't get wrong I'm burger and fries let's get good staple meal she's getting hungry so we better get going ready move carefully Sugoi I know you can do this we go how much lettuce is going into this burger is just gonna be lettuce peel some potatoes gotta make the fries [Music] steady hand I'm just shaking it furiously okay can't take it shake it too seriously this potato doesn't look real as well those two egg [Music] it next up slice some ingredients the drug on the direction we've cut it and slice III let's go I'm okay guys it was just my hand mash you have to take the slicing ones I can do fine because you just furiously shake the way around chop the tomato perfect oh the joy Kansai I can calm the whole Weaver home yeah Keep Calm at that look guys I'm from a different generation okay I can't help it I'm stuck in my old ways I'm like your mom who calls every console the Gameboy it's all a Wii Remote to me grind the meat don't spin it too fast I just spent in two fighters are like not making been I think burgers we makin mama mama I don't much time time I gotta go fast I think you should have you're screaming at me for going too fast the entire time perfect spot on three stars I did nothing wrong there sliced of them fully slice through it [Music] these things are like already cut - whoa you are the do hero I'm a hero it's a wooden bun it doesn't look real the SIS dear he telling thanks for five hundred bits just like mom used to main Madeleine thank you for a hundred W axe thank you for a hundred rotisserie thank you for hundred okay you could be an even worse boom or my girlfriend calls every kind of game controller remote control gee very much God though I lost control of the bread I wasn't even shaking at that pass making a spiderweb on the other side of the grater - I don't think that's how it should look doesn't look right come on get our then you don't eat it don't eat it sawdust he closed Fred Oh Mama's making all those like plastic foods yeah yeah you seen like the windows of like restaurants in that in Japan but you know you get to like view your meal supposedly will look like but she doesn't understand that like it's plastic food and you don't need to like cook plastic to make those meals a burger I guess you can pop a bit of egg in the burger yeah don't you yeah it's like not every burger recipe with you thanks but I guess you could burger egg Mama's impressed there's no eggs in the book maybe it's in the fries I don't know eggy fries that collect ingredients to add them all to the bowl meatloaf [Music] okay so add the breadcrumbs if you're making like a chicken burger or something like that you need the egg and breadcrumb cuz yeah like you might want to coat the chicken with breadcrumbs we do that would beef it's a bit different you know the beef burger would like go deprived bones skin no you do it makes it tender does it do not put [ __ ] bread crumbs in your burgers guys they just really like bread in this game we're gonna we're gonna squeeze in some bread whatever we possibly hurt my hand [Music] skill gotta go quick oh there I think you should have your own game I add Synovus it's like that's too much praise mama I'm not quite there yet for the patties spin the stick to roll the mixture into balls with the droidcon down to fly why is meat movement like that I don't know you just plop it at the end you go you gotta go fairly quick with these ones - good they don't give they don't mess around with the time and leaves once I did that probably as fast as I could and I was still getting like hurry up we need to serve this now like a customer is waiting but you know Pete convinced of the pan ready ready get set go cover the pan you can do it go it's like no pressure but you got I like to hope that pan real quick give me a 10 seconds you don't do in that time here you're out of my kitchen pretty brutal this butter nothing else just busts occur and fry the potty burn the heat to medium gotta shake it give it a squish [Music] hi hey maybe I'm convinced every time you squish it yeah you're just burning and horribly I don't know he's oppressive in that much that's not cooked that's better than mama apparently you're not supposed to squish it yeah I thought as much let's go air fry the potatoes now that I'm cut like modern technology uneven deep fat fried anymore this is better for you this is the future ready bell ringing the basket what if I just tilt it the other way how we all need those chips [Music] like air probably should work on the principle that you don't need to pull it out great job every second like this oh [Music] gotta give another shake such skill there's a one life all that ever for a single chip good take the burger ready get remember the order Patti some lettuce tomato not a bum oh it gives out if you get it wrong I can't just act like four of these oh that makes me sad I want to just be like this you actually gotta remember the order some lot of [Music] oh my hurry I'm trying to mama but there we go is that some it's a monster of a burger you can't fit that in your room cuz those are really thick patties you'd never be able to ether poach with cheese on top of the tomato exactly like you don't do it that way the cheese goes on the patty it's a Merrick but I only made once fry excuse me there we go perfect honey I found the finest Japanese restaurant in town say cheese oh I will honor it with the candles [Music] perfect I did that this is like Hard Rock Cafe burger and a chip vivix intimidate and you put a candlelit filter on what is already a candlelit scene and it looks different now just do it just do it like a drawn on the napkin beautiful other emoji have we got [Music] you can't even see anything this is gonna go viral it's gonna go viral yeah now I can say I could see this on youtube trending tomorrow hamburger and fries it's sticker on a napkin [Music] since a lot more recipes chicken kebab ice cream vegetable terrine should we try a vegetarian meal to see what does I the chicken one is gone it's just on this one a black bean burger and fries that's rainbow grilled cheese still a chickpea gyro a red curry let's make it like a vegetarian red curry [Music] [Music] rainbow cheese you got a slice the cauliflower off for this things if I kind of picked off the cauliflower a lot of cauliflower going into it not that thank you for 250 I'm happy why use I don't really use I think they'd appreciate you seeing this i T you might not see this but stayed but birthday and just want to study you are awesome I love you screams I beat us today as a decide the stream like an indirect birthday present a happy birthday my man hope you're having a good one thanks passing that message along meant that cotton slice are you making the cauliflower goes sideways don't question your mama's kitchen it obeys Mama's physics [Music] some oh we've lost most of the eggplant [Music] okay we got some cubes I want to just like you miss it if I can you only need half an onion oh we need to read you remove the skin it's very hard to miss that bowl Oh God just slice slice slice got it I don't know how I did those shapes I just my leash okay we didn't even feel that potato [Music] there get open curry in the coconut film don't have to peel potatoes true don't lose the lid I violently dropped the can opener because I was trying to get to fast in fairness mama like we're cutting it kind of close on the time and around I get anxiety when I'm cooking with it we don't have much time Daniela exactly thank you for a hundred bits each thank you very much thank you as every everyone at 7-5 th people here only choose that that's wild you're very welcome the streamlines okay fry the ingredients I should be paying attention here to actually learn how to cook because I don't know how to cook stuff I made a stir fry dia today and I burnt the rice I just felt so defeated [Music] Papa darling I do I do all right apparently I wasn't paying attention to any of the meters that they all line up on perfect I don't know what I did yes they did okay you know how to cook temperature in range [Applause] no one has to cook like this where it's like and make sure you set the temperature go to the other like you know 200 degrees but watch out because the ovens gonna start reducing and heat so you know you need and you need 180 145 get a back up to 300 degrees lower it again mama no one changes this hot fast make the right oh we're just using a rice cooker that's that makes it significantly easier pop the lid on there we go look at that perfect rice Chang thank you for the 50 gift subs like Jesus Christ my man credibly generous thank you very much I hope you're enjoying the screen [Music] well I will pour things onto rice for that four ingredients in the container using the button and fill the line chump don't pour too much I think I'm supposed to hold it just just get it in Oh II just made soup nuts [Music] let's get it you ready to share hey no wait we can add some stuff we can add a line I want what I want to add just a [Music] [Music] [ __ ] hell I love it honey you're gonna love the cuisine they just serve eggs it's like candlelit egg dinner next big or just your feet like a rice up up Oh God like you you can see the food under there I want to go back I want it I want to see if I can properly stack those eggs I wanted to just be like see if it's possible [Music] gotta be real careful let me go okay I look glad Allah even to max beautiful fancy restaurant it's gotta be is there any new restaurants picnic dinner no it's not always fancy [Music] it's just eggs it's just [Music] look at that look at that Dave a thank you for five gift subs thank you very much randomly devian thank you for 100 bits as well hi Artie just came from you too because I saw the fine art video and thank you so much for it as an artist it's a really sweet of you and just inspires me to make more I'm Georgia I made the little clay wool ooh that I shared in Twitter I'll thank you again for a lot I was very kind eeeh thanks for the kind words too [Music] Vivat night vision X no it's gotta be Mia it's gotta be neon for the eggs just pop like [Music] exclamation point it's gonna fall amazing I never get the photo centers I got to get better at taking these whoa that's a lot of eggs because a lot of shocked faces piece of cake no no mama it's a tower of eggs Lina thank you around your [ __ ] our community is the best artists no honest-to-god do have some talent folks their ice cream cause that's the vegetarian ice I imagine it's the same I don't see a vegan option look party oh that's to play I don't have any friends it's custom oh here we go heroin thank you for five gift subs as well thank you very much guys oh you can choose the apron oh and that's your like your player's hand as well you can actually change that customize your mother cooking hey BAE thanks for five another five good it's an egg egg claw mission point that's a bit of a stretch Kiki thank you for 200 bits as well the tower of Babylon was nothing like this [Music] okay let's make some chicken kebab that looks like I want I want to try like at least one meal where there's just nothing like we're just going to wait I want this one it's finished to just be like raw chicken unlike a plate that chicken doesn't look right as well hold this a texture right it's kind of huh I just want raw chicken on a plate I want to see if it does it just like a skewer mom has been learning some memes since the Wii days slice the vegetables next [Music] ready get set go I'm not cutting it I just want an entire pepper on the kabob [Music] just pop it up we're gonna need a big skewer for us how if you say do not mind don't give up don't give up mister I've still fightin you for a chicken bell pepper tuna hurry up let's take a bite into it it tastes like salmonella can't give up you don't know she's getting angrier with our criticisms he's still trying to encourage me though got a cod blesser prepared the skewers place the ingredients in the order shell I don't have anything prepared no chicken [Music] where the onion come from what are you doing I want him she just said no that can't be right you can do it what are you doing it's a sad day for Mama that can't be right what in the what what is the lot what are you doing is that it again that's actually can't believe she actually says stuff now you guys heard it there to [Music] hide I went to get it I went to use the loo mama just away from the game Grill the kebabs next this kitchens gonna catch [Music] well it's gonna be like a fire in the field [Music] it's time to turn over [Music] how are therefore prepared kebabs here to like ii-i've not made peace my dinner is still like raw chicken and like just a bell pepper and a couple of skewers like lying about in the kitchen I would give 250 bits and says I need to hear mom and say why are you running Oh [Music] time's up Oh God Vegas she got oh that's success right there I don't have the coke now plate and snap [Music] just like that ladies chicken kebab with some signature sauce and like specially prepared in my very own kitchen I did this I'm even gonna use like the fancy square plates wow it's incredible but actual nice meal in the fancy restaurant walls take a photo of your dish [Music] it was like the blades are like pointing towards [Music] this photo is just gonna be like a piece of chicken [Music] how will we do mama mama will fix it I mean it did is we had perfectly fine chicken kebabs come come the picture you know I didn't really do anything wrong [Music] but your people aren't gonna know if you post a picture online of the egg how you've cooked it just like I don't they don't know I burnt I didn't do anything post on the blog mama it's okay fried fish fried fish fried fish let's go what's the secret that insta Fame destro thanks for five hundred bits thank you very much [Music] and lock it to look like a spider web every time the bread goes true oh boy thank you for finding your pitches well legs for days my good sir thank you very much so far this makes sense I'm making fried fish you know we want some bread crumbs on it prepare the truth let's go grazing the bread too fast yeah an entire loaf should not go true that quick I feel all this poor fish vegans look oh hi I want her to be like Edition Cooking Mama it's like yeah well having lobster it's like first things first catch him and he's just like in the kitchen and he's got like a knife or something and he's just like brandishing it against you you got a cat him in the pot that's not very big [Music] ready get set go pay attention I mean so far for the recipe this one actually does make sense Bowl still doesn't turn at all which is quite disturbing when you just see like the mixture screwed in wildly this recipe so far though I'm going mama like I I'm literally going as fast as I can my case mom is impressed it's lower the pan yep that makes sense [Music] the outside first [Music] Mama's very happy I think you should have your own game she's advocated for the RC game game next step fry the fish ready get time it is important this is gonna be like one of these temperamental hot place again we're like you keep changing the temperature what so many meals are like squish it - do not suppose to squish it just burns it even be there mama I'm better than mama it looks like it's turning the chicken all of us that's okay [Music] never squish food and cook it all it does is make it dry by squeezing oh that's the thing yeah we don't get chips [Music] [Music] [Laughter] I mean you're gonna love this place they serve so many chips and they literally spill off the [ __ ] place [Music] I think that just speaks for itself I think that's perfect I love that's so [ __ ] many chips you are insta-famous [Music] she's doing honestly right like we made chips with the side of fried fish a [Music] sushi platter we gotta make sushi follow the gestures gotta do sushi she's tipos [Music] okay here goes another fish we go hope I'm gonna get true this in time a lot of fish are being cooked tonight I actually caught the fish funny me I'm gonna choose oh god I'm getting hungry fish is delicious out it really is so tasty prep the fish and cucumbers this doesn't mean it's packets are yet you know what I mean yeah sorry slice up the ingredients this cucumber another one please an interesting way of slicing Oh God alright mom I don't think I'm gonna make it in time oh my oh thank you I thought I have to cut through the entire block mama there's no way I think I don't have much time left fry the salmon skin ready get perfectly grill both sides [Music] Oh God God the thing with the input there is I kept hitting up and down to go back between them which supposed to do and that's why I was freaking out of it you're supposed to just hit left and right just doesn't feel quite natural when you're actually going up and down great some wasabi [Music] we lost the wasabi haha I had it right here just flew out of a hat the dog approves on this thing whoa real hero Amy nice roadtrip its you really put a whole potato in that plate then yeah mr. Fogg thanks 400 bits as well just let him say this community is amazing so are you awesome glad you like the curse me art I made on Twitter well thank you again for it particularly curse daddy makes sushi rice there we go we gotta go slow [Music] let's go crazy with that bro like mixing it and more rice appear somehow I don't understand what I just did make the Macky joy God and spread the mixture then up on six brawl press the button to fold when prompted it's applied just cement we did it I think you should have your own kitchen he's gonna tell me oh this a lot isn't she slice the roll where's the fish ready I didn't see any fish in that it's me Doug here's the cucumber we're gonna prepare the fish in a moment okay follow the shown gestures [Music] lady cats oh we gotta smash it smash it smash it think we're making it in there we go give it a squish my hands are like so robotic precedent can apply a fish applied seriously with the time I'm going as fast as I can mother the number one Cooking Mama streamer let's be honest how many people are streaming Cooking Mama okay I don't think it's the most competitive of categories [Music] holy [ __ ] a thousands of people playing cooking mama right now cooking mama Battle Royale that's the one we need like online like multiplayer versus would you get eliminated out of their kitchen 1v1 me and Cooking Mama oh we get to arrange it now but so it's all and how we get to have some fun can I just make a plate a ginger like that this is supposed to be like a thing for like refreshing your palate and you know if you change it like the piece of suit after if you're changing like between types of sushi and that the idea is to take a little bit of ginger and it kind of like kinda cleanses your palate so the next time when you take something different you get the full flavor but we're just gonna make it so that like you basically just even soak and a little bit of us off just keep refreshing your palate so what never it's it still let me place quite a bit here oh now it's too much is it mama you didn't complain about this much ginger before it's not me place like quite a bit of stuff I got to put in some wasabi - next honey you're gonna love it here they serve soap crappy like Todd okay it's actually hired to take a good picture of this one just rotate it [Music] look how much [ __ ] ginger look at that god it looks like human flesh or something that's not right that's not right the lad like a shocked one [Music] amazing the mystery meat I mean they liked it like I prepared it all fine I got I got a perfect score it's just a shame there's no sushi on the platter [Music] Mama's giving it her all I believe in I heard your bits what if we went on a date to the soap restaurant I had jkm laughs Daniel things are under [ __ ] who doesn't love a man who cook I feel like if this was my claim to cooking I think someone would love me more if I didn't cook I'll be honest with ya yes I am planning on doing the sword and shield DLC when it comes to action we won't be doing entirely cupcake but cupcake will be making a return galaxy smoothie that looks nice oh let's make out-of-this-world fruits and swirl getting hungry rinse the berries this this looks really good [ __ ] love smoothies shake gently I want them all out the ball [Music] it's alright you just gave up at the end I just put it on just put at a more even [Music] I haven't washed him at all I just put us back in the sink blue one Wow Greek yogurt don't get a while I processed juvenile non-fiction books back from the Dino book I'm doing right now the Astros I killed the dinos was approved coolant for all the world's earthquakes in the last 160 years afternoon simultaneously for approximately 15 minutes of nrt City Scott's true Oh No thank you very much Colleen thank you for 100 bits as well hi Artie I want to tell you that my mom loves you stream slash YouTube highlights says that you and the lads a reminder of mother Ireland - thanks what for what you do ah thank you very much Kelly it makes the charcoal do glue charcoal yoga ready get this is just straight-up charcoal thickness activated charcoal we just put charcoal in this that does not seem right it's edible is it it's real : food at this thing okay I know I just I just associated charcoal beam you know I mean if you have a barbecue I guess but like you're not you're not eating the charcoal itself you know you home just like Center to a barbecue it's like just leave some field charcoal there on the side with toast those up get those going you know huh fuel for the body and mix the blue yogurt removes toxins from your body okay the more you know you can you can eat activated charcoal you boys and a bunch of poison to protect your stomach okay don't want the lid fall off I got it have to see [Music] so little left blend it blend it we did it they'll still give us two stars main thanks for under bits yes blue my favorite flavor and mix the pink yogurt oh we got to do it again I want to live follow [Music] just gotta stop it for a brief moment mama be considered like spider equipment like your hot plate keeps changing the temperature whenever you tried to cook the blender lid doesn't even stay home early surely you sold enough games in The Cooking Mama franchise at this point you just invest in some better gear and hustle why can't I just hold the lid there Duke okay next step swirl it up all the shown gestures jion's real quick - if your item she's really what that mom is or this in that looks like a real liquid [Music] I mean I that looks amazing from the end but I don't think that that would actually work like that it's perfect Mama's impressed that was like a little teaspoon to like that that wouldn't have been enough to mix that entire container it looks like colored sand it does doesn't it there's something like off I'm still having fungus it's a Cooking Mama game sprinkle ingredients well here what do i press a tad it just adds candy stars that's the only thing that awesome aren't even landed in the drink it's all the stars you didn't get RT this is like this is gonna go on forever this one well now it's too much okay Wow I don't even like how do you present this one honey you're gonna love this place they don't serve food yeah it's just like it's just a smoothie cocktail bar yeah actually like this just pretend this isn't supposed to be a galaxy smoothie pretend this is like a lovely cocktail or something else like this alcohol in this that's why mom is so happy say cheese but it's like alcohol wit garlic bread it sounds pretty nice I do like alcohol and I do like garlic bread take a picture great photo actually looks kinda numb [Music] and piece three are fine and everything else past that gets a bit weird I love it don't forget to tag mama don't forget the tag mama Oh what's the Twitter surely she has Charlie in the marketing for this game oh you know we're being like a social media superstar she actually has one pull the fruit and a bunch of vodka at least half a class it is just straight vodka can you get absolutely smashed yes I'll just post the blender remote - I have we've been getting use out of our blender remote we were using a blender earlier and I did not see a lot of blenders I'm just saying let's not on the bolts we gotten a Moute for this you got a blender I know it normally hits the blood of innocence and it means roller coasters but I'm getting hungry so hurry the sandwich thanks 100 bits so who do you kill to get your hands on a copy no so here's the crazy thing just about Ireland in general right Ireland is surprisingly like [ __ ] great when it comes to getting a hold of games like new games in particular because we have an abundance of stock as is and a gamers I guess are people who buy games in Ireland they're mainly like the Call of Duty and the FIFA crack they don't really buy much else so other stuff will always come in I like a steady flow but it's all kind of always available like when I got I was able to get like an animal cross and switch with the giveaway like you're in Ireland no problem and I remember even checking like kind of online and Game Stop when they actually released like they weren't even sold out you could still just buy me I know it's just because we're Ireland and there's just not a lot of people who play games like honestly so it's like for this like that this is just available in Smith's and I like you just buy it it's probably still in stock if you check online moving to Ireland be right back it's just you don't really have to worry about stocking up much and Ireland I would say because there are just DISA very it's not a lot of population actually do play games here relative to the rest of the world and the ones I do play again it's like it's called a duty it's people that's where the main demographic is here let's get study and you just order this online I don't think you can get on the eShop that's the thing I think it's been taken off avocado toast we're all Millennials here this is this is the meal we love matter I come only spread topped with chilies oh my god okay let's get crappy avocado this is why the economy's going under this is why society our largest do lady we cause climate change despite not being alive like oh god that that's like this this is not a realistic depiction of like an avocado as well can I just say like you normally like the pic would be about a half of box space by almost all of it is taken you never get an avocado like that she say smh my god mom has been on the internet too long [Music] the question they have a cat oh but not the fish get the whole surface smash it yeah but not the smash decide or you'll be stung don't go to higher than the pestle and mortar it's weird with times doesn't give me a lot for some life scallions and chillies maybe some spicy avocado toast here you go strongly recommend trying it the people who haven't had it so good [Music] go spring onions I just want food right now I haven't had my dinner tonight just yeah I wasn't hungry enough before the stream but now I am fine like starving [Music] yeah not a lot of time got the chili flakes I think you should have your own game saying that soft okay mix the guac hold droidcon vertically and move in a circular motion to stir the ingredients ready don't spill it come on put your back into it for its spin hey slow down or wild so does the mama I can't tell because of her axe I think she just insulted me shake till done lady gets the dog I don't know apparently it's like a solid character that was added in the Cooking Mama franchise how can you add salt too fast so the recipe calls that you shake the salt shaker for precisely 10 seconds I [Music] don't get that oh god it's going everywhere if I kept shaking it there was like the salt shaker just gonna like pop off or something I'm getting hungry I just spill in selecting things i toast the bread temperature with a stick start and stop baking at the correct time I actually add a toaster oven like this when I was little in Japan I didn't have a regular toaster references that we do up right everybody you can do oh yeah God that cooks real quick whoa you are the real heroes Costa immediately gotta spread the quack the drug card [Music] ready get set go spread it everywhere I [Music] think you should have your own game that's news to me mama I've never heard you say 'la now we got to decorate it let's get you to read a lot more back on it here then compared to clear game you made a mistake giving me this item [Music] pop some Chili's on it awesome [Music] honey you're gonna love it here the advertising is really in your face the cooker mama product placement is so obnoxious that you'll just want to leave the restaurant over your dish going viral mama again I still don't understand why the serving bread with bread I'm not gonna I don't know why I [Music] make you can't move the position sadly because I want it I want to just be like a picture of the flag [Music] Oh God we got it amazing beautiful can I copy place Jason stoop popper to home hair dish is gonna go viral gonna go viral Oh totes all the Millennials they're talking about it mama no mama she's gone too far oh I can't believe this is happening right now like a cooking mama oh oh look cook it mama style so sorry chili con carne more meals I'm oh Christ yo action that hasn't come up yet okay give that a moment then yo I thank you for the 184 Europe I believe that's 200 quid Inagaki Berta I miss Dorothy hope you're having a good day so far I have a question what was the weirdest thing you've ever eaten I'm trying to sing probably something I had in Japan that I just didn't like I guess I'm really struggling to think gotta have something for this this is like interesting comment like conversation at the dinner table stuff the weirdest thing I've ever eaten so I haven't even had cricket or anything like that oh I had a reindeer burger when I was in Iceland and I was actually a really odd one reindeer burger in Iceland is served with like a blueberry jam of all things yeah and it's a really trying meat but yeah I remember having Latin when I was there now that was just pretty strange because you know it's raining - yeah it's like they serve it I think we're like a blue cheese or something - it's like it's a bit blueberry jam is on yeah it's like a really weird burger it was nice I was kinda just like I saw it there I was like yeah go on try it alright once Rudolph is a picture on my Twitter of me daddy hungry I'm just saying like Rick Rudolph [Music] yeah well so are we gonna make seafood curry uh chili con carne let's go Santa's new business study yes that's what we the weirdest thing I've had yeah I do have an answer to that question oh we gonna cut it real close in terms of time again mama you gotta get some new cake for your kitchen your thanks for hundred bits as well thank you very much [Music] and slice slice the vegetables like a plastic Ranger like that yes make sense chop an onion the bit that catches me off guard you got actually gotta get rid of the skin there we go all in the bowl here you go just press a on the garlic don't chop that too and some chilies that's only one chili going into it I guess I don't like chili myself because I I'm I can't handle spicy food yeah I'm the widest man alive you could possibly imagine let's go sometimes Mayo is too spicy for me Peter kena hey let's get study I'm joking about mail but no no joke like honestly sometimes I've had like even a pepperoni pizza and it's been like my mouth is on fire because it's just particularly spiced pepperoni like no joke and the sad thing is I really [ __ ] love spicy food I [ __ ] love it but it destroys me half the time you're weak tap waters do spice bubbly thanks for 100 bits my younger brother Gunnar refuses to do with schoolwork how do you convince an 11 year old to work um you know I find holding anyone at gunpoint tends to do wonders or just getting the job done I know that'll get some good childhood trauma into no kid [ __ ] I don't know look I'm not the guy that goes over parents and solutions okay my answer to everything is use a gun oh god we got to get this right [Music] [Applause] I always go for butter and jam myself never had it back oh thanks 400 bits Dan thanks 400 as well and open the cans ready I eat toast some toast that sounds horribly dry this one does not perfect it really does not want to register this one can can opener just gotta get the kidney beans and then keep dropping the key there's no kidney beans as fast as I could y'all T thank you for a thousand bits Artie I love you thank you very much that oh thanks for a hundred the opposite of you I can tolerate spice I just don't like it that's fair no I I [ __ ] love spicy I gotta shake it gently all off the beam [Music] well now that my thunder bit some house it just put mayo on and Cochin white bread with bread and nail that doesn't sound right spread you got a pop something else a dime on toast that's fine a butter on toast - I guess I guess it's fine but unlike just mayo and bread you got it you should do something else there the bean on the sink we lost them Stewart spices ok the toast bailed in channel top oh god don't combine mayo and jam oh my god I got to mix it too man Bava you just got to get a different pump life fun fact as well just because we're using a hot plate in here great a lot of places as far as I understand in like okay Lisa do not actually have like an oven in the home like an extra 10 day you have to go out of your way to go like our apartment did not have one we just uses a hot plate whenever we cook at home because it's much more common to just go out and eat because like actually even out in Japan is actually fierce cheap surprisingly and I feel like go to quality healthy food it's kind of like I guess I I am an I come the know in America it's quite common to like just like you know go out for dinner well I think like a European thing where like much more ingrained in the camp of you have dinner at home and going out for food is like a rare kind of a rare everything invite Mitchell and star arriving for 7 pound no unless you want to clog your arteries well doesn't stop the Americans can know by you're in Europe at least life is very much a thing like you just need at home almost all the time then going out is the exception but in Japan is kinda I would argue what's the other way like like my roommate would very rarely just eat at home you'd more often see that this is just what enough time and it just be easier Oh clear what have we got we got chip Parmesan cheese sour cream parsley some chilies why is there a lime what does this even go it I want to just like kill a person with this [Music] that's a lot of chili I love it she loves it honey you're gonna love it here your mouth literally catches fire when you eat [Music] for the ground they die that will kill you that that's too much chili check out this chili chili like this is extra chili on the chili it's it's way too much you're gonna be in agony not a bad picture look looks delicious this song it makes the heat more intense it's beautiful and heat of a thousand suns [Music] very nice penny I mean you need to try the chili surprise we got it all right what dance is this mama what Internet may may have you looked up this time because like you you're going all out with these there's some kind of choreography at work here mason jar key lime I'm not sure whether to eat or drink it well it is a pie you it's hard to drink like gloop thanks for five good thank you for all the extras you've been doing during quarantine let's go accepting study abroad in UCD so I'm really excited well soon when international travel is open by that semester oh I hope you [ __ ] like Dublin and don't worry about like the amount you donate like you'll be sorry to donate anything don't feel guilty they gave me five quid you should have your own game yeah okay thank you 400 bits you do breakfast in bed breakfast in bed is the way to my heart on us to go [Music] that's like you wanna marry me it's like just objective is 500 grams sir here you go Scott we just gotta measure [Music] don't have you book too much he just Chuck's away the bull it was just 10 grams mama there's no butter great piece of cake oh this is gonna be dry it's a sugar and mashed graham cracker a graham cracker yeah graham cracker let's no bind and like ingredients they're those two things you can't really mix that well you need the butter graham cracker ladies graham cracker yeah add it when it's at a low speed mama we got a sore that a hickey it shouldn't do this that's you should be able to toggle this mudra you shouldn't have to wait for safe passage dolly as well cuz like it's a lime pie surely it's already gonna be dreaming it's perfect Mama's impressed now you need dolly really makes it a deeper green I guess let's go you need the dye lime juice is yellow okay right now that makes sense yeah sorry I think I guess you just see and you think for the vitamin don't have a lot of time mama you're really pressuring me I feel like every minigame means like ten more seconds [Music] exactly I surrender [ __ ] that he said breakfast in bed is the way di hired expect hundreds of fans at your doorstep tomorrow morning you [ __ ] feasts it's the only thought much toast I can have loves for just the right amount that does not look right mama why does the line puppies have like the same consistency as like a bleach that looks poisonous okay kill the pies remove the dish from the freezer at the correct time okay how quickly is this gonna freeze this is a slow process if you leave it in the fridge it's like ten more minutes it's not gonna be that five almost dear oh this is like the oven oh mama how is your freezer to be sufficient [Music] should not turn to ice that quickly and make whipped cream guys we're using the blender we're using a [ __ ] blender you all know what to do here you've got a job you actually have to wait a day to finish it yeah normally you do you have to leave that's the kind of stuff over line there we go mama buy better kid those dysfunctional kitchen I've ever seen you can do [Music] the liquid assistance finally to that was more than them thank you for a thousand bits my first-ever size and bit donation the weirdest thing I've eaten was duck legs sounds entrusted me huh [Music] rising Lee top a whipped cream oh okay good job good work the blenders let's [Music] pop the cream in what mama why are you giving me empty jars I'm good I'm gonna keep you on your toes don't pour the cream and these other mason jars I'm passing to you don't get but can you not reorganize the kitchen different time like it you really have to do this now and I'm unlike a 30-second clock to make this meal it's not a real obstacle you would encounter in the kitchen I gotta add the whipped cream to my lime pie but oh no there's 50 mason jars in the way [Music] that never happened Rayman thanks 300 bits probably able to make one of your streams love your content thank you very much for my stride duck oil fry is American is stuck but it's hardly good so nice let's get you to ready this year okay graham cracker cup graham cracker crumbs lime peel a chocolate curl oh you guys just want to go lime are you like like you know we could do something like this where it's like intricately down like some chocolate curls pot it looks really good the lime peel kind of looks like someone left something in there [Music] awesome fancy big sore it didn't happen every time it's just a ruined caught me you're gonna love it here they sort of apply we're fine that's several limes to like to get that many slices you have to chop more than one that's like it least two limes so sitting there like burn sting your mash there we go Wow I still think the best one so far has been just added the [ __ ] chips don't forget to tag mama oh I didn't put a filter or anything on it but mr. disco thanks 400 fits this guy's wife is gonna file for divorce or all these restaurants he's taking her to at this way with these Ross like kebabs and leaning tower of eggs to choose with for Stewie I'd be filing for divorce to honestly only so many bad restaurant dates he can injure WX next 100 as well weirdest thing I've ever eaten was an entire squid it was just vibing there totally intact in my plate so freaked me out as a memory the entire squid is a lot and understands squid but like a whole [ __ ] squid that's a lot you've got the nice burrito Getti this one's gonna be I'm getting hungry get hungry me too mom [Music] I'm actually having like quite a bit of fun with this game I know I'm joking about it on some of the minigames being ridiculous but no it feels like a Cooking Mama game I liked it when I was a kid I hate Mama's voice I quite like a bit of fun here I guess like past cooking moms were probably a bit more involved with some things like the points in that like I think I prefer I haven't like the actual point like meters rather than just stars at the end because it's harder to compare it was like just a - stars ago Austin thanks 400 bits the weirdest thing I've ever eaten as a peanut butter and mayo sandwich and history teacher introduced it to me it's actually really good I'm sad right man I don't agree with spread on spread peanut butter and mayo thank God I don't know man it's not for me Jesse thanks 400 bits as well [Music] prepare an avocado no no baby like one or two people claiming that gets pretty good maybe it is like it just sounds trying to grow so most of us aren't willing to try it does sound kind of close even the people like like it have to admit that we think of Irene was beef tongue apparent delicacy in some places Oh God something I'd like to eat a ton it does sound weird and slimy [Music] lady get oh we slice it cheese we're just going like like we just completely dice nothing just we're not gonna chop it anymore apparently not there's gotta be some big bits of avocado in this burrito wife you know baby we were gonna match to that already like groans ooh this came from playing Terraria did you know you can mod it got a good rod I could catch a stream even party I don't often often I often don't notice well thank you very much - bye my place to be super thanks for hundreds o strange thing I've ever eaten was a kangaroo burger shop near me to sell it to patties I'm actually really good it does sound kind of wild I'll know and put your back into it with the controls lads [Music] the controls do feel a little less responsive somehow than the wee ones I don't know what it is I've never the joy conscious isn't it feels like I have to like properly they put my back into that just to cut the beef [Music] Brady gets with that said though I do [ __ ] love my Wii Remote so maybe last as one of this quick on these counsel [Music] I'm seriously shaking this thing to try and make work like I'm doing like swinging motions I think you should have your own game you've heard the switch or the Wii well as a console I'd love to switch just because it's so many good games on and you know I'm not gonna say no like an HD affordable games console and I love ass be real here now most of my favorite games to now are on the switch oddly enough like me no blades release and course we've already got things like brushes the wild like pokemon mystery dungeon is even on it you know it there's an animal crossing mario karta is my pair of mario kart and put out and switch but i do [ __ ] love it like it's just the games between Dark Souls on switch to civilizations on switch and play city skylines to switch to actually not bad oh c'mon sword and shield not that one not that one but a lot of other hands if I fire I'm gonna have awakened doesn't wanna put the time in a half three house [Music] even move to keep them oh oh deeper move there we go we did not properly turn him to have beef I don't think both sides have done probably can't eat it cause half of its raw but good enough for Mama add the ingredients move the joy gone left and right to catch the ingredients oh this Holden's back I remember this one with the hot dog yes Oh God feel like I'm not getting a great distribution like most of the filling is in the top I haven't used most of that space how you to drop ingredients of my burrito not dead thank you for 100 bits Sammy thank 400 weirdest thing I've ever eaten is ruffles potato chips dipped in vanilla frosting in the snacks grabbed from a junior high potluck the students put together was so nervous but ended up absolutely loving it we had those sound just like two and all these things kind of like smashed together you know you like crisps and you're like frost and ice and you know probably wouldn't be bad well I don't know about something I prepared to all thought that would take years off your life if you had it too often wrap up these burritos that's a lot of avocados of this smashing that I feel it's perfect Mama's impressed [Music] thank you picture massive chunks of avocado I normally add ice little bit more actually looks kind of nice so we got yeah so the pointer with the we or the with the with the joy con is time off to I think that's a good way to present it and I can I do anymore [Music] well it won't even let me select something else we go that's a lot of sour cream beautiful [Music] honey I'm gonna be honest with you they're probably not gonna like it here [Music] capi flagged ha god as that's a lot of cream that's a lot of this is just everywhere Suman oh god it looks like it's coated and ie Center something like that that doesn't look appetizing too much sour cream go night vision this dish is gonna go viral night vision beef burrito hits it when you least expected she's doing a dance again I feel like this is also a fortnight time somehow I feel like half the reference is just for tonight I know one is Gangnam style Grier thanks for five hundred bits weirdest thing I ever ate when I was drunk out of my mind was a New Year's party when I was 19 with sugar cookies dipped in salsa not sure what compelled me and can't really remember what I thought about the taste without night was a little helpful Austin x-rounder Fitz which we will to give a peanut butter and Mayo sandwich to try if you hate it I'll give you ten to ten dollars ten dollars as compensation for emotional trauma I'm good thanks thank you very much Dan next 100 as well all tonkatsu this is this was my favorite comfort food when I was in Japan [ __ ] love it cooking Japanese pork cutlet and gravy yes this this this is something you gotta try if you're in fact okay even have a Japanese place I kind of in your town it's so nice I've had my favorite like kind of little restaurant in Hawaii no it was right next to a window park was on like a third floor building you can only access it by elevator I would go get a window seat on our door to this whenever I was that kind of like a shite day or something I was like favorite food [Music] ready get set go [Music] smash it so gonna smash it amazing feel like we're not tenderizing it great very uneven the distribution something I haven't even hit with the hammer I think you should have your own game preparing that a lot huh breadcrumbs you've gotta be gentle with the bread or it just goes flying some reason that one's like ten times more sensitive than anything else [Music] [Music] I'm trying to mama but it's like out of sync [Music] come on I've got enough mama we got enough Alina next 100 bits if you tell me what stories but when you live in Japan my heart literally burst maybe sounds like you love living there oh thank you Elena no I I [ __ ] did like honestly like Tokyo was my favorite city in the world it's just the way that city is structured how efficient everything is like I love it and you know even someone like who got to work so I get our hours like I love the idea I was like I finished late at night you know I can just like kind of pop out like for a walk or something I'm fine oh there's like parks about it's very safe you know I can get a drink III can get like a meal for my combini but come being even the the main thing with Tokyo is it's the [ __ ] other side of the planet you know I was a bit lonely when I was there because all my friends are this side of the world now I do still [ __ ] love Dublin to like you know I love being around the Irish I love the history - city hunts but but yeah if I could I'd live in Tokyo forever like honestly but I won't do that though because I miss my friends doom I miss my family I think that's fair enough that I do like being in Ireland what should I do I think I'm okay with just going on like the occasional hallway there when the opportunity arises I really want to go back I was planning to go back this year before you know whole state of the world kind of unfold it like now it would be a very bad idea all of things do something that comes along ok 2021 Olympics I should be kind of cool time to be in Tokyo I'd be down for now what people just explore in the city all at once like sign me up lady yeah go back and vlog in the future the thing is I did actually try to vlog it when I was there but I just wasn't that good well with uh or like actually making vlogs and I felt very intrusive like I don't like having a camera about like I've logged Iceland to lie something I like I have some clips of fact that I want to put together at some point but like I'm still kind of working out a format I think I'm more comfortable with we're like IRL recordings like time because I did by she by a camera I have like a lot of safe footage uh people follow on the channel back in summer 2018 might even remember the animal vlogs like because the animal vlogs basically came from footage from the other vlogs I just kind of repurposed it [Applause] 20:21 Kevin Anand and live a Tokyo Oh that'd be [ __ ] wild bring back animal vlogs someday I wanna I want to do a video at someone where it's just like me and the Irish lads just in Dublin Zoo I think that would just be [ __ ] fun I think they want to go the potato park at some point to drop an exponent of this everyone else is doing it weirdest thing I've ever eaten was pork intestines a really tasty dough if cooked right fair enough yeah I'll take your word for it thanks all thanks to a nine hundred as well [Music] Kato is amazed that I haven't been the tato pack they always make fun of them oh we got brown sauce no you don't have a brown sauce wait they said it was gravy initially that you have it this is brown sauce brown sauce is very differently oh it's [ __ ] like soy sauce or something yeah brand sauce isn't the right sauce for this or just like some curry or something that you pop over like curry sauce yeah that's not right [Music] awesome honey you're actually gonna love it here they made a normal meal for us pics or it didnt delicious vivid still but why these Philip so many these filters just unusable night vision neha the blur just looks anxious cuz like whoa things on the plate are blurs those tomatoes look like that but that just look like a bad photo [Music] open sticker tray it what emojis do we have roll down a bit [Music] your East famous famous now matters have faces it's not a good picture oh god what dance is that is going ham again what the [ __ ] no that wabi-sabi did she like recipes a bit of a slower rate and part of the the we won to the we won sometimes you just like unlock like two or three after completing the recipe whereas here it's just one by one we're gonna do last one of the night do we unlock any new vegetarian no we didn't that's a shame you have to do all the vegetarian one separately because I imagine making black bean burger and fries is not very different to making a regular burger and fries to mochi [Music] the cubicle [Music] do superstar mode what's superstar mode [Music] go superstar seat stander I don't see anything different sound like I read ooh Oh cook sir can you do it without my help though when you've done it that's the last one let's go Oh God we could try I feel we're just gonna be making something we've made already [Music] quickly make a hamburger come on it still says the control so you just have to remember what the inputs are base great job yeah let's go back and make Mojang that's more interesting it's like this is just the controls are hidden from you see it's it's just bling it up cabbage across let's get this [Music] Gardi making hundreds that Carl thanks 400 as well don't give up papa ricin pop the lid on curry oh mama I made a mistake I cooked it too fast how about that rice cooker is was like a rusher bomb [Music] don't hit the hand don't do it anyone else anxious right now [Music] actually I think you should have your own game Keep Calm in this mob I'm getting with some links 400 as well dragon links for 100 you blew up the right sneeze - Berg thanks 400 - let's roll it I'm a stress lady anxiety mama flop it at the end slam it down [Music] oh no apparently that last one took all of the ingredients in the bowl I feel like we have more whoa you either do hero the flop is the most crucial step let's cook the mochi ready get set go oh so we're just doing different ones exactly yep keep flicking good a man living with the leftovers I'm fully aware but it wasn't good enough for mama standards carefully shape in a windmill slam at music 400 fits better than mama well we did it I made some delectable meals that's right yeah I can clear the tape every time [Music] gives me this is an option it's just a mistake [Music] honey why do you keep coming with me to these places [Music] show the world you must have this zoom [Music] next amazing let's share look at that mochi wabi-sabi that's a strawberry it's burnt ha that's mochi in the galaxy there's no mochi oh we did it Lots bagel chips good fun them got no explanation as to who the dog is they're just kind of here you don't know who they are on the cooking mom in the universe unlock any other customization options I guess you couldn't really customize most of this stuff before anyway I'm just surprised I haven't unlocked any of it I thought it would have got some attempting to see a value Apollo what potluck party is lunch but got no friends here at the moment it's a sad time but thank you everyone for coming by the stream tonight I hope you all had fun hope you all enjoyed I thank you everyone for the bits thank you everyone for subscribing as ever God you guys were generous bastards tonight like honestly there was a lot sent I'm gonna be back tomorrow evening I believe me and Jesse are gonna be playing Lego Harry Potter again then we're pressing on with Prisoner of Azkaban so if you enjoy me joking about Hagrid's meet stick that is the stream for you and Jesse I apologize in advance I'm so sorry don't know why you put up with me yeah we're gonna be doing that tomorrow night anyway I'm gonna see who is live now - just so I can pass a radon look surprisingly Kevin's actually not live but Kevin just seems to be live like all the time these days it's uh it's kind of odd Monte's stream in uno so you know I'm gonna leave you in her care because that just sounds like a good time yeah so go go say hey the Monty she's a good beat yeah thank you again so much for coming folks hope you all enjoyed tonight he just started it he just it's too late it's too late okay all the best guys see y'all tomorrow let's go you
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Views: 94,367
Rating: 4.9355669 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-612088656, rtgamecrowd, A lot of people are about to die, Cooking Mama: Cookstar, Twitch, Gaming, lot, of, people, are, about, to, die, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish, i want die, poespas, poe, minecraft, pokemon, woolie
Id: pQJQtKeiyyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 34sec (9034 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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