WarioWare is Terrifying

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there he is the boy he's back wario this video game maker loves wait he makes video games in which timeline is this it is it's the level i made this is bad it's gonna ruin my level wait i can't do the entire thing like wario meanwhile in space i also don't know oh it's wario's nose is this just a business meeting that's happening in space oh no it's heading straight for earth nope wario's dead that's commitment that's me i wouldn't drop my switch either all right hypnotize you're getting sleepy you're getting real sleepy you're pressing the subscribe button take a nap um what what how oh i see isaac knocked the snake off the i don't know what he was biting collects two that's it who are you mr wario there you are did i unlock a character he likes meat dumplings a lot well so do i 18 volt check it i'm here too 18 volts is wearing that gohan track suit so each character has different abilities which means i'm going to not remember all of them and this is going to be a struggle again get who who am i getting oh that was the right one god i almost jumped into the wrong dude um and thank you dr wario very cool this is rapid fire i will protect these flowers with my life when do i get a breather do i get a breather do i get to relax for a second uh draw oh geez i want that painting in my house a boss stage you can tell because it's the wario nose with the crown defeat defeat what that looks like a that's a oh no i died this time i'm taking you down wait till you lift that shield up go ahead idiot i gotta say this is super fun i know it's all micro games but i didn't know it was going to be like this fast oh i see there we go one okay he's turning red he's embarrassed dory's in pain come on drop the spikes all right wario's the savior of the universe that's it oh he killed him whoa the corruption it's disappearing i bet that was a game bug well yeah i mean nowadays they release games before they're finished so they make their money and then they release patches that's life and it's just next to a toilet bowl makes sense get the load of this place the bugs really did a number on it huh what is this cyberpunk 2077 hello who's that who are you mona works school and pets keep this high school student busy she's also a big fan of wario me too mona's house mona rich wait no hang on why are her pets anthropomorphic animals something's wrong here i can't quite put my finger on it but not only is mona living in a mansion i don't know if this is her house but she's also in high school [Music] the next day her pets feared for their lives they're like this room better stay clean uh-oh take out the boomerang watch out i can't that wasn't the right thing was it i'm not supposed to go in the vacuum cleaner all right ring the bell and then we run away or we could pet the dog in this case uh uh uh okay yeah go wash your hands please peel the the hair oh i was gonna escape get me out of here i can't breathe did i do it right i went in the nose [Music] i don't even know if i'm completing minigames they're just happening so fast i don't know if i'm doing well or if i'm losing how do i know here go to sleep if you're rocking too hard the baby flips out hi who are you listen i played a lot of angry birds this one's easy spent a lot of toilet time throwing birds at pigs complete package okay boots hat back did i do it oh i gotta okay i see mug oh damn all right i understand the game now okay i win okay that's one hey get off there get off there we need boots and another mug so we're having company oh i can use why don't i use the boomerang oh we gotta do everything okay hey i told you to get out of here [Music] this is fun all right crush the bug dr cry gore high tech dr kreigor this genius scientist is so good at making mechanical marvels he made a cyborg out of himself game bugs glitch is wonderful i shall be sure to study them in my laboratory imagine having a top secret facility and just using it to make video games [Music] everyone's like yeah precisely [Music] what is happening warioware just feels like a bad trip escape it kind of feels like we're never going to get another true wario game ever again did he need to get in the helicopter he has like a jet pack so you're clear of what oh come on get out of the way [Music] so as i was saying uh i really hope that one day we'll get another true wario game and i say that because i have never played any of the warioware games nor have i played uh reaction i don't like bugs nor have i played any of the wario land games and like now that i want to play them there's a lot to play but it kind of sad knowing that there might not be any more transport [Music] imagine being on a ski lift like terrified for your life and wario shows up on a jet pack and his shoulder checks um you just this is hard to commentate and play at the same time because it happens so quickly you just you need to react watch out for what i'll dodge this don't worry rhinoceros with a jet pack come on i gotta deliver the mail email sent and all it said was as per my last email which we all know means uh you know you know what it means it's not very nice grab the sushi put it on rice oh no that okay that's the right one good that one's still alive hang on no one's eating that uh that's a sponge so i'm gonna take this one no one wants to eat a sponge i want them to come back to my restaurant that's a telephone okay whatever you ever float your boat now i'm in the mood for sushi for like the third time this week you see i am a genius the crew has grown look at all this corruption you mean the us government who are these guys dribbling spits taxi driving duo is happy to take you your front door to the far reaches of space the fair is always fair i'm looking at dribble and i'm kind of getting some bowser vibes is there something you'd like to say protect i i will protect earth [Music] spin it which way oh god what the hell is that defeat i think i've uh come to realize that just don't try to understand anything that's going on just listen to micro games close how do i close oh i missed escape that's all i want to do i just want to get out of here how many three no what yes that is water that is indeed water spit it out i'm going to die rni oh me and who me and who me and donkey kong i come on kiss this game feels rigged to get me to spend my money all right kiss oh i did it too early um [Music] i missed come on come on oh that was close we run out of time there i got to look at the timer because you have like the little catch what catch one two oh i got too many why am i being punished for getting more this game is just giving me anxiety all right what are you gonna do here there's a boss fight that is that is me what am i protecting from those things nope you stay away from my friend give me the key come on come on get in no no no no no how am i supposed to do this come on go get get in the hole that's what she said oh you're safe my friends you're safe oh not yet just kidding you ain't safe [Music] come on go get out of here god this game is creepy okay now we're going to nintendo classics i am intrigued help help who you why are you wearing a hard hat when you're skateboarding this skateboarding school kid is obsessed with nintendo games and has some serious dj and yo-yo skills that pretty much me is a kid minus the djing let's see homie's got three game cubes don't think i didn't see that is gamecube old enough to be considered classic now though listen that's fine just put your uh put your game boy under the pillow when she comes back out you pull it back out you play with the worm light how do you think i got through my childhood oh it's super mario land i mean seriously you know how many nights i would quote unquote go to bed and just have my game boy in worm light like this is ice climbers luigi's mansion where's the ghost i found you just playing so much oh sorry i did it too early just playing so much who did win you won seriously i spent so many late night hours just playing like pokemon and lynx awakening on my come on samus come on samus go where am i guiding you [Music] bowser you idiot i know what i gotta do i gotta hit the no come on i had a my boy donkey kong he's here there we go no not the not the pasta get the spaghetti out of the gamecube my grandma got me a green game boy pocket with the uh with the worm light and game boy camera remember game boy camera then i upgraded when the color came out i had the uh clear purple the atomic purple game boy color don't get caught you back off back off create path um sometimes i don't know hi link sometimes i don't know why things don't work my brain isn't working [Music] all right i only have like one heart left so i need to make sure i don't mess up here praise um you are stay smart i think i like these levels the best mainly because donkey kong was here um i could do math so this is super smash brothers i've played a ton of super mario worlds i could do this with my eyes closed i'm doing good it's a good boss level all right watch this i'm going to hit the sweet i didn't get any points for it now too easy how do you top that though those are some great micro games a mine cart that's more like it nintendo loves mine carts hello mike invented by dr kreigor this karaoke robot has a great love of singing although he is very monotone he will never pursue a career in music get the coin sorry fuzzy don't rock the baby too hard don't rock the baby too hard that's gonna be me as a dad just like rocking the baby incredibly hard because everything i know about parenting came from warioware come on i gotta send these emails pitch three okay one two i was too slow last time i i had too many we got two lives left we're good clear course [Music] more super mario world look at him going through it i can fly this is easy you can basically do this if you use game genie you idiots can't stop me good we survived cat and anna nature these kindergart oh these are babies they're not only twins they're ninjas man i hope i raise a child to become a ninja sleepy town village where actually nobody is sleeping who are you prepare for ninja spell with my giant cat paws oh they're evil as indicated by the purple skin they are now they look like something you have to beat up in a hundred man melee man i would watch the hell out of a wario anime nintendo what are you doing there is such opportunity i'll help you mr turtle you're good eat up eat the pop cereal you can fly did i do it did i make them fly cover what am i cover the poop the cats are supposed to do that that's not my job don't touch it come on in the mouth and stay hydrated oh no to stay hydrated okay i'm looking it's not there oh no i didn't see oh geez didn't give me time to make decisions get get out of here we like sunshine come on yes why is there a duck in there no you're not supposed to do that supposed to wait for them to hatch dodge what oh please don't poop on me although it's good luck if you do so if it would have hit me then uh maybe i would have done better all right we're going on a safari remember remember the fifth of november that's a parrot holding an apple those are two monkeys four five flamingo one jump what am i supposed to remember here question one i didn't know there was gonna be a quiz who was jumping uh the flamingos i'm gonna stay over here to make sure i don't hit anything who was in a pair donkey kong and diddy kong any more brain busters who wasn't there nintendo's recognition for donkey kong's 40th anniversary i didn't forget donkey kong jimmy t sports what's with this place it's so dark and boring that'd be metlife stadium all right game bugs don't stand a chance against my dance moves um come on there we go it'd be more effective to probably just use one of the in lane what lane what oh yeah that would hurt am i doing it am i am i sporting good enough am i am i sporting break out get in get in the hole that's what happens when i play mario golf denied [Music] okay how many times listen i'm real good at this i've played this in the pool every summer for the last 30 years [Music] what what am i clearing clean the trash out of the ocean people recycle your bottles you're killing the fish oh i see um that is a pie like a wi-fi little mac trying to throw a ko punch dude these games are so weird all right i got one life left for the boss stage how come hands up here come come on climb climb you idiot oh i see i'm getting it now this way taking my hands we'll go upside down if we have to i don't care i think this dude is flexible very nimble all right we got a foot by any means possible we've done it jimmy t we sports all right i could get behind that here's another character that i know only because of smash aha ashley i should have known and here i was finally having some fun ashley dislikes cute stuff expressing emotions unnecessary chit chat likes casting spells food her pal red this this is the character that you all want in smash what cartoon house did this remind me of and why are all of these children rich all right dinner time what's uh you know you know the food's just not going to appear on the plate don't eat that's your friend oh the invasion of the onion people [Music] yeah we got onions but uh where the rest of the ingredients come from for these burgers [Music] onion donuts that sounds disgusting all right these are gonna be all food levels right right i'm already down a fork this is not good look at that corn kind of gross they're like finish this corn was it my corn i'm just eating someone else's like unfinished corn that has like slobber all over it make a nice smoothie drink up get that vitamin c um hot must be hot i messed up again tonight cover what cover what ketchup no hang on no no no we don't pour ketchup on top of fries that's some serial killer behavior what am i doing [Music] terry bogard was that not the right answer adjust what am i adjusting we gotta get let me get rid of the nuts what no no the ice oh god oh no look at his face erase x erase x chemical x [Music] donkey kong would be very disappointed in me we got one fork left eat listen that was a big bite don't choke take a seat [Music] okay get that baseball away from my cheesecake i hate it when that happens when you have a cheesecake and someone throws a baseball at it man if i had a nickel juice this is very um this is this is very uh pokemon stadium mini game-ish you making wine here this is child labor i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying all right that's it i made your wine old macdonald now let my family go ashley join the crew okay i think orbelon is my favorite aside from wario orbulon this alien insists he'll invade earth one day he's a procrastinator goro desert man orbilon is broken just got a giant tractor beam what is wrong with wario's house was he a hoarder also don't worry i lived in a castle [Music] it has been pruned now please pet the corgi um there we go i like this one i feel at peace playing these games got flowing water you got animals [Music] okay i didn't do something right build the snowman why is the head bigger than the no go here this goes here why is the head so big and the body's so small push it out [Music] just take a laxative next time okay break that and break that and there we go balance sometimes you eat healthy sometimes you eat an entire pizza guitar solo [Music] get married get if anyone has something to say to prevent these two from being wed stand up or forever hold your peace [Music] okay that that was dangerous you know i don't want to knock the candle over anyway match what okay this is rapid fire this is actually pretty good for content because people don't have attention spans so uh this will just be like rapid fire mini games [Music] [Applause] steep oh you may make tea watch you i found you you're a terrible ninja you showed me exactly where you were going all right don't worry orbeelon will save uh the tower bridge come on through the gates open and any second now [Music] wait you didn't tell me a bus was coming all right so we got to let the ship come through and then we got to get off the damn thing because nobody said that there was a bus coming go ahead they're gonna crash oh geez anyone else well i'm working the thing okay another one just don't turn sideways because then you get stuck in the canal and we can't get graphics cards for like six months i think we're good right nope last one thank you for pointing out that this is the last one first i conquer the game bugs then i conquer the world that's exactly what insomniac's doing oh is this the mom from the gamer stage where she turns into a demon yep that's her she just turns into a ghost oh she can teleport that's op all right remix levels don't they don't scare me ain't nothing remixed about that don't i don't know what what i'm supposed to do look closely okay we have cow sniffing uh zebra's butt no penguins though didn't see a single penguin eat your croissant no damn it trying to tip the thing and i love this one nope okay this time i will tip the candle over and potentially set the house on fire stay hydrated puppy gotta drink lots of water should always have fresh water available for what happened available for your pets all right boss stage we have no levers left oh more grapes easy listen mommy needs a little mommy time it's been very hard lately stay away from the bee though mommy needs a little bit of her mommy juice no you can't have any this is for mommy's only god damn i got stung you say don't spill but listen after a couple glasses of wine it's a little tough i like this character a lot it just the ability is just a little weird okay got a little bit in there come on oh yeah i'm done you're done that's easy nice full glass for you my my wasn't that fun that seems very final bossy all right anything goes this is the last level i made so is this the end of the story mode that's the biggest bug we've seen yet so it's got to be oh no wario's corrupt that didn't look like any ordinary game bug you dig throw your worst at me [Music] who are these guys by the way oh no they got him oh my god this is a cool boss what do we do here anything goes win um well nice rock beat scissor knock down what am i knocking down the boys wait do you see that really buff wario at the end match uh four two three come on this must be the final boss throw a challenge at me dodge easy just kidding oh okay loop around i see happy birthday worry stop picking your nose please find the nose [Music] um this is wario's nose [Music] i'm in i'm safe hurricane wario can't stop me [Music] he's so creepy no he got me transport so many games i'm helping him so many games i'm just defending for myself yeah go wario wait i pushed him too hard this game was just like how many cursed images can we fit into like a couple hours watch out watch out for what it's going faster but we got him when will you learn that crime doesn't pay which one flies through the sky well maybe we don't know we've never seen them or have we the government is lying to us i say we take area 51 but what is happening what is happening sorry we made it to the boss stage we got two lives we have to chase the thing past fart mountain yep smell like rotten eggs in here [Music] oh no it's coming mario had chili for lunch you gotta get out of here i mean i can just phase through reality is this really hard for me oh it's a giant toilet seat super toilet so much clogging don't poop on me if your poop looks like that you gotta probably go to the doctor huh capture what what am i capturing [Music] i didn't capture capture what boom oh i know i gotcha did i do it did i beat the game [Music] the throne has been rightfully restored and the corrupt wario has been saved you plug up the nose i use me to plug up the other one orbilon sacrificed himself to save the universe you will never be forgotten orbilon okay we've got you now you show mario hmm i say leave it alone it's grimy and stinky and messed everything up which makes it perfect for my level zip zorp thank you then he flew off and uh and that's it all the bugs have been defeated and everyone returns their homes oh now we get to see god god is just wario i am the supreme developer i watch over this game you might say i am the one who brought you here yes that was all me what what supreme who come on everybody knows wadio is number one the game bugs arrived quite uninvited i knew not what to do so i brought you here to help i thank you for tidying up their mess difficult work i'm sure now your home is right this way step into my portal you're free now wario please come back and play anytime then god said peace where did all those bugs come from lazy development oh no wario is ea he's like all right micro transactions this cut corners that it was wario all along who are you yes okay okay is there another stage oh i think there's a bonus stage now right oh hang on hang on there's more just when you thought we were done there's a whole new world oh cool red gets to drop bombs like this one easy you just threw one boomerang it's the opposite of super mario brothers no paper paper one two three four five six [Music] i'm not doing so good i gotta make it to what like the 18th floor we're struggling i really do feel like waluigi should be in this game why is he not or any warioware games oh sad i got you we're gonna swim get you to shore oh this way this way go go go conquistador wario take a seat don't mind if i do monkey is very happy please enter the monkey kingdom all right we saved red he's free [Music] golden beehive no listen i've played mario party i played animal crossing you want to stay away from those so we saved red from blue and who he saved from blue we should save red from red master mantis he can jump on the ceiling all right we got this easy send that alligator to space super hard yeah right we're like super easy oh that was easy because i can jump up and down [Music] yeah giraffe's got like weirdly long tongues like that train oh yeah get those get those biceps [Music] poor piggy bank clear path gotcha got you got you got you i got you send the email okay i feel like i'm i feel like i drank like 10 monster energies [Music] a golden toilet paper roll i mean toilet paper was basically gold like a year ago let me guess super super hard is next thrill ride [Music] lulu this luxville kid is as pesky as she is plucky she's an adoring fan of cricket whether he likes it or not so she's a stalker okay which way that weird blobby thing go um i think it's so good you found a golden holy mug it's kind of useless penny this budding scientist and granddaughter dr cry gord loves two things inventing stuff and singing pop songs okay hang on this one is a little disorienting this one's weird i'm definitely going to fail minigames with this chick [Music] well i could have shot the water in there right i love this one any opportunity to deny this bag of gold get out of here get away from my toilet if you're getting flies by your toilet you might want to flush not okay i i was expecting this to be harder but she kind of broken lulu she's kind of op she's strong oh okay then we can kill it i guess no one told me i could kill the fuzzy yo she's stupid strong yeah speed it up i got this precision aiming mario sunshine who oh it's fine we got three more wrenches and i'm out of here hi everyone sorry to keep you waiting i'm here to use my advanced science degree to figure out how to combine this honeycomb toilet paper roll and broken ceramic mug what did we just make oh yeah i don't think that's gonna work that way let's see all right pour the water in the toilet let's test our invention what is going on [Music] showdown at the beanstalk we're going to nimbus land you see this is where you get the lazy shell if you get the seed and the fertilizer all right we've been climbing this thing forever there's nothing here except for this giant turd shadow does it have more treasure wait come back i love treasure all right here we go this is the final final stage for real this time what are we doing just hitting all the eyeballs right we spam look at that precision aiming okay i gotta teleport and use my ghostly abilities nope oh god he almost stepped on me [Music] it was like uh when spongebob was gonna get stepped on by uh dennis we had the spike boots [Music] do i ever use every character here sweet i i don't even remember what half these characters do i haven't been using them all right come on jimmy let's get it done it's sports [Music] you can't let the eyeballs go in the mouth or like whatever this thing's trying to do drop bombs okay that was close we're getting real close here i don't know how many lives we have probably not that many but i'll be damned if i'm going to let the universe fall to the turd bug come on get in there and crush the eyeball i hope you have a good optometrist cause you're gonna need it i'm too good at this video game okay i don't know about this one oh wait we can there we go i've got that uh mr miyagi could jump on the ceiling [Music] all right you're done [Music] the villain was angry birds the whole time nope yeah try again third time's a charm right wrong this is wario's game you stay out of here we've got you cornered give it up huh is that piorro this is another character we get to play as he's just a cute little bird i like this dude you got like a yoshi tongue starve that super popular game hey what are you doing in our game did you have a good time playing with me he's the true developer you thought god was the real developer it was just this bird good time bad time who cares where's the treasure shoulder checking wario what if the real treasure were just the friends we made along the way because we have a full crew now [Music] but it can't end like this perhaps this is the n-u-c treasure he's gonna say it he's got he's gotta say it i was joking but treasures not the gold but the journey it inspired the real treasures the friends you made along the way and that's it that's warioware [Music] you
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 396,629
Rating: 4.9209657 out of 5
Keywords: warioware get it together, warioware get it together review, warioware get it together all characters, warioware get it together all cutscenes, warioware get it together all minigames, warioware, warioware all bosses, warioware get it together all bosses, warioware switch, choctopus warioware, wario, warioware get it together all microgames, warioware get it together final boss, warioware get it together gameplay, warioware switch all microgames, warioware get it together full game
Id: XsBceaUj0Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 18sec (2298 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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