RTGame Archive: No Man's Sky

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone and you hear me okay how y'all doing hey there we go it's good to see us we'll give people a moment just to settle on into the chat i think kevin is getting ready on his end as well hello though i hope everyone's been having a good day another another off schedule stream this week uh pretty much every stream at least for the next week it's just off schedule uh just keep an eye on the discord server is the best place i'll always say that's where they go uh because that's where i'll post notice of everything yeah how you all doing mike is muted oh what an original joke i'm a [ __ ] comedian sorry i don't know why people bother with that anymore comedy i don't understand don't tell them guys don't tell him his mic is actually working it's never gonna work stuck in the house with covid get better soon hope you're doing all right hey kelly how you doing big funny chat wants to be a comedian when they grow up unfortunately that's not a job in mitopia you know they're in trouble there oh no yeah hello how's it going though folks you're all very welcome to the stream um myself and kevin are playing no man's sky today we've been sponsored to do so by hello games the devs for this uh as an irish lad who leads the studio his name is sean murray and this is a game that it came out like five years ago but it has changed a lot since then i i think i think a lot of people remember hearing things about the launch and then just how over time it's just been continually supported uh it's kind of crazy because whenever like this game come is mentioned these days like it shows up in like game awards and stuff like that now where it's like most continual improvement and stuff like that which is just like it's actually kind of cool to see they basically tried to make it a lot better it has come leaps and bounds since then and i have never played it um i've always wanted to play this and the opportunity came around they asked myself and kevin for it so you know what it's a good time it's a good time to give it a shot the game has improved significantly from what i understand the latest update is called frontiers i believe i'm not entirely sure what's in it i'll be honest with you because i i kind of lack the perspective of like what was the game before because again like this is this is all new to me it's on its fifth anniversary this year it's five years old uh i believe it's on sale on steam at the mo they got twitch drops enabled too if you happen to have it so you can get some cheeky free things for the game but we're gonna give it a go we're gonna have fun if you like what you see at any point in the stream or you're curious to play it for yourself you can type exclamation point sky in the chat and you'll get a link to it and i should have some more details on the game there i have 2 473 hours in this game please help oh my god oh i think i can't think of any games i have that much time and i'll be honest maybe like the combined collective mind of pokemon over time that's that's kind of mad [Music] you don't have twitch drafts enabled right i believe i do i click the check on my channel so it should be turned on it should be there um but i'll be honest i'm a boomer when it comes to that kind of stuff i think it's on uh maybe they'll show up later i don't know [Music] oh god rt boomer basically that's the story of my life yeah maybe maybe that will show up later i'm not too familiar with that myself honestly but i tried an attempt was made oh you know gold star forever i'm just excited to see this because again i i have never actually played it i have heard a lot about it uh internet historian i believe made a very detailed video kind of covering the game um that i thoroughly enjoyed and i would thoroughly recommend fantastic channel um but even he went in the depth where it was like they just continually supported it and that was like a really big thing uh so i'm excited to give it a go how's cookie clicker doing um i posted a picture in the discord you can go see it there okay i think kevin is just gearing up at the mode too uh so we'll just sit tight a few minutes how many people here actually have experience with this game because i figure i i realize we might need a hand i don't know if kevin has ever played this either i have no idea there's a good few people who've played it okay all right hundred plus hours that's that's good okay we might need help as we go i think we're playing it for like a good three hours today so we're gonna get like a try and make a dent in it if we can uh royal tulipa thank you for the ten quid hi dan i'm glad to catch into those three years let's try not to die basically that's the plan i get everyone that's subbed as well uh thank you to everyone that's giving bits i think i have to fix one thing real quick just from last night and that's where the alerts air we go they should be relocated now we can lock them in place you wander in this game and get lost out of those kind of games are fun though okay i'm going to switch over that was the fake main menu music that was playing i'm going to switch over to the real main menu music mmo there we go now real audio now can it be in vr did someone's someone say that should i it can oh my god oh imagine that's a hell of an experience i i don't know how i'm gonna fare riding a spaceship in vr maybe we'll go desktop today that sounds wild though yes it has viere that's actually quite cool oh god please in vr no i've already got it set up for desktop i've already got it set up maybe another day i didn't realize that that actually is quite cool okay uh we're gonna just wait show my no man's sky friend code i don't know if i want to do that that was literally a three minute test save to make sure the game was working uh i think i just want to make like a new one hermodet i think that's a mistake i'm limited expedition creative i think we just want to go normal survival seems to just be hard mode i think we just want normal but we don't die horrifically in like the first five minutes wait is this just starting i i didn't get to invite kevin hang on uh how do i get kevin the draw i might need to go with aquimo i got i'm dropping the gun you've ditched him i think it's all loading in begin initialization who needs him i mean we might want kevin here hang on kevin activated hang on i gotta i gotta wait to get i have to hop back out in a moment to get him back in i've jumped the gun do i do i need that friend code kevin's on earth invite him in game if i like uh shift tab um offline on steam right now me know where to find you when you're ready uh kevin sent me a message there hang on you know let's just sort out getting into a lobby together i'm just gonna call kevin real quick i'm scared hello hello hey how you doing kevin i'm tanned how are you it's you've changed since going to spain man look at you getting vitamin d in your system like what the the irish countryside ain't good enough for you no honestly bluntly honest yeah that that's honestly very fair i don't think the irish countryside is good enough for anyone at least they don't have allergies here that's been a major benefit that's a relief listen kevin i just started the game i was trying to set up a lobby for us to play together on and i i'm immediately on mars or something like that i don't know what i i'm trying to work out how i can actually get you in oh i see what how it is so you get there first you plant your flag and then they don't remember me in the history books it's the same flag we're bought from ireland oh yeah now i represent spain now it represents spain i changed allegiances really quick oh no i i tried i tried to send you an invite there on steam uh did that go through let me see let me take a look see uh no man's sky play game i see you're online on steam now i have an option to join your game i'm not in a game i'm joining you now oh wait yeah apparently it says you're here now username has joined i'm currently dying from radiation poison i think where are you i'll be there soon even though it doesn't sound that enticing i think in-game voice chat is on hang on let me uh oh sorry can you can you hear me in-game uh no i cannot but i'm not properly in yet i've got like a weird echo on here yeah i don't know what's going on let me try and turn off mine in game wait just speak a moment there hello okay i figured out what it is you're coming out of two places for me your voice is being projected on like all of my monitors simultaneously dan do not be alarmed i haven't even got my head set on now and i can hear you hang on hold on i can see i'm talking in game i'll try and turn it off okay i'm good in game yeah uh yeah i can't hear you okay let me let me mute all my monitors you're a madman having the monitors not disabled i always leave it on normally normally i actually stream we have headphones these days it's just really do yeah it's only whenever i have to get on call with yourself and that i'm sorry for being an inconvenience yeah jesus the sacrifices i make to play games with you you should be thankful to have my company kevin well you're verifying on twitter.com of course something congrats on the verification i saw yeah you got you got a check mark next to your name now yeah i don't like to bring it up really but when it comes up naturally i just tend to mention it did you hear he has attacked me he's verified on twitter twitter.com kevin like is it still like one eight one one oh probably it took me ages to even apply for the verification i just didn't even bother um i can't seem to turn off my voice um i've muted all my monitors so i don't hear the dublin effect oh okay i don't i don't think anyone like watching the stream hears you twice as well do they um i just got to make sure hello stream sorry i'm adjusting my audio so i'm i'm not really good at multitasking he sounds fine okay uh i need to change the first person as well apparently i'm like dying quite horribly i don't see you on the planet are you here somewhere um i'd assume so but i guess it's a big planet isn't it there's a big planet uh it says you're over here somewhere hang on is that you the blue oh yeah that's gotta be you i'm taking toxic damage hang on how do i how do i not die immediately um i don't know oh i need a whole space and it's the the jet pack i couldn't remember how to use it okay oh you can fly oh i hurt my legs offer food i creature pellets required to feed me creature pellets man um within an inch of my life kevin i don't know if i'm gonna fare too oh i almost died as well the jet pack has not helped i'm just thinking like my legs are really i'm dead i think this is going to be no man's planet pretty soon because i'm also dying if we can even get to the sky that'll be a major achievement yeah uh i think this planet is too smart for us it knows we're trouble that fights inhalation oh no i'm i'm dying wait i need to return to my debt location to get my items back i don't know if i had any items i'll be honest with you um yeah i don't think i have any i got a new title called rt the corroded that's a it's a bit in your face about me dying horrifically but you know i'll take it um i think i'm just going to die in here i'm no like i think i'm better off just dying and standing again i'm in a bad way down my grave uh use the scanner to locate resources scanner is critically damaged i need dust okay uh i just kind of just want to get over to you i'm trying to kill myself oh wait this is a very grim start like oh please just end the falling animation is pretty funny as well i'm trying to get some dust so i can stay alive a little longer i think i have to do that i have like a laser i can just start chopping stuff with the equivalent of your minecraft tree i can't get out of the pace i think i'm just gonna give up did you fall i'm like in a giant pit and i got to go across it to actually get to you but oh god i see i can see it as like a giant satellite oh you have a you're next to a base camp kevin uh yeah it's like damaged i don't know how to get into it why didn't i start next to this yeah i'm not sure i don't know i think i'm just gonna accept the pit that's what chat is telling me so probably better off just probably for the best i'll try and make it work i need to so it is actually still coming up that you're speaking in game i'm just going to try and see if i can disable that just because i think that might cause an issue later i'll just be one second yeah sure uh network voice chat disabled that should do that network ah okay i turned mine off as well yeah just in case that does anything because we're talking on discord uh yeah kevin i'm over here i i think i see you i tried to cross the pit and it went really badly so kevin look up down here you're not flying are you no do you see do you see the green laser oh yeah okay i was like impressed for a second i thought you were somehow already after getting a ship and you were flying overhead no i don't know the guy with a laser pointer up on the hill i'm not flying just yet apparently this is your starship but it's like horrifically on fire oh can you put it out no i don't think so you like you can't you just don't feel like it i don't think i can okay it's fair uh there's a box here there seems to be like some supplies i'm gonna just lose everything before you have the chance to get over here that's not fair well i got here first you know so like i i earned it all right well my weapon's almost made so i'll meet you there in a while oh no all i have is like the mine and laser right now i can get in my ship wait oh you your ship is functional no it's still on fire like i can get i can just sit inside it i feel like i've stepped inside a car crash launch thrusters offline pulse engine offline the multi-tool is critically damaged the narration for this is i find myself alone on a strange world as if like you're not here with me there's no friends in sight yeah there sure isn't i just got attacked by something uh i'm looking for table salt i needed to repair something i'm just trying to see if i can do anything with my broken ship uh i can repair the multi-tool scanner no it's still it's still horribly broken okay uh if you want to come up to me there's actually seems to be some stuff up here all right i'm getting sodium as you do get your salt in your system oh i'm [ __ ] salty all right i'm dying i don't know how to uh to recharge my toxic protection i i'm still trying to work that one out because uh i think i'm gonna die soon too if i don't okay so you need sodium to ah oh the plant attacked me you need sodium to uh repair you okay down there i'm really [ __ ] not it's a hostile planet i repaired my scanner i'm going to try to get up to you i have a new objective that is to repair the pulse engine of the starship that seems like a big ask why did it say you just landed on planet block the blocker did you leave no i'm here wait did it say it just came off the notification that you landed on the planet i'm finally here i'd like to announce my entrance yeah jesus christ there's like more kit here that i can just get i'm like pilfering uh pilfer and a lot of metal jesus and supplies i think i got that hang on where there you are hey dude it's good to see you oh even in the game people are going to confuse us we look the exact same i can view your friends list yeah that's what i did by accident as well how do i i found them wait dude can we hurt each other ow does that answer your question wait no touch my shields down hang on okay i'm dying he's taking damage from an anomalous hostility yeah that's how i describe kevin too yeah i have recalled that all right i'm in my ship i'm safe here i think we need to gather supplies to repair the ships yeah um do i have like much of anything i need a launch thruster i need pure ferrite dehydrogen jelly everything is broken yeah it seems like it's the same for me i think we just have to gather like absolutely everything we can we can carry stuff in our exo suit and then we have starship we have a multi-tool we actually got to try and survive here like yeah i'm actually gonna have to put some effort in do we have to try to play video games like who would i thought i'd see the day let's get serious all right give me some of them creature pellets some what they're some of those creature pellets what's a creature pellet feed me i'm so badly injured oh no all right i'm gonna gather some stuff and i need to try it i need to try and make uh some some things from a ship okay i'm just gonna wrote the recipe i mean i'm happy to just go off into the wilderness and see what's happening here there's some other ships i'm seeing coming down here are those just npcs though or oh no there's two green boys just like circling us they're kind of just exploring i think where does anyone know like where you um craft exactly uh if you press tab you open up a bunch of things that you can do oh okay this is what i was looking for it's been a while since i played this game so i kind of forgot have you played this game uh yeah i played it i played a few hours of it before but it's been a few years now okay see i've never played it so this is all just brand new to me but like i'm trying to just work out like how we're actually supposed to survive right now that's all right i can be the leader i need to make metal replacement in the right direction ah thanks not a bother yeah i need to figure out how to make some of this stuff oh okay so you make the parts and then you put them on the ship okay i just made some new metal plating the ship's still on fire but you know baby steps did you repair your scanner i repaired the scanner yeah i got that one tell me i need to run diagnostics it will give you uh a scan any i need that works sodium i need i need sodium as well i think uh i can request assistance oh jesus uh you can request it but i'm not coming over i'm overwhelmed it's given me the option for help what will that do i don't know it's gonna be a recommendation there's a hermetic seal nearby salvage the planetary chart from the distressed beacon cache uh and so there's a point distracted there's a point that's marked it it's right over here was this always here where if you marked there's a distress beacon it's just kind of appeared here i think i just like it's always here yeah uh we can get something vessel 16 emptied cause sentinel intervention i don't i don't know what this means broadcast i'm so i'm like trying to just like unpack everything i'm being told like anomaly is compliant is that a good or bad thing i'd say [Music] in my humbled opinion it's neutral right i need more dust i got a planetary chart from the beacon i is that a map open the inventory to view data a map of a nearby planet can i can i press m to like open that now how do i open it uh oh this must be frustrating for people very familiar with this game all i'm doing at the moment is following that thing down the bottom right like the general instructions okay yeah that's what i'm trying to do too because overall it's it's too much to digest i i got a cool mac like overhead view uh i've i've got a quest to find a seal over here if you want to come with me um i'm gonna continue to repair my thing this ship okay that's that's fair uh well i'll go off gallivanting into the distance sure oh yeah 850 you away i don't know what that means oh there's a there's a creature in here oh yeah he's oh wait there was two different creatures i ran into one was friendly and the other was very hostile so i guess be cautious i mean this one appears to be friendly but i can't i'm trying to kill him what well we need food don't we i don't know i need sodium i survive on salt alone uh it's about actually i really oh jesus my diet's out of whack now well i i killed like an innocent dinosaur i think i don't know how that helps me there's a toxic rainstorm approaching like what what do i do oh [ __ ] get inside do i just put that there or do i ah i'm taking care of myself yes look as you go i'm proud of you it's the first time for everything i am very close to death like just to keep everyone like grounded in reality people are telling me i need to be getting my ship now uh what if i just hide under this mushroom am i also in danger or am i okay i don't think there's a rainstorm for me oh it's all starting to turn a bit green to me oh yeah yeah it's fine for me i'm hiding under a mushroom i don't know that's going to keep me safe like it's some [ __ ] fairy tale or something oh my weapon charge depleted as well how do i i need sodium to recharge if i don't think i have any sodium oh no here's a plant do a scan and see if it comes up recharge equipment charge hazard protection uh charge with sodium yeah that that seems like a real good one right now can't wait to get into my um ship the the planet is dangerous dude did you get a choice of planet or did we randomly spawn here because i think we randomly spawned here it seems like it seems particularly hostile yeah um we need to find a good planet you know settle down uh where was the point i needed to go back to i how do you like ping you paint something earlier i pinged something yeah like you put a marker down on something didn't you um i i uncovered another marker for uh some coordinates that i found oh hang on sorry i'm just dying to the acid rain some more i'm probably going to die again kevin i sure look it happens doesn't it the air itself is toxic okay i'm gonna try run back to the ship i don't think i'm gonna make it in time oh there's the ship okay great yeah what happens if we die chad oh someone in my chat is saying yeah you guys got a [ __ ] planet oh no it's name [ __ ] planet we just want to take the disguise hey kevin i'm probably going to die i'm going to try getting my ship real quick ah sure i'll get over it i'll be fine oh i'm not dead good news i've survived it all right good he's been exposed to twitter with the toxicity no guys oh speaking of twitter.com did you know kevin was verified yeah i'm verified on twitter.com sorry whoa conversation went that way um it's the twitter planet the air is poisonous and you slowly die fans of ours yeah that sounds like twitter right oh no yeah i i know chad yes i'm paraphrasing don't need to make a huge deal out of it like you can if you want yeah it's up to you oh is this what it's like for me to say i'm the drift king back in college oh that's like directly how it feels this is how it feels yeah it's it's honestly probably even worse because at least that was like achieved through something yeah oh god okay i need to repair more of my [ __ ] i'm just hopping out of the ship again is it still raining um i don't think so mine and beam is low recharging inventory so i can charge it just use pure carbon and that gives me more beam uh did i can i do anything new with all those materials i gathered while i was out i don't know if i can get i don't i don't know what i got a dihydrogen i collected pure oxygen it's a metal and some meaty chunks i think that's from that's when i killed the creature i think i don't know if the meat is gonna help me build anything though do we need like something to purify stuff because i need like pure ferrite dust to repair it and i assume you do as well i i i don't know i don't have that i have no idea there's three starships that keep circling this planet i keep seeing them touch down i don't know if there's like npcs here you need a refiner okay people are telling me i'm best off just going to the coordinates for the hermetic seal so i tell you something about a meat house what does that even mean in this context um so what were you saying you need uh i'm going to get a hermetic seal at the decoder yes i need to go there too all right are you heading out now because i'll come with you i'm heading out now yeah if you want to come with me oh that's you okay okay i'll just i'll wait for the ketchup i'm gonna i'll just gather some more dust in the meanwhile all right the ships flying around are npcs apparently okay those bastards look at them can we can we like hijack their ships instead of just trying to repair our own i mean it sounds like a good idea to me save us a lot in repairs like i know how to kill a man i don't know how to fix the car engine that's true and we should really stick to what we're best at we should stick to what we're best at this way kevin this way i've i know i already know what my talents are and it's just about i got meaty chunks did you get meaty chunks i got meaty chunks everyone that's fantastic i'm so happy there's a lot of monsters here are these guys friendly i just killed one so maybe not all right i need oxygen or dioxide whatever that is okay i i've gotten a little bit of that i think while i went like concentrated oxygen and then dihydrogen you can scan them how do i scan them weapon charge depleted oh no oh no i didn't know i could oh jesus i didn't know i could run out oh yeah you got to be careful there thanks hold f oh yeah no no no anytime kevin i'm happy to help [ __ ] captain hindsight over here like no you should have kept an eye on that it's like wow today is saved i found a lot of crystals here and i've just like taken all of them jesus i think i might i think i might die uh are you okay do you have any carbon or nowhere i can find carbon do i have i don't know that's something that people just keep in their pockets ah come on everyone knows you gotta have a you got a bit of carbon on you now i could do yeah absolutely i could use a good element now you gotta you got a glass of helium oh is this the objective i don't know if it's the objective but please be caribbean [Music] all right i got something out of it yeah we took some fluids and i burnt myself on the ship all right the objective is to escape well we're trying that we're just having a bit of difficulty i need plants that i can just like pick up oh no do you want me to finish it off like the mercy oh no i don't that's not the thing i needed i needed you to stay here let me get you some caravan it's like it's like you ever come to me it's like jesus i'm not feeling too well today it's like alright i'll go get the pillow yeah you won't suffer much longer well there's some o2 over there that'll keep me alive a little bit longer life support systems at 35 oh jesus i haven't gotten an analysis visor so i can't scan this people are saying if you beat up the plants you'll get caravan that seems a bit mean yeah but you you're kind of dying at the same time that's true you probably just need to do something at this point i can't beat up the plants maybe they need to be a bit bigger you can recharge your life support with oxygen yeah i did that now so i'm like hanging in there but i'm gonna need some more uh carbon to try and charge my scanner god that's all good i found an unidentified plant here i broke it it gave me some carbon oh lucky boy over here kevin these plant plants here i think give caravan oh wait there's a bit hang on there's a base over here you want to come over here yes let's steal it there might just be something to help you not die uh to destroy plants and trees but i can't like see to actually hit them oh oh damage machinery yes i'll take the goop uh oh there no now we're talking yeah i can just hop inside the little base here it this this actually restores your toxicity levels if you come inside oh okay yeah there's a door on one of them oh yeah okay that flies up there's a hollow arch for shields wow the logs are all corrupted i don't think we're doing too well i think we're doing okay given how hostile the planet was like the planet does not want us to live it really doesn't now yeah it really is gonna be no man's planet like our goal is just to make it to another one if we can i think so um i got the hermetic seal uh from talking to the computer in here you want to come in and see what you can grab oh sorry it's trying to destroy the computer before you access it i don't think i can use it uh you should be able to interact with it maybe you did it for both of us because i don't think i can use it oh maybe do you have the same mission yet um i did earlier i think i i can't remember where to see my missions though uh discoveries catalogues nasa's visor requires installation any carbon nanotubes or troops okay open the inventory and install the analysis visor i'm just trying to get more tech where i can yeah okay yeah i i got the uh the same mission as you okay you got it now i i need nano tubes that that seems like a bit complicated for where i'm at right now yeah yeah you need to get some caravan and then you craft nanotubes and then you put them on the visor the plants near here give you the caravan that you need so craft the carbon nanotubes so i made that which way the ship is which way is the ship yeah um i don't know actually all right just checking it i just started looking around like i think if i make this visor it might tell us where it is okay hopefully uh oh man analysis flies are installed there's like no plants here that you can actually like harvest i can scan a bunch of stuff now oh did you have enough cabin to do it i did yeah i got some from the plants i pillaged a bunch uh it's now letting me scan stuff so where is the base i can see i don't know i think it's this way but i'm not 100 where sentient plants uh target sweep mode i don't know if i need that it's the ship symbol oh i see it now you do yeah i put up a marker on the map i don't know if you can see it as well but i i can find the way back you want me to point you in the right direction um oh wait i could see it the deployed navigation marker yeah i see that okay we're figuring it out look at us survive yeah we're getting there i think once we get off this planet it'll get a lot easier possibly hates i'm us recharging my kid how's it going hello i'm stacking up on as many supplies as i can find yeah i need to find more oxygen if i can the planet seems to just be toxic unfortunately which is like the main obstacle i think like even if we go for a stroll on the planet like we're slowly taking poison damage the entire time oh okay it's not ideal store shield oh heels at maximum that's pretty cool okay planet hates you oh what have you found kevin um just the the helmet stuff i was trying it out okay here i'm gonna come back with you now okay i need to get some oxygen if you see any or just anything to keep me alive uh there's oxygen here is there okay there's one flower that'll do flower day people the best i can offer you or too would they flower a day keeps the co2 at bay yeah i'm pretty sure that's the thing what a happy policy to like tackle global warming yeah this is eating flowers in the garden i think we're gonna need a few more flowers to counteract this we're gonna need a lot of gardeners i feel pretty good i'm just gathering everything i can because i'm hoping if i just stock up on a bunch of resources i can take it back and like craft four things in like one go if you analyze the rocks they can give you other materials you analyze oh i get you okay so for this we can analyze the plant uh so you scan it is it oh yeah you can scan it and now instead of just carbon i'm getting carbon and fungal mold oh lovely come on now oh this is all gives us even more so i can identify like the type of rock this is so i think i get some other type of material it's neck a site or something discovered a material i'm gonna make a ship out of mold i don't think you can do that see you later sucker mushroom like starship imagine oh no mario does sound like i don't think i don't know it's gonna help us survive here i don't think mario has to deal with like toxicity levels i don't know i'd say luigi can be a bit of a bastard yeah just being in proximity to him where did that monster go i'm going back to the ship is that dinosaurs are blipping i think okay i'm coming back to the ship as well i see you in the distance okay great the hell was that i'm just trying to scan a bunch of things along the way like i've discovered all these creatures ow ah i i hurt myself in my confusion and there's a weird plant that like is hostile that attacks you and that can give you oxygen if you need it okay so just take damage yeah like roughing me up a little bit i want us to live longer i need the pain to feel alive i enjoy the pain there's a lot of monsters here but i'm just like busy scanning the rocks i got the agra tie knight the sounds made up jesus christ he scan everything here sir two-white not sure i i'm gonna have a lot of difficulty remembering all these names i feel yeah i think that would be a hard task yeah take it upon yourself for all these materials because like how many plants are in this game like it's like infinite or something isn't it i think there's three it's just three oh yeah they're just procedurally generated and it's just infinite yeah it's just the three they might make a fourth one somehow the sky is literally the limit it keeps the groundness oh yeah can't go past that maybe five maybe we're not sure maybe um i'm almost back planetary chart recovered but we can't leave the [ __ ] planet yet oh did you get the map ability i picked that up there okay i gotta repair my pulse engine access the starship inventory pulse engine repaired i need to repair the thruster next refine is transformed simple materials find materials hold more charge i need to deploy a portable refiner or can i just repair it i don't know if i can just repair it uh the npcs are just like watching us they literally just came over this hill as we're like struggling do you think they're like plotting they're just looking at us like look at these poor guys god love them they're doing the best i'm i'm just gonna grab some water there i'll be right back no worries i'm out in my ship that's on fire so i'll be safe i'm gonna make myself a little less toxic oh god enter the ship it doesn't seem safe to be in the ship i'll be honest with you like it seems like i'm gonna die horrifically the longer i sit in this like it's still on fire which is not great i scan my ship i don't think i can toxic protection is kicking off now no man's twitter i love it uh so what do i need for the ship the thruster is next i need dihydrogen jelly one and then 20 pure ferrite i can make that i have ferrite dust i have a lot of ferrite dust i make the pure ferrite you need to make a refiner okay how do i how do i make a refiner these are other parts ion battery i don't think i want that deployable technology make a refiner okay press z cannot build missing components i need a metal plate i think i can make that there we go so z it's too close to the starship but that that's where i want it okay there's close enough portable refiner he's learning guys so this has an inverter which needs to be charged and then it has an input uh begin look at that i'm smelting this game is a little learned at first but it's very intuitive yeah i imagine we're just learning the systems like it's going to take us a little while to figure this out i've never played it and kevin's a boomer you know so like we don't have much help here oh oh welcome back i'm alone on this planet don't worry i wasn't i wasn't saying anything man just wrapped or i can make you some some of him oh god how you doing i i made the refiner yeah you're welcome to just avail of us wait he made a refiner i did object in use kevin can you hear me no i need this heaven maybe i can push him away does he not know that i'm here back off he's just made the whole thing he's just looking at me kevin ah good dan you're back kevin can you hear me i can't pick it up i can't i don't know if he can hear me i'm smiling typing someone needs to check i actually i can hear him yeah sorry i had you muted i forgot that you're also verified on twitter.com because i don't speak to people unless they're verified we were so confused because it's like we could just hear you talk and smack about me yeah dan sure is [ __ ] i don't know if you know like he doesn't know i'm here does he but you also just were unmoving you were just standing completely still so it's like all right i guess he left i got me some water i i think i've repaired my ship what i'm finished mine mine's not on fire anymore wait you didn't repair mine first for [ __ ] sake kevin that's what i would have done okay what do you need for your mind first what do you need for your ship i don't know if i can help you with your ship please i'll be fine i think i'm making good uh progress here i can use my laser on it but i don't know if that helps seems to just aggravate the flames oh 10 look at this look watch are you watching dan i'm a fire in my laser well that's one of those uh that's one of those sick internet memes uh i saw him on the other gate i did the other day it was like a pop-tart cat and it was like poop and a rainbow funniest [ __ ] i've ever seen that is hilarious oh you'll have to forward that email i'll forward that to you yeah you're still using aol yeah oh yeah yeah yeah but i'll have to check if the dial up is available later okay i'll try poster on your bibo wall if that's not an option oh yeah yeah let me know what you think of my my anthem as well when you're there we'll do yeah we'll do what year is this uh oh god i i can just like eat hydrogen jelly i can just get in my ship i think no you can't leave no i need to pick up the refiner the refinery i'll take that with me i need to try i think you left caravan in the refiner uh kevin but i've now taken it i don't think that was my maybe it was mine i don't know use w to take off oh oh i'm just in the air i'm just wait wait how do i fly it oh yeah how do i fly it yeah this is good should have kept the training wheels on oh i don't like this i don't oh no i'm not do i land it here yeah yeah that seems like a good spot to land that milan a dot i'm just trying to get a feel for it yeah yeah feels pretty good by the looks of it well hold e to land okay there we go i'm just parking it down a mo because i'm terrified what a lovely spot to land um okay i need to uh christ how do you make the steal how do i make the walk the seal the uh uh the seal i picked up from the base that we walked over to hang on all right oh hey kevin jesus christ okay i think i'm okay can i land my ship on your ship let me see i don't know there's not enough fuel in the launch thruster i've already used all my fuel you've used all your fuel oh no how do i how do i refuel find a construction uh i don't know how to recharge it i'm gonna go walkies to try and go to the the spot i need to get to okay do you have to go back to that like uh that point over there yeah oh god love you okay if i if i can work out how to refuel the ship i'll see if i can go pick it up no no i've got a car dude you could like invent uber for this planet invent uber finally like we're making it somewhere in the space age you know sand down like jeff bezos and elon musk and mr that's the name of them yeah okay i can i got some more dust uh what do i need i need metal plating oh people are getting drops yes get those drops i don't know if twitch drops are working on my stream at all i haven't seen people getting them i don't i i've enabled they can be a bit hit or miss sometimes switch drops i've i've no idea what it looks like like i i've never used them um yeah it's it should just be automatic uh people can check in their uh twitch like inventory if they've got anything okay i mean i'll check again if it's working oh sweet jesus it's toxic here yeah i'm in the toxic storm now drops are on where is that uber i'm caught under the mushroom now now i know how it feels uh the mushroom does nothing there's a button that says connect for me oh hi wait maybe i can do it authorize connect it it might be enabled now it might i might have turned it on i could oh no are you okay yeah i'm not okay i think i'm going to die ah you're gonna be fine i don't think so you're good i just toughen up a little bit you'll be fine oh you're right all right yeah just still think about it and you'll be better i i tried to turn on the drops there but i actually don't know if it's working or not uh that's fine be grand oh i'm safe jesus christ nothing was meant to live on this planet are you all right no i'm gonna come over to you no this is not enough i'm inside so at least i'm not gonna die immediately oh i refueled it i can take off again now don't you i i'm tempted to just like fly into like the upper atmosphere and see how far it lets me go but i probably should wait for you i should go for it if i'm gonna try park my ship on yours in the meantime how did you get the jelly oh wait i can make the jelly i think you can craft i'm good to go if i get back to my ship now i can fix everything wait no outside bad oh jesus having a bit of trouble you sound pretty confident i'm having a bit of trouble yeah hang on wait kevin i'll come say hi to you if you want to just like jump on the wing i can give you a taxi back i sound safe enough there are no regulations on this planet yet i can give you where are you oh you're you're there i'm really struggling where are you going i'm trying to park next to you give you a list are you i'm very curious to see how fast these are or how these are to control i'm landing it how are you okay i've lost control i might just wait for the next uber if that's cool i don't trust this guy i'm coming back in what the hell was that how close i'm landing okay great no i'm upside down i mean i i think i might walk dan i i appreciate it i'm kind of just spinning like yeah i keep hitting mushrooms oh god i think i've gone into the upper atmosphere oh wait hang on i'll turn back around no there you are i'm just kind of like burning up in the atmosphere right now i really respect your dedication i'm re-entering i'm back okay let's just park it em up let's park it i i did it's right there i did it i landed ship's not looking too good i hit a rock while i landed my ship is literally on top of that hill that you parked next to oh hi oh my god let me okay let me i'll get back in oh i'm taking off again i'm immediately in a mushroom i wonder how hard this is there we go okay i i've parked next to you again i couldn't land on you it was a bit too ambitious yeah i had a feeling there was some something bad gonna happen if you didn't manage to get the controls down i'm just i'm just not i just gotta break it in first you know it's a new it's a new yeah my first time flying a then how did you get here do you know there's like a lapse in logic there that i'm not going to think about no time for plot holes we have to repair the ship look this is my story okay gotta wait here for you all right i wish i could just repair your ship i think i have the pirates it's still like a damaged container here there's no hydrogen in this is there apparently if if i'm lacking oxygen all the time how is that fire burning it's been burning for ages no that's a good point i'm finding a lot of plot holes with your supposed home planet here there's a conspiracy theory here something they don't want us to know in this alien world what's over at the big crass crash spaceship over there by the way did we investigate that um i'm not sure no i'm just cuz i'm lazy i'm just gonna fly over there real quick okay i i think yeah my ship's repaired yay oh look at it it's so nice oh wait you're repaired hang on yep wait people come i'll come there over in a moat there's like a green kind of circle here he's telling me to pick something up and an area not clear you mean it's not clear well where are you pick up the portable refine oh wait i have to take the refiner but i didn't make one i'm confused i made the refinery and i picked it up again yeah yeah but now it's like could you put it down so i could pick it up because my hand is to pick up the refiner i'm coming back in hang on all right we just set her down here so you just have to steal this from me i guess so well that's a bit of a shame i i worked hard to make this it's not removable how did you make the thing i think you're gonna have to actually build one yourself and then pick it up but what menu did you build it in um it was if you press z you get like a world object ah menu okay i need metal plating and oxygen okay it's all good don't worry i can do it i believe in you glad someone does um well that's one of us at least yeah my belief might be misplaced i don't have a lot of fate and beyond to be honest i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt too the record doesn't show much hope but i believe this shouldn't be too bad there's play right here just gonna like get some more parts while i'm waiting for you you may as well probably just not a bad idea to stay stocked up yeah it sure seems like it there's a lot here i'm just pillaging everything um what do you need for your uh refinery i think i've got everything i need i was following the tool tip so i'm not actually sure what i use for it yeah i need um oxygen then i'm good so i should be able to find some oxygen okay i believe in you i'll keep pillaging the the local planet until then that sounds good just make it devoid of all beauty all resources pretty ugly already we may as well just finish it off yeah it's not looking too great i think the mushroom trees don't really do it for me i'll be honest with you no the creatures don't do it for me either they're a bit meh all right i got meaty chunks can i break you them another creature i may have i don't think do we even need to eat like what's the benefit of me i don't know i just just like having it close to hand i think it gives you like the life force or whatever but it gives you life force oh yeah yeah you see oh no it doesn't feels like watch out vegans yeah it's this health restored but i guess i'm actually looking for my shields to be restored rather than health oh no uh come on oxygen nope wrong come on you got it i find it hilarious that you gotta build this just so you can pick it up again i know i got that that's the problem right now i will be grabbing scanner you don't need to eat apparently okay okay that's probably for the best that was these i probably should scan some of the plants that i'm just destroying the hell was that a ship just like touched over my head yeah i started shooting at one and then i was like this is probably a bad idea so i stopped i think i missed though i think the ground has started shaking violently while i'm working away okay i found an oxygen plant okay you're not gonna die yet i need more the problem is i need it to survive but i also need it for the refiner thing well the refiner is more important now kevin it's like we take balls to the other like like the second hand shop which is gonna get more that's a fair point even though my organs might be valuable i don't know maybe it might be how much do we think kevin's organs will work guys question can we get a poll in the chat how valuable do you think like kevin's liver would be bear in mind it is heavily used so the liver might not be looking so good he's got some good kidneys though he doesn't need to oh yeah kidneys are strong oh how much could we fetch her can we bid someone put forth a bag of chips a whole bag of chips oh bag of chips you might get two kidneys for that much i'll take it oh god okay i found loads of oxygen the mother lode that's pretty good i'm just collecting as much ore as i can someone offers a mcdonald's toy again high stakes bids at the mo yeah i think people are actually bidding too high dial it back a bit like yeah kevin's not worth that much you know he's okay he'll be ridiculous okay at best i don't think i am verified on twitter.com he is verified on twitter.com other than that his twitter account is probably worth more than his entire like human being sadly true all his organs hey okay i'm coming up probably just straight up make it here and then pick it up someone bids another kevin for this kevin oh you just like [ __ ] trade here's a different edition of kevin it's like a new iphone you know like a new and improved model yeah this this one has like 5g installed already oh no all right i'm good to go you're good to go yeah i think i'm good to go too should we take off together yeah okay i'm just trying to turn around so i can see it all right let's get off this god forsaken planet are you in your ship yeah hold w to take off press e i see you you're flying i'm getting out of here effect this you just immediately go wait how did you go so fast ah you know yourself when the body wants something it finds a way oh i discovered the galaxy i'm having a bit of trouble in the atmosphere i'm just trying to catch up with you how did you just zoom away oh you've got you you've got like a sprint thing oh okay yeah shift gives you we're in the stairs oh my god look at it looking down in the planet that's [ __ ] cool i'm just trying to catch up i think you went for like a asteroid belt to escape here yeah i figured it made sense make it a bit more action-packed seems kind of dangerous is that like a moon or you want to go and check it out i kind of want to go check out the moon there's a few moons like oh what is that i think i found the infinity stones or some [ __ ] there's like really there's really bright lights do you see those uh i see yellow everyone's just saying that's no moon in the chat that's no moon i'm going towards the bright lights in the sky i'm basically the human i think that was that's the sun kevin all right i'm not going to go that way then i don't know if you wanted to can we just collide into that uh i don't know where are you oh you're down there accelerating rapidly towards the sun i'm gonna go towards that barren planet unknown moon it is a moon are we going towards the moon okay here i'll come with you it's the gotta navigate the asteroid belt oh yeah the moon probably isn't worth landing on right like should we go elsewhere trying to go a bit further um i mean it's up to us we can't we can check out what's there if we want okay god it's so disorientating just looking around you keep [ __ ] zooming i can't keep up with you i'm like going through the asteroid belt this is sick like i'm just gonna start like barrel roll and hopefully not crash it's actually really satisfying oh god we got more unknown moon oh this is awkward the asteroid belt seems to be all around us which is like terrifying really is isn't it i've hit a piece of the asteroid belt now as well oh yeah i i nearly hit a piece it's close oh god i don't like being here turned around i thought it was like yeah i somehow landed myself in the most awkward spot are you on the moon no i gotta be stuck in the belt but you landed on the belt no no no i'm just like stuck uh can i is there anything i can do can i help you no i think i got out of it now i hope i'm heading to the same moon though because i think it has oh no it wasn't the same contest a pulse engine oh that it's accelerating me okay the pulse engine's scary all right i think i'm back on track i lost control there for a bit got a bit stuck i'm gonna land on the moon and dodge all of this asteroid belt what about jesus what are those uh yellow things gold no i'm just shooting them i got a communicator message incoming transmission goals source is 4925b oh i haven't spoken to them in ages let's get down there please identify yourself um um hi this place says that it has fungal mold copper ammonia and silver i don't think this moon is very useful to us uh i mean we can have a look still i got some coordinate data if you want to go somewhere new sure um oh wait i'm going into the moon's atmosphere wait let me get often okay wait are you landing on the moon or i was about to okay i can't see you uh you're on the other side of that planet oh wait we went to different moons okay one second okay turn on the pulse engine uh where the hell did that put me i'm catching up with you i i think i'm on a different planet now no it's it's the same one but from a different point of view are you going to the navigation marker i have like a red marker is that the one you're going to i have a yellow one but maybe that is yours i don't know approach the site and slow down when s land with e i think it this is the same planet again um but it's like somewhere different on it oh okay i'm coming in i hate this planet you make your way over to me when you can okay okay i see the red marker now oh god i'm coming in too hot okay oh sweet jesus yet okay i've landed jesus christ i think my ship is still intact i didn't i used all my fuel again oh no nice looking planet over there it has like water and stuff oh why can't we go why can't we go there i i kind of am tempted to to be honest maybe we should yeah i might just we could just say it to this planet yeah you know what feck it to this planet okay hang on i'm gonna i'll come with you now look at that for a planet if you stay on the planet yeah cause you're like miles and miles away in the sky okay i'm i'm making a move towards it supposed to find something here i'll keep it marked uh let me let me come towards you know where where are you i got to find you on my map again i headed towards earth head towards earth oh my god it is earth i've got my pulse engine on i'm coming it doesn't look as friendly as i thought it was but i think it's okay i'll i'll be there soon oh there's like islands 20 second journey it's ursh too we did it boys i'm hitting a lot of asteroids i think while i fly but that's fine i don't know where to actually like land oh well it looks okay i'm almost there now i'm sure you'll find us a nice spot what was in a lovely view yeah i got somewhere here how do you try to go swimming in the ocean oh this place looks a bit scarier than i thought it would be burning up in the atmosphere i'm coming in am i am i okay thank you good no i'm like directly above you it's toxic is it a little bit yeah that's unfortunate i thought it had like nice water it looks like that from afar but when you land down it's not how it looks in the brochure there's a lot more carbon by the looks of it how you doing hey oh jesus christ well at least we're off the mushroom planet yeah let's have a look now we get what is this marchite don't look like a lord of shite to be honest can't just say that kevin wait there's birds kill them you see there's a lot of birds oh don't kill them it's a doctor stern lupum oh i have this rash that i could show him it's like it's got d in its name it looks like doctor i don't know why i'm pretty sure i know this guy somewhere the damage container here did you set this up or was this just here no that was there already okay there's something over here too it's a tower hey oh thank god he doesn't look too good he's like back legs have failed let me fro this guy has four front legs that are really really muscular and then just two skinny back legs and he's also got like a mushroom growing on him [ __ ] health this thing is the [ __ ] huge legs and he can fly [Laughter] [Music] i took out the friendly creature that was that was amazing oh my god what did you do did you kill somebody he had the most muscular legs i've ever seen they were like tree trunks and then he just ran off into the sky oh no oh what a beautiful creature i mentioned this nature like nature works serious ways yeah it's like how ash felt when he saw like the legendary bird pokemon for the first time you know when you see something so majestic yeah actually he's like what the [ __ ] is that i remember that episode when ashley starts violently swearing yeah there's a bit of a phase to be fair i mean he got a lot more resources he's been like 10 for like 20 years so you know it gets to anyone after a while i'd be angsty too um there's some guy here who wants to see you he said some alien dude i'm alien dude yeah so he wants to talk to player one oh hello there he's a little hosta i'm just gonna kill him real quick i don't think he minds i killed him but he seems to still be standing for some reason you killed and stuffed him with one shot that's a hell of a weapon i'm sure oh i can't stand on him oh i want to get a photo with the dinosaur you can still get a photo with him he's looking fine and dandy can you take a picture of me yeah go on get in front of the t-rex oh dude this would be great look it'll look like he's about to kill me can we give us like a shocked expression like he's smiling really i'm trying to get in oh there we go yeah there we go this is wonderful you got it i got i got a nice picture there okay can you send it to me on twitter.com later that cover where will i find you on twitter.com kevin how will i know it's you uh i'm verified on twitter no way in my profile yes way you'll see the trick and you'll know it's me oh god advanced mining laser required how do we get that yeah we need to upgrade our tools i have an objective for us but on like a different planet altogether it's selfish of the objective it might be worth heading back at some point maybe it is a bit selfish shame on that planet yeah it's a little bit disgusting to be honest nervia it's hmm i don't believe kevin is verified can someone verify this oh no it's give me an endless chain oh god do you know how to upgrade the mining laser i have no idea i'm trying to work that out myself it's like you go into the multi-tool uh there's like a modify slot you can make like a bolt caster and a personal force field there is a tab for mining but there's nothing on it currently um i think we might it might be in our best interest to go back to that red objective okay let's go but only because i'm being attacked okay i'll let you get back in your ship okey doke now let me i'll help you out uh i don't know what you're planning but i'm fine okay i was trying was that not a monster attacking you i thought there was i was trying to jesus that's dangerous close come on into your ship i'm in i've left oh how does this always happen see you there see you there and take an hour of the travel now with the pulse engine on just would just leave the stream go in a while yeah i'll be there soon i only have 15 fuel left i might need to get more fuel oh god i hope i make it i forgot to refuel i believe in you about 10 left i think you can shoot the uh asteroids to get more fuel because i was picking up stuff okay maybe i should do that soon i'm gonna come to like an abrupt and sudden halt in the moat okay i'm here with you the atmosphere oh jesus no keeper steady kevin now keep her steady keep her steady now okay watches hold her there now hold her there audrey now ease it in slow he's in slow no take your time but hurry up a little more back you've got a bit more room to park the car oh my gosh a little more you went too [ __ ] far you've hit the curb oh no we're good we're good can you open the door there you have enough space hey i'm in the lights where are you i'm initiating my landing sequence am i far away from you no no you're right next to me oh yeah jesus right there uh the objective it was here oh you need to um i need to do a terrific sweep on the visor yeah so it it like points you in the direction i guess yeah it doesn't give you a specific yeah so it's like sorry so it gives you a distance and then it'll indicate left or right right okay so you have to work out where it is from that estimated distance 181 i'm just going to [ __ ] fly there right no wait no it's really close yeah you might you might know what trump measurement was i think it's so up here in a cave is it there's like fires on the mountainside which should look a bit funky oh i found it oh me too where is it over here oh yeah yeah i found it found it i did it there you go do not got nowhere visible as i'm standing next to it like i found it yeah yeah i got it got it done not my first day in space decoding no fuel failed to reach station as a protection low no choice but to underground okay new building base computer make a computer we need chromatic metal and establish ownership of land that's what registration allows the construction of base modules across any site the user's choosing we got a terrain manipulator as well need two carbon nanotubes and dihydrogen jelly let's make that real quick i don't make anything quick high hydrogen i need a little more carbon okay where do you get carbon from again it's salt get it from most things i think was it two of the dihydrogen jelly it was one of those uh there's caravan down here in a cave like literally right next to it nano tubes see i've been gathering a lot of carbon so maybe have enough ah some reason i don't see my laser when i shoot it anymore it's just kind of like coming out of my character i don't know what i clicked there strange this is strange how do i use it you are the laser gurney milestone accomplished oh set now you traveled 8 000 you walked far enough wait are you in some cave or something i am yeah oh okay there's an entrance oh you're down there there's a bunch of carbon yeah that is my caravan dan no i'm in the hole i'm already quite bad in the hall i'm just burying you alive can you actually destroy the terrain with that yeah you can oh god that's terrifying it really is especially when i'm holding it mr kevin it's getting dark down here oh my god this is like a cursed image just you in the basement mr kevin i can't see go deeper deeper into the base i've made i've upgraded my tool how do i how do i use it uh press g look down and shoot at the ground there you go yeah keep going the hell is this oh i don't know how to get out yeah you'll be grand i'm sure i don't know i actually don't know how to get out i don't know either can you not use your jet pack oh there you go oh i just barely had enough fuel you could see that no no no no no no the play nice no don't do that you gotta like stay in the air can i like if i like modify the terrain under your ship will it just start falling that's a good question i think we have to try it out now okay quickly back to the ships no time to lose you can use the uh there's an analysis oh to locate deposits they show up on the ground i don't know oh okay i have no idea how do i how do i make it so i actually hold my weapon again chat i miss having it there he's not doing anything oh guys how do i actually get it back breakfast do you know kevin but my chat is is unfortunately not helping me they i'm asking them and they won't tell me have you tried using meat at all no no it's not happened like g is to swap weapon but uh i don't know how it went away uh okay so an e to tank i guess i just don't have it that's fine but is it still like usable it's still usable yeah it's just not shooting properly wait that cop was [ __ ] miles away i'm trying to test on your starship if it will fall but it's not ah that's a shame i've like removed most of the ground from underneath it now but it seems to be set in stone i imagine that would cause some huge issues if it was all gone yes false i will just make a hole that goes down into the abyss under it then if i get into it is it just gonna fall i hope so i'm just gonna i'm gonna flesh this out some more i'm hunting relics oh [ __ ] are we supposed to be getting stuff i don't know got her copper oh no we are we pressed terrain manipulator where the hell am i still there use analysis files to locate deposits i don't see any deposits i'm trying to find them those relics kevin are getting our worth tons of money well that's great they get nervous wait are they apparently oh i'm doing awesome you can destroy the terrain under ore as well they just harvest it i think oh okay i don't know if it gives as much compared to just mine normally jesus christ i'm in some wacky tunnel i can't see anything but i'm in a wacky tunnel tell us this destroy the manipulator and build it again i don't think that's going to help i'm going to make my way over to kevin don't mind me poisonous plant yes destroy the planet kill more of it nothing must be left standing important i'm supposed to be looking for copper but i'm getting distracted gathering other stuff my life support is actually very low so like i'm gonna go get my ship this might be a good idea uh wait i can there we go yeah i can actually just recharge my life support there we go that was as much as i could recharge it oh no he's asking how to claim the drops if you go to your twitch inventory and drops you'll be able to claim them i see a lot of people claiming stuff now i i think it's working now yeah it's been working again yeah i see a lot of messages people claiming stuff now oh this thing almost said turg but it said not quite right close enough it's close they're probably trying to say turk an attempt was made it's okay it was incorrect it's not good enough but an attempt was made yeah we'll forgive you i learned a word i learned the v king word for v king and that doesn't help me at all all right i hope that does help no i don't think it does it's like saying oh yeah i speak spanish just knowing that it's called spanish i'm attacking the wildlife again to feel better it's okay take out your anger on them as you should i got i'm just trying to get back to my ship can you call your ship to you i i've no idea i've walked all the way back yeah i don't know if you can or not another knowledge stone i may as well head there i want to learn another word and i'm gonna i'll call i'm flying over here okay why did i get a message saying help life support low think i'm fine okay good you're down here are you hello hey how you doing so see that stone to your left oh i think it's raining acid at the moment oh no uh let me just sit in my ship a little bit longer yeah scoot in i'm just gonna wait um quick moment recharge equipment i can recharge my ship might as well keep it all charged up it's not acid rain you just can't breed oh right oh that's fine how do i be fine how do i get more oxygen then i don't i don't think i have any hair get oxygen um you're about to die from a lack of oxygen you're gonna need to find some oxygen i see you there i'm learning words i learned the viking word for interloper was that what it was i want to learn the basics like where's the bathroom yeah you need that uh essential viking vocabulary first before you start with the more technical stuff oh no um maybe i can drop some oxygen for you let me take a look i'm just sitting in my ship at the for the meantime scan some oxygen will pop up okay rt teleport to nearby player there's some over here i gave you a ton of oxygen just there did you yeah oh that'll fill you up username the generous new title thank you thank you nobody tell me it's so generous i need it thank you very much i'm not gonna die now can someone please tell me how to equip my new um accurate username i would also accept kevin the verified i i have i have actually the corrode as a title i can still use the corroded the corroded yeah because i i died to the acid rain and i got a title oh okay congratulations the achievement unlocks the space station okay we gotta get to a space station i still need to get i still need to get copper i straight up don't see any um you need to go into if you hold f and then look around for those little um boxes it'll say what they are so oh i see a knowledge stone yeah these are the things you've been getting are they yeah they teach you words i was heading towards copper but it takes a while to walk i probably should have taken the ship did you find out if you can um summon it uh no i didn't uh chat said we could but they didn't elaborate chat help chat please help us help us your only hope it's in the quick menu x give up summon vehicles okay i word the viking word for grass what's that even mean get this i found a big deposit it's just not the uh copper that i need i have ammonia now i'm so sorry i don't know i don't know how helpful that is ernie milestone accomplished that thing in the game for you like specifically no one used that word before i did no i don't think so i invented it yeah i think so [ __ ] bold claim like you were the you were the first person ever call kevin that's true it wasn't a thing until then no oh my god i need to find more copper ammonia deposits silver ammonia sentient plants what was that subterranean relic unknown building oh i like those like this one here first there's copper there to the left give me the copper ammonia copper oh kevin's already at that one i am yeah you get that copper i need i need to find my own copper in this world what the hell there's a lot of knowledge stones there's a relic over here heaven should copyright the word verified yeah it's probably a good step for his career yeah i like that idea thank you i fell into a cave i got a vortex cube i got several vortex cubes i have no idea what that means i'm not sure either i think i got one of those earlier i need two more copper but it's stuck in a rock oh no i don't know can i get out of here one more copper something in here i can hear noises hazardous flora come on give me the way out here i can't get it i'm one short come on kevin you can get us gotta believe you know what you're right if i can get verified on twitter.com i can do anything anything is possible come on this is a huge old cave here i don't like this one bit why am i going into it more cave marrow okay i cheesed it did you get it i like dog under this massive monument flew off and tied it with my jet pack it just started spamming and i got it perfect all right i gotta get back to the ship so much less stressful when you start to gather quite a good amount of stuff like just backflops i found this one copper deposit here i gotta tag that for myself i think you can see it when i tag it can't you um the yellow tag is it uh not the yellow tag i made one for just a blue tag for copper oh yeah i see that yeah that's where i gotta go to get some let me let me journey back on out can i summon your ship in the quick menu by the way oh thank you uh to caught malconton sorry if i pronounced that wrong how dare you um so bad at reading um i'm making my way back out you got so far to go to get this people keep saying go to the moon for copper but like guys there's some over here it's just a bit of a walk going to the moon is a bit extreme where is which is in the x menu oh this way oh okay yeah yeah my bad yeah it's in the x menu then okay thank you i'm gonna get vehicles now holy [ __ ] you can get like a power suit that is so cool that else that all seems kind of handy for us yeah oh and the copper deposit launched shuster's not charged okay i'll walk what are you gonna name the moon when you land on it i don't i think it already has a name i don't think you can just rename a planet that's why not that's mine now i i found it discoveries i found plenty of cop nice i can make a bunch of metal now i'm just gonna stockpile this can i press t to make the mind and area bigger well that does make it bigger yeah that's good to know thank you no kevin you know what i'm doing and you're just like nah it's just you're laughing inappropriately okay he said bigger no kevin i found some cool stuff oh life support is starting to not look too good i'm aware i'm aware i can make like a land registration thing i need chromatic metal first so how do i make that ion battery how did you make the metal kevin which metal the chromatic one oh i don't think i've made that yet right oh you make it in the refinery okay so i gotta take out the other tool are you heading oh you're already with your ship i forgot you moved it yeah i'm parked a bit away at the mall and then is i put the copper in corn i'd assume so romantic metal begin okay we're blending it up now probably don't want it to convert all my copper into this i imagine copper is used for some other stuff ah sherlock we can always get some more just you know live dangerously go on treat yourself you can make a base computer should i put this here do yeah yeah let's ask jeeves how to survive on this planet ask jeeves oh jesus please jesus you're only trash on an alien planet you're my last hope i know it's a long shot okay i'm here i i popped one there oh hello hi so you're here to use your stuff you're gonna have to make this yourself again no no no it's gonna be the exact same thing mom said it's my turn on the computer no i just i only just got on it's fine i'm trying to use it for the first time like installing windows oh you're using windows fine oh my god what is this she even unlocked cradle what like what did i do computer the base computers online i have to use it again log from the previous user storm sweeping across the construction supply is low deposit and shelter plans while need to back soon okay i can make doors now it's just what do we need to actually make it though i don't know report this base is offensive what what's wrong with our base no i don't think there's anything offensive about our base to be honest look i'll make it look a bit nicer right oh yeah that looks good yeah i'm just gonna hollow out like a little space yeah nice open plan i like that weapon charge deplete hang on let me let me charge this back on up let's see here what have we got instructor shelter for protections okay see now there's actual space to put stuff in the base all right and it's kind of flat the keyword is kind of flat yeah this is a bit all over the place once once you put the floor in you won't notice are you sure i'm hoping so we have to construct the shell from protection against hazards we need to build foundations from timber oh timber floor panel wait did you construct one yeah oh perfect oh look i'll fix this the land it does let me build on here oh look at that this is nice oh wait we need a roof fast yeah we need to get a roof real quick uh i'll work on the walls okay oh this is neat i like this cannot build missing components i ran out of caravan okay if you put a roof on this one bit of wall oh there we go why did we build it so big probably didn't need to oh well it's done i can make an angled door but i don't have enough caravan angled door oh god there's a lot more caravans jesus this is just all awful his face isn't looking too good i'm gonna be honest really isn't especially since like the objects are half in the wall it's so dark it works um can we add a light can we build lights or something it's like pitch black at the moment yeah this is pretty bad uh at least we got a door that opens up into a pit you can't even get it easy you need to fly up to get in oh oh oh jesus i'm missing component do you have any um uh sodium uh you can make a standing light if you've sodium i i don't think i do i i have one piece of salt does that help uh no we need five there's the single grain oh jesus it's bad out there there we go pop that on your chips now where's my um wait why am i getting affected by the elements and use the terrain thing to add terrain how do you add terrain oh don't go outside right now don't go outside right now yeah don't go into that back square over by the the computer because there's a draft or something there's some toxic air getting in over there i don't know how what the hell yeah i think me building on the machines didn't do it any favors i'm doing the wheel click but it's not working uh i don't know if i accomplished anything i made the pit bigger outside the door oh yeah you did you have to be outside oh you have to be outside to add terrain so we gotta wait for the storm to blow over let's see i like how there's still bits of rock coming into the base let me just uh clean this up a little bit it's so [ __ ] dark it's so sharp you think i can just keep this beam going it costs a lot of power research stuff in the base computer oh storm's done have a look i'll just poke my head outside we can upload the bass the bass is uploading the servers what does that mean i don't know i can take a picture of our base that'd be nice to go with the picture of me with the dinosaur it it looks so bad we've made like a lunchbox that we now live in i like the door isn't even in the sheltered bit no my torch was on okay uh let me probably build up this terrain here i'm trying to fix it so that like it looks like it blends a bit better with the world the house yeah yeah it probably needs it real hard to get right though i mean that's better you don't just fall when you enter it now like a bit of a blip got a step that's higher than the front door ah sure that's still a big improvement a big improvement we'll take that can we park our ships on top of the base i don't know but i'm gonna have to move my ship at some point because i left it pretty fair oh yeah go back and get it sure yeah i might do that now once i get this sodium i need more carbon it's saying my end the sodium like right over here apparently oh isn't it huh what is this kevin did you see the like orange glowy boxes orange glowy boxes oh like when you were scanning or something no i'm kind of just looking at it right now i don't know what it is not sure oh no it's gone never mind that's my scan oh okay thanks guys confused what else just to indicate yeah there was resources there like i pillaged we're all good it's like i've made a mighty pit near the base you want to be careful if you see it it probably will take a few lives there's a sodium plus deposit over here i'm going to go over that this is probably not good but i'm taking this we can make more stuff as well we can make advanced firearm and floor containment oh we need the sodium for the light still we can make a flag yeah that's what i was hoping for oh can we like have a custom design on the flag i hope so i have to have a look i also need to get some life support again any oxygen no okay i feel like i'm constantly in distress yeah there's always something to like recharge oh [ __ ] yeah there is a bit of a pit around the house isn't there i get the sodium by firing with this one no i don't i think if you blast it with the big laser it doesn't give it to you know advanced mining laser okay construction research unit did you make that already did we do what did you make the construction research unit or whatever the hell it is i don't know the hell is that i don't i don't know man i should not be okay wanted out of the ground i'm gonna go get my ship yeah you you go park yourself over here again yeah the sweet route here don't know if that helps me i desperately need oxygen like i keep running out yeah it's not as common on this one as the last one i think but yeah which is like really unfortunate um you know you need that one to live yeah it's kind of a vital one like a life support gel how do i how do i make that i get more information my inventory is full i think you can put stuff in the ship and yeah yeah oh yeah there's some metal in there how do i transfer it oh i don't know i assume you sit in it and then move it across i don't really know do i do it like that okay with the raw stake in the starship oh i've like four different kinds of meat i'm just gathering so much stuff and get more inventory slots at a vendor in space stations okay right so we gotta find that then yeah i really want to try and go to the space station if we can can we go look for it i don't know what the story is chad do you guys know what the story is the meat fills your life support does it consume he's a bit of all that one of the story steps takes takes you to a space station someone's saying in my channel okay okay there's three to four mainstays gotta work that out my life support is still at five percent like i desperately need oxygen i can give some to you but i'm kind of far away uh i'll fly over to wait but i'm gonna fly back uh i'll fly over to you first and i'll fly back with you okay we'll make a round trip i hope i actually have some oh yeah i have a bit hello hey [Music] i almost parked on that guy he was very close to the ship all right um all right i'm gonna give you some but can you give it back afterwards because i think you'll have a bit of excess sure i just need to figure out how to give it back so you go into your exosuit on the tab menu and then you quick transfer with x and it'll tell there you go you solved my soul deal i had to use a lot of the oxygen that's right thank you i just like to have a bit on me just in case they start dying i unlocked the title irt the generous for that oh yeah very generous of you oh god don't i treat you so well kevin oh you're very nice yes oh no okay i'll fly back to the base wait do we mark the base no why would we do something responsible like that where was the base to suit the character i don't know i've no idea where it was i bet i can find it is that it over there i see a little hat i think that's it oh thank god okay oh jesus i forgot that you made a pit underneath my ship oh sorry oh it's all right that was a while ago now not enough fuel oh [ __ ] what's the floor it gives you oxygen okay i need to kill stuff for oxygen is what you're saying let me make a launch fuel resource deposit here do we need silver friendly i found like a big clump of it i'm not sure some plants give oxygen as well apparently okay so just just kill everything that looks like it breeds or is pretty much we need to harvest them our survival is more important than like the ecosystem have you figured out how to make launch fuel yet uh yeah it's it's it's in general you need to make like a metal plate yeah i think you can do that best way for you guys to progress is to complete the early story missions well that's what we're trying to do they're probably like really you've been trying oh how pathetic they're just disappointed in us yeah apparently if you sprint your life support depletes even faster oh great been sprinting everywhere this entire time i only just worked that out probably why i'm always in need of oxygen yeah that might be it to be fair i've been doing that as well most of the time yeah uh i need to build i still need to build a timber door okay for some reason and for that i need carbon where would carbon be here there's quite a lot of carbon around you know i'm just gonna go digging them up there we go yeah that's fine oh i hit a harder rock that i can't actually dig through with the terrain yeah let's get back [Applause] it doesn't let me go any deeper there's oxygen like right outside our base and plants wait is there yeah yeah i don't know if it grew back or just wasn't destroyed where is it uh it was by my ship which is very close to the entrance a snakey yoga sounds like a pokemon okay let's just kill it for oxygen desperately need it i got 14 from that hello i got a geode plant gives oxygen to kill oh we're killing don't worry what'd you get the vortex cube i found earlier is worth loads were 5 800 units i found four of them earlier oh they're not worth anything give it to me i trust you i'm sure you have my best interests at heart and i i killed an animal that gave some carbon nice now i can make the door i don't know where to put this door because like we already have one for the base i'm just going to put it there why did you want to build another door i i had an objective for it oh the objectives like that is uh it's pretty weird it gave us even more stuff research unit we need magnetized ferrite and in a carbon nanotube yeah i'm working on that as well now another carbon from plants and trees okay i like this additional door we have that like you still you have to jump up through to access nothing fantastic you like my parrot king by the way kevin how do we get in the base it's handy because like now i don't have to go outside and brave the elements if i want to leave i can just go out of the door straight in well you know maybe there was a reason for that second door maybe i should repurpose it you might need it we need like a rooftop hatch that would be cool can you do a roof or like a door on the roof i mean i can just make a hole i can make a hole in the roof but then it'll rain inside oh just don't stand on that spot i guess edit place parts let me just uh delete like a block there you go or you can paint it you can paint the house and paint the house oh jesus i can make it all like a lovely shade of red you got to go wall by wall though it's gonna take a while to do how the hell do you make carbon nano tubes uh here i can make one uh you just need caravan oh i don't have enough carbon if you have 50 caravan and then you go into exo suit general uh there is an option for it oh this one yeah yeah i forgot about that okay i need a little bit more caravan trying to work it out oh there he goes he's going into the hills oh where the hell is he i'm suffering from toxic and i was gonna go in the base to restore it but i can't i physically can't get inside yet so i gotta go run back to my ship uh if you want any carbon this tunnel like that i am in just outside the house has pretty much unlimited supply oh perfect down here i'll be there in a mo oh yeah i just made a hole in the roof i should have used that oh yeah i forget this is a giant gaping hole in the ceiling of our homemakers on my way back down let's get let's get the caravan oh is that oh yes so this is where i mined out all the copper yeah there's uh oh yeah there's actually a bit of copper left there yeah it just leads into here that's actually pretty good oh god it's kind of difficult to get out though as much as we can structure entertainment but i'm in the tunnel yeah i'm not sure it seems a bit random with the notifications on alerts sometimes doesn't that yeah maybe it's a bit behind or something kevin has landed again did it say that for you but no on the last planet though just so you landed every five minutes yeah that's strange kevin is here once again kevin is ready it's good to just keep you updated like um i haven't heard from kevin in two minutes i'm getting anxious look down check your phone it's like did you realize i've been verified on twitter.com i know i'll go back to knowledge he's done it again he can't keep getting away with this i'll leave my ship there it's a handy spot i'm trying to just harvest what i can i need so much caravan we gotta get the magnetized ferrite from the refiner construction research unit built yes i think i still have to craft like all the components of it because otherwise the log won't update for me yeah i think you're right base teleport module that sounds awesome oh can we teleport like it's somewhere else i assume we could like have a base on another planet and teleport away we can probably like a nicer hill for ourselves like a chat won't be so upset bye and they can't be upset surely it's a pretty nice one it's pretty lovely you may be verified in twitter value verified the eyes of god i'm not gonna be able to think or asleep tonight i'm just gonna be thinking about that like you need to make sure you have some news articles posted about you before god will accept your verification application um he's a very picky man he doesn't let everyone into heaven now you know what he's like there's not enough chairs to be fair standing up chairs in heaven guys i'm so sorry i know you booked a party at 12 we only got 10 seats and they're the fallout ones that nah it's just awful uh buildable technology so i need two salvaged data what coming back isn't that what confirmation is he actually kind of right i guess so no uh test the construction here let me just check one thing i can't see any buried treasure look at that do you think you'd be better off like flying to an area and then scanning and then seeing if there's anything there and then jumping off and leaving if it's not because it wants us to get like buried treasure now um i ten i tend to just do it like it costs a lot in terms of fuel but you save time i'm gonna take you forever otherwise i imagine i've got a lot of rusted metal as well i don't know what to do with it can yeah i got rusted metal as well i can i can make the teleport module i can make something different if we want it let's see so like what else can i get research structures oh wait no i have no salvage data yeah that's what's in these buried cache things so to be able to learn how to make the roof corner we need to dig into the ground we'll learn that yeah go figure explore the planet and locate berry technology right uh you check with barry technology is again you just scan it don't you yeah just with f you look all around there's a cargo drop on the map did someone like leave something here oops come on inventory full [ __ ] what are these i'm gonna eat them there we go container i ate all of them they were probably rare but oh well that's fine it's just a delicacy i gotta get something i don't know what i got i don't know a geck relic it's worth 23 000 units what can i see it uh from a just interests me there from a distance you can take my word first all right i believe you there's still these other ships just sailing overhead i don't know how we talk to those guys yeah i don't know or if it's just like you know uh ambiance now like can we actually like make something so they'll land and actually be our friends yeah i don't know well i can make a flag i'm gonna pop one up make our like beautiful home it's a little bit easier to find i paint the flag you can paint the flag i can paint the flag a little what color do we want kevin uh black yeah but they got black now i'll give us a nice rusted finish too on the flagpole that'd be nice there you go i don't know what to do what will i get rid of call your ship oh i could do that they aren't real no it's guys is there a way to interact with those spacecraft please i feel like chat's out to get us today it's like i'm like consulting them and it's like so guys how do we do this it's like alt f4 close the game yeah maybe i should call me oh i can put down the refiner that's a good point you need to find a space for it you need a landing pad you just don't some people are just straight up lying like guys cry i don't understand we're trying to learn this there we go and shoot them down okay so we need a landing pad all right we can get one of them i'm gonna do like a fly around to the planet and just see what i can find i'll be back home soon okay i'll say hey youtube when i'm flying by did you get something no i thought i did and i was excited but i didn't get what i wanted ah so disappointing suspicious mining beam module banned mining beam upgrade what is that uranium it's a big green spot wow this looks dodgy oh that's more ammonia oh we got that not quite not enough fuel illegal upgrades huh i need to make some more fuel oh god i keep running out of supplies my inventory is a bit of a mess yeah i haven't organized mine at all like it's just all over the place i need sodium too i'll keep an eye out for sodium from my ship i'm sure i'll spot some if i look [ __ ] oh god what have i done oh no okay yeah all right no wait incoming storm run you do you want me to keep you safe i have a ship ow uh let me attack my plants let me deal with them no i'm using illegal weapons on them i appear to be stuck in a mushroom to the ship i'm having a bit of trouble kevin i'm having a mushroom come again oh this is bad at least this plant isn't as hostile as the last i don't know if i can get out i will be fine i'm sure i'm wedged between two mushrooms i died you actually died yeah i got stuff holy [ __ ] i know he died there's a hp lovecraft quote about ignorance so you got stuck between two mushrooms eh i did wait where am i now uh i don't know oh god i'm back on the other planet are you i no i think you're good are you sure my ship's on fire i'm the hell is do that need to restore my ship again surely not already died death by catastrophic planetary impact oh [ __ ] ah find the base but the storm isn't making it easy i need i need to repair my ship from like the start i i think so there's only one bit damage this time oh i don't think i'm on the same planet though anymore maybe not it looks like you air but where are you let me see i don't know oh no i am on the same planet i think i could i just gotta fly around wait is it there we are my grave is over here oh it just it just spots it spawned me on like the other side of it i just gotta go for a gentle flyover i'm at the house if you need me okay pop the kettle on kettle we don't even have lights we got a massive hole in the roof we still don't have anything we made it to like one other planet i think that's an achievement yeah that's true it's been salvage data all right let me see let me speed up the roof is actually handy god i gotta i gotta fly for a while almost there i got it i gotta land a bit gentler this time my god how far away i'm on like the far side of it the distance keeps like increasing it feels like all right dust okay go in the space to go faster did it okay uh let me just pull up him out how's it going then i'm really struggling to get back to you i'm like looping around the planet turn on the pulse engine oh i might have gone too far oh there he goes just see your dot just disappear okay i'm gonna tag my grave wait i need to engage the pulse engine i think i'm in the right spot i'm coming back down chatting like just despairing guys i'm figuring it out it's fine he's got it another one what okay how's it going kevin i'm coming in i'm coming in so good just park here i need one more okay what are you looking for at the moment is it more berry technology that we're on no i'm i'm trying to make that uh base teleporter because i'm assuming once you built the teleporter the game will be like okay you can go elsewhere now because you can teleport back yeah that should be kind of cool i think that makes sense to me but that's my ship oh that's your own ship you thought i was just destroying it like all right that's a bit uncalled for oh since dying i i have my weapon in my hand again let's come back yeah that's handy yeah there you go there's always a bright side together caravan nano tubes oh effects sake i'm going down into carbon caves i need to find my grave because i probably lost some supplies yeah it's quite i just loop around oh it's so [ __ ] dark i don't know if i'm gonna be able to get my grave because it's like at the top of a tree are you gonna have to land on it or i think i just flew into it actually and it was it took pity on me oh i was worried for a moment there i got my vortex cubes back what the hell was that that was a loud bang outside geez that sounded like a gunshot it did i was worried for a second i had one stream like uh like about a week back where it was like 11 o'clock at night and i just started hearing a chainsaw oh that's concerning like i still don't know what it is but like i'm living in like dublin city like there's not much reason you'd need a chainsaw here no that's a bit worrying unless you really hated your neighbor who stays up all night talking to himself i'm playing video games i can't think of any other reason possibly possibly they could have been mighty upset with me i mean last night i was doing a stream i just started screaming like more at like 11 o'clock at night while playing cooker just needed more what oh it sounds good yeah there's not much to it i'll be honest with you are they making a sequel or you think they've explored every angle already i think they've explored every angle uh the cinematic masterpiece oh my god bad news carbon caves is empty all the carbon is gone oh no yeah i don't i don't think i have a lot a lot of bangs coming from outside sorry i'm just gonna look out the window really i don't know if you should do that uh fact can i craft more yeah yes i'm a genius now i need sodium oh that's been my problem all along i can't find any [ __ ] soul i'm back uh there's a guy with a skip and i think they're just having a field day oh okay so you're probably gonna hear him the next one i'm fair enough look if he's getting rid of his guns what can he do um oh no i need sodium wait what's a skip people don't know don't know what a skip is what no escape like a big bin you put like loads of rubbish in you're like renovating a home them just i i guess they may not call them that in america what do they call them in the states like it's the same dumpster dumpster is a very different thing dumpster has a lid skip doesn't have a lid yeah and dumpsters are usually what i'd call like the side of the road like massive dumpsters rather than what this is which is just an enormous like metal uh bowl almost don't call it uh that loads down to the back of a truck let me i'm gonna get an image for people because they seem confused all right big dumpster i mean that works too important that we have this clarified okay that's the wrong otherwise you're gonna be sound and you're just like what what is it it's kind of unnerving me just like the constant like banging noises yeah actually you'll be fine it's capturing the wrong monitors let me move the skip where is that sodium there's the skiff guys what the hell is that sodium i swear there was some over here that's still a dumpster you're wrong a dumpster is a different thing just got a lid you're incorrect i don't know what to tell you it's a type of dumpster yeah it's called a skip you found his one red line he's very passionate about skips god i'm not dealing with this again slander on display nobody calls it a skip yes they do you're incorrect i don't know what to tell you i don't know why i'm killing that dinosaur you're just angry dude about it i gotta get out of my system monsters where the hell is sodium that is also a dumpster no it's a skip i'm so sorry the chat's probably very confused no no they're arguing too oh they're arguing too his english major site is coming out very passionate about these things oh i found corn i can destroy that just that's an odd name isn't it just have corn yeah there was just there's just a plant called corn here just it didn't look like corn i thought it looked a bit like porridge i know no one's perfect kevin okay we still like you let's see corn all right that's weird it's not corn at all oh no it's gonna go off on on it like the skips again oh don't get me started now first versus like a sk you call the skip a dumpster that isn't real corn i've had it up to here i'm coming for you sean murray i'm gonna find out where you are in this country ireland's a small place oh no they're all okay it's collected by a lorry now i know that's a van let's be clear on this let's take off in the ship i'm angry i've used all my launch thruster fuel now too so like i can't i can't land the ship for a while holy [ __ ] i found the weirdest resources here you named a mineral [Laughter] that's why it's called corn because i named it when i found it is that why it's called corn all right here kevin your day has come get the corn and run [Music] oh you do have a laser beam that's great oh god he's angry you see what it this does to him when you start calling him dumpsters i gotta get this out of my system we call a contender in polish which is pretty sure is derived from container and need what are you getting down here i'm trying to find some sodium uh have a look there's a subterranean relic over here oh that might be worth getting possibly just to scare them i'll make a i'll make a walkway over finally more sodium jesus i can finally do it flashes right a good bit when you're using the uh terrain tool doesn't it does it i didn't really notice it wasn't my end it would be okay oh there's more of the vortex cubes down here oh grab them my inventory yeah mine's really full as well struggling with that we need to get to a space station sell some [ __ ] exo-suit high-capacity inventory remaining capacity zero uh i don't need fungal mode fungal mold sodium i do need these cubes a bit more sodium you just been renaming everything down here how do you rename something you need to discover it and then you can go into the quick menu and uh or the escape menu go to discoveries and rename it the escape menu yeah oh you can yeah the annoying part is i'm gonna have to use this sodium to keep me alive and i want to keep it no i don't want to use it i'm going to have to god damn it just working away thanks for out there kevin that's all right i have to use all my so upset this is going to take me a while to do gonna make it very confusing if you want a specific uh oh [ __ ] yeah if you're looking if you're looking for something specific in the world like it's gonna take you a while now eat all the people what happens if i do i'll keep corn as is because you've already named that one thank you i don't know what i do without me precious corn oh what's that oh slidy can you rename the planet i don't know can i rename myself can i rename you i don't know i really don't yes you can how do you how do you rename the planet chat i assume it'll be in the discoveries menu somewhere oh i accidentally renamed something the same name oh fidget terrible are you going to be able to tell what it is so where do you rename the planet discoveries i guess i'm in discoveries oh rename it okay i see it why is sodium so hard to find on this planet i can only rename a planet we have a base on i mean we have a base on this one don't we we do like i i can't oh no i can only rename things i've discovered if you discover it then i can't rename it i think also i discovered the planet did i yeah you discovered the first planet well one of the planets we went to i discovered this one so i get to rename it i get chip oh if i try rename corn yeah i can't do it because kevin discovered it and i picked the perfect name too kevin could you rename your corn no i like it had a name in mind what could it be could it be i'll [ __ ] off damn plan it's all just trying to kill i'm me harvest some more skips can i summon my ship i do not want to walk there you go oh i could have just recharged my toxic shield by getting in my [ __ ] i forgot what was that noise was that you yes you okay i was i was just thinking about all the sodium i used and i could have restored it just by getting into my ship oh no i don't have enough to take off you'll be fine i don't know if i have enough to take off actually i need to need to get some more charge the beam recharge life support a little can you rename the ship good question oh you can oh i need to get above ground now i don't know how i got down here though um [Music] yeah that's fine just drop an oxygen i need that yeah faster i guess if i just dig up yeah that works i'm actually kind of surprised by that where's the base is that our base no it is i'll go rename our base in a moment thank you so much oh oh oh oh there we go that's fine i need more start and fuel uh what do i need for the fuel again it's uh what do i need for that making that fuel i need space in my inventory yeah it's kind of awkward i just moved stuff to my ship and stuff like that threw away some stuff yeah i'm just putting stuff in now oh my starship is now also full yeah my my inventory space is really struggling oh no that's space station soon i'm gonna eat this plant until i have none left so i could make the fuel very limited space i can make a rocket launcher if i get a condensed carbon i get that a rocket launcher a rocket launcher yeah jesus christ seems powerful ship the ship destruction jesus christ how do i how do i get that guys get rid of the meat what if i need the meat oh go away um how do i even get rid of the meat i don't know no i don't even see it here powering the base in the mission log what the [ __ ] what oh to me we're just trying to work it out general confusion as we try and just like understand the game and systems like it's cool it just it's just gonna take us a while clearly i'm confused i need to um oh here's the meat ours meat okay you know what i've decided i'm going to eat 36 pieces of meat i'm pretty sure that's how people die kevin no no no i feel better than ever and i'm only halfway there oh no i'm actually gonna suffer from organ failure no no no i'm fine i'm almost there eat that meat gonna be a lot of protein in his organs when he sells them later oh yes it says on my screen uh hit escape select powering the base in the mission log but i don't have anything in the mission log about powering the base [Music] i don't know i just have buried treasure oh i see the npc ships i'm gonna i'm gonna try to take him down i'm gonna get in a fight kevin i believe in you what happens if i kill these guys i don't know it looks like you are winning though that one blipped out of existence where'd the other one go oh it's tracking dan's one okay where did they go it's weird wait awesome you're just a style viking rank i got something oh no new entry unlocked about space combat can't even research can i okay well i think i have everything i need uh i'm tempted to just see if i can try fly into the sun because i know we have to finish up soon i mean you could try you think i'll make it in time and no i think you can't actually reach the sun i think it's just always too far away what can i crash into horrifically the base oh i'm coming back down oh that didn't take much convincing those were civilians and i'll shoot them again if i see them sometimes you need to put civilians in their place that's what i always say then you take it down a peg or two they get very high and that's mighty technology i actually shoot the bass like how does this game work for like pvp if i just start like open firing on kevin i think it does hurt it was hurting earlier i need a better angle to get the base salvage i think i'll be able to just hover yeah i'd say you could so what's that doing to the base right now kevin uh i'm also in the air so i'm not sure it's hurting me i'll tell you that much i'm gonna get you no i need to find my power oh you better find it quick i wanna try and power the bass better find it quick no no no no you try you can't escape me kevin i can and i will i want to go power the base um i think i've made your ship very badly damaged i should probably stop before i actually kill you i think it regens health anyway yeah i'm coming down to say hi i apologize for open firing on you that's okay um oh there he goes again let me just fact you're not even faced with this boy's like oh he's doing that now i am laser focused on finding that buried salvage but i don't know because every time i do the next step that i think will get us to a space station it never works okay all right i'll just give you one second kevin sips thank you very much for the raid how's it going folks oh geez i hope you had a good stream uh myself and mr call me kevin are playing some no man's sky at the moment please be what i need kevin's getting desperately kind he can't hear us right now oh thank you very much for the raid man i hope you're keeping well good to hear that's not what i wanted i mean it's still good but i'll get back to kevin i'll get back together guess that works did you find it the other stuff no i found them vortex cubes which is like it's great and all for money but we have so much money but no actual like resources that we need yeah harvest a few skips while you're down here i went past two on scanning did i what here's the more down down here um does anyone know what it exactly uh requires we need coordinates please help us they're like white line symbols we've been lost here so long trying to find this white line symbols like i see i i thought it was the blue ones i had to go to but i don't know if there's a specific one that matters i have no idea if you try to hold f yeah like can we scan it again there's another cargo drop on the map there's two cargo drops white kind of like a diamond wait what does it look like fresh white kind of like a diamond but i don't see anything uh ammonia wi-fi triangle symbol they're like icons okay oh they got bad i got 5g over there oh my god such good wi-fi on this planet connection is these this is incredibly one okay you found one i found some i found like uh some leftover technology here too next to another ski thank you for that chat i appreciate it condensed caravan okay uh another cargo drop there i don't know if the cargo drops are helping us much i got like some condensed cargo but it's like well carbon but like do we need that does that even help us right now um i'm supposed to find a berry techno technology module as well but i just don't see one wait there's a jettison pod over here now where's my ship did someone die it works you don't have to do this to get to the space station by the way you can go to the space station at any time just fly it here what why can we just oh we got to try the direction because we have no like uh do we know we need to go oh that that space pod is because i shot down the passengers ah okay they dropped some life gel that's actually pretty that's it i mean it's what i guess it's what was left of their life they don't need it now that's true that's true you can't miss the space station where is it it's j what all right hold on oh watch out kevin oh no oh no okay back it up i get up oh no oh no okay just take it slow you're good you're good all right i'm coming i'm going up into space to see if i can see this thing i'm coming with you up there and a yellow symbol i see a yellow symbol is that it oh space station okay i'm i'm gonna just fly to you okay i'll be gone in a second though i'm going to oh my so i've been searching all this time for that stuff to get to the space station and nobody told me and i didn't even need it oh no over here all right i'm you know what i don't care i'm just happy to be here okay engage in the false engine i've told you 500 times i'm sorry becky the chance we've gone fast and we've been so focused on things oh here it is it's a cube [Music] we did it we made it to the game made it the cube this is like an end in and of itself right we a little bit are we accomplished now did we achieve something i think so like now we have something for people we learned words and stuff can we do is there actually people here yeah there's there's like npcs wandering around i wonder if they know the people you killed oh maybe let's see envoy i don't want to speak to you yeah i parked my ship i'm coming in what's this there doesn't seem to be anyone else here it's just the two of us right now yeah i don't know if like players can land or is this like a private world but uh there are people here i can't take out my mining tool anymore i was just trying to see if i could utilize it on the local population here is there like a shop you reckon like can i just talk to these people oh i don't speak the language we not talk to them yet someone else just parked their ship really yeah there's a ship that just landed i think over the other side okay where which one there's the third red one which is the cool one yeah the place after filling up and they're all oh yeah there's a few of them a convoy came in okay the shop is on the wall okay thank you yeah it's over the other side of that platform we were up so decide you're on now is it yeah yeah come over to me have a look oh you can get weapons stuck up and technology merchant have a look why does it look like a tie fighter it does a little they look me up and down the side i'm not a customer okay so i guess before technology merchant i can purchase upgrade modules oh what is all this i need nanites exocraft cannon module oh god where do i even start here the humboldt drive module the shop is the big eye on the wall that's for an exo craft you don't have one yet oh okay very good there's an exosuit guy here appearance modifier we're just like standing next to each other on this yeah i'm accessorizing i look pretty oh you can make yourself like a different species if you aren't mm-hmm or some of them scare me my one's looking pretty i'll go for this guy who looks like he like dipped an omelette like it with a frying pan over his head it's kind of like dripping all over him oh my god i look good wait do i just accept head type and just make more eyes favorite changes yes oh my god it's so pretty i make everything red makes it easy for me to find myself if it's all absolutely red there you go you never think you fit all that under that helmet would you but there you go and i'll see your character in a mo looking forward to it is there like a general story uh there we go safe save changes think that's actually made me smaller too oh no because my height is gone yeah okay i learned something where are you oh wow look at you oh it's me i you look like a dumpster i'm gonna disconnect the game let's see as well now because it's all everything appears taller in the world now were you on stilts in that outfit or something apparently oh you look lovely thank you so much i love the color coordination yeah yeah i call it colorblind you don't say i'm amazed i managed to fit this head in that helmet oh god it feels nice to breathe again someone's right someone said it a hundred percent looks like you're wearing assless chaps and it kind of does because the color is selected because it's green oh no you want to get that sort of kevin that's that's not that's just inappropriate i'm gonna get banned from nudity don murray's not gonna approve it no no he's not gonna like that oh no oh what a day what a day i'm sitting down i'll have a seat with you yeah thank you very much but a long day are you all still floating i've also floated i think i'm gonna be too short for the chair all right that's okay that's okay jesus are we gonna finish up there i think i think we leave it there it's been good fun playing man yeah that was good thanks for the games anytime i was good talking but we'll catch up again soon sure yes sir don't die in spain be very upset i'll try not to but sure you know me i know you i don't know oh god okay have a good night man talk to you all right me too bye bye bye oh there we go how's it going folks i hope everyone enjoyed the stream uh thank you very much for all coming by thank you for all the bits and subs as ever and we were kind of on call so i didn't get to address them too much thanks again the sips for the raid i was very kind you caught us towards the tail end of it uh and thank you uh to hello games for the sponsor for checking this out i feel like from playing this like we're at the tip of the iceberg like it's just taking time to kind of understand the systems more than anything i feel like there's a lot we have to learn and we can maybe even make something that looks nice given a bit more practice because like our our base was really [ __ ] yeah i feel like there's a lot more going on there that we just didn't expect get the experience yet uh that was good fun checking it out uh if you like what you've seen so far or if you want to do a better job than us whichever works you can type exclamation point sky and you'll get a link for the game uh you you can find more info on it there and pick it up for yourself yeah definitely something you can pick up again for another stream just to dick around some more i mean i feel it's kind of thing where i feel like i want to actually understand the systems of it a bit more like it seems cool i'm just really inept this that's the problem oh god yeah thanks for coming though folks uh let me see who's streaming i'll leave you in someone's care uh let me let me have a quick oh look who is going josh is actually streaming this as well uh mr let's game it out uh so i'm gonna leave you in his care i don't know what time he started but he's given it a go as well he's also been sponsored the triad i believe he might have more experience he tends to be able to get more technical with these kind of games and actually create monstrosities which is good fun yeah go say hey to josh uh thanks for coming though folks next stream of meat from me will probably be on saturday we'll be streaming during the afternoon again we're going to play some games with julie then while she's still in ireland till then have a good night take care you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 15,240
Rating: 4.9617224 out of 5
Keywords: 1143559807, Gaming, Irish, Kevin, No Man's Sky, RT Game, RT game, RTGame, Twitch, and, animal crossing, callmekevin, comedy, die, forza, full stream, funny, funny clips, funny montage, game, haha, i want die, in, me, me and Kevin in space - Sponsored !sky, minecraft, pc, poe, poespas, pokemon, rt, rtgame, rtgame accent, rtgame full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames full stream, rtgames stream, space, tf2, twitch, video games, west virginia, woolie, xd
Id: Copks22EAl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 51sec (11511 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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