RTGame Archive: Far Cry 6

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you now hello everyone how are you all doing can you hear me okay hello hello i'm technically on break still but we got a special stream tonight so i'm back for one night only uh and then i'll be gone for a few weeks again how's it going though folks you're all very welcome to the stream a very special one tonight that has been a long while in the making uh this is horrific this one is this one's it's gonna be hard to watch in some ways but i'm excited for it i cannot wait to show this um we'll give people a chance to make it here first let me uh turn on hello how's it going y'all very welcome to the stream we got camera view we'll need it for tonight how are you all doing i also realized this is the first time i'm actually wearing the new suit on my own stream uh so in case you haven't seen this on twitter for whatever reason galaxy suit uh shout out to paul paul henry taylor in for that one uh that we we got the design one it's quite snazzy um but we got something else to talk about tonight um i want to preface this stream by just saying first and foremost thank you to ubisoft for actually sponsoring this um and if you want to try out or check out far cry 6 for yourself you type exclamation point far cry in the chat and you will get a link that will show you to the game and nightbot has it floating about there we gotta showcase what we're doing though hello hello everyone hair so pretty oh thanks very much it's gotten very floofy i need to get it cut because it's just like it's floofy i want to give everyone a proper chance to get to the stream first before we start this one if my camera freezes at any point um just tell me it's been having a bit of an issue today where it just kind of stops i don't want it to stop i can reset it real quick you just gotta tell me okay shake your hair more please all right calm down oh god i'm giving everyone a chance to get to the stream first before we unveil what's going on uh yo i'll give them like two three minutes and then we'll explain the context for this stream the special one tonight oh god i'm new to your stream you're very welcome to the stream how's it going ah jesus getting popcorn try not to make a nuclear warhead be fine uh thank you to everyone who was like kind of progressing on the hype train there too i gotta walk around a bit i'm standing for tonight's stream uh so if i like lean over here that's me going for my mouse uh just to get some stuff ash it's good to see you kelly it's good to see it how are you all doing uh seriously thank you for everyone with the gift subs and that already jesus christ guys i haven't even done anything i just showed up and stood here cashmere thank you for the 10 gift stuff thank you everyone like a thousand bits in that dino dr metal thank you is it prom already no okay we still got eerie music so once again thank you to ubisoft for sponsoring this stream let me tell you what's going on for tonight and why this stream is so special uh months back i was approached for an opportunity with far cry the concept was is what really caught my eye for it they wanted me to design a video game controller uh the catch was i have to use ordinary household objects or basically anything that i can find in the average home and i needed to provide two ideas for the controller i had to provide two just in case the first one didn't work idea number one in my home we have baby gilbert and i pitched the idea hey maybe we can make a controller out of them idea number two was a blender in case the baby concept didn't work now ubisoft took it of their own accord to combine these ideas i did not ask them to do this uh so ladies and gentlemen we have a very unique one-of-a-kind video game controller that actually works that we're going to be playing far cry with tonight and let me show you a short video just before we break this bad boy out see yes ladies and gentlemen oh you gotta you're i'm proud to present the blender this is a fully functional video game controller let me show you how this works right so if we zoom in on the baby there is a thumbstick inserted into its skull there is a button in its eye left click is you press its mouse uh to reload or interact with objects in game you crack its neck that is an input for the game and it works on the blender itself we have a spin option um i believe this will rapidly rotate the camera if i use this i have some additional buttons on the side if i need them more buttons here and right on the back there is a thumb stick and a d-pad it has all of the controller inputs that we possibly need and we are going to see how far we get with this tonight this is a real video game controller and we're going to play fair cry with this thank you once again to that sponsor ubisoft for making this possible so let me let me get this up for you so you can see oh now we have blender cam for tonight's stream can you hear me okay so kind of how you control you hold the controller is one hand is on the baby's head and the other kind of has free reign on the blender and you kind of have to swap them about depending on the input um you can see that when i actually move this you can already see it responded in game so this is like this is a fully functional video game controller um i'd also like to present the fine document brief it gave me which i'm going to get this like [ __ ] framed on my wall it might be mirrored for the stream uh but here is the blender this is a working blueprint of the concept i'm gonna have that like framed in my home after this stream i love it okay so i want to start a new game now it's a bit funky to use because this is not a typical controller all right so we can focus on story or exploration or classic far cry experience recommended for most players um you know i i have played a fire cry back in the day we can try action i don't know what to name the baby as well i haven't thought about it because like i feel like this is like poor baby gilbert's less fortunate cousin oh gosh albert okay this is this is this can be albert all right welcome to far cry let us begin we're coming to yara in the caribbean my true your hands i stand before you armed with truth for too long our country was stolen by politicians but you elected a vision a cure a road we have to get some context from where we are created by our own brilliant scientists the most effective treatment for cancer the world has ever seen there's a distance between within precision viveiro is the key to rebuild paradise stream quality all look okay but to do what's right there you go and so disembodied with renewed focus suit tonight i must extend the draft to paradise true yarns from across our island chosen to produce enough vibro to heal the world and save our country this is officially is exactly what castillo wants enough politics you think the draft is only taking through yadaz it's the outcast the poor orphans like us he's bringing slavery back from the dead in yatta can we buy the controller from these probably not run out to the jungle with a bunch of guerrillas um it was a wonderful design brief document when this by one of the poor designers that said this is really [ __ ] say something these poor mans because there's someone who have to work in ubisoft that does not know the context of our channel have to make this oh god oh we gotta make our character okay what is a and d on this well we can just left stick for here i think small chibi thank you for the 20 gift subs uh is there an option for a baby i confirm that's the base bar i think is bound to my blue button on my blender okay they got my name wrong danny you could help libertarians danny daniels close enough would have been korean military if you weren't such a fuck-off i'm not too upset just go home with us lita i you never why are you asking us you designed this monstrosity strictly speaking ubisoft realized the concept i had two different ideas and they blended them together in perfect harmony [ __ ] blackouts you [ __ ] packaged i'm so ready to like take control of my character here i feel like i'm going to be using this thumbnail you can kind of get a good grip around the baby's skull uh with your hand uh we're not off to a good start here i feel come on danny i'm gonna have to go we can outrun them we have the technology okay let's go when we so i gotta like keep cranking at the side one thing i notice is that if i'm going left and right and i go forward it like cuts off i think i need to up this the turn speed i learned that out when i was just testing it left control is my red blender button i told you there's nobody here watch for the detection marker and stay out of sight to avoid being spotted they'll never see me coming with this oh he's over there next [ __ ] who opens the door he's gotta be careful come on fnd get out here come on baby come on albert take your time with that door there's no rush don't make me do something okay okay i'm not resisting gotta crouch again come on let's go we're learning the controls we're very slow is there is there a sprint is it the speed style i don't think so i don't know what right mouse is but i have a left mouse please don't notice me it keeps cutting out my forward movement it's incredibly generous to get to the sewers use left shift to run wait wait what's wrong in my blender just start walking that's my escape button oh come on go get in the store and get it what's my run i need to open the blueprint hang on i don't think so where the [ __ ] are you taking me this is a guy i think it was recognize the markings yeah from when we were moving a little faster now okay so i gotta take him out okay follow the sewer can't go that way i need to i need to up my turn speed the problem is top my turn speed i also have to navigate the options uh let's see i think this registers this keyboard and mouse it's hard to tell so let's up that oh that that's a lot better okay that's a little too sensitive though so let's uh my baby in a blender isn't comfortable enough right now so uh like i gotta adjust this to my playstyle oh sensitive yep let's go there's gonna be a lot of walking into walls oh the problem is if i turn even slightly while walking forward i gotta commit to a direction sit down here keep going so much blood they know we're here there's a guy with a light there i think he knows almost there just keep moving i need to get a gun i want to shoot a man with this controller reach the rooftops you're all right albert he was slipping out of the blender a bit that's right mouse my right mouse button right mouse is the white button on the blender okay so i gotta press and hold that one i get up here we have no time for peeking they're looking at me so i'm just gonna crouch and walk real slow use the zip line go albert i can't believe this is the first stream oh no yeah keep moving i'll see you on the other side all over the obstacle oh it's their way around nope that's going to make me fall how do i how do i get in this window press and hold sorry sorry i'm sorry i'm just trying to learn the controls very warm i'm gonna just unbutton the jacket pop that over baby gilbert okay i'm ready now rt gamer sweat i don't like that keep going just hold hold the thumb stick forward otherwise it kind of breaks i still don't know how to sprint in the heat at the moment over here do i take out no i don't take that out another button on the blender i'm gonna have to go i'm being shot look i think we're gonna be okay i don't know what that prompt was i was never gonna catch it in time okay come with me it's so hard to walk forward it's the one input that cancels out they're just letting the military kill us these are the police across hey please i need to get my child out of here my favorite household appliance it's just like i'm just calmly walking across the fire zone we're almost please we have to get on that boat i need my child and my favorite kitchen appliance out of here you have to keep them safe marco always making new friends olympic places where's alejo give up his sticky for his family [ __ ] leho's not going anywhere anymore it looks like if i stand out a shot it looks like the baby's about to be interviewed good one probably wondering how i got in this situation oh no it says it's this one on the back that was the menu button very hard to work this i have to blender do our best you like how the baby is constantly staring at the camera too you get like a gleam in its eye before he was el presidente me papa love to fish we would go out on a boat just like this and we would catch the albert's just different maybe release them he would say it's not always about your stomach it's about the challenge oh this is you have voices don't talk smack about my son here big fish today but i'm looking after my son diego diego no way god forbid you're poor parents now it's time to bring you home i don't want this anymore papa we have no choice let them go they can work make viviro truth or lies albert is gilbert's digi evolution the next stage has a gun they could help rebuild paradise but if you like [ __ ] pokemon like this is the progression it would be even bigger so it kind of makes sense thirteen years old such compassion for his people these fish we will catch a release every time i look in a chat there's always someone who's just like what the [ __ ] is going on and someone else like i hate this what the hell just happened i think we're [ __ ] oh it's not looking good i think they're gonna be okay at least albert is safe there's some justice in this world yeah i think we're gonna get the the bigger world pirate this is an intro if i've ever seen one i can't feel my legs [ __ ] this is all my fault my phone my phone this is the beach danny it's [ __ ] fake what she's hiding she's okay lara libertad well maybe not that's a lot of blood in there [ __ ] you it's all here take my phone follow the code like when we were kids it might not be okay just wait i'll find help no you give her this glad i will help you don't you get it you're the lucky one danny you're the only survivor you're the lucky one and you know albert that phone shouldn't be worth it anymore yeah i'm amazed the phone has survived must be a new model a sinking ship proof you're the lucky one albert firecracks all right let's go i'm ready take on the world it's a gnocchi that's probably how it survived yeah that makes sense i need to find something to defend myself oh man he did we see anything it's so hard to walk forward i'm gonna have to walk left like most of the time i'm gonna be i'm gonna be like these crabs i can walk left and right consistently but the up input is the one that keeps freezing okay so press e to collect unfortunately he is i believe bound with that [ __ ] need to find that gun that's unfortunate we're gonna have to do that input a lot uh lida's phone has a photo that will help me find libertad how do i how do i access it i can just use a mouse on the menu so that's actually going to be very helpful uh and i can change tabs by snapping his neck okay uh revolver materials we got crafting usb songs hidden histories okay there's roosters you can collect doesn't seem like there's anything here that can help us just yet we just need to find more ammo how do i aim that one the roosters pressing the button in albert's mouth seems to be the fire one left click there use f to swing your machete uh oh that's aim that's aim i could take a picture of the door i don't think that helps me um what is the f button on this check the blueprints baby i need to scream my machete i don't know how yeah you know the eye is left mount mouse and the eye doesn't seem to do anything at the moment oh you press the button on his head in okay the thumb stick here we go okay collect parts got some fasteners uh let's read this uh raphael take this spray paint back to trails your americas will guide us safely to the countryside towards that caches and away from patrols live is the true color of our flag not that rag castillo uses okay all right how do i close it here we go your family will probably never know what happened to you there's no bullets here unfortunately is that ammo like more parts more fasteners [ __ ] who's shooting that can't be good quiet yeah let's enable stealth mode on the blender operates quieter now is this because gilbert wasn't useful in me well i had to find some practical application for him it's this think of a traitor think about an unaware bit by bit by the birds and the crabs you're just meat to them it's so hard to line up it's uh please don't move thank you i'm not the only one looking for clutter oh this is so precise i gotta hold one button move the thumb stick move the other thumb stick and then press it on the mount oh god dammit come back come back oh no he's in a cave can i reload okay reload so you crack the neck to reload as well and carry a body if i want oh that helps me uh collect got some money it collects what's this could be useful munitions pants got some trousers whole tab to learn more baby oh we gotta move we gotta move i just want to put on my pants please stay still okay we got him reload hey get more pistol ammo i need to get my trousers let's take cover here i think this one was yeah this one here here are my better trousers at least i think slightly improved sidearm ammo reserve i'll i'll take it okay it's so [ __ ] hard just to walk up a hill hey keep stopping still a boat sell the [ __ ] and now i'm ariana to myself i don't fancy your chances of stealing a boat danny we're struggling with a basic incline here i think it's time to crab walk yeah i hope no one comes on my left side oh please stop that stilt mode engaged oh i'm sorry oh my god oh that's brutal okay uh i wish i knew how to sprint here where is the sprint oh my god okay so you push this left thumb stick in the problem with that is if i push the left thumbstick in it it can cancel the forward input so i gotta like sprint strafe like that bad time to be a guerrilla oh my god okay since i used one of these i gotta climb the [ __ ] cliff all right come on albert just gotta go up oh my god okay ascend hold that what a lot of those in one visitors i'm terrified if i get into like a car or something like that like like what the [ __ ] do i do then i'm gonna show your face before you shoot me we've made it to a cutscene we're safe now i'm danny a friend of lita not the neck to accelerate you just gotta keep doing it i mean it's basically like a joystick so you can basically just use it like that if i rewire this or like redo the inputs i can maybe make it so you can play like space invaders or some [ __ ] with this answer me could just be a flight stick i said are you the only survivor see burns they don't know their risks that's all you have to say you're here that's what matters i'm getting the hell out of yara but you're in my camp i need a place to stay a few days libertas no charity hermano lita said you would help lita also said you weren't a [ __ ] comedy god can you drift with it just glad your hand covers your face i mean i half the whole time how friends can be closer i have to hold the controller somehow remember danny castillo has kept you an orphan why do you want to run i'm hoping i have a list i mean after the sponsor i get three controller you know free expression free for some reason simple i don't know why simple 300 000 troops i count six burnt out guerrillas and new with the bullet to the leg you don't believe us i'll show you we launched an attack from our base to this island it was a basic operation plantation snatched some fuel and go home but castillo's forces were waiting got us down from 60 to six call them the next snapper you need to get back to your base college yes but this island is surrounded by a blockade we don't have boats we don't have much please i'd buy it we are not leaving until that place they were built by the legends in 67 they're spread like a web across all of yara now they're ours guerrilla pastor good to ambush soldados or to hide if the army is on your back they have caches that will help you survive and all this is legit this map is old as hell made for tourists yeah it's out of date but you got the regions municipalities and landmarks of yards itself you put it in your shirts now i need to call in some favors with the locals to get us a boat and you need to go find me juan cortese i'm gonna put it in my living room someone who can make one i could keep it in the kitchen but that might scare people you know i'm not a girl yeah right you tell liter then i'll give you food a bed even a goddamn boat to sail to the yankees but it's gonna cost you bullets and they're the guests you can shoot so shoot you ever get a girlfriend who wants a child but you don't then just show her this stream you don't understand i really hate children oh though oh we got an assault rifle now great the map is now available use tab oh perfect it's there okay you just gotta snap the neck a few times oh rank one island i don't know how to scroll over here i can if i hold in on the mouse button okay and i accidentally cracked his neck all right i got a man time for juan to come home you ready uh talk i attacked this archipelago with a man named juan cortese he have to worry about the dirt juan's a spymaster from the pre-castillo days get down to that village and bring me cortes i hope for your sake he's sober okay let's get going hola oh yeah just run into the wilderness um can i get a car here do they have vehicles here didn't actually check did i stay strong out there thanks so much we can just walk we can try to just walk the one input that doesn't work as it should is the one we need the most it's gonna be a long walk but like a man who can't sprint what is the speed satin do that that is supposed to be an input but i don't know it doesn't affect cam return speed i did something before i tested in another game danny how's the earpiece can you hear me okay loud and clear this spice [ __ ] works clara i'll give you that maybe it's a scroll wheel if you want to stay out of trouble especially in areas with a lot of sodas see i got it we've got a long way to go dino thank you for the five gift subs thank you very much to everyone who's been subbing here holster your weapon to keep a low price profile hold cues for the weapon wheel broke the sodas too closely we'll still draw suspicion quickly and holster with left mouse okay got it i got it i said i got it understood understood i can't get out i can't get out i'm stuck oh no it's not working all right i've got just cheekily pressed the keyboard i don't know why that didn't work get a new baby you gotta change the batteries it's cheating i got trapped okay holster the weapon all right let's keep going i'm moving the head the other way one is e and one is q uh let me test that actually i think it's just e yeah i don't think it cares about direction that yellow one is supposed to be q e u e q e e oh sorry okay the next point gotta find him in the back guns are prohibited nothing about blenders i gotta like hold my hand left hand here there's so much of this like the main input there's something here i don't know the name dress is like a tourist never stops [ __ ] talking sorry i'm just gonna ignore him how about delivered who would be proud of what you were doing uh there's a lot of people just get a bit on edge this looks like the best i'm going to have to report there he is that looks like a horn go for a drink today we're drinking the worst [ __ ] cantina in yara where is in colombia chechnya i can't be that bad now never ends always another war another cantina another ugly bartender juan cortese what do you think gave it away weapon if someone use the steering wheel someone use a dance mat and now a blender see i learned long ago i do wish i had a spinning motion for the baby but the wires were probably snapping it would catch fire don't think so yeah i do have to be conscious of that i'm looking at a mirror what are you talking about those eyes you got a taste you convince yourself you're a hero but you wake up at junkie just like juan cortese this is a [ __ ] waste of time can you whistle what nah you can't listen the alligator there he's guapo jesus christ you [ __ ] rat we do something the world's more dead anyway oh i think we're gonna have to fight hey battle stations what the [ __ ] see what boys say love with you and that's welcome okay he's blindfolded pirate soldiers while crouching for cover have we gotta team up with him oh no they're looking at me okay stop blender engaged uh what was aim again oh this is gonna be hard okay if he takes care of most of the fight it should be okay hold your head out again oh please please i'm trying so hard z the heel which one's z let's open my map okay it's one of the two bottom d-pad ones i said here that was that was just take out the bullet no don't holster the weapon you got him they never expect the crocodile he's the crocodile's killing way more than me i'm trying like to help it's so hard to aim please stay perfectly still you know guapo just finish him there's a car i want the car okay we're good get the hell out of here before the whole [ __ ] army oh no i'm drunk but i'm not that drunk oh no this is just old man can't drive that wapo wants to be your friend or maybe he just needs to take a dump where's quack to find out i don't see guapo he's a my amigo apparently come on let's get the [ __ ] out of here i can pet him oh look at him we made an amigo okay i can tell you handled a gun before can you what's your name so clara says you're a legend xkg you're actually surprised if you can tell i got more [ __ ] x's than your porn search history some men they break eggs for breakfast but juan cortese he breaks [ __ ] countries sometimes hold up new plan danny the plan is to go back to clara's camp i can tell you're good with kids and you're making a nice smoothie can't can't sprint it's so hard to sprint that means the watchtower it's so hard at least you're here steal some supplies you're going louder stay silent and use the machete can't hear me or something well considering he's right there blender engaged oh no help me guava help me he's kicking me z oh good boy guapo oh thank god we have him we'll be in a lot of trouble otherwise strafe a bit i got him you need to get the supplies here disengage stealth mode reload collect scraps yes this could be useful vaguely get in the right direction these are supplies ms-16 rifle that seems pretty good i just take this entire thing all right albert's neck is really gone it's a primo bond material professional chiropractor what parts more [ __ ] for one found all your [ __ ] one got everything now hurry up already we need to get back to clara's camp that's what i've been saying okay let's go back with guapo is this the right way and we gotta return over here okay we got more than enough let's get the [ __ ] out of here you're [ __ ] warm in this room it's coming off too guys you're building something hey it's too hot let's go on purple shirt today oh keep moving danny we have work to do go on there we are i'm ready not in front of the baby absolutely boiling i had to shut all the curtains in here like shut the windows too because i don't want the neighbors hear me screaming about like a baby like in this they don't need to know i'd like have to like put this in the cupboard anytime i've taken this out the last world to test it like i have to shut the curtains keep moving danny we have work to do i'm worried that someone's gonna look in the window and see this monstrosity rule number eight they get real knows how to wait like a spider or a serial killer i was on a refugee ship we didn't get far yeah yeah and i came here in a chopper in our baby aviation santuario shot straight out of the goddamn just helping clara out until she gets me off this island rule 20 once again always agape america is my option of course you don't quit do you he keeps cutting out if you two are so close why is he following me guapo goes with those who need him most like those therapy dogs in your precious america guava seems like a good crocodile yeah not sure i'm there yet you've got her back you said your chopper was shut down in the invasion can you fix it so i can fly you to the yankees no that's it's grounded but i'm working on it patience stunning so hard just to turn the camera more negative there's no thumb cap for like the stick in the baby's head huh it's like digging into my finger like i don't know come on danny it's it's actually quite sore roll is not ergonomic at all where did guapo go always use the right tool for the right huh they fall off the bridge this some kind of power move making me wait danny because it won't work juan cortese is about just looking for your alligator listen to juan always use the right tool for the right job words to live by i just shoot him oh okay something i'll help me hold up waffle rolled off you see yeah he seems okay about an adventure we made it back we just left the legend returns the legend needs to piss heffa she was a journalist who dared call anton fasista now she's an outcast a slave for his paradise and she's not the only one danny we got a dlc where we are gropo he does seem to be a beloved character i've only just met him but i do trust him with my life across the board and albert i don't think albert's got much left of his life time you learn about wrestler danny when i was six i rigged my first bike with a chainsaw motor the blockade means i have to reserve every day one ah that's survival for a guerrilla that's always injustice what you have is inflicting chaos with everything you've got keep talking gonna show us how to make weapons best weapon is the workbench go ahead danny get cozy with it can i make this in game i don't like that you use worthless take a crack at those weapons primary weapon battle rifle is a little basic let's fix that rule number nine always use the right tool for the right job in this case asking myself excellent now you can pop enemy flesh like a ripe watermelon okay let's look at your other rifle let's say your target remember to wear their helmet and base these rounds fly straight you've got your own high velocity war crimes let's look at your attachments time to make your very first suppressor this will turn a bang see how easy that was this is much easier because now it's just all like your enemies like a real assassin i have to worry about looking for buttons on the grinder castillo's got dissolver and scavenging resolver weapons to improve and customize them at a workbench using materials skill materials from military supply drops and animals to trade meat for materials okay oh no we're gonna get stuck again some reason escape doesn't it's a thing not bound to anything see i don't think it is i i kind of have to use the keyboard for that one i'm missing a button not practical at all there is no escape it's symbolic it's just a metaphor in the design yeah god can't help you here what are you [ __ ] [ __ ] think be careful around here hey buddy hey does he have another job for me [ __ ] danny i've got big plans for you you're gonna give me a watch i need you to get a thing for me what is this great i can't sprint all you need to know is don't try to eat it talk to it easy as smoking a cigar on sunday oh my god that's far away is there a car like anywhere because otherwise i'm walking a while you got guapo this one is best go on an adventure oh i don't like swimming oh there's a horse where's the horse can i get like hello there mount the horse [ __ ] i have that four shows controls i don't i don't have an f4 oh my god okay this is unfortunate let's go oh no all right get back on oh this is going to be impossible okay let me i have to see the controls here come on follow the rose no road easy fine get in there gradually turn this way wait there is cars i want to see you okay gallop cat go wait i need your car sir sir you've already hit a horse oh my god what are you doing what are you doing okay sir sir i'm going to need your vehicle i'm going to okay we got it out but the car's still moving hang on holy [ __ ] okay all right no controls hey keep moving i'm sorry dog excuse me we've commandeered a vehicle we're going faster is there a way for me to go faster i'm sorry i'm sorry get out of the way i need to accelerate i can take out a gun there we go i'm accelerating okay checkpoints watch out for road spikes driving faster a checkpoint will blow out tires take out all the soldiers and destroy the fmd billboard to capture the checkpoint gorilla scouting vehicles will be available once the checkpoint is captured okay excuse me gang i have no quarrel with you my turn is over here man please move please wait why don't i get out i'll get back in the car a lot of my soldiers reinforcements have been called let's get that guy okay here's the tower getting real hard to see problem is if i turn it all in the car i lose my acceleration i just gotta like mosey on up here all right this is good enough one i found the tower you made it stop now danny find the career path and follow it to my contact see i'm on my way guapo is here and i climb the fence hop in here uh there is the point this way i climb that there are a ladder there's an eye that points up i think i'd be here a while trying to get up there oh there's a grappling hook i need to walk up it like tangled myself on the tower there we go okay what's in the box resolver material i'll take it i can use the zip all we can go in style let's go there's no one really here that's one strong man yeah he must be like he just hold himself up the last bit but the rope didn't even have a foothold use shift to run and that to jump further i'm never going to experience the rest of the game okay all right gang hey he'd line this up best i can oh i gotta time this i don't like that i did i'm in a firefight or something though like that's never gonna work okay hello sir juan described you pretty well i just help i her you here comes trouble my name is raiza and i'm going to be helping you steal [ __ ] from castillo she doesn't hold a grudge he's very quick to forgive stealing depleted uranium berdon i thought you just said uranium you heard me look all i know is i burned my last contact in the army tracking it down for god's water under the bridge isn't everybody okay my spine first you take this parachute trust me it can save your life now i'll take you to the old spanish fort all my inner organs just a prank bro oh no i have a parachute now i don't think i want a parachute conscript or volunteer conscript my number came up so i did my time you volunteer all i wanted to be was a soldier that's a question where the universe yeah she's like on her feet again i just found out the only kind of shot her a few times it's a blind fascist addicted to his every word so now you're a traitor yeah what's the problem it's too hot move your ass donny it takes a lot to operate a baby in a blender form in this room okay stay close yeah and i'm not the only one there's a guard posted at the watchtower ahead he's going to let us use it to scout out the fort he can also give us useful info what does he want roll up your sleeves not to get what's the problem look you might be accustomed to this tropical climate but i'm like irish canadian that's like the pastiest combination known to man they're not built for the heat risk to reveal i haven't got all day i don't feel like i'm actually cooking weirdly enough because it's like i roll up my sleeves that's what i associate that with they were making a delicacy uh passed down from my grandmother maybe albert here is gonna be lending us a hand okay stay close literally one not to get his ass shot so keep your gun holstered or he'll open fire two what's the problem i'm ahead of you now what are your problems one not to get his ass shot so keep your one not to get his ass shot so keep your gun holstered or he'll open fire two a little bribe to these double agents will get us okay stay close one not to get his ass shot he's very intent about helping knockout he'll open fire my ass shot two a little bribe to these double agents will get us military intel right hello pesos ready some soldiers are fnd double agents and a valuable intel holster weapons before approaching them bribe the fnd double agent with yaron pesos f d cash locations will be revealed in your map okay hope you got some pesos on you right for intel what's up okay check this out here's where you can find some weapons around here thank you sure whatever i just wanted to see what he do everyone's got their prize not every soldier is a fanatic some are just trying to feed their families just remember to put the guns away before you approach them will do his family will be well looked after the triple h oh no oh no use your phone camera to scout the location and tag soldiers dragon soldiers will reveal the weaknesses the workbench to build and install different ammo for your weapons okay we gotta go to the big castle here oh yeah how do i zoom not that what what would be zoom my map where is the officer in charge alvarez has the kids i don't think i can look at him careful danny he's higher rank in castillo's army that means he's better trained quicker with the trigger i'm gonna get close i don't think i can zoom in on him i don't have that input this fort is the most protected base on the island these soldiers have been issued with body armor and helmets is it mapped to the netherlands so use the workbench if you need to craft some and then go snatch that your ring i'm trying that just moves me forward towards the edge that parachute i gave you could come in handy here just don't drop into the middle of the fort okay okay you deploy your parachute by using that while falling oh we're not gonna make it well this isn't good okay careful danny climb the vine if i was skillful enough i could jump across this beam here's the graph oh wait i can detach now okay that actually got us across i'm stuck the radio is just blaring away uh let's read this this is what happens carlos is dead because he ignore my orders do not go out alone especially after dark gorillas own the night next letter i write to your grieving parents would tell the truth you were killed because you were stupid sound like a nice guy they get trapped every time there's a prompt with only escape oh no guys that can't be good hang on oh no oh uh i'm gonna need this one probably don't need that button yeah it's just the left thumbstick that lets you move okay it should be all right it should be all right my controller's brand new what would you what would your dad think god forbid something bad happens to this controller it would ruin its quality hold on like this one just worry because that's gonna fall off it's like kinda back on but kinda loose oh no no no i'm sorry oh no everyone's alerted they've called back you mean this wasn't everybody great that's the code red oh that's the guy uh oh guava's here thank god go go look at the door [ __ ] reload there's too many people maybe can't do anything right oh i gotta start back from here parachute time go that was even worse than before castle's going to be the death of me maybe i can be sneaky del squaffo gotta be stealthy alligator watch my step waffle no waffle you gotta move bubble he's gonna hurt you was that one is down aim is so hard it's so hard to actually just line up really hurts your thumb too i wonder if there was another thumbstick but just fell off at some point i don't know if it's in the box hang on how'd it been one two seconds guys hi i'm gonna go for a there rummage oh i'm okay i might have slammed the box on my hand up i'm just gonna take one minute so it's actually bruised that's actually bruised me oh that hurt like a big heavy box i opened it i found a thumbstick knocked my hand this goddamn controller i have a thumb stick for the baby's head now sponsored stream not paid to be inch oh god like that's bruce that's actually bruised quite a bit it's swollen a little it should be okay i've buttoned this sleeve up again alert what a weird stream this is your first time on the channel thanks ubisoft oh i'm gonna take two minutes i'm gonna leave you with baby albert i'm gonna get some more water um when i come back we'll try raise the fork okay i'll leave you here one moment i'm i'll be a sec okay we're back in two albert will keep you company like gilbert is here too okay go family picture be right back all right hello gang ever turned are y'all doing ah gilbert moved what what do you mean just a baby he's not capable much your arms swallowed it's a little bruised it's sore um but i should be okay to keep going he blinked gilbert got up and walked around oh no uh tiger thank you thank you for 100 bits and solid advice thank you very much er thank you 400 thank you to everyone for subbing and giving bits i hope everyone's enjoying the stream would just need a little water break there and me to the moment just to rest my arm i reckon i'm good to go at least another 40 minutes to an hour he's enjoying the stream i hope so bottom okay albert threatened us with his gun i don't think he's capable of that i'll be honest with you drawing up again all right we got to take this for i now have a thumbstick like i can aim a lot easier now look at that i i it's not just a little stick that's like digging into my thumb anymore let's go all new baby uh other shoe is rubbish how's that supposed to work i can't sprint still oh let me do that okay watch yourself danny okay reposition the pearl albert i realized the towel under i don't know if you can see it but it says cook baked dime which is quite menacing with this controller oh god why am i swinging uh which one's life control i think that was crouch okay hang on i hope they didn't see that yeah there we go hey guapa how are you how did you get in yeah we gotta go look around uh where was the target like upstairs wasn't he down here make our way around the courtyard you mean this wasn't oh god damn it i got in relatively undetected rapport i think it's alerted everyone wait where was the armory room kind of on the minimap i think it's over there prohibited el paso oh i'll go that way you did oh you didn't see me uh here this is a precarious situation to be a place to be standing they can't see me can they reptile metabolism challenge update guapo's killing someone what are you doing oh my god i gotta go back after him oh you don't see me it's not shown oh it's the wrong button okay just walk in my face that's just a cigar that that's not healing reload i'll do it okay come on poke your head around you know you want to oh come on you know you want us i'm missing papa okay i don't think he is let's get guava back in there i think he's okay now i hate that i have to hold this button aim with this one press with the other one it's so cumbersome waffle no no oh move move move come on we're so close on this i can't get out of this room fast enough i think it's physically impossible just run out i can't run i actually can't with the setup i got the commander armory key item put out fire pull it out guapo okay now guapo's still in trouble okay we're making a run for it let's go come on get back here guava stealth oh jesus okay guava you gotta find them i'm in a lot of trouble anyone see him they're over there okay dammit he's behind cover i can't aim oh i think i got okay i just need to get into the armory now that's all it's left i've taken this outdoor over there is it this one no this is where i came in from the other side i think infiltrate the armory i don't think we've infiltrated it too well i'll be honest with you uh like that does anyone know where it is oh got him guapo oh no he's got a shield there we go get back inside get on guapo uh we could take this it's like medicine you might want that that has to be the air the uranium is inside this use key one sniper rifle i do not fancy my chances with that where's the way out i think i gotta go up and around oh come on okay there's too many of the guava you gotta take the flank waffle is down okay i'm gonna try the sniper rifle you know what guapo get back up real quick okay i just have to trust that he can deal with them deliver it to juan oh he's all the way back there i just leave get up he's down there's a car over there get to it get to it enter his passenger no i i need to make a getaway come on guapo can you get in the car i don't know we can we gotta go this is this is like the most rubbish heist i've ever seen gotta wait he can't even put his foot in the accelerator i'm so sorry the guy seems pretty on facebook what does he do holy [ __ ] he just killed that man oh my god thank you friend oh my god music i can't believe that guy helped me i'm really struggling slowest car my acceleration cuts all right more difficult than it looks oh please move please move making it the engine hasn't cut as bad this time please move get after uh okay here's my turn got a floor danny come on danny come on daddy i'm back you guys that's close enough they were dead when we got here oh look there you go we made it whole don't forget where we parked yeah there's like there's a couple americans two dead bodies oh my god we made it home depleted uranium soviets left these sexy byproducts of nuclear enrichment behind in the eight forgot to lock the want it i don't think they do crazy [ __ ] sounds dangerous you'll be a [ __ ] superhero danny lita and i used to sneak these into the office essential reading while waiting to [ __ ] up convoys in the mod hegeria must be a sponge for inspiration okay but what the hell is this hello this is how y'all doing are you well i'm hiding behind the blender it looks like it's just so i can talk to you and like one more thing i have to look over here the two go together like it's very warm in this room so i'm just having a quick sit down i like how your res are very can't he eat the thing how's your arm it's not too bad head to the workbench and i'll show you i don't think there's a world where i can balance this like this is probably the best way i can do it if i'm sitting you really think we get through that blockade yeah but do you what do i look like a [ __ ] priest i had to like change my like move my setup there's like extra tables in here just so you can see the blender better blender cam waiting for us on the other side it's better than waiting for them use the workbench to build a gadget it's better than just simple tools of destruction let's take a look at that supremo oh what we got here exterminator the special ingredient that makes this all happen is supremo pick a gadget danny this is knife reception grenade dynamite or just a regular grenade what do we like the looks of why does it look like he's playing an instrument basically the same thing excellent now go talk to clara time to give that special dynamite there we go i'm waiting for them to find us and kill us here nothing brings you down you asked for my opinion you asked for my opinion i gave it to you now go talk to clara i feel like i'm slower all of a sudden okay open the cue hold weapon wheel and select the gadget throw the equipped gadget oh i got it nothing don't have escape there we go okay co-op is now available nice we got here munitions jersey i should probably be equipping my armor shouldn't i probably going to keep me alive longer it's a two-star chest here yeah they probably want that i can now also equip my lovely watch here we go uh i've only been using the foul i have to toast the door i haven't equipped that one at all yet can i scroll gotta hold albert's mouth down there's a button there and then use the thumb stick on his head there we go i think i gotta go up there around here you're here how you doing came as soon as i heard i don't need to tell you that viviro is the lifeblood of castillo's regime he's built world cup sure thing hit that slave camp hard swerte take it down take it down uh where was my car i want to try get that if i can just walk i can't see for [ __ ] it's so dark even though there's a cliff there now if things get too heavy just pull the trigger that seems i'm getting better what i feel like i'm getting the hang of it if the left thumb stick didn't cut out every time i walk forward it will be so much easier i guess specifically if i'm moving left and i move forward as i move right and then forward it's fine left and forward there's like a dead zone and that's the main problem outside of um well you know the rest of it baby is doing its best dan oh god i like to imagine other people who took on the sponsor designed like their dream controller you know it's like i'm going to cherish this one of a kind you know wow a chance to work with some like you know the actual game developers and designers software and hardware engineers design something beautiful that we can use i wanna baby her blender this is some avid card [ __ ] oh god what do you think the market value on a controller like this is because this this is one of one this is a limited edition item for far cry 6. priceless a kidney or two oh no oh i can't see just walk down the mountain it'll be okay give you a bag of salt and vinegar potatoes that's a good deal drive a hard bag i realize by just by virtue of owning this too like anyone in my life who now like uncovers this like i'm gonna have some explaining to do like my poor like to my poor old mother if she's ever here or something like that and she just like catches it just in in like my office it's like daniel what what's going on wait oh i don't have to kill this guy he's friendly finally put it out i didn't think you'd choke listen i'm not going to see it i wanted to do this alone but clara gave me an order i can handle myself don't give a [ __ ] so could lita she should be here i just don't care if you're hurting and i'm supposed to be a miami but instead you've been in the hospital for weeks after that so no no step one we hit the tobacco step two we destroy their poison supply step three we get the [ __ ] out of there and castile very thank you for 300 bits got it take this guy camera thank you for 100. from fire and more importantly oh we got fire resistant gear that's fantastic okay let me let me put on uh these lovely gloves he gave me oh that's his that's the baby's eye when on fire the flames are automatically put out seems good go text your eyes from the poison okay that seems to be everything i need using the right protective gear in the right situation will keep you alive yeah the right tool for the right job i need like if we ever find the blender controller from this point i need like a little like pad in here or something because right now it's just straight on like plastic digging into my wrist and it's not too nice to hold got to improve this to make it like you know more user friendly i also realize on the back of the baby i don't know if i've shown this [ __ ] there is just exposed wires here come on let's go they connect into the baby skull um which is not ideal and i'm very aware of that while i'm using it anton castillo if i could change anything it would be me dying i gotta be careful what are you doing okay lita was a better person than i could ever be and if she loved you well that just says a lot about who you are enough look [ __ ] okay i thank you for a thousand bits you and i thank you very much you've been having a fantastic break thank you they spray on elise its real name is pg240 but we call it the poison because it [ __ ] up i wish i could keep up with him please stop sprinting okay it's real name is pg-240 but we call it the poison because it [ __ ] up your system did you just tell me that i think it's because i'm falling behind can make you go [ __ ] crazy like deep down sick and if that doesn't get you the cancer that grows inside you will go i can't run for long i don't have much like lung capacity closest so i think my guy has asthma i'm good with guns we get along [ __ ] okay we'll start thinking that gear i gave you was good for fire and poison but gary has new gear that fits their style no matter the seasons burn everyone here they get themselves killed you like that npc walk slower than the sprinting player character has to occasionally stop and wait god i really am yeah up here let's go scout go i can't zoom in i don't have a mouse wheel i'm pretty sure i have the flamethrower there it is again take chelsea real quick i think we got him concert started oh please let me walk towards you oh i need to heal focus the guy real quick there's too much distance there we go here's the rifle get up here i think is it these ones there's someone in there gonna need this again i don't know what guava was doing but i'm not going to question it i just the don't stop moving and we got him doing okay buddy uh guapo you gotta stand back where did he come from oh that was a good one we just need to destroy more tobacco i need to move in here uh flamethrower let that spread keeps going in oh that was spread to the field destroy it trying out a flamethrower oh wait can i get ammo from those tanks i've been destroying take that bullet oh the spot come back a bit but your supremo is fully charged with my supremo is [ __ ] perfect i killed a civilian i think straight as fast as we can oh my god they keep tracking grenades [ __ ] i'm trying are you friendly oh you're not oh no get out of here no oh after all that wait slow blood la i miss that prompt this is all your fault i think we're gonna leave it there guys hello hello how's it going i think we're gonna leave it there and it's a good point to call it you have a face yeah see my twitter on my instagram where i post pictures of my face i don't know what to tell you i'm exhausted i think we wrap it up there yeah do you get the credits not good thank you everyone who came by the stream today i hope you've enjoyed it uh that was [ __ ] wild uh thank you to ubisoft for actually making this controller for me for sponsoring this stream they had to design this thing it was incredible uh if you're interested in far cry 6 i'm playing it for yourself maybe not with a blender for a controller uh you could type exclamation point far cry in the chat and you can get a link for it you can check it out in your own time yeah that was that was [ __ ] amazing this is so cursed i'm gonna unplug the blender i've never seen a usb blender i'll be honest with you oh god i do hope people enjoyed that this is the only stream for a while i'm still on break um i don't know when i'll be back yet uh but i'll post i'll give notice uh when i've got something coming i want to make another return uh till then yeah just enjoy yourselves there'll be stream highlights uh coming up on the youtube channel still it'll be stuff from the last few streams that we did it should be good i hope you hope everyone is keeping well we'll catch up proper after the break i meant to press the engine button that's the last trash button apologies that's the wrong button yeah i do hope everyone is keeping well though thank you so much everyone for coming by i do hope you've enjoyed this oh that was proper good fun oh god let me see who else is streaming and i'll leave you in there care we're officially on holiday the next well uh let me see oh it's going oh it's going uh kiwo is playing something called domina and playing monster hunter later that sounds like fun it's flying monster into a kill it's been a while since we did that go say hey yeah thanks for coming though folks we'll catch up proper after the break we'll do some chill streams then uh till then have a good one and enjoy the highlights on youtube talk to y'all in the wow folks you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 1,807
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 1168254877, Controller, Designed, Far Cry 6, Game, Gaming, I Designed a Video Game Controller - Sponsored !farcry, Irish, RT Game, RT game, RTGame, Twitch, Video, callmekevin, comedy, die, full stream, funny, funny clips, funny montage, game, haha, i want die, minecraft, pc, poe, poespas, pokemon, rt, rtgame, rtgame accent, rtgame full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames full stream, rtgames stream, tf2, twitch, video games, west virginia, woolie, xd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 12sec (8952 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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