RTGame Archive: Super Mario 3D World ft. PointCrow, Smallant & RubberRoss

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so so do hello everybody can you hear me okay how's it going hunger we cannot escape them hello how's it going uh we're currently just sitting in the just chatting category with some smooth mario jazz lounge music i got my glasses uh just because we're we're trying to get everyone together at the mo and once we have everyone we're gonna hop on into the game and we're gonna start playing how's it going though folks you're all very welcome i'm i'm really [ __ ] excited for this um we we got we got a hell of a lineup that we're playing with uh we're gonna be playing treaty world online with uh mr point crow mr small ant and mr rubber ninja himself uh which is really [ __ ] cool uh and i'm really excited to be playing we'll be doing a late night stream tonight just because the guys are based in uh la i i'm like the lone irishman here uh it's currently uh quarter past nine in the evening but i think we're i think we're going to be going like a good three hours or so um so it should be good how are you i'm good i'm good i'm really excited playing 3d world uh this is one of my favorite mario games it's just really fun and it's it's odd because i remember not thinking too much about this game when it came out i think there was a lot of people but like it's held up really well and mechanics from this game are lifted in like other mario games um and it's just a really solid mario game you know it's just a tight platformer ah so it's good i'm dead uh dear yeah i hope you can hear me okay uh i'm trying a slightly different audio setup um just for the sake of everyone joining and it might be a bit funky at first i might need to tinker with it but we'll see how it goes [ __ ] he read my comment and i'll do it [ __ ] again ah dear yeah how's it going though we're staying just chatting until everyone is sorted i believe ross is doing some stuff on his stream at the mo so we're just giving him a chance to to do that uh will you stream bowser's fury at a later date probably yeah i like the stream schedule for the next three days just so people know it's this game that's it this is all we're playing this weekend uh there's nothing else um i don't think we'll be doing the entire thing in multiplayer but at least tonight we're going to do it with the whole gang together so that's going to be fun rasa rasa donovan yes that is right is this the ds version sure yeah sure sure they really revamped it um for the nintendo switch oh dear i hope i don't look like [ __ ] as well uh my day has just been i've been like outside doing work in the real world as much as i can i have to go to shops and at a few appointments have to do um and i i just got like got back to my apartment uh like from walking like the length of like dublin city like twice over i got back to my apartment and i literally just like collapsed in my chair and put on like an another james bond movie i got to see tomorrow never dies this time uh which is actually not a bad one currently like trying to marathon a bunch of james bond films because i've lost control of my life but also because i haven't seen them in like 10 years um and it's actually i kind of appreciate them oh they're actually really good the the they're very nostalgic for me um because i i remember back when i was a kid when i was like six or something my dad decided you know this series of films daniel like it's got you know a lot of violence there's like sex there's a lot of like blood and like people just murdering each other this is ideal for you so it's got a special place in my heart any up there on vino humano save fell's broke uh i can't do anything at the mo uh we will do that again uh when we've got some progress at the moment i really want to play this game uh and that's just what i'm gonna be doing this weekend there's some other games on my radar too uh there's just a lot that i want to play i'm probably going to do 100 bug snacks but like off stream over the next few days um because i want to get all the achievements i want to say that i've completed bug snacks in its entirety ah there asado vino humano i'm a news feed i i i wasn't able to do vino humano uh i do agent calamity playthrough uh probably not probably not i might do that my own time oh okay how are we doing i think small ant is live now as well so i think we just need eric to go live too ross is doing something on his channel as well um so i think we're aiming to get together for half if i'm correct i'm keeping an eye on the discord chat at the mo that we've got with us so uh oh wait is eric already is crow already live oh god we're all j we're all just sitting here this is kind of awkward yeah no he's live that he's got a god love because we were checking for how long we can stream the game today and it's like eric just told us i've got speed dating at like four so as i said i'm sorry i can't stick around to play mario i've got a hot date this is how i like to look at it uh set up a squad stream i will do a squad stream um just when we're all on a call uh that will be easier to coordinate then mario is more important oh jesus rt is the heartache oh no ah dear in case you wonder like so the lounge music is currently like on loop because this is like this is like the startup uh screen of the game where you just kind of you pick which one you want to play you can't do this one online and it's a bit more restricted oh there's going to be a permanent toad in the party too oh and that means a lot of toad i got i'm gonna try and pick toad if i can um i think that's important i'm gonna [ __ ] like scare everyone in their streams it's like i love viewers you're gonna hate me i don't have the warning setup anymore too i want to like do like an audiobook reading but like as the toad voice sometime i kind of let me just let me just get this this is gonna be so stupid okay in my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that i've been turning over ever in my mind ever since whenever you feel like criticizing anyone he told me just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had that is the great gatsby uh read by toad i'm not i'm not gonna do more of that because it's gonna it's like people are gonna click off the [ __ ] stream if i do that too long ah dear my ears are bleeding oh no audiobook one thank you for all the subs and bits that are coming in like thank you for the hype train as well like i haven't even done them yet thank you guys uh i apologize in advance if i if i miss more of like bits and that than normal uh just because you know we're all gonna be streaming this i don't want to talk over like three other people's streams uh that's kind of bad wear your glasses i have my glasses i will pop them on when i am off the camera all right who the [ __ ] this gatsby guy all i know is captain toad at a gamer excuse me are they gamer glasses i don't think so why if i pick this is my first stream oh it's nice to have you it's here too i hope you enjoy my twitch content why am i here why would i inflict this upon myself it's nice to see you as well hydrate yourself i got a bottle of water we're good i i like um like h bomber guys like suggestion to read like i have no mountain i must scream um in just the toad voice i i want to do like an entire maybe reading of that uh because like that was so [ __ ] funny if people saw it on like up it's not jumps charity stream absolutely loved it it's my first stream how you doing how you doing everyone hop on in we'll be starting soon we'll be starting soon we're just getting everyone together wait point crow is watching the stream is he watching me is he watching me or is he watching ross no he's in the chat oh no okay he knows um eric uh how many of your viewers am i gonna terrify like if i just do the entire stream uh but in my toad voice do you think they would appreciate this do you think it enhances the streaming experience i'm the gun the gun he's he's going to end the stream early he doesn't want to do it anymore [Music] you're killing toad voice for life i'm tempted to get a totem at some point just specifically for the voice as like a warning um because it seems to crop up often enough oh it's man to start the call let's hop on in hello hello hey how you doing man hi good oh it's lovely to be speaking with you how are you doing whoa excellent hey eric how's it going aunt how's it going it's great i was just terrifying everyone on eric's stream with like with my toad voice do you want to hear your juice man sure it's a bit of an atrocity but i like to do it because it inflicts pain oh fears i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i uh i got a a a novel in the in in my p.o box called helicopter man pounds dinosaur billionaire ass and uh i'm sorry i loved it i'd love to hear you read this in a time wait was that what's the name of the book again a helicopter man pounds dinosaur billionaire ass what the [ __ ] and i think you need to read this in a toad boys can you oh my god yeah that sounds incredible can you like take a picture of a page of that book and i can read like like a passage or something from it all right yeah yeah i'll just wait no gun russ i'll send you the back page i think it's phenomenal okay it's like instead of like a hardcover book is that what you're talking about yeah it's like a hardcover book yeah what oh that sounds magical okay um here let me let me send it through discord okay just checking the audio again you just can hear them okay yeah audio levels are good we're trying the new funky audio like this is just gonna be something that you definitely can't read on twitch i mean i've already i've already read it on twitch like that i've always i i can substitute in some of the tactics if need be okay okay this is gonna be bad all right hang on okay my name is john hamms and i am a sex addict oh no okay hang on so and so begins to dr chuck tingles first fool and novel helicopter man pounds dinosaur billionaire ass a threatened superhero origin story that will take you to the age of gay erotic romance and stare bravely into the abyss it is a story so powerful so sensual that it could change the very face of erotic literature forever [Laughter] okay let me keep going hang on is there anyone listening john hamms is a man who has lost it all a nine to five nobody with an addiction to billionaire dinosaur bad boys that is until a freak accident at work imbues john with the ability to transform into an achingly handsome helicopter at will suddenly things are looking up as john uses his ability to woo the fashion stegosaurus from his addict's group who just so happens to have a thing for rugged aircrafts but it's not long before jon's new helicopter identity starts to spin out of control taking on a personality of its own as the wild and horny chips press chopper with abs can john hans become the hardcore gay hero that he is destined to be will this shifter bound to be nothing more than his own worst enemy oh oh and sorry there is a quote from the book as well i want to remove my skin like a real helicopter man this how can how many pages is that do i do an audiobook recording of like this entire thing yeah i kid you not i would pay for that i would literally pay you for that it's 105 pages long oh i'd have to do it in parrots oh my voice would be dying and that's just the back page sorry about the wait i'm ready no don't worry we were just talking about uh gay dinosaur erotica uh it's like yeah this much it's like i i feel like i missed out on something very interesting i'm gonna need you to reiterate everything you've gone over at this point should i do the dramatic reading again oh my god i i was reading uh the blurb of this book but in like a really [ __ ] up toad voice um so if you ever want to hear toad say i am a sex addict you know like i'm a sex addict i'm addicted to porn okay i just need to update my stream category but how's it going no lads are we able to do a stream overlay we can i don't think we can with this um uh we can do squad stream stuff oh yeah we should do squad stream if oh i can send you as an invite now yeah that sounds good uh let me just yeah i'm down for that oh there is like oh wait small ant can't invite him due to streamers squad stream preferences obviously wow i've never had an issue before that's weird uh do you maybe want to try to set it up on your end uh maybe that might be the worst yes sure sure um at a channel to be invited i i've people invite me all the time it's weird that it's not working uh it's all right wow i mean okay guess what too many invites it's our t-game crowd uh the the rt game was taken on twitch sadly yeah and rubber ninja for mine oh i can invite rubber ninja due to streamer squad i don't i don't i can't preferences too exclusive i see hmm okay well maybe we just forget the squad stream then i mean we can try to get a partial squad stream session is this is it like just be like me should we get two squad streams it's like ross if you invite crow then use have your own squad stream yeah i might have to add him on twitch as like a friend here is that how it works i maybe i only have one complicated what does it even do i don't know man i'll i'll try and send one uh how do you even send a friend request i've never done this before uh i don't know either forget twitter requested yeah someone wants to be friends hey do you want to be friends ross sure i'll do it okay uh so okay how do i the verbal confirmation enough no i think it's done verbal we comments oh god i've never looked at this why do i have a thousand friend requests oh eric's in our squad now i'm now a friend okay he doesn't wanna anyone know how to do this how to send a friend request yeah i have no question i want you to be my friend ross why don't you love me it's very personal please wait it says it says so on my side it says point crow is in the squad but also the invited scent and i can't cancel the invite because something went wrong dude so i can't invite you forget forget it it's fine we'll just we'll just we'll just try one more play yeah an attempt was made we did everything [Music] all right i i'm gonna i'm gonna add you uh on this what am i even trying to say the nintendo friend list and friend listening oh yeah we gotta do that oh we actually do have to do that i completely forgot yeah yeah uh yeah that's crazy it's not like oh wait we have to do that to everyone we are so organized i think only the host needs to do it right who's hosting who's hosting who's the best internet it probably makes sense for one of yous to host because otherwise the game will be hosted in ireland and that might be a bit rough connection-wise for everyone yeah i saw a video of a friend of mine in ireland uh playing it and it looked like [ __ ] oh no okay life arrow he had a um a like an error that popped up as he was playing multiplayer that said you should try playing online with your friends whilst he was playing online with his friends so i i'm kind of worried about the connection i just sent you a friend request uh daniel okay uh uh okay so i guess if you all i guess i'll post my friend code how do i okay sounds good sure and i'll just off the hide by can't capture them all right uh i i've already leaked my friend code so it's your name so you don't have that hunter on this search with friends i don't know if that's you i'm just trying to make sure i have you add it okay oh no there you are yeah oh that is that is nine frightening profile four two zero you know i think all right all right there we go uh okay i have sent mine i think the name everyone at it now awesome yeah it's okay okay uh let's see yep i got you guys all right here we go excellent except you become friends now we're all friends friends see that wow is easier than twitch that's uh surprising honestly considering that is online yeah that says a lot doesn't it yeah okay i think it's if you press like it's the two r buttons you go into like the online buttons well you okay i'm loading it up right now i think you have to get to like the world map in game and then it should give you like a join game option okay super mario 3d world there we go boom okay oh wait hold on did i do it right do i have to select 3d world first uh you need to so you need to go into the game and it's like the the world map basically before you enter world one one oh gotcha okay so yeah you have to go properly first okay so i'm going into the i'm going into the thing all right so it's playing the opening cut scene right yeah yeah yeah you have to replace the opening cut scene in that you probably want to watch it for your stream oh yeah stream here's the opening cut scene i know this is going to be really shocking and quite a big twist but i i think i think princess peach might [ __ ] die oh my god oh dear there's no way yeah kaiser pulls out a handgun and just shoots her yeah cold blood luigi's like splattered in blood toad just vomits in the corner uh that is what happens right i skipped the game yeah yeah basically that's what happens yep all we need is a shadow of the hedgehog i've been seeing those on on twitter all the time with the mario with the gun i didn't realize they gave it to all the characters in this game oh mario with a gun yes yes yeah i i was watching um alpha rad play that over discord it looks ridiculous oh yeah yeah yeah 64 with gun yeah yeah he's like he's like doing a race right now with simply um like racing like 70 stars where alpha rad is doing it with like an fps yes yeah then simply yeah it's ridiculous oh that sounds [ __ ] wild i have some people like install like a bunch of mario mods and that's like gta and that so you have like just mario models like he just walks into a strip club and it's like the most uncanny thing it's like what is going on well that was when odyssey was released the the yes one yeah it's like krobie the video on it okay i'm on online play now your online play create join room uh so if you create it we can connect to you okay i'm gonna create the room uh let's see set password chat don't say the password uh you know what actually i'm gonna hide this and i gotta tell you guys because i don't think they i want them to know yeah i find that like any time you play like a nintendo game online and then you stream in it it's like you have to like cover the screen all the time i tried like even playing like animal crossing with friends and i didn't put like a dodo code but because whenever you press the character it says the character i also have to completely mute my strength yes yes that's so annoying i i remember that okay i'm just let me see if i can get in okay uh i i'm it's it's there we go okay so i need to does anybody have any preference to who they want uh i don't see oh there it is i mean i i'm pretty easy going like i mean i'll i'll i'll take toad happily anyone but toad please can i take you want to i would like i would like to be toad yeah oh if you want toad okay uh i guess i'll be i can be mario i guess um you're like an additional character in this one again as well yeah yeah yeah spoilers spoilers spoilers i couldn't remember you unlock sonic you unlock sonic yeah oh the speedrun character wait do i have to hit i gotta hit the alright there we go okay good all right okay so it initially gives me a prompt on my screen saying my connection is unstable so that's gonna be fun yeah mine says as well we're off to a good start ladies let's see how this goes my connection dude mario runs like he's got to go to the bathroom to take his [ __ ] and he's got a turtle head poking out like this is awful oh all right where am i going world one right there we're gonna give this a go let's see how far we get lads if you run around long enough i think it tells you where to go finally the road goes over there yeah i i i'll be real with you i played this game once for an hour when it came out and never again so i don't remember anything um what am i supposed to do am i supposed to go to here i i hit this god who knows some games are too hard for gaming journalists journalist mode activated let's see let's see how the connection holds up this is like the stress test okay it's there we go okay i i mean we got half second delay on the jumps it'll be fine there it is i don't know what you guys are complaining about i feel great cats cat's here get your cats oh and that freezes it for all of us too yeah wait dude oh god did i get a pointer on the screen how do i get rid of the hand oh guys slow down i got it don't worry about it what does the cursor even do it gives you a hand but i don't know what the hand does like the rabbit i'm holding a rabbit get somebody to get the rabbit i got him i got him what was the speed run technique can't you like dive and then dive and then dive and you go really fast [Applause] we gotta go back for the stem okay go back to the stamp okay i figured out the speed i [Music] what's happening what are we doing we're trying to find the building we need to find a stamp there's this okay collectibles on every level oh no oh sorry i'm the camera apparently oh god am i the camera who's the camera i can't believe he's dead wait is the stamp under the bridge hang on leave the fight near the checkpoint okay hang on all right everyone stay in the bubbles i'll search okay i'm just gonna all right i'm in the bubble gonna use this bubble like a lazy boy and just chill let's look in the pipe there's the stone how are you doing you know oh yeah just straight chilling there's a stamp now we can go to the post office there we go i got it so back back in the day when you collect these they were stamps for me verse but me versus since died so i don't know what the stamps do you're just meeting with collectibles after a certain point the game's just like you can't keep up let me let me just take the wheel [Music] good job guys snapshot mode i'm so [ __ ] stressed is this a competition are we just completing the course i think we just have to have no idea it's co-op we're working together for something together forever we're working together but also fighting the camera on it oh no this is a competition oh it's a competition well we're losing oh no no oh god and it gave me a crown too that's that's not all right not for long okay i i i painted myself as a target i don't like this no chat the ground is meaningless i just gotta run down the pipe how do you pick up someone and throw them oh why near them damn it if one of us goes in the pipe we all have to go in it seems oh that's so no my crowd oh you just stole it you can feel my sound where did i wait there's there's a secret there's a secret mushroom there's a secret where is the sea there's a secret hang on we gotta go to the left yes i'm in a bubble guys i'm in a bubble oh i lost my hat power i can't get back when you jump on someone apparently you get a wait okay into this cave here it's in here you see the secret over there yeah just gotta get this guy okay stand back when i throw this oh jeez i lost my cat power how do i okay i've killed myself we found the secret firepower the secret's honestly death it's just ted i'm joining you killed two of us okay do we go down here for the secret no we got the secret it was done we got wait we got the secret okay power-ups for people oh am i just dead i think i'm just dead oh you're acting no yeah you're actually dead you ran out of clothes what ups or whatever yeah we have lives oh no this is are you serious wait we're done oh you're back you're back you're back you've gone back back we can't have to die anymore i'm starting to feel that oh i found a secret i think i accidentally walked in the pipe i'm so sorry i hope the secret wasn't a green star oh oh god i got a green star just there you go wait wait i think there's another secret down here i got a checkpoint i think it's down in the abyss it's just death it's just there it's always death i can't come back we're out of one up wait are you serious i'm dead oh what's going on where did we get the mystery box you got you got to kill them quickly in the five seconds you've got left [Music] don't in the original game mini goombas are like they're thrown away by like yelling how does that work now do you just yell at your switch scream at the controller you call up the new nintendo hotline and you yell at them i have no idea you just get on the phone wait no there's a chance and a green star there we need them did you did you see that on on twitter they said that there's like a new nintendo hotline where you call for recommendations of games yeah did you hear about it yeah no you call and you go like i need a recommendation of a nintendo game to play and they're like mario you guys skip the stamp i know i'm screaming i'm not in control of the camera screw it i'm not hitting the top i lost my crown i lost my life the two of us are dead the nintendo hotline sounds cute though it's just like let me just call me emotional on the phone it's a concierge service we should call it on stream see what they say yeah oh my oh just what just like call them on the phone and it's like luigi is dead what do i do i just call him like hello i'm looking for a game to play yeah let's see what they say oh god look at this lad right here so you guys just dead forever five he's pretty good among us yeah should i just call him in the toad voice my nintendo switch caught fire the house is currently a place we'll just all call them as different nintendo characters what are you throwing me i didn't mean i was trying to use my fire power you just said you'd be standing there just passing this the same button to throw you is the same button i hit to throw a fireball so i threw you instead we just did the level like instantly i've i didn't have time to register just the overwhelming power yeah that's ball i don't know what i did i called rigged on that one that's another green star i'm still i'm still got it that we haven't got the stamp and one too that's gonna a person with the he's gonna play on my brain [Music] okay okay climbing that's what she said just up the mountain let's go don't fall behind i didn't know we were playing fall guys wait wait there's something in there all for one too bad there's a collectible there's a pipe no i gotta go back he's just going to beat it oh oh mario's dead yeah i died with the crown long live the kid okay is the stuff at the bottom this is the cat goomba is like scar yeah so there's a stamp back down there but i don't i don't know if we can well there was a pipe all right we have to all agree to go back down do we need the stamp do we need it just mario what do you need the stamp for completion sake i want when i screen go into screenshot mode i want the stickers okay let's go all right we're going off everyone go together oh you get you stopped luigi went a little too far oh my god wait do we do we pass it i think it was up a little bit more wait we did we already got the stamp i think we missed this uh screen star oh yeah no it's further we there was a warp pipe down at the bottom down at the bottom yeah yeah it was it was pretty far down okay i got an idea just ground pound off the edge do not throw me rita you killed it i had a cat power up and everything all right guys i found it it's right there there it is okay we got to get the coins now [Music] everyone run oh that's only the second one we gotta go further down we gotta go further down the further away are you serious look we should we just start the level over no honestly who is level downwards yeah you already have a cat power up wait i just got launched off the edge you want to get down where is it where was it was it up this tree there's no there is there's there it is oh there it is let's go speed runs we got 271 seconds i think we can still make it easy does anyone want a cat power up it was right there wait what do we miss it's anarchy okay we've caught up we've caught up we can now climb the mountain man i'll just i'll be chilling you know you just stay in the bubble honestly it sounds like a good idea honestly sounds like sounds pretty chill i'm kind of enjoying it over here wait wait wait wait before you cross the bridge there's something over here what are you doing what why is everyone jumping up here oh all right level oh this is going to be bad i think uh yeah oh i'm off the screen i'll just stay in here what is this what is this kill him kill him into the box did anyone see the stamp what no oh great job everybody we did it fantastic dude that was flawless honestly [Music] with three levels in i i can't process what's happening there's just so much going on it would i just i just want to call out you know small ant for throwing me off the map every chance he gets just in case that wasn't obvious we're taking that crown i'm just trying to attack with the cat always in front of me he just accidentally picked pick everyone up and kill him it's like i don't mean to kill em all oh these are these are just gonna get worse like there's no dude it just gave me an error and says have you tried playing with friends just connect to online and don't worry with online so the connection's so bad it's telling me i should go online to play with friends it's telling me how to initiate online mode right now while we're on line the game's just like maybe maybe you just don't need friends maybe you should just play solo maybe it's not worth it have you tried getting friends uh thanks nintendo for constantly reminding me i'm lonely this is like going in an inner tube down like a a white water rapid this is gonna be great oh we all gotta think together oh okay hop on plessy head for the goal head for the goal all right okay our speed will not be controlled i'll i'll do the jumps i think we all have to jump together or it doesn't work what no i think we're all good to go this was a great idea let's just get all unanimously hit the controls for the honestly doing pretty good right now we need to jump on this guy okay can we go back up if we turn hard enough no i'm trying apparently my jumping oh god let's go beautiful beautiful nailed [Laughter] how did we miss that oh my god dude he's just trying to get us on the ledge oh my god oh you get a second shot at the red coins all right oh yeah yeah yeah okay perfect yeah there's there's this beautifully get there we'll get there have you seen that episode of friends where they're trying to get like a couch up the stairs and it's just like that's exactly what this is yeah we didn't need it anyways we need to get the red coin okay i've got this i've got this it's got to start gearing left hard right don't jump over the oh wait did that take four of our lives oh no it did uh i think it might have at least we can get the one up oh yeah we got it this is good now stick to the left because if we go into the waterfall i think there's a secret patch there's no way if we jump in here it's a it's a waterfall there's always a scene oh my god oh there you go there you go nice even faster now okay i think we're in the home stretch [Music] nice look at us go perfect there's a star at the end we just have to get it [Music] we got it there we go dude nicely nice i think we missed the stamp flats oh i missed the stamp we have to go oh that extra point i just wanted to get one ahead of everybody else that's all i was looking for let's go oh quickly everyone get out i missed it i missed it no teamwork we did it only peach and toad survived the rabbits oh you can't get the stamp and the green stars with this level okay uh oh okay so that means we did the optimal route that's perfect it all worked out yeah yeah do do we want to go to the carnival that's in town you want to go to the circus why not yes the next one i think we already have four clowns here so how does this fit in perfectly oh there's a captain toad level yeah how does that work in this one huh you'll have to see anymore oh stamp was a red coin the stamp was the red coins okay [Music] oh god okay okay so oh we have to coordinate the switches [Music] no no we don't [Applause] this is the first world and we're already like struggling incredibly to just be wait i have it i did it i got a mushroom luigi you get that you're currently being murdered by luigi yeah you're being uh okay oh he's dead he's dead oh i was fine for a moment wait oh i can't bro i can still play you just turn in the wait are you turning the with the hand i am the hand jump let's go [Music] [Music] okay there's the checkpoint okay we just need to turn the ball on all right [Music] wait what what is my bubble's my safe space i'm good with that no one's left i got it nice we got it we got it we got it oh thank god let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go [Music] it is kind of convenient that someone could just turn into a magical hand you want to get the red the reds the red circle oh we need to head back down every so slightly [Music] what's this thing to the left oh it's a mystery box let's go in let's find out what the mystery is [Music] the green perfect we're doing good wait can we make like a totem pole if we all hold each other hang on wait let's go okay okay so someone pick me up okay all right no okay well we can make too many totem poles we can chicken fight i gotta jump on you we might be able to oh wait can you not oh wait that's not good luigi no luigi [Music] we just bubble up here if you love to see it you love to see it [Music] the ouija master hand i killed oh yeah i killed myself oh damn it i'm dead and we have no more lives oh wow wait i came back the stamp is right here you got it it's up there oh [ __ ] hold on let's get up to the top we need a boost but yeah we need to make a ladder of people jumping on each other let's go oh my god we did it i made it to the flag at the very least at least everyone survives that level [Music] oh geez oh man this is nice with online it's actually not surprisingly well yeah the delay is a little bit poopy but otherwise it's okay three years later the only like nintendo game i think i've seen with the online is just like grand is i think mario kart like i've never had any issues with that one hmm like everything else it's just like you can't play this with your friends [Applause] oh we got a slot machine ah any you guys like gambling because i i pers i who have a soft spot for gambling i can't stop okay okay how does how's this going to work do we we all control like doing all control just a little squad guide him safely through the course okay move the camera okay the toad brigade wait one of the toad brigade actually got cut one of them's not here ripped like the i think it was the purple guy oh there's a purple one [Music] do we all control the camera together or do we all have like our own cameras someone should have camera duty where am i oh i'm stuck on this corner i don't know how to get out of here trying to crush you trying to get back up there i don't know how to get back here we did it we did it we did it we did it that's adorable that's nice so i love that very wholesome it was nice to have like a moment of calm because like the next moment we go into the next level we're just going to be screaming at each other yeah yeah yeah it's just a very chill ah i see you later captain toad right i like our turn odd still has the crown it's very fitting oh yeah it didn't transfer there well i mean throw the camera in single player okay so we're up to bow she's casual can i bop this i've missed so there's like a little the cave of the castle you can go into that might have some oh wow that yeah let's do that there was the slot machine earlier too if you want to try get more lives because i think we have like two left it's welcome to toad house bigger present better welcome to my home oh no so bigger better gift bigger present better gift that's how it works let's go okay because there's like mushrooms in the box and we just steal like his brother's just like i don't know how she picked me up to throw me in the house i was just trying to attack the enemies but even in the house you're not safe let's go peach is the enemy i can't believe we already beat the game one world there's more wait how many how many worlds are there i think there's six and then there's like three bonus worlds or something oh wow yeah and it's like they get they get really challenging as time goes on too kick the football oh god wait is this ah this is gonna be over okay i've lost track of where i am so okay let's get the coins get the coins get the coins nice oh you s okay now i'm a kid everyone take a cat suit uh well can we climb there's one sir please come down oh no i'm keeping the crowd it's mine oh boy i guess we're going okay we're going we're going oh my god you run so much faster in this one compared to the uh the the the wii u like they increase the movement speed by like a lot yeah they actually seem super speedy oh no i'm dead right now i'm in a spot of water lads i got i got it i got it i got i got i gotta get there i got that i got i got the green green green green the green green i got it we missed the green well we did oh we gotta go back we must go back uh there was like a cat tower over here we gotta go back marty you gotta go back i can't even see it oh okay we got everything to the end lads at the end to the end i'm just coasting don't mind me the camera makes it so hard because like you're just jumping into the abyss sometimes scale the wall i can't do this [Music] those sick wheels damn dude you want to see something very nice yeah show me something very nice very wholesome okay good job bowser we're just like running at him so fast the crown oh rip rip the crow there you go have we have we heard him at all uh yeah we heard him once oh okay we got him oh we're just going to like smack in footballs if we just stand still i'm pretty sure it doesn't move forwards and we can just hit the balls oh my god you're right wait you're actually right like he just he just parks his car you just kind of like you're just smacking him away with your hand just everybody walks slowly towards him wait we don't even need to we are warrior cats yeah it just walks for you like you don't have to move at all you can't even run off the edge right i just got the hand here you tickle those tickles oh oh okay here we go there's another hit a little jump okay okay this is going great this is going great we wait we can all just like try and like just slowly walk towards them like just strut just menacing oh he's shooting fire now guys just so you know it is getting a little higher a little dangerous okay i am almost dead good job bowser i'll cover his mouth with my hand i'll stop the fireballs shove a finger down his throat one more i'm just gonna hang off there's this oh there it goes guys turns out you can fall off the edge i didn't know that are you oh let me see no why would i ever do that oh yeah you can there's a football oh my god we all just died trying to throw me off but apparently he's not my god everyone else is dead i got it wait can the hand actually knock it back oh my god are you are you kidding me the the hand way to kill him well that's it the game's over kill bowser his spine is just like snapped [Applause] blasting off again we did it he's dead well i guess we just watched him yeah only like he survived do we all have hands are we allowed to no i think your hands yeah wait let me it's it's our right i think we do have we do have hands anybody want to hold my hand how do you get the hand to it how do you get the hand wait hold on [Applause] good kitty good kitty good kid boy oh my god just like very uncomfortable right now he did it we did it go team at least we've seen live now i think did we get more lives pretty sure i think we have five each thank god we're doing all right we desperately need it so why did luigi do so well i wonder he is the only one alive [Music] air balloon we really have to appreciate just the quiet moments before we dive back in oh a few elevators there's an elevator around back wait do we come back yes [Music] back in it to win it let's go okay next squirrel all right they're really big on like the clear pipes in this game like they want to show them off like almost all the time [Music] world okay okay ross have you not played this one before because i think barely okay i think we we played it on uh grumps like years ago oh okay and i have no idea how far i got i don't think we did much at all i mean at the rate we're going i'm sure we'll catch up it'll be fine yeah i think we already passed it out oh god yeah just practically trying to speedrun it oh there's a star up there okay i guess we got that i'll save you watch out for the be eric thank you thank you so much for saving me you don't have to keep chasing me now we can't a turtle ostrich i don't know i'm not sure what it's called no no i think everything has like a cat tail in this game too if you check everything pretty much oh toad is going down in the quick there's a gold pipe up there mario 3d world is just one giant furry convention oh no it's rain first like part three or whatever hmm okay what's this coins from there you threw me in the pipe you serve me in the pot why why it wasn't my fault i went oh my god thank you oh my god everyone run through the obstacles there's something up there [Music] i'm trying to like talk to her i can't do it oh god oh god yeah just set me down here this seems safe it's probably something on top of this okay we're good i don't think i can get up all right don't show hold on i can me this wait no hold on are we going to get to the top of this oh yeah you probably should that's probably secrets i don't know actually isn't on this is this goddamn okay okay i'm walking very carefully we're just we're just trying not to run into each other and like accidentally murder everyone oh god oh god oh my god is it safe for us to come back it's very narrow i'm trying to do the right thing here nice one here it looks like it looks like it looks like it oh you can jump up see crypto tunnel i don't know if there's anything else here i'm just gonna sink into the sand i'll see you later please do you just okay like chasing each other like what's going on there it's like half the time i look really finding my own business i'm just doing my own thing you know casually going through a mario land like you do and i just suddenly am off the cliff falling to my desk [Music] oh boy all right gotta get i gotta go quick oh got it got it got it gonna [Laughter] sorry we missed a star as well that's a sad day no 100 run it's dead sorry reset yeah reset we got to start from the beginning uh i'm okay guys don't worry about me you can go get the stars yourselves so you say that as like you're falling off the cliff to your end don't worry about me [Music] save yourselves uh oh we got a few new levels now oh what's the statue i think i think you have to have enough uh green stars to unlock it you can use some you can you need okay how do we game changer i don't know if i do i have any amigos with me do the amiibos do have anything with this game like i don't even remember that being in the wii u one oh nice summon joker into the game people are saying in my chat oh yeah oh god summon joker summon cloud shovel knight whatever you got let me get minecraft steve in the game real quick oh my god wait is that do they let's just watch how do i ground pound you press the right oh my god the crowd you lost the ground why did you want me to grasp on you i want you to get the crown for the level oh i lived but you died i don't how did that work i survived i'm very unfortunate all right is there something down here i i fell whoa in a hole oh what is going on what is happening stamp i want that for my stab collection it's like the perfect collectible like we can't just have it so it's four green stars like that's that's that's not right wrecking ball j would have been worse oh my god forever remember me first oh god what is what is this little oh i think you can control it with your your hand oh you dude we played straight past me plaza you have to go out and out of the house and walk past someone to play games i remember piktochan oh god i remember like being so hyped and excited to play piktochat with my friends for the first time these were the screaming platforms in the normal game you're supposed to scream and they go up oh yeah these are the microphone ones yeah you just yell you just scream is uh uh tribute to like a time gone bye no oh god it's it's it's a slaughter everyone's dying hi guys you won oh no oh my god wow you're we really messed that up huh remember me how i lived in pain remember me remember the good and the bad what no we just look at the clown is anyone alive we still here i'm in so much pain okay [Laughter] oh we we're gonna need those one ups we we really are definitely gonna take this premium currency right there oh i just have that that's uh that's bitcoin in this game [Music] we just tear it through lives so quickly because everyone's dying constantly there's a there's one below here i think right yeah yeah yeah there it is if someone if someone drops me here yo when the platform is under me what are you in all right i'll throw you up i i didn't quite make it back he's just gonna sit all right he'll always remember you he'll always remember you i'm stuck sometimes i can still hear his voice can someone rub it oh no there's a delay there's a delay hang on i'm getting back on the platform for him no oh we all oh god we just failed that lo yeah we failed that level at least we have all the collectibles though at least we have the friends we made along the way get back on we go kind of botched my job but that's okay my friend i don't come back now like why did i do it i'm the real captain oh wait that's just me now it's just hey guys welcome back to my uh let's play of super mario 3d world welcome back to pirate 47 don't forget to like comment and subscribe i'm i'm gonna dislike this video to be honest if you don't smash the like button i'll smash your kneecaps yeah can you guys uh yeah no no you deserve that you kind of deserve that god game over i think we have to start the level from the start now we don't have the collection yeah we do now we don't have anything to get them all again oh my god oh my god well the toad houses are open for business again so thanks game i mean if you want to gamble you know like we can do it we can do it we just have to not tear the family apart that's that's the hardest thing it's like crow was the only one alive there and we still killed him i just it's impressive i want a lot i won't lie that's that's pretty impressive simply like the power of our magic hands yeah okay i think that there's a secret down here i gotta rub this oh no what happened oh where is it where am i there we are there we go there's the stamp there we go luigi's having a little trouble yeah a little bit oh god anyway oh wow oh my god i see i see the star we need the star i know i see it but i'm up top wait where's someone down the bottom okay that's that's that might be too much hand duty hang on okay okay more hands i'll wait down here with that one do that one do the one on the right there we go yeah got it we got it we got it we good oh no i fell i got it i'm up nevermind apparently anymore yeah okay we got it we got it we're good we're good checkpoint we're still alive only lost one life so far we've even gained back we're actually doing kind of well now we're doing we're doing great we're doing great we're doing golden in the box too you know i didn't didn't ask for it i appreciate [Music] i'm gonna walk with my head in between my balls bro you're just gonna like wait back there i'm just going to let it be you know so i don't want to translate my life don't want to pull uh what happened last time exactly what happened last time okay okay just yeah you just go on here and we'll we'll meet up in the sky i love how at times like this being you guys i'm just gonna sit in this bubble oh i couldn't stop what are you doing i love how like this might just be like a four-person game it's like sometimes it's just better and advised to just have one person play just to have one it's it's it's a single player game where you screw up the other single players basically fire flowers do i want one i want one i'm not going to get that am i everyone's why did you wait how do i oh sorry how do i press up on the d-pad oh okay okay that's good all right guys do oh my god i was about to say we have to work together as a smite was like casa pulls it off the edge by crow uh okay we need that okay so someone touch this ledge i got it i can't i will stay still the entire time okay now we'll just start moving because i'm just gonna i'm just gonna jump oh that worked it's just okay put you in a bubble bubble strap everyone uh bubble strap oh no why'd you rub that one okay rub it again rub it harder rub it harder okay just make it with that we made it we made it panicked it's all right guys we'll be there eventually that's that's a good enough finish i'm happy with that result jesus christ this is way too much fun i'm having a blast with this it's just so hard to process what's happening there's like four people but like there's a hands and enemies we gotta rub walls and stuff like oh are we are we cool just take a a a quick break just to grab grab a snack and grab yeah all right i'll be right back guys let's just sit tight just mute myself on the call how's it going folks i hope everyone is enjoying the stream it's just i'm having a lot of fun it's so [ __ ] chaotic oh p1 jesus thank you for the 5 000 bits my god all right this is laid down but aaron and i want to give you a christmas present we both love watching your streams we want to let you know that we really appreciate everything you do and all the laughs you've given us over the years thank you so much p1 that's incredibly generous of you thank you for the kind words [Music] it's a bigger crossover than avengers it's just so [ __ ] chaotic like i don't know what's happening half the time there's a life forever level one too we might need it at some point [Music] 3d world is notorious for not being a good multiplayer game so watching this so far has been hilarious i'm glad i really glad people have been enjoying the stream yeah we'll be playing with the lads tonight and then over the weekend i'll be trying to 100 the game similar to like mario galaxy and stuff like that um so i'm gonna even go back to some of the levels we've done here uh just to pick up the loose bits got any gambling tips put it all on red never stop gambling so much fun you don't want gambling advice from me oh dude oh thank you for the cargo testers yeah crows are really cool it's it's i'm it's really cool just to be playing with these guys i know me and crow wants to do something a while and it's just cool to have the entire gang swag [ __ ] gambling no we're not doing more of that we've lost too much does this game save progress for multiplayer the single player i sure hope so let me see oh we're back i'm back that's hey i was just checking if actually uh progress transfers over from multiplayer to single player yeah uh i i don't actually know if it does i imagine it will be on like his world the person who's hosting right oh it's only the host's file oh i think so if i know you're doing a playthrough of this afterwards right yes i am i guess i'll be starting over tomorrow oh my god do you actually have to start over tomorrow i think so i don't think there's any way around it i mean that's fine that's fine i'll probably play i might even like blitz through like what we do tonight in my own time after the stream i i really love this game so it doesn't bother me this is way more fun than i ever thought it would be yeah it's a lot of fun it's so good let's gamble gambling yes gambling of course we're gambling whatever i want don't even worry boys we're going to vegas we're going to vegas are we eating let's each take one all right all right i'm going to take the left one we just all walked forward wait we're in for what what one are we aiming for because what are we going to get the flowers apparently i i hit the i got the cherry so i i ruined it there we go we did it beautiful sure wait is this are these not cool people were saying um during the break there that we want the farm lives there's like an exploit in world one two in case we need it yeah really i like how that we're the ones that need to be told that thank you guys yeah it's like listen like i don't know how long you're playing but this might be handy really we didn't skip the level there the level we actually missed was really cool oh we can go back away did we did we skip a level we did yeah oh shadow oh i love this little platforms oh here's a button only mario can press i can hit it let me do it that's how you get the stand nice wait so if you were playing as luigi on single player could you not get it yeah you just you can't do it mario oh it's kind of like it's just really annoying honestly all right wait is there wait what's what's over there to the left over there oh there is [Music] like if you want to do like 100 percent progress or something it tracks uh every character you touch the top of the flagpole wish yeah you have to beat every level with every character for 100 yeah are you serious you have to hit top of the flagpole with them as well so if you miss it by a little bit you just restart the level with that character you don't have to do that to unlock the final level in this game do you no but get 100 so at minimum you have to play every level four times yes actually actually it's five times because uh oh yeah because of sonic oh yeah cause it's not a dlt yeah yeah but like even because of that it means that like you have to play at least twice if you had four friends and you all touched up the flagpole every single time it's like your work is cut out for you there's no like just fun happy-go-lucky mario experience it's a grind on my way to a pipe oh i know these guys from mario i know a lot of the mechanics from this from mario maker it's funny oh yeah it has like the 3d world version wasn't it yeah it's like the 2d version of 3d world but with like some of the enemies what is this i have no idea we just have to press all of the uh oh okay it's got impressive oh you're kicking it too i didn't even know i just thought i had to be up here no my baseball no that's all i had oh okay uh there's something down oh there's just a star down here if you like fall easy star you messed up on like those platforms that's okay intended way to beat it every time that falls off someone's head is like a mad scramble just again where are you [Music] no no you won't touch the flagpole i refuse eric i'm so sorry like you just missed it every time it's all right man i just i feel like ross left out of this the squad stream dude that's what's going on oh nice i just beat you probably because i camped that star the mist levels to the left sounds so [ __ ] full of yourself well well well look who's better yeah this level is actually really close so we should stop at it shadow play ally [Applause] oh this is cool do we get piranha plants oh no the piranha plants kill us wait they they attack your teammates oh that's not good at all [Laughter] combo run while you can oh my god you actually stun lock them i i literally i can barely run oh my god up here i'm staying up here there's one over here i'm under attack again right where you think you're going it's i think oh there's another one it's just gradually going to get worse over time [Laughter] is that everything all right yeah i i need to talk i have this parasite just like it's crazy just trying to navigate it's gonna wait and patiently get across here i am just like uh just a wholesome on my car my crown it's an unruly blast i needed that to feel better about myself training i'm just trying to get to the door your piranha plant is not the toilet killed it okay he killed it good god it deserved it oh whoa yeah so this is the cool bit of the level oh of course you oh my god someone want like a cat power up there you go yeah thank you power up why did someone give tan stamp on a plane down below maybe yeah there you go you get it wait did someone oh whoa oh that through the door i think it was me oh what's in here i'm gonna eat this oh okay or just you know brute force yeah definitely how you're supposed to do that oh oh what oh i don't oh you can go under yeah it's like 3d world well land kind of perspective oh well now i'm just back in the door immediately you gotta check on captain toad that's bowser he's the thing it's like paper bowser oh what a relief i was very scared for a moment there he sounds like so enthusiastic russ oh whatever i actually do like this game a lot it's really pretty yeah i know that's such a cool trick oh just like not particularly concerned for captain toad's well-being i could see all right um so we're going oh no i don't know oh whoa we can go up here wait where are we just inside this house are you kidding believe so out of all of these i need to at least get no no no no come on oh my god one person [Music] i'm okay with this i'm i'm very okay with this how does it feel to touch the flagpole eric it's wonderful it's the feeling of glory that i never had as a child oh no [Music] wait what's this one down here down the bottom [Music] okay if you're a lonely [ __ ] here's some pictures really want us to play alone to your friends because you don't have any oh it's just a free stream okay oh free stamp nice it's her whatever her name is it's it's the green one green her name is green jump on my head are we supposed to is that it is that it yeah level i think what that was my favorite slave okay that was my favorite level two that was okay better than one one [Music] just instantly nice i like that level easy very good good level design uh okay there's a big green pipe back there as well oh wasn't it if we went down there golumba oh these are some big boys some big boys and big lads we have to knock them in the lava yes we have to knock them in the lava and then we pick up the coins and we get the green star burn them alive watch it let's go i'm nice i don't know if i deserve the extra points here for having the crown i feel like i didn't do much uh but i'll still take them beautiful [Music] wow the purple house over there is another cool one it's like kind of like a gauntlet of levels that you can get uh you do like some in one go we do it back to the left we should do the pipe first oh yeah i see it let's do it okay we have to get completion progress just like for your own save file now ross yeah oh it's just a toad house in here oh yeah let's do this that's a shame it doesn't save uh ever like the progress for everybody i need that thank you oh get that yeah there you go here we go here everyone get some power-ups oh i got it i got i got it there we go i i realized i hadn't been using any of mine i keep forgetting that i have an inventory oh wait we have inventories yeah yeah you can see you didn't know you hit the d-pad you did not know that yeah the extra ones you get the store you don't have to worry about someone just taking like four cat bells so i'll just file them oh all right see you later oh wait do we miss oh wait we're doing the house now right house yes yes mystery house milan let's go so i think this one it's just like a gauntlet you have to do them as quick as you can okay okay all right we got some speedrunners okay hey finally my chance to shine okay let's get going so we're speed running this oh lord just smash it got it there we go i'm just climbing up the wall i've lost control of my character i don't know what's happening okay crown okay no i lost it i got it okay watch out for them they're gonna they're gonna do that i'm gonna kill the emus [Music] kangaroos you can eat them that seems [ __ ] wild yeah no um we had a war against emus and we lost wait what you don't know about that the great amy war no i've never heard of that yeah there was a war against the emus australia declared war on the emu's and they lost you think i'm being dry and joking right now but i'm actually being serious in fact you lose against like artillery emu war did they have like an organized military that like beat the australian army oh yeah i've got it open on my stream right now yeah the emur the emu or was also known as the great emu war was a nuisance wildlife management military operation undertaken in australia over the late part of 1932 to address public concern about the over over the number of emus said to be running amok in uh the campaign district of western australia the unsuccessful unsuccessful attempts to curb the population so basically yeah we lost the war against the emus this is like right after world war ii as well yeah yeah no we actually lost the fight like oh no yeah second attempt yeah it was pretty embarrassing i like to imagine the emos are just like in trenches and that it's like we can't break through their bunker he's like did anyone die in the emu war uh you know what they're like i imagine they could be pretty they're pretty big birds so i wouldn't be surprised if someone got trampled oh my god honestly i feel like that would be a good way to go out yeah that's how i want to go oh so we get the double cherry in this so you start like just cloning oh my god this is gonna have to manage all the clones people wait sorry we can get eight clones basically wait you guys are bones so look so there's two cat totes right now so i can control both of them that's very confusing and they have the same controls at the same time so it gets really difficult to move oh my god is it is one of them the evil clone or they just just both they're both just me so like either of them could die oh i want him i want him i want him come here let me sleep on give me a climb give me a climb give me a pond there's another cherry oh my god there's two of me there's more cherries i just want something over here to follow the cat toads there's so many cat toads what happens if um there's a green star up there oh one of us need to be on it wait so if if if you have a clone and your clone gets a different power up does that clone both of you get the power i think all of you got it yeah oh okay that's confusing i'm trying to keep my my toads together okay it's like a total other management like a thousand people this feels like the time i played uh i i played doom and uh animal crossing with the same controller that sounds amazing oh my god that's such a good idea incredible it was very silly and then i played stardew valley on switch and pc at the same time and but one farm looked a little sadder than the other goodbye all right okay i can't get up there so come on down we're good uh-oh i think i'm the best okay my clown disappeared the fastest thing i've ever done with like um games like that it's like just playing games like the baby controller uh for nintendo wii it's just like the mad cats controllers oh god no it's just a baby controller like you just like stick the wemo in a baby and then you gotta try play the games with it oh my god you need the oh my god the actual baby i remember that i remember seeing so much fun i forgot about that controller like like just playing tennis feel so much better when it's just with a baby with a baby such a good video that's really funny ah dear good oh yes next boss let's go queen peach [Music] let's go i think this level i think it's a slow moving one which means we probably actually do better and die less oh that's all that's like that is a great assumption you're about to make yeah i i feel like this game would be better suited multiplayer to be like a permanent auto scroll but i don't know if the game could ever really be built around that yeah yeah i think it would probably be to be too slow pace like every level would need to be like this yeah yeah basically oh so you can just hold the gun yeah it's basically turning a 3d contra now press on luigi oh oh oh oh bitcoins great points coins we got it oh back up okay wait guys are you seeing this oh where's my head where's my arms i got your legs don't worry oh my gosh oh my god what's going on what is happening i don't know where he is haunted i think i read a question like this okay i got my head back that was really scary this is so weird yeah chat i'm gonna need a clip of that one that was unusual i guess that must have been a bug i don't think that's a feature that had to have been a bug i was carrying your body i got the decapitation powder oh no i'm so sorry i can't stop firing this like it won't let me hold it in yeah the cannon glitches out apparently it just it just keeps auto firing wait there's something in here oh green nice last time people are saying that was an old bug from the original that apparently wasn't patched oh nice i like the caseball bugs plastic am i still supposed to have the cannon in here uh i think he'd have a cannon anywhere i thought i would have lost this with the pipe nah just gonna shoot him murder nice oops sorry there we go oh danzo [Music] i think bowser feels like seeing his children just repeatedly die like every time there's a new mario game he enjoys it apparently he just sends it back into the battlefield i didn't get him this time son but next time next time for sure like dad no please one of these days you'll make the flagpole girl that's all right maybe one day i'll grow up that day one day i'll be like you guys but you just pretend like the fairy is you [Laughter] oh i saw my chat says apparently there's a movie about the great name you wore i gotta watch it movie wow what is under what kind of film like i hope it's an action film like guns on the side of the emu's and like yeah that sounds great that sounds incredible [Music] is it from the emu perspective i hope so the emus fight back yeah i want to see it turn to the east i just want to be like sharknado but it's just emus and it's like they're trying to like get away in helicopters and stuff like that but they just keep terrorizing them [Music] okay wait can i get down uh you gotta walk all the way around way around for one life wait for one life it's us so i think we need that one life every little helps which is such a long trip okay we're gonna go the long way around oh no just keeps going what is the point of this just give us a tour you know a level designer like he could have done had less work for himself but he decided no [Music] oh my god i missed here yeah there we go or three we made it back around oh there's another captain toad level wow this this level seems pretty cool i wonder what we're all right i think it's the lava land oh is it this is the level with the glitch this level looks like a glitch what's the glitch the ice crouching glitch ice crouching glitch what's that oh um when you get on ice just spam the crouch button as fast as you can okay and that makes sense up ahead that sounds rather ominous but let's try it i think while you're moving forwards i think i can't exactly yeah oh my god yes it is [Laughter] oh my god the momentum is crazy i'm glad they kept it that's incredible that's amazing if anyone wants a crown and a star just go back oh sorry hang on [Music] we're going too fast i can't get back there's no time [Music] oh they're on they're on uh ice skates i didn't even realize i thought they were in little rockets i need to get this bunny wait wait i gotta hand it if i can find them where's the where's the rabbit where'd it go did you get it i think it's up there i didn't get it oh do you need help yeah yeah hand them down hand them down you killed me okay thanks okay i thought it was gonna let you off his head i'm so sorry it's just insta got the stamp got the stamp got the stamp all right well let's check these trays for treasures one treasure you can be a tree no treasures all right oh yeah they added that odyssey didn't they the best power up in the game which one just be a tree you can just be a tree in odyssey like my my favorite power up is like the letter n in odyssey oh my god eric we gotta do something about this we gotta talk we gotta talk we gotta make sure he's on the pole i don't know seeing him try every it's it's it's just i don't know the attempt was there the temp was an attempt was made [Music] next world we're doing good we i think that's the worst we've done a level there in the regard count in a while it just it just doesn't feel right it doesn't feel right oh god gambling gambling [Music] okay um yeah we want to do a statue of the haunted house statue there's a free stamp world there too again i think yeah we'll do statue that's cool what we got chain link charge let's go [Music] oh it's a scroll and we're good thank god it's relatively safe oh thank god for the hat i can rest easy guys i'm behind the wall don't mind me that's okay you know no i'll just carry you through it it's fine okay thank you oh i don't think you can carry him on this level thank you so much for carrying me through that it's a little dangerous okay let me try again give me give me another one all right all right here's another chance all right come here all right i'm here oops there you go there we go i'm thinking about taking another belt okay okay i'm still alive okay we need to oh okay that's great that's good i don't think i'm dead but i don't know where i am i'm still in it oh my god i trusted you oh it's just you they're so tricky they move all right you know i don't i didn't throw you off the edge did i oh i'm so sorry i'm so i didn't mean to just kill you oh no all right guys we got it oh god oh god we just came over maybe is here we might have we just had time to come back oh my god oh we have more lives right yeah that exists we have one more life where am i who died what is going on what is going on we all have to talk about the platforms oh god let's go up here and get the thing good good good about making the jump okay how do i oh i guess so you just hit it as the cat as the cat ah gotcha gotcha someone get that green star i got it we got it good let's go good job i got hit oh it's gonna chill here [Applause] oh she just dived for it well i got the stars you have been killed oh my god oh careful careful i'll get on here just down oh oh it's just the two of us left oh yeah well do you what do you want to get on this let's good job good job i'll i'll give you here bounce on my head okay yep bounce on your head yeah yeah all right okay they'll do it they'll do it don't worry okay and then we go i totally messed that up so i'm just gonna hit the bottom you did it there we go beautiful so good at mario a few survivors [Music] yeah anything where we have to climb is is like we're going to die because those oh she's fighting the camera auto scroller and climbing oof everyone is dead okay we'll get the haunted house next all right wait are we still i i use you guys should come back from the dead yeah no they do right okay okay yeah like degeneres when you actually respawn with the five up it's not just water it's like you're gonna need a few dudes we say we do have some trouble should we do the ghost house [Music] like i'm down for just doing everything [Music] make as much progress as we can [Music] oh i thought like a horn through someone's mic there's a big boo here yeah i see him hello you're worried about him or i i think he's just chilling he's just this thing's okay no should be all right i seem too interested with us i'm jumping into the painting mario 64. oh wait right now oh there is something in there oh my god it's like inception or pepperoni i'm probably gonna go with paprika and that look i always thought these ghosts look like the snapchat logo yeah they're kinda too don't they yeah snapchat no don't kill us does anyone use snapchat still is that like a mostly i mean some people i i have friends who use snapchat gotcha we're all we're all boomers here i think uh yeah 20 back in my day yeah back in my day pictochat and bibo that's all you needed apparently bebo is making a comeback for me whatever reason is that the myspace thing no b-ball was like the one where like you made like a wall and it was like your own i don't remember at all wait how old are you is everyone here oh god why you gotta do that to me oh no i'm the ripe old age of uh 23. [Music] 25. thank you thank you oh uh 33 eternal use it's okay 33 turning 34 in june i'm going for it oh god i'm yeah chat just called me a grand sage thank you chad no oh my god how do you even get up these stairs we're supposed to be going to the right but we keep trying to walk into the mirror we're supposed to go up the stairs now i get to sit in my lazy boy bubble with my crown feeling pretty good about myself can i pop it well nobody has the ground nobody that was close and we just keep on going [Music] i'd say deserved snapchat is back i feel like so old like when it comes to technology and that like i only like oh god how did you do like an instagram story like last year yeah i don't know you didn't understand how like run tick tock i have a guy that just does that for me you have a tick tock guy i have a tick-tock he's actually not a guy wait smaller has the same one too so fill me in what's the point of having a tick-tock then like as a creator stream basically like really that's kind of mad you just post stream clips there yeah i got like two million views of me opening pokemon packs oh my god i thought that was a decoration i didn't think that was a platform apparent there's a secret oh we're going back oh are we going back are we going back go back everybody wait how did i kill myself again i'm running too quick hatch is gone is the sofa just not there anymore uh oh yeah i think it's gone we might be able to oh never mind we're going in the door i guess maybe we should get tick-tock guys for us i'm thinking it you know i i heard that the other big thing right now is um youtube clips you know about those shorts are those live yet i heard they were yeah it's it's it's live you just have to put hashtag clip clips or something on your video and have a vertical video i think right like hashtag shorts or something yeah shorts i always forget yeah well uh i think it's it's tick tock or vine for youtube basically but like youtube is promoting the heck out of them so like yeah so it's channel and they're all shorts it'll do well i'm i'm thinking about doing that because uh like it's it's so worth it um the views that they get are like insane if you're not quintuple dipping your content on stream what are you even doing yeah exactly main main youtube channel vod channel um tick talk twitter clips come on it's all the same stuff oh gosh my youtube channel is already just live stream highlights and then there's a vaude channel on top of that so it's like this twitch stream is in three different places in like three different forms i guess now i'll have to get a tick tock guy you think chat tick tock guy huh you're gonna take that i get a youtube story guy get a facebook guy you do oh does youtube have stories is that a thing now yeah youtube has like a story equivalent thing yeah youtube where does everyone feel the need to have stories it's just a story to tell it's going yeah we have fleets now on twitter too yeah completely a weird way of saying story why fleet that sounds that sounds so i just zoomer like let me just don't know on that i don't know [Music] what does it mean like pleading you know it's something that's short that goes away oh oh that means guys really good yeah it sounds extremely zoomer it does someone in my chat said a fleet is a brand of enema good to know share your twitter fleets today not safe for work god [Music] oh yeah oh we missed the first one what where where was the first oh the flag the flag noticed we supposed to get eric on it first that's all right guys it's all right we forgot this i was too busy getting coins too busy getting rich for us yup yo you have us apparently the category for this game on twitch is having a lot of trouble mine keeps really setting constantly yeah um i checked when i was adding the game and there's like eight different versions all with different capitalizations it was like super then capital m for mario yeah and 3d world is different from 3d world bowser's fury on on twitch the list yeah yeah that's weird right jurassic monster world dinosaur war treaty fps i think that's one of those yeah we should play in that category less competitive oh why would you throw me i i thought i had a firepower doing my best to throw myself at the wizards i'll take it [Music] noise when is twitch not having a problem someone says oh no it doesn't seem like remember i remember the first week of the year where like twitch was down every day basically yeah that was rough [Laughter] i guess i'm not going live again today there's just nothing you could do oh can we leave like what do you do wait no i unjoined the game hang on i need to go back in [Music] can you just i guess we just play it again again again so much it's such a short level classic tiny peach and then like regular toad like their head is in the same place it's oddly unnerving he's such a big brain it's like toad's just wearing a big hat all right let's get in this underwater level oh boy pipeline [Music] i should really check to see if they delivered that um mocap suit oh yeah dude that's like i saw the clip with you and uh was it mikko uh yeah yeah yeah so funny yeah that was amazing okay so we had a lot of fun i just for context i guess on a few other streams ross was doing like a mocap suit stream yesterday yes yes it was a um thirteen thousand dollar uh mocap suit that i got to borrow for like uh a few weeks and i finally got it working that like the day before i had to give it back and that's the same it's the same suit that code miko uses she's the uh v tuber um that did stuff with a lot of big people yeah yeah um but uh yeah i had to it was very very complicated there's like a like a whole like routine you have to do every time you put it on in order to calibrate the suit to your like this like your your height and your um your movement and everything but um got it working uh and then had to give it back the next day so we just spent the the a few hours just trying to learn how to do tick-tock dances i've never actually looked at tick-tock in my life or whatever yeah we tried yeah yeah so he just like loaded up any tick tock dance we could and we were trying to learn them and i got one of them down pretty good and uh i put a video on twitter of me slapping my ass um i was beautiful pretty happy with it like it's like half the tick tock dances so yeah well i think there's somewhere else we can go up there man maybe my question is can mocap suits fit six foot eight guys because i'm pretty dumb and don't want to like the answer is footage no he's five four they have different sizes but you have to like get a size that fits you like i it was a pretty tight and there's like wires inside the suit so when you take off the likes the wetsuit like your body has like all these pressure marks from all the sensors and wires like all down your body it's kind of weird looking oh god but it was really cool um it tracks really really well um but i was just very anxious because i had um because of covet i had uh um what do you what do we call them task rabbits that's like a it's a delivery it's a like a service like you can get someone to like come put together some ikea furniture or come deliver something for you basically like just people you need to do like work that you know you don't have time for someone i had to pay someone to deliver it back but i was also very anxious because it's a thirteen thousand dollar suit and i don't wanna have to pay for it so so i went for a shower before the stream and i came out because i i just placed the like the case underneath um i'm sorry i like just outside my door and i came out from the shower and i had no message from them and the suit was gone and my heart just dropped and i was like oh god oh my god i'm so sorry oh it's okay and then they took about like 15 minutes to respond to tell me that it was actually them that took it i was very anxious the crack over here is that thing there's a crack which one would you crack there's a crack let's crack over here let's crack here oh yeah i am the shooter oh no mario mario yeah they're really expensive i'd just be terrified of being responsible for it like oh god yeah something goes wrong and it's like it's it's just too much absolutely stressful but luckily it's all good now [Music] it's a weird principle it sounds really fun like the most i've ever seen i guess i got some five trackers for vr oh yeah i've got those yeah yeah those are really good those are really good actually um so there's a i found out recently that like there's cheaper ways of doing mocap now um and those vibe trackers are a big part of it like you can a lot of the um we call them vc face which is like the vtuber software can now use those track your full body this is where they go i feel like you're just out to get me at this interesting always shoot forwards and i can't stop it at this point like you're just microphone trying oh get up let's all clap for a point crow he made it on the pole oh thanks for the pity guys all of you were just having a conversation about vocab and that there is just like the entire time like tanner was just shooting eric constantly no that's right you don't have to make an excuse for it i see how it is now my entire chat's just clapping like 12 year olds yes yay he's done it he done did it i'm so sorry oh my god no i got the uh i got the index recently and it's my index is so good you can see your fingers move i love that the index is like the best headset on the market by far it's just like it's really comfortable like just compared to the other ones like i find we should i'd be down if you guys want to do some vr stuff one day oh yeah absolutely i i do vr stuff all the time um i'm actually gonna get in vr tonight and get drunk oh [ __ ] do you do that as well yeah no i've got um i've got lots of friends that use vr and um i just get in vr chat and i get just blasted strong sounds very nice i've got a group of friends and we do the exact same thing like it's the best thing to do and stuff like that yes yes do we do that too it's great um yeah yeah you'll have to you have to add me on vr chat and just yeah rubber ross yeah but i'm probably going to get into that yeah no it's um it's a good time me my girlfriend both have indexes of our own so like she's in one side of the house and i'm in the other and we're just like we both get a vr chat that's so funny yeah let's do it with all our friends what happened there i got it get the money get the bunny yeah like just like like a drinking in like vr chad's just like the place going for the pub for me like with the year yeah yeah it's exactly the same it's basically been my the saving grace of um quarantine and uh pandemic because i'm not getting dizzy in vr when you're black oh no no no no no i i'm fine oh [ __ ] you're not going to know that this is starting oh definitely all right we got back there too far away um to answer your question uh if you've got the sea legs for vr you just kind of you're just so used to it at that point that it doesn't really it won't really bother you at all huh yeah it's like i got really like motion sick for like this week that i was using my index [Music] i just kind of powered through it one night and since then like i've been fine i can do like six hour sessions and that in if i want it's like oh yeah like i would wake up like after i did like a full like three hours it was just three hours on stream of vr and like i woke up the next day and i felt like i was just like in vr it was such a weird experience i went to bed that night had a dream i was in vr yes i know the dreams you're talking 24 hours in vr oh my god there's a video where god does that then someone did that like in minecraft yeah it's like a thing yeah there's like two guys that's done it one guy did like a very interesting he had used multiple headsets to pull it off so he could go to the bathroom and everything so he had like a quest so he could go take a [ __ ] because the quest is portable so he'd go between the two and he kept his eyes closed it's really funny oh let me put on my quest yeah it was just disrupt that's the youtube channel thanks guys yeah he's really really really good he does great videos i like that i like to imagine there was like an oculus representative that's like look how people are using their products and just this guy [Music] it was like the only way you could move around the house to still like keep the bit going so it's actually kind of smart yeah it's so funny hmm [Music] i have no idea where i am my life apparently this game makes me wish that there'd be like a mario maker 3 that allows for um 3d level design yeah sorry i imagine it'd be really tough to make like a 3d um without like an insane amount of glitches yeah i mean it would have to be modular the way you build the levels um which i imagine it's a little bit hard to do uh but if there was any 3d game they were going to do it on it would have to be like if you had like galaxy creation levels or something galaxy i think would be impossible yeah so how are you we're just slowly dying okay [Music] left we need to be careful okay all right i'll try to go make the joke i got it you guys ever played little big planet it was like yeah yeah before yeah yeah of course of course i never really got into making anything in it but um i played a bunch of levels of friends way back when got it let's do it good game to play with just online with friends messing around with also yeah that's actually how i started streaming was making levels little planet oh really yeah and i ended up made levels are the tools intuitive uh uh pretty intuitive yeah like it it it took me a little bit to learn but like you can make some really like crazy stuff like in in that game i actually it's it's supposed to be a 2d game but i i ended up making some like the third person shooters and like a 3d platformer oh wow that is really cool we don't have any we don't have any other uh yeah we're just yeah we're out of lives no okay we got to be careful lads oh down i go up all right one down okay playing it really safe i i don't like the way right now keep your homies closed keep your homies close is that what you said yes keep your enemies close i can't what was going on it just fell into the abyss what was that was why why did it fall like that i guess it had to be moving forwards or something so i didn't have a momentum to meet the like i hit it twice oh no you got a circle that way at a higher speed because you gotta fall down oh we needed more speed it's gonna be so hard to do with four people wow this is gonna be rough it's going to be so rough well we all know how coordinated we all are together so let's go we're already strong already it's pretty rough [Music] okay did we forget something last time should we check for it probably probably did we get power-ups remember all right so there's something right there everyone get there you go let's be prepared go off to a great start probably a lot over here i bet there's one right here killed it nice okay we all gotta hop on [Applause] raft where you get one again the other get on the line okay the problem with the fireball is that the same button to pick up is the same button to shoot i made it oh let's try it again i'm gonna get some speed how do you do that oh no why is it just me on this now you trust in you go for it go over it it works got it made it got it i'll i'll just wait here just go down all the way down glad we hit the green star i wasn't sure if we were going yeah i was a little worried about that bit nailed it oh god all right you can't fail now there's got to be one right here yeah i'm just going to where's the power up i'm just taking my time to clear the way if you jump on that block it's going to be yeah really this is the first time in mario history my god first time in mario history it's a secret i thought that was risky ross [Music] the two of us have fire flowers we need to try to clear the way okay you're live my life is in your hands i'm about to die i'll just chuck you no no go right no no no no we can hit the button and then we'll go back no don't double hit it just one just no coach there you go duck again okay i'll hit it oh yeah i got this okay one person hit okay oh no jesus god oh no no no no no no no no oh my god it's impossible so hard with this many people we got this yeah the real enemy is the friends we made along the way oh no i'm sorry i'm sorry i i realized i was gonna die just like wait a minute oh there goes eric are we are we alive i don't know i feel i'm alive in game but i don't know okay no we don't it's still there no no so i think we have it i think i think it tracks it okay so just one person get it okay okay i got it i got it okay okay keep going keep going it's coming for us we gotta should go back okay get it again all right i got it okay okay get ready to jump do what okay so we need to get this momentum we're good okay everybody on the level oh man power speed momentum oh therefore okay left okay does anybody have any okay can someone get that i'm dead i got it okay we're good hold on to your butts hey guys i'm back dude [Applause] dead someone else come back alive please oh my god oh my god oh thank god that was a legitimately hard level with four people it was so difficult [Music] we made it that was my favorite level so far yeah that was wild i think that like they only get more intense like as we go on here there's like there's gonna be like a music time one where it's like a beat block level um that's probably gonna be rough with us all here [Music] we could probably coordinate a uh a win yeah let's do it okay let's go i feel like the addition of channel points as well has just turned every average twitch chatter into a gambling addict like everyone running a prediction the mario ross just hit whatever you want and we'll try and get that each of us okay i'm gonna try to get something big okay okay boomerang for australia boomerang is after the leaf oh i'm so sorry guys i'm so sorry yeah we all know who the weakest link is now all right let's go from the roster someone's saying like blame it on the lag it's like well guys i'm in ireland okay i'm far away one much more i'm amazed by like my connection has been holding up as well as it has yeah it's been fine it's because of the distance oh a leaf i haven't seen one of those yet [Music] oh wow i'll take another mushroom [Music] that excuse does actually work if you're australian i mean it's a fair point but that is true oh we skipped the captain toad level apparently oh did we where is that he's right here [Music] poor toad he feels left out [Music] regret let's track some treasure is that a hammerhead shark it is a hammerhead shark a ribbed hammerhead shark oh no stop that stop that four hours [Music] it's we should get ourselves a more more palatable angle i feel like that's quite literally the worst wherever you could get all right nice because i went down this one you're good oh okay get back back we go back okay you gotta go up here oh okay i'm lost but i'll keep trying we're moving are you guys i'm back at the beginning hey wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait just keep doing your thing i i i'll i'll i'll just uh just sit tight sit tight are we supposed to have we done it wrong no no we're doing it right i think it's just how do we get it touch it touch it touch it maybe touch it push it push it never mind press the button maybe you have to hit a button there's a button up top so turn it around okay oh wait i i i see what we gotta do i'm gonna go we have to fold uh into oh we gotta fall onto that level grass fall onto the grass oh yeah yeah there you go then now go that way get that star and then go into the pipe yeah and then go over that i'm trying not to fall but the camera keeps moving yeah yeah oh you got it you got it yeah there you go and then you're gonna want to fall down and hit the button and then and then you're gonna get that yes there we go and now you can go around we got it we got it twist it don't mess with me and my son ever again you got it it really does look like toad in his son right now they're on an excursion oh [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] someone needs to make fan art of that it's gorgeous that's cute [Music] family photo how cute how do we miss a stamp hud as well if we want to get a free stamp yeah go to the left i think on the left yeah we if you just b line left you should be able to get one there there it is free stamp easy level too good at this level done beautiful wow that's a cute one i actually really love the classic the bold lines and the roundness of like the classic mario like box art is so adorable mario 3 style i feel like yeah yeah it's very pleasing that's a good one i always i always feel like if i play like mario maker and that it's like i haven't experienced most of the games that have styles in that one like i've only ever played the new super mario bros and then the 3d world once but you have an idea um i don't think so i i i huh unless they remade them on like game boy advance or something i remember playing one on that i can't remember which oh game boy advance that would have been lost levels i like i cannot remember for the life of me like i've never played like mario world or like any of those ones oh my god really mario world's like one of the best honest to god it's so good i picked up both of those bags and i'm so sorry there might be one more leaf on the back i'm just going to apologize because i'm definitely going to hit one of you oh my god you just threw it yeah just threw i don't know why i like it but i think it's so cute oh there's a big mushroom oh my god oh my god oh my god oh ladies all in right now big ladies a little bit further than i thought it's like resident evil love how like follow all the attention like that okay about it's like here's her exact height yeah honestly when they made that post i thought they were gonna like cancel something or change something it sounded like they were upset and then it just was very positive we love how everyone's like responded to our character well here's some more information captain toad like here's her shoe size like no the green star it's way back there wait what's this guy doing down here he's running the train oh oh i think that was the stamp yeah i got the stand by me i jump into this bit of the train oh is that frown a pipe maybe is this the toad with a massive head oh i remember her okay so we want to go for the one the pink there we go i mean if we just hit them all like yeah there was four of us you know like she can't see oh well now she can there you go damn easy fight beautiful yeah i appreciate the cat the cat bullet bills and this it's so good did you need to stick cat ears on everything that's the theme for this game just cats this cat cat's the mario game but inspired by the hit musical [Laughter] now a cinematic feature oh god no every time like i see like a gif or even like a scene from that film just like this this shouldn't exist like this is wrong like i feel dirty have you all watched it yeah i've seen it i haven't seen it i couldn't bring myself to do it my stream moderators forced me to watch it how was it has it changed your life forever unfortunately it has for the worse or actually i'd say for the positive right because everything is just better than that it gave you some perspective it's just like at least it can't be cats you know whatever film you see now it's like that was amazing a masterpiece oh god nice by the way do we really have 69 stars right now yes sir oh my god nice i imagine chats having a [ __ ] field day with that information everyone in my chat saying nice she's like practically going to the keyboard what this oh we got a special level what's the numbers mason we know what the circus is in town mobile airship circus dipping all of the stars now or they corked the pipe what can we do we have to make sure not to collect the star here right like that wait what yep this one yeah we'll have to skip the scars are we just not going to get any green stars from this point on is that oh wait there's items over here i think yeah what kind of items oh kitty cat rubs i did not get a kitty cat i've got there you go there we go i just need to transfer twice wait do you need another okay [Laughter] [Applause] oh oh he's cute i like him oh the music for this level is like popping i remember this now and we gotta run oh okay so you jump on the heads to get to his head i accidentally jumped off into the other stuff i lost sight of where i was just reminds me of the the gold saucer from final fantasy 14. just like jumping puzzles there i got him team but it's fantastic i i hadn't played any mmos in a while and i got back into them and playing that game was very very very fun oh just stop so the only one i have experience with is like warcraft and like a little bit of our age yeah we have no lives as well i'm just dead for the fight like have fun guys we'll do our best we can't come back can i climb the chompy one yeah it can't oh i think the champions you can't climb but you have to stand on the plate like got him so are you avoiding green stars now just be aligned to the end of every level wait do we have to touch it to no i think you just go down the pipe i think we can just go down the pipe all right how long are we going to be able to keep this up oh i came back and we got a life how long can we run yo before we were talking about like wow ross is going to have like a lot of progress on the safe hall now he's going to have no more yeah apparently you can't beat the game unless you have 170 stars oh we might need to collect them you can literally never be slowed away that sucks game's ruined my chat is freaking out about the star if i missed the memo i don't know what to do not nice people are saying i hate you now guys please oh god i feel like it would have been less effort to take like just the cork out of the pipe like destroy the entire flying circus yeah we got four people you do i'll pull yeah weiner i'm sorry no don't worry just said something out loud don't you don't need it i'll get this all right fine i'll show you that rock looks like a wiener oh wait wait which the first one oh oh on the one the way back very first one right there oh it's oh nice nice let's just say it's rock hard [Music] thank you for that i got bumped i i can't see this wait i can't see oh right you're right you're down there um okay that does not make sense for sure it makes very strange decisions on who to follow the camera yeah someone way down below i i feel like i've done something wrong because the camera is like mario's leaving me to die yeah there we go there we go up here now we made these what oh bro you gotta make it i'm good i'm good okay we're gonna go let's say long live the king if you didn't approach right now we're actually in cat suits stamp where's the stamp there's the stamp i see it all right let's pop it at it nice we can still collect what's happening it's not the green stars there's i think green stars on the right i think well we'll never know it's a great great question you got there oh god yeah i think there's just dash in here okay that just spawns them i feel like there should be a secret over there yeah there wasn't how are you doing i guess we're just going in we got to make a decision guys do i get it no no he gets we're going to lock ourselves out of the game if we don't grab them true it's okay you just have 169 stars to look forward to now true or i don't know oh i'm gonna just die on the spikes i guess yep ggs not the people that are progressing and the person that's standing on the spikes so much pain okay right maybe oh god i am very dead you're on your own okay i'll do my best this is a great time to go take a i'll be right back i think mario was there anything down there coins i guess wait did we get a green star for that oh we i can't come back as well i'm going to try and get him to the top he might be a while he has to pop his oculus quest on all right i got him there we go literally carrying the team ross isn't here he still made it to the flagpole and eric didn't [Laughter] mario feels bad man oh my god oh we have hit midnight here in ireland like and eric when do you have to go in like 30 minutes when's yours oh yeah about 30 yeah i'm 30. okay yeah we can just keep going i got invited to speed date with the e-girl rejects which is okay who say hello i'll uh i'll um i'll put in your name all right all right so rt games uh you know no it's not like that that sounds wrong well my friends you know he uh it's kind of interesting are you speed dating them like are you the one cycling other people or are they cycling you they're cycling me so i got like a five minute slot oh no wait what are we talking about i just got back what what did you call them oh we're just talking about eric's a hot date later oh you got a date we gotta i got a speed date you gotta speed uh with either minx or casey oh i know minks i played minecraft with her oh my god i think minx is a good team fellow irish streamer we're few far between for all i know there's only two of you so i mean it's not far off the truth there's like there's like i think ten and then like we started yeah after that sean nogla and then the terrorizer thanks uh jack um jerry yeah my friend cake jumper ah and it's like but like the list runs out real [ __ ] fast yeah yeah like i actually can't think of any more like i think there's only been like seven there wait how are we supposed to do this oh we missed we were supposed to jump on them oh we can still do it here uh so what i'm going to need you to do okay yep sure that works exactly what you're supposed to have that's that was that was correct he figured it out we missed the star guys i said kevin i appear to be stuck behind a wall i'm just i'll just sit tight there just hate water but they love fish how do they figure that out oh i agree with you stop there go out there come on stamp here leave me behind go ahead are we beating this today i don't think we are no i don't think we're going to be able to people yeah it's like we have like half an hour left like let's start i mean if you want to continue without me like be my guest i think we're in it for the pure enjoyment of playing just trying not to die like any opportunity to scream people you know you just gotta take it and i'm dead nice got another oh i did get killed though because i got this catapult this poison is brutal it just instantly kills you i'll just be in my safety bubble oh god oh my god we might need a safety bubble soon in case something bad happens to us that sounds like a you problem i'm not gonna let's just go i think we're pretty much done right is there more oh there's more oh this is the flagpole i think we've made no no no now we're the ones oh just luigi it's a sad turnout flag only one of us made it ah godspeed everyone else is just trying not to get killed by the poison what everyone in my chat is saying ask point crow if he has collector's anxiety what is that do you have one what does that mean it's a it's like uh you got coconut mold kind of thing i guess what i don't get it what is what does that mean if it hurts you don't have to tell us it's like it's like a rick roll i guess first youtube video it's like a a tutorial about how to get like special items in breath of the wild that you can only get once and he says collector's anxiety and it it's like the first line do you ever get collector's anxiety in huge world rpgs that's the that's the script like at this point i've memorized it like a year and a half later okay i was wondering why my chat was spamming it and i just i guess i kind of finally wanted we just didn't collect that actually happened in the uh um when we were in the grand poo bears among us whatever thing no what does rt stand for oh no why'd you have to ask unfortunately uh back in the day really tired it meant rumble tumble games um this is a poor decision on 16 year old me's part uh since then it is simply rt and it has no meaning whatsoever but it doesn't stop people from asking constantly we all have those questions that haunt us oh this is the beat black one oh does this one mess up with like the music and stuff i joke no oh no thank you two of us are already dead i'm so sorry it's all right it's all right you know what i'm gonna kick back and have a drink let me just go with the toads this is okay well i guess you can just do that with yourself i i'll just sit tight [Music] i need that star oh you've already okay i'm just gonna sit tight you seem to have this under control you got it it's full focus [Music] how many more toads can we get to join the pack let's just i'll just feed them all to you just how many yeah i require more cash oh it doesn't give me more there's so many i didn't get the toads back down off the wall there we go and a one and a two it's gonna become uh where are those dancers the uh uh the ones that kick uh the can can the yeah yeah those oh my god toad's alive [Music] [Applause] it was a massacre oh no every toad is dead so now the game's easier this is only one person well now you get the game the waves you know like yeah can you actually what do you do is it possible that's got to be possible can you not collide that part welcome to the rest of the stream everybody almost oh okay honestly you're getting there pretty don't give a woman you're really close yeah okay you can't walk you can do it like it's so close i think you can oh i think you need to be a little higher jump off that you maybe you can't we'll jump off that side [Music] oh oh oh oh come on come on come on come on like who's height immediately i don't know no you got this you got this because you can't wall jump off of those thin platforms that's pretty obvious wait oh wait there's a isn't there like a thing now where you can oh like you can mario odyssey dive can you can you yeah they added the oh apparently if you already wall jumped though it didn't give you hide okay oh oh you can like yeah it's like a different kind of twirl you're the cat powerful you're the uh whatever i'll just keep moving i guess if you have bomber the uh this power up it doesn't give you it's yeah it's not worse yeah i think you need more time for sure in case oh jesus [Music] oh good luck dude this is this is getting me like my hands are sweaty now and i'm not even playing this but knees weak come on you're doing amazing have to kill his friend okay wait oh wow everything [Music] i think i got first place on this i think i did pretty well dude great oh we should have given them support with magic hands we have the magic hands oh yeah i would have been good if we got i got all the cherries but sadly we all died yeah so quick very dead okay at least we got 15 more lives it's almost like beneficial to die like it's the most one-ups we ever get yeah doesn't seem to be any other consequence to death yeah at the end of every level we're at less than 15 three of them three three of us just keep dying into it probably for the best honestly everyone off the cliff here we go jess approaches oh and i'm dead again isn't this connie's pants he's here he's alive he's with us is there something over here yeah there is i think there we go nice nice we take those it's like so difficult to move sometimes like you move in one of eight directions like there's no in between at all it's only like is there no in-between i don't think so no it feels like there is they're like very slight when you turn but then it locks maybe if you're sprinting it's okay more in between no because i'm doing that like code oh oh god you're alive oh and i'm dead my god nope stick with us goodbye we lost so many lives yeah oh my god i am [Applause] there's definitely something up here right it's gotta be oh do we have cat power out do we oh we could probably someone bounce on and i found it oh jump on my head i'll toss you all right i'll toss ya come on come on oh my god why is he keep putting me off the edge of the flame i'll grab no okay okay you turn the camera at all no no what is wrong with the camera right now i can't welcome 3d world i can't i'm trying to get to you guys but yeah i'll see you all right there can you get that look i don't know if we had the cat power off we could check oh god i fell again oh i've also fallen again and injured myself we're taking care of these guys all right eight lives now we've wasted yeah we're doing we're doing great i'm sorry i thought i didn't want to figure out better right like i died put down the what is happening it's like a countdown of new year's going on my god happy new year it's like acceleration like 10 9876 okay honestly don't i wouldn't get the flagpole i would just say that like we kill three of us until so we get fifteen oh well we already got it do it we made it all right two lives yeah terrible oh it's grim got at least we got the stamp you're right wow that really matters oh girl she's got a crown on her crown now oh god she crosses as big as her head that's the crown under it yeah we should probably die at the beginning of this level intentionally probably intentionally well so we get all 15 lives back because we're about to do a bonus or we could gamble [Music] yeah as long as one person survives 100 seconds 500 i feel like we're gonna be fine wait then i'll have to give up my crown give up the crown i gave up the crown that's good for glory i gave up my crown for absolutely nothing for literally nothing for literally nothing literally good job absolutely nothing thanks guys appreciate that i need it oh my god wow oh we're doing it it's okay we can gamble in a moment get our free stamp complimentary stamp for this already we'll be there soon we'll be there soon we just want our stand oh that's cute i want a 2d animated mario game that looks like that paper no like like fully animated like like not like paper cut animation like a fully 2d paper a two like a 2d animated just legitimately like cartoon style like very well animated would look amazing i'm surprised there hasn't been like a modern take on a mario cartoon like i know there's like the ancient one they're doing one right now aren't they like the universal's doing it that's the theme park isn't it no they're doing a mario movie no no yeah there was i'm pretty sure that like universal illumination is doing it yeah yeah illumination is doing the mario movie the same minions yeah it came out in 2018. mario two young footballers developed chemistry both on and off as they attempt to hide they're blasting a relationship it's mario and luigi yeah yeah they they created the uh all the power-ups in their like with a chemistry set yeah wow um cool mario makes drugs oh does that mean and this guy's this is a wiener oh this is all just 1 000. no dude this was like an old thing like way back when people were posting pictures of this saying this was a pee pee oh look it says pee pee it's a penis it's a piece they just straight up a pee pee that's this is the legendary pee pee they they had pictures of us all over the internet i remember back in the day i remember seeing pictures of that thing everywhere i hope they didn't want to change it yeah yeah i'm surprised they didn't change it to make it less like layton phallic yeah yeah it literally says peepee at the bottom it's marvelous they had to know they had to know what they were doing there there's no way perhaps it's like there's like there's um a pokemon double battle and like i think heart gold yes like i know the way yes and uh pokemon team is like an honest and cloister yeah that's right yeah i remember this yeah it's all right i'll hold the goombas in place thank you go magic drastically look at him go pet those goomba wait you can actually actually works wow that's really useful wait there's something here oh oh secret is there something above it no good job mario good job wow big climb you can't climb any further hang on oh yes the lag yeah better network code than mario maker it actually hasn't been like that bad i thought it would be much worse yeah it's it's playable 100 for sure [Music] okay who we got this time all right i'll pet the boss oh i'll pet the boss just keep them stunned in place just give them the attention you need you got this it's not doing anything never mind i'll give you guys more support oh wait maybe it maybe it is doing something all right can i take this oh no oh god i lost that ball he's got lava arms angry look at him go like he's just going to keep petting him he's actually kind of cute yeah he's cute i like him waggling his arms like i'm gonna get you i'm gonna roll you boom got him the crown froze him the ground oh no wait let's see why is the cat over there i have no idea how do i get the boulders i don't want to beat this jump on them and then you press y on them i i think i've had to jump on them it's all up to you how do i believe in you let's get some more hands in here we moderately need to handle the rubbing let's get some hands completely and i picked this up right oh my god oh i was close they did it you were you were moments away from being crushed to death i was apparently good job wow i just want to i just want to thank uh you know the academy i want to thank uh everyone who believed in me and uh i feel like it's been leaning all up to this moment impressive look at this nicely done look at this guys you actually get the flagpole nothing to stop him nothing can stop me now i'm finally here but the game disconnects i did it nice it's the lowest possible point [Music] someone pulled their legs which i swear oh god oh jesus i'm proud of you we're proud of you yeah good job look at you came coming first number one number one we must sound so patronized right now he's like good job eric you're doing amazing good job you've done it finally gold star i'm proud of you that play you saved the jar lady i mean they're in jars right and she's lighty [Music] the jar wrench lady here's our 15 lives as well i think we've still got gambling if we want to hop back where's that let's do it all right i mean all right uh yeah if you want to dude it wasn't there it wasn't there it was oh yeah oh wait we didn't do this one oh we skipped skipped a level oh we skipped a level should we do it yeah why not yeah yeah we'll stay gambling for later yeah that's cool of course we'll get our fix soon getting again sorry to get a better answer you haven't gambled in a while do you have any uh gambling [Music] i like [Music] i feel so bad for peach getting a concussion these are trying to make it up very bouncy oh it's hard to get these it's really hard to see where the coins are we got it we're all around okay it's like the bounce pads combined with like the motion oh my god before the camera just whipping around yeah the cameras oh my god you gave me like a huge i think i'm going to be sick oh this is so hard the camera is time that's good oh my god i'm up everyone just dropped that you can get it over to me okay so you bring him up these guys over here and then yeah with the yeah i can also carry this can i jump off of what you're carrying is that yes you can probably yeah oh it came back to life woke up go back to sleep go to anything over here also you need the trapezoid for here do you see anything up there i think i like did i get it i can't i don't know did you i don't know i don't know okay so we didn't get it then i went over it i guess oh i'd like just yeah just where i got it i got it you got it i think so there we go oh into the box [Music] oh there we go here we go is anyone up move it move it closer oh the ledge is going oh no oh this is so oh i'm really gonna be sick oh this is horrible i hate it a bit bouncy quickly the the platform's moving oh it's just leaving it's just leaving perception [Music] oh this is the jesus christ there's a one-up because god knows we'll need it yeah how's everyone holding them sounds like exhausted like a bit defeated it's like quiet is gambling through here it's up it's up into the right but what's this that is it's okay i know a little longer without gambling for a little longer should we do this yeah i got like uh i have to go in like five so okay probably have time for the mystery house we'll do this and gambling oh [Music] got it [Music] was there i was about to jump over there oh my god oh god oh it was a good life oh i just did everyone oh let's go just gotta go quick there's a lot of little mini games i don't like it i'm sorry just jump just jump did i just did you no oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry oh no oh no excuse how many times are you just like just not quite god i'm just gonna go under i'm just gonna go oh my gosh [Music] [Laughter] let's go no i didn't make it i'm dead i did it i got it okay two more hey guys [Music] i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i didn't mean to pick you up i'm sorry i'm sorry oh no oh no oh no the worst thing to come out of a bubble oh oh oh there we go we got it we got it at least everyone who matters got it you know so we're good yeah he got 600. you got like all of them all right let's find the i see the gambling way way over there i i also see the gambling that gave us a lot of stars it wouldn't go loaded oh my god jesus thank you chad for pointing out that i have sweaty pits mario's very hard oh my god this is a real gamer game all right like forget your call of duty's and your fortnites the crew gamers play mario all right all right i'll go first yep all right i'm gonna give you a lucky test free skill here okay it looks like the what the fire flower is before the so it's cat flower and then that [ __ ] all right i'm so sorry [Music] i bet my house on this someone says in my chat i'm 40 grand in the hole all the way down all of my life savings i spent i can't afford to be with my kids anymore my second mortgage my wife is gonna be pissed which is about this oh my god oh no all right uh yeah you wanted to say something one last thing before eric leaves can we try to jump all at the same time on go oh three two one go perfect perfect perfect down the team wow see the coordination there beautiful together all right thank you guys so much for for this this is fun yeah yeah that's good that's great crack like thank you so much lads for coming on tonight absolute class oh my goodness uh even if you're not playing this together um again we should hop on for like some vr drinks or something oh yeah man just hit me up dm me i'll hook that up that'd be great hell yeah get together have a few points absolutely all right goodbye have a good one guys oh oh i think you got away oh he's doing it i'm i'm not doing that who's controlling i don't know it's that's not me is that eric yeah he just ended it he just paused the game and it's just like i'm going to leave you is here oh there we go there he goes there we go okay i'll probably end up calling today here too actually yeah i think i might too yeah i think i thought i'm gonna hop out for the night it's close to like 1am here oh my goodness they're not fair enough talk to you guys all the best yeah take care guys have a good one peace there we go uh how's it going folks hang on oh did you just enjoy the stream how y'all doing and thank you so much spell at point chrome and ross all joining tonight that was so much fun it was kind of mad to get us all together like that i do hope people enjoyed this it was a great stream i'm glad gents thank you for the five gift subs a few minutes ago too thank you i think he was over to all the subs and the bits that came in during the night too gamers thanks for 500 bits there uh i'm going to be back come tomorrow uh and we are going to be doing more 3d world uh i'm probably gonna catch up a little bit in my off time and just get some of the earlier levels completed just by myself so we don't have to do all the levels again um because honestly i feel i'm probably just gonna be up a while anyway tonight i might as well play more but i won't go past world four i won't do anything that we haven't done already i just got on well that that seems like a you problem i don't know what to say uh no thank you for coming though folks well about this is fury i'll do mazes fury at some point um i i maybe maybe we could start with that i guess i'll do like actually i kind of want to press on with the world maybe we beat the base game and then we'll do bowser's fury or something i'm not sure i want i want to try finish this game this weekend if i can be 3d first in fury after yeah maybe that's just the best way to do it i'll do more of 3d world first at least the base game of it because the extra worlds can go on quite a bit because there's actually a lot of them so we'll we'll do it that way and then we'll check out uh some of the extra stuff are you starting the stream we're ending it uh i'm ending the stream currently uh we're just having the sub credits roll like it was ever everyone had sub tonight i do hope you has enjoyed it uh for the raid oh see you luigi uh for the raid let me see who am i gonna leave you in the care of uh you know what i cuz like crow is still streaming i'm gonna just leave you in his care uh go wish him luck on his date uh and i will see you all tomorrow have a good one guys take care you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 38,312
Rating: 4.9357233 out of 5
Keywords: 911530788, rtgamecrowd, Mario is a catboi now ft. PointCrow, Smallant & RubberRoss, Just Chatting, Super Mario 3D World Bowser's Fury, Super Mario 3D World, Twitch, Gaming, Mario, is, catboi, now, ft., PointCrow, Smallant, RubberRoss, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips
Id: Y8jjg_eFWH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 36sec (12156 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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