RTGame Archive: Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hello how's it going folks can you hear me okay hello hello we'll just uh pop over here no camera today but you can stare into the depths of your own souls and regress what you have become by which i mean you can see twitch shot on the screen how's it going folks you all very welcome to the stream uh this is not uh the the marathon game i was originally planning to play um because i know i was hyping that up yesterday uh i'm gonna be hopefully starting that tomorrow instead um this is a game that was suggested to me via the suggestion box on discord and it just had such a wonderfully unique title that i couldn't help but be interested um i want to dive on into this a show we're playing today we're playing turnip boy commits tax evasion [Music] this just came out today apparently i don't know anything about this game other than that that has to be one of the best names for a game i've ever seen and i'm so curious um so we're gonna play i assume this is turnip boy the irs might be the final boss in this game at least i'm hoping let's go tax bill yo a ton of property tax for your greenhouse you have until like yesterday to pay it failure to pay will give mayor onion the d to your house i owe 143 thousand dollars oh that's that's quite steep uh let me just rip up the bill yeah sure boy turner boy you really screwed yourself huh what do you mean what you committed tax evasion huh yes tax evasion is a real thing audio-wise hang on i'm gonna just turn it down a little this is one of those games where if you tab out it stops time that better audio was that's the game the game's done is that better okay let's keep going anyways you owe me a lot of money and you obviously have none so consider yourself my personal assistant first head over to the bustling barn true layer lane i'm gonna set up a town hall there there's a bunch of animals i need someone to take care of but am i gonna have to bring me a bag sorry bring me back a bag of fertilizer as proof or you'll be sleeping with the rotten am i going to kill a bunch of like vegetable villagers oh welcome to veggieville have no items sad face i can press a to trip why why is that an ability uh [Music] okay uh west is to layer lane how's it going sir ever since that freaking mayor onion took over this town has been a mess i mean look at this pad it's absolutely overgrown like you would need a heck and sword to get through this mess here you can get one in the weapons woods though apparently i can't talk how you doing crying crying hello stunned silence have you met my little cat apple munchkins aren't they so woo actually my little red munchkin ran away if you could keep an eye out for it that would be perfect equals three looks like colon three [ __ ] get the sword oh no cursed [Music] hi a blueberry what your turnip goodbye i love it [Music] hello there tb oh these flowers yeah i'm not really sure where they come from but they're pretty nonetheless we got to go to weapon woods i found this the watering can uses to grow plants used to be old man lemons [Music] i can grow stuff oh chap have you seen my watering can no my eyes are what they used to be i haven't seen it for days my watering can means so much to me i really hope no one stole it it's the only thing i have left from the old lady oh okay so i can water stuff this way flower token of affection from the flowers to the strawberry thanks for growing that flour make sure to bring it over that special strawberry i don't want any of these other folk getting the wrong idea let's give it to the strawberry earn a boy thanks for the flower i don't feel the same i'm sorry what it's not from you oh thank the mushrooms bar scent is my way how sweet of her you think you can take this letter over to her for for me dear flores thank you for the pretty flower would you like to go on a date someday we could even get married and to pay our taxes together i mean that's the dream right there why is rip it up an option i what does that accomplish well that was rude excuse me runabakka adolescent please step away from the premises this is an irs operation we need to secure the area before you pass through it it's just straight up the irs oh my god they're here we got our eyes on you [Music] oh god are we gonna get the kill the irs in this game [Music] korea and yum thank you for 100 bits each i give everyone a sub too thank you for the hype train there's a lot of subs off the bat rt no the irs will come for your ass they'll never find me watch out for the snails they're vegetarians oh no don't touch the snails because apparently they'll murder us bro you ain't gonna believe this jerry has been crashed at my place for a week and he hasn't paid a cent of rent we're on good terms bro i just don't i don't speak so much snail i don't really know what to do about it bro they do straight up hurt you all i've got is a watering can let me get a sword and see if i can kill him soil sword patch ahead bring a watering can carrot here oh heck i lost the baby oh no i told the babysit a little carrot i sat over him it's adam oh sat over him with this stool but he escaped my sight maybe the stool needs to sit on me either way can you keep your eye holes peeled i swear that's how that phrase goes um okay we lost a baby carrot in the woods want it for taxes let's just rip that up they don't need to know i got my trip that's my dash still and use that to dodge the snails to better effect as long as i don't bundle it annie are you turnip boy i'm traveling around the farmland and exploring the forest around and i found something cool up ahead is a rare plantitious sordicus you have a second check it out let's go thirsty plant patch someone please water this boy give me that soil sword dangerous to grow alone take this okay got that and then use that to grow plants all right moving up in the world i can cut bushes now and i can hopefully kill jerry the snail [Music] can i fight these snails yes i can what what did i burp let me get let me get jerry off here you found rent money jerry was going to pay his rent oh he was just slow to pay his rent bro why did you kill jerry turn it boy what have you done he was defenseless why oh no oh wait he had his red money cool beans bro uh since he's dead take his check for the remainder i need that cash [Music] pay to the order of jerry snail 1.25 out of 100 in tax memo sorry you dead from the blueberry for some reason we get to rip up everything we're a menace to society and just proper documentation felony count too i kill this like neighbor no i can't graffiti guy what's up dude got any spray paint i mentioned the vandalized public property you feel he need he needs spray paint kitten masks end his career anonymous thank you for the 100 bits there taxes are optional uh sleazy thanks 400 bits can't let the irs take my bits so you have them it's a tax write-off thank you okay veggieville um i've got my sword going to the woods here now kill chad and ron only i can kill child i can kill the vegetables and kill snails though we need a haircut desperately oh but who the great edgar best fiber in all veggieville am i kidding no famous client of mine wants me the great edgar to dye the hair but at last i do not have to die to do it obviously this client is higher priority than your dumb hair i urge you to come back another day this is layer lane real estate agent sold me this studio apartment it's smaller than most and more expensive hoping the alleyway cedar he probably full of creative juices i guess this is an apartment if you live in like yo veggieville this is like their homes [Music] oh hi there are you looking to purchase some real estate oh turnip boy i'm sorry with that i hope you get your greenhouse back soon it's so busy lately mayor onion has been trying to raise property tax it's been really hard to find new clients you got to kill mayor onion trust me you don't want to go down this alleyway there's some shady stuff down there trust me boyle store here welcome to whey sandwich home of the tear tree sub can i take your order that a twitch reference oh you don't want anything figures business has just been really slow i wish i could get someone famous to eat our subs on say a live stream this guy really matters [Music] i feel like i'm being watched that would really bring in the business they know oh no okay let's go further north it's the caterpillar cake gang again okay what do we got coffee breaks am i right kiddo is this an act of construct this is an active construction site scram why am i not working i'm on break no brother i work here see here's the documents to prove it why am i ripping up every document wait so mayor onion turnip boy's house rigsby farm new york uh grass is nice recipient name is construction bee uh rigsby farm new york they think grass is cool account number is 420. [Music] uh pay taxes of course he's given a lot of credit card information here i hope this isn't someone's credentials 110 dollars and 24 cents like the social security number is there i hope they don't need that well kiddo you outplayed me up one however an exterminator to get rid of unwanted livestock i can do that found this trophy reward the player so they stay engaged [Music] this is one of those meta commentary games isn't it [Music] hey hello turnip over here [Music] i have short-term memory loss i'm just trying to get to veggieville please tell me where i am oh thank you i now know where i am if i talk to him it's gonna repeat the course of this oh no okay uh let's clear out the warehouse bustle and burn sup gamer i'm mayor onion's assistant but you can call me by my gamer tag slay queen 32. i'm the best fork fight player in fork fork fight player in veggieville i will tell you to check out my streams but i haven't been able to go live since the pigs in there make so much noise oh you want to get into the bustle and baron well i have some bad news access is exclusive to my true fans that give me tear tree subs this is all it's all just twitch it's all just like everyone's here as a [ __ ] streamer i feel like by virtue of playing this game i'm promoting my channel subconsciously people want to give the tear tree subs now do it do it subscribe no it wouldn't be fair to let you in for free be sure to like and subscribe though okay wait so i so i i need a tear tree sub to slay queen otherwise i can't get into the barn okay so i i need to get a twitch subscription to that channel so i can proceed okay he needs coffee breaks um where else can i go [Music] i don't know where else i'm supposed to go that [Music] we have we have like there's quite a chain of events here that we need to fulfill maybe can i buy the sandwich from here oh it's you again wait slay queen 32 wants a tear tree sub that's my favorite twitch.tv streamer yes here it's on the house just make sure she eats it on stream so i can get that clout i found this a tear tree sub it's a fun fact right the bitter moats that we still have on the channel are actually our subway sandwich emotes and it's based on a very old joke on this channel where it was like that we want literal sub emotes we have to retire like the base emotes of like the subway sandwich but the bitter moats still are the [ __ ] sandwich you don't have to do it i think you can check it without actually doing it but this hits close to home i so want a sub sandwich now [Music] okay here you go slayer queen or slay queen oh turn it boy thanks for the tear tree sub as the tear tree sub you get access to the bustle and baron as well as my autograph here you go now if only someone will do something about all those pigs making noise i miss being able to actually stream thanks for the tear tree sub turnip boy be sure to pay your taxes next time silly okay let's rip it up achieving unlocked simp oh no uh crude oil and spar thank you for the 100 bits upset goat thanks for 200 bits falcon thank you for 100 yeah we need to clear out the barn warning active bloom boom bloom sight water twice at your own risk the trophy is equippable apparently that's a weapon how do i okay i guess that just explodes is it possible to pick that up you fight off the worm trophy is not equippable it's part of your inventory oh okay yeah so it's just there gotcha don't know if there's gonna be anything for clearing the grass i found this the boom boots use these to kick boom blooms run into them to send them flying vote mayor onion vote okay all right campaign mayor onion's office how to do your taxes get rid of that too taxes will not be completed on this stream a broke crown thanks for the tier tree twitch subscription appreciate it it worked it worked they did it hey turn it boy just taking a break after a pig kicked me in the roots i'm okay i just so hope someone gets rid of those things soon anyways i heard you find some boom boots you can use those the kick boom blooms yes just last one grow and then run into it uh okay so use the watering can and you just give it a kick like that okay get the key the hell is this game well it's onion boy commits tax evasion clearly i can't figure out how to get through here and again i hear a ton of oinks through the door so i'm also not trying too hard and this place is a dump i get why we need a town hall but why do we have to pick the place overrun with gross animals me just destroy that go through here oh there's a pig just stab it we'll kill the chickens too they didn't they look pretty peaceful um but you know they could get aggressive we don't know oh it's turnip boy you uncultured sweat sorry onion mare turnip boy different game series dad no chive gentlemen oh hello oh finally i knew that's in the search party the crew must have been worried i've been stuck here for three days no food no water no coffee breaks oh thank you adventurer be careful there's a dangerous pig through this doorway this a boss king pig he ate a ton of fertilizer oh okay we gotta actually line them up with the flowers and not get ourselves killed immediately very badly injured go turn it it boy explodes into rashers wait what is this heart fruit this fruit gives you another heart nifty ah i love the like art for this it's so cute a fertilizer makes things grow like crazy why does mayor onion want this what is mayor what is fertilizer in this world too because it's just like ground your ground up neighbors that seems kind of messed up field log one seems that those who consume fertilizer display mysterious properties such as rapid growth it's just drugs over here you doing anything no i need some wood and i know a dealer you grab it for me oh speaking of drugs head down layer lane should be in the alleyway near that sandwich shop thanks kiddo i owe you the wood dealer and this place looks confusing i think the mushrooms he did our work for us make our way back thank you peace and quiet turn it boy you did this thank you for your efforts i crowned you a sleigh king 32 oh [ __ ] you've been crown slaying achievement unlocked hat wearer heads up you can view and equip all your hats in the pause menu it documents the rip tax bill strawberry's love letter wanna poster jerry's check oh it's just a checklist of everything you have to destroy you can put a crown on you know they used to call me the turnip king oh no i won't finish that okay we gotta go in here and get the wood and we also have to return the fertilizer to mayor onion hey dude you picking up for the beat all right here you go just remember you never saw me what the is this illegal [Music] oh no we got the good stuff let's blow up some of these there's something in that middle patch the blueberry definitely vapes what we got art fruit found another one what's this carrot doing hasn't your mother ever told you not to talk to strangers okay not very friendly carrot let's go drop back the wood i don't know if it's faster to do the trick or just walk i feel like it's faster than just walk okay let's go make the drug delivery thanks kiddo i appreciate it here take this extra hard hat we got tons of these things safety first another hat unlocked [Music] that deadbeat couldn't even get the wood himself shaking my head i think that's the joke i think [Music] okay let's take the fertilizer back uh we need to use the sword is this trophy just gonna does that trophy do anything yeah here you go mayor onion glad those animals are out of the picture this fertilizer will come in handy too all right so your next task is my assistant is to get me a four pronged spear in ancient times it was known as a fork assistants don't ask questions word in the grapevine is that there's one in the forsaken farmhouse that's supposedly south from here i've heard horror stories about a bunch of moldy sweets in that place you're no place to complain so get me my fork [Music] forsaken farmhouse it's the rocky ramp like to learn new dances and post them to flip flop sometimes i will even do karaoke oh no hi there i'm a teacher from a nearby patch nice to meet you i would love to stop to talk i have to attend to my class we're on a field trip right now place is pretty cool this is interesting cave i want to have the kids check out later the book down there accidentally dabbed into holly's phone while we were recording for flip-flop and it fell off the cliff oops it's for the best haley you don't deserve the phone this is the worst day ever i dropped my phone down the cliff no idea what to do whoa there whoa whoa there official flavor town pd business oh my mush you're adorable your little leaves and everything what do you need a little guy what's up i don't know about that dude i can't just let you in here there's a procedure here my partner sneaked the peek when i went to the restroom you won't tell me what he saw so even i don't know what he's what's back there little guy sorry little guy i'm the wrong guy to ask her leave my partner biff tell you what's in there you can tell me right after back it up back it up yes jose this is part of rocky ramp is now under flavor town pd's jurisdiction state your business oh wise guys huh cute tricks won't work on me this little button eyes and those stubby little legs oh my mush you're adorable a tough guy being cute is only half the battle now you got the eye of ella tiger but come back when you've got the heart of an artichoke and the thrill of the fight i don't know ask buddy they're just gonna redirect me to talk to each other it's not helpful how do you do their adventure i'm doing pretty darn fine myself if you ask me just here watching these lovely snails i'm the local snail watcher as you must know these are an endangered species us veggies and fruit gotta make sure we don't destroy their ecosystem we should be coexistent i'm gonna kill every snail in the stone and the goldfish little's known about many about how many fish are in this pond but it seems we can only observe one at a time like carrots living in peace here we're gonna make the snails go extinct that is the plan they are vegetarians so you know he doesn't seem to have noticed turnip boy working on that debt huh you should have really been on top of that i've always run around always on my a game you know you'll get there anyways you can't go this way you've got important business to conduct yeah they're still extracting taxes there [ __ ] you come into the carrot patch we lived pretty far from town it's scary to go over there so we just vibe here just swaying back and forth as one does did you see the weird orange thing yeah there was a small orange thing that came here kind of looked at us but it was really small weird right don't worry you're safe here this weird thing that came here i took care of it what do you mean how i chucked it in the trash oh no this is that little oh there's a thing there it's a receipt more money more work they bought carrot seeds it pay tax let's rip it up it was the fish i didn't kill the fish but the view from that deck would be amazing too bad the stairs are broken maybe we could use a stool to get up there someone else had the stool didn't they the the carrot looking for their baby you like my specifically place box collection they're totally not here to keep you in the level or anything that would be wacky game design what the [ __ ] huh is that that a reference is that a jojo's reference oh no nowhere is safe nowhere is safe i can't go there at the mo i believe i can water this can't go there yet was there something else i missed over here oh the trash can wasn't it you found the last carrot baby the babysitter must be looking for this lad why is it in the bin put it back all right let me just kill the endangered snails he really doesn't say anything okay bring the baby carrot back [Music] it's a trash baby [Music] someone didn't want to pay child support evidently yeah was it up here no it was off it was up to the right wasn't it it's over this way kill all the snails this guy's still more than the loss of jerry nails are weird huh i didn't buy some chips like cash though they're pretty good not gonna lie just enjoy himself oh other way okay here's your baby you found him thank you so much take my stool like literally the only thing i own can't get away this time if he's on my head you got a stool will be used to climb on the decks a very specific purpose hop on back [Music] no other uses it doesn't seem it's head back down so we can continue to evade taxes poop joke here's my stool sample make our way back stool has been placed forsaken farmhouse can i read that book dear diary mom and dad grounded me for breaking the front window matt was the one who did it i ain't no snitch but i wish he fessed up oh god the sweets in here my sword is very slow donut is shooting sprinkles at me is that a face mask stay six feet away can i put that on no i might need that for later [Music] uh let's take the watering can then do i kick this into it no that just kind of destroys the watermelon i think i might need something else to push that oh [Music] okay let's try that again do you just scared me more than anything push that up explode the door the idle icebox attention it's an olive guard drop and give me 20 for your crimes that door took two years to fortify cadet how could a rookie like you blow it up that was amazing it must be some type of super turnip to break through our defenses can i have your the autograph bar in here hold your horses there partner did you really just destroy your fortifications well you better be willing to help out to cover the costs go over yonder to the mission board some folks got work that needs to get done come back after i'll get you set up with a key keep some areas locked down to keep the rotten away go check out the mission board for what to do next make sure to report back to dev after checking it out is it here where the mission board is i'm just trying to rip stuff up i thought it's a debbie cake okay i don't think we have those here the secret stash of brownies have hidden in the ice box matt keeps eating all of them this is the only place he can't find them low oh there's sunny i thought that the newcomer might be my son but a new face is definitely a sight for sore eyes i don't think i'll ever be able to leave this ice box i hope someday i'll get to see my son again dj sizzle yo yo sizzle me dizzle fizzle yo yeah feel give it up for dj sizzle carly it was only two seconds i turned away for two seconds of my baby sister wandered off supposed to be the adult here after the rot took our parents i've been taking care of the family now my little sister is gone wait you'll help thank you so much please hurry i've heard the cupcake monsters really like the feast on cherries oh i wish i could leave this lame icebox there's like nothing to do here i used to make games my laptop but i wasn't able to i wasn't able to withstand the cold okay though i still have my old chessboard little down chunks of ice for the pieces if you want to play sometime apply them in chests that's okay [Music] it's a bean go go hello plevie understandably or perplexed by eloquent phrases do not be alarmed the others are merely imbeciles i hope to take over this forsaken icebox if it's the last thing i do alas i'll need legs however and maybe arms hmm he's plotting hello there hot stuff those leaves on top of your head are buff say it cutie could you pick me up pick up some medical supplies from me and he bandages medicine and a mask he can handle it we need to get supplies for like everyone who's this guy hey kid yeah you turn up head don't be alarmed i too can hold weapons with no hands that's how i know you have mafia blood are you related to don turnip chino if you are you're lucky i'm in this jar if i weren't you'd be sleeping with the rotten that mobster family decided to step in our turf who do they think they are holding their meetings that stupid greenhouse the greenhouse is where i live though am i part of the mob oh jeez i wish i could guard the main door seems like everything cool happens over there like so we'll just burst through the door that's so cool maybe i'm just not good enough of a guard explains what i have me at the prison feel like a good guard i wish they could give me a shot on that poor olive guard okay uh i think i need to get more stuff then outside of outside of the icebox [Music] have a look about liam thank you for the five quid congrats on the shiny enter that's that's good to hear the bandage over here that an adhesive medical strip okay can i get the boarded up window it doesn't do anything oh you missed the mission board let me go back hang on there it is okay supplies need it we need medical supplies reports of them in the house go get them global warming our camp is warming up we think it's because the generator is down help and there's a missing child round red black soulless eye says help a lot okay let's help with global warming you're giving me a key it's right on the foot you need to start up a generator give me give me your key as well no apparently not uh i can go through here i think medicine they child proof the cap nice this guy just holds you i think i have everything for the nurse now my knight in shining armor oh thank you darling here's a key sugar darling come and see me if you need some healing winky face [Music] berry flavored kiss should heal you right up what does that translate as [Music] okay well we've done a mission give me your key can i kill the fire i just i don't think so did anyone see the um was there anything else in this ice box or the freezer maybe i can go down the path somewhere see this is the only other way oh i got the other key from the lollipop you're right we're good let me just uh be very cheeky here this is a donut with sprinkles i don't fancy my chances go in there the move mittens use these to push move melons wait do you have hands i don't think so dear diary mom got me some of the new mittens that look like slices of watermelon at the flea market today oh so we can use it do that [Music] this is all so we don't have to pay taxes it all relates back somehow you need the money i need a hundred and forty three thousand dollars quite specific wait the people said that was there a door in here and there was people kept saying that there was a locked one in the freezer i didn't see it you can move the melons now so i can go down here okay pick that oh oh there's there's the kid charlie's looking for you diary auntie omg i got zach dream to sign my giga sword poster i'm literally going to die may they rest in peace selective service system order to report for induction the president of the united states to matthew rigsby sir you're hereby notified that you you were on the 15th day of april 2020 legally drafted in the service of the united states for the period of 30 years you will accordingly report on april 20th 2020 to the armed force induction station regards alan c president of the united states let's just got the achievement draft dodger for that one i take the sword that's a poster okay let's return the cherry child like the mushrooms my little sister is all right thanks for getting her back safely here's the key for your troubles okay so there's a locked door back this way the army telegram the rigsby family we deeply regret to inform you that captain matthew rigsby has been missing an action since july 15 2020. upon receipt of further information in this office you'll be advised immediately verifying the whereabouts of captain matthew rigsby oh no why are we ripping this up still oh oh rotten cat apple oh gosh uh i think i need to plug some of the holes let me get some more spawning worms oh got him gonna win another bomb just explode in our face hope for the best why does he just spin is that hurting them i gotta get more melon blocks he's just hurting himself can't do like a diagonal on him he keeps landing in the same spot fight off some of the worms he's too powerful oh come on there we go there we go we get those real quick water not quite kind of dash so he just needs one more there we go cat apple is defeated and we get the last cat apple for it cranks little red munchkin oh that's back at the start here's another heart fruit i'm gonna assume the generators back here somewhere too field vlog three big machine goes burr okay and some spray paint paint but sprayable generator is on you can press x quickly uh to switch between the watering can and the sword i know you can just like hold it trying to tap it but it's not working oh hello are you turner boy there's a nice study in this place but i'm going to take my notes back to my research lab in a bit side note did you see the pickled gang in the ice idle ice box they're notorious gang around these parts i'm surprised i haven't enlisted anyone to help them break out yet please don't help them turn up boy i'm gonna help him i have to are you oh you're a piece of pasta what the heck did you just freaking say about me a little turnip i'll have you know i graduated top of my class in the pasta seals i've been involved in numerous secret raids on the barn i have over 300 confirmed kills i am trained in guerrilla warfare and i'm the top sniper in the entire pass to armed forces you are nothing to me but just another target i will wipe you the freak out with the precision of the likes of which has never been seen before on this earth mark my freaking words you think you can get away with saying that crap to me over the grapevine think again turnip as we speak i'm contacting my secret network of spies across the farmland and your leaves are being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm maggot the storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life you're freaking dead kid i can be anywhere anytime and i can kill you in over 700 ways and that's just what my bare hands not only am i extensively trained to know i'm combat but i've accessed the entire arsenal of the past of corpse and i will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the continent you little crap only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever comment was about to bring down upon you maybe you would have held your freaking tongue but you couldn't you didn't and now you're paying for the price you dang idiot i will crack fury all over you and you will drown in it you're freaking dead kiddo i guess you could say that was a copy [Music] [Applause] pasta oh god darren tooten you stare at the generator well i can't stay mad at you after that this ain't much but it's what we got oh here's the fork this is what we need it you can leave now partner we appreciate your help we don't take care of the outsiders bless your heart i need to free the pickle mafia turnip head he's been carrying out missions for the folks around here mind helping an old family friend out me and the boys are trying to break out of here i need you to get me something to break this class maybe a hammer of sorts have a guy who'll meet you in the alleyway over at layer lane shady type you can't miss him do this for me and i'll consider our family history water under the bridge okay i got so i gotta help the pickle mafia i think this guy i think he needs arms and legs get him out i don't think they have anything new to say that okay continue on our way uh back out of the farmhouse we have we have a few new bits to drop off it's one is he ever going to do anything there's a specific box collection there's goldfish there but i don't know what we're gonna have to do with that yet uh graffiti i can give that back to someone too what is this game about um we'll see the name of the game it's kind of self-explanatory okay let me let me drop off the graffiti there was a guy up here there's the carrots [Music] thanks dude take this come back later if you want to see my work i gotta get into the zone you got a heart fruit neat i come back later i can see his work so like that graffiti guy he's having fun fellaini counter five and this is supposed to be like where you find the master sword [Music] um so i need to take the fork back i also have to meet up with uh someone to help the pickle guy escape uh spell thank you for the 10 gift subs thank you very much very generous of you here's mayor onion that four-prong sphere will come in handy all according to plan anyways annie has been telling me about this goop with strange properties over in the forgotten forest i want it no you can't eat it go get me some of that goop i don't care what you have to do to get it i don't i don't like the mayor he seems very shady oh you were looking for a cat my little apple munchkin i found this thing called manga in the forest and tried to replicate the art style i hope you like it i may be old but i can still draw some hecking cuties turnip chad rip it up achieve an unlocked waifu oh no is it is it going to be this blueberry for all the shady deals oh they keep an eye out for the irs it's the carrot this time you open the pickled gang break out and you seem a bit young for this but hey i don't make the rules just slide this through the top of their jar and they can handle it from there okay we gotta help the pickle gang out [Music] uh we didn't get anything else to help people did we [Music] oh here's a copy of fastbook so you can figure out your taxes doing taxes pros small veggie accountant 2023 those taxes looks at taxes taxes one veg license pop this in the disk drive and be doing your taxes in literally maybe 30 to 45 minutes includes tax advice [Music] rip it up we donate it [Music] um so what do i have in my inventory i gotta we gotta help the pickle gang go get them out of prison last field trip is still on hold as they dropped the phone the fan base kept make weird anime versions of the game character games characters if you do it first it's true the power play i don't like that guy over there okay help the pickles out never talk to the coffee pastor again thanks turn up head we owe you one here try to try on this father used to wear one back in the day every good mafioso needs to look at the part okay um it auto-equips it god damn god damn oh the devs are in the chat are they us people haven't done their taxes yet don't use turbo tax they will try to up up charge constantly the massive lobbyists have ruined our tax system use credit card attacks or free tax usa instead are the devs here i i couldn't spot them there there was a lot of info on turbo tax but apparently that they're floating somewhere it's hard to tell because there's a lot of fedoras oh no it's a bad time to poke your head but how is it going twitch chat would never lie oh god spell thank you for the gifts up there it's yukon is it is that one the devs how to tell chat moves very quickly but if they are here how's it going um i saw the name of your game and i was so perplexed i just had to play it um because it looked really cute okay forgotten forest oh this is like the lost woods hiya turnip boy welcome to the forgotten foresters i like to call it home not a ton of folks come over here i've been studying this place for as long as i can remember i mean some very strange things in these woods might be dangerous but it's a ton of clues here and how we came to be meet me up ahead in my research facility i can help you get the goop from air onion [Music] here we go bunnies are evil as well why are all the enemies so cute [Music] these poor snails i feel bad when i kill them i think they're supposed to look slightly angry slightly evil eye and you can't go in the poison oh let's pick up the phone ollie's phone i changed the password it's a dick move turnip okay here is the lab i think i'm just trying to see what else i can spot oh want it for tax evasion petty theft indecent exposure wait when did i do that one simpin murder disorderly conduct trespass and destruction of property it's a two dollar reward now caution he's armed and dangerous when did i commit indecent exposure gamer tip did you know you can water through fences now you're a pro gamer oh you can like teleport forward that's interesting okay here there's a bunch of stuff i feel like i should go back to the the lab might be something there let me just quickly send that on through i'm gonna go back to the lab real quick oh okay remember it's the last two that you activate interesting [Music] okay let's have a look in here there's not much in here hey turn it boy welcome to my research facility studying the forest around here to try and learn more about our past a ton is known about where we even come from it's insane this is great though first mayor onion funds my research and now he sends a new assistant i need you to perform some field research for me go up north from here there's a mural i've been trying to get to but i can't figure out how to get past the fence might be an explorer i don't like to get my hands dirty and get there can you doodle it for me okay here's an onion's fun and i was able to build a lab in this structure what secrets does the goop and the forest hold okay let's continue on our jolly way pro gamers here [Music] what not i'm not good with the combat swords like a little jab [Music] let's get the mural up everything to play in portal i've played portal on the channel oh that poor bunny all right he was dead when we got here [Music] kick that up there we go [Music] oh that's for getting back out because you go in here gotcha is this radiation oh there's a deer eh let's drive him down i think we won here's the here's the mural interact mural doodle someone drew a mushroom giant so handsome why is there radiation everywhere in here turnip boy learns about radioactivity that'll be the sequel like turnip boy learns the true meaning of pain [Music] turn it boy commits a felony no that's the sequel name that's the sequel thing oh no you got it great work my trusty field research assistant is very intriguing known about the legends of the mushroom giants it seems kind of hocus-pocus at first but i gather that they've been a part of our history for a very long time i want to need more information before i jump to conclusions though that's where you come in take this key and head south i heard there's an ancient turnip patch down that way i haven't been able to find see what you can gather from the locals there if you can find it okay the ancient turnip patch turnip boy solves global warming oh god oh this is like a portal here hang on turn a boy recalls his time in vietnam no no stop that turn it boy remembers the war um [Music] do that that gives me a melon push that out there and we take it up with us there we go there's a lot of worrying like kind of interpretations for turnip boy games now i don't think this was the intention oh i found this a turnip where's its face why isn't it moving oh no like dad turnip patch this is probably where i was born [Music] turn it boy confronts his own mortality hey smith how you doing man chad zaylee thanks for 100 bits each 125 there even oh god i get that the radioactive barrels the piles of poison what do you mean oh there's a big deer that's oh ah that's a big boy don't die turn up boy just hit once and run break the grass for help okay he ran off we got him impossible petal portal use this to spawn a pedal portal oh okay so i can i can make the portals myself now interesting basically here's a portal gun that's pretty deep yeah so i i can get across here now water that and use the pedal portal there we go [Music] um like here i imagine that's what it wants me to do so put one there put one there [Music] portal 3 is finally here do we just eat the hearts are they a fruit he just burps after [Music] okay well we got the thing i don't understand like you but not aware so sorry turnip boy these adventures become a bit more morbid than i anticipated we really need to get to the bottom of this we need to see how this all connects here's my last key take it and go west i feel our answers will lie there okay so i can i can get over here now too i can plant that and make a portal i can push that in there how is this related to tax fraud um the premise for the game is that we've committed tax evasion that's why we're on this quest we're trying to clear our debt the story what where what am i poor acorn they all seem to be in pain oh i think i fell huh i crawled out of that goop i know nothing else acorn gang is struggling my head hurts there's a lot of noise past me the boss coming up it's another deer stag a cruel member of nature oh god uh what have i got that i can water oh he spawns a lot of bunnies he has a beam turnip boy what are we gonna do oh damn it missed he seems to stand on the one spot a while hang on we just get the bunnies gone real quick oh no sigma thank you for a thousand bits good evening test up just cave johnson's here i i'll try and get back to read that properly in a mo let me i gotta get rid of the bunnies oh they're kicking my hats turn it boy is dead the boys in the lab tell me that i just that they just finished creating a small world of vegetable people i told them to take a test subject turn them into a tournament tell them to avoid paying his taxes at all costs or we won't turn them back it's not at all it's starting to get out of control but just in case you see a small army of tiny root vegetables marching down the hills just run we have to beat the deer stag let's go there we go i'll get him twice there's more bunnies spawning it's the [ __ ] laser beams look at me i need to clear it get away we go he's almost dead that should do it oh he's just out of reach he's up there again um oh i'm supposed to be using the portable one aren't i that would have been much smarter okay hang on water those pop one down there kick it there we go forgot to use the tool that the game just gave me another heart fruit nice you can use your bumpers for switching oh thank you i didn't know that green goop still kind of strange touchiness why does mayor onion want it why are we delivering just like you know radioactive waste the fertilizer and the fork i could vaguely understand now it's just radiation what happened to the acorns too [Music] they're all gone [Music] their onion wants uranium whoa turnip boy you're glowing not in the beautiful way more in the concerning way seems like everything around you is coming to life also the goop has a face is it a veggie or an animal it doesn't look like either what you met a bunch of talking acorns i thought acorns were just tree seeds the goop to turn up the mushroom giants maybe this is the key to our evolution maybe the mushroom giants made this goop to give us life oh this is radiation like this is just radioactive materials thank you for all your help turn it boy i want you to have this your true field researcher now explore aha the door is gone okay we need to head on back oh i must own real estate i have leaf please get me real estate turnip oh we take it back to the property one okay tree i wonder if tree cousin [Music] at least the acorns aren't dead just horribly irradiated um okay i gotta return the phone as well we have a few things to drop off the payment the phone i don't know where to bring the trophy yet here's your phone holly oh my mush you got my phone and you obviously care a ton about the interwebs can you sign this petition to stop mayor onion from bannon flip flop it's my favorite app i have absolutely no idea how i got my phone mayor onion is shutting down the flip flop app he says it's tax related sign his petition to save flip flop oh slay queen 32 signed it i've never understood flip-flop myself i don't use it this is the accidental dabber our field trip is still continuing here [Music] okay uh we need to wow we actually are just glowing at the mo let me drop off the goop ah yes it's all coming together [Music] fyi glowing isn't covered by your health insurance weird though it feels like you're creating life around you next we need a contraption that your pee-sized brain couldn't comprehend it's a machine that shoots a red laser some high-tech stuff it's called a laser pointer for sure there's this strange hatch in weapon woods i feel like you could find one in there i sent the irs to investigate hopefully those dinguses come up with a solution how to get in [Music] okay uh let us [Music] open back up i still gonna just keep going do i have permanent radiation effect now no oh you found me a client all they had for a budget is a leaf that's not exactly currency wow the economy has really sunk hazardous it's been hard times lately here do you mind taking taking them this i can sell them the spot they're standing on at least it's a real estate ladder a leaf word of land [Music] do they have anything like new to say over here i leave like a trail i've been able to find coffee the slay queen say anything new nothing really turtle boy suffers from radiation poisoning it's the way it's gone now yeah did the mob get out maybe check the trash bin outside uh the trash bin outside slay queen's house or down here i'm going down to the woods to bring back the real estate letter okay i'll i'll go back there in a moment it's the vegan version of super meat boy [Music] oh here it is hank turner can you read for me i cannot oh god love him you own real estate you also owe property tax now is that how you read nice i'll get off my property we help them out [Music] okay well we'll head on back uh so the trash can outside slay queen was it my favorite character here play queen oh wait we can get in here now uh let us get that and then if we pop one here and here i think that'll work oh there we go another heart fruit due to the side effect of quantum physics oh no no don't what do you do farmville the rpg the turnip boys become his own nuclear reactor it does save it timothy gordon they're just yelling at each other we'll leave them be uh okay go check the trash can and then we have to go to the top right that seller entrance i don't i'm worried because i'm just glowing constantly now i don't know if these guys have anything new to say blueberries just very excited to see me simply spread radiation everywhere my business is going to go under isn't it oh no okay was there trash here [Music] people were saying there was trash it's in the lane not beside her house okay oh there yeah it's another receipt sandwich with pickles and handling costs have you done your taxes rip it up [Music] [Music] tip just no still looking for his watering can [Music] he hasn't here let's go back here sell our entrance next the irs is on the scene hello boy turn up bunker closed tight i used my muscle to try open no success we call tots at grim graveyard maybe he is too good bye boy turnip [Music] uh so i gotta go to the graveyard is it [Music] where was the graveyard this game feels like a fever dream grim graveyard up here hello all right kid what do you want from me the irs called and told me to help boy turn up going to assume that's you my shovel why i make a living with this darn thing all right fine if you want so bad you're going to work for it there's some rich folk buried deep in this graveyard help me find them and i'll give you up my shovel never said i make my living with a strong set of morals you're in let's get going like literal grave robin we're taking the dead okay so we just got to figure it out let me go talk that dumb looking pumpkin go to where the trees are you'll return to the bar bottom like you'll leave it's a riddle okay go towards where the trees rot so here we're just looking for the ones without trees he's in there anything i can water not really uh this way and now we're actually doing like the lost woods oh what's this hey mom and dad i don't know why i'm writing to you while you're six feet under but i just want to say thank you for leaving the farmland to me it'll be a great place to rate to raise the kids honestly though could couldn't you have paid off the debt before you passed taxes on the farmhouse are absolutely insane on top of that it seems like you guys took out a second mortgage well at least you're living rent-free now p.s i brought some photos of the kids oh those are actual pictures rip it up what else we got there he seems to have the remains of humans everything they left behind everything that left behind dwarfs our technology and abilities they sure were some oh here's the pumpkin if you want to be right you better get out of my sight i'm not trying to be mean it's the riddle i'm going to be right get out of my sight so let's go back down here yep uh and then it's just towards dead trees again which is up here and now he's looking that way we can go in no oh there's a portal plan was there let's go back go okay so it's in is it just in here no that's just fog [Music] the radiation has affected our riddle solving skills apparently if there's not a dead tree you can't go in there has to be at least one we go down up [Music] go over here dead trees there though that tree's kind of around oh i can dig up graves i thought i needed the shovel okay so that way way's over there uh water that water that eat a heart push that through there we go so should i be digging up every single grave here just to see what i find just seems to be pain not particularly helpful i'm gonna be frank you should go west also the pumpkin on my right is lying you should go north also the pumpkin on my right is lying you should go west also the pumpkin above me is lying you should go south also the pumpkin above me is telling the truth okay you know and then you should go so the pumpkin below me is telling the truth you should go east okay so just go east [Music] never mind uh oh that wasn't where the dead trees were this hurts my head wait so is there is there a way to get down here i think there is let me just pop that across direction to go that's the best well rhymes with best listen man it's hard to come up with good riddles he's really struggling don't need that heart okay then over here and we're back to where we were okay so it's the ones over here you should go south also the pumpkin above me is telling the truth you should go east also the pumpkin below me is telling the truth so he goes out i think so there's only so many directions and it's gonna be one of them and then we'll be in the clear gotta be norm there we go riddle solved oh yeah baby that's what i've been waiting for that's what it's all about we found it dig it up this oh snap kiddo we've struck the model out now that i have a brand new shiny golden shovel i guess i don't need this hunk of junk take this i'll give her that gross soil sword for you too free of charge a mightier weapon it's harder and can pry open bunkers we have a more powerful blade anything else here let me just desecrate all these graves real quick don't think so he was he gonna leave is he just staying here what are you still doing here i look familiar what are you going on about i'm the only potato left on the farm what pops my old man i thought he died years ago an ice box he's still alive i don't know if i believe you kid if he's really alive can you take him this oh god he grew up because he left the freezer i get it now okay let's just hop on back i've got the shovel let's let's deliver this ladder to the freezer eternal life as long as they don't leave the freezer they're safe i just joined to see a vegetable digging up grave someone question it an acorn is made at the town these carrots have accepted acorn as their own i now carrot oh are they gonna comment on the acorn here well that's a carrot now go into the fridge [Music] uh is it back over here yes it is well you found my son tots do you know where he is that's incredible even sent a letter let me see holy bush it really is him here could you take this to my boy thank you sonny come back after it's delivered and i'll reward you for your troubles i'll edit the tots from pops okay so we got one more ladder to deliver someone said there was a secret room in the room with the poster in here i don't see it uh [Music] go up and right of the kitchen which one was the kitchen again this one it's the bathroom up and right in the kitchen where was the kitchen here's the generator room i think it's all it's all the way up isn't it hang on all the rooms actually are like they're just rooms for house here okay so the kitchen in here was it oh uh oh it reminds me like the old chateau and like uh pokemon diamond and pearl the ghost hey what does that trigger anything else i'm kind of scared right now is it just a spooky get matpat in here i don't know if there's anything else i can do here give him the mittens i don't i don't know if i can give the mittens let's turn up boy lore here i reckon that that's the guy who went missing isn't it they like joined the military oh no [Music] okay we gotta go back and deliver this letter go back to the sword room okay hang on one more all right one last cause we've checked every room in here hang on no there doesn't seem to be anything else that triggers here okay uh we will we will press on ghosty boy that's cool let's go deliver the ladder so turn up boy becomes phasmophobia it does save it [Music] back up here into the graveyard you can dig up a pat now oh top hat oh dapper turn a boy is very fancy probably also means i need to dig up every grave because we missed that before very dapper spiff approves good to see you man as ever wait no that's not dead there's only one dead tree there hang on go back this way which one was it here [Music] i think it was just up true here i'll pour it over this one was just up wasn't it what he wrote a letter back let me see it it really is him i thought he was dead thanks kid you're not half bad take this you found the bird hat it's a living bird you can place in your head ah that's cute bird hat i love it are we we haven't missed anything the rip have we we're doing pretty good graveyard letter ticked off bird up let's get back to the hatch [Music] and kill the snails at the same rate as before but it inflicts more pain now go back to pop's reward i'll go back to pop soon let's go in here first bomb bunker oh okay that's actually kind of creepy hello ghost lady oh no beans diary entry after being in this bunker so long i've gotten so pale i can't wait to see the sun again hair dye make leaves blue a hot commodity amongst barbers oh that was that was the carrot barber yeah he wants that then two of them in here oh my god they've locked the door earn it boy's coming for him though how do i get that push something i can rip here the sun times bombs dropped we're going to stop the virus tax day postponed conscription begins oh no okay what's starting to go on oh oh i it's gonna start getting weird from here isn't it this game entire game is gonna be like a metaphor for the atomic bomb oh just tell it's gonna be something crazy diary angie i've been so bored down here we've talked about everything but entertainment so we've been watching the same few movies on repeat forever gotta get the bombs oh no that's spam the spam reverses the directions you fight before you move i'm good though now the beans burn that getting like a hazmat suit there's something in the cupboard matt and the fam dear diary what's poppin it's liz again it's day what uh 1105. i thought we'd be back home by now the family is driving me crazy i feel like you're the only one i can open up to you know i really miss matt i'm hoping when this is all over and he gets home and things go back to normal p.s see you tomorrow diary we still rip that up gotta burn myself to get that open azmat suit can protect me from many things including fire can i open the wardrobe there was something in it not anymore burn it maybe see okay don't think so no trouble doesn't work in either as much too i think auto equips when i'm on fire it's got radiation in there though use the bomb with the portal there's no bomb here though just fire see oh this spam there we go we got the key anyway fight back the uh there's a beans of stuff going on here set that all the place we go can use this to oh that's a fire there we go you can just barely make it oh diary entry dad left the bunker last week to scout what's been happening above i don't know what he saw but he hasn't been the same since oh what liz the mutated human what oh i don't like this what the [ __ ] is happening [Music] oh they're holding me get him with the shovel i'm gonna die i'm gonna die [Applause] okay wait there's something over here there's a sliver of hp i might be able to do it there we go that was a close fight heart fruit heal up we're good we just killed a mutated human and you killed the last humans radiation poisoning oh [ __ ] turnip boy just killed of like the last survivors of humanity on his quest to pay his taxes what is going on the laser pointer it's a red laser beam fancy stuff i missed grum he was the best cat we've ever had i can't stand to look at his old toys his laser pointer was his favorite oh that door open i don't think so well humanity just perish at the hands of turnip boy uh let me go and deliver the hair dye i can shovel that door can i i don't know if i can i thought i tried i'll try it real quick people said that with such certainty in the chat too as if like they knew like this game only came out today as far as i can see use on the closet i already used on the closet laser pointer on the closet that's not how it works you can't use it it's like it's a it's an item like we can't it's not unusable you kind of just have it and you gotta deliver it somewhere oh god so okay so like humanity is kind of like struggled or something and it's like vegetables have become mutated if the acorns are any indication like meat glowing green all the time um the mushroom mural is just a mushroom cloud like the atomic bomb going off so humanity is dead and we've grown all grown to supersize proportions [Music] there was a poster in the bunker entrance i can try it i can interact with this yeah what should you do in a radiation emergency stay informed stay prepared bunker up stay inside and stay tuned she even unlocked the doomsdayers oh no [Music] wait if you listen to the music hang on [Music] do you hear the air siren that's part of the background music [Music] oh no oh no i don't like that it's faintly there are you at the atrocious haircut you have hair dye thank you fine sir i must repay your good deed not worry the great edgar shall fix this the monstrosity of the dew found scissors did anyone want scissors [Music] oh no i'm bald oh no no all my hair is gone [Music] i don't i don't like that hat i'm gonna go back to the bird [Music] he's an egg boy i gotta so i gotta go back regarding the letter i believe too people were saying this is the family's home then and there's a ghost in here too i wonder if ending will have changed in here now since i've gone to the bunker and killed the last human nothing currently what is the lore of turnip boy commits tax evasion i never thought i'd be asking this question thank you for delivering my letter sonny hopefully tots will come visit this old man soon i would like you to have this a farmer hat [Music] where's the secret stash oh if you put them in here and that came to life i believe oh the pickles doing actually yeah they haven't got out yet well this is goodbye turnip head don't see us around these parts for a long time we ain't trying to get pinched again lucky with that tax evasion mess and we're back when onion was a different man i didn't like your father either but he would have been proud it's fun we have like a turn up dad i believe somewhere he's now a carrot and he's also just leaking radiation uh is there anything to rip up that we've missed there's four things left so we gotta let's go back i have to go on that mine shaft soon i reckon we'll have that unlocked let's report back to onion mare i'm gonna flick on a light real quick just one sec i can't believe like for [ __ ] turnip boy commits tax evasion of all things is it's actually going to be like this odd metaphor for the atomic bomb i joked about that before didn't i it's just like wartime scenarios that's before we found the bunker and killed a human [Music] yes the laser pointer the final piece to my master plan i really thought it would give you back the d to your greenhouse [Music] [Laughter] you really are an idiot just like your father you even know what's under your own home this is pathetic turn up chino legacy left of this dingus oh [ __ ] it's the mob no it's all coming back out of my sight i bet you the infamous old man lemon won't help you now he's taking my home not even your shovel could break through these fortifications hold my lemon you gotta help me i guess it's time to tell you the truth your father don turn up chino mayor onion and i go way back we used to run the same crime family we were all mobsters the father was the boss i was his hitman their onion was the uh con sierra how do you pronounce that i can't what's going on how do you [Music] tonsillier conciliare okay it's a [ __ ] mafia the receipt's not all said new york city oh no this new york is dead isn't it i'm just thinking about that now why was there so many receipts in that and like that looked so out of place oh no our society is chaotic we have no laws no one in charge it was the perfect time to take control but we had our disagreements bear onion got filled with greed he had his own beliefs and how the town should be run i thought he was just a bit of a quack we didn't think he'd take it this far he formed a government turning his back on us and dragging our names in the dirt he wanted what we have in our basement below weapons well you name it we had it believes that he would go to great lengths i always thought your father's debt was suspicious you thought this was about your greenhouse sunny there's a massive base under it you must go now sneak in and defeat bear onion there's not much time you can use my secret hatch behind this tree but be quick [Music] we gotta stop them mysterious mafia base we still have some stuff to rip up that we missed it's four more hope we find them in here what's this okay so this one they want you to use the portal mechanic old man lemon's a legend he is so much [ __ ] everywhere let's pop that there put that up there that gives you fire so we need to set up a portal so the nuclear end of humanity wasn't even the biggest twist like i'm you just gotta like think back we killed a human being in this game i'm like in a radiated one oh there's a part further down there okay i'm so invested now let me push okay i was a mistake oh if i put that down that was a mistake oh wait no this is the correct way i just gotta work out how to do it no let's just go in here emo my surviving son if you're reading this i've probably been rotten for a while now i've left the estate to you but i fear mayor onion's retaliation please do protect yourself from the turnip chino land it's all up to you now i'm sorry i couldn't be there to witness your second leaf or when you held your first watering can i'll miss you son you'll be the biggest gangster of us all i know you'll make the turnip chino name proud ps destroy this letter we don't want the irs to see this love you son don turn up chino it's the turnip chino family dad no and there's so many different ways to go in this place there's like there's a pad up there there's one down and there was a room just up here i want to make sure i try and get everything basic english for big dum-dums tax edition us veggie learn right we big brain so this this was like the the formation of vegetable society this is how they started to learn [Music] so many layers okay i need to place that there it's like an onion oh [ __ ] okay wait bomb goes up here and then this goes through into there okay that leads back up i think to the greenhouse because the music just kind of stopped there so we're gonna wait we're gonna go down further first the music disappears there so i think that's like a final showdown basement floor two [Music] hit list chad the pickled gang general grape my wife jk low there's a portrait there's dad chad's on the list interesting he wants the irs dead that's the pickle gang the layers to the onion a mere onion manifesto achievement a lot tyrant what's even the point of this mafia i want wealth and these dead beats aren't going to get me it i've been learning about the humans and the government perhaps i make my own maybe i can convince john oh god so we started to evolve while the humans were still alive so baby humanity isn't dead those particular humans are dead we're going further in basement floor three my god there's a nuke oh my god it's the atomic bomb according to our research whatever beings lived in this planet before us were destroyed by these devices we'll need to dismantle this if we want to protect our future i'll have onion do it the dawn humanity's dead oh god damn it can i hit it with a shovel yes you can oh my god there's only one thing missing on the list you died achieving unlocked destroyer of the world flashed on the screen oh my god uh real quick because i know that mayor onion's coming up have i missed i don't know if anyone else has played this or has like finished it a little faster than me that last item on the list is that up ahead because i want to make sure i get everything i didn't miss anything did i it is up ahead okay is it the floor down it wasn't in here was it it's just the atomic bomb you missed a room in basement floor too did i i don't think i did the last doc is up ahead it's just the bomb someone's saying you have to do it five times i doubt that's true i doubt that's true i don't believe you it's up ahead okay okay because i just want to make sure i haven't missed anything here as we go into the friday confrontation we gotta see how this pans out you think you're a wise guy huh how did you get in here so fast whack em you idiot radishes wait the irs is working for him what the you stupid baba ganoush that's assault and battery that's it i'm sick of your garbage you'll be sleeping with the rotten tonight corrupt political power wait what corrupt onion went mad with power he's got a fork the laser pointer the final boss finally an anime i could watch we have to fight the government come on i think i could just beat him down i think we could dig into him there we go hi did you think you won did you think you beat this little game we have going here you think i didn't notice he destroyed every single government document i have one last trick up my sleeve did you notice it in my base below oh [ __ ] the bomb yes it's the nuke the same nuke your father wanted me to deactivate your father was a deadbeat he thought it was too dangerous to keep him around so he wanted me to prevent it from be ever being used and that he's not in the picture guess what get nuked kiddo oh [ __ ] uh turn it boy turn it boy are you with us wake up wake up turn up boy i think we've left the atmosphere i've become an unstoppable force greater than the mushroom giants of the past i will bring taxation to the world no the universe there will be taxation without representation throughout the galaxies you sick bastard goodbye turnip boy it's time for you to die oh mush what is that thing turnip boy go find the rest of the irs i'm stuck on here and they're our best where's the irs oh my god he's fighting oh mushrooms turnip boy what did we do we helped mayor onion become that thing i need to do something something heroic something really cash money quick kick that boom bloom at me i can try to dunk it on him remember turn a boy don't be the term that believes in chad be the turnip that believes and turn it sorry that show came out in like 2007. what is he referencing oh my god go irs you got this turnip boy believe in yourself is it [ __ ] currently god [Music] oh no the forks okay i need to get this got myself on fire bring it over oh my god transport the fire oh transport more fire i didn't think the irs would be helping us defeat god when i started playing this game taking a bit of a turn oh my portal we're off no [Music] i gotta go quicker it only lasts so long let's go seven in the forks is there more irs buried under here fire i need to take that i think there's a melon cube in here go quickly dodged the floor hello boy turner i saw what chad did very brave i will do the same give me boom boom i'll see you later raphael go boy turnip you must save the world is there any uh there's only one irs member left finally out of that greenhouse but i solvable chad and raphael did seems like that freak is getting weird weaker but i'm not into that jazz you can fend for yourself i swear to mush don't you kick that boom bloom at me see you later dude what the heck we've defeated god property title indeed this certifies that the greenhouse is owned by turnip boy rip up go to bed turn it boy you've done well but us we've gathered here to say farewell i can't i couldn't hear what he said [Music] well that was turnip boy uh commits tax evasion that was an absolutely wild ride wait dimensional disruptions have been occurring in a cave on rocky ramp maybe go check it out hang on there's a post game oh we never went in the cave this is where you catch heat ran crumbling cavern hello live in rutabaga i can see all the artifacts you have missed in the past across the different dimensional planes let us speak further if you wish to embark on this wisdom seek a hat from a florist [Music] uh where where is the florist i guess this is to find all the hats it's the missing family cat oh my god it all links back oh can i not get it because i um just i i ripped up the document [Music] oh no this one you deliver it sweet thanks a lot texas is payment a sun hat i got an achievement called fashionista there i think i've got all the hats now what did they say in that final when we were sitting under the tree what was actually said because there was some speech but my volume's a little lower i didn't actually catch it i missed it i should be wearing headphones he said wake up turnip boy you've done well turnip boy you can listen to the credits okay i'll go i'll go do that in a little bit then i want to just talk the anime cherry again no mo just to see if they say anything new you get another heart fruit for finding all the hats you did well time for bed i'm just going to go talk to the jojo cherry just to see if they have any new wisdom to share no nothing currently is that everything like you guys were playing it means a lot to us it waves storms there how's it going it was wave stormed in yukon was it those are the two devs here i feel like there's another heart fruit or does it just cut off there i feel like there should be one more let me just see yeah you grew all the heart fruits as the only achievement i'm missing uh kind kindle stick is also another dev okay oh the baby bean what did the baby bean need in the end i went back to pops this this was a very kind of cute little adventure i've actually quite enjoyed it this is genuinely funny i got like kind of freaked out when it started getting dark i'll be honest with you they said go to the pickle gang okay oh they escaped there we go achievement unlocked tank [Music] the bean doesn't have anything new to say can't grow them i think that's a hundred percent i think that's like one of two games i've ever gotten a hundred percent on steam for achievements we've done it all i'm gonna go blow up the bomb again because that was fun yeah i thank you again to the fellow who recommended this in the suggestion box on discord i just thought i literally just saw the name of the game it was like what the [ __ ] but this was cute play the credits again too i'll play the credits again yeah i wanna i wanna hear what they actually said completionist i don't think there's anything else in there are all achievement streams with you shiny hunting i don't think so okay you want me to go back to this bunker up here yeah and just see if there's anything else this is like the creepiest bit of it i don't know if there's anything else here let it all on fire there was a human who got away i think they just ran off like secret boss i think that they they locked themselves in there if i had to guess i can't open that it looks oh it's like the one door i don't think there's a way to open it though use the fire don't think so unfortunately vomit we don't have a bomb in this room we only have fire did you use the pointer at all you can't use the pointer pointer is just like a collectible you drop off i'm glad the the trophy was in the game it really helped me stay engaged i think i think they were all ghosts but there was one still alive there was one that hid themselves in the cupboard if you remember right i think that was a ghost too yeah i think we're good devs can you open it just like patch the game it's like oh god bonus content david thank you very much everyone for coming by the stream today one last boom we'll give one last boom okay let me go back to the bunker or the um under the greenhouse we'll do that and then i'll play the credits because i want to turn it up [Music] oh dear some people are just saying like fridge as if it means something i don't understand back to veggieville uh so we gotta go down here oh we were making uh joker names and sequels that turnip boy defeats god it's actually yeah that's actually this game uh surprisingly i love it save and quit and then credits i'm going to turn this up quite a bit i just want to hear what they say this is going to be quite a bit louder can you guys hear that better [Music] go to bed turn it boy you've done well but us we've gathered here to say farewell until next time so you can sing along or don't do you we won't pay our taxes we've got rent we've got bills there's layers to the onion and it's bureaucratic thrills [Music] onions [Music] [Music] those skins and you'll find out soon there are seeds within will seeing our hearts of loudw problems of their own make your mark because time always moves waste it for a pace the friends and family make up fertile or that [Music] what [Music] is we won't pay our taxes we won't pay our taxes we've got rent and we've got bills there's layers to the onion and his bureaucratic thrills [Music] for like like a game called like turnip boy commits tax evasion like there's there's no need for like to have that's like such a good bop for the credits it's like it actually wasn't bad surprisingly good what a chairman game that was good fun i really enjoyed playing that it's just it's just from the title like because the imp i don't know what i expected that was great turnip boy commits tax evasion uh that that was a journey that was really fun tonight spotify please oh thank you so much everyone for coming by the stream tonight thank you for the depths of this for actually joining that's actually pretty cool i've thoroughly enjoyed playing that that was very charming it's like genuinely funny too i love how it gets like sort of vaguely [ __ ] up by the end [Music] yes that's turnip boy commits tax evasion um it came out on steam tonight i think it's on switch too if people are curious oh dear yeah that end credit song had no right to be so good [Music] oh jesus it's not on spotify oh [Music] we need like a standalone upload of just that credit song [Music] i'll never pay my taxes ever again that's the message here i'm sure yeah [Music] oh god that was wonderful [Music] okay so tomorrow uh tomorrow the plan for the stream starting at seven o'clock i want to start marathon the game and i've been agonizing over one of two that i want to do [Music] um but they're both really good and i'm gonna sleep on it and decide tomorrow in the afternoon uh but like they're both absolute bangers of games one of them is a bit more recent than the other one is quite old but it's still very good i haven't decided which order i want to play them though so that's all i'm gonna say for now because i still don't know which one i'm gonna do but seven o'clock tomorrow and i promise you it's a banger of a game because it'll be one of these two and they're both really [ __ ] good okay i spell thank you for 10 gift subs right at the end thank you very much you tease us rt for one of these games um like literally no one has ever guessed it every time like i've teased the game on the stream i don't think it's even been in the suggestions box but it is a very good one uh so i'm tempted to almost do that one because it's gonna be like a bit of a wild card but i haven't decided i haven't decided because there's two there's two yeah seven o'clock tomorrow though i will be back okay seven o'clock tomorrow and we're gonna be marathon this game all weekend so we'll start at seven there'll be an afternoon stream on saturday at three and on sunday we're gonna finish it so it's just the one game for the entire weekend it's not fortnite yeah i will i will be streaming tomorrow at seven okay i i wish i could say what game it is but i haven't decided which one it is yet uh so just bear with me i'm gonna leave you an accused carer because she's actually attempting to pass a pain in hollow knight i did not go back to do it myself because i just did not enjoy the white palace uh akia's actually giving it a go though uh so if you want to see her suffer uh go send her some love thank you for coming tonight though folks i will see you all tomorrow at seven thank you for all the subs and bits thank you again to the devs for joining us that was very cool he is to be here have a good night guys
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 65,508
Rating: 4.9665098 out of 5
Keywords: 996893709, Evasion:, Gaming, Irish, RT Game, RT game, RTGame, Tax, Tax Evasion: the game, Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, Twitch, animal crossing, callmekevin, comedy, die, forza, full stream, funny, funny clips, funny montage, game, haha, i want die, minecraft, pc, poe, poespas, pokemon, rt, rtgame, rtgame accent, rtgame full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames full stream, rtgames stream, tf2, the, twitch, video games, west virginia, woolie, xd
Id: V5e1148BzUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 19sec (9559 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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