RTGame Archive: Wii Sports Resort

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hello everybody how's it going sorry about the delay on today stream can you hear me okay and here like the background like soothing sounds of the we made a menu had it like some real bad issues with the capture card this morning unacceptable oh I'm sorry look it's don't worry if you don't if this is unacceptable just go go watch your other Wii Sports Resort variety streamers I'm sure it is like at least 12 dozen on the market that's why you're wrong you're [ __ ] stuck with me sorry oh good how is it going though folks okay that's the wrong that's wrong display there we go so in case you're wondering what why what took so long to get this one set up and I want to explain this because it might happen again and I'm scared it might when I started up my Wii U this morning and I went to like the Wii games menu because basically the Wii U has like an emulator in it that runs Wii games really weird way of doing it it was all purple yeah so that took a while to fix and then I got a fixed and the audio wasn't playing on OBS so I have to then go fix that but a cool little thing I've now worked out is the patron should actually be a little better and I can finally adjust like the independent audio for the game and not have like freaking twitch alerts be like silent because that was something that happened a lot before where every time I would I would try adjust it for console games I wouldn't be able to hear the alerts but now thanks to some changes when the clear you gotta be really careful though because I'm surrounded by cables I have like the Wemo wrist strap on me the nunchuck and I have like a USB thing to my computer and I have a mic in front of me so it's a bit hazardous so I apologize in advance as well I bump the mic because I it might be unavoidable I've tried to get it as high as I can but these are like motion control games so we're gonna do our best never clicked on a notification so fast how's it going folks the African Wii Sports Resort like what year is this okay okay watch as innate I want to say as a 9 of the Wii MotionPlus accessory Oh God we're just gonna wait a moment to let folks hop on in before we get going well Jesus Christ called me Poland thanks 4,000 bits still drunk from last night from last night take my money oh no oh you had a fun night Poland wild night in the town for Poland no Saturday night they went all in and Mick yeesh thank you for a hundred bits all I have Artie keep up the good work thank you very much Oh God okay why it's already like 3,000 people here for a frickin Wii Sports okay all right well let's we're gonna revisit a classic then let me just like configure my windows a little bit more so I don't have to do them once we get going okay if the game is too loud at any point you know just just let me let me know that's probably too loud isn't let's bump that down like 10 decibels right off the bat sorry guys okay yeah let's just try that again that any better not any better lighter I don't think we need a lighter perfect okay I'm gonna bump it down like a notch or two more just as a precaution still pretty loud oh no a desert as well how's it going okay alright we're gonna go to like okay I think that's good okay we're gonna try it out that that sounds like it should be correct to me okay 2009 let's play Wii Sports Resort I'll play this gaming so long this was my birthday present when I was 2 but how old was I in 2009 it was thank you for your purchase before starting the game learned how to connect Wii MotionPlus by watching this movie but I got it on already I have it on is this have the Wii MotionPlus accessory and the Wii Remote ready do you just stick it in you you literally just push us in who is like struggling to [ __ ] put the Wii Remote and gently pull the sensor unit guys there we got to pay attention higher it turns it's the Wii Remote is fully inside the jacket holding down the levers on both sides of the sensor unit connect to the Wii Remote hey yes I got the levers in if the cord is caught pull the strap through until it is released be sure to slide the lock switch in the direction of the arrow until it locks slide the lock switch up yeah I got that put your hand through the wrist strap and tighten the strap for the love of God make it further extract lever close believer to hold the strap lock in place is audio is horribly compressed as well for the video like this sounds painful in my ear whatever like whatever they played for that video like that what disconnecting we are you kidding me slide the lock switch down get it off guys I just put it on pull directly away from the Wii Remote in a clean oh my god Nintendo your kids they really think they're consumers are just idiots like they can't possibly work this out they need to instructional videos to her are we good for the love of God you put the Nunchuk in the possibly sir disconnect the connector cover by gripping both sides with your fingers did you imagine if we sports just start it with this how to hold a wiimote pick up the Wemo and pretend it's a tennis racket except I took like five minutes to explain that concept be sure to push the connector cover firmly into place now push the connector cover in weights on it oh okay well I didn't know that actually it has an insert it becomes unstable during play please perform this corrective procedure place the Wii Remote with Wii MotionPlus connected facedown on a stable surface such as it oh my god how to calibrate it I've done this the Wii MotionPlus corrective procedure he actually learned something it's visit support nan Tendo calm you can watch this instructional movie again at any time okay Sykes mr. Bo Votto when did videogames get so complicated like you could have just said this and I would have got the gist of it you know it even says how to put it on there that that's the pay I learned I didn't know I could do can you just give me this card okay create it save data you're telling me to put in the Nunchuk then you're telling me to take it out okay calibrate it Ohio another thing is now stuck I can't get the nunchuck off hang on well the session have done this okay where we dropping boys the original battle royale I imagine you over the drop zone dropout and sky dive down to Lulu Island let's go here we go Oh God he's struggling his feet look like they're about to fall off okay motion controls now this is not a good angle this is oh god I lost them let's just land I guess straight as we can there we go lose them lose them get him off me get it off me okay Oh form up Oh God we're going today there's not the zone of airspace on the parachutes it's all stand up right he did it [Music] is where epic games got the idea press a and B together oh hang on we got an introduction video though in case you've already got lost somewhere along the way the introduction video is there for you oh god this takes me back we've got so many games ok what are we gonna start with cuz like that there actually is a lot here watch it again there's nothing in sentence we need is there import from meat contest channel I don't know what that is which one we got to do then give us a an archery okay let's start with archery I need my nunchuck already and she maybe we should start with all the ones with just the individual emo that one needs a nunchuck oh it's slowly just freer than that need a nunchuck okay what the nunchuck ones first then let's start with archery get my nunchuck up to four pliers that's play I'm gonna need my nunchuck [Music] one player ticket for one please in case it would somehow uncalibrated in the last 12 seconds let's calibrate it again there are no me characters in your Mii channel they like the mean child fluey money is going to create a me oh this is cuz I'm using like the emulator thing we have no means we want to be guest a b c d e or f guest B that does me your play records will not be saved [Music] making me making me making me do you guys really want me to make me do okay alright we'll go back and make a meeting so we can save our records okay good start okay well we'll make a me will make SME [Music] sure let's get this set up how many people were here just so I know as well and I hope we have slow Godot in the chat as well as I think we're gonna need it no we don't need sub only mode now I'll turn that off but on slow mode III don't want sub mode today 4,400 Wow there's a lot of folks okay let's make a me yeah just pop on slowmode and pop it like for everyone I don't I don't want submode free the phlegm says Desmond yep because I can't read it like try a lot of the time today anyway so just let it so everyone can yell up TV if needs we pop it on a minute slow-mo but don't turn it on so I'll mode unless I say so cheers okay uh right let's okay let's make a guy who like it's gonna be like well-suited for all the sports and activities ahead of them this is just buff that up here we gonna go oh god okay we're gonna make this so this is just like like a grumpy old man who doesn't want to be playing Wii Sports he still got his ginger I press [Music] there we go okay that's looking good we'll get him to Wario nose oh we can make a big we can make everything big oh yeah oh this is our okay I'll work like I don't even need to play Wii Sports Resort now I could just have fun here oh no let's put his nose down there make that mouth bigger like what is that even supposed to be oh good god okay let's just up those down just just Christ we'll give him some teeny glasses we'll pop them on his nose I will pop those there there's some big boy right frames [Music] I just want to make a me that looks like he just wants to die that's all oh yeah okay that's perfect I love how that lines up with the bags okay gotta give him a little mustache we get a big mustache it just sinks into his no who's this guy he basically looks like he has a regular face but like yeah he's his head is just too big but all parts of his face are at the bottom half and as top half is just in the clear and then you realize that's his mouth there instead of like his nose [Music] he looks better without the beard I does [Music] we'll give him a beauty mark you know in a big beauty mark I don't even see what the mark is oh there there we go so that looks like his mouth now and then there is his new okay yeah he's our favorite he's gonna go all in with the red what what do we call this guy what's his name not Ross Bob now come on guys not Ross Bob there's some utter abomination it's not Ross Bob we going [Music] grouchy kills Eve let's just let's just go with this okay we ran out of character so it's I won't die we're at it like Nintendo's like kind of restricting us here okay I want to die and his birthday what date is that today is the 21st of October me creator I don't want to claim credit for this guy [Music] okay let's go with him Monica thank you for the fun good grandma is that you oh no okay it's just him okay I think he's ready so let's head back to Wii Sports Resort it might low on batteries in my weak moment no if I have other batteries no it's fine give us four bears okay let's go make him a friend you guys asked too much 5400 people here for Wii Sports good god oh my god like what is this oh yeah by the way I should have mentioned as well so we'll have this the future the camera is [ __ ] on its way it's hopefully gonna be here in a week just so you guys know okay so let's try archery okay we're gonna go an archery first one player calibrate the Wiimote because we haven't calibrated it in the last five minutes Wiimote might have forgotten where it is okay I won't die I won't die will be added to the furnace [Music] okay let's go we'll go with just intermediate oh the Wiimote firmly and watch out for people and objects around you I'm there's literally a mic there's like two cables I'm sitting down in a chair um okay but sure I'll try not to hurt myself okay do this can't even see his face because the game is so pixelated I won't die okay hold the we were on your left hand and the nunchuck in your right hand but I'm right-handed okay let me yeah I have to swap hands then hang on oh it's doing that it's like most people are right-handed the one game is looking out for lefties and that's weird okay now with this all feels weird to me because I asked me to do it the other way Olea raise your bow old ze to draw back the bow and pull the nunchuck back at the same time to draw faster oh my god okay so aim with the Wii Remote and release e to shoot an arrow and we got it I got it on the board what that's not bad and I'm learn I'm already a pro look at that brief instructional as we get it again two in a row actually a God of archery [Applause] okay now this one looks a lot trickier and they've actually accounted for wind also I think my remote is really messed up now hang on okay okay yo that's not bad I'll take an a-hole a second hey you know I don't give people a chance to make a comeback gotta give them a good chance for a comeback that's also an eight it's like completely different zone for the last time and we got a ten [Music] how's she doing pretty well wouldn't shot one kill well I think we found the Olympic sport I'm competing in it's just we sports ressort our tree look at that first shot [Applause] guys all doubt me when it comes to playing these games you know how long I've waited to show off my abilities and we sports that was kind of lame gonna get the bull's eye good enough I'm getting above 20 every time hacker hacker noises frickin wii sports ressort you think I got an action replay or something hooked up to the console oh god okay this is getting scary got a first right as long as I can land on the target I'm happy but a range of 40 meters right now 40 meters away I can hit you in the arm that's what this means you're not safe like look at that 93 out of a possible 120 that's a first as far as college education systems are concerned nitrate high score as well because it's the only safe fall in the game high score look at my level shoot up plus 200 I got a stamp for that archery I want dye and just because I went so well let's up the difficulty just so you guys can't just say I know Daniel it's just a oneself I was just a fluke let's do it again expert difficulty a who the [ __ ] put a board in front of the target oh why would you do that [Applause] doesn't matter I'll get the target anyone [Applause] and I'll get it again I'm getting an 8 every time a lot easy if that board was in there 10 too good at video games even with the board oh that's a ok that's a lot of wind okay this may be the first shot I miss cuz I don't know how much of supposed to look at that first try okay that one was kind of lame still getting on the target though yo if they watch out if you're 40 places away you know I'll get you in the shins I'm that good oh come on okay and there's wind right still got it I haven't missed a turn yet your hat is done for got it again I'll take it this is what this one is pretty tricky I'm not gonna lie oh come on whoa no don't don't go in my general vicinity you know such things may get ugly or not you know just watch Brad for your hat why even this is dangerous we'll just let me in here this is an active volcano the wind is going up Oh still got it already i'm kyra what i earned last round come on oh god okay I'm gonna go for the bull side in the last one that's not bad that's that it's not a fail it's just below 50% of what I could have got you know that that's like a solid like tree to high score look at my lesson I got another ninety four points in my level [Music] that's enough actually for me I think I proved myself there okay now it's time for the real man's game you've all been waiting for this one swordplay we're gonna go for a duel I don't even unto this one I also need to this is awful glare on my screen so hang on a moment [Music] turn cuz you know masters that work Harry I don't want to be disturbed I was actually really darkened by Cruz okay let's go one player [Music] do this a press at if I need to recalibrate cool now I gotta be real careful about the freaking mic here I'm gonna try and move it counterpose thanks for five quid every level is a secret route that is super hard they hit you need to try get them go to the beginning the first fruit is near the waterfall there's a watermelon between trees and find it yourselves I think I've already proven myself Connor thanks for the plug babe okay Ryan doesn't stand a chance here okay point the weimar at the screen let's do this hold it in bolt hands with that train space doors me got a swing [Applause] I'm too good at this game oh oh oh that's practice okay okay that's okay got him look at that oh that guy is probably like feeling a bit tender after the practice okay round two let's get him again got a defensive stance I can see him that's how you do it [Applause] we've already won the match you can't come back from there already won what keV Satya that's not even sweat on them that's not even the water that's tears probably because I broke his eye or something professional so many deaf I [Music] level up already [Applause] Zoe thank you for those thousand bits thank you very much okay so we unlocked a new one I believe so let me just go back a moment speed slice see who can slice the fall and objects classes the judge decides who wins okay oh let's try it keep going oh it's our friend Ryan hey buddy can I just hit Ryan like let's take him out early and slit his throat you know [Applause] okay this is the practice again get Ryan Fusion Oh slice in the direction of the arrow okay okay we have to go faster than Ryan I mean that's easy okay I can do this I can do this Ryan doesn't stand a chance I'm gonna go ten zero watch me go I don't know gonna slice him oh I'll hit my hand off bite chair like Sandra ah [Applause] okay I'm flame one hand it now all the time it there we go I'm playing one-handed I actually hurt my hand oh we hurt okay I sit in further back oh my god Ryan we got to go I'm gonna beat your own there we go match point Vince and chance so what'd you get right like no joke like that first swing I completely whacked my hand because it was like a downward slice into like the armrest of my chair I'm like that actually really hurt there we go so we're play speed slice I want I so we're place showdown mode has been unlocked yeah we got we got us get all the sword fight moments in have another one a lot showdown fight Trudy oncoming hordes if you take tree hits you loose defeat all enemies to win oh let's go there is ten levels of this yeah let's start with bridge dark swordsman thanks for the four quid you need to pump this up to expert road to good you hear or love in the series of videos thanks dark swordsman okay let's kill some nice the first ones Ryan again oh wait this is practice mode again okay well let me just it skip hey Ryan how's it going poor Ryan he did not sign up yeah press and hold B to adopt a defensive stance got it defensive stance yep nope don't worry a good offense is the best defense okay let's go kill look killer of off face 2,000 bits whatever you do don't go to your hospital had treatment the guy who runs it is it ghost crazy yeah thanks killer up yeah we gotta defeat them [Music] don't sound a chance we're gonna kill them all how many meat they send it at us just keep doing this got him hope fight it all up and I'll get ya hey Ryan how's it going so what'd you get serves you right right [Music] I think that supposed to be a boss at the end there but I killed him too quickly not a scratch completeness age to like next age to go on to the level above I think we're ready for the next stage guys let's kill one more with the so I'm just gonna see if I just wildly shake the remote can I kill everyone look at these Muppets just queuing up can I just wait for them to all be in my face and then just keep swinging the Wiimote to just kill them all come on yeah you guys in the back come on up don't be shy okay here we go who's next take her hair on the way let's go [Music] these porn bees don't stand a chance Oh screw you that one's really fun you guys want me to just complete all the sword levels before we move on to anything else that there's there's so many games in here like we could do like spend like a few streams on this probably there's a lot here do I keep doing the sword what do we do one more yes yes let's go yeah I'm gonna see if I can beat like the entire sword game campaign just by waggling the Wemo just give me a moment for them to all queue up hey Ryan how's it going I haven't seen you Doyle now just come on just come on up let's go ran down jouvert oh god the starting to vary up their swings they're actually positioning the sword to try and block their answer like the waggle the Wiimote strategy I think I'm okay though Robbie Miller six of us would love this game you should try the air sports yeah we'll get to the air sports later there's a lot in here already a quarter of the way the ranked 1000 should we take a break from the sword game and come back a little later or do you guys do really just want me to do every single sword game like right now to see how far this goes go until you lose you guys to really just want to see me kill me yeah we're going on the hood never imagined this would be my career someday killing me just go scatter up yeah now remember your training guys big circle shape swings okay you want to try to get like a figure eight motion we're kind of like that okay and just if you remember that then nothing will go wrong in an actual fight I remember to have fun as well guys have fun it's an important part of the experience who's next oh my god it's like so many of these characters - come on Tommy hey you go buddy like someone aren't even trying they just fall over when they get near you I think she just walked up yeah here we go clear the pass come on Alex how's it going when we have the name of all of them so you only get to know the characters like hey Nick I see yeah we [Music] already beat the final boss just looka left here we go Luca Danny Catholic seven could recite you to do three oh I love it have you ever tried to VR there's some great games I don't movie our headset do y'all who needs we are when you got this experience only on the Nintendo Wii that's what's Shakira Miyamoto a little longer I haven't got to be our headset though maybe maybe down the road I might get one that might be fun okay let's go forest at dusk another day on the job they just don't stand a chance oh god wait I know my showing my last heart okay I actually have to be careful no I spoke away too soon don't do it ran hey all right get the two horsemen we can [Music] when are we gonna get like the dual wielding Me's I have like two swords or like the dark smile and how it's like a sort that goes both ways if that's what I'm wondering actually have to be really careful here there's a lot limb coming you know just got to exercise a little more caution when I'm playing go a little easier you know that's how you do it this is actually if they could be nervous don't worry I'm a trained professional I know exactly what I'm doing yeah we're going into a temple now let's do this wait for him the got her this is the calm before the storm you know prepare yourselves number one victory oh yeah oh God let's go get out of my way I like what you just kill it like a quarter of all the Me's in this level like already they just don't stand a chance what's going guys like I'm not even aiming for some of them and I still hit like take them out I just out while I'm walking they just get caught in the crossfire okay let's get them let's go Oh No all right okay let's go swap them all on the head oh the bop strategy isn't working not like this not like this whoa that's a freaking lightsaber do off the end my [Music] collage [Music] Ryan gives creeks lid and said hey can you stop hitting me say thanks right the answer is no oh God thank you for all the bits are coming in as well just like there's been a lot and like this game is moving so quickly that it's hard to just keep up with them like plays and weird I think for 200 bits apiece there Nick thanks 100 bits earlier it's just queue them all up a moment and it lets go [Music] doing good I gotta be a little more careful they are starting to get a cheeky hit or two more haven't failed so far want to keep it that way [Music] that occasionally like they just hike it looks like they're gonna hit you but they just stand still for long hey Ryan they seem to be the same nice as well running at you cuz we've seen Ryan so many times now keep going like I didn't even try let's go final boss time [Music] here we go wave to happen wait don't do it Eduardo I gotta be careful Helen are you okay what's going on what can I move why can't I move well we did it [Music] she just stopped hey Ryan gives another tree could and says hey it's me Ryan again I see you didn't heed my warning you attack me again watch out Punk next time you see video features left thanks Ryan how many of these have we done and how many more left before we just keep doing these ok we're almost there yeah let's let's finish this like campaign of just killing means there's three more levels running is no tree quit says I'll have you know I graduated top of my class yeah we're almost there we're gonna finish the sword campaign and we'll play it some different ones in Puri Cal I thank you for the five could hope you screams I wish we like my fellowship exam tomorrow good best of luck in the exam hope it goes well for you yeah let's go hope it goes as well as this that's you passing your exams I thought that's what happens yo that's what happens when like mom says go to bed on time and you heed her advice just a trained warrior in the morning yep just line up folks just line up just line on up I'll bop y'all keep popping them I think that was Ryan again right that guy that guy fell off the cliff did you see what happens if I just start knocking them off oh they get a balloon that's cute oh how did he connect okay I got a concentrate got a concentrate I have to be very careful here [Music] to be very careful to be precise Maria [Applause] I won't die do our points though do we true gotta try it again come on one more shot let's play moonlight this time that'll give us the advantage got to finish the sword game [Music] someone gave a thousand bits I will catch up in a moment kind of busy I hit the mic I'm sorry it was gonna happen sooner or later I'm sorry there was no way about it I was gonna happen hey Ryan see you Ryan yeah we just got to keep fight now I didn't even see that person there Vado thank you for a thousand bits alas he didn't listen to her I'll get him this time [Music] [ __ ] my white robe I want this sword for intense swordplay like you know one-to-one movement is what they have in mind when they made the Wii MotionPlus accessory only possible with the added functionality of Wii MotionPlus can't waggle a remote that fast otherwise God next stage we got two more Ryan's exit route quit hey it's me Ryan again you docked my friend off Achilles before that here go to have to pay Oh God Anastasia thank you for five hundred bits Daniel this is how your exams are going to go precedes to fail for the first time be seems legit oh no I didn't even think about sighs oh geez lazy journalist all exercise of its life and simulator 2019 oh why does a lot of them here okay let's go big boy time Donna again a little stronger I actually having to like block a few hits now you know up in their game but they don't stand a chance for the waggle I didn't even see that guy Cooper I think I got Ryan there I guess okay here we go get on track quite no way and we have the high ground almost there okay there's a lot of big boys here let's just get them all near perfect run [Music] Sammy thanks for told your bits I mean Savio again still living the content gave the rest of my money to you because I love you oh thanks I hope you enjoyed me killing me he's okay we only have one more to go let's finish this is the final boss of Wii Sports Resort we're in the volcano let's do this volcano at nice final boss let's go either actually there goes Ryan they learn the block a little more don't stand a chance they're all alike inversion like where their swords are so it's harder to just like you have broad swing and get them awful I actually have them to do a bit more swordplay kind of unbelievable John you go Helen there's a lot of this wave is like we're only past 50% go James how could you you prepared that strike from a distance 71% let's go here they come didn't stand a chance didn't stand a chance come on twofer twofer ninety-two come on this is the last whip this is a bunch of bosses [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] you'll mop it there's Lily the last one [Music] one more try one more try and then we're changing the game then we're going to do some different ones I have to do this we're so close I actually sweating a little bit cuz I have to like keep shaking the Wemo all over the place oh it's a good workout we sports don't do it right don't got it right [Music] yeah and with the uppercut if James hadn't hit us with that one kind of dumb time when he was a mile away we would have been out good I blame James flop come on Chris Emily Emily there we go god they are blocking a lot okay 52 come on come on James don't do it true you're James daddy road righto got him okay tree higher 71 let's go quick strike here get true don't do it Emma god damn it Emma [Applause] 91 tree hearts come on 92 we can do this I have to use everything I have learned on this journey final boss got him we defeat at Wii Sports I won't die - stamps advance the pro class you like the last agent like a bonus - now we're not doing the bonus how many more stages do we unlock reverse I'll screw that no nope Ryan has a final trick would you beat me you beat life Reds you killed my wife and you took my children but you know what I Artie I respect you as a war here good luck I hope we meet again hey Kara okay so we don't we done saw a play we've done our tree what else we gonna do we may don't have time for all of them today if we don't that's okay we'll do a second string [Music] well what are we gonna do now [Music] hoping let's say in air sports no company let's say an air sports or cycling ok one of these cycling our air sports which when we go on for [Music] I think it's era sports okay now we're gonna do air sports that we have skydivin we already hit the skydive thing when we start at the game Island flyover dogfight that's two player will do Island flyover Wyatt will around the island how many how you points can you find let's get into a plane here this points found zero currently let's learn how to control the plane is it move the Wiimote move the Wii Remote is it imagine that the Wii Remote is the plane without the front so you move the Wii mote built the Wii mote left and right the turn your plane so you move the Wii mote trust the Wii Remote forward her a speed boosts and draw it back to slow down so you moved the Wii mote okay I'm holding it horizontally let's go we have 7,000 viewers for Wii Sports and we're top 10 on Twitch well why are you people here [Applause] why do we have 7,000 people to watch freakin Wii Sports oh no I have like a little machine gun I tell this boat okay no I it kills me a civil will appear at every site say it's fought in - whoohoo Islands okay fly closer to a spot to get some more information about it why true the icing boil the location will appear in your flight record fly all around the woohoo Islands try to find as many points as you can I've already already held it horizontally let's get that so it wants me to collect all the things in nach Delfino Plaza that one hang on I'll get it oh there's one in the found no it's a wonder how I got my aircraft license can I kill these people I live in hope [Music] okay let's make our way over to the volcano then you sure we'd better start [Music] okay wow that's a lot of points that wants me to get let's go to the not princess eldest castle there any light controls I have OB just stalls the engine okay good to know but if I just hold be like the plane just you can just hold be from the moment you spawn I like the plane just like completely stalls but it just doesn't start oh that's so stupid okay go to the volcano oh it was a point here I know the shrieking taunts I call it the shriek and follow skills there's some lunatic in an airplane flying about he's picking off people's with his pellet launcher let's go up the vault can I just fly into volcano and like destroy this island by just triggering an eruption oh here we go Oh God oh this is dangerous Oh God oh the way I'm having some trouble whoa at the point hit the point he's dead I'm gonna I'm gonna go just straight into the lab of them let's go back up why are you oh yeah we got to get the volcano let's go up then we go oh gosh okay just just fly straight into that you kidding me he's still dead if he like launches the parachute they're like there's no wind he's just gonna fall on the laughs and be burned to life Brust Artie oh yeah okay let's get some speed oh you're right I've been forgetting - they're like trust violently well in here Enzo lava but he's dead that me should not be alive I just fly to like that other Island I'm gonna trust for like a minute and see if I can get over here in time it's got a keep making a very inappropriate motion and see if I can get her come up I just want to see what's over here got it I can't really talk while I'm making this motion because there's like a moment when I'm talking where you can hear my voice just like you know cutting cuz I have to like trust this forward so many times stop stallin there we go I only have 30 seconds I don't know if I'm gonna make it guy just might die come on at least let me touch lines come on III got a trust faster okay come on Rustom too fast we made it we made it to the islands it's touchdown here [Music] [Music] oh there's like 80 of these no we're not collecting oh oh Jesus Christ [Music] that's just close that one you can change time of day nose legs press 1 why is that return me to press 1 1 press press 1 do it again and press 1 okay let's go into it again and press 1 what does one do [Music] rs1 while on the plane okay I'm gonna go back in was that like pressed one like why is everyone screaming that Oh hey we got a little fire or well that was fun okay let's try the dogfight mode then I do pop each other's balloons whoever is the most left of the end wins oh you can't play one person for this this is the only multiplayer I can't actually play this and I have no friends I only have one Wii MotionPlus accessory yeah we'll do cycling cuz a lot of people are asking for that one to give Road race or vs. will do Road race use your hands to pedal with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk the key to speed is good timing we just tuck in lap get one player go over the tour the froms one stage race oh and the island sure yeah get ready for a cycling race my guys ready hey hold that we wrote in your right hand you know checking your left bolt off right move them up and down Oh God how do i how do i turn then or is it just automatic okay so I just I just keep like doing this like I'm just like waggling the bolt up and down repeatedly pedal faster to sprint got a pedal pretty fast for that to kick in okay you fell to harder for too long you're means energy level will fail watch the hearts at the top of the screen they run out you'll be out of breath push them to exhaustion okay that does actually kill him and then he asked to have a glass of water recover energy faster by using your opponent's as a windbreak how does that work [Music] Hilti we were out on the Nunchuk laughs and right oh okay so you turn them hold C or B to break go have a go on your own okay we can do this okay this is a long track oh my god okay when they say around the island they mean Iran the island Oh God okay that's time for the Tour de France let's go oh my god I've uh I'm thirty years as well this is very difficult to steer hey Ryan how's it going [Music] keeps doing a wheelie [Music] and since I don't don't tell me what to do [Applause] he keeps 2.0 Ailee how do I stop to catch em now [Music] going for a lovely bike ride my coach is like screaming at me about this [Music] he keeps doing the wheelie they'll pull them back and bullets is that what the wheelie how do we Li works I don't think I am alternating let's go down my way halfway there if one time this is on the road [Music] is a sentiment all our cyclists feel as they continue in the rites [Music] [Applause] we got a bit of a downhill running the paddle air [Music] [Applause] we left bananas on the track on peddlin [Music] I'm real close to winning this [Music] [Applause] nearly there come on wait for the right time I threw it to the finish line come on first [Applause] Oh Alicia nope go we did it Oh smug she looks behind us [Music] nice high score I only got 50 level for Jesus Christ when you play that game a lot we [ __ ] out the sword one okay that's not recycling again Ellen was rough Oh God okay what when we're gonna try next folks hey hydrate IRT I'm actually gonna need like a water break soon I'm gonna go top of the hour for a water break people really want me to do bowling okay that's your bowline have a nice relaxing session and pin game one player I want I release me to let go the ball is his swing recommend for players of Wii Sports yeah I'll do that woman 9 year old I mean I think we all remember this one you know it's pretty much the same thing for me sports I got a got to move my chair so I don't freaking whack myself here okay that was easy oh no I've messed it up just why is it turning we were doing had a strong start and now the ball is going rogue did it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in a bowl the best game we can just like ruolan's you bowl in real life dad no III really don't I played it once or twice like well I went bowling with toys when I was in Japan that's not really what I do that often though most of the time it's just for like kind of berkos so I thought fry no it's like just goes bowling for the birthday soon it's good fun I'm not sure I ever wanted me to play this once this moment this one seems pretty tame you know it's just bowling come on [Applause] and I'm not the best at this one doing okay why do people scream and bring you to trow it backwards how do I do laughs as he can't roll it backwards he's facing the pins [Music] Oh what happened there there yes you can yes you can yep okay I'll just get her pins instead hang on I've done this one before oh I got it on there it doesn't fade in that guy's bowling alley it's really difficult to kind of turn that lines oh we're on the final would always probably focus there yeah we did it [Applause] backwards backwards backwards guys here's the thing I can played Wii Sports before I know why you all want me the trow of backwards I come out I've done that before I know exactly why you're dying all the Mesa jump up as I go shot there's a volleyball you know i near the entire time let's quit bowling easy bait let's play table things [Music] I'll do it backwards and table-tennis good backhand you know too easy it's too easy to mess with you guys well you're not Ryan let's do this that's a height Rover table-tennis got it like who Chuck's the ball that high just for table tennis oh Jesus Alya the we want to pass and a concentrate too white isn't it I was trying to move it so I hit it the other way [Applause] come on playing real fire back there [Applause] this is my childhood however find like the Wii tennis a lot I don't have as much time in Wii Sports Resort like I remember some of it I don't think I finished the solar challenge before that was new have played this before just on my old we get a good rally going he didn't even try there his AI kicked in like all G I got a lot of it I gotta go easy only level 11 didn't even try [Applause] a little cheering a lot more come on come on Oh misjudge that oh my god I'm nothing well I can't lose guys not even Ryan gotta get this stakes are too high there you go whoa [Applause] come on come on that's why you're messed up just gotta do it one more time get him every play come on come on you should be even attempt that one did it it's a light Alex in the background to let me in the orange oh we did it do 100 pinball and I'll go can it die Jesus dark this is a dry thanks of 200 bits well box X 400 Roberto X 400 as well my first cheer X Robert planet next hundred bits as well the kill muffin thanks for hundred bits Ryan thanks another tree quiz JC thanks for have your bits we have a hundred pinball and unlocked all we do okay under it pins okay let's do a hundred pinball mmm I got this under pins [Music] oh go either truth backwards I'll try again oh no oh no it's so funny isn't it [Music] there's a secret here if you line this up perfectly I can never go to go I think if you like you view lining up secretly at the back it's like a flip switch that knocks them all down [Applause] XG XT funny joke RT lalala that's what you guys are all begging me to do guys you're freaking hilarious you know oh you're killing me there guys I just aim at this guy in the front [Music] damn Hank I get him oh my god so funny ha ha ha yeah and if you like meet rode the bullet ball backwards make sure to like it subscribe down the video for what row in the ball backwards you know lease would say Nemo votes Google self parity gamer nation and I write bros can we get a brofist end me now do you imagine I was actually like that on YouTube and like twitch like I could just 100% like high energy pumped up all the time and like just got a normal human being we're just playing the game or like tried the chill lmao I'm roughly says ruffle these days come on it was a hearse what's up guys it's John no goober I'm a bad guy they're sick we sports ball and commentary how obnoxious would that be all the time but sure to have a gamer in day make me like my tag line on my catchphrase but no one asked for literally everyone wants me to stop and I feel like it does get my brand going you know guys I need the RT gamer brand cuz you know I'm not just a guy who plays video games on Twitch I'm a Content influencing no I just want a bull I'm getting into this secret strike I'm not gonna get the secret strike out sorry I haven't leveled up as a gamer yet you know many more people liked the video a Cabot you tell me what you liked about the video and make sure to click the bell on the video and make sure to put your mother's maiden name and your pin number on the video ha ha ha maybe I'll get the secret strike you know who knows go back with prop 47 of Wii Sports bullet zeti moments have you subscribed today entered my free gift card Yahoo stop impatient hey we got a spare it says see how you tf2 videos used to be wasn't it yeah well it's got duck 600 bits they do that nice of 200 RT please I will pay you money to stop show verse oh you want me to staff D with this gamer boy so make sure to leave a Kabat [Applause] big laugh Oh Fitz how's it going on hello that's heard Ribbit's well if you go to practice mode for kayak can you collect all the duck he scattered around the map that's cool people same comment oh no what have I done to the chance yeah last one [Music] Oh even in this scale of game I stood at the 710 split like here kidding me I come off [Music] that was a sad end okay let's see what's next someone by the US named Artie came her 69 69 just gave two quid and said this is so awful XD hey see you nice little hooker bits you very much finds a good friend okay uh we're gonna play basketball next three-point compass boys many points to count in the Tyler the multicolored balls scored double points oh hey do this right hand it let's go guys going ballistic now yeah I shouldn't have I shouldn't have the fake YouTube think I I am incredibly thankful like I just be myself for games like Jesus Christ I don't think anyone has the energy for that kind of stuff impress me the second ball swing it over a quick head swing the Wiimote in a quick motion over your head to jump up and shoot okay you gotta let go Abby I think oh you don't [Applause] there we go lime didn't like a few of these so quickly go quickly go quickly [Applause] [Music] don't mess with me ya did it brainy types of trade your bits go as fast as he can you know I was trying to laugh [Music] oh god we got a lot of spam and chat now do we now the mods are down ok thanks bones I think we're okay no okay they keep coming back alright submode then boys I'm sorry we got we gotta we got to do it [Music] terribly sorry they keep coming back and we're gonna play some frisbee [Music] okay frisbee dog throw the frisbee at the air over at the dog to catch angle your throw carefully dark I'm gonna open my curtains how are you doing how many are still here Jesus Christ it's still six thousand people watching we sports tight thanks for coming folks we're gonna go a little bit more and play some more games and we'll be wrapping up in about an hour from there I'd say hope you enjoying the stream okay Manuel style release B as you trow to let go over the frisbee let's just go automatic this time play frisbee normal I want to make it too challenging you let's go catch it oh look at the little me dog we're step is to learn and have the trow the frisbee make sure there are no objects people are objects around that might bump into it yeah apart from all those cables and the mic I think they're pretty good a firm grip on the way motion oh I actually need to angle it the dogs given out to me okay let's get that back that little gamer thank you for the five gifted subs thank you very much man well do we were horizontal Ian draw your iron back to taking but the problem I have here is but the motion it wants me to make like completely cuts across where the mic is so I need to like turn again a guy I can't actually get a full swing because I'm gonna hit the mic if I don't go for that oh Jesus fatal error code thank you for five gifted subs as well thank you very much very kind of balls go the dog is just confused oh that's pretty good that was that was pretty good over at dog oh okay next step next step is that I had to angle the disc in different ways so that flies and curve okay I'm just gonna quit practice my let's just yeah we got the hang of this man concentrate on your timing and the angle your trow don't swing too hard you might pop your microphone oh god I got it land it oh no okay so they actually want it in like a certain radius oh no oh I'm gonna be real bad at this keep giving me the frisbee dog oh oh that might be in the inner circle [Applause] [Music] Oh sergeant thank you very much for 1,500 bits thank you very much okay this throw to you okay maybe we shouldn't dedicate that one that was the kind of shock rope that was for you [Music] thanks for your money the dogs doing his best I feel I'm letting down the team though Oh God okay I'm gonna try swing the other way that was a mistake I don't have to worry about popping the mic if I swing the other way I have to go rule it about the balloon I'm doing something right got the balloon [Applause] [Music] and how its head and dog oh I feel bad for the dog in this one yeah like I'm latinum now the very lovely pucker it is the last one make it count turn your body towards the target well I tried [Music] we made a couch just not from lunch yet huh frisbee golf's notice oh no I'm nothing wispy girl nope I can't do frisbee goes like just because of like the setup here quite a few now let's try wakeboarding okay hold sideways hopefully this last motion control on this then thanks capture card as well very much yes Luigi's Mansion stream one with the camera cuz I mentioned the cameras on its way so we'll have like the cat cam soon or like the post stream where we just say hi to my cat I've also got the Gamecube part that I need it it basically kind of converts like an AC in a V input into HDMI cuz I need that for my capture card so that is also on the way so hopefully soon [Music] let's try wave born let's go okay hold the Wemo with that's the left Oh oh okay and you just move it I think I got the hang of this one you skim over water on the board while being towed by a boat the name comes from the lake the u-shape triple left behind by the boat use the wake as a platform to perform jumps and show off your technique well do we want horizontally okay so I need to like flick the remote when I go across I guess we'd whistle video I have to position it horizontally again and when I come back down yep warm and jump flick the weave up a time with the jump to pull off some super cool moves and then hold a horizontal anyone III got this I got this let's go real thing let's do this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think we've worked out how this game works [Applause] [Applause] Yeah right on don't you just feel so encouraged when you have a personal trainer just screaming in your ear for you literally everything you do credible [Applause] incredible have you used a wiimote before right on looks great yeah yeah [Applause] I didn't even do anything there how much longer have we got - scaring me oh my god [Applause] you don't even have to move the Wemo when you're in the air you just have to make sure that you're lined okay and sometimes it doesn't think that you're holding on horizontal [Applause] good if you do little tricks these just like good job that's cute that's so patronizing if you don't do a big job [Music] let's just do one more round of that but like just little jumps these we got every single met like award let's just do one more way it's just like we didn't lock it what we did yeah we'll begin here again let's just do a simple one we're like we don't even try let's just see what he says that's the most condescending trainer I can imagine them let's go further have to go in real slow it's actually hired to do I'm impressing them too much [Applause] I'm like did I get like see there you go there you go keep it up it's actually really challenging again that's harder than like making the actual jumps get like the patronizing voice lines [Applause] thank try I'm trying there there you go [Applause] nice looks great slow on down so this is actually harder than what I was doing before that I'm just trying to be like worse at it there it is [Applause] there it is [Applause] way to go [Applause] there you go keep it up there you go there you go got it in the end that was more difficult to do worse [Music] yeah we have a leaderboard now at least Oh God Almighty [Music] maybe understand you'll keep it up forever you don't get Navy AV to HDMI adapter to get the GameCube video plug and play the plugs directly into the GameCube and puts HDMI I don't know what that is and I've already rode the pirate sorry don't know what that is like I've already ordered the thing so I can use it okay swordplay wakeboard and frisbee archery Bowlin we haven't done golf golf I feel we should say after the end cos golf's a real a long one you know here we have power cruising and canoeing let's try canoeing a speed challenge [Music] [Music] the a VHD myzel easier over other systems yeah that's why I got it he's like there's not a console that one he is away try this you get a condescending personal trainer at golf I sure hope so [Music] okay I'll do we know in both hands with bat facing towards you Oh God so I got actually do this oh no ready okay I mean I think this is pretty straightforward I think I think I know cuz it's like intuitive you know you don't need to give me a tutorial there we go [Applause] and just do a one hand it to if you're lazy practice them hard have a go on your own you can paddle all around the lake I'm good okay let's go there's ducks there to my smoke got the Ducks get the Ducks I missed the duck [Applause] nearly there what is this it is that all I have to do [Applause] that was so lame I feel like I've accomplished like nothing great err yeah right speed challenging the goal for the next race is 160 I change difficulty like cuz like that was easy no I can't I don't have time for that I gotta unlock like actual gameplay [Music] let's go Power crews amending my name jack right there nice shop I hate this job I wish I can go home right there hey the slalom course [Music] and move through the floating rings Basti can bonus regular work double snap go won't die the beach lagoon or lighthouse I think we're ready for the law has let's go it sounds treacherous let's go I can't wait for the next five minutes to be editorial telling me how to do with the intuitive controls start here are some basic instructions oh I got actually hold a okay okay I got the control sound it just you hold a and you like wiggle one and it doesn't leave this great tutorial that's gonna take five minutes to explain it go [Applause] on this hour we run his ruins this one just like the controls don't feel as good for this whole house because you have to line up both in them Chuck and Louie Moe but they don't really go together or work together I'm gonna even have to control the nunchuck that much I just put it down it doesn't register not make the turns as sharp [Applause] we go the district's keep going until like I failed like am I gonna be here a while or is there an end in sight oh that's the addends nevermind god [Music] Zoe thank you for a thousand bits thank you very much viva la revolucion hang on let me see if I can do something if I go into [Music] okay I can set minimum bits the chair having out good revolution [Music] let's play it let's play one more there okay we're gonna go with golf around things off then and we'll play a nice old round of golf and we're gonna end the stream here this will be the last one 100 pits for evolution thanks 100 bit Simpsons you see when you do a hundred paces that it's actually finding the do but like some folks just spamming like the sent just so like they get the message and have that 19th x5 and repeats as well never right hand it I can i play this while sitting in a chair we're gonna go for nine holes I don't think we'll go a full 18 we'll be here all night if we do that we do nine whole new resort classic let's go resort haven't seen the resort once NACO thanks for hundred bits [Music] 18:18 now guys we're gonna go 16 will be here will be here forever playing golf otherwise I I've played this one on weed before okay I don't know if I can let that play this one sitting down is the only thing I may have to stand up I'm gonna to see cuz I if I have to stand up I have to adjust like my mic and all these cables oh god no that's gonna be hard okay I have to stand up hang on the mics can you guys still hear me okay I've had to like completely change where the mic is I hope I don't hit it where you go great shot oh he's back this patronizing as ever I can't even reach out now is that the stands to play golf who's that black marble no black matrix sorry thanks for sizing bits nothing better than golf I'm doing my best I'm off to a pretty good start already got on the green after two shots you clear firewall thanks for plugging four bits bouncing goober thanks there are thousands well and to do this yesterday there in city skylines thank you very much goober oh no disaster I'm as far away as I was we'll get it eventually so pretty good it's only a bogey so we next 100 bits I've already given you treat as a bit to have accordions well Zoe thank you very much for everything yeah Gavin give him quite a few bits lately like thank you very kind calves well thanks for 400 bits he never leaves a part of that training will stay in all of us right I'll be like sleeping tonight I'll wake up in a cold sweat it's like good air his soul has been trapped in Wii Sports since 2009 he hasn't been able to leave this game he longs for - good air on the green I hope he has lying to me just like really mess it up it's like go deep in the forest I think middle of nowhere or like you're not in the water it's like it's in the ocean oh come on there we go good power not just a part a good pair as if it matters [Music] okay shot one nice shot he's pretty close like max meter without going over this is all coming back to me and I'll have the Wiimote in hand my skills from 2006 so I did instead of finding an actual job went over the bunker Sam Dean O'Connor this is gonna be yeah just just give me the putter well I thought it would be Chancellor birdie chance you can get it nice huh I just like confusing at this point though all right could I change my club oh god get off the green change my mind ruff let me just change it like give me a driver I don't want to miss what's a little by the driver you don't even bother following it oh hi can I make this before like the game just realizes I'm not I'm actively not trying like how when will it just take pity on me or is there even a cap this is bat loath to whack it back just send it back that way hey give up Wow epic space out this intruder bits I wonder the voice acting for the trainer talks like this in real life as well nice bridge could you just imagine it he has like a wife and kids and the trainer is like good morning it's like like darling its way it's been like nine years since we sports resort voiceover I know right but you have to talk like a normal human being again you can't just keep putting the family truelist nice air like we've talked about this we're not in the air these are the questions that keep me up at night straight on the green that's it frickin guy Oh No [Music] do you [ __ ] up well that's why I want to hear him say have you even played golf o'clock huh do you think I give that guy is I kind of getting married unlike any of it he was marrying his wife and I just heard the sermon it's like and do you like Wii Sports commentator guy that's his name takes it take this person to be or of course I do well though I do and you get I guess wife is ran away [Applause] let's just get going oh that's care of too much whoa that's it yeah I'm sad now oh gee you guys are making it like a lot darker than it needs to be like why see sad oh is that gonna make it I'm at it his wife leaves him nice air oh Jesus Christ ha I know God oh wait oh pretty close on the green nice to see you son sudden I heard you forgot to do your homework you're grounded mister if you don't pass you're out of the family it's getting worse by the minute you know get dinner tonight oh no I'm in a bad place now I've taken this like a really bad direction I'm sorry [Applause] I need a drink I had a bad day or oh this poor struggling man he did not sign up for this voice these lives all these years ago play we play I do have we play there are many Wii games on the way I'm gonna recline then opposed to rattle whirring picture next week of an order I made the monster tracks some particular games down that might people might be interested in oh my god good attempt that's pretty rough voiceover behind is Roscoe I don't think so nice there oh my god nice air over the hole oh this is the saddest thing come on just get in the hole nice air between the ball and where it should be triple bogey how many more holes have we got to go right so settle a chat nice failure people oh just like coming up with suggestions for this guy oh come on so close [Applause] [Music] we go nice chip for birdie it sounds like he's just given like a potato to beg the french fries like an actual chip to a bird nice chip for birdie [Music] Oh God oh Jesus Christ [Music] orbit king with a 10,000 bits because 10,000 bit revolution Jesus Christ like I would not be silenced by some boat Orvis thank you Oh [ __ ] much for that like Jesus Christ that's 100 bucks in one go one go thank you very much man hope you been enjoying the only the finest interactive video game entertainment it's experiences from 2009 not gonna be able to get this cuz there's not enough power in it I need like something stronger it's too strong Oh Elena thank you for 200 bits as well oh Jesus taking pity on me they moved a bit closer Oh oh great you suck Jesus Christ black matrix he says down with the revolution I do not approve of this 10000 bit revolution I'm gonna give ten thousand one hundred bits and say no Jesus Christ black matrix thank you so much like seriously that's so much money - give him one go down with the revolution like thank you so much like seriously memes aside that's a lot of money oh god I'm gonna screw this one huh oh no no no I got it oh they moved me to the water's edge Elise please pity on me get it across on the green duct okay guys you got a chill orbit getting 10200 viva la 10200 bit revolution guys you gotta calm down this is getting a bit rushed out thank you so much like seriously I've just tried to play golf just trying to play go oh no no it's on a hill hey fell off trying to play go there we go not a setup oh Jesus while I'm so close got eight I can get this there we go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we did it the beat gulf and nothing else of nose happened while we were playing that last game goddamnit black matrix he just says sit down no guys it's not a contest okay not a contest [Music] thank you very much like the pair of you at this point like Jesus Christ it's so much money [Music] [Applause] and code loca with thousands of its he says I need some air likes code Logan I need some air hey can't breed do you think do you think if we just sat like nice air as like tough to [ __ ] [Music] do you think if we just set nice air as the 100 bit alert or sound like houses how long would it take until everyone just wants to like end it all we got that Arvid thanks again seriously like Jesus Christ man yeah it's back out of golf let's see if we can go something for a little bit more we still got a little bit of time left we can go until we can go to top of this hour it's a nice air what do you guys want me to play we have time to revisit one [Music] so we're playing again oh we're not doing so play again we've killed so many we've killed so many count your swords again new to the game get louder at some point too [Music] kill kill you guys just want me to see like kill Ryan again its list as most popular because it's the only like finish wasn't there like a dog fight in this oh you know what was the dog fight that require two players yeah okay answer that a man ice 100 bits afraid Barb's reincarnation of voiceover man after he was killed for not being enthusiastic enough thank you very much fun oh Jesus and frickin black matrix hey thanks sort of 25th it's ups that's another hundred bucks is Christ man [Music] yeah we small hurts I can't do that one unfortunately okay go on we'll do it we'll do some swordplay don't the we will do some duels I'll see how far we get we'll do a few duels do wakeboarding again but wakeboarding is just the guy saying nice air and like it the game many himself is kind of lame you know like I don't really want to do that one again because like it is very tame can't do anything with at least with this one we get to kill some Me's you know oh that's Mike got him by the storm Thank You 400 bits they say I like farts thanks spider [Applause] never gets old I don't - lets go oh Jesus Perry you gotta calm down 21 gifted son oh Jesus hey thank you very much or if it like seriously memes aside it is incredibly generous we did it we won just keep playing with the sword Aguila we mow kill them all play again he's Meghan look she's got a headband on and everything do your best Meghan [Applause] [Music] let's go [Applause] you didn't even try easy take them [Music] for a mannequin at closure thanks 100 bits [Music] Megan is fast though she's not having much luck at the moment like she's doing her best one of those gifts itself something to account called PT game crowd as well is that like my bootleg like cousin or something like what's going on there he T game crowd boos slash let's go come on Emma good job Emma good job Royal Nick thank you for a thousand bits it's savory you very much by the storm thanks Matt one hundred old me to block and sorted by linearity oh you don't need that though just just swing real fast that's the job you don't need a block now any time spent blockin is less time spent like just hidden white soap every thanks for under bits as well I want to see Artie gets my download a horde of rogue that I can you imagine we gonna set them all to Ryan and like just literally no one else I'll be amazing [Music] hey Eduardo let's keep going let's see if any of them even come close to like defeat me like what means literally just using the waggle combo [Applause] can't block them off go again can't stop them off [Applause] I'm pretty good you win are you going to play fallout 76 bed I haven't asked that question I think every day the past week no disrespect to you man but I forget that one a lot like I've already said yes [Music] I'll play it when I comes out of BC that's the hope let's go come on loose yep come on in San chance look just we're just going in blind like I'm just swinging the sword and like hoping it gets them let's go Thanks he's going down well we almost got it Jesus Christ black matrix thank you again like seriously I don't know how many we are into like towards seventh like the last emotes lot we have available on the site because it has been fluctuating wildly the last wall because gift subs and have been running out like it was on like I think 6700 just last night check now yeah now it's on 6300 again so like it's probably gonna be a while before we actually get that one doesn't it like there's a lot of gifts ups and like it does fluctuate quite a bit but sure it's not important you know we still have empty emotes last day though it's just kind of neat because it's literally the last one we can potentially get let's just go I'm not let me just read the donations like while I'm doing this prayer balls we're thanks for 100 bits you always miss my directions till my last 500 because someone else gives its able H to distract you oh sorry rare balls where yeah it's just guys like the ticker or like like twit the streamlines isn't great it only displays the last 10 - like sometimes when it comes in it like completely like wipes a few of them especially the mass gift itself smells like those just delete the feed I do apologize for that if I ever do miss I kind of a message like that like you just feel free to send me a PM and just mention it there like that's what I always say they do because like that way I can like even reply to you like I'll catch up a bit sure after stream oh Jesus [Music] Gallants thank you for the 25000 they say genius swordsmanship thanks Kalin I incredibly kind eeeh Jesus Christ fine swings we would like we remove for audience of thousands receiving salutes of money the stream has gone a weird direction oh god this guy's actually blocking wait whoa whoa whoa watch out oh no that guy actually blocked okay I got it I got a try I actually have to try this around oh he's gonna beat me I actually have to play the game now so come on come on top sake let's do this got him all it takes is one block dude mini son thank you for hundred bits as well we love you hearty very much weakly as well thanks 100 bits earlier [Music] we gotta beat this guy cuz like he he knocked us off once [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say at this point orbit a [ __ ] these built pits are for the medical bills cover your loss Jesus cry oh yeah by me doesn't have any arms have you seen him like Jesus prices the severed from his body I've had to use Magnus all this time he's in a bad place no see as they orbit I thank you so [ __ ] much like for everything like Jesus Christ all of you at this point cuz like dear God come on Sandra [Applause] terrified she knows he knows what's what she's up against beating them all I'm gonna see if I can get like maybe rank some thousand before the stream ends maybe we have about 15 minutes I don't know if we'll get that far oh we might win a few more lucky rounds like that better one down [Applause] leveling up at a resent to the sword let's play again let's get more and more challenges so we get the final balls here Steph here we go going down Steph they're all there on to like the waggle now so we got it we've got to change our strategy gotta like be strategic with the waggles there we go back swordsmen x300 fits good horde and arid I do two weeks of work should play Wii Sports over often so that's that that just people being like [ __ ] insane today like Jesus that's not normal like I really do mean it like thanks to everyone's giving bits and likes and sub and alike today cuz like it has been kind of mad glad y'all enjoy to eSports resort should I tell you all what I've done for next week as something that may be of interest if you've been enjoying like me playing old Wii games this is also the reason I didn't play a particular game today so I mentioned what it is just gonna celebrate like the kind of crazy stream this is been okay yeah so I didn't play my sims today because I was having a look at some of the second-hand game shops in Dublin and I have found the complete my Sims collection for we that includes every single game in the my Sims franchise and we're gonna play them all I've got every single one on the way like there's like a Mario Party ripoff one there's like a mariokart rip-off there's one way in planes there's a spy one for some reason there's a medieval one as well I got him oh but the grand total price of 20 years oh they cost like three euro each I just gotta pay a bit of postage because no [ __ ] don't [Applause] there we go yeah so I track those soon if I thought like that might be cool so instead of doing like maybe a complete closure of my sims and we might just buried it up with like a different my sims game each week for the next while I thought that might be fun can always do a few in one stream too if I turn out to be really bad [Applause] let's keep going when in these rounds come on oh yeah so I'm gonna have those next week and then we'll hopefully be able to get started on the like not too far after life she'll be good for every thanks know 200 bits we sports in the UK [Applause] come on guys name is Lorena look a surname that's not a prisoner we heard a lot [Music] like him man gonna rain on his parade Jesus oh he did not sound a chance weakly thankful there are five a trip it's very much mom yeah we're almost added like rank 1000 I guess we're gonna get it before the stream insulin I'm gonna be like max level we swordsman let's do it get a thousand they don't stand a chance [Applause] where's ball where thanks for the 100 fits RTS dad ins luck in these we're busy fuel is vices takes you all these twitch bits have been used to purchase them the my Sims collection now the hard to find that's what all your like valuable proceeds go towards just war by Sims games I make only the most necessary of purchases [Applause] five license games five I was surprised they're all only when I mention there were other ones because some people say that like they were on like the DS as well it turns out like they made all six of them horrible the DS and the week there was like different versions of them that you can get budget all the V ones it was like one of them that like was on like ps3 as well basically the last one so I think he I realized oh god this isn't selling humbly epic space I'll take 700 bits but Daniel can you even it for 20 bucks oh yeah it's gonna have to tighten our belt so for those my Sims games you know I'm seriously honestly it's insane you might support your best gears like even the fact I'm now in position where I can just kind of you know like actually buy some new games to stream that you guys are interested in like cuz I bought those games like kinda specifically because you've got I thought you guys would like an extreme thought it'd be a fun little thing to do even the fact I can do that now is like kind of insane and that is completely on you guys like thank you very much I really do appreciate it memes aside such as minecraft story mode yeah that was another one that I thought like this would be great the stream it all hate it because I only ever heard bad things about it [Applause] and I remember seeing like a trailer a thing for it way back in the day row class yeah let's see who we fight now Maria we can finally face Maria now that we're pro let's go do the experts play [Applause] y'all wasn't an easy journey together [Music] [Laughter] was it ice minecraft stream it'll be next-- next week Wednesday and we continue in story mode then and we'll be playing on the Thursday of next week - you're gonna see if we can finish the first five episodes I believe that's the main story gunman and in the additional episodes of DLC [Applause] [Music] - interested and I came to put it down now epic alo thank you for 100 bits Vitus why destroy them as well thank 200 bits I need you to fight my dad when you reach level turrets oh Jesus Abigail thank you for another hundred there epic space our thanks for 100 urine thank you for 100 bits bauxite thank you for 300 the final boss is Ryan okay I want my weekly thank you for five hundred bits well harity I just want support you've been watching on youtube for so long that never got around to getting twitch now I have a place I can support you a lot but weekly thank you very much it's incredibly kind of you I hope you're enjoying the screams and kinda like the uncut version of everything on the YouTube channel basically what this is code Logan with 200 as well nice air a bit bit cheer sound when keep up the quality content I think we had nice air as a bit alert like people would lose their minds nevermind actually even a bit sound like how would lord I was like the sub sound like every single time nice air [Music] RIT if you can play our tree can you try to shoot yourself I don't think I can let's end the stream with that then let's see if we can shoot ourselves in the head go on and then we're gonna wrap up one player we go almighty tax 100 bits please make it nice air III I think that will be a mistake yeah we just do beginner and we'll see if we can kill ourselves there let's just see creepy sniper thank you for 5 gift subs thank you very much very kind yeah Atlanta thank you for 51 bits as well we should go donate a thousand sorry I don't want to go bankrupt no like it's okay I don't feel like obligated to have to donate worry about it well yeah I'm trying to hit myself but the game is saying like just relax your shoulders we did it take that sign [Applause] or anything else we can hit in the background what's that oh that's the fruit someone mentioned it someone mentioned it was like a hit like fruit hidden on the levels that you can find there it is just like a melon there this I'm not gonna get that I can't get that all nice pair oh you see that's the proof and we destroy it looking for it no one see on this one don't see you there we did it yeah we'll leave it there we might be looking for that fruit awhile you're gonna scream against the next week or so I'm not really sure for the next week which probably mention it now actually because next Saturday I'm gonna be next Saturday I'm not gonna be here for the stream I'm taking a day off because a friend of mine is doing like a movie night at our house and I really want to go so I'm gonna be away that day and also next week we're gonna be doing two screens in Minecraft story mode already so I'm not sure what the other games are gonna be for next week like I have the truth they slaw and I have Sunday and I'm not entirely certain what I'll do yet but I'll figure something out sure I'll see what I've got about okay we're gonna wrap up the stream in a moment or two then I'm gonna get the subs on stream thank you again to everyone coming by I hope you enjoyed this we're gonna get the sub names going and then we're just gonna kind of chill and talk for a moment lower that Elena thank you for there 245 I have a bit more money to spend so I'll have fun with all the bits you got today you can retire your very much Elena okay this is the right speed yeah that's a good speed Oh God yeah I hope everyone enjoyed the stream today though that's what I wanted to do for a while we got to play every game you know what's good I can talk the chat for a moment - oh God yeah say there's a lot of bits than what kind of substance nice dreams like seriously thank you everyone I'm credibly generous like we're already back up to like 6400 on the sub-point camp so like that in itself is kind of mad that was like 6100 at the start of this stream that's a lot of gifted subs and a lot of people who subbed pretty nuts the stream the movie night problems so see no issue with this might take a while yeah that's okay thank you for the stream have fun of movie night thanks loop oh yeah I'll still be here for like three streams during the week next week it's just for Saturday that I won't be here I'm gonna be away then but you know I'll still be here on Sunday I'll still be here like true so true Thursday now kind of gives me a moment they even like kind of catch up on the video front from the YouTube channel it's kind of like a funny thing because like I've realized like for the next week of videos from what I've been editing I almost everything that's going up as highlights and that he stuff that happened this week and so like everything I stream next week is gonna take another week till actually like makes it to YouTube they no actually missing that one stream does give me a little bit of a chance the cover some distance kind of nice what movie is it watching I can't exactly it's for I think it's we're watching all the Oscar nominations from this year or it's like the Oscar winners cap I can't remember it's like it's one of those categories though it's something do with the Oscars I'm kind of a long more so for the fun and just to see my friends than that these are new films a ever going to conventions yes I hope to have more to say about that soon zoobi I'm definitely gonna be at the Dublin gaming convention that's at the end of November Dublin game and festival I believe it's called I'll be there in some capacity I wanted I kind of properly announced at a later date though because you know I might have more news about that your minecraft series vanilla and what version is it yeah it's vanilla dead completely vanilla and it's the most recent version I believe 13.1 weekly thanks for the 100 you should play RAF survival it'll be a fun stream I think I've seen cry can play that before that's the one we're like you're just floating in the ocean right I've seen that please find someone else playing Wii Sports to raid I feel like there might only be someone like playing it now because we were like the first person doing it yet is one guy but like heat that's not English as one guy streaming I like doesn't have a capture card he's pointing a camera at the TV let me see who else is going because that may not be the best of options I don't really don't know how to rate I'm looking there's no one to really know that's on and we're in such a weird category wow this is long well yeah that there's a lot of substrate okay we'll just see what the auto host takes you it might just take you - sir nice that's fine yeah we'll go cerny I'll do the raid once all blue here and it has PT game crowd as well what's going on there [Music] TV Guide needs it no I'm not doing that guys hey Alex Katz right is the yogscast go away screaming and everyone got three thousand folks so they're in pretty good hands I think they're doing well yeah I'll wait Sony a little bit I'll wait for like rightit's to go ever gonna play rains again that was fun I do want to yeah I'm just struggling to fit everything in that's why I'm always like cuz I'll find something new that I want to do every single time and then we'll go that direction instead like the minecraft story mode it's a kind of like an impulse thing where just like that gets decided like only a little while ago it's like let's just do it now I was gonna save it just for Halloween night before I didn't just call but at that but now I mean I'm too interested in it you know I want to see how far down the rabbit hole goes it's like when it comes to even the revisiting games it's just whatever I'm up for playing really like this like for some reason like even with this game because I was trying to find out like what am I gonna stream next week and I had this like slot it in for Tuesday and I was just thinking to myself was like while I slot the same for Tuesday when like I kind of just want to play it now you know it's like I dunno if I really want to toot for today though it's like okay yeah let's just play this you know so like I'll just see what kind of takes my fancy really very much how it goes he's doing on Halloween yes I will be Lundy they're okay I'm not I'm not now I'm not doing that right guys you guys can write them yourself if you want to go looking for him that's fine I can't do that before you go when I see up to so we're getting new mods um all this you should you should know about that you should know about that from the discord there's a chat for that yeah I'm gonna go raid Cerny in the moment thank you again for coming folks hope you all enjoyed this I'll be back on Tuesday not sure we'll be streaming then just yes but figure something out and it's basically gonna be the minecraft story mode gauntlet the wall we're gonna try finish that thanks again folks and go say hey discerning for me [Music]
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 390,546
Rating: 4.7968574 out of 5
Id: kS2qVjKM4sE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 14sec (10754 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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