RTGame Archive: Don't Starve Together w/ CallMeKevin

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lovely I'll just do the old things it's mine gonna just Auto host you nor do I have to do anything so it should oughta host you can type to slash hosts and like RT game crowd I just have it's like a bit slow or something hope people are gonna hear us debating this now as well oh no cuz they're already live hey they were scheming they know they know Oh God hey folks how is it going oh can you hear me okay give people a chance just to hop on in before we dive on into the game mmm and okay my thing is not stated hosting here I just give it a minute by itself so we'll give it a chance yeah yeah should be fine can you guys hear Kevin oh okay as well hi everyone Oh gage this someone's already saying louder oh no what the meme is spilling into you oh those raids dude like that poor woman that I raided with six viewers and my whole chat was like louder and she's like guys I'm just cooking no okay yeah I think I think they can hear us okay the screaming louder that's a good indication yeah let me meet perfect jump on over to the game so I was going folks we are playing don't starve together we have Bowl spin sponsored by clay I've always pronounced some clay and I've apparently I've got that wrong one entire life but we've been sponsored by clay the check out don't starve played it many a time before Kevin established in it previously hmm it's gone - Lee quiet there that's okay I'm just thinking like I have dabbled but like dabbled as in I've died pretty quick and stop playing that's only that's okay I've got the same time like not starving is the only skill I bring to the table as a person it's all that i can consume food okay hire me what my parents say Oh how's Kevin it's like oh he's not starving then you need someone to empty the fridge like I'm your guy I can do it better than anyone oh good but why is he talking to himself no guys we've been over this we're not the same person even when were in the same place they think it's some elaborate ruse yeah it's like a ventriloquist at work here two different voices Oh God Oh the auto host glitch kicked in yeah if you actually heard about this basically when if you go live and you're currently hosting someone it's like a bike you'll go live at your stream will pop up but then it just goes back to hosting the other guy oh no yeah so like people are just like really confused is the street just automatically ends there we go did it just turn off like all of a sudden yeah it just turned off like I just like I own hosted it there like it should correct itself and people make their way back it's a really good English though I can imagine you see you know what's going on I just be sitting there like unaware thinking my chat is trolling me that's still working Oh God just screaming louder still exactly they wouldn't help me at all oh god I think we're back now people like refresh the stream as well people are typing it in trash hopefully we get enough of them back but we're playing don't starve together today freaking love this game can't recommend it enough if you're interested interest kind of checking it out for yourself if you type exclamation point don't starve nightbot we'll post a link to the steam page and you can just kind of read up and what's new there it's like the don't starve together has been I think tree years now and it's still kind of like quite readily being supported life spent consistent updates the entire time and I think for today for applying they have two new characters in the game that's pretty cool okay I'm gonna start the world so if you want to hop in in a moment Kevin sounds good ten we will go from there yes wait Oh kind of turned into a robot there oh no what's happening oh no you still there we're okay what the hell's the game was launching and then I could tell something happen to me from your reaction but you started doing it then it was like you were demented oh god all right Kevin reach the singularity oh god yeah so here's like the new characters - for people who follow this game and just want to see him we have war talks I believe this guy is act was actually on the Steam Workshop previously I remember seeing something like this at some point he's an imp he can hopped you're time in space I don't know what that means but okay and less nourish my physical food and we have Winona skill-builder it gets one free hit from the dark invents their own gadgets I'm gonna try this fellow because I don't know what travels through time and space means let's go how'd you get him early no that wasn't me killing Kevin yeah if you just want to try connect to the server then I'm gonna just immediately start gathering berries okay and my volume is just super loud so I'm just working on fixing that that's okay I might just balance with the mixer instead oh god I have six souls in my inventory and I just mouse over it the command is each Oh Oh No why do we okay that's a bit troubling I don't even know what that means is that like my source of food I have to gather souls Oh God can I join through steam yeah you should be able to I'm just gonna get a start on the world and start gathering some resources go for it I eat Souls oh wait so if I eat a carrot does that like making me sick or something like he doesn't like carrots Oh God okay well we'll save the souls for when we get hungry we're kind of like on a full stomach at the moment username has joined now that's me um right I gotta pick a character who do I relate to hmm let's try it Oh we'll try it like when our stomachs a bit emptier don't want to waste food okay just gotta resources I'm just gonna make sure it sounds on - yeah good quiet start that's okay normal food is just less effective meaning you need more food okay how do I get souls then because that seems like I go worryingly like specific type of food source to get like you'll have to kill demons Kevin any luck John yeah I'm just dressing up my guy making him look respectable okay I kinda just went with no pants so you take your time shame on you alright I think I'm good I got them all dressed up nice okay I'll come back to meet you now I'm just chopping down a tree okay I'm running away well I have to murder rabbits and animals Oh God okay so I have to specifically kill stuff to get souls okay here I'm coming back to the spawn gate I was kind of just safe there you still there I'm after chasing a rabbit I'm lost I think I went north and like a bit to the right okay hang out I'm trying to coordinate it's getting really red though yeah the day is starting to end Jesus Christ it's okay like I have the stuff for a fire so we won't die just yet oh there you go he's a little fecker he's fast oh you have a tail I mean I've held two I guess you look more like a person who just you have the tail you know he's got a majestic ginger beer yeah he does he's pretty cool alright I'd used you you've doomed the twitchchat by the way I just like to point that out great um what was he gonna say yeah do you want to give me a task because I don't know what I'm doing take this go kill trees it should be good for now we just want to get her like enough like resources to survive the first night so you seem like the the left like you have like tools like survival and a bunch of hot tabs there yeah that's basically crafting okay yeah so what you want to make do is I kind of make sure you have the tools handy so you want to have like a pickaxe and an axe whenever you can afford them and then you want to make sure you always have enough resources for at least like a campfire because that way if it becomes nice you won't die brilliant because you will die otherwise painfully brutal honesty oh god no like this game like in a nutshell like I love it dear but like I describe it as like stress management simulator because I your constantly trying to gather supplies there's stuff like almost always trying to kill you you're constantly going insane and you're constantly hungry and it's just like an ordeal like I feel like I'm back in college when I play this game just sounds like my life to be honest what I want games just to be stressed whereabouts are you I kind of went like a bit north of the spawn door if you press em you can get a map I started using my controller because it was really insistent okay if we meet back about the spawn in like the next we it's okay we have about thirty seconds before we die if you just want to make your way back to spawn real quick okay wait does a oh you're the guy you transforms into like the where beaver yeah I'm in a proper furry [ __ ] man oh you're making it worse I take this remarry see making this worse come here this is brilliant only dropped a soul oh nice I'm the breadwinner also instead yeah when animals die I just get their souls I'm like I can eat them that's really cool okay we're here don't stray too far from the fire oh it's nighttime yeah it's nighttime you'll you'll die look there's really cheery music playing and [ __ ] and it's like really happy we're really yeah and it's like quite bright I can see monsters this way though shadow monster oh where are you on the clock at the top is it in like the - pure nice yeah you're a nice that's weird that you can still see stuff yeah oh yeah it's really bright Oh see little shadow monster all God's little bloodlines come around me now I can see the shadow monsters though my sanity is really bad that's probably because you've transformed to the like a monstrous where beaver Oh actually wait people are pointing it out here I think yeah I think you have night vision that's what's going on all right well I guess it won't matter when I'm dead I'm about to go insane my brain is extremely can you transfer me back or you just stuck like this to be honest I have no idea just see how things go really enjoying them you know you know my brain is like a dried out raisin oh is completely empty we're on day two like this this is this is not good wait okay wait so people if I made it shorter than I thought I would you have to eat wood to transform back because you're a beaver oh okay well this frog is attacking me I got okay I out here I have some no here take my wood watch out there's a frog no I can't give it to you hang on wait yeah I don't have an inventory ready to click Oh like okay well let me drop my wood and then you can just take it from there okay alright yeah I am going to you guys now eat the wood there I go oh my god yeah there we go I'm back I'm still not feeling too good though god you're good from all that music blasting in my ears yeah you probably went completely insane there's no monster there on my screen so you're just completely gone already alright can i light myself on fire nope nope alright well there is he's just walking right at me just ignore the monster okay he's more scared of you than you are of him just ignore I can't actually help you because my guy's not insane right now like I can't see what you what you see ah okay if you want to just take that axe and get some more the axe I give you and get some more wood I'm axe when I turned into the beaver boy okay I have my own axe though oh that's that's fine then yeah well he just came back oh no just just keep running a while yeah getting faster so to get your sanity back the best way is to actually pick flowers at this point in the game Oh does that work IRL - I'm pretty sure that hmm Oh No well I best be going can you see my ghost just floating away oh yeah I can I have a big beardy ghost oh god okay how do I revive you I need us I need a spider gland okay let's list of beards past oh no this is a really bad start the ghosts are still there as well trying to chase you and kill you thing yeah I see him I can haunt these seeds ooh so unfortunately guys you're now a ghost you're making me go insane faster come here Oh No hey you might as well come with me actually no so we split so I want you to kind of go go back to the road and just follow it and I want you to see if you can find spiders because I basically need to kill a spider and I can resurrect you and if I don't do that within like I'd say two or so days and like we're gonna we're gonna start having problems it just feels like a task to just get rid of me you know go find some spiders wait wait it's suspicious I got something Hagrid would say self revive had spawn is that something they vanished let me see actually make your way to the portal then yeah is that like a new thing like maybe I just didn't know that you insane Evan we're short on time okay oh that's the axe I can haunt it ah I was haunting a log oh that's the first tax yeah see if you can resurrect yourself that doesn't seem to be doing anything can you click on the door it's not doing anything I can inspect it but that that's about it you have to be an endless to use the portal to respawn and because the ghost is affecting him he isn't an endless elf arrived only works in endless mode ah okay so you I okay so I wasn't going crazy well I doubt side of the game I'm going crazy in the game yeah okay right so I'm not miss remembering that you guys are just kind of wrong on that different game mode okay uh have you just bought a couple of eight and Kevin will go finaliters begin our journey I have enough Souls to keep me going a while we eat one of these we're an odd Bunch are we here like a devil boy and I'm a ghost beard no you're literally just a beer time I'm going to the circle let's do that what does haunting things do like I can haunt it doesn't really do anything no you kind of just move things slightly mm-hmm I just found out that eating the souls I have they restore more hunger but they make me go even more insane I guess that makes sense yeah I mean I am just straight up like you know knocking on souls all the healthiest of things Adventures of Clifford and the PG host I smell a sitcom this is like Clifford the Big Red Dog after the watershed but he just loses his mind from the pressure of being a TV star are we looking for we're looking for spiders oh yeah okay we need to go to like a deep woods biome so I need to follow the road further down and I need to start grabbing flowers too because you will be in here it's just making me go crazy you know I have that effect on people it's all that a lot is literally being in proximity right now should I a split up and look for clues I mean you can but we'll have to meet up if we find a spider that's the thing and I won't be able to find you so hey so I'll just follow along like I might be able to just like tell you to go a certain direction Oh God okay not dad yell protector you don't worry thanks man yeah I'm scouting is that what you were doing before would you went insane to fight like the nightmare monster yeah exactly I was protecting you dude you just getting rid of them before I go insane like you all have to fight these later all the awesome now yeah and I saved you the horrors of actually having to take care of me I might just go off into the dark for the night because there's no homemaking going saying when III think it's like a server wide effect like it doesn't matter if you're like far away oh okay great I'm coming back yeah stay with a warm fire you can survive by ghost light I don't I don't want to chance that though like we'll go insane real quick wait what was it so you emit a small bit of light because you're a ghost oh okay off light that even if I don't plant a fire I won't die but I'll go insane real quick because there's no light source basically dude we're like a well-oiled Irish machine we could do that we just know where we're going people say we're the same person anyway we're so insane we wouldn't have any problem Oh God oh this place looks nice yeah there's a lot we'll take up these graves later I was like yeah just looking for the spiders right now like we're in a wooded biome so they should be about here somewhere it'll be relatively big will they yeah like the kind of marks were like a web area okay yeah so like you can't really miss them look in a while yeah I'm just trying to cover as much ground as I can what do you actually eat when you're alive is it just berries and [ __ ] basically uh-hmm okay like the food you can make later is meatballs and it's kind of like one of the best foods in the game so you your diet will pretty much just consist of - later on in your case you need to snack on would I believe otherwise you just turn into the beaver yeah I wasn't aware of that that's just enjoying the music there's some things you gotta work out it's okay spiders inside are we getting unlock here these just hard to find uh I think we're getting unlucky honestly cuz like there's quite a bit of wood a bio mayor and we're just not finding it and the insanity part of it character-specific or is the best way to just pick flowers like is there a way for there's different ways or different characters yeah like some characters will go insane faster than other characters mmm I imagine in your characters case like Asian wood has to have some kind of positive yes like for flavor because I like this if there's one guy where you just shave your beard that keeps you saying oh I'd like to send that ass thankfully you didn't find that character this yeah yeah you can plant trees as Woody's like someone was saying in child going insane it's helpful at times to pass walls of obelisk etc was more in-game stuff yeah basically like going insane at the very start is like probably the worst thing that can happen because you have no equipment oh oh no what the hell is that oh it's a mole worm okay I thought I found something but no luck yeah we're getting kind of unlucky honestly we're just finding the spider spawn I guess in its complete utter end of the map because it seems to end in a peninsula is the map randomly generated I assume yes okay okay we're gonna be looking a while yeah Kevin is dead you will remain dead people get gold to stock up on something now okay guys wait gold yeah you need a little gold to build a science machine it's kind of like this game's equivalent of a crafting table in Minecraft okay I just don't know why they're concerned about that when I'm dead and we're trying to bring me back you know should I be offended about that I probably looks like they're not actually prioritizing you like you're kind of like awesome of the list right now it's very upsetting Oh cuz oh my god the way I'm screwed over okay there's got to be a bridge over there let's go left the host staff together but we're doomed from the start yeah Oh God if we go over the next day and we don't find the spiders I honestly think we should just restart because you're just gonna be dead the entire time otherwise what's a stagehand I found a little table with a lot of flowers around it he just follows you when you sleep sometimes oh he sounds really nice don't don't mind him he's okay yes a nice Chad a man after my own heart I think and still no luck unfortunately yeah I'm looking over here like there's more wood but I found a beehive that doesn't help us you can't have restored our tea normally we do salvage the situation like excuse me being very quick to judge but yeah it does kind of look hopeless this is I just want to save her like my streams and just thanks for all the bits are coming in guys like very much appreciate it I'll do my best to catch up after the stream just thanks guys if anyone's to send a message my way like send me a PM unlike discord or what not feel very much appreciate it oh thank God I found what but now where am i no okay so what wait there's more I just create more and more complication Oh God okay so if you go back to spawn literally just go left and you'll find me I can't remember where the spawn is I think it's this general direction so the spawn is marked by like a swirly thing on the map I found a pig house what's that the pigs just live there oh it is their home explanatory really when you think about it that's probably where they got the name Pig house pretty much it's quite straightforward yeah it doesn't make sense okay so I found the spider nest but none of the spiders dropped the item we need okay so we're still screwed we're still screwed yeah and I'm starting to go insane now because the monsters are starting to show up on screen come on pull yourself together man we've got a job to do yeah I think I think we got a restart yeah I don't think there's any way about it because we just don't have any resources I really agree I on wait wait wait there's okay there's one last hope yeah if we break the nest it might drop one but it's really bad to break the nest because like you lose the source of spiders in the world and it's I'm worth it don't you really beneficial to keep them about but yeah hold on a wormhole and I don't know where I am now nope there's there's nothing here okay I'm sorry Kevin you're just you're dead forever I think I found spiders did you actually I think so I think they're little eyes oh my god was it that little wormhole at the start uh I did jump into a wormhole somewhere I'm not even sure if it is them I can just hear and see their eyes oh wait is it wishy is the eyes in the dark or yeah is that just yeah that that might just uvp you going insane I went insane died and I'm going insane again never ends Jesus Christ yeah we got we gotta restart there's no yeah just wait wait till it's Dana it's it's almost day I just want to see what these things a steer like it's too late what what is a wet MERM I pulled us out no we're being beamed up yeah Oh God but I was just getting the hang of it Oh guys we lost this a day oh good stream yes okay Oh God so I'm will be ended there that's it don't you think explain it okay I'm gonna set up a new world the password will be the same as before okay if you just want to go into Steve I'm joining I'm pumped this is gonna be good okay take take two we can just edit out take one they'll ever know there's no I'm still new to streaming I think that's the fastest I've ever had to restart a world like just just straight-up I'm not really sure on mine I'm pretty sure actually yeah you know I may have set a record there pretty special well okay we're gonna truck we get to try bold characters this way at least I guess look oh no no this time he has their own mechanics well inventions Aswad your free stuff here nice I have trusty tape as well that's my trusty Mendon tape Winona isn't you oh I haven't played in a while ever use the soul hop though I didn't oh no you went to firestarter character hey I know what you're talking about man just a furtive wild and you're still oh my god you're still a furry as well come on tailback oh that's the one thing that didn't die about me here six with you into the afterlife Jesus Christ okay well let's start got her and some resources I'll try Winona okay panties they feel Swift going adventure in the wild you've already got the lighthouse like oh yeah I've been burning [ __ ] dude fire oh my god I need constant supervision dude otherwise they just act out make an axe and like knock down some trees or something that would be more beneficial than you know sessional on fire okay um the left though you need to get some twigs and you need to find some Flint for a naturally spawn on the ground in the starting zone although I haven't found any myself I've been burning a lot of them all things all the things on fire do berries grow back on the bushes or can I just burn them they grow back you don't want to burn the bush though okay does that makes them very difficult to grow back nah man they'll just grow back cooked which is on fire you know is this is what happened if like you set up a farm like you just burned the crops yes and that's how you harvest everything exactly have nice smoldering ashes here oh it's a good harvest this year black in the field I was a bee I got my axe oh no I'm putting the V out of his misery okay oh now the bees are attacking maced them all for some oh yeah cuz I'm the one who upset the beasts mercy killing the honey do just be more careful you're so clumsy Jesus no everything's fine back up about your day I just got a chopped out of the trees and hope the world isn't burning down mmm no we all is Christ berries the size thing is like four people watching the stream of viand I'm actually quite good at this game and I feel like most of the games I play I never get to show off me doin anything right and this is a gay but I properly know my stuff up but unfortunately everything's out [ __ ] it's just an act of God man it's not we do about it don't go south is only like one on fire there what happened to the witch oh it's it's fine dude just I just didn't realize fight no don't go south you go this way I didn't realize that fire spread although you didn't realize fire spread yeah that are very Bush did you at least pick the berries off the bush oh my god blaze I think I said a tree ablaze and it just kinda okay hang out okay all right because this is something we actually need to do at some point I want we're gonna find a heavily wooded area and we do actually need charcoal so I found some for burning down trees - one step ahead yeah I was I was gonna say what you do we find like a bigger forest and then burn that down we get a bunch of charcoal or one go oh we can do that once you find a bigger forest but I think we're okay on charcoal for the time only you can prevent forest fires man not me you better get to it I'm not gonna be able to control this I have to chop this down I stopped the fire nice red light is going away I'm going to take out I think it has limited fuel so oh [ __ ] you're right we should be in the clear so there's only so much that you can carry in brighter news my sanity is fine oh my god I also found enough to craft an axe on my travels oh that's handy yep you do other things to trees I'm gonna start a fire you don't waste wood I'm just gonna make my dinner I'm gonna go to bed early tonight put up with the victus household work I have a troubled child and I clean all day face oh Jesus you can't burn the water it's just a sea you agree what should I eat I've got some berries I need the berries are not bad okay I feel like I'm really getting the hang of this game now oh you're not starving yes to it yeah exactly the world is like dying but than that it's probably that global warming man it's got nothing to do with me honestly just forget the oil industry like it's just like you would a lighter eye causing more environmental damage needs to see me outweigh the glaciers with my life just single cause of polar icecap smells wait it's a raccoon no that's the cocoon what it's half raccoon half cat a [ __ ] they are vicious but I don't know I don't like the look at them [ __ ] I'm gonna go get these berries before you know they're birds to the ground it's a race against time like never mind winter set in it's just all this is going to be a blaze soon if I'm not quick yeah yeah second raccoon bastard now you've no habitat idiot said his home on fire yeah he's stupid my god I always get the last laugh I'm pretty sure they're an endangered species in this case they're more endangered now though are you gonna put him out in misery you know we're the most endangered of all like there's only two of us there's only one he might make it out I just burned his house down was there he was in the proximity of it like he wasn't in the tree I lit on fire he was around the tree it's natural selection if he dies do this it's awful like I have a smell you have to be to realize fire hot me keep away you just trying the speed of evolution exactly natural anyway just a cocoon like really want to be a cat science has gone too far I was about to say I don't think man should meddle in these things but I kind of just did it directly influencing the species that larger mm-hmm what the hell is that thing oh that's a gobbler yeah you could burn him if you want I'm trying to but he's fast got a corner of you go do that all got her valuable resources we need to not die sounds like a good plan were both equally pulling our weight yep gotta eat these seeds what what do I do with my tape doesn't anyone know I haven't I haven't actually played this character he's dead did you actually catch him yeah I caught him he's he's dead I just set him on fire yeah I got my um my cooked food off him yeah it does that if you actually like burn the things it's cooked instantly it doesn't bode well then I'm saying my characters are furry and I'm chasing these furry animals around the forest ooh my god if anyone saw me it would make headlines I'd be on drama alert that's the tree visit we need to get like some fake YouTube we've gone between the two of us so that we like work our way there I think we should we can make diss tracks and everything be brilliant yeah like you know I like a publicity move for both of our channels the oh it worked for um I forget their names it didn't work too well if you can't remember them it wasn't one guys yeah those two guys did it the only problem is I think we just admitted to it live so well that myself it's part of the drama we're gonna get really meta with it yeah I hate that you expose that that's you take that back no [Laughter] drama listen here your lovely person your mother is very respectable okay you're quite a nice guy when it comes down to it I'm having a fun time hanging out with you I think it's the tone it down abyss yeah the video on YouTube is gonna be not advertiser friendly at this race yeah you've gotta be [ __ ] careful these days oh we're upsetting the chat now stop fighting you're tearing me apart right and I don't really know what I'm supposed to be collecting bees don't you're not suppose my bees you're not don't burn the bees I thank you I think it's a good idea don't hurt if you upset left with the bees they'll kill you wait I think oh here like totally irrelevant but how do we craft a lighter like just wonder why you need that particular tool why do you need a lighter Kevin we're using access to got our wood right now I just in cases an emergency like he's getting - the thing is I actually could help you cuz I have some trusty tape that would repair your lighter I don't think it's repairable I think it's gone oh did you exhaust it I think so yeah oh yeah it's just it's gone for the time being then are you so is it still in your inventory no I don't think so I can craft a new one but I need I think rope and gold okay so I just have to get all the co-hosts before you I don't even know how to craft rope oh this is good objective I can go make a lighter crafter oh yeah if you have if you have any leftover a rope when you're done craft note you mind rolling some my way yes not a bother man I'll find you a good tree - oh I've no lighter okay how you doing on the food front by the way actually bad I should eat so before in case they're just eating the food raw you want to cook it on the fire oh that's where I'm one step ahead because the animals I killed I live okay you're eating because I'm really precooked coat this carrot though god you're virgin wait yep I didn't count our plain cones I mean you yeah you do actually want them cuz like we'll plant like we'll set up a base eventually and we'll get like a tree garden going at the moment like our current goal is to just scout as much of the world as we can and then we want to find a spot for a good base okay and what makes a spot good just in case they find someone good road access and some like nearby areas of interest so of interest area would be a field with some Beefalo and rabbits because you can kill the rabbits for food and you can be Flo will protect you when you go under attack later in the game I think day 10 is the first wolf attack they just tried to Commedia so they're like a good line in defense other good things would be if it's like a nearby quarry well like it's just a rock biome so you can get like ready access to resources mm-hmm stuff like that is just really handy okay I'll keep an eye out for them yeah so I'm just gonna follow the road a while okay I'm just picking some berries searching for some gold and some rope Oh a cobbler oh I know what you're doing today lost they never mind the valuable resource plan turkey in here they're bloody quick yeah you got a tri-corner of them I'm not gonna go this way I'm gonna go back up I'm so scared for Kevin me too guys now I'm just gonna put like we'll work out like where we are will we're like meeting up in a little bit like I'm just following the road network at the moment oh one of the drumsticks like is floating over the water and I can't pick it up oh yeah you need to be really careful about that you can bait a gobbler I believe by placing some berries on the ground and he goes over to eat them I think it's berries I don't want to meet him my berries well no because he doesn't finish eating them you just kill him as well he goes from okay I found some white goop uh what cool paint great it's like sake food yeah it doesn't it doesn't really do anything I'm gonna eat it anyway can't let the goop go to waste that's some good goop I think I'll put down my sanity a little bit or maybe it's just a coincidence that I went down at the same time yeah goop I think matey go insane oh I could really go for some more a group right now oh no I just got a soft spot for those school dinners you know oh yeah what's for lunch Oh goop again yeah people just point out in the stream that I just found actually a resurrection stone it's something that's naturally spawn in the world basically it means if you die now there's a place you can go to on the map that will respawn you oh great don't you mean if either of us died sorry just on my end cuz like how are there so many tall birds here oh my god I've never seen that many got it in one place with the one eye yeah the one guy the eyes on legs they have like a like eight of them all in one spot I've never seen that many like Jesus Christ I think that's what killed me the last time I tried to play this game I think I was trying to steal its egg or something oh yeah you want to be real careful about that yeah I was have been ambitious I need to toss I'm gonna get a bit of gold now scattering supplies I don't think the stinger is there light off the spawn door if it turns to night and I travel now we can check in a moment oh you have enough that have to fire anyway if I need it okay oh it's it's all Force okay so it's not just a nest they have an actual force yeah that's really cool yeah I've never heard of one of those before no the spawn portal does not give off light some people are saying yes cuz they want you to die but most people are saying no no they must be innocently mistaken they wouldn't want that to happen it's an honest mistake bees there's so many bees here and I don't have my lighter it's really upsetting that should not be the first response to see in Greece I'm gonna be honest with ya do you imagine you lit and like in real life the beehive on fire it would be the most terrifying thing like they'd probably try kill you yeah I'd say so you're kind of funny for someone else but like being yourself would be pretty [ __ ] terrifying god I hear something near me and I don't think it's you I'm miles away at the moment I think I found maybe a new road network I'm trying to just scout for like the Beefalo yeah I'm trying to look from - yeah it's really good to find him I find the swamp at least not really what we want there's just tentacles in there well my character wants that for the love of God my character is a lot is not what clay would have wanted their mistake shouldn't have sponsored me you know we'll be great get the Irish lads together God I'm I'm really trying to find like a Beefalo field or just something there's a cool rock but we don't need that one I kind of like your cool rock I'd like it though wait though we don't know space we don't have a home to put it in maybe you don't want to make space for homeless right now I still want that rock you don't even know what it looks like well I'll never know if you can take it back for me a marsh is the best place for the base no the tentacles kill you you can't live in the marsh on the fish Manor dare - I'm not gonna lie to mash you sounded pretty cool I keep looking I'm just following the roads yeah I'm gonna build a fire before I die okay Oh No Oh No build the thing build the fecking scheisse oh oh you wanna get it okay oh it's building it okay whew she's using you okay I'm all right it's just for a girl who likes fire she doesn't really like fire she would not start it just having doubts like she's seen so much burn already yeah wait a minute maybe this isn't the best eat up all the birch nuts can I cook berries yep you can cook berries great Italy make jam oh so we're even are you all in the math cuz like I've gone really far to the east now well I'm just affected lost oh no we're gonna have to try you mean I'm so full what's a stinger that's what you collect from the bees when you set them all lawyer when you burn them yeah you have oh no oh no I put my no no no I know have you done I know that that's fine I I was cooking food but my inventory was so full that the food that I cooked was just going on the ground but it was next to the fire and they'd all sat on fire you burnt all your food yeah that's pretty bad though yeah people would just say like don't die Kevin yeah they've got my back they care about me too worried I think more than anything I gonna have the stage builder sensible Kevin we don't want to see you hurt yourself yeah you gonna have to act fast then go cheese oh my god okay so I gotta go which direction I can follow the road back maybe that's followed back I'm trying to find just a field with Beefalo cuz this is a good place the shuttle camp a cobbler why aren't you guys together well we split up to try and find the Beefalo which is not having much luck jealous as the great prophet Scooby used to say we gotta split up and look for clues oh yeah yes I've become a genius I'm pitting the wildlife against each other oh yeah you can totally do that in this game hmm like when the Wolves attacked like the game best course of action is to bait them into the Beefalo and then the Beefalo will kill them for you and it'd be flow really strong yeah they are like if you hit the B flow they will kill you like the very hard to survive I find it unlikely I'd say when you have that touchstone there if you want to find out but it's one who's only like what could they do like I wouldn't be fighting them you know in combat I'd like them on fire and run away uh that would probably make them angrier yeah but they'd eventually die right it probably take a while I have time time is not an issue my brain never stops me I was like but why would you do that it's an idea it's like we should do this I'm gonna try the wormhole and just see if this leads me anywhere new okay I need to find out to see if oh there is a map oh my god I've gotten so far away oh yeah I'm far away too in there I assumed the map shows areas you've discovered - no it doesn't so yeah that's why it's really tricky to meet up no we're just gonna be wandering awhile until we finally a good base location yeah I'm not even sure what way I went to be honest have you found before though no okay have you heard like a wheat field at rabbits I think it crossed one at one point no I didn't I don't think okay cuz like that would like I would help - if we find one of them okay is that just for like a constant supply of food then yeah basically I found some rope on the ground hmm could I have it and a torch - I found wormhole jumping in oh is that the one next to the touchstone I'm taking you to like an awesome biome it's taken me to an angry-looking biome that's not good I can hear like angry bees and it's kind of purply like purple kind of I guess uh that's sounds like swamp oh maybe mosquitoes you're hearing yeah I think so yeah you're in the swamp you want to get out of there oh you might die if you stay there don't starve together but we starve individually spiders well they found me oh that's good it is you have a source of spiders like it's important yeah I want to have a source of spiders but I don't want them chasing me thank off oh my god there's so many of them where were you guys earlier just just keep running as I don't find him running they're chasing me into the swamp am I on like an island is that a thing that happens oh no no no you're way back christ almighty there are so many spiders here I actually owned an island yeah no it does not even they're divided if like islands are real do island exists speaking as someone who lives on an island I believe they are not they don't exist just a mish okay I found a road I'm pretty much at the spawn now again somehow okay okay no this line is connected it's just really far away oh thank god is another road oh I found the pink King yeah there's the king of the pigs I'll introduce you to him later please do he's a good guy and I found a little pig village - is he single uh I mean he's got a few pigs living with him one of those nice guys that instantly gets angry oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no everything okay everything's hunky-dory everything's going great Oh it's nighttime okay well end of day four I haven't seen Kevin in like half a week and we're still no closer to setting up camp you're just like a best half a week of my life anymore yeah we're an hour in we haven't got a base yet oh my god we might have to go longer tonight just so we actually get the camp set up yeah I think we're making good progress this is a record for me it's true actually you only ever played it like a half an hour before yeah I've met it's a summer once and then everything caught fire that was pretty bad but at least here yeah you know like you're on hand to speed up that process yeah exactly I'm getting the worst of it out of the way can't be surprised by fire if everything's constantly on fire how did you find rope it was just on the ground that doesn't seem right who would just leave rope there was a dead guy oh oh I found lots of tall men with nice eyes oh that's the tallbird camp they attacked me yeah probably can I steal their eggs you're welcome to try you'll probably die okay I'll hold off for now I found the road back we found the forest biome at least and they faster than make village that to be very close and speed to you okay gotta get an escape route then hey chase me forever no no you can lose some quite easily if you wanna like if you wanted me tough cuz like maybe we might have to compromise and just set up a base because we're gonna we're gonna be here forever otherwise if you want to just go south of spawn there is a big road in the forest follow that and I'm gonna be following it all the way down just to see where it goes I'm on that road the once that as well yeah it's you know it splits off into two it forms like an a/c oh no that's a different road yeah oh yeah so kind of like to the southwest of that road oh okay I see what you mean yeah yeah I'll just cut left then from where I am because I'm quite far down that road directly under the spawn go well we may have this just set up camp in like the forest and eat spiders just surfing it's like a great life to me promise we'll go insane if we do that like we have the big village here we could set up camp next to them but it's not great resource wise what's wrong with eating spiders you just character just not like it no you actually go insane they drop monster me Oh what is this lovely statue I found a Maxwell statue like Marable trees around it oh you wanna be careful cuz sometimes is really powerful enemies there to chew lasers what if I am the powerful enemy no I'll kill you Billy who is this no coming out of this one okay there was a rabid area there was a tiny one at the start but like that's no good that's too small um I'm stuck old yes um kind of struggling cuz there's a lot of water in my way to try and get over to you I'm making it there it's Italy but I'm calling I'm gonna be quite fair down that road oh god maybe there is maybe it is an island hope not okay there's a big chunk of map there I gotta go explore all this I'm gonna go map the edge and just see what it leads to there's something off this road can't wait til Krampus steals all your good stuff yeah that's what's gonna happen if we start killing all the spiders people are in Savannah yeah that's what we're looking for just we're just not having a lot of luck finding it look at this is there's another ocean Kevin is a liability that's a lie don't listen to them you can't just say that guys he's right here you gotta at least entertain the idea of being nice to him don't stand any beef now I found a glamor statue and bad news I can't go left there's a lot of water okay yeah I think I'm on an island then I started to feel like I am too well it's separate islands yeah to get to where I am if you go let's see so if you go to the right of spawn it's near the tall bird nest oh okay the four of them oh that's very far away yeah like we just gotta find this biome is that like down the road from the spawn south that loads have told you no no so it's like if it's like go back to the spawn yep and oh just go off to the right hopefully have an rotate at your mapper anything cuz then it's gonna be even harder to describe it I don't this just that just feels like a massive edge of land you just live off the cocoons but that's not ideal oh thank god there's a bridge over here see what's over here don't eat Kevin guys it's not gonna come to that we're not like that stage just yet yeah definitely not I would never do that oh Jesus we are you I'm getting kind of hungry those eggs look mighty good right now oh you don't want to do it man tell Birds will find you big eggs though could I raise one like if I hatched one or do I have to eat it I think you can only either make a nice omelet if you get two and something else I think I thought I can make something nice a little one I don't know if it's worth trying to steal to any I'm a bit I'm just I think I found like a new part at least gonna fall this down and see oh please don't loop in on yourself that's a fancy rock Oh God Oh God right okay so end of day five still haven't found Kevin we still don't have a bass oh Jesus at a catheter you are weak Kevin I don't think there's join hands oh they took my fire oh yeah you got to fight them away just like stand on them okay I've made a new fire anyway God scary is that cuz I'm going insane or anything or yeah it's cuz you're going insane things just get worse at night the longer it goes on oh wait happy to land there maybe that looks like a different color please tell me I found it you guys could beat up as far as you you won't you bullets fall in the same location yeah but the problem with that it's really far away now and that may not be where the base is where we try and set up but the hardest objective here is just finding a place to call home but we're just we're just not finding anywhere it's day six okay it's getting bad oh god okay I'm at spawn are you even north of spawn no so I went in a wormhole that's the thing I don't know how to get back oh okay so the wormhole is if you okay so if you look at the road where the a is yes if you follow the right line of the a that goes down oh [ __ ] how far is it down that's where I came from it's it's it's near the top it's nearer than which parents at all where it's the the eyeball guys oh oh just came from there later left a bit more it's kind of to the left of them if you follow on the roads down yeah and like if you position the map so that the a is like a vertical eh it'll be on your right okay I might just go to that the birds and seek further direction okay I'm gonna say that like we just like screw it we're gonna probably move in with the pigs because I cannot find like a biome for us it's a bit of lime there it's not it right oh my god is that it right there hang on let's go back over there's a lot of rabbits here and there the spawn yeah I only is enough cuz that that that biome doesn't seem big enough like did you see the bit on the the left side of a ah no cuz there's a lot here is there Beefalo no but there's just a ton of rabbits well what I think looks like a ton of rabbits I don't know what a ton of rabbits is I found it oh okay we're in business I said in the safe I found a spot I found a spot and this actually has good road connections a very long road with a bunch of stuff next to it spiders like trees to your heart's content you can burn down a lot of stuff here oh my god okay so I have to work out getting you to me now wait what did what did you find that's good there Beefalo Oh which is what's like something we really want to have so would you be able to direct me from the spawn oh yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna let me see yes that's where the Beefalo are so if we have a house just like camp sites right over here I got a mark this on the map so I know where I'm gonna go back to ya know the biome crosses that should be good okay that works as a camp site so okay so what I'm gonna do hang I'm gonna tap out I'm gonna like cut a picture of my map and I'm gonna send it to you on discord okay sounds good to me and that way hopefully you can meet up with me Julis you see you can see where the wormhole is there you go okay cheaters that's called technology okay yeah our bat is flipped okay yeah that's probably why yeah it's really Jarrod but if you go into that wormhole I will meet you at the other side of it the worm holds the thing on the left right on the on the rice oh yeah okay I was looking at the spawn and the yeah I can get there okay you can get I'm really good at video games and what's the present of the top left that's drawing from me Oh when we set up a science machine you get like nice hats and that the cosmetics oh you can dress up your character more yeah we actually have access to good resources oh oh oh no oh no oh no it's up I don't have enough to make a fire okay that's all right you can make a torch it's under the fire and if you just light it free on fire I would like to do that I really am a nature lover I'm not doing that man it's against my beliefs carbon emissions everywhere I'm gonna I'm making my way back to the wormhole so I can meet you on the other side I can't make a torch either okay if okay it run towards the wormhole if you make it to the other side I will have a fire set up okay yes okay good good good I got him I got some grass okay no I made some torch I've set up camp oh I like this is like the landing party waiting for you to show up okay Kevin is [ __ ] dead I'm not I'm still hanging in there I am lost though see so the company's second clump of trees and there's a third clump of trees that I need okay easy we're waiting for him here oh my torch is slowly but surely running out just do your best wait for it you can make it to the portal he's pretending to be alive okay okay it's going dark tada Hey oh here you made it mm-hmm he's dope not damn it you taught me how to do it dude okay well we're gonna have to go through the massive woods it might not be standard for long and if I fear at the moment if we burn it down and we don't have to go through the woods that's just nice meadow yeah but we burn a lot of stuff in the woods which is problematic mm-hmm we'll see okay so now what we need to do is we need to set up a science machine I have enough for all so we're gonna go back to like the campsite with the campsite location just like fairly central come with me it does my sanity go up from fire it really looks like it cuz my sanity is not good right now and honestly I can't remember if it does for your character it seems to be oh you dropped your charcoal oh thank you oh the dogs are gonna attack a suit okay so we don't get caught come with me come on me it's okay I know where the Beefalo are and there's some big people we can go to zoo that will help us me oh I'd love bacon right now don't kill the pigs the pigs gonna like want you dead but if I like them on fire they'll already be cooked and like genuinely would love bacon right now we can have rashes another time oh look at him he's a beauty this is the king though we want to stand near the pigs over here okay at the dog house well the dogs are gonna attack the pigs and in the pigs should hopefully protect us okay oh my God look at them right there I've gone for the oh no no it's eat the pigs are fine okay great actually yeah they're kind of fighting them yep uh-huh just keep guiding them in see they killed one them there oh there's a lot of pig men god these Pigman are absolute units they're beasts I love them that's that's why you don't wanna hit him or like piss them off really good allies to have there we go this building we're building a little further away just because it's a bit nearer to the Beefalo and it gives us like access to some more resources okay so just come over here it's near enough to the village problem with the pigs is they become where pigs when there's a full moon and they do try the Maria oh and they're quite aggressive and they're like that how does the king pig hold up to fire um I don't know but I'm okay would not know would be an interesting test if you ask me I think that will I grow all the pigs in the world I'll think about it I think there's some glitch in your chat it keeps coming up eat Kevin I think there's some BOTS or something must be some error I know I'll figure it out just nuke everyone here there we go so here's the science machine so dad oh if you stand next to this you can craft a bunch of new stuff okay there's quite a bit we want to build I need to stat some fires dude I'm willing insane oh my god do you have any rough edges Rock I have one okay we need more rock then where's the nearest source of rock your source of rock is oh okay the rock is far away but we have everything else close to us let me make some chests but we can store some inventory get a piece of wood so what we want to do now is just get a few tools around the campfire and we're gonna try and set up a base of operations here okay we need to get like a farm so we need to make like a shovel and dig up berry bushes and then we want to plant all of them near here okie doke and I'm honest yeah do you want to do the berry bushes yeah yeah can do how do I make a shovel if you go to the science machine you can make it that way it's like same materials as a pick I believe oh my god you actually have the foundation of a base yeah it looks good I never thought I'd see the day only took a week to find the location yeah we gotta go there the map covered now the one downside being here is we're very far away from Rock but we want to be a far away from that rock in particular because it's just like an awful quarry with Tolbert's it will murder us hop that down off the tape in here rope okay as I organize inventory oh you old enough what do you need i I made my shovel um I need sanity even though I feel a little bit better now but I still need more sanity uh oh I mean it started raining so actually burning stuff isn't gonna be ideal now you want to stand under a tree when it rains okay it's just it's all we've got for the time being unfortunately we're missing a lot of equipment there's a spider staring right at me it's underneath us Oh God okay so you want me to do your berry bushes yeah and I want you to pick flowers too for your sandy and hold onto the petals because that produces rot later and you use that fertilizer okay great stuff so I like doing our power like recycling everything we can all your chat is fixed no it's saying eat hearty oh no is it yeah that's a bit where X yes hey glitch or something no I can't make up their minds who we like we're going on earth I think they just want to encourage cannibals they just they just want someone to get eaten basically they don't care who as long as it's someone just standing under this tree no you can work away a bit like it's basically if the right if the you see the water meter under your thumb hope that's it - oh yeah that gets too high just take shelter a minute okay that's becoming nighttime and we don't have a fire I just pop a log on the fire I don't think I have any oh give me two minutes oh my god yay thank you no problem that was close I think it's just any time a fire is started I gained a bit of sanity yeah you you naturally gain sanity like when there's a like a fire in your camp I don't know if you gained five okay well it's sounding for setting stuff on fire though so what I'm not sure about yeah I got some new pants got a skin crock-pot oh it's a skin for the crock-pot nice the crock-pot is something we want to build okay so what we need at the moment is we need food more than anything and we need a lot of rock okay I don't have any rocks left okay so we're gonna probably have to go over to the Tolbert place and steal a got I mean we can steal the eggs for all let's steal the eggs though it's so really dangerous but yeah let's do it you're right I'm just gonna see if I can make like a backpack oh I found some rope yeah I put some there take that backpack to they'll let you store more stuff okay looking out for you thank you very much in the under my wing I can't believe I found that rope what great luck and let's see lucky coincidence it's just right there we should grab a bit of wood before we leave as well oh just cut down a few trees until we have like say 20 okay and we should be good to head over to the stone place eat pant this isn't sort house guys come on Rihanna's not even here you can't just say that are you getting some wood at no I need a lighter Oh hmm oh no I I forgot you were trying to do that with the rope yeah I don't know why you were so carelessly you seem fine with how things were going now I know okay well just just leave a little bit of forest for me if that's okay I already burnt all the one on the left yesterday put my porch oh my god oh do you have any food by the way I've got some carrots could I have those carrots because I'm about to die how do we drop you I think that's all of them I could use some back when you're done because I'm thank you very much like the whole place okay thank you anyway we'll have some fun okay what we're gonna do is we're gonna clear out the pig village too because they actually have a lot of berry bushes what we're gonna do is we're gonna pick them for now we're not gonna dig them up and later on what we'll do is we'll steal all their plants all right well I light them on fire no don't let him on fire you said we were gonna clear the moon yeah but we actually need these ones oh I need a list I need this bit of stone you do subtract in the moment here spider I do want to get that pig no I'm not gonna be able to look better okay let's make our way back then so follow me up this thing ha ha did you run why did you say it was the cat raccoon guy he came back and he was like screw you guys little thing on fire ok if we're gonna fight the spire spiders you need to set the trees on fire too okay there we go I'm just gonna make sure wings yep okay at least I get the pic though I'm just gonna make sure there's like a I found a pickaxe I got to make sure it was like a little belt here so it doesn't get our base okay okay situation resolved well I guess I guess we can survive those spiders are dead there are more spiders situation resolved that a lot of this on fire yeah yeah I wasn't sure where to stop so I just gonna kept going oh my god okay come back come just slightly north with me over to the road okay we're gonna make our way back to the quarry Trek we have to follow this road all the way up actually wait so before we do that we're gonna stock up on food okay yeah gotta promise me our visit in here you don't burn the pigs homes oh we could burn the pigs and I not even know I could do that I you know it's tempting you gotta be on your best behavior Oh before me though we do need their hoe like we do need them to live we haven't got much at the moment oh I know I know you gotta contain yourself oh man tough so just stock up on like a few carrots and berries it's better to get the berries when you can because the berries will go back the carrots disappear after you pick them okay grab some supplies about 20 or so she'll be good it was like enough bushes for it okay it's difficult taking Kevin out of a field trip just excited and runs off I really want to burn their houses down bad I want to be like the werewolf in the fairytale no should have gone back to the other guy and just be the beaver and just eat their homes just start gnawing away water inside oh come here you little [ __ ] where is he no I will burn him out no okay okay dig dig up the ones you can cuz we do actually need these okay huh fire hot just just dig him up while you can see he's still in there oh my god oh he's gonna make a nice meal when he comes over there I can't believe I've done this he's dead oh no the homes on fire the homes on fire I mean the despawn like they disappear oh that's ridiculous ashes good for anything oh my god I'm so badly hurt from the flames no they're not really that's one thing they're good for so we might as well pick them up but they're not ideal oh here I I have enough for a fire okay I I can start a fire with these houses if you need me to just no I think we should be okay buddy I think we're good for the tie Viad you know you need it okay so what eat mash actually make it's like a small I kind of healed restore HP item okay we'll get it later on I figure out handy if like people have already died cuz basically if you resurrect your friend in this you permanently lose health and the only way to bring it back is to use like that particular item oh okay okay doing all right I'm pretty good it's been a good day day eight tomorrow you chess and a forest is burns down we lost a lot of bushes that we could have used for a precious food but there's still some more left I can't even remember how it happened it all happened so fast I hope seeing that turkey run out with a lighter going with the turkeys an arsonist yeah okay so follow me this way we got a bit of a journey ahead of us okay once and I got berries here alright let's go there we go people and chat my chat I just Yellin for you to set different things on fire now like burn our tea trees bees no no not the bees aren't you scared to do the bees the bees are angry they chase you I feel like that's like the second final boss for me I need to burn bees and I need to burn in that painting that's what I'm most excited oh my go I don't know what happens if you try kill the pig yeah that's why I think we should do it first to do it but if you burn him anything he drops will also catch fire that's the problem it's not about the reward it's about the friendships you ruin along the way and I don't get with that big king I think it's very much about the RO you can do at the grave if you want to we actually do need to dig them up if you have good sanity it's actually a good idea to just dig up a few moms really bad actually sanity but though those gems that Oh if you sign these bad don't do it yeah though we know we want to get gems and we want it we're looking for a part called gears that you can get from the graves if you get gears you can actually just build a fridge which is really good wait I'd like give you things oh that thing's gonna die right that pigs a goner we can't help them but we can watch for this our spoon no I'm just gonna seal a skin just give me a moment yeah let's go you're stealing his skin well you have some drumsticks - hey there we go but we're back near spawn now as well do you need food actually cuz like if you want to quickly cook this these are gonna go off soon what drumsticks oh I gave them to you because I thought they were already gone off oh no way so if you wanna cooking with your hunger fire on the tree no you can't here okay there you go you want to just get use out of them if you save one for me - guys I should have enough hunger performance' here you go buddy give me some KFC how do I give you oh wait I can feed you here comes the plane it's just the drumstick of chicken just like a child some KFC Colonel Sanders is here eat the chicken bones make you stronger character Jesus oh you just you just stuffed another one in my mouth yeah sorry you were hungry I found out a life hack cuz if I just follow you like if I say give all my person just follows your life what do i hey thanks you know you gave me rope tonight yeah back at some point I found it now you gave me pedals know what else he can you give me oh I can give you their eggs I got okay so no wait I found their weak spot already I was scoping this joint out come here it's this spot right flank it is unguarded see here I can use fry bait them what why is he running after me all I did was expose his flank oh Jesus they're fast yeah you want to get on a road when like the chase yeah oh do you run faster in a road yep okay so we want to go to the rock here we want to get like a bunch or just stone to bring back this is a really far away from us do you just want to grab a pic and just start digging away should we gather stone and wait till morning and steal the eggs yeah we can try that okay well now saying to set my chat on fire getting real meta with it yeah I'll do what I can um yeah if you come up here a bit it's more rock over here I'm my pickaxe broke oh do you have enough for another pic let me check no I'm sure stick oh thank you very much no problem just mine that big birds there he's gonna be real angry you can set him on fire if you want he's back grab his egg I'm going he's coming back hold up - wait no I pissed him off again oh no he's coming back I got his leg I got his thank you he's very angry now I can't light his nest on fire does the bit mean I've already stole this child yeah he's so funny imagine being childless and homeless what a day I got a flame do you know how long is this always just gonna just keep following me cuz I have the egg oh my god okay let's be headed home just keep gathering the rock I'll keep this guy up eh oh thank god he's left me alone I told me nighttime soon did you go left no I'm gonna come back to you so just wait there a moment okay I have enough for a fire doo-doo-doo-doo I can spider back off okay I'm coming back up you need a spider send hey see ya I found it gold nugget nice and we need as many of them as we can go why is that spider not attacking sometimes they attack like it's when they do like that cry sound when they're near yet that's when you're attacking they just stand still alone there we go very nice okay let's set up camp here for the night okay we'll steal more eggs in the martyr sounds like a plan I just saw I'm going to sleep that is child it's so funny sad dude video games oh Jesus Christ hey do you want to just like make some food and not die it's my specialty oh no I give you all my berries Oh gonna be a fun night I'm going hungry hungry again you're on say I want to feed you there you go there you okay now I'm full thank you though I do you want the egg there you go now that's just I don't need any food I don't need any I don't need any food there you go you're worse than like an Irish mommy yeah you want some more oh you want some tea after that add a some ice cream in the fridge now how you're wasting away come on No have a little boys oh my God he's chaser if I give him the egg no don't give him back that's your child and they dropped the egg my child I'm almost a see you even old okay you get the rock and I'll just patient boy wait I thought I was getting the age no you gotta get the rock he's chase easy did I eat his child in front of him I don't I think that I'll just make up angry here oh my god you have to sit down to eat it - did you see that raw yeah even cookies child police if you're gonna do it like bring out the flavor and taste you know I could feel it kicking another one look oh my god no oh [ __ ] he's coming back I think I'll stop oh they're so nice in me Oh No okay have fun Kevin you you access deleted to an emergency you act as bait a while I'm gonna go get the stove okay oh I'm gonna raise this one like my own you eat your kids yeah like a hamster Jesus for meeting kids wrong in this game no I don't think so but I don't know if the devs would phrase the question that way there's no going back now yeah I might just write am i staticky on your own together nope he's don't I think it's a little staticky on my end what's the chat think I might I might just like try call you back real quick and do I'm just gonna see what they say Kevin's video don't starve together but I eat the children raw I've been sponsored to eat children Google preferred monetization mine's just gonna be like I was sponsored to stop Kevin from dying you're doing alright jobs over Oh God okay I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna just try a hop out of the car she know what might work better if should we hop in your disc quit server just a quick moment yeah yeah hop in just my channel and on that yeah yeah that's that okay okay I'll talk to you in a minute yeah yeah we're just gonna try something a bit different because we're having hello hey oh yeah that sounds so much better oh yeah yeah god that's such a difference we should exchange audio files after this just so that we can use those different audio files cuz they yeah it does sound way better now yeah like unfortunately I think though I think the way that the audio is separated on mine is that like you know you show me how to do it on OBS it's like the different tracks so yours will be mixed up with the game's audio oh it's fine man yeah so I don't think I can separate but it was fine for the most part but like you know like I didn't even notice something was wrong so it's fine oh yeah just run Kevin Kevin just run I'm resting with the baby Kevin just run oh my characters saying does it like fire I wonder I'm gonna light some stuff on fire we gotta go wait what's happening wait where are you I went up to the eh Oh for the love of God we needed more rock huh there's meteors falling uh I was running with the babies oh my god are you just left me for dead hold on I'm coming back and saves the day again oh I need to get some more stone my job's not done yet yeah we did were a rock you guys change them and it burns burns burns oh no the whole second map map if people are singing like country roads in my chat at the moment so we have like two songs on the go at the moment oh very nice burns burns burns can't like take me home where are you about the rock biome still I'm under attack the cool stone is here if you come back to by the way oh ho now you've got me oh you've got me I thought I could entice you I'm by where we stole the baby hey I see I see yeah hey I'm running from at elver at the moment you want to just keep mine in the rock I was gonna see if I could light the trap on fire after it he caught something I'm gonna think it's go into the spiders oh no never mind I thank you why is he still chasing you you don't know oh no you're going very slow in there you just start mining the rock and I'll just keep running away from this guy I don't think you're gonna be able to set him on fire I tried who didn't work it okay let's just mine up the last of the rock and get out of here okay perfect God why are there Rock biomes you think there'd be Rock everywhere yeah it's kind of scattered it's just the way the spawns work like sometimes you'll get bits of rock in the middle of a deep forest but the best way to get it is just going to a biome like this it's great because I'm getting gold and gold makes lighters and lifers make fire [Laughter] yeah I have some gold like for the actual practical stuff I guess we need so we should be okay pigskin I have to drop that my inventory was getting a bit full you dropped this oh the pigs I gave it back to you thanks for clogging up my inventory there Fred appreciate us oh oh he doesn't even have a baby to steal oh I have a torch hang on okay that was close oh okay let's just yep set that high set that tree on top real quick me okay I'll do one I'll do one there we go whoa oh that was real cool why isn't he catching fire I don't know just just keep calm until morning I don't think I'm as fast as he said just keep running he has the stuff to attack you so you'll get away there's my lighter he give me enough light that I can say yeah it does but if you hold it it will run out I believe so what you want to put it away there we go we got through it thank God oh my god this place is so scorched this is when the meal here started believe I missed it uh he was pretty bad I swear this rock wasn't here did the rocks fall down yeah the rocks just crash land that's how they like get new rocks oh that's awesome yeah you just don't want to be there when they fall so killer yeah you see I had a bit of a feeling my inner intuition was saying Kevin rocks are comin get out of the way you know that's why I took off that's why you abandoned me like a day early yeah dude I'm gonna care for this child I'm like you've only got the one and it is that yeah I ate the other one but I'm gonna care for this one okay get another one I will raise this this is one of my own unless you know I'll get a bit peckish yeah don't make it the Tesco in time I don't want it you know inconvenience myself that's not what being a parent is about the got to put yourself first you know exactly okay look this kids just here mooching when's he moving out you can't even talk he's young but wait hold on I can't I can't light them on fire they gotta stand still you punched that one you can't light them on fire I might just have to go for the hive my heart bleeds for you I know dude I have a tough life Hey okay back this way to camp oh there's a pig house can i I just want to like what I'm fired and see what happens I think that's the one that died anyway yeah they respond though so pig house like a spawner it's like the spider nest I see yeah so they're really handy wait can you actually hatch the egg I don't know if the chat is trolling or not I don't know if you can I think it just goes off put the egg in hot water and it hatches I don't even understand how you'd do that I don't know how that works can I eat stale food yes you can it might just decrease you're sounding a little my character is so badly injured the freaking fire at like tried to extinguish the berry bushes always killed me yeah don't know hot water like a boiling pot put it near a fire but not too close try we can try hatch one if you want we just have to settle your wiring keep outlet we want to do that like at a different fire I think - maybe not that like in the heart of the camp because that might cause trouble are you hungry again you need me to feed you I actually do at the moment yeah yeah yeah did you cook the food no that's just food I can I can cook these these are carrots I would appreciate the carrots I'm sorry I didn't mean to give it you know that's alright it's the thought that counts let's see cook I'm gonna get on making some of the practical stuff we need all right you know I'm struggling to make the things we need because you keep putting food in my face that's all I got that's okay thanks man okay so with with the stone that you've got I want you to try and refine like a good bunch of it into cut stone okeydoke how do I do that at the science machine yes science machine the diamond on the side okay okay you know hey I need that I need one more board okay so I've now made have I oh no I need to do that's who that's Hey so I'm now gonna make this is basically a better science machine it's called an alchemy engine you can now just stand next to this one does everything in science between those oh okay yep it's just better can I burn the old one probably not cuz that will set everything on fire okay and is a Cott stone you want is it cut stone yeah okay and you cut stone you have any twigs you haven't got one you have any charcoal one twig is all I need I think I put the charcoal in the box yeah oh there's not a lot of it okay I'm gonna go set some trees on fire I'll help you uh I got let's just go to a different woods to do this hang on so let's go up here so it doesn't like you don't burn down our home yeah I was gonna set the forest on fire next to us but probably not a good idea this forest up here is good if you ever get the urge the burn yeah like just work away here we need quite a bit of charcoal if you just yet that's all you need to do I like it it'll spread from there okay quickly dig this up to diamonds okay yep so we'll let this just work away well better get Kraft and stone then I guess I could make sure we have everything we need to survive in this world we missed the bass hang on it's over here I was wondering I didn't recognize this area I found a little Mandrake oh um if you pick that up I think it dies oh yeah yeah it's fall it's following you at the moment you have you pick it up during the day and my kid yeah it's just a happy little fella I have no lighter so I can't burn them just live with us wait hold up I'll see if I can craft one oh my gosh if you're gonna burn them just at least do it away from the camp you know yeah lead them away okay thanks and oh it's a full moon tonight too so we don't need the fire do you've any petals and rope I have petals but I was hoping to get Ross okay yeah I only need three do you've any rope now why would you be asking for the rope there Kevin just need to see how long it is people are always asking me how long is a piece of string find out God that thing is annoying no just gonna have to live with him just gonna have to live with him he knows I'm trouble he won't stand next to me like he stands my proximity but not next to me oh I can make a football helmet with the rope okay there we go did not mean to say lighter the rope is now God I'm afraid no I'm gonna put the pedals back in there okay wait where'd that little [ __ ] go no so he's buried in the ground no he only comes out at night don't pick him out because he dies if you do kill him don't do it don't do it just let him live in peace okay I might have to I can't find him thank suspicious pile of dirt oh so we can if you track that if you follow them you find a creature called the Koala Fionn Walla slash elephant and it gives a bunch of food I'd like but do we have to kill it yep did you oh did you give me those twigs by the way yes okay I accidentally used one man whoops that's okay Oh No you're welcome to like kind of track it down no if you want like we can do it together actually I I don't really know how to track it basically so if you look at the paw print when you uncover it you'll see on your toes point a certain direction oh and you have to follow that basically I came back to it and now it's gone yeah they do that so like you after like be on the trail [ __ ] I don't see any here at the moment oh do you have any food us oh wait I think I found another suspicious pilot thing and yeah I do I've got carrots could I get those carrots off you before I die just above and to the left slightly of the base they follow the road everyone like the grass bit and that kind of wheat field thing wheat fields that oh yeah with the B floor yes okay just follow there I just don't want to lose this suspicious pile of dirt oh you're tracking them yeah okay yeah I found one too I hope I find you in time cuz like I oh they were [ __ ] oh he got away Oh yep if you're not quick enough that just happens sometimes BEC I thought I could just leave it there I was standing right next to it yeah well thank you fed okay uh yeah I'm about half at the moment that should be fine I'll eat the last one wink cuz haven't put the same we need to get like an actual food source soon here's the Beefalo like the poop is there should be our food source though they they all attack you at once if you hit one they will get I can take them well he'll come for the try yeah I'm just picking up their poop it's actually really handy you can use the poop as fertilizer and you can also use the craft firms you don't need to justify it dude if you want to pick up poop you go right ahead I believe you weirdo eat the poop you can't eat the poop guys can only examine it it's done to be ashamed of where's their camp also yeah just over there if you check the map like it'll be quite clearly marked now wait just a buildable stuff how do i light the fire in the fire pit so just pick up some wood and put it on the fire pit ah it makes sense if you think about it how you'd light a fire yeah I know it's hard to take in all at once okay so that's a lightning rod so basically if lightning never strikes it won't murder us now okay because the it can do that like you can just straight-up kill you and this is a really handy invention crock-pot what's inside so nothing yeah so this is just for cooking so if you get four ingredients and you pop them in here you make a better meal then you normally would guess from this guy cooking every bit of food individually hmm it's like it's a bunch of like cool things you can do with it like make food last longer I'm gonna go back to the pig village just to get their berries okay I will leave you to your devices oh I'll be a bass when you do minutes just two minutes God you know like that scene in like Sherlock we're like Moriarty has given five minutes and he just like completely sabotages like the entire place I don't know if I've seen it and I've seen a bit of Sherlock but not oh really oh you guys seen most of season one okay right it'll be a later season I just thought I like to imagine it's kind of like that right now I'm gonna dig up all the bushes here too doing okay oh whoa what's going on oh nothing let's go excuse me what have you found there son well I already regretted this trip more would just chop down some of the forest unfortunately they get the wood you actually have to oh my [ __ ] god ah well let's go he ate my child I was hatching the egg and the spider came over any Kevin's child got eaten Oh I'm devastated oh no oh no it's dark I I can't light a fire oh the pink house just turned off the light I'm kind of screwed I can't pick houses stop turning off the lights I have a torch I'm dying I'm the life of a live Burnaby bush oh my child I didn't want to live anywhere No okay all right I'm alive guys I'm alive okay we can get you back from the dead no problem Kevin do you ever like where the tall bird nest was like dying you everyone you got your child I don't want to talk about it okay Kevin we can rebuild we can steal more children for you damn it man you're right I'm on the way if you go to where the tall bird nest was you can just it is a touchstone next to it if you just make your way over there you'll find it if you walk into that that will resurrect you I'm just gonna stay here for the time being and not die south so it's back like you have to go all the way back up that road oh so this way yeah it's where we were where we were mine in the rock okay it's over this way we need to flip our maps of the right way yeah like I left mine I think I like the default yeah I'll just do it to match your screen shot in a while yeah you can see it on that map even actually it's oh god I'm alive oh I saw her you to heat yeah I just you were right you were right next to the fire I know I had no wood but you can burn like poop or like pinecones I don't go picking up poop dude this is not a common thing I'd rather die go ahead a died and be embarrassed like that and I'm not seeing this [ __ ] thing it's on the map it's basically next to the wormhole it's down the image I sent you know I'm after I'm after losing my bearings altogether since I lost me child okay we gotta give you time the grief exactly okay yeah I flipped my map the same way you flipped yours okay I have a heck and long journey ahead of me yeah it's a bit it's a bit of a truck I'll just leave your stuff here and hopefully it doesn't catch on fire or something okay I'm haunting the pinking you might not like that you're just kind of waved it off I think he's lazy - he can't be butters okay well I'm just gonna tend to the base I guess as you go on your journey okey doke I will see you soon hopefully anyway that's the plan yeah every man has to go through this at some point in their life just when you get to the stone just check with me what time of day it is so because if it's nighttime when you touch the stone you will just respawn and die okay that's dark again I can still see their clock anyway okay yeah you just just keep an eye on that then it would be like absolutely tragic if you just come back and that's it yeah fertilizing oh so when I get back should I jump in the wormhole uh yeah it's actually a little faster okay what is that evil flower okay they hurt people they hurt you when you pick them they have thorns and I think they might drop your sanity a little I can't remember oh my god oh I didn't like that day it was tragic that's okay we're still alive yeah means you are I'll hang out I got a go it's a lot of trees just burned down oh that's that's weird yeah mm-hmm okay let's just get her some charcoal I'm just gonna do like base necessities while you're away I finally have a chance to prove I know something about this game for the people watching you're probably grieving though you'll find it hard to actually get anything done it's pretty sad for the first two minutes but I'm kind of on a high since then honestly it's the first step you'll be devastated in a while then you'll get angry I'm gonna steal your wood by the way cuz I just need it for chests in the base but I didn't have wood it's gone I swear I didn't have wood cuz I couldn't start the fire you had a line logs ah that's why my pockets was so heavy I didn't see it that's the way you died whitfill next to the fire I missed I know I don't like making a fall oh that's absolutely tragic everything you need it to survive I guess the loss of my child just took it out of me oh my god I'm a real caring person and by the idiot parents that we steal children from we're now so if you have your map angle the way my map was yes just a bit to the left okay next to that it's next to the really big cattle of them okay I'm there at the moment take a look what does it look like it's it's like a flat stone on the ground and I'll have like some wood in my kind of floor below it I like maybe a couple of heads on sticks oh yeah I see it yeah so just touch that sound and in your alive wait wait for now actually because it's almost nice touch it in the morning though and you should be good what you dog people are asking if this is prerecorded for you to tell you like this yeah it's all planned out guys you got the scripts I'm actually really good at this game it's all been an act I like how I'm they think so little of us that if we were scripting out a death that it would be me standing next to a fire with logs and choosing to die like we couldn't make it any more eventful so he come up with dude I don't know just do something dumb ha did you kill the spider that ain't my kid no he's actually just chillin here oh that's fine yeah he's pretty peaceful the mind Drake still lives there - oh I'm gonna kill him for sure I haven't made my mind up about the spider he didn't go after that child which is surprising fared the man yeah the men's league was always my reject child Jesus Christ did heard them gotta earn that parents love oh wait the spiders trying to kill me you see he's he's troubled he's dead God where's the hand coming from poor well the base is gonna look lovely by the time you get back I can't wait to see it I I'm gonna keep like you're just skeleton just as part of the camp I'd like thank you it's like you know like it's the equivalent of like the photo will have in the mantle yeah I've always been told that my skeleton would probably make a good decor oh you're in luck come on morning I want to come back I kind of just waiting for the data and I'm making that a crock pot I need have to know any more twigs I need more pool for the farms I make probably need to start preparing for winter cuz winter is gonna kill us in like five days wait winter is coming yeah it actually is I like penguins just start rising up out of the ground oh I'm back there we go I'm back baby and furrier than ever I'm gonna go steal some children Oh No several things wrong it's too much wrong to even start on it Oh God we need winter clothing the easy way to get winter clothing is if we just shaved the Beefalo we can get enough for a hat and then we just have touchstones I'm just trying to cook all this Miche before that goes off but shorten Barry's gonna pick up your bag for a moment Kevin now does nothing in here you dropped a bear called Bernie oh yeah could I have him back please why do you have a better name - Bernie it's my conscience okay I'll leave him there for you they're probably being everyone's best interest ah I'm dead what was killed by a tall bird oh my gosh what do I do now I use the touchstone already you got to come back I got a I got to find a way to revive you now but I'm so badly injured still you'd sacrifice yourself for me right I don't think I can do die door stood my way all the way over here and now you're a ghost my way all the way back like we don't okay I gotta work something out if I trap the spiders maybe uh I have a football helmet I can wear that that will block a few hits okay yeah I I can work something out I'm gonna get you back the only thing is I it costs 40 health to revive you right yeah I got 48 dude this is all part of the script so if I take like even a few hits fighting something I'm dead and I've got to get like the spider gland find my way back I want to see your fight but I don't even want to make it back in time eat the Mandrake the he'll does the Mandrake restore HP I might have to eat him a fat ass you eat the bastard he's had a common for a long time but he's our child hey one before can eat another one he heals you do you do you eat him raw or do you have to cook him a real parenting question this isn't going up here parenting for of a nice kid what's the best way to prepare my child yeah they're like for school no to eat how do I have to cook them what's the best way you have to cook them I can make them in the soup how do I make them into soup I like a rare bacon by Drake soup how do I like that I need help guys or I'm gonna eat my child wrong Oh tragic how the hell do I get back to you you gotta follow the road all the way back I just don't know which role it is cuz my map is all rotated now and I'm all confused okay well here oh wait I see it I see it oh no I can't kill him he's behind a tree no buddy buddy buddy yep come on can you not kill him I have to wait til morning I think taking the can down the road won't help you got to get over this thing kill him I can't kill him right now he's dancing alright okay maybe we can give him another day on this earth okay so I need to it down straight down okay oh the rock control life Oh control F what's that dude apparently that's a way to fight him he's dead okay how do I eat the Mandrake oh no I'm looking this up cuz I don't trust to do it yeah probably gonna break don't starve wiki I don't trust anyone here someone said six and Mandrake make Mandrake soup and I trust them Mandrake soup yep so I just need sticks three sticks one Mandrake okay yeah well goodbye my child into the pot you go there we go we're boiling him alive just to get your dad back from the dish it's why you have to die so Jesus hi Raven with the 2750 bits thank you very much man very generous are you at the base yeah I'm at the base just taking a while to boil our child yeah sure just parenting problems hey I'm the ghost of Christmas past heard you been eating kids how's it going yeah not too bad you got any kids a busy man time is money yeah I need one of these guys to drop like a south but the spiders oh is that my skeleton yeah that's a skill oh I left a beautiful corpse I hate the Mandrake soup I'm on full health again thank you for your sacrifice son all right what's the plan you got to fight spiders in the morning so I need to make a specific item called a tell-tale heart the only difficult ingredient to get is just spider God okay and to get that gasps just drop by spiders so I need to start fighting them in the morning I got my football helmet ready all right I think I think the walls are gonna be attacking soon - all right I'm here for moral support oh thanks you know I really appreciate in this trying time no bother I'm stealing your shovel by the way but don't still my haunted it moves it hey that's your shovel actually oh [ __ ] bring it back hit it in the trees now okay so I just need to kill spiders get a gland get Kevin back from the dead just your average Tuesday if you've died retie oh here comes the moment of reckoning it's morning I gotta get ready where's the spiders there's quite a few I think we go down to like southwest part of the map this way come with me there's a shit-ton north if you want to go there I don't know how many you want I only need a few of the the one snorter closer go that way come with me if you want to live for live again I will I wonder how long I'll live this time so it's every second goal like the first time was really bad second time was a long healthy life and the second time was just a few part of the third time was a few seconds it didn't last long that third time no did you just like try steal all their eggs again and media I got greedy for kids and oh my gosh some people just want kids and they're just not ready for them and I think that's happened to me you just like pull it up outside the orphanage yeah okay he dropped the gland now I just need to wait for it to lose all these spiders I'll haunt them it didn't do anything I'll haunt the gland I'll wait by the gland oh I'm moving it away move it back to the road I'm moving it like to the right of that spider area so I'm moving their safety teamwork exactly okay so this is gonna hurt my character a little out I've never felt so alive thank you no problem eel some kids oh my gosh we could do it with both of us I don't know if it's gonna work out of good of the artists I like I'm kinda I only have like a fistful of jam for food I've got nothing but I'm still game here let's pick up your cell you go pick up your supplies from the camp I'm gonna go get some more food and then we can gear up for it how's that that sounds great we just need some supplies I still want bacon and every time I think about food cuz I'm hungry I want bacon and that makes me think about burning the pig man burning and he farts right at our base the winters in five days and we have no preparations yeah it'll be burning through the whole winter he'll keep us warm we need the logs it'll burn too quick we'd like a fireplace not a constant bonfire did you want to attack the pig king by the way yes can we go on we'll try it I'm curious to see what happens to cuz I've never done I need some rope and oh not again come here pinky just gonna strangle and I need some rope and I think I can use the petals they have here so you I just need rope and then I'm good to go okay there should be some grass like this tree Tufts of grass in the weed field I have a bit of it well I still wall for I start I'm starting to make a wall it's just like extra defense for your base when things like the dogs attack it means he can like funnel them a certain direction I'm just punching it what you're punching my wall yeah I didn't really do anything oh man I just don't like division and right do you have any rope yeah how much rope do you need I need one Hey here you go thanks very much no problem do you have any petals do you I don't have any petals know there were some petals but they all rotted away yeah I thought I could use the stale ones but apparently not there should be some more flowers near the Beehive this there was some in the pig village if you go further into like the autumn biome there might be a few on the ground okay how does a single berry in here okay I'm gonna make some meatballs stocking up on food well I found some I'm gonna use all this on the berry bushes its father I literally couldn't think of a less confident person to play there's no offense I'm actually really good at this game I'm going oh man there's been a lot of disaster around like 50 hours of this game I really like it kinda jumped at the opportunity goes like you know I really like this I've played it before in the shadow stocking up with no icebox I've look we were busy Kevin's been telling us hey I've only been dead a portion of the time let's go kill that pig King yeah let's go get him oh wait it's almost night time yeah that's right oh boy that's okay push they're so good at this game but you know I need to keep reminding you to come back no one's gonna believe me that I'm good at this I actually I actually streamed this like before my channel blew off last year in May and like we made it to like I think summer or something we made it quite far you got any proof well the stream pods delete themselves so no but people who are convenient I have witnesses my bolts are here some of them remember they're a bit biased though they are a bit biased but it's the truth God see oh how does like four thousand people here for the stream today that's actually insane I didn't even realize chase that's very good I only checked there everyone is actually hopped over from YouTube to watch the stream just to mention it Kevin actually does have a twitch channel now it is call me Kevin you guys want to follow that too there's an FYI I'm very bad at streaming milk is terrible he does have a channel oh [ __ ] dude I'm gonna starve here I have meatballs feed me stop running stop running help I'm gonna die your meatballs this is basically me as a kid I'm the pickiest eater in the world to have some channel to feel much better now thank you almost morning gonna burn the pig King God there we go we haven't starved it was reminded us at the point of the game is to not starve yeah thanks very much appreciate the tip Oh bacon time where is he this way this this way this way too excited you're too inside it oh I'm gonna burn him I'm gonna burn their house down that's just excessive I'm pretty sure they have kids mmm that Royals me up how come they can have kids and I can't doesn't I mentioned the kids butterfly wings there I burn yeah wait wait no I burn you got to start with the pig I burn he didn't even realize what happened they don't seem to care if you burn them well they don't look they're smiling you don't understand how you have an insurance yeah please I can't burn him oh you can't burn him hit hit him I can't hit him I've even pressed control this is ridiculous you can't kill the king of pigs he's invincible I can't like this guy and fire either oh my god I'm so angry you can light their homes on fire at least they're panicking the freaking out now okay good I feel somewhat well they're on fire at the moment yeah but it's warm now oh my god that bit of cold so it's left okay come on let's go see all the eggs yeah this is the best day yet I feel like you're gonna put me down or something hey you good you're like giving me one great day and then you're just gonna take me out back and check oh Jesus oh god the trees are like growing out onto the road I shouldn't I shouldn't kill so you could form a closer attachment to it before you kill them yeah but now I just remember it is like that kid that died and there's been like a lot of them so it's not that special like to be like oh you know like you got hungry and ate them or the one that despite her hey yeah or the one that you cooked up and boiled you're not alone or you're not innocent in this you kill a kid - it was very hungry okay Oh in that case it's okay it was like the kid are you the officers just like in that case you're free to go yeah I know I totally understand fourth one this week right all the qualifing is here though you want to see the Koala phone I'd like to burn him I think he can burn him we have to go into the swamp for him just mind the tentacles stay out of a swamp I'll get it just get it quick and keep moving if you see the bubbles on the ground you just want to stay away okie-doke can't really see ya wait I think it's pointing this way yes yeah it's roughly this area come on up here are you doing in my swamp this way now I say we kill it for just being in this one Oh God and we just fight off the mosquito oh look at that beauty up there oh there's the fish people is so cute when they die they drop fish really good hey this way hey there's a fish I really want to burn their house on fire to do that I don't know why would they need it their fish people can't just say that man yeah they're right there my times have changed I don't did you find the dirt one up here yet instead there's another one over here okay here it is it's the Koala Fionn oh my god he's ugly that's why we're gonna kill him I can't light him on fire why is my lighter so weak it should be able to light everything on fire here so we need to chase Sims like the edge of the map okay so here just getting pretty late by the way run over here a little bit just where I am push him is this way I just need to hit him like once and then you got him aggroed oh no he attacked us oh he's in a bad spot now oh no he's mad oh no oh he's crafty okay I gotta go in to get him out this is really dangerous over here don't let the poop distract you for once just leave it on the ground okay okay here's the edge of the world so we just need to get him in like a corner and get the first hit and then we let him run out I have a spear oh that's a ten yeah I know I'll get the Koala fat first I need food or I'm gonna die out here okay I'll give you all of it and then I'm gonna save you all according to the script am i right can rebuild them we have the technology yeah it just looks like a flesh wound you can bring me back come on wait it's it's gonna kill him I hail love tentacles it's here to save the day come on tentacle oh it's getting dark let me just set up camp for the night yeah all right let's do it come on buddy just keep whipping them attaboy oh my god that that worked out surprisingly well yeah Kevin died look it's a minor setback yeah I have to eat a lot of the food or I'm gonna die of hunger there's another bit over here that's monster me that's not as good okay Oh calm down there tentacle oh Jesus okay right so I need another gland and then I can get you back so I got to go back to the spiders in the swamp and then we can killed like steal the eggs and then we gotta prepare for winter gotta prepare for winter then cuz this is like two days and we're cutting it real close yeah see where the spiders all you had to do was follow two spiders mmm god I was never able to watch that scene in like the second Harry Potter movie because I'm like quite afraid of spiders for a guy who's afraid of spiders you really want to find them all the time in this game I'm okay with them in this game at the kind of cartoony there's a Spider Queen in this game that I really hate Oh bout time to check the map I don't like the spiders in Skyrim yeah I like [ __ ] I ever Marge that um it's called out of place bears that just replaces all their models which is bears standing upright I replaced them with them spider-man did you ever see that old series Piderman and Batman Oh God yeah that's old Internet is but it's all clips from that so they just wandered ugly I'm Piderman and stuff like that great okay they dropped a gland so we're gonna be okay I just I gotta take a look it stopped taking that poop I need it okay okay watch out for the tip Oh out okay here's another piece of my heart I'm rock and stronger than ever okay we gotta go get yourself I can't wait place your bets folks how long am I gonna live it's over here though it stirred the raw unfortunately never mind the tentacle my antenna I'm dead I'm done I'm done I'm good what's a minor inconvenience receive your last five seconds in the last five seconds we got some guesses that were pretty close in chat there I've got I've got I didn't starve not even once I'm better at this game than I thought oh my god I gotta go here and don't like this one is there any spiders I can kill yes come back money five seconds in chat okay there's another gland you haunt that away from the tentacles why do I have to do everything alright hold on I'll take care of this okay I'm gonna be on ten health after this okay should be fine I'm gonna be running pretty low now you gotta watch out cuz it's a tentacle right there wait where I don't see it it's it's right there how am I supposed to grab my stuff should we just leave it I don't really carry anything good I'll wait no my bear is there I need that okay there you go you're back from that watch out for the tentacle okay that was almost a spawn kill that would have been a brand new record okay I don't see a tentacle over there I cannae there is bubbles on the ground run yeah just take it slow see yeah it has to swallow just take it slow I'll tell you in the run you're okay you're okay my lighter got your lighter it's too of your body on the graph look at them it's like Romeo and Juliet except you know just one person tragic but beautiful okay no we need to get out of the swamp I'll put I like it we can't spend another day here such good memories I'm gonna take that fish all right this way this way down on the Left how much help do you have just out of interest bad I don't know how much it is but it's bad if you hover over it it gives you a number I'm playing with controller so oh okay that's the problem that's why I'm dying if I was on keyboard a mouse I'd be level 100 you can level in this game right yeah oh oh that's the fish people forgot about them I forgot about them I forgot they were housing fish people I burn Houston everyone hates us mosquito we just need to get out of the swamp dude why do they even live here why are they fighting over this stupid swamp get up out it get on the road I have enough for one fire pull the road down uh-huh oh no I don't like him it's just it's down a little more ah safety oh thank god seeing this wait oh oh that was a good day in the swamp huh my person sit Artie never gives up on anyone I think it's been proved getting pretty close I'm testing ya how are you on food and hunger um not great uh neither of them okay I'm gonna give you I'm Samrat can I eat that no I'm gonna give you two cooked me okay I'm gonna feed you this rat oh don't don't feed it you ate it yourself it's okay wait no I didn't do anything here's the rat there's the meat thank you very much oh god yeah stressful isn't it we start we haven't even got the Telford mess we're so badly injured like we're never gonna do it there's no way I can pop we can do this there's one hit you anyway so it doesn't really matter what there's no way like we're gonna die you gotta believe I believe in that we're gonna die is there fire running out I have that poop I collect it and also 40 charcoal but also the poop okay okay I have Flint I don't have enough for another fire if we need one so I'm gonna need to get like some logs and some grass oh my god the rot heals a hundred hell no it doesn't know it doesn't wait the mosquito sack heal some house 125 now ok I'm not as close to trash still very close though Oh God oh yeah we're gonna try to get the tallbird Esther they would take lhasa wrap up for tonight sounds good I'm hungry and want bacon oh well we're gonna have eggs not getting bacon you gotta go kill the pigs if you're hot bacon I burned the houses down that's all I can do tonight it's gonna be less pigs in the world yeah good riddance it's children stealing day okay I'm gonna I'm gonna just stockpile a little bit of grass and a little bit of wood why so just so we could start yeah so we can start a fire so don't die you just get a few basic supplies yeah I've known for a torch I wasn't a qualifing I don't know I have it in me to track him yeah last one did kill you twice well the tentacle killed me right he did strictly speaking well if you want to be technical about it well excuse me um actually I've killed way more endangered species than he has oh Jesus okay how many kids do you want to steal just get like a good arm full of kids and just run off Oh buddy as you can carry if you do ever if you tell you I'm not gonna be over the resurrect you this time okay same to you I'm gonna stand back and watch but yeah I'm gonna try and bait them okay okay yeah I got a moment I got a kid I got a kid you got one nice I wrote all of them you gotta get in there now seems risky I have stolen the child there the really pissy still there oh wait hold on hold on you got it you gotta get in there you gotta get in there doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo everything's fine for Kevin I got the kid mission accomplished what a day everything works out for Kevin oh another child I've never been so upset [Laughter] don't worry I have two kids now um wait I haven't used the touchstone oh great I was worried about you I can come back I can still come back and it's right here I got two kids keep gathering kids the wolves are coming as well by the way I'm gonna I'm gonna wait for the wolves to come and then I'm gonna resurrect so just good luck the next few minutes I'm just gonna wait this out got another kid how are you managing to get so many kids I'm so glad stealing children you've no idea okay I'm just gonna that's a doggie and he's very fast oh he's even faster just got away what should I do don't die just run I'm trying to bait them into a war between the tall birds that they don't really go the war Oh they've gone to war alright but there's still one or two after me okay okay uh and a resurrect are they gone well they're not attacking me right now they're not gone oh my god and I have more help too so now I just need to get my stuff back be careful oh the dog goes there's a lot of them around that area I literally started a race war between them oh Jesus they're gone nuts dude Oh are you still following me the little bastard no there's a fire oh thank God it's not on my stuff just grab it and go just grab it and go do they ever [ __ ] off back in the game boys this is stressful I'm just trying to protect my kids I got a kid too I got three of them Jesus i'ma stay a stay-at-home mom and these dogs won't leave me in peace do these fake off at any point like once a day chase you really far like especially when you take their eggs no the doggies though oh the dogs should leave you alone yeah leave me alone there's a spider nest over here if you want to drop them off near the tail bird nest where are you on the map I have no idea I've just been running okay I'm very hungry I'm not [ __ ] that pond got in my way in there they've almost got me again oh my path ran out I think I'm gonna die oh no is there anything I can do to ease the pain ah you could raise my kids I gotta go find the dogs we actually probably eat your kids so don't worry they won't live long after you where's my lighter a pan-flute oh no oh [ __ ] dude do you have your lighter I have it but I can't even follow the path the light is so bad just pull it out just pull it out and find something to blind fire dude I'm so stressed right now who made a fried egg the pan flute makes it all the TEL verts that go to sleep okay I'll try it out and steal the kids well I wish I knew that yeah I had this in my inventory the entire time I don't know if I mentioned Kevin I could have been helpful actually yeah yeah I'll go get the eggs then he's still alive somehow yes I have no idea how did you find something on fire No okay those dogs are still chasing me just just keep running I died wait no I'm still alive somehow but I'm about to die yeah keep going I'm dead unfortunately those dogs just wouldn't back off I have enough to revive you again oh thank god but I don't know you know all [ __ ] night now I'm gonna go gotta go kill a spider where am I tell me not to revive you I know ridiculous they're being sarcastic you just don't realize cuz it's a text hey hey winters in two days I think you can't keep doing this arity wait I got it got a kill a spider there's a lot of spiders near me if you make your way back to a just the nest for now what nest the tall bird nest the warrior ones Oh God alright okay you only dropped me Oh cutting it real close in terms of help Oh No okay we might have a new problem what's the problem I'm below 40 help so I can't make the item right now it's kind of selfish of you I think it will still let me make it but I will die and I still haven't got the item from the spiders how's it going I'm so sad oh my god just drop the south there's so many spiders oh my god they're still fighting the doggies oh I'm not doing too good there's too many spiders he just that spider just ate his fallen spider friend hey hey I'm gonna haunt this spider warrior it didn't do anything my god I think it just confuses them yeah it does he's trying to follow you I think no confused him for like three seconds after I haunt him so like yeah he's haunted now and he just doesn't know what's going on he's haunted he dropped it he dropped it great he was it quick I can't even he loved myself that only heals like 10 how much did you lose Yeti hit like 40 wait that's the trunk heal me what trunk I have I have a trunk hang on there's a meteor shower Oh bollocks yeah oh this just this just might be it I feel like God really wants you to die like this okay okay I need a fire to cook this wood that we that eat grass where's the nearest source of grass let me help you down the road it's back down the road foot excuse me buddy walked right by him yeah he didn't seem to care losing it kids whatever that affected me I suppose cook that trunk for 40 HP all done shouldn't he use the spider gone then better just see if I can get you back to life can't catch up with you yeah I think I would get the speed boost as I'm walking on the road where's I don't think you do if you're a ghost yeah I don't have legs pretty much well you get it's your fault for being dead I guess do you think we could get my kids back or do you think bill but you're not away they've already been agent you reckon yeah they've already they're pretty they're pretty tough you're welcome to try get some new kids but we got to go into the tolbert nest again I don't know if I can go back man at some points you might have to admit that I'm the problem with these kids pop that down need to get a bit of wood and eat the Koala for drunk are you able to bring me back after you yeah I can bring you back this world will go on we should take bets how long I'll hit for okay I have enough HP I just need to kill another spider and get itself I'm gonna go for a smaller Nessa Stein there's plenty off to the left if you want to go there you know that's why we have to try to I'm just gathering some resources Oh guys I ain't dead yet my sanity might be very bad but I'm okay it's about to go nighttime by the way that's okay got some firewood Oh again that the defender after hands now I like the music though [Music] okay there's now right lines on the edges of the screen this isn't good okay so I think the shadow monsters will start coming for me now so I got to be more careful I'm haunting my grass to try and scare them off but I don't think it's working gonna take the grass I have nothing to haunt you can hike it higher Oh God oh my god there's a second hands just need the knight to pass that the night gets longer too and it gets the winter consume it affect your scent anymore if I'm near you or does it matter it doesn't matter okay Sam jeez God yeah I know I know guys ghosts make it worse yeah I know but like it's a map wide effect it doesn't matter how far away they are from you people are seeing an isthmus it does matter will I just go over here just in case oh yeah if you go over there it doesn't matter yeah go off-screen if the effect is still there and it's kind of like a constant pool the chat don't have a [ __ ] clue yeah like the chat was wrong it doesn't matter all right where are we off to now and our new adventure we got to go back to the spider nests our favorite hangars okay this way not always wrong they are they are all flower Oh lovely wait some more flowers here hang on Kevin I'll get you back to life Suman I just need to go flower baby I understand I have a sudden urge what is the carrot that's not a flower oh my god is a few others one here I need as many as I can get I think the problem is one here this one I think you burnt that in this place this is some charcoal on the ground no I know it doesn't sound like me another flower here probably just unrelated events that's all of them for now that's given me a little bit more mm-hmm good hang on a little while longer pretty rough right now though okay so I need to fight the spider and not take too much damage I can train harden to know that that Nessus because I try to on one of these ones then like they're gonna spawn like too many spiders set the Pigman attack him the Pigman what a [ __ ] what the shit's wrong with him he's turning into a where pig or something dude oh god no okay just come with me just cover me okay I'm a ghost I'm fine you worry about yourself I was just watching them turn it's scary I can use the traps that I can use a trap to try and get them yeah but like there's too many spiders think it's really dangerous a lot of the spiders are off to our direct left now there's a ton of nests out left okay if you keep going to the swamp is actually really narrow you can just go straight through and there's more spiders after it okay there's two nests next to each other now up and there is I don't know if they're all too close I can see three nests on my map here oh my god there's so many way too many spiders and they look quite big - okay let me let me just try get one in a trap we go yeah that one didn't have it come on come on buddy you go there you I got the gland oh my god okay I now need grass I've got those mosquitoes there as well what you okay hey man house I need a single thing a grass and I can get you back and let's see let's see oh there's a lot of spiders waiting for you there yeah spiders oh this flower tea my god he's desperate tell him Oh grass here I got this all right okay No Oh help 50 helps I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay I need everything's fine okay we need to get out of here we did we need to go back let's go back go back across the swamp aw does another glance there I can't risk it it's next to a tentacle I'm so stressed yeah I'm relatively carefree at the moment there's a tuft of grass gas up here do you've enough to make a fire I have a torch I can light a tree on fire okay desperate times okay here you go I'm back and better than ever I got your back thank you I appreciate it oh my gosh we're life life hanging in there that we got anything even touches me I will die yeah meet me two of an me too huh okay this is gonna be real bad cuz the only source of fire I have is this torch and it's almost out so here okay huddle around here burn the forest down this is great that's that's the only thing I've got I'm gonna just cut down this tree while I'm here just for some more wood great idea it's not dead yet you seem pretty chuffed about that oh yeah I'm very happy with the current situation God keep us alive for tonight at least but at what cost nation is suffering I got a large part of the forest it'll probably just burn it all down we may have just destroyed the entire forest it's worth if this is how the California wildfire started just two guys you wouldn't lost needed a bit of light go dark dude I still haven't starved I'm glad let's gotta count for something we just need to bake at home and I think we're good for today I think we can wrap up the street yeah I'm dying I keep going too close to the fire now you just gotta just don't go too close the problem is is like because we're gonna be streaming this again down the road out me yeah so like that we're got to pick up from where we left off which means it's gonna be winter the moment we start again I think we can handle it we have room nothing prepared decent at this game we have nothing but we didn't its repeatedly died of too or too warm [Music] all right let's make it back-to-back place let's get moving hey you got any rope oh we're gonna die of hunger and I have a carrot and a green mushroom I found on the ground food we don't have a fire hey over this way now you can see it's already starting to get colder colors being drained from the world I thought it was just because we were so close to death oh and our forest died when we were a great how did that happen no it actually wasn't me for once it wasn't you this one time okay I'm the one saving grace we have is that these berries have actually regrown so I can make some food for Bolton let's just give me like two minutes there oh okay one monster me and tree berries that makes meatballs I'm gonna make two of them for each of us okay you just want to grab the meatballs when they're done in the crock pot okay oh let's see what the present is to you need a good present after all that yeah I got a hot cocoa oh that's very nice ah where is it oh it's on my inventory okay well I think quite yet it's gone leave it let me bake more food I'm gonna need to eat this what all gonna die in a minute do you want to reap lot all the trees do you have any pine cones um no you you you have nothing on your person right now do it we got pine cones in here though that you want to just take an accent like refile like chop those now I need an axe to do it oh yeah just chop chop them down just replant they might drop some pine cones to probably show is the beaver boy now we feckin handy uh we may have a slight problem oh no I'm done I'm done there's two of them no no I think after all this after all true this is this is why I've been burning them and you've been trying to stop me hit I was planning ahead did they get pissed cuz I was knocking down the other trees is that it yeah I think the third Kevin I think I look pretty first weird you just bait them a bit I'm gonna just cook them lick rock really close to you huh chair you're getting cold yeah you start it's winter now what you didn't tell me there was a winter okay so you what you can appease them so take a pine cone and try plant it in front of them okay there we go okay ones down there you go boys look at that Jesus some some men I don't eh if I need to do it a few times Emily look at Oh Lords of family good should I chop him down no he's still active so we can't chop down trees in this area anymore even these ones yeah don't do it that's ridiculous I should have lured them away further but it's too cold it's too cold mmm okay well as the fire dies out I think we're gonna save our progress there wouldn't want to be losing this precious memories you gotta continue to say oh my god am should I leave the server I just connected there so it should be saved in my machine great great great oh Jesus Christ that was stressful oh god I hope everyone enjoyed the stream again thanks to a clay for sponsoring the pair of us to be playing this we'll both be uploading highlights from this on our channels later this week as an FYI and again if you're interesting playing don't start for yourself and you know trying to kidnap kids I'm sure that's a slogan they want the steam store link is in the twitch chat and you could pick up the game his new update it's added a new character and like this game was had like so much support over the last couple of years and it's still going yeah it's a lot of fun this script worked perfectly oh Jesus Kevin thanks very much for joining me man tonight not a bother I had great fun too I'm so stressed I'm actually really good at this game like I know my stuff you're getting very defensive over this I just feel that wasn't the best stream to display it felt like something was almost holding you back so yeah just expose your void don't starve in chat listen Kevin I'll talk to you in a few I'm just gonna kind of do a sign-off for the stream if that's okay okay if you want to say bye to the folks alright bye folks I don't see you next night all the best man I'll talk to you in a few all right bye okay oh there we go guys Kevin's hopped off yeah well we will be playing on again down the road just as an FYI a sponsorship for this one is we're gonna be doing like two different streams that don't starve and it's gonna be like two different videos of it so we'll be playing together next time as well just so people know and again it's really cool of clay just to get on board with this because like I know from like my side at least like this is a game like I properly like quite a bit and I've sunk a lot of time into so yeah it's cool to be able to get involved with the game and actually promote it because it is like it's genuinely fun a little fun fact as well myself and Rihanna actually played this game quite a bit when we started dating she would always get an axe and try to murder stuff like from that point I knew it was gonna be good just not what Kevin when I'm not sure when it'll probably be sometime in April beause the hazard a guess I thanks for all the bits and subs that came in during the course of this stream too it's just like I'm the general thing like when we got someone on the stream like you know I thought I don't want to be talking over Kevin the entire time but like there was a lot of donations and there was a lot of subs like there's a lot of people here too we're hoping around like 4,000 the entire stream which is insane so thank you very much guys I seriously do appreciate it very least I can still run the credits to get people who subbed their names on stream if anyone had a message with their patron nation if they want to send to me just PMS on Twitter or PMS on discord I can catch up with them later leave it behind in my backlog has been a lot lately but just send them anyway and I will see it eventually can we join your map next time no now we're just doing the two of us no we're not doing the vas multiplayer this game it's too much [Music] why no more Just Cause for I'm played like a while - this is loads of games that at the moment yo trying to keep off the date with all the new titles oh my god by the way the wooden streams of this engine yeah sorry tons of fur the stream schedule is below in the like I kind of like in the twitch like info panels you can see it all there today was like an exception day because you know it's like a sponsored stream just worked out schedule eyes for myself and Kevin ah God what about Universal I like the thing is like oh so I want to try and just phrase this like it away so it's like as politely as I can I guess cuz there's so many games coming out and there's so much I already want to play I'm not really taking suggestions for games because I've already like kind of backlog to hell and like I kind of know what I want to play I think it's maybe the best way to do it like I'll just play what I want to play on the day and I think that's the best way to do it because they people are that when you play next when you play you're next like I can already see it when you're playing - are you when you play Minecraft like oh I'll play what I want to play guys I think that's the best way to do it because otherwise it's like it's that's an expectation go like I want to play a lot of those games again but like if I say I'm gonna do it and then I don't do it people are gonna be you said that you'd do this you know and I think this way is better for everyone no meme games as well now I'm not playing the awesome yo meme games what are you playing for tonight that's what I can answer tomorrow new direction for the channel 24/7 fortnight epic funny low moments will we get the Battle Royale you'll have to follow the line of the right hour in the thumbnail to find out it's the only game on contreras my dream come true this is why you stopped just making tf2 account and also I exploded views of slope count basically hug bus yeah like I don't play tf2 anymore cuz people just ask me what I'm playing and next all the time that's too much pressure to actually play it i installed now I don't play it anymore it's just how my brain works and I want to be like you know kind of stress free this what video games are about I thought you play for a night when you're like 70 oh yeah keep that remind me go god oh yeah like like play acts like like there's just so many games guys I can't make any promises when you're playing tf2 never please stop asking yeah we'll do a raid in a moment - yeah let's see it was going we got ya wolf is streaming prison architect tonight so we're gonna we're gonna raid him ghosts I heard a wolf it's his first play true he's going in blind and apparently it's casual tag line is we need more prisoners so I'll send it all you lot over go say hello wolf by people - man a game played I didn't install it - yeah it's just too much pressure you know again it's meant to be fun I like it it's weird cuz like this is my job but it's also my hobby and like I really enjoy what I do and I want to keep it I kind of as stress-free as I can because I think everyone benefits from that you know I have more fun I think you guys have more fun - yeah next dream it will be tomorrow night I'll see y'all then probably doing some fable we got to catch up on that thanks for coming folks again check out don't starve together and I will see you all tanned all the best guys you [Music]
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 1,812,496
Rating: 4.5407853 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-402098842, rtgamecrowd, We've been sponsored to not die together, now with Wortox ft. CallmeKevin - !DontStarve, Don't Starve Together, Twitch, Gaming, We've, been, sponsored, to, not, die, together, now, with, Wortox, ft., CallmeKevin, !DontStarve, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream
Id: 4weDqhNU4ZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 17sec (12137 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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