r/TechnicallyTheTruth · inbread dogs

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Wikipedia crashed send us a crash report what were you doing when the crash happened eating a bean and cheese taco this will be helpful information how's it going everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zac and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash technically the truth 48 oh no what's it counting down to I'm scared it's counting down to zero what size do I need for a size five xu5 God Jesus they're just straight forward with it what the f I can't believe after all that crap they get back together whoo my cheeks Limbo get out of here Captain Crunch is technically all berries poisonous and tastes terrible oh no Aaron Hernandez Netflix producer all I had to do was not kill somebody that is definitely the best way to not get convicted of murder how many paintings did Picasso paint at least 50 but here it says and all his life Picasso produced about one hundred and forty seven thousand eight hundred pieces consisting of thirteen thousand five hundred paintings huh I mean at the end of the day that is at least fifty method one a vaccination shot reason a dead pathogen will show the person's antibodies how to kill it so they can kill the pathogen if the person gets it method two don't go to a country that you can get malaria from reason you won't get it fair enough hey wise doctor once wrote and I don't I don't know what that says hopefully that's the joke mini kung-fu master it's baby Yoda no actually it's mini kung fu master that's right suppose you throw a ball up from two meters off the ground at an initial velocity of 15 meters per second the height of the ball and meters after T seconds is approximately given by H equals negative 5 T squared plus 15 T plus 2 when is the ball 10 meters off the ground when the ball is 10 meters in the air why did the blind man fall into the well because he couldn't see that well get out of here purebred dogs versus inbred dogs oh god I love them what are some things designed for kids but ended up being used more by adults women's breasts you know what yeah that this is correct egg one of the most popular forms of child to eat one of I'm scared to ask what the most popular form is come I died god I don't like it how do I tell if a product comes direct from China ship takes forever this is correct me making out with girlfriend on the couch her you want to take this to the bedroom me right I'll grab this sudden you get the other doom eternal the most Christian game of the decade I guess it must be hard for dragons to blow out candles on their birthdays oh no I never thought about that oh poor dragons one place hands under jet to lose hearing 3 walk away with what hands yeah that's that's about accurate birthday gifts are just a reward for not dying this year no no he's got a point scientists have created edible water I think we've had that enrollment center guess where I am now the enrollment center low salesman this is no ordinary ladder this is an extension ladder me well that just sounds like a ladder with extra steps yes fun insect facts karpin's our answer about one centimeter long that's less than one football field really there is no supply without demand why do I want to give this common gold because you think it's good I mean you're not wrong you're correct thankfully I have the memory of a goldfish what's the memory about a goldfish duh yeah you idiot I'm a dunker doter doaker health man I've never been on a plane how is it hi thanks Pikachu oh and my country the names pronounced era where's that in his country what is the benefit of lighting your hair on fire you get hotter yeah duh Super Mario Odyssey Italian dude tries to break up a wedding with a magic hat 5 stars yeah that's about it oh my god we're going down I thought you knew how to fly oh poor thing he can't you can't pull up hey could be worse could have been a Jehovah's Witness what's a jehovah's witness somebody who witnessed jehovah wow thank you you're welcome you can't make a sentence without the letter a me you're not just wrong you're stupid like this tweet if you're a virgin and what if we're not then don't like the tweet the main cause of dying is living yep girls are breaded what's something that your partner does that makes you melt pour scalding hot acid on me how can you melt a boy's heart human heart requires 300 degrees Celsius or 572 degrees Fahrenheit I mean he's not wrong it still applies if you get shut down what really brings out the child in me a miscarriage Oh missing ya something sure is here I think my favorite part of being a mother has been sacrificing my body career mental stability and physical appearance to wait on them hand and foot only to be met with you don't do anything for me when I asked them to pick up a fruit snack wrapper it's very rewarding motorsport manager explained this game in ten words or less me watch car drive you win people who sleep naked what is your plan in case of a fire or murderer one use a fire extinguisher naked to fight the intruder naked again people who sleep naked what is your plan in case of a fire or murderer I'd probably put some clothes on before I plan to murder or started a fire your username is how you die how do you die ocean swimming oh no wife we just ate why are you making pancakes me there further dog's wife why are you making pancakes for the dogs me they don't know how well yeah obviously me it's not illegal cop staring at my trunk filled with creamy peanut butter it's just so much but it's not illegal no no it's not are you ready to work on your fear of flying sure okay now picture yourself on a plane my mind stupid how we see Jedi Master Flo kun how Jedi Master PO kun sees us yeah I always wondered how does he you know see but I guess he's a Jedi so he can kind of just probably see through anything cuz you know the force and all that stuff podracing to Star Wars memes in a row I like that the dude in back may as well come out now they forgot to say no homo they're wearing socks so it's not gay somebody please explain the socks thing it's a piece of clothing you put on your feet where is blank I don't know probably somewhere hopefully what difficulties did you encounter in this lesson our teacher was absent how did you overcome these difficulties I read my book and taught myself this man said fine I'll do it myself oh I see I get it tear here but that's tear here funny funny the reality of work when you begin your career you will either manage or be managed correct most people rejected his message the truth shut up they hated Jesus because he told them the truth what's the story behind your username my love it's love verse 69 also nice I have a very annoying neighbor can someone teach me trumpet that's the best part you don't need to learn to play trumpet to annoy them just try your best have fun oh well you were so right thank you Twizzlers taste like as if someone was vaguely thinking of cherries whilst melting plastic bags into a pasta noodle press I like how they added Twizzlers as well they want them to know that Uranus has a diameter of more than 50,000 kilometers that's more than a mile thanks Michael home is where the water doesn't taste weird people in Flint Michigan dude and wheelchair pulls off an incredible jump well he doesn't have to worry about ending up in a wheelchair if you misses oh my god what did you decide it was time to your life together when it started falling apart not a bad idea soup of the day whiskey with h2o croutons it's too Oh croutons that's what I'm calling ice from now on sorry people who put first post on reddit in their post why because it's their first post on reddit yeah duh you gotta let people know if 13 year old you made a time machine and came to visit you today for 24 hours what would you do with them I wonder why the Frick I'm not filthy rich now because I invented a frickin time machine when I was 13 good point windows are a pain I get the pun but it's also true who's picking me up yo mama yo mama mama mark my words you will die okay toast you're gonna have to calm down a little bit and well that brings us to the end of our slash technically the truth thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure that that subscribe button and the bell see you notified every time easy peasy uploads and until the next one I'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 174,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories
Id: 6MYYqGwUa3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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